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WrestleWorld GB & NWF Present:


National Wrestling

Episode 59

Wednesday W4 December 2021

Show Rating: 59


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Your Announce Team: Jackie Goldstein & Melanie Florence


Jackie Goldstein: “Hello and welcome to the final episode of National Wrestling for 2021! My name is Jackie Goldstein, and joining me at ringside is Melanie Florence.”

Melanie Florence: “Thanks Jackie! What a year it’s been for National Wrestling. The first National Wrestling of the year was held in front of 165 NWF fans, and we finish the year with nearly 500 people in the building tonight!”

Jackie Goldstein: “It’s been a big year for the NWF, and we look to end it on a high tonight!”



Team CHAOS (Norman Gates & Neville Jones) VS State of Mind (Brilliant White & Ultra Violence)

No Disqualification Match

The final episode of 2021 kicked off with a spectacular entrance from State of Mind. The duo appeared in a flash of (brilliant) white light, which reflected spectacularly off Brilliant White’s Phantom of the Opera inspired mask. Ultra Violence strolled out behind his partner, with his trusty cane slung lazily over his shoulder. The duo got a strong reaction from the NWF crowd, having seemingly developed a cult following amongst the long-term audience.

State of Mind invited any tag team to join them in their ‘playground’, and Team CHAOS had been more than happy to accept. Both teams looked to Work The Crowd in this opener, which was more ‘hardcore’ than a traditional NWF contest. Norman Gates in particular really got into the swing of things… and by that I mean began swinging chairs at his opponents with good success. Neville Jones and Brilliant White seemed to be engaged in their own private competition to see who could jump of the most different parts of the ring… but it was Ultra Violence and his trusty cane who proved the difference maker here.

Ducking under an attempted chair shot from Norman Gates, Ultra Violence delivered a sickening cane shot to the head that removed Gates from the match. Looking for some retribution, Neville Jones looked for a Springboard Cross Body… but dove straight into a second cane shot! Ultra Violence held his cane high in the air, signalling for the White Out (Swanton Bomb). Brilliant White was only too happy to oblige, hitting the move flush on Jones to secure the win for his team.

Winners: State of Mind (Brilliant White & Ultra Violence)

Rating: 49


Following State of Mind’s celebrations, the camera cut to the office of Mark Moore - where a tense looking Jon Michael Sharp was fixated on the TV screen. Having clearly just finished watching the opening contest.

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Behind Sharp, Martin Heath and Mark Moore could be seen excitedly whispering, while ‘The Prodigy’ Darin Flynn was sprawled out on a couch on the opposite side of the room.

Darin Flynn: “I don’t know why you care so much what those mudshow freaks are up to. Proper athletes like us are a level above… whatever that was.”

Mark Moore gave Flynn a slightly concerned look from across the room, before turning his attention to Sharp as the tag champion responded.

Jon Michael Sharp: “Why do I care? They think they got in my head… I’m one half of the British Tag Team Champions, how would they get in my head? “A new state of mind”… give me a break!”

Sharp started pacing the room agitated, as Mark Moore and Martin Heath shared a glance.

Mark Moore: “Okay… maybe it’s time to take a breath Jon. You know what you need? Something to take your mind off all this State of Mind nonsense… and boy do I have something for you lads!”

Despite himself, Darin Flynn sat up a couple of inches to get a better view of Mark Moore as the agent made his announcement.

Mark Moore: “Now I know you lads saw the show last week, so you’ll know the most decorated man in British tag team wrestling history is back in the fold. So how about this for ‘Out With The Old’ – The Foundation versus The Legend… the posters write themselves!”

Darin Flynn slumped back into his sofa, but Sharp & Heath were giddy with excitement as the camera faded to black.

Rating: 47



Future X (Petey Barnes & Eric Future) VS Myles Cross & Jermaine Granger

Cross & Granger are an exciting young team with a big future, but they couldn’t match the former British Tag Team champions here. Eric Future in particular looked great here as he tuned up for his Cruiserweight title shot at ‘Out With The Old’. Barnes & Future showed off their incredible teamwork, built up after more than a decade of teaming together, as they cleared Granger out of the ring and pulled Cross into their Future Shock DDT (Aided Double Arm DDT) to pick up the victory.

Winners: Future X (Petey Barnes & Eric Future)

Rating: 50


We cut backstage to the locker room of British Heavyweight champion Edison Silva, who was joined by his legal advisor Mo Adebola as well as the lawyers ‘Insurance Policy’ JK Lee.


Silva looked agitated as he paced back and forth, as Mo Adebola explained the great opportunity he had secured for the British Heavyweight champion tonight – Silva could select an opponent of his choosing for Stuart Wilson! Mo Adebola suggested his ‘Insurance Policy’, but Silva quickly dismissed the idea – JK Lee had never beaten any of his challengers before, why would he start now?

JK Lee did not take the put down well, shoulder checking Silva on his way out the door. Adebola looked like he was going to go after his ‘Insurance Policy’, but Silva stopped him.

Edison Silva: “Nah man, you’ve got to stay focused on me… and I’ve just had an idea. Since Mr ‘Celtic Hammer’ thinks Olympians are so great, I’ve got the perfect opponent in mind…”

Rating: 65



The Party Animals (Rave & Trance) VS Team FCW (Davis Wayne Newton & Juggernaut Jones)

The Party Animals mystery opponents were given a special pre-match announcement by network executive Frank Finkleton. On Commentary we were told that last week WrestleWorld pushed out FCW content globally, so following this episode of National Wrestling all of the FCW library would be available to WrestleWorld GB subscribers! As a special trailer for what you can see in FCW, two of the promotions former stars would be in action – Davis Wayne Newton & Juggernaut Jones!

This match served as an advertisement for the FCW wrestlers on display. ‘The Triple Threat’ Davis Wayne Newton started the match for Team FCW, showing exactly how he earned that nickname with his impressive Brawling, Flying and Technical skills. Once DWN had had his fun with Rave & Trance, he tagged in the hulking Juggernaut Jones. The 6’7 former College Football standout made short work of The Party Animals, Trance didn’t see The Pounce coming and this one was over.

Winners: Davis Wayne Newton & Juggernaut Jones

Rating: 37


The camera cut backstage to a satisfied looking Frank Finkleton, who had just finished watching the previous match on a monitor.

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‘Big Mac’ Nathan McKenzie stomped into shot behind the network executive, and the big Australian did not share in Frank’s happiness.

Nathan McKenzie: “This is what you’ve spent all your time on since last week? Debuting two nobodies from a failed promotion?”

Frank Finkleton: “The board spent a lot of money getting global rights for the FCW content… they want to see a return on their investment. So naturally this is a big priority for them…”

Nathan McKenzie (rearing up to his full height): “Well maybe I need to remind you about where your priorities should lie. I didn’t fly over from Oz to play second fiddle to some Americans…”

With that McKenzie stormed off, leaving a concerned looking Frank Finkleton staring after him.

Rating: 49


We cut away to another pre-recorded video from the temple where Padraig O’Hearne is still in training.


The Irishman could be seen doing his exercises in the background of the shot, as Jase Cole and Christopher Lister observed.

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Christopher Lister: “He’s not improving fast enough… this is taking too long.”

Jase Cole: “Patient we must be. In mysterious way, the force moves.”

Christopher Lister: “You are blinded by your faith in him. The darkness grows stronger every day, we cannot keep waiting for the child. We have to move soon.”

Rating: 35



Jaunt VS Aurelian Bradley w/ The Professor

Having seen his fellow Merseryside Party Animals come up short earlier in the night, Jaunt looked to turn things around for the group here. Unfortunately the Evertonian, he came up against a textbook performance from Aurelian Bradley. The Welshman focused his attack on Jaunt’s legs, before locking in his Figure Four Leg Lock to claim the victory.

Winner: Aurelian Bradley w/ The Professor

Rating: 37


We cut to a pre-recorded video, filmed at a community centre near you!


Chuck Frisby was stood at the front of another Frisby’s Foundation for Fitness community outreach class. Looking around the audience, Chuck was happy to see there wasn’t a spotty teenager in sight.

Chuck Frisby: “There’s an old saying – never work with children or animals…. But since you have all signed up for the class, we shouldn’t have the same issues as last week!”

Chuck barked out a series of exercise instructions, seemingly catching the front row of guard with his sudden change of demeanour. The class seemed to be going well, until the front row dropped into their second set of pushups. Frisby got right in the face of one of his clients, screeching demented instructions – LOWER! FASTER! DEEEEEPER!

The poor middle aged man looked terrified, and quickly grabbed his bag and ran out of the hall. Unperturbed, Chuck simply moved onto the next in the line. Unfortunately for Chuck, none of his clientele responded well to his coaching techniques and soon the room was empty save for himself, Dwayne Dark & Iggy Riot. A furious Chuck Frisby shouted after the stragglers.

Chuck Frisby: “You’re a bunch of animals, the lot of you!”

Huffing and puffing, Chuck turned to the camera and said that his community outreach program had come to a premature end – and next week he would be bringing his unique brand of personal training BACK to National Wrestling!

Chuck Frisby: “Because my name is Chuck Frisby, and I’m coming to tackle England’s obesity crisis – one NWF crowd member at a time!”

Rating: 42


We cut to the interview zone, where Rachel Dearheart was stood by with Landon Mallory.


Rachel Dearheart asked Landon how he was feeling with less than two weeks left until his ban from challenging for the British Heavyweight championship was lifted?

Landon Mallory: “It’s been a long three months waiting to get my hands on Edison Silva and win back what is rightfully mine, but now that we are getting so close I…”

However, before Landon Mallory could finish his sentence, he was jumped from behind by Dylan Drama and Joey Beauchamp.


With the numbers advantage, the pair was able to throw Landon Mallory headfirst into a nearby wall – leaving The Springbok down and out.

Dylan Drama: “I come from a very proud family Landon, and we do not take kindly to being slighted. My great-uncle was a ‘Great Man’, and for you someone like you to call him a parasite is despicable. You may have got lucky against Joey a couple of weeks ago, but at ‘Out With The Old’ I will win back my families honour by dealing with you myself!”

Joey Beauchamp hauled the South African from the floor, pushing him into Dylan Drama for a Dramatic Conclusion (a wicked looking Headlock Driver) to the concrete floor. Dylan Drama grinned to himself, as a screaming Rachel Dearheart ran off to find a medical team.

Rating: 67



‘The Celtic Hammer’ Stuart Wilson VS Gavin Owen

Edison Silva’s hand chosen opponent for Stuart Wilson was revealed to be fellow Olympian Gavin Owen. Owen was a member of Great Britain’s 2016 judo Olympic squad. Stuart Wilson shook hands with Owen prior to the match in a show of respect. Whether Silva’s choice of opponent got in Wilson’s head or not, Wilson struggled in the early stages – with Owen using his judo training to use Wilson’s weight against him with a series of trips and throws that frustrated ‘The Celtic Hammer’.

Owen continued to press home his advantage and shocked the crowd as he was able to lock in his Judo Arm Lock. Wilson screamed out in pain as he tried to break free, but the hold was cinched in tight. Wilson looked close to tapping out, until in a desperation move he was able to lift his Lightweight opponent to shoulder height with one arm and deliver a modified Body Slam to break the hold. While the hold had been broken, Wilson was clearly still in a lot of pain – and wrestled the rest of the match with one arm. The Scotsman had a couple more scares, but was finally able to lift Owen one handed onto his shoulder to deliver his Bronze Bomber (Running Powerslam) for a surprisingly hard fought victory.

Winner: ‘The Celtic Hammer’ Stuart Wilson

Rating: 56


Jackie Goldstein: “Stuart Wilson picks up the victory, but you have to wonder how much damage Owen did to that left arm of Wilson with his Judo Arm Lock…”

Melanie Florence: “Edison Silva’s got to be a very happy man right now… Gavin Owen was his hand selected opponent, and while he may not have beaten Stuart Wilson… he could have taken the Scotsman out of contention completely!”

Jackie Goldstein: “Edison Silva may have had the last laugh tonight, but he will be heading into 2022 with a very angry Scotsman coming after him!”

Melanie Florence: “That’s one way of looking at it… another is that Edison Silva is ending the year the same way he started it – on top of the NWF!”

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USPW announce shock signing of Jason Azaria!

In shock news, USPW announced the signing of long-time TCW head announcer Jason Azaria. Azaria had been widely expected to retire after leaving TCW, where he had been an employee since day one. Hearing Azaria on a USPW broadcast will be bizarre for many fans, after Azaria was the voice of TXW for 16-years. Azaria joins a USPW announcing roster also containing Brock Cornish, Danny Jillefski and Lionel Greenwood. Where Azaria slots into this lineup remains to be seen.



NWF Announce 2022 Schedule

Earlier this week, the NWF released a short statement confirming their 2022 PLE schedule. Some of the notable changes include Clash of Champions being pulled forward from April to February, while Battle of Britain has moved from September all the way up to April – to counteract this London Calling and Three Lions have now moved to later in the year. Full schedule below:

January – Out With The Old

February – Clash of Champions

March – March Madness

April – Battle of Britain

May – London Calling

June – For Queen & Country

July – World Cup Event (*Final name TBC)

August – Victory

September – Three Lions

October – No Limits

November – Locked & Loaded

December – Last Orders


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Thank you to everyone who predicted and reacted to the latest show!  A strong round of predictions with six perfect scores! A reminder that the top 5 predictors will all be part of the prize for this month prediction contest. Hope to see everyone back for the go home show!


Prediction Results for National Wrestling Episode 59

@scapegoat 5/5

@SomeLazyMagic 5/5

@lieon02 5/5

@KyTeran 5/5

@alliegolem 5/5

@Wrestling Machine 5/5

@newbiezness 4/5

@smw88 3/5 + 1 Bonus


Combined Prediction Results

@lieon02 15/15 + 2 Bonus

@KyTeran 15/15 + 1 Bonus

@scapegoat 15/15

@newbiezness 13/15 + 1 Bonus

@SomeLazyMagic 13/15 + 1 Bonus

@smw88 10/15 + 2 Bonus

@Wrestling Machine 9/10 + 1 Bonus

@alliegolem 9/10


Predictions for National Wrestling Episode 60

Non-Title Match: The Foundation (Jon Michael Sharp & Martin Heath) w/ Mark Moore vs Black Coutry Boys (Gazz Vedmore & Mickey Robson)

Team CHAOS (Neville Jones & Norman Gates) vs Frisby's Foundation for Fitness (Dwayne Dark & Iggy Riot) w/ Chuck Frisby

??? vs Lone Wolf

Evan Alpass vs ???

'Pick Your Poison' Non-Title Match: ??? vs Edison Silva w/ Mo Adebola


Bonus 1: The Main Event will be a 'pick your poison' match, where Stuart Wilson can select a handpicked opponent for Edison Silva. Who will 'The Celtic Hammer' select?

Bonus 2: Will National Wrestling rate higher than 60 overall?

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Non-Title Match: The Foundation (Jon Michael Sharp & Martin Heath) w/ Mark Moore 

Team CHAOS (Neville Jones & Norman Gates) 

 Lone Wolf

Evan Alpass 

 Edison Silva w/ Mo Adebola


Bonus 1: The Main Event will be a 'pick your poison' match, where Stuart Wilson can select a handpicked opponent for Edison Silva. Who will 'The Celtic Hammer' select?

How about something random like the damned from SNP.

Bonus 2: Will National Wrestling rate higher than 60 overall? Yes

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Non-Title Match: The Foundation (Jon Michael Sharp & Martin Heath) w/ Mark Moore vs Black Coutry Boys (Gazz Vedmore & Mickey Robson)

Moore's boys keep strong

Team CHAOS (Neville Jones & Norman Gates) vs Frisby's Foundation for Fitness (Dwayne Dark & Iggy Riot) w/ Chuck Frisby

I liked Team CHAOS vs State Of Mind a lot

??? vs Lone Wolf

Local talent?

Evan Alpass vs ???

Let's say this one will be someone better than a local talent

'Pick Your Poison' Non-Title Match: ??? vs Edison Silva w/ Mo Adebola

I don't think Silva can be defeated unless Wilson picks Landon Mallory or Big Mac


Bonus 1: The Main Event will be a 'pick your poison' match, where Stuart Wilson can select a handpicked opponent for Edison Silva. Who will 'The Celtic Hammer' select? Leo Price

Bonus 2: Will National Wrestling rate higher than 60 overall? Yes

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Non-Title Match: The Foundation (Jon Michael Sharp & Martin Heath) w/ Mark Moore vs Black Coutry Boys (Gazz Vedmore & Mickey Robson)

Team CHAOS (Neville Jones & Norman Gates) vs Frisby's Foundation for Fitness (Dwayne Dark & Iggy Riot) w/ Chuck Frisby

??? vs Lone Wolf

Evan Alpass vs ???

'Pick Your Poison' Non-Title Match: ??? vs Edison Silva w/ Mo Adebola


Bonus 1: The Main Event will be a 'pick your poison' match, where Stuart Wilson can select a handpicked opponent for Edison Silva. Who will 'The Celtic Hammer' select? I feel like he'd chose JK Lee to take advantage of their growing tension.

Bonus 2: Will National Wrestling rate higher than 60 overall? Yes, there's a lot of potential in promos this week.

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Non-Title Match: The Foundation (Jon Michael Sharp & Martin Heath) w/ Mark Moore vs Black Coutry Boys (Gazz Vedmore & Mickey Robson)

I don't see The Foundation getting an upset loss her.

Team CHAOS (Neville Jones & Norman Gates) vs Frisby's Foundation for Fitness (Dwayne Dark & Iggy Riot) w/ Chuck Frisby

Time for Frisby's Foundation for Fitness to get back to winning.

??? vs Lone Wolf


Evan Alpass vs ???

Not a squash, but I am assuming that Evan wins due to his future match with Nathan.

'Pick Your Poison' Non-Title Match: ??? vs Edison Silva w/ Mo Adebola

Edison remains strong before his challenge from Stuart.


Bonus 1: The Main Event will be a 'pick your poison' match, where Stuart Wilson can select a handpicked opponent for Edison Silva. Who will 'The Celtic Hammer' select? Considering the recent history I am going to go with Leo Price.

Bonus 2: Will National Wrestling rate higher than 60 overall? Yes

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Non-Title Match: The Foundation (Jon Michael Sharp & Martin Heath) w/ Mark Moore vs Black Coutry Boys (Gazz Vedmore & Mickey Robson)

Team CHAOS (Neville Jones & Norman Gates) vs Frisby's Foundation for Fitness (Dwayne Dark & Iggy Riot) w/ Chuck Frisby

??? vs Lone Wolf

Evan Alpass vs ???

'Pick Your Poison' Non-Title Match: ??? vs Edison Silva w/ Mo Adebola


Bonus 1: The Main Event will be a 'pick your poison' match, where Stuart Wilson can select a handpicked opponent for Edison Silva. Who will 'The Celtic Hammer' select? No clue. Maybe JK Lee?

Bonus 2: Will National Wrestling rate higher than 60 overall? Yes


Lotta mystery opponents this week. Hoping for "Local opponent" for Lone Wolf and Evan Alpass both. Guessing the Black Country Boys get a win to get a title match, but I could see that being a win for The Foundation if the BCB aren't ready yet. And I don't think Team CHAOS gets a win yet.

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Non-Title Match: The Foundation (Jon Michael Sharp & Martin Heath) w/ Mark Moore vs Black Coutry Boys (Gazz Vedmore & Mickey Robson)

Team CHAOS (Neville Jones & Norman Gates) vs Frisby's Foundation for Fitness (Dwayne Dark & Iggy Riot) w/ Chuck Frisby

??? vs Lone Wolf

Evan Alpass vs ???

'Pick Your Poison' Non-Title Match: ??? vs Edison Silva w/ Mo Adebola


Bonus 1: The Main Event will be a 'pick your poison' match, where Stuart Wilson can select a handpicked opponent for Edison Silva. Who will 'The Celtic Hammer' select? Darius Flynn

Bonus 2: Will National Wrestling rate higher than 60 overall? Yes

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Non-Title Match: The Foundation (Jon Michael Sharp & Martin Heath) w/ Mark Moore vs Black Coutry Boys (Gazz Vedmore & Mickey Robson)

Team CHAOS (Neville Jones & Norman Gates) vs Frisby's Foundation for Fitness (Dwayne Dark & Iggy Riot) w/ Chuck Frisby

??? vs Lone Wolf

Evan Alpass vs ???

'Pick Your Poison' Non-Title Match: ??? vs Edison Silva w/ Mo Adebola


Bonus 1: The Main Event will be a 'pick your poison' match, where Stuart Wilson can select a handpicked opponent for Edison Silva. Who will 'The Celtic Hammer' select? Leo Price

Bonus 2: Will National Wrestling rate higher than 60 overall? Yes

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WrestleWorld GB & NWF Present:


National Wrestling

Episode 60

Wednesday W1 January, 2022

Show Rating: 69


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Your Announce Team: Jackie Goldstein & Melanie Florence


Jackie Goldstein: “Hello and Happy New Year! Welcome to the first episode of Nation Wrestling in 2022! We are four days away from ‘Out With The Old’ and have a huge show planned tonight! My name is Jackie Goldstein, and joining me at ringside is Melanie Florence.”

Melanie Florence: “Thanks Jackie! As you say a huge night in store, as our Main Event sees part two of ‘Pick Your Poison’. Tonight it is Stuart Wilson’s turn to hand pick an opponent for the British Heavyweight Champion Edison Silva. The Celtic Hammer will announce his handpicked opponent later tonight!”

Jackie Goldstein: “Edison Silva certainly has no shortage of enemies in the NWF, so Wilson should be spoilt for choice! But we kick off tonight with a huge non-title contest, as only three days before facing Leo Price and Dangermouth at ‘Out With The Old’ – The Foundation face off against Leo Price’s protégé’s, the Black Country Boys!”



The Foundation w/ Mark Moore VS Black Country Boys

It’s fair to say that the Black Country Boys have been flourished since settling under the wing of tag team legend Leo “The Lion” Price, with five wins in their last six matches, and they gave the British Tag Team Champions a real run for their money tonight. Gazz Vedmore and Mickey Robson were able to pin Martin Heath in their corner for the majority of the match, but just couldn’t quite put the 15 year veteran away. The Black Country Boys continued to dominate, until Martin Heath was able to take both men down with his Rocking The Foundations (Whisper In The Wind) to turn the tide.

Heath was able to make it over to make the tag to Jon Michael Sharp, who hit the ring like a house on fire. However, the beatdown had taken its toll on Martin Heath – and Sharp found himself effectively 2-on-1. After weathering Sharp’s initial storm, the Black Country Boys were able to turn the tables again and reassert themselves on the match. The champs looked in trouble until, in desperation, Sharp once again pulled out his impressive looking Avalanche Spanish Fly on Mickey Robson to secure the three count.

The tag team champions celebrated with Mark Moore after the bell, but both Sharp and Heath looked like they had gone through a war tonight. With Sharp in particular holding his ribs from the impact of his own move.

Winners: The Foundation w/ Mark Moore

Rating: 61


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We cut backstage to find Leo Price and Dangermouth talking to the younger members of the NWF tag team division. School of Wrestling, Cross & Granger and Team CHAOS were all picking Leo Price’s brains about the art of tag team wrestling. Dangermouth looked a little put out at being cut out of the conversation…

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The conversation continued, until the British Tag Team champions walked into shot – alongside their manager Mark Moore. The Sports Agent immediately offered Leo Price a handshake, calling him a legend and thanking him for accepting the match with The Foundation. Martin Heath and Jon Michael Sharp also shook Price’s hand, calling him an inspiration. Dangermouth again looked a bit put out at all of the attention his mentor was receiving.

Leo Price told The Foundation the honour was all his, and he couldn’t wait to lace up alongside his protégé and see them in the ring on Sunday!

Rating: 53



Team CHAOS VS Frisby’s Foundation for Fitness w/ Chuck Frisby

Neville Jones and Norman Gates were in tag team action next, and whatever inspiration they may have gleaned from their conversation with Leo Price was quickly drowned out by the voice of Chuck Frisby – who was particularly vocal at ringside on his return to National Wrestling. The personal trainer barked some particularly demented exercise instructions at the larger members of the front row, while his clients overpowered their opponents in the ring. Dwayne Dark carried the match, but it was Iggy Riot who picked up the pin following his Riot Control (F5).

Winners: Frisby’s Foundation for Fitness w/ Chuck Frisby

Rating: 45


We cut to the office of Mark Moore, who looked in a good mood following his clients victory earlier in the evening. However, that good mood was quickly ruined by a knock at the door.

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Moore’s star client stepped into the office, and the Prodigy did not look in a good mood. Flynn’s tone was almost accusatory as he commented that Mark Moore must have done a lot of work to get The Foundation a match against tag team legend Leo Price, before enquiring who he would be facing this Sunday? Mark Moore shifted uncomfortable, before Flynn noted that he had only contested one midcard match on TV all month… hardly a schedule befitting a Prodigy!

Mark Moore told his client that everything worked in cycles. Flynn’s time would come again, he just had to be patient. ‘The Prodigy’ didn’t seem too happy with this answer, and scowled as he left the office and the camera faded to black.

Rating: 53



Local Worker vs Lone Wolf

Next up was a rare appearance on National Wrestling from Lone Wolf. The 290 pounder put in a dominating display against his local opponent, battering his opponent with heavy right hands before delivering his Full Nelson Slam finisher.

Winner: Lone Wolf

Rating: 50


There was a pop from the crowd as the camera settled on Landon Mallory and Stuart Wilson talking backstage.

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The Springbok told Wilson he knew there was a queue of people who wanted a piece of Edison Silva, but if The Celtic Hammer was still looking for someone the South African would be happy to step in! Wilson thanks Landon for the offer, but told The Springbok that he had put a lot of thought into his choice… and he thinks he has found the perfect opponent for Silva!

Rating: 75


We cut away from the ring to a pre-recorded segment filmed at the country estate of Dylan Drama’s family.

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Joey Beauchamp watched on as Drama paced up and down a long hallway which was lined with portraits of a number of Dylan Drama’s relatives along both walls.

Dylan Drama: “These men… my relatives… were Great Men. They conquered armies… discovered riches… made men kneel at their feet! Greatness is in my blood, and like my ancestors before me I will take my place at the head of the table. Nobody will be able to stand in my way, and that starts this Sunday at the aptly named Out With The Old. Landon Mallory may be a former British Heavyweight Champion, but I am the future!”

Rating: 41



Evan Alpass w/ Marbella vs Local Worker

Evan Alpass was in action next against a local competitor. Cheered on by Marbella at ringside, Alpass made short work of his opponent – sealing a straight forward victory with his signature Belly To Belly Suplex.

Winner: Evan Alpass

Rating: 35


Marbella and Even Alpass celebrated the victory in the ring, but their celebrations were cut short by a blindside attack from ‘Big Mac’ Nathan McKenzie.


The big Australian did not look happy, and scared Marbella out of the ring before demanding a microphone from ringside. Big Mac told the crowd that his rightful title shot had been stolen from him by Leo Price… but since ‘The Lion’ was busy this Sunday, he would have to take his frustrations out on someone else. The Australian said he KNEW that Marbella had helped Price get added to the title match, so her boyfriend would pay at Out With The Old! With that, Big Mac threw the microphone to the mat before delivering huge Spear to Evan Alpass to leave the babyface down and out in the ring.

Rating: 46


Once the medical team had helped Evan Alpass from the ring, the British Heavyweight Champion made his way down to the ring, flanked as always by his legal advisor Mo Adebola and the lawyers ‘Insurance Policy’ JK Lee. Silva was roundly booed by the NWF crowd, as he continued to wear a Brazilian flag draped around his neck.

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JK Lee slumped into a corner, not looking happy to be out there – as Mo Adebola grabbed a microphone to address Stuart Wilson.

Mo Adebola: “Last week my client showed that he is not only the best between these ropes, but he is also the smartest man on the roster! He put Stuart Wilson up against a fellow Olympian, and my sources tell me that Stuart Wilson’s arm still hasn’t recovered!”

The crowd popped as the lawyer was interrupted by the music of ‘The Celtic Hammer’. Despite his arm being in a sling, Wilson had a smile on his face as he addressed Mo Adebola from the top of the ramp.


Stuart Wilson: “Ah’ve got to admit, yer boy got in mah head last week. But ah’m a man who learns from his mistakes and that won’t be happenin’ again. But this week it’s mah turn to choose an opponent for you’s Edison… and ah’ve found the perfect choice… you’ve got a long list of enemies around here, there was a long, long list of people who offered to take this match.”

Mo Adebola: “They are just jealous of what my client has achieved. World Cup winner, two-time NWF British Heavyweight Champion… he is everything those people wished they could be! So… send out your choice Wilson, my client will deal with them and move onto Sunday unscathed. More than can be said for you after Edison’s choice last week!”

Stuart Wilson (chuckling): “You’re both about to learn a valuable lesson – treat people right, or it’ll come back to bite you!”

Ediosn Silva had dispensed of his flag, and motioned at the entrance ramp for Wilson’s surprise opponent to make his way down to the ring. The British Heavyweight Champion was so focused on the entrance ramp, that he didn’t notice what was happening behind him in the ring as JK Lee tripped Silva and locked in his Crossface submission!

The building went silent, and it took a few moments for Mo Adebola to cotton on to what had happened and haul his ‘Insurance Policy’ off of his star client. The lawyer screamed at JK Lee, demanding to know what he thought he was doing… and Stuart Wilson quickly provided the explanation.

Stuart Wilson: “I told you Edison had a long list of enemies to choose from, and my choice for his opponent tonight is JK LEE!”

Rating: 79

Note: JK Lee successfully turned babyface in this segment



‘The Bulldog’ JK Lee VS Edison Silva w/ Mo Adebola

Edison Silva and Mo Adebola were apoplectic at the turn of events, and Silva spent the early portions of the match trying to avoid engaging with JK Lee. Unfortunately for Silva, Lee doesn’t have the nickname of ‘The Bulldog’ for no reason and tenacious in his pursuit of the British Heavyweight Champion – finally succeeding in pinning Silva to the mat.

The British Heavyweight called on his MMA background, and did his best to defend on the ground – but there was little he could do to combat the intensity of a fired up JK Lee. After defending for as long as he could, Silva eventually had to succumb to the pressure and could do nothing to stop Lee locking in his Crossface submission for the second time tonight! Silva struggled frantically and looked to have nowhere to go… and would probably have had no choice but to tap, if Mo Adebola hadn’t surreptitiously placed his foot on the bottom rope to break the hold. As if that wasn’t enough, Adebola interfered a second time a few minutes later – tripping his former client to create an opening for Silva to hit his Knee Strike KO and get out with the victory.

Winner: Edison Silva w/ Mo Adebola

Rating: 66


The British Heavyweight champion didn’t stay in the ring to celebrate, instead escaping through the crowd as Stuart Wilson rushed the ring. The episode ended with Wilson helping JK Lee to his feet, and the crowd giving both men a good ovation.


Jackie Goldstein: “Edison Silva gets out with the win, but that Crossface has to have done some damage ahead of this Sunday!”

Melanie Florence: “It’s not often Mo Adebola gets caught off guard, but Stuart Wilson managed it tonight! You have to wonder what’s next for JK Lee… as Mo Adebola’s Insurance Policy has spectacularly expired!”

Jackie Goldstein: “Be sure to join us this Sunday for a huge night of wrestling at Out With The Old – exclusively on WrestleWorld GB!”

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JK Lee finally turned face, but is Darin Flynn turning heel? It may be just to add some drama to Moore's Sports Agency... I still don't know. I'm happy that the faction is getting much attention these days. My favorite faction was Frisby's, but after a period where I was divided between Moore's and Frisby's, I've been a Moore's fan for a good time now.

Also the Alpass-Big Mac storyline is interesting despite low ratings and it has a long story behind.

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On 8/5/2024 at 8:27 AM, alliegolem said:

Lotta mystery opponents this week. Hoping for "Local opponent" for Lone Wolf and Evan Alpass both. Guessing the Black Country Boys get a win to get a title match, but I could see that being a win for The Foundation if the BCB aren't ready yet. And I don't think Team CHAOS gets a win yet.

The Black Country Boys match was a bit of a test to see how they scored against one of my main teams. I've given the BCB a bit of a push since they aligned with Price, and this match scored well which bodes well for them as a young team. It also served as a bit of a pre-cursor for the PLE match between The Foundation and Leo Price/Dangermouth.

On 8/9/2024 at 9:37 PM, newbiezness said:

JK Lee finally turned face, but is Darin Flynn turning heel? It may be just to add some drama to Moore's Sports Agency... I still don't know. I'm happy that the faction is getting much attention these days. My favorite faction was Frisby's, but after a period where I was divided between Moore's and Frisby's, I've been a Moore's fan for a good time now.

Also the Alpass-Big Mac storyline is interesting despite low ratings and it has a long story behind.

JK Lee's frustrations with his arrangement with Mo Adebola have been hinted at for a little while, and this seemed like a good opportunito to 'get one up' on Adebola.

Glad you're enjoying Moore's Sports Agency! Darin Flynn certainly seems unhappy at the focus Moore is giving to his other clients, rather than 'The Prodigy'. Is this the start of a Heel turn, or just a blip in the relationship? You'll have to wait and see!

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On 8/11/2024 at 10:54 AM, Wrestling Machine said:

Fantastic storytelling in Silva-Wilson rivalry, those "pick your poison" matches left damages ahead of their big match and I'm sure you'll play around them during the bout. Also, excellent swerve with JK Lee turning on Adebola!

Thanks @Wrestling Machine! I'm glad you enjoyed the show!

Thank you to everyone who commented, predicted and reacted to the latest episode, I really do appreciate it! Sorry for the delay in postng this, work is incredibly busy atm and I'm struggling to find much time to write. I'm still hoping to get Out With The Old posted this weekend.


Prediction Results for Episode 60

@KyTeran 5/5 + 1 Bonus

@lieon02 5/5 + 1 Bonus

@Wrestling Machine 5/5 + 1 Bonus

@SomeLazyMagic 4/5 + 2 Bonus

@alliegolem 4/5 + 2 Bonus

@smw88 4/5 + 1 Bonus

@newbiezness 4/5 + 1 Bonus


Combined Prediction Results

@lieon02 20/20 + 3 Bonus

@KyTeran 20/20 + 2 Bonus

@SomeLazyMagic 17/20 + 3 Bonus

@newbiezness 17/20 + 2 Bonus

@smw88 14/20 + 3 Bonus

@Wrestling Machine 14/15 + 2 Bonus

@scapegoat 15/15

@alliegolem 13/15 + 2 Bonus


Poster Created by @John Lions

NWF Presents Out With The Old

NWF British Tag Team Titles: (C) The Foundation (Martin Heath & Jon Michael Sharp) w/ Mark Moore vs Leo Price & Dangermouth

NWF Cruiserweight Title: Eric Future vs Damian Dastardly (C)

Landon Mallory vs Dylan Drama

Evan Alpass w/ Marbella vs 'Big Mac' Nathan McKenzie

NWF British Heavyweight Championship: Stuart Wilson vs Edison Silva (C) w/ Mo Adebola


Bonus 1: How many titles will change hands at the event? (maximum of 3)

Bonus 2: What will the overall rating of the show be? (two points for spot on, 1 point for 2 either side) 

Bonus 3: Which match will achieve the highest rating?


Any comments or questions on the diary:

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NWF British Tag Team Titles: (C) The Foundation (Martin Heath & Jon Michael Sharp) w/ Mark Moore 

NWF Cruiserweight Title:  Damian Dastardly (C)

Landon Mallory 

 'Big Mac' Nathan McKenzie

NWF British Heavyweight Championship:  Edison Silva (C) w/ Mo Adebola (kills me to choose this way)


Bonus 1: How many titles will change hands at the event? (maximum of 3) 0

Bonus 2: What will the overall rating of the show be? (two points for spot on, 1 point for 2 either side) 62

Bonus 3: Which match will achieve the highest rating? Main event

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NWF British Tag Team Titles: (C) The Foundation (Martin Heath & Jon Michael Sharp) w/ Mark Moore vs Leo Price & Dangermouth

Unless you are giving Leo a final title run, I don't see him and Dangermouth beating The Foundation.

NWF Cruiserweight Title: Eric Future vs Damian Dastardly (C)

Eric is primarily a tag guy, and I don't see him beating Damian's Dastardly tactics.

Landon Mallory vs Dylan Drama

Nether bet against The Springbok.

Evan Alpass w/ Marbella vs 'Big Mac' Nathan McKenzie

Nathan gets his "revenge" for Evan and Marbella "messing" with his singles shot at Silva.

NWF British Heavyweight Championship: Stuart Wilson vs Edison Silva (C) w/ Mo Adebola

I think this will be close, but I don't see Silva losing yet.


Bonus 1: How many titles will change hands at the event? (maximum of 3) 0

Bonus 2: What will the overall rating of the show be? (two points for spot on, 1 point for 2 either side) 73

Bonus 3: Which match will achieve the highest rating? Stuart Wilson vs Edison Silva

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NWF British Tag Team Titles: (C) The Foundation (Martin Heath & Jon Michael Sharp) w/ Mark Moore vs Leo Price & Dangermouth

NWF Cruiserweight Title: Eric Future vs Damian Dastardly (C)

Landon Mallory vs Dylan Drama

Evan Alpass w/ Marbella vs 'Big Mac' Nathan McKenzie

NWF British Heavyweight Championship: Stuart Wilson vs Edison Silva (C) w/ Mo Adebola


Bonus 1: How many titles will change hands at the event? (maximum of 3) 0

Bonus 2: What will the overall rating of the show be? (two points for spot on, 1 point for 2 either side)  64

Bonus 3: Which match will achieve the highest rating? Landon Mallory vs Dylan Drama

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NWF British Tag Team Titles: (C) The Foundation (Martin Heath & Jon Michael Sharp) w/ Mark Moore vs Leo Price & Dangermouth

I'd be surprised if a thrown together tag team wins the title, even if Leo Price is in the mix

NWF Cruiserweight Title: Eric Future vs Damian Dastardly (C)

Called it Dastardly!

Landon Mallory vs Dylan Drama


Evan Alpass w/ Marbella vs 'Big Mac' Nathan McKenzie

Surprise, surprise

NWF British Heavyweight Championship: Stuart Wilson vs Edison Silva (C) w/ Mo Adebola

Not 100% sure


Bonus 1: How many titles will change hands at the event? (maximum of 3) 0

Bonus 2: What will the overall rating of the show be? (two points for spot on, 1 point for 2 either side) 74

Bonus 3: Which match will achieve the highest rating? Wilson vs Silva

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NWF British Tag Team Titles: (C) The Foundation (Martin Heath & Jon Michael Sharp) w/ Mark Moore vs Leo Price & Dangermouth

NWF Cruiserweight Title: Eric Future vs Damian Dastardly (C)

Landon Mallory vs Dylan Drama

Evan Alpass w/ Marbella vs 'Big Mac' Nathan McKenzie

NWF British Heavyweight Championship: Stuart Wilson vs Edison Silva (C) w/ Mo Adebola


Bonus 1: How many titles will change hands at the event? (maximum of 3) I'm thinking 0

Bonus 2: What will the overall rating of the show be? (two points for spot on, 1 point for 2 either side)  Let's go with 68

Bonus 3: Which match will achieve the highest rating? The main event!

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NWF British Tag Team Titles: (C) The Foundation vs Leo Price & Dangermouth with miscommunication between Leo & DM

NWF Cruiserweight Title: Eric Future vs Damian Dastardly (C)

Landon Mallory vs Dylan Drama

Evan Alpass w/ Marbella vs 'Big Mac' Nathan McKenzie

NWF British Heavyweight Championship: Stuart Wilson vs Edison Silva (C) w/ Mo Adebola time for a big change?


Bonus 1: How many titles will change hands at the event? (maximum of 3)

Bonus 2: What will the overall rating of the show be? 69 (two points for spot on, 1 point for 2 either side) 

Bonus 3: Which match will achieve the highest rating? Main Event


Any comments or questions on the diary: You decided yet? Moving this to TEW IX or not?

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NWF British Tag Team Titles: (C) The Foundation (Martin Heath & Jon Michael Sharp) w/ Mark Moore vs Leo Price & Dangermouth

NWF Cruiserweight Title: Eric Future vs Damian Dastardly (C)

Landon Mallory vs Dylan Drama

Evan Alpass w/ Marbella vs 'Big Mac' Nathan McKenzie

NWF British Heavyweight Championship: Stuart Wilson vs Edison Silva (C) w/ Mo Adebola


Bonus 1: How many titles will change hands at the event? 0

Bonus 2: What will the overall rating of the show be? 70

Bonus 3: Which match will achieve the highest rating? Main event

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WrestleWorld GB & NWF Present:

Out With The Old

Sunday W1 January 2022

Attendance: 2,412

Show Rating: 67


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Your Announce Team: Jackie Goldstein & Melanie Florence




The Foundation w/ Mark Moore VS Leo Price & Dangermouth

NWF British Tag Team Titles

This was billed as a dream match. The Foundation (Sharp & Heath) have been arguably the premier tag team on the British Independent circuit for the past decade, while Leo Price is a former four time 21CW Tag Team Champion (with three separate partners). Teaming with his protégé at this stage of his career, this title would arguably mean more than any to Price.

The match followed the typical Sharp/Heath formula, with Heath getting pinned in Price/Dangermouth’s corner – with ‘The Lion’ using all of his experience to keep Heath isolated. Eventually though, Heath was able to make the hot tag – and Sharp hit the ring hot.  He took Price down with a Leaping Clothesline, before doing the same to Dangermouth. ‘The Lion’ was dumped to the outside, before Sharp went high risk and looked for his spectacular Avalanche Spanish Fly on Dangermouth. Sharp hit the move, but was clearly winded from the impact – leaving both men down. Showing his experience, Leo Price was able to take advantage of the situation – sliding back into the ring to hit his Price Drop (Double Arm DDT) on Sharp to secure the pinfall and a SIXTH tag team title of his storied career!

Winners & NEW Champions: Leo Price & Dangermouth

Rating: 59



After the bell, Dangermouth rolled back into the ring to celebrate with his mentor. The pair embraced, as Jackie Goldstein heralded Leo Price as the greatest tag team specialist in British wrestling history.

Rating: 56




‘The Man Of Tomorrow’ Eric Future VS ‘Diabolic’ Damian Dastardly (C)

NWF Cruiserweight Title

The Cruiserweight title match was next, and after Dastardly used concealed Brass Knuckles to defeat Bali Daljit last month at Last Orders – Eric Future insisted that young referee Aaron Ryan double and triple checked Dastardly for any foreign objects… and it’s lucky he did! Ryan pulled a lead pipe from Dastardly’s boots, a pair of Brass Knuckles from his boots and even a bag of thumb tacks from his pocket. Dastardly just grinned mischievously, and Future was happy that the referee had done a full once over the match began.

After the delayed start, this pair showed excellent chemistry between the ropes. The match went back and forth at breakneck speed, as both men delighted the crowd with their high flying. It was the quality of the action that made the finish doubly sad, as Damian Dastardly had somehow concealed a second pair of Brass Knuckles inside his trunks (don’t ask where) and was able to pull them out and sucker punch an unsuspecting Future. There’s no kicking out from that.

Winner & STILL Champion: Damian Dastardly – Title Defence #3

Rating: 64


We cut to the interview zone for the first time this evening, where Rachel Dearheart was waiting alongside Landon Mallory – who was in action next!


The Springbok told Dearheart that he was in great spirits tonight. It had been a long three months, but his title suspension finally lifted at midnight tonight! Tonight he would deal with Dylan Drama, but tomorrow Edison Silva was on the menu! Yebo!

Rating: 85



‘The Springbok’ Landon Mallory VS Dylan Drama w/ Joey Beauchamp

Dylan Drama gave a surprisingly good account of himself in this contest. He received a lot of help from Joey Beauchamp at ringside, but it’s fair to say that the young aristocrat took full advantage and even dominated proceedings at some stages. However it was Drama’s arrogance that would cost him, as he toyed with his food – allowing Mallory a way back into the match. The Springbok didn’t need a second invitation, and quickly turned the tables with a Running Powerslam. Mallory stalked his prey, and got the crowd involved as he beat his chest as his sized up his Springbok Ram (Gore)!

Winner: Landon Mallory

Rating: 67


We cut to a video segment, showing Padraig O’Hearne training in the temple.

PadraigOHearne.jpg.65abc8d9fd09d27b3636a5b45dd41715.jpg ChristopherLister_alt1.jpg.3a6bb0c6f45ef7bcbe185bd10b0ad1f6.jpg JaseCole_alt1.jpg.078a66524be02da8bfd8b95fdd952d40.jpg

The padawan could be seen sparring with Christopher Lister, while Jase Cole looked on from ringside. Lister didn’t appear to be taking things easy on the padawan, but the master got too eager and was taken off his feet to the mat. Jase Cole looked delighted at ringside, but Christopher Lister looked furious as he regained his feet and dusted down his robe.

Rating: 38



Evan Alpass w/ Marbella VS ‘Big Mac’ Nathan McKenzie

‘Big Mac’ blamed Marbella for getting Leo Price added to his British Heavyweight Title match at Last Orders, and the big Australian took out all of his frustrations on Marbella’s boyfriend Evan Alpass here. To his credit, Alpass did all he could to fight back – but the size and power advantage was just too much for the youngster. Marbella was made to watch on from ringside as Big Mac threw Alpass around the ring for nearly ten minutes, before finally putting him out of his misery with a Spear.

Winner: ‘Big Mac’ Nathan McKenzie

Rating: 51


We cut backstage to find the NWF British Heavyweight champion receiving treatment for his stiff back. The champion seemed agitated, as he grilled his legal aide, Mo Adebola, for more details on Landon Mallory’s suspension.

EdisonSilva.jpg.7fd06d6900b9480e07fa3e8c27288a59.jpg MoAdebola.jpg.d8152e0aa2b8dc3dbf33bf773986e40d.jpg

Adebola assured his client that he was doing everything he could to ‘remedy’ the situation, before telling Silva he needed for forget about Landon Mallory – tonight he had to focus on ‘The Celtic Hammer’ Stuart Wilson.

Rating: 74




‘The Celtic Hammer’ Stuart Wilson VS Edison Silva (C) w/ Mo Adebola

British Heavyweight Champion

It was Main Event time, and the story of this match revolved around the injuries both men were carrying following their ‘Pick Your Poison’ match ups. Stuart Wilson targeted the lower back of the champion, after JK Lee had twice put his former stablemate into his Crossface submission this past Wednesday night. However, despite no longer wearing the sling we say on National Wrestling – Wilson’s right arm was clearly still bothering him, after Gavin Owen’s Judo Arm Lock ten days ago.

Wilson had the best of the early going, with Silva relying on cheap shots and help from Mo Adebola at ringside to break the Scotsman’s momentum. ‘The Celtic Hammer’ looked to be revving things up as he lifted the champion for a Military Press Slam, but the Scotsman’s right arm gave out – sending Silva tumbling to the mat, and leaving both men down.

This was the opening Silva needed, and the champion focused his attack on the injured right arm and shoulder. Leaning on his MMA training, Silva borrowed the Judo Arm Lock that had done the damage in the first place. Wilson yelled out in pain, but impressively was able to battle back to hit feet and lift his Lightweight opponent into a makeshift Body Slam to break the hold. The damage was done though, and as Wilson looked to lift Silva for his Bronze Bomber (Running Powerslam), his shoulder gave out once more – giving Silva the opportunity to deliver his Knee Strike KO to retain his title in a hard fought victory.

Winner & STILL Champion: Edison Silva w/ Mo Adebola – Title Defence #4

Rating: 63


Melanie Florence: “Edison Silva retains his title, but both of these men have been through a war here tonight…”

Jackie Goldstein: “He holds onto his title for now, but with Landon Mallory’s suspension over at midnight tonight… you’ve got to wonder how much damage that match has done to the champion.”

Melanie Florence: “Don’t forget about JK Lee Jackie. ‘The Bulldog’ will be looking for some revenge over his former stablemate.”

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If Holly Leaves hadn't betrayed Bret I'd say that Marbella was going to dump Evan Alpass for Big Mac, as we know that Big Mac was after her. Probably you won't go for a similar story so quick... or Marbella could flirt with Big Mac to help his boyfriend... that could work.

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