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NWF: Disrupting The Market

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Grace of Fire (Welsh Dragon & Bali Daljit) vs State of Mind (Brilliant White & Ultra Violence)

Considering Welsh Dragon is on his way out I am guessing that he is going to be used to but over talent, hopefully he does so with Grace.

??? vs Stuart Wilson

An Olympic squash.

The British Bangers (Buzzard & Taypen) vs Judokas (Glen Ward & Gavin Owen)

Ward and Owen now have a tag name, they are still losing though, at least it will be a Banger match.

The Merseyside Party Animals (Rave, Trance & Jaunt) vs School of Wrestling (Aurelian Bradley, Toxic & Ron Gibson)

Considering that both The Party Animals and School of Wrestling are near the bottom of the NWF totem pole at the moment I am going to give the win to the younger team that I belief has more upside.

Landon Mallory vs Padraig O'Hearne

Padraig shall learn the ways of the Force of a Springbok Ram as Landon bowls over him.

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Grace of Fire (Welsh Dragon & Bali Daljit) vs State of Mind (Brilliant White & Ultra Violence)

??? vs Stuart Wilson

The British Bangers (Buzzard & Taypen) vs Judokas (Glen Ward & Gavin Owen)

The Merseyside Party Animals (Rave, Trance & Jaunt) vs School of Wrestling (Aurelian Bradley, Toxic & Ron Gibson)

Landon Mallory vs Padraig O'Hearne

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Grace of Fire (Welsh Dragon & Bali Daljit) vs State of Mind (Brilliant White & Ultra Violence)

??? vs Stuart Wilson

The British Bangers (Buzzard & Taypen) vs Judokas (Glen Ward & Gavin Owen)

The Merseyside Party Animals (Rave, Trance & Jaunt) vs School of Wrestling (Aurelian Bradley, Toxic & Ron Gibson)

Landon Mallory vs Padraig O'Hearne

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Grace of Fire (Welsh Dragon & Bali Daljit) vs State of Mind (Brilliant White & Ultra Violence)

??? vs Stuart Wilson

The British Bangers (Buzzard & Taypen) vs Judokas (Glen Ward & Gavin Owen)

The Merseyside Party Animals (Rave, Trance & Jaunt) vs School of Wrestling (Aurelian Bradley, Toxic & Ron Gibson)

Landon Mallory vs Padraig O'Hearne

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Posted (edited)

WrestleWorld GB & NWF Present:


NWF National Wrestling

Episode 53

Wednesday W2 November 2021

Rating: 70


JackieGoldstein.jpg.aa306d9eea31af3df6b8fdfd6c5605ba.jpg MelanieFlorence.jpg.b4457c9be7adc9486c2bdc18fc7aacf8.jpg

Your Announce Team: Jackie Goldstein & Melanie Florence


Jackie Goldstein: “Hello and welcome back to National Wrestling. My name is Jackie Goldstein, and joining me at ringside is Melanie Florence.”

Melanie Florence: “Thanks Jackie, but it’s not just the two of us at the commentary desk tonight… as we’re joined for our opening contest by none other than the man of the moment - the Cruiserweight Champion Damian Dastardly!

Damian Dastardly: “Thanks Mel. I know your colleague isn’t my biggest fan, but it’s good to know at least one half of the commentary desk can appreciate good wrestling.”

Jackie Goldstein: “You should be ashamed of yourself for the trick you pulled on Sunday…”

Damian Dastardly: “What you call a trick, I call preparation… and that preparation paid off as I walked out of Locked & Loaded STILL your Cruiserweight champion.”



Grace of Fire (Bali Daljit & Welsh Dragon) VS State of Mind (Brilliant White & Ultra Violence)

Grace of Fire were first out, and were furious at the sight of Damian Dastardly on commentary. Welsh Dragon made a beeline for the Cruiserweight champion, and security had to intervene and get the Welshman and his partner into the ring. Bali Daljit continued to argue with Dastardly on his partners behalf, until he was distracted by a flash of (brilliant) white light. Brilliant White appeared from the light in his Phantom of the Opera inspired mask, as Ultra Violence strolled out behind his partner with his cane slung lazily over his shoulder.

Damian Dastardly’s presence at ringside proved an ongoing distraction for the State of Mind pair, as both Welsh Dragon and Bali Daljit seemed as intent on fighting the Cruiserweight champion as they did their opponents. This would ultimately prove their undoing, as Dastardly coaxed Bali Daljit into attacking him at the commentary desk – creating a ruckus that drew the attention of the referee and security… opening an opportunity back in the ring for Ultra Violence to use his trusty cane with a head shot to Welsh Dragon. Brilliant White followed up with his White Out (Swanton Bomb) just as Roy Worrall was returning to the ring to make the three count.

Winners: State of Mind (Brilliant White & Ultra Violence)

Rating: 51


While security worked to pull apart Bali Daljit and Damian Dastardly, we cut to a pre-recorded video segment showing the ruling of Landon Mallory’s appeal hearing which was held yesterday.


Landon Mallory sat on one side of a long table alongside Evan Alpass and Marbella, while Edison Silva and his legal advisor Mo Adebola sat opposite. The NWF board member heading up the hearing was recapping both arguments, before reading the final decision.

NWF Board Member: “And despite the evidence presented by Miss Marbella and Mr Mallory, it cannot be denied that Mr Mallory did interfere in the match in question. Ordinarily this would not be a board matter, but given that Mr Adebola has so kindly… and ferociously, brought it to our attention, and given Mr Mallory’s previous suspension… we have no choice but to act. However, the NWF board does not agree with Mr Adebola that the requested 90 day in-ring suspension is an appropriate punishment. So instead, Mr Mallory will be re-instated to the NWF immediately – BUT he will be unable to challenge for ANY NWF championship belt for the next 90 days.”

Landon Mallory’s head dropped, while Edison Silva and Mo Adebola looked delighted with themselves…

NWF Board Member (Continuing): “However… during the proceedings it became increasingly obvious that Landon Mallory wasn’t the only NWF employee who interfered in the title match that night. Some would argue that JK Lee was even more culpable… and in recognition of this, JK Lee will be receiving the exact same suspension.”

While Edison Silva’s mood wasn’t dampened, Mo Adebola’s smile cracked just a touch as the NWF Board Member declared the hearing adjourned.

Rating: 82



Local Worker VS ‘The Celtic Hammer’ Stuart Wilson

‘The Celtic Hammer’ faced a Heavyweight local opponent, but it just proved to be an opportunity for the Olympic Bronze medalist to once again showcase his impressive power as he dominated his young opponent. For the finish, Wilson hoisted his Heavyweight opponent onto his shoulder for his Bronze Bomber (Running Powerslam) finisher.

Winner: Stuart Wilson

Rating: 53


As Stuart Wilson celebrated his victory in the ring, Iggy Riot slid into the ring and tried to get the jump the Olympic Bronze medalist from behind.


Unfortunately for Riot (and Chuck Frisby at ringside), Wilson was able to turn the tables and deliver a Bronze Bomber (Running Powerslam) to ‘The Human Tank’! A fired up Stuart Wilson grabbed a microphone from ringside to address Chuck Frisby – who was rapidly backpedaling up the ramp.


Stuart Wilson: “I’m getting tired of this little dance Chuck… we’ve been going back ‘n forth, back ‘n forth… but here’s the thing, I don’t want your monster Chuck… I want YOU!”

The personal trainer looked terrified at the top of the ramp, too terrified to even comment on a particularly overweight gentleman stood directly in front of him in the front row…

Rating: 54

Notes: Stuart Wilson turned Babyface during this Segment


We cut backstage to find Bali Daljit running to try and stop a car pulling out from the car park. It’s implied that Welsh Dragon was in the car, but we never see the Welshman. Bali looks concerned as he watched the car pull into the distance.


Damian Dastardly sidled up behind Bali, with a grin plastered across his face.

Damian Dastardly: “Was that the Dragon leaving already? Shame…”

Bali Daljit (angrily): “You know exactly what you did at Locked & Loaded… you should be ashamed of yourself!”

Damian Dastardly: “Maybe I do… maybe I don’t. The real question is Bali – what are you going to do about it?”

Rating: 68



The British Bangers (Leighton Buzzard & Grant Taypen) VS Judokas (Glen Ward & Gavin Owen)

Leighton Buzzard came up just short in Sunday nights Main Event against British Heavyweight champion Edison Silva, but The British Bangers looked in good spirits as they faced the Judoka pairing of Glen Ward & Gavin Owen. The Judokas had some early success against Grant Taypen, but once the hot tag was made to Buzzard their was no doubt of the winners. The British Bangers combined to hit their Bang! Bang! Dropkicks (Dual Missile Dropkicks) to pick up the win.

Winners: The British Bangers (Leighton Buzzard & Grant Taypen)

Rating: 57


Boos rang out around the arena, as the music of The Network blared over the speakers. A smug looking Frank Finkleton made his way to the ring accompanied by ‘Big Mac’ Nathan McKenzie.


Frank Finkleton: “As you’ve all heard, Landon Mallory is now officially banned from challenging for any NWF championship for the next 90 days. This morning I spoke to my superiors… and pointed out that they’re last two choices of challengers have both came up short… so they have agreed that for this month, with no obvious candidate, I can choose the number one contender for the British Heavyweight Championship!”

The crowd immediately began to boo the Network Executive, clearly seeing where this was going.

Frank Finkleton: “Because my superiors know that I will always put The Network’s best interests first… and with that in mind, allow me to introduce you to the NEW number one contender for the British Heavyweight Championship – ‘Big Mac’ Nathan McKenzie!”

The big Australian stepped forward and took the microphone from the Network Executive, thanking Frank and promising to show the true power of The Network!

Rating: 70


Merseyside Party Animals (Rave, Trance & Jaunt)

School of Wrestling (Aurelian Bradley, Toxic & Ron Gibson) w/ The Professor

This match saw the debut of Jaunt (Jaunty Rhodes), who teamed up with fellow Merseysiders Rave & Trance to face School of Wrestling. The Professor coached his team from ringside, and with Aurelian Bradley on hand to keep his overzealous partners in check – the School of Wrestling were able to control the cast majority of this match up. The finish came when Toxic & Ron Gibson were able to clear the ring, leaving Aurelian Bradley to lock in his Figure Four Leglock on Rave to secure the win.

Winners: School of Wrestling (Aurelian Bradley, Toxic & Ron Gibson)

Rating: 31


Fresh off a victory over his father that saved his NWF career, Bret Heartbreak looked ecstatic as he made his way to the ring.


Bret Heartbreak: “I’ve got to be honest with you… growing up my father was always my hero. I watched him win title after title after title… I’ve always worried that I would never be worthy of his legacy… but after the last couple of months, I’ve realised that I don’t want it any more!”

The crowd cheered for the youngster, as Bret continued.

Bret Heartbreak: “I proved on Sunday that while my father is a ten-time World Champion, he makes mistakes just like everyone else! I proved to him, and more importantly to myself, that I am on his level! And now it’s time for me to step out of my father’s shadow, and start writing my own legacy!”

Rating: 55



The camera cut backstage to show the British Heavyweight Champion Edison Silva, celebrating their courtroom victory alongside his legal advisor Mo Adebola. The pair seemed in high spirits, as they toasted to Landon Mallory no longer being their problem.


However their good mood was dampened by the appearance of Mo Adebola’s ‘Insurance Policy’ JK Lee, who seemed in a foul mood. Lee asked Adebola why they were celebrating? Why didn’t Adebola warn Lee that he could get wrapped up in the appeal? Lee then reminded Adebola that he had promised him a Cruiserweight title shot in exchange for his services as Adebola’s ‘Insurance Policy’… how was the lawyer going to make good on that promise now that he was banned from challenging for any title?!

Mo Adebola tried to calm Lee down, but ‘The Bulldog’ was having none of it – warning Adebola that he was more than “collateral damage”, and he expected the lawyer to make this up to him!

Rating: 68



‘The Springbok’ Landon Mallory VS Padraig O’Hearne

The crowd roared for the returning Landon Mallory, fresh from his 30 day suspension. However, fans expecting a one-sided match up here were sorely mistaken. O’Hearne showed seemingly precognitive abilities, as he was able to duck, dive and dodge his way out of Landon Mallory’s incoming blows – before responding with heavy right hands of his own.

The South African looked on the ropes, until O’Hearne seemingly became overconfident and began taunting to the crowd. The more the Irishman played up to the crowd, the less reliable his evasive abilities became – and soon O’Hearne found himself on the wrong end of a big Clothesline from ‘The Springbok’. After a frustrating match up to this point, Mallory wasn’t going to let his advantage slip and scooped O’Hearne up for a Running Powerslam. Stalking his opponent, Mallory beat his chest before delivering his Springbok Ram (Gore) to the delight of the crowd.

Winner: Landon Mallory

Rating: 67


Jackie Goldstein: “A big win for Landon Mallory in his return to action. He looks happy to be back with these fans!”

Melanie Florence: “He may be smiling, but deep down he’s got to be hurting knowing he can’t challenge for the one thing he really wants, the British Heavyweight Championship, for the next 90 days!”

Jackie Goldstein: “And earlier tonight network executive Frank Finkleton confirmed that it would be his man – ‘Big Mac’ Nathan McKenzie who would be challenging Edison Silva at ‘Last Orders’!”

Melanie Florence: “The Network are getting more powerful every week Jackie. Can anybody stop them at this point?”

Edited by Charasmatic Enigma
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On 6/19/2024 at 8:32 PM, KyTeran said:

Grace of Fire (Welsh Dragon & Bali Daljit) vs State of Mind (Brilliant White & Ultra Violence)

Considering Welsh Dragon is on his way out I am guessing that he is going to be used to but over talent, hopefully he does so with Grace.

On 6/19/2024 at 4:08 PM, newbiezness said:

Grace of Fire (Welsh Dragon & Bali Daljit) vs State of Mind (Brilliant White & Ultra Violence)

Welsh Dragon eats the pin and puts State Of Mind over. Good booking!

You both picked it. Welsh Dragon was still one of my bigger names when he handed in his notice, so I wanted him to put over a couple of guys on his way out - Damian Dastardly and State of Mind were the lucky beneficiaries.

On 6/22/2024 at 3:09 PM, Wrestling Machine said:

I missed the predictions, but your show didn't!

Funny episode, really hyped about Big Mac vs Edison Silva, a match-up hinted at for months now, it will be curious to see how you will book it.

Thanks @Wrestling Machine! Silva/Big Mac has been teased for a while now, so hopefully this months Main Event lives up to expectations!

On 6/22/2024 at 4:42 PM, smw88 said:

looking forward to this!

"Notes: Stuart Wilson turned Babyface during this Segment"

10 hours ago, scapegoat said:

Great show. Big Mac vs Silva should be great, and I'm excited for Stuart Wilson as a face. 


Interested to see where Landon Mallory goes from here, now that he can't challenge Silva

I thought you'd be excited for this @smw88! Glad people are excited for a babyface Stuart Wilson!

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Thank you to everybody who commented, predicted and reacted to the latest episode! Congratulations to @scapegoat, @KyTeran, @SomeLazyMagic and @lieon02 for achieving a perfect score this round! Hope to see everyone back next round!


Prediction Results for Episode 53

@scapegoat 5/5

@KyTeran 5/5

@SomeLazyMagic 5/5

@lieon02 5/5

@smw88 4/5

@newbiezness 4/5

@StanMiguel 4/5

@alliegolem 4/5


Predictions for National Wrestling Episode 54

The Foundation (Martin Heath & Jon Michael Sharp) w/ Mark Moore vs ???

Bret Heartbreak vs Astro

Bali Daljit vs Dylan Drama

Black Country Boys (Gazz Vedmore & Mickey Robson) vs Judokas (Glen Ward & Gavin Owen)

'Big Mac' Nathan McKenzie w/ Frank Finkleton vs Dangermouth w/ Leo Price


Bonus: Will the show rate higher than 60?

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The Foundation (Martin Heath & Jon Michael Sharp) w/ Mark Moore vs ???

Bret Heartbreak vs Astro

Bali Daljit vs Dylan Drama

Black Country Boys (Gazz Vedmore & Mickey Robson) vs Judokas (Glen Ward & Gavin Owen)

'Big Mac' Nathan McKenzie w/ Frank Finkleton vs Dangermouth w/ Leo Price

Bonus: Will the show rate higher than 60? Yes

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The Foundation (Martin Heath & Jon Michael Sharp) w/ Mark Moore vs ???

Bret Heartbreak vs Astro

Bali Daljit vs Dylan Drama

Black Country Boys (Gazz Vedmore & Mickey Robson) vs Judokas (Glen Ward & Gavin Owen)

'Big Mac' Nathan McKenzie w/ Frank Finkleton vs Dangermouth w/ Leo Price


I'm torn on this. Side A, no way you put all the winners on the left, side B, the only ones I could see myself missing are the mystery tag team, which I'm wary of, or Big Mac vs Dangermouth, but I don't see Dangermouth being a World Title contender, so Big Mac should win that.

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The Foundation (Martin Heath & Jon Michael Sharp) w/ Mark Moore vs ???

Bret Heartbreak vs Astro

Bali Daljit vs Dylan Drama

Black Country Boys (Gazz Vedmore & Mickey Robson) vs Judokas (Glen Ward & Gavin Owen)

'Big Mac' Nathan McKenzie w/ Frank Finkleton vs Dangermouth w/ Leo Price

Bonus: Will the show rate higher than 60? YES


Did you send me a private message about the last reward? I didn't get it.

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The Foundation (Martin Heath & Jon Michael Sharp) w/ Mark Moore vs ???

The Foundation continues to remain steady.

Bret Heartbreak vs Astro

I think it's been a while since Astro last appeared, but looks like he is going to experience Heartbreak in this match.

Bali Daljit vs Dylan Drama

Considering the interactions between Bali and Damian I say that Bali has a good chance of challenging for the Cruiserweight title in the future.

Black Country Boys (Gazz Vedmore & Mickey Robson) vs Judokas (Glen Ward & Gavin Owen)

Every time I see either Owen or Ward, I pick the other side to win.

'Big Mac' Nathan McKenzie w/ Frank Finkleton vs Dangermouth w/ Leo Price

I like Dangermouth, but Nathan has a future title match, so I don't see him losing here.


Bonus: Will the show rate higher than 60? Yes

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The Foundation (Martin Heath & Jon Michael Sharp) w/ Mark Moore vs ???

Bret Heartbreak vs Astro

Bali Daljit vs Dylan Drama

Black Country Boys (Gazz Vedmore & Mickey Robson) vs Judokas (Glen Ward & Gavin Owen)

'Big Mac' Nathan McKenzie w/ Frank Finkleton vs Dangermouth w/ Leo Price


Bonus: Will the show rate higher than 60? Yes

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The Foundation (Martin Heath & Jon Michael Sharp) w/ Mark Moore vs ???

Bret Heartbreak vs Astro

Bali Daljit vs Dylan Drama

Black Country Boys (Gazz Vedmore & Mickey Robson) vs Judokas (Glen Ward & Gavin Owen)

'Big Mac' Nathan McKenzie w/ Frank Finkleton vs Dangermouth w/ Leo Price


Bonus: Will the show rate higher than 60? YES

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WrestleWorld GB & NWF Present:


National Wrestling

Episode 54

Wednesday W3 November 2021

Rating: 58



JackieGoldstein.jpg.5f533a976557f9ef6cd7475c9839994d.jpg MelanieFlorence.jpg.5746dee906f135ccb4f40b49d82913c9.jpg

Your Announce Team: Jackie Goldstein & Melanie Florence


Jackie Goldstein: “Hello and welcome back to National Wrestling. My name is Jackie Goldstein, and joining me at ringside is Melanie Florence…”

Melanie Florence: “Thanks Jackie! Last week, Frank Finkleton flexed his political muscles, as the network executive named ‘Big Mac’ Nathan McKenzie as the number one contender for Edison Silva’s British Heavyweight Championship… and tonight we open the show with another special announcement from The Network!”

Jackie Goldstein (sarcastically): “Great, I can’t wait…”


The Network
The show opened with The Network being showered with boos, as Frank Finkleton, The Northern Lights, and the new number one contender Nathan McKenzie made their way down to the ring to open the show.

Frank Finkleton: “Last month, I once again showcased the true power of The Network, as I announced ‘Big Mac’ Nathan McKenzie as the new number one contender for the British Heavyweight Championship… but if you think I’m finished there, you’re greatly mistaken! So I’d like to invite Edison Silva to join us out here in this ring to discuss the stipulations of the match he’ll be having with my client at ‘Last Orders’!”

The crowd were ready to boo the British Heavyweight Champion, but the boos immediately turned to cheers as the music of Leo Price blared over the speakers.

Leo Price & his Young Lions
The ring was getting very full, as The Young Lions and The Network stood opposite each other in the ring.

 Leo Price: “I’ve told you before Frank, I’m not just going to stand by and watch you abuse your position of power to take over this company…”

Frank Finkleton: “Unfortunately for you Leo… I already have! The board have agreed that in the absence of any other exceptional candidate, I have the casting vote on number one contender!”

Leo Price: “You want an exceptional candidate? Look no further than my protégé Dangermouth! He’s won 6 of his last 8 matches, he’s charismatic, and he can appeal to an audience outside of just wrestling. He is the perfect candidate to challenge Edison Silva at ‘Last Orders’!”

Frank Finkleton just smirked and looked like he was just about to respond, when ‘Big Mac’ Nathan McKenzie grabbed the microphone from his manager.

Nathan McKenzie: “Crikey mate, I’m not sure being able to rap means you’re ready to challenge for the British Heavyweight Championship… so how about we do this the old fashioned way? Your boy faces me in the Main Event tonight. He wins, he gets added to the match at ‘Last Orders’… but if he loses, I face Silva one-on-one!”

Leo Price (grinning): “Well, you can’t ask it fairer than that. You’re on!”

Rating: 61




The Foundation (Martin Heath & Jon Michael Sharp) w/ Mark Moore VS Local Talents

The British Tag Team champions were in action next against two local talents. Heath & Sharp showcased why they were The Foundation of the NWF tag division, as they showed off their incredible chemistry while delivering a series of slick double team moves. Martin Heath fired up the crowd by hitting his hot new move Rocking The Foundations (Whisper In The Wind), before tagging in Sharp to hit his Flying Cross Body to secure a routine victory in the opening bout of the night.

Winners: The Foundation (Martin Heath & Jon Michael Sharp)

Rating: 59


We cut backstage to find JK Lee in catering. Lee looked agitated as he waited in line for a cup of tea… and he became even more agitated once Damian Dastardly walked into shot.


Damian Dastardly: “I heard about the appeal sentencing… that’s a real shame. That’s two months in a row now that you thought you were getting a shot at my title… only for it to be ripped away at the last second! I’d be furious if it was me… 90 days… it’s a long time. Anyway, chin up champ – I’ll see you around!”

With that Damian Dastardly gave Lee a supportive pat on the shoulder, before walking out of shot – leaving a furious JK Lee, who smashed a tea cup on the ground in frustration.

Rating: 59



Bret Heartbreak VS Astro

This match was Astro’s first National Wrestling appearance since August, but unfortunately for the Mexican he came up against a rejuvenated Bret Heartbreak. Bret dominated this match from start to finish, as he used German Suplexes and European Uppercuts to control his Mexican opponent. Just after the seven-minute mark, Bret climbed to the top rope for his patented Heart Attack (Diving Top Rope Clothesline) to secure the victory.

Winner: Bret Heartbreak

Rating: 40


Following the bell, Bret Heartbreak celebrated with the fans… and failed to notice as Byron snuck into the ring behind him and took down his son with a clubbing forearm blow!


Holly Leves appeared at ringside, and slid a chair into Byron… who immediately used it to bust open Bret’s forehead. Byron pulled his son up from the mat by his blood-soaked hair as he took a microphone from Holly Leves.

Byron: “You think you’re on my level? You’re not even close! You’re not worthy of the Heartbreak name, and I’m going to prove it at ‘Last Orders’. You and me one-on-one, one last time… and this time NO RULES!”

The crowd booed as Byron threw the microphone away, and picked the chair once more to deliver a second sickening blow. Byron stood breathing heavily, before Holly Leves strutted over and the pair began making out over the fallen body of Byron’s son.

Rating: 47


We cut away from the ring to a pre-recorded segment filmed at the country estate of Dylan Drama’s family. Drama looked to be enjoying some particularly fine whiskey with Joey Beauchamp, as the young aristocrat pondered the question “what marks the value of a man?” Joey Beauchamp replied that a man’s money was the most important factor, but Dylan Drama quickly shot him down.


Dylan Drama: “No, no… counting money is for the uncivilised. The value of a man is determined by his lineage… his history! Look at the portraits lining these walls Joey… I was born into a family of great men. My family was part of the British aristocracy that conquered the world. I was born to be a great man Joey, it’s my birthright… and that pedigree is something that can’t be taught or bought with your precious money.”

Rating: 40



Bali Daljit VS Dylan Drama w/ Joey Beauchamp

We cut back to ringside to find Dylan Drama in action next against Bali Daljit. The momentum of this match up ebbed back and forth, with Joey Beauchamp’s constant interference at ringside keeping Dylan Drama in the contest. Just before the eight minute mark, Bali Daljit looked to have the match sewn up – as he headed to the top rope, looking for his spectacular Shooting Star Press. Joey Beauchamp immediately jumped onto the apron – grabbing the attention of referee Roy Worrall for just long enough…


For Damian Dastardly to appear at ringside, and push Bali Daljit from the top rope. Dastardly flashed a grin at ringside after the pairs argument last week, as Dylan Drama returned to his feet and pulled Daljit into a Dramatic Conclusion (a wicked looking Headlock Drive) for the win.

Winner: Dylan Drama

Rating: 46


We cut backstage once again, this time to find The Professor walking down the corridor alongside his students – Aurelian Bradley, Toxic and Ron Gibson.

School of Wrestling
The Professor was congratulating his School of Wrestling on their six-man-tag victory last week on National Wrestling, when the group walked past Landon Mallory in the corridor. The Professor looked The Springbok up and down, before commenting to his students that the South African was a “perfect example of what can go wrong” if one didn’t study their craft. The Professor told his students that if they followed his teachings they would be just fine, as they walked out of shot… leaving a surprised looking Landon Mallory, who looked like he was still taking in what The Professor had just said.

Rating: 57



Black Country Boys (Gazz Vedmore & Mickey Robson) w/ Leo Price VS Judokas (Glen Ward & Gavin Owen)

The Black Country Boys had a chance to put in a statement performance for The Young Lions ahead of their stablemates big Main Event matchup. Leo Price was ringside to watch his young protégés in action, and looked suitably impressed as his charges made short work of their Judoka opponents. The finish to the match saw Mickey Robson hit his Package Piledriver on Glen Ward for the victory.

Winners: Black Country Boys

Rating: 42


‘The Celtic Hammer’ Stuart Wilson made his way to the ring next, with the former Olympian receiving a good reaction from the crowd.


As he reached the ring, Stuart Wilson grabbed a microphone and immediately called out Chuck Frisby. The Olympic Bronze medalist took a few verbal jabs at Frisby, including insinuating that a personal trainer should be in better physical shape than Chuck was… in an attempt to entice Frisby out from the back. But the Olympic Bronze medalist was to be frustrated, as instead of appearing from the back - the personal trainer appeared on screen, running what looked like an aerobics session in an old persons home.

Frisby's Foundation for Fitness

Chuck Frisby: “Luckily for you we’re not in the building tonight Stuart… instead we’re here in West London to spread the benefits of health and fitness to the community! We’re here in the Chelsea Care Home, where you can see that the Obesity epidemic has even spread to the elderly… so we’re here to whip these old biddies into shape!”

One of the ladies from the care home seemed to take offence to Chuck’s comment and pinched the personal trainers behind, causing Chuck to jump.

Chuck Frisby: “… and as you can see, they’re really getting into it! So unfortunately I won’t be able to come and face you tonight Stuart, as Chuck’s Community outreach is in full flow!”

Chuck turned to address the pensioners, as he bellowed.

Chuck Frisby: “My name is Chuck Frisby, and I’m here to tackle England’s Obesity epidemic – one good deed at a time!”

Dwayne Dark and Iggy Riot applauded politely, as the Chelsea pensioners rolled their eyes and continued their (low energy) aerobics.

Rating: 48



Dangermouth w/ Leo Price & The Young Lions VS ‘Big Mac’ Nathan McKenzie w/ The Network

It was time for the Main Event, where Dangermouth looked to earn a spot in the title match at ‘Last Orders’ as he faced number one contender ‘Big Mac’ Nathan McKenzie. The Network came out in force, with The Northern Lights and Frank Finkleton all at ringside to support ‘Big Mac’. The Young Lions responded in kind, with Leo Price supporting his protégé at ringside along with the Black Country Boys.

With so many moving parts, the match predictably descended into chaos – with Alton Vicious and Riddick Jordan making constant nuisances of themselves at ringside, and interfering in the match any chance they got. Eventually the constant interference proved too much for the Black Country Boys, and the tag teams brawled outside the ring. The ensuing ruckus drew the attention of referee Roy Worrall, as Leo Price and NWF security attempted to pull the two teams apart.


With attention on the brawling tag teams, nobody noticed the British Heavyweight Champion slide into the ring. Catching both competitors off guard, Silva clocked ‘Big Mac’ Nathan McKenzie with his title belt. Dangermouth hesitated, clearly hesitant to capatalise, before he too was floored by the British Heavyweight Championship. Edison Silva smirked as he surveyed the damage he had caused, before shockingly dragging an unconscious ‘Big Mac’ on top of Dangermouth.

With The Northern Lights and Black Country Boys finally separated at ringside, referee Roy Worrall turned back to the ring to see the the big Australian draped over Dangermouth, and had no choice but to count the three…

Winner: ‘Big Mac’ Nathan McKenzie

Rating: 57


Jackie Goldstein: “I’m not sure what we’ve just seen Melanie… Edison Silva first attacks ‘Big Mac’ Nathan McKenzie… but then helps him win the match?”

Melanie Florence: “It doesn’t make sense to me either Jackie… but the champ will have his reasons! He’s always one step ahead of the competition!”

Jackie Goldstein: “Leo Price looks furious at ringside… his protégé has just been screwed out of a first title opportunity!”

Edited by Charasmatic Enigma
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On 6/24/2024 at 8:39 AM, alliegolem said:

I'm torn on this. Side A, no way you put all the winners on the left, side B, the only ones I could see myself missing are the mystery tag team, which I'm wary of, or Big Mac vs Dangermouth, but I don't see Dangermouth being a World Title contender, so Big Mac should win that.

I usually always put Babyfaces on the left and Heels on the right in my predictions, but for some reason I just... didn't for the Main Event. You were correct about Big Mac beating Dangermouth, but not many picked Dylan Drama to defeat Bali Daljit earlier in the show!

On 6/24/2024 at 4:49 PM, KyTeran said:

Bret Heartbreak vs Astro

I think it's been a while since Astro last appeared, but looks like he is going to experience Heartbreak in this match.

Bali Daljit vs Dylan Drama

Considering the interactions between Bali and Damian I say that Bali has a good chance of challenging for the Cruiserweight title in the future.

 I gave Astro a contract extension a few months ago, and seem to have just forgotten about him haha. I got the email to say his contract was up soon, so thought I'd give Bret a win over him on his way out!

After Damian's role in costing Bali his match with Drama, I'd say Bali would be even more motivated to face the Cruiserweight champion now...

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Thank you to everybody who predicted and reacted to the latest episode! Amazing turnout for this weeks predictions, so thank you for that - it really is appreciated. Welcome to @Rhaums and @CGN91 as first time predictors, and congratulations to @Wrestling Machine, @lieon02 and @SomeLazyMagic for achieving perfect scores on the show.

I appreciated everyone's optimism on the show rating, but unfortunately nobody secured the bonus point this round. Hope yo see everyone back for the next show!


Prediction Results for Episode 54

@Wrestling Machine 5/5

@lieon02 5/5

@SomeLazyMagic 5/5

@alliegolem 4/5

@newbiezness 4/5

@KyTeran 4/5

@scapegoat 4/5

@CGN91 4/5

@smw88 3/5

@Rhaums 3/5


Combined Prediction Results

@SomeLazyMagic 10/10

@lieon02 10/10

@scapegoat 9/10

@KyTeran 9/10

@alliegolem 8/10

@newbiezness 8/10

@smw88 7/10

@Wrestling Machine 5/5

@StanMiguel 4/5

@CGN91 4/5

@Rhaums 3/5


Predictions for National Wrestling Episode 55

The Foundation (Martin Heath & Jon Michael Sharp) w/ Mark Moore vs Judokas (Glen Ward & Gavin Owen)

Akihiro Hisato vs ???

Darin Flynn vs ???

The Party Animals (Rave & Trance) vs High Society (Dylan Drama & Joey Beauchamp)

Landon Mallory vs Aurelian Bradley w/ The Professor


Bonus: Will the show rate higher than 70?

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