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The Spectacular Legacy of The AWA...

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Week 2, February, 1983


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Gene Okerlund

Ladies and gentlemen across the Mid-West, It is that time again! It's time for ALL-STAR WRESTLING, BROUGHT TO YOU BY THE AMERICAN WRESTLING ASSOCIATION! I'm Gene Okerlund joined this evening as always by my broadcast partner. Jim Ross.

Jim Ross

Pleasure as always to be here Gene. I for one am looking forward to the Main Event tonight! We are gonna' see two incredible athletes facing off against one another in the latest addition, Primetime Butch Reed, who ladies and gentlemen I am proud to say I will be interviewing later on this evening in regards to the Light Heavyweight Championship.

Gene Okerlund

Don't sound too eager Jim! His behaviour last week was horrendous and that...psycho girlfriend of his? You ought to be careful with her!

Jim Ross

He's got an ego Gene there's no denying that but he's got the skills and the raw talent to back it up! 

Gene Okerlund

Regardless...Folks...Butch Reed will be facing off in that Main Event against one half of the former world tag team champions, who are going to hear the response from The Sheiks here this evening in regards to their challenge. 

Jim Ross

We also expect to hear from Tito Santana, who will be making an announcement, regarding the rise of the newest force to hit the AWA Tag Team Division, the Axis Powers! But first, ladies and gentlemen the World Light Heavyweight Champion in non title action. Mike Graham entering the ring and we will be ready to ring the bell, shortly...

Opening Match

Non Title

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Mike Graham VS. Rene Goulet

The World Light Heavyweight Champion puts a good showing to open the match, going toe to toe with the grizzled veteran in Rene Goulet and showing us despite the mental challenges being provided by the recent targeting he has had by Butch Reed against him. The Light Heavyweight Champion, is champion for a reason and is willing to put up a fight against anybody. Goulet used his size advantage to get early momentum. But Graham would be able to pull back and work his way around the old timer to get himself into a position where he could out wrestle the experienced worker. Graham would win via pinfall.

Rated: 45

Twiggy Armed Freak!

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We go to the interview area where Jim Ross, who so far the crowd had been supporting since his arrival here and were taking to him quickly as if he had always been here. Was taking a different approach it seemed, as he stood, beaming with pride. More pride than he usually had. Like he had some sort of professional duty, that he had to fulfil, and he was going to do it right now

Jim Ross

Ladies and gentlemen, Jim Ross here, right now, joined by a man who was a collegiate superstar during his time at the University of Central Missouri, playing as a linebacker for the Central Missouri Mules. He then went on, to not only scouted, but drafted by the Kansas City Chiefs, where suddenly, he took a decision, made a career change, and left football entirely, for the sport of professional wrestling. Ladies and gentlemen, I am currently speaking to Primetime Butch Reed, joined by his personal acquaintance, Sensational Sheri.

Primetime Butch Reed

Well Jim Ross...color me both shocked and impressed sir, you did your homework! A vast improvement to the...apparent red carpet that was supposed to have been rolled out by Mean Gene last week. He's a lot better at this, isn't he sugar?

Sensational Sherri

If you're happy with having him interview you baby...I'm happy...

Primetime Butch Reed

Of course you are darlin'. Well I for one think we should personally request you for all further interviews Jim. It is refreshing. To hear someone actually be respectful to a man of my stature. 

Jim Ross

You can't deny talent, Butch! My father always instilled with me to treat a man who has dedicated his life to a craft, with the respect he deserves.

Primetime Butch Reed

Your father was a smart man, Jim Ross. One of the good ones I'm sure. I like you. You can ask Primetime whatever question you want...

Jim Ross

You have already made an impact here in the American Wrestling from the moment we first saw you, and on that day you had a clear target in the Light Heavyweight Champion...but last week were never given a definitive challenge. Will you, right here and now, be willing to announce your intention to challenge Mike Graham?

Primetime Butch Reed

Oh my god, Baby we got a guy who actually knows the game! The reason, Jim Ross...that you did not hear my challenge last week? Is because Mean Gene did not have the respect, or the common sense, to have asked me that question you asked me just now. Once again, I am given another reason why I will never allow Mean Gene to interview me ever again...

Sensational Sherri


Primetime Butch Reed

Sherri...baby...you're gettin' me all riled up. I love how protective you get of me. They told me I'd never be able to get a woman, like her, you know Jim? In regards to your question...ABSOLUTELY...I'm making it official, right here, right now! MIKE GRAHAM...ARE YOU WILL-

Butch is cut off by the cheers of the crowd, as stepping in after his victory from his match, still catching his breath. As he has the World Light Heavyweight belt strapped around his waist. Both Sherri and Butch's eyes instantly lock on to that prize. Championship Gold. 


Jim Ross

Ladies and gentlemen stepping into the frame right now is the Light Heavyweight Champion himself, Mike Graham. First of all champ congr-

Mike Graham

I'll take things from here Jim...

Mike Graham grabbed the microphone from Jim's hand. A sense of severity draped over the audience like a shroud, the heat index has definitely been turned up here ladies and gentlemen

Mike Graham

You don't need to finish that sentence. You're getting your match. You come out here last week. Calling yourself an inspiration. Acting like you're going to be the hero of your community? You know the sad part Butch? I agree with you. Those kids do need someone to believe in...I just see no good reason why it should be you.

Sensational Sherri


Sherri takes a leaping jump towards Mike Grahm, with eyes wide and rabid, looking like a mad animal striking their prey. Butch sees this happening just in time it seems,or he wasjust so in syncwith her and her...mood swings...that he knew what to be ready for. Butch stuck his arm out and reeled Sherri in, She kicked her legs and clawed her arms for a moment, still trying to get at Mike Graham, but as soon as Butch swung her around...and looked into her eyes...she melted.

Primetime Butch Reed

Sherri...Sherri baby he ain't worth breakin' a nail over. Not yet anyway...let me take care of it.

Sensational Sherri

Yes baby...

Primetime Butch Reed

Kudos to you Mike. With all sincerity. The fact you just said what you did? Shows me you do actually have a pair hangin' somewhere between your legs! That fills me with relief Mike, because I sure would have hated the idea of steppin' into the ring against a woman!

Mike's fists tighten. Some of the audience gasps, others make an audible "Oooooohhh!" that can be heard through the camera mic. But Mike is able to control himself, and keep restrained...

Primetime Butch Reed

You come out here and you act tough, now? Now?! That someone is finally comin' knockin at your door? Where's this guy been all this time Mikey? This guy wasn't the sad sack I attacked at the Colosseum! No what we have had as our Light Heavyweight Champion has been a terrible excuse of an athlete...and I'm gonna' give this company the champion it deserves...whether they like it or not!

Mike Graham

They already have him right here!

Primetime Butch Reed

Oh really? Well I guess we'll have to see that at the Omaha show, won't we?!

Mike Graham

I guess we will...

Mike initiates the fight! He suddenly swings a right and he connects right to the chin of Reed! And folks we got a brawl ensuing here, both men trading shots back and forth, pulling in close each one trying to get a hold on the other! We need to get security in here! But now here comes Sherri, screeching like a banshee, yelling at Mike to "GET OFFA HIM! GET OFFA HIM!". She snarls as she manages to hop onto Mike Graham's back and wrap her arms around Mike's neck, piggy backing him, as he pulls away from Bitch, standing, he easily carries her. He reaches up, unafraid as he grabs a hold of her hair. Sherri yells in agony as Graham flips her forward, sending her tumbling over his back but Butch charges at him! And hits him with the clothesline, knocking him to the ground and now Butch, laying the boots to Graham 

"Don't lay your hands on my woman!"

Security are finally hear, two men having to step in to hook Butch's arms, Sherri tries yelling at the security to let him go, but a third comes in, hooks his arms under Sherri's arms and pull her away, as Mike Graham gets to his feet on his own, running his hand across his busted lip before we go to commercial...

Rated 50

I'm Not Finished With You Cornette!


We go to the ring, where standing in the centre of the ring, accompanied by his client, although it seems more appropriately to think of Boris Breznikoff as a hired goon at this point under the loud mouth southern mama's boy, Jim Cornette. Who is standing in one of his many suits. This time, it was purple, with a white T shirt and a matching purple tie. Cornette has a smile plastered on his face from ear to ear. Looking so smug and sure of himself.

Jim Cornette

Ladies and gentlemen, if there is one thing my good mama taught me, and she taught me alot, but if I were just to name one...it is to treat your elders with respect and I admit. There is no man I respect more in the history of this company, than Larry The Ax Hennig! This man is a veteran of this industry, a legendary performer! And last week I took the liberty, the time and the effort to write what was...if I say so myself...a masterfully worded letter, expressing my concerns to Larry Hennig over his son...and invited him to come and speak to me, here tonight. Man to man. Now of course with a man of Larry's stature I had to ensure Boris stayed for my own personal protection...because I understand as a father, he wants to defend his son's honor but Larry...if you just come out here, and listen to what I have to say...you'll understand...this is how you defend his honor...


The respect from the audience is clear, as once upon a time, this man was easily the most hated man in the company. Larry Hennig was a man of nightmares, who you would never want to meet in a dark alley. Now a days, he was an agent in the back, but only the smart fans would know that. For the AWA audience this was a special appearance from a legend who has otherwise, been enjoying his retirement at home.

Larry Hennig

Mr. Cornette, I am going to say this nicely just once. If you force me to repeat myself...I promise you. I will be repeating myself in a manner that will make you regret inviting me here tonight. So I suggest that whatever vendetta you are developing against my son comes to an end, here and now...

Jim Cornette

 Larry...I'm sorry but...I just can't do that but LISTEN for just a moment because you'll understand why?! I mean LOOK AT YOU! YOU'RE LARRY THE AXE HENNIG! You were a BRUTE! You were POWERFUL! You were MEAN! You were the MOST DOMINATING FORCE in the ring at that time...and the apple has fallen so far from the tree...hasn't it Larry? 

Larry's hand clenches into a fist but before he is able to throw it Cornette takes a big step back, throwing his arms out in caution and protest, Boris steps forward, standing right beside Cornette to show he is there, and ready to make a move if Hennig does anything, but god the fans wanted him to do something...

Jim Cornette

Larry if you swing at me I regret to inform you I WILL BE PRESSING CHARGES! You are not an active competitor and you have NO RIGHT to lay your hand on me for stating my OPINION. This is America Larry! I'm entitled to my free speech and my free speech says that the gossip goin' around the locker room is true!

Larry Hennig

You know something Jim? I wouldn't be shocked if you were the one who's been spreading these rumors...

Jim Cornette

Now that's a HEAVY accusation to be throwin' around Larry! Do you have any evidence to back that up?

Larry Hennig

No...just a hunch...you been here for minute and the first thing you do after getting your hired thug...is go after my son. 

Jim Cornette

That's because I love the sport of professional wrestling Larry. I love this business, like you do...and I know you know deep down that Curt is nowhere near the force in the ring you were!

Larry Hennig

No. He's better. In fact I would say he's ABSOLUTELY PERFECT

Jim Cornette

PERFECT?! See this is what I was worried to hear Larry...you're too invested. Too bought in. It seems clear as day just speakin' to you now. You've convinced yourself of your own lies, Larry! You don't realize what you've thrown him into...well I'm sorry Larry but...I can't sit back and let this continue. I mean this with the greatest respect to you...but your son...needs to be purged from this industry...

That one did it. Larry didn't care about the consequences. Cornette had crossed the line. Larry reaches out and wraps his arm around Cornette's neck Pulling Cornette into a headlock! Cornette yelping out in a high pitched squeal "BORIS HELP! HELP ME!" Boris charges and clocks Larry Hennig with a double Axe handle across the face! Forcing Hennig to let go of his grip and fall to the mat. Cornette, composes himself, looking in absolute disbelief that he did that. With a face of pure disgust he delivers a kick to the fallen legend before turning to Breznikoff and instructing him "GIVE HIM THE BEARHUG!"

Boris brings Hennig to his feet and then initiates THE RUSSIAN BEARHUG! Hoisting the veteran up off of his feet and wrenching him around like a ragoll! Larry screaming out in pain, reeling back, trying to escape the hold! Someone do something! 


It's Curt! Curt Hennig running to the ring at full speed to defend his father! Cornette rushes away to the corner! Cowering like the scolded dog that he is! Hennig's attention is squarely at Breznikoff though! Who lets go of his grip on The Axe and as soon as he does so Hennig takes a leap, jumping over his father and connecting with Breznikoff with a leaping forearm straight to the face and that sends the Ruhless Russian, reeling into the ropes and Hennig is unleashing on Breznikoff! Cornette and Breznikoff have made this one more than personal now folks and we are seeing the fire of Curt come unleashed! He's absolutely rocking Breznikoff with a seires of blows against the ropes, sending him first to his knees and than the floor, he seemingly can't stop himself though as he lays the boots into Breznikoff, holding onto the ropes as he does it. A look of pure, unmitigated furt washed over Hennif's face! It gets to the point where the Ax, who is holding his midsection, but back on his feet, steps in and places his hand on his son's shoulder. Curt turns around, that rabid look in his eyes fading, as he sees his father and immediately, his attention is back on making sure his dad gets out okay. His turns and shoots a glare at Cornette, who is still as retracted into the corner as a human being possibly could be. Hennig points at him on his way out and yells to him


Rated: 53

Tag Team Match

The Axis Powers VS. Brad Rheingans & Steve Regal

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The Axis Powers show us that they are a new force that should not be reckoned with here in the AWA, keeping Brad Rheingans trapped in their corner and for what involvement Steve Regal DID have, it seemed he didn't want to spend all that much time in the ring against either Raschke or Saito. So perhaps the victory the Axis powers had was down to bad tag team collaboration, but even then the offence they got in showed us what we needed to see...even if Santana got a partner. He was in for a fight. Saito would get the win for the team over Rheingans

Rated: 52


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We go to the interview area with Mean Gene, joined right now by the man who's rivalry against the Baron has been extended thanks to the addition of the mystery man from the land of the rising sun, Masa Saito. 

Gene Okerlund

Ladies and gentlemen, Gene Okerlund here, joined right now by Tito Santana and Tito, with having just witnessed the capabilities the Axis Powers have together as unit. It seems obvious to me, that despite your talents, you're up against two to one odds and those don't look like good odds.

Tito Santana

No they don't Mean Gene and you know what? There comes a time when a man has to swallow his pride. Where a man has to put his ego to bed, and do what's smart. Well Mean Gene that's exactly what I did after the show at The Colosseum. I did something smart...not only something smart, but I would say I did something right!

Gene Okerlund

You did something right? I'm sorry Tito you'll have to expand on things a little bit there. What do you mean by that?

Tito Santana

Mean Gene, I am not the only one who has had The Baron, or Masa Saito for that matter, be a thorn in my side. Well the Axis Powers clearly didn't hear the old saying, that the enemy of my enemy, is my friend. And what I did last week Mean Gene? I reached out to a man I can now call a friend, and we came to an agreement, to band together and take it to The Axis Powers!

Gene Okerlund

Are you telling me you've got a tag team partner to face The Axis Powers?!

Tito Santana

That's right Mean Gene and here he comes right now...


It's Rick Martel! Oh my god girls, he's sooooo dreamy...some of the ladies in attendance swoon for the young, handsome looks of Rick Martel. Their high pitched squeals signalled his arrival into the frame. Wearing that white meat baby face smile of his. Both he and Tito Santana looking confident.

Gene Okerlund

Folks Rick Martel stepping in right now! You mean to tell me you're the tag team partner?!

Rick Martel

Not just a tag team partner Mean Gene, but like Tito said...a friend. Baron Von Raschke and Masa Saito seem determined to stick their noses into both of our business. They're trying to run rough shot over the AWA, and The Baron is using what days he has left to try and capture the AWA once more the grips of fear by teaming up with masa Saito! Well folks don't worry! Because Tito and I are the antidote!

Tito Santana

That's right Mean Gene, you know what you need to take down The Axis Powers? The same thing we needed the last time! YOU NEED A STRIKE FORCE! And that's exactly what Rick Martel and I are creating right here and now and we want to challenge you, baron, masa...to a tag match at Omaha!

Rick Martel

Let's settle this once and for all!

Rated: 46

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Jerry Blackwell VS. Jake Milliman

It was a total squash, popcorn match, bathroom match, whatever you want to call it. AWA might be in transition but sometimes matches like these were still, sadly, a necessity, if anything, it helped continue the menacing and dominating perception of Jerry Blackwell as The Milkman was absolutely devastated Unfortunately, as seems to be the case with Jake "The Milkman" Milliman. Nobody wants to see him wrestle.

Rated: 34

On One Condition

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We go to the interview area where Jim Ross is standing by the side of Sheik Adnan Al-Kaissie whose absence in the match just passed might be explained by him being here for the interview with Jim.  He is beaming with pride, rubbing his hands together with glee.

Jim Ross

Folks Jim Ross here joined by Sheik Adnan Al-Kaissie and Sheik? Your boys victorious here tonight, victorious also at the Colosseum but thanks to your interference. What do you say about those circumstances?!

Sheik Adnan Al-Kaissie

LIES JIM ROSS! BARE FACED LIES BY THE MOUTHS OF THE FORMER CHAMPIONS! They are bitter, sore losers Jim Ross! They cannot stand the fact that they were DESTROYED BY THE SHEIKS! 

Jim Ross

I'm sorry Sheik but there were thousands in attendance that night and they can all attest to what they saw hap-

Sheik Adnan Al-Kaissie

OF COURSE THEY WOULD BACK THE LIES OFTHE HIGH FLYERS JIM! They are sour Jim Ross! ALL OF THEM SOUR...Sour that I was able to put together an UNSTOPPABLE BEHEMOTH in the tag team division!


The tag champions come into the frame, wearing their belts over their shoulders, with huge, ear to ear grins upon their faces. Blackwell looking as if the match that had just been and gone had not even caused him to break a sweat.

Sheik Adnan Al-Kaissie

LOOK AT THEM JIM ROSS! HERE THEY COME NOW! YOUR NEW WORLD TAG TEAM CHAMPIONS AND JIM ROSS? They shall remain the tag team champions until the day they decide to hang their boots...there is not a team in the locker room who will be able to defeat them!

Jim Ross

Well The High Flyers made it clear last week they want a rematch, and they want one where you are unable to interfere.

Sheik Adnan Al-Kaissie

The nerve of them Jim Ross. THEY CANNOT ACCEPT DEFEAT WHEN IT IS HANDED TO THEM...they want a rematch? Fine they will get a rematch! But they want one where I am not at the side of my clients? They only get that match on one condition Jim Ross!

Jim Ross

Oh?! You're willing to entertain the idea. Ok. Tell us. On what condition will you willingly step away from ringside in this match

Sheik Adnan Al-Kaissie

Jim Ross it's quite simple. If both High Flyers, can beat both Sheiks in singles competition next week? Than they will get the rematch they desire. I will personally go to the AWA President Verne Gagne, MYSELF...and I will have all the necessary paperwork ready for the event that The High Flyers win...WHICH THEY WONT!

Jim Ross

Well folks, you heard it here first. Next week. Jim Brunzell and Greg Gagne, facing off in single's competition against The Tag Team Champions! If they win, they get the stipulation they want of removing Sheik Adnan from ringside, if they fail. The match is fought on The Sheiks terms

Sheik Adnan Al-Kaisse

And the AWA will bow to The Sheiks once again!

Rated: 53




What we get here is a little video package which is, essentially a training montage, showing us a trip to the gym with number one contender, Wahoo McDaniel, and his training partner, Hulk Hogan! We go to the first scene of Wahoo running on the treadmill, by his side is Hulk Hogan, with a water bottle in one hand and a towel in the other


We fade away as Hogan hands the bottle over to Wahoo so he can take a gulp while running, and from the fade, we go to a different work out, with Wahoo doing arm curls with huge, monstrous looking weights he curls one arm, followed by another, Hogan wiping Wahoo's brow with the towel. Hogan looks, for lack of a better term, absolutely coked up from the pure vibrations of hyped up energy he was exhibiting her as he cheered on Wahoo


We fade once more to the leg press, With Wahoo letting out grunts as he pushes his legs slowly back and forth against the platform which is tied to the tremendous weights attached!


We go to the final scene of the montage with the weights bench as Wahoo is doing a set of ten, with Hogan counting each rep, his eyes lighting up with excitement as he watches Wahoo raise the bar on the final rep and raise the bar to its resting place. As Wahoo finishes the set, he gets up and he and Hogan high five. Wahoo takes a deep breath as Hogan hands him the water bottle, patting him on the back, as he points to the camera.


Rated: 77

Main Event

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Primetime Butch Reed (W/ Sensational Sherri) VS. Jim Brunzell

The Main Event was definitely a shot in the arm that brought a hot end to the show when it came to in ring action. The styles of Reed and Brunzell coming together nicely. Reed, with a hard hitting style and arsenal of power moves, slams and suplexes to put to good use. Brunzell, with the quickness, the agility and snappy moves to give him the space he needs to work against the strength advantage against him and in the mean time, the wild card, Sensational Sherri, on the outside, cheering her man on. The match started with quite a dominating performance from Butch and it seemed like Brunzell was in the trouble from the word go, but Primetime is too cocky for his own good, and his showboating costs him, giving Brunzell the time he needs to fire back and build momentum of his own and this back and forth would continue, some highlights being when Butch hoisted Brunzell up and charged with him straight into the corner, or when Brunzell hit butch with a diving dropkick straight to the heart! Things would ultimately come to an end in controversial fashion, as Sensational Sherri would distract the referee, leaving Butch the opportunity to low blow Brunell and roll him up for the pin to get the victory

Rated: 62

Overall: 61

Edited by Neon_Peon
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Prediction Scorecard

Old School Fan- 18


Lord Byron- 7

piperrulz- 8

kinnikuniverse- 3



Steve Regal VS Brad Rheingans

Jim Brunzell VS Ken Patera

Butch Reed VS. Kenny Jay


Greg Gagne VS. Jerry Blackwell


If both Gagne and Brunzell win their respective matches, they will receive the addition of Sheik Adnan not being allowed at ringside

If either of them loses, the rematch is on The Sheiks terms

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All Star.png

Week 3, February, 1983


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Gene Okerlund

Ladies and gentlemen, we are on the road to Omaha! That’s right ladies and gentlemen, the AWA is proud to announce their next monthly special to you here this evening! The Omaha Civic Auditorium! Contact your local box office for details. Folks. You won’t want to miss it because we can guarantee to you tonight, the Main Event of that special will see AWA World Heavyweight Champion, Nick Bockwinkel, defending against Wahoo McDaniel!

Jim Ross

And Mean Gene, tonight I have the honor of talking with the AWA World Champion later on this evening. To get his perspective on the matter.

Gene Okerlund

Jim, what has gotten into you lately? First Butch Reed, now Nick Bockwinkel?

Jim Ross

I respect athleticism Gene, there is no personal bias that way. It’s our job to interview them and frankly? They’re getting sick of hearing your moralizing Mean Gene!

Gene Okerlund


Jim Ross

Like you did with Butch Reed! Who we’ll be getting to see in action later on tonight in what I expect to be a dominating performance ladies and gentlemen, this man is purely, a cut above the rest!

Gene Okerlund

I'll talk to you about this later in private Jim, and folks, our main theme this evening…TAG TEAM TURMOIL! The High Flyers and The Sheiks facing off in separate singles competitions this evening, if The High Flyers win? Sheik Adnan is barred from ringside. If just ONE of them loses? The Sheiks have it their way.


Jim Ross

But folks we are about to open with some light heavyweight action as Steve Regal, faces off against Brad Rheingans, heading to the in-ring action, right now…


Opening Match

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Steve Regal VS. Brad Rheingans

Light Heavyweight action to start the festivities this evening folks but it seems the two competitors lacked the in ring chemistry required to pull off a match that had any excitement behind it. Brad Rheingans has had success in the past when paired up with quicker athletes, maybe one of the men were just off their game, or maybe this being them against one another after being paired up last week, but things just didn’t seem to click and it showed both in front of the audience and on the camera. Steve Regal would pick up the win over Rheingans with a quick pin.

Rated: 45

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Jim Brunzell VS. Ken Patera

The story going into this competition was the main driver of fan interest and heat, as Jim Brunzell would be the first to represent his team, seeking retribution for the controversial finish that lost them the title. Jim, being the first, was perhaps under the most pressure, because if he lost here and now. It didn’t matter how the Main Event would go. Patera knew that and spent the first portion of the match in control, using his superior size and strength to his advantage to dictate the pace of the match, which for Ken Patera, was not exactly…shall we say…exciting? Brunzell would make the comeback and manage to overcome Patera, bringing a faster second half to the match which brought the crowd back up and the finish being the most exciting spot of the match with Brunzell hitting a diving crossbody from the top rope to get Patera down for the pin.


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Butch Reed VS. Kenny Jay

Probably the least impressive showing from Butch Reed since debuting, but to no fault of his in ring capabilities, as we have seen better from him in previous outings. This was a classic AWA Squash match, and so with little time, and in all honesty, little to work with in Kenny Jay. Butch would put on a dominating display to pick up a win and further his momentum, but not to the standard he had already established.

Rated: 49

Of Course You Know, This Means War.


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Gene Okerlund

 Ladies and gentlemen, Gene Okerlund here in the locker room of one of the newest teams within the AWA, The Axis Powers of Baron Von Raschke and Masa Saito and gentlemen? Last week we saw the creation of what is being called Strike Force, with the set goal of settling the score between themselves and the two of you! How do you both feel seeing Santana and Martel coming together thanks to your behavior?

Baron Von Raschke

do not like your tone Mean Gene! PASS AUF WAS DU SAGST! WATCH YOUR MOUTH MEAN GENE! Or Saito and I will slap the taste out of it! So? Santana and Martel want to become a team? They want to challenge The Axis Powers to a tag team match? Well you know what that means don’t you Mean Gene?

Gene Okerlund

What does it mean?

Masa Saito

It means war…

Baron Von Raschke

WAR MEAN GENE! They think their little Strike Force can put an end to the Axis Powers? FAIRY TALES MEAN GENE! That’s what their thinking is! And at Omaha…they will see, as everyone else in attendance shall see, that whether they fight us one on one, or team against team…The Axis Powers shall walk away with victory! 

Masa Saito

We accept the challenge from Strike Force, Mean Gene. At Omaha, our two teams shall clash…and Strike Force will be shown to be a short lived experiment by two men who will quickly come to find themselves, living the rest of their days in sorrow and regret!

Rated: 46

Seed of Doubt

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We go to the interview area with Jim Ross, as promised, standing side by side with the AWA World Heavyweight Champion, Nick Bockwinkel. Bobby Heenan is not in the scene, presumably busy with his other managerial duties, or perhaps, Jim Ross was able to get this interview exclusively with Bockwinkel.

Jim Ross

Ladies and gentlemen, Jim Ross here joined by AWA World Heavyweight Champion, Nick Bockwinkel and Nick, we have a number one contender, we have the match set and scheduled to happen at the Omaha Civic Auditorium, you’ll be facing a fellow veteran and some would argue a living legend in the AWA, Wahoo McDaniel. What’s going through your mind right now as we continue on the road to that match at Omaha?

Nick Bockwinkel

Jim Ross, I have said many times before in the past…and I will say it…many more times to comeI amthe World Heavyweight Champion…that makes me…undisputedlythe best athlete, in my chosen field of expertise. With that honor, with that prestige, with that privilege, Jim Ross…comes with it a great burden these people will never realize I am forced to carry.

Jim Ross

We've certainly heard you discuss your capabilities as an athlete and champion before, but I don’t think we’ve ever heard you mention any kind of burden before.

Nick Bockwinkel

You haven’t and I think now, more than ever, is the right time to finally come out and say it…I have been carrying this company on my back, dragging it out of the mud! ME! These people will never admit it Jim Ross, but the reasons that television remotes all across the United States of America. Wether you love me, or you hate me, you all…tune into watch me wrestle…and some of you tune in to watch me win, and a lot of you tune in to watch me lose…but you all…tune infor me…and you have…for many…many years!

Jim Ross

 And you want a little bit of recognition for the work you’ve put in, is that what is motivating this?

Nick Bockwinkel

I'd be a bare faced liar Jim, if I said there was not at least an ounce of that within my motivation…but truly? Honestly? My issue is what they choose to replace me with…we can sit here and we can pat Wahoo McDaniel on the back all the way, but we all know who the fans really wanted to win…and he couldn’t drop that leg, to finish the job. Damn you, Hogan…Damn you, because you have, either intentionally, or unknowingly, handed me the loathsome taskof taking Old Yeller around the back of the shed…

Jim Ross

Woah now Nick, that’s getting personal.

Nick Bockwinkel

 It's purely athletic, Jim! I am not afraid to admit. I respect Wahoo McDaniel. I respect everything he has done for this company. I respect him as a peer…and maybe in some different world, we may have even become friends, but wrestling got in the way. As it always does. And here we stand, with Wahoo McDaniel heading to Omaha as my number one contender. And me, the one who has to deal the killing blow on this man’s fantasies.

Jim Ross

 That's a very strong way to describe the championship ambitions of a man whose very capa-

Nick cuts Jim off before he can finish his sentence, making sure his point is clear, for all to hear.

Nick Bockwinkel

 that’s all they are Jim, fantasies. Of another time, another place, another company. One…where Nick Bockwinkel was not present. Because then, he might just be able to claim he’s the best. He might just be able to walk above us all...but unfortunately he wound up somewhere, that had Nick Bockwinkel. And that…is a sad, unfortunate place for Wahoo McDaniel to be in because to put it simply. We aged differently. It treats us all differently, Chief. My condolences for how it treated you. But my condolences is where any form of sympathy ends with you Wahoo.

Jim remains silent so he can allow Bockwinkel to continue, as it is clear he is talking directly to Wahoo McDaniel right now, his eyes locked down the centre of the camera lens, as if looking directly into the eyes of Wahoo himself.

Nick Bockwinkel

Because what you are, the longer I look at you…and I watch you debase yourself, and degrade yourself…and lower yourself to his standards. Working out with him in the gym? Would you like to carry his bags too? What has he done to you, Wahoo? In such a short space of time too, how desperate you must be.

Jim Ross

Now Nick, Wahoo and Hogan have mutual respect for one another! This is a beneficial agreement the both of them have!

Nick Bockwinkel

Thank god that’s not me, Jim…selling my soul to the next popular trend to come and try to destroy everything I stand for in this business. Thank god, that age treated me differently because it allowed me to maintain the same dignity and self respect I had since I walked in the door! 

Jim Ross

And you think Wahoo no longer has that dignity and self respect?!

Nick Bockwinkel

Not to cling on to Hulk Hogan in the way that he has, Jim. It’s pathetic…and it is necessary to put an end to it before it becomes truly depressing. What I am going to do to you at Omaha, Wahoo? I don’t intend to hurt you beyond what is necessary to defeat you. I don’t play that malicious game. All I need to ruin you, is your own self doubt. It defeats us all once it takes us. And beating you will plant that seed of doubt and it will grow with you wherever you travel. And ultimately, it will destroy you. I would rather that, Wahoo, than resort to more barbaric means. At Omaha, the first domino shall fall, and the unstoppable chain of events shall begin. Apologies Chief, that I had to be the one to do it, but don’t blame me, blame that wolf in sheep’s clothing you dare to call a friend!

Bockwiknkel comes closer to the camera, smiling as he bids us, but specifically, his opponent, Wahoo McDaniel, farewell for the night…

Good evening…


Main Event

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Greg Gagne VS. Jerry Blackwell

The Main Event was certainly the most exciting match of the evening as we saw the culmination of the story that had been set for the evening, the outcome of the Tag Team Challenge. Would Sheik Adnan be barred from ringside in the coming rematch between the High Flyers and The Sheiks? The match was a tale of David and Goliath as Gagne had a fight on his hands that one could argue, was tougher than the one Brunzell had against Patera, as Blackwell's size was something an y wrestler would struggle to overcome and that struggle was apparent throughout the entirety of the match as getting the big man off his feet was an endeavor in it of itself to achieve. Blackwell would dictate the momentum of most of the match and any time Gagne managed to come back, his inability to break through that immovable wall that was Blackwell's body showed how much of an underdog's tale this match was. Hope sparked however, after a desperate jumping lariat managed to bring the big man down and a true comeback began, and when things looked like Gagne would swing the match in his favor. Ken Patera would make his appearance known! He rushed to bring down Gagne and although the match would result in a win for Gagne, via disqualification, it was done so by weakening a defending champion.

Rated: 57


Overall: 56


Apologies for delay, busy week of work with the run up to December. 


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Got to say I love the Bockwinkel promo, you’re really hitting his psychology on the head.  Planting the seeds between Wahoo and Hogan.  Subtle seeds but ones that can cause problems down the road.

Onto the predictions, we have two AWA TV enhancement matches

Mike Graham vs Mike Boyette
Curt Hennig vs Nacho Barrera

The Axis Powers vs High Flyers
High stakes for the Flyers here.  They somehow managed to pull off the upset last week, but at what cost?  Look for the continued weakening to continue, the Powers will go all out to injure their foolish opponents.  The High Flyers win by DQ but will they survive?

Hogan vs Duncum
This sets up perfectly to continue what Bockwinkel started in his promo.  Hennan and his family gain the advantage only for Wahoo to come out and even the odds.  Hogan then gains the win and we will hear the champ eloquently continue his campaign in the future.

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  • 3 months later...

Apologies for the hiatus folks, real life as always takes precedence, but I'm back and determined to continue the dynasty, thank you all so far for your feedback and interest in the dynasty. Writing up the show, expect it to be posted later on today. 

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All Star.png

Week 4, February, 1983


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Gene Okerlund

Ladies and gentlemen welcome to another edition of All Star Wrestling! Brought to you by the premiere wrestling promotion across these United States, The American Wrestling Association and folks, it's our final television broadcast for you before our AWA Spectacular Showcase this month at the Omaha Civic Auditorium!

Jim Ross

That's right folks and what a show that is coming together for the Auditorium at the end of the mouth! Ladies and gentlemen, the box office is still open but tickets ARE selling fast, we imagine and predict a sell out crowd for the events so get those tickets while they are still available, organize your transport and your hotels if you're coming out of state, because the event WILL NOT be televised! And our show tonight will be the culmination of the rivalries taking place that will finally come to blows in the ring on that night!

Gene Okerlund

That's right Jim! Tonight the High Flyers are in Tag Team action and the former champions are looking to recapture the gold that many would argue was stolen from them, thanks to the interference of Sheik Adnan Al-Kaissie! Thanks to the efforts of the High Flyers last week, they've got their rematch on their terms with the Sheik being barred from ringside but one has to wonder how The Sheiks will react to this news? It would be safe to assume they are looking for one final chance to weaken their challengers before the rematch takes place?

Jim Ross

That's right Gene but folks that is not all, we have the ongoing feud between Curt Hennig and Boriz Breznikoff, although one could say the feud is really between Hennig and Breznikoff's manager Jim Cornette, who claims he knows who's been badmouthing Curt in the locker room. Breznikoff however has certainly make it personal also by laying his hands on Curt's father! Well Curt is in action tonight but we have yet to hear from the man he will be facing in Omaha, or his manager, so be prepared folks, because that LOUD MOUTH Jim Cornette isn't afraid to speak his mind at ANY TIME, especially with the Ruthless Russian to protect him!

Mean Gene

There is of course then, the World Heavyweight Championship, Nick Bockwinkel and Wahoo McDaniel will be facing off for the belt in the Main Event at the Auditorium that night in Omaha, and one man who has remained linked to the whole ordeal, Hulk Hogan sees himself in the Main Event this evening. Hogan is guaranteed a shot at the belt in March regardless who wins the encounter this month, but Bockwinkel seems to have begun a campaign against the future challenger before anything is even set in stone!

Jim Ross

But to start things off this evening, we have the AWA Light Heavyweight Champion in action, Mike Graham who will be facing what is easily the greatest challenge his reign has ever seen in Primetime Butch Reed. We'll  be going to the ring now folks to see, can Mike Graham solidify a strong position going into Omaha? Stay tuned because if you haven't bought a ticket for Omaha yet?! Tonight might just help you finally make that choice!

Opening Match

Non Title

Mike Boyette VS. Mike Graham

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Maybe it was the fact it was the go home show, maybe it was a surprise finding of chemistry between two unlikely competitors, but Mike Graham and Mike Boyette achieved their mission here, start the go home show on the right foot and get the crowd warmed up. Boyette might be a jobber to the AWA stars, but the big, grizzly, rough man is perfect to present himself as a potential upset for the Light Heavyweight Champion, Mike Graham and he certainly got that shine in the match where it looked like he posed a threat a couple times in the match where he overpowered the champ. Graham though, showcased the fighting spirit that a defending champion needs to have, especially with the challenge he has ahead of him. He would manage to use the size advantage Boyette had to use as momentum that would drive the big man into some staggering dropkicks, a snappy neck breaker, and a suplex that surprised the crowd that Graham managed to pull on Boyette. Graham would win via pinfall in a good, back and forth head to head bout to walk away with the momentum for his championship bout...

Rated: 51

Bathe In That Spotlight While You Can...


As Graham's hand is raised, the moment of celebration ends almost as immediately as it began, as Graham pulls his arm away from the referee and quickly takes a defensive fighting stance as he prepares himself, his steely eyes staring right across the rampway, as the camera cuts, we discover the cause, as the challenger at the February Spectacular, Primetime Butch Reed is on the stage, giving the current AWA Light Heavyweight Champion a sarcastic, slow, golf clap, with an arrogant smirk on his face.

Primetime Butch Reed

Well done Mike...give yourself a pat on the back! Can we get a spotlight on our current AWA World Light Heavyweight Champion please? I want everyone here tonight, and everyone in attendance, to get a good long look at their champion in ALL OF HIS GLORY!

The spotlight had already been lit as was customary for the victory celebrations but when Butch has hit the stage it directed over to him so he could get his word in, however after his request, the spotlight directed back to Mike Grahm, maintaining his defensive stance and motioning for Reed to get into the ring "STOP TALKING AND START FIGHTING!" You can hear him yell through the camera microphone...Reed just smiles, slowly making his way towards the ring...

Primetime Butch Reed

There we go...look at him ladies and gentlemen...YOUR...AWA...WORLD LIGHT HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPION...the standing personification of everything that is currently wrong with professional wrestling, everything wrong with the American Wrestling Association...and everything wrong...WITH THE UNITED...STATES...OF AMERICA!

The boos rain down with impunity after that. Regardless how much truth might be behind Reed's criticisms...and there certainly were some very, ugly, real world truths behind this man's motivations. The attitude in which he brought them, the arrogant, cocky, brash, care free way in which he shamed absolutely everybody here in the company the fans adored, and their country too?! Well, that was just a step too far for these fans here in the Mid West...

Primetime Butch Reed

Here we have a man, who thanks to every privilege he has. The color of his skin, the power that his last name carries, the FATHER who raised him and helped him get EVERY JOB he has ever had! Thanks to all of those privileges, we have never had to see him truly put in a hard day's work in his god d(censored by the network)d life! And NOW?! All of a sudden, only a few mere days before what is bound to be...the greatest challenge he has ever faced for his belt...he shows us what he is truly capable of and you know something? I am still...THOROUGHLY...UNIMPRESSED!

Butch comes to the ringside area, Mike Graham is leaning against the ropes, putting his leg between them and offering for Butch to get in, challenging the new rising star to put his money where his mouth is. But Butch waves him off and walks around the ring for a moment. Mike steps back in and follows his movements just to make sure Butch doesn't strike him from behind. As Butch is walking around, one of the fans tries to reach out at him, was he trying to take a swing? Who knows?! But Butch responds with an aggressive turn and slap straight across the face of the fan, sending him reeling back and almost falling out of his seat! "DON'T STEP UP TO ME IF YOU KNOW WHAT'S GOOD FOR YOU, YOU FILTHY REDNECK!" Butch cracks his neck and walks back to the spot he was initally in, continuing as if that moment had not just happened, as the edge of the camera could see security russling in to apprehend the fan in question.

Primetime Butch Reed

Is that the best you have?! Was I supposed to feel threatened after seeing this match? Was I supposed to feel challenged? I feel nothing but contempt for you Mike...you're the worst example of the kind of obstacles that have been put in my way through life. See the "Good old boys" who are just up front and open about why they hate me? Why I can't get that job? Why I had to get cut from the team? At least I can respect their honesty, at least I can respect the fact that they still know what a hard day of work LOOKS LIKE...you don't even know that Mike. All YOU KNOW...is daddy's phone number. And you have been SO QUICK to call it when you need a favor...well let me tell you something Mike. Daddy can't save you this time. 

Mike Graham

Why don't you shut your mouth?! We don't have to go to Omaha to solve this, we can do this right here, right now, for the belt! YOU AND ME!

Primetime Butch Reed

Mikey, while I'm honored by this tough guy act you've suddenly found the balls to perform. I'm afraid I had a different set of plans tonight...

As Butch says that the scene quickly unfurls into one of absolute chaos...


IT'S SHERRI! IT'S SENSATIONAL SHERRI! She's coming out from under the ring apron opposite Graham! Mike Graham has no idea she's there, she enters the ring behind him! She's got that Stiletto Heel in hand! And she Spike's Graham on the back of the head with it! Sending the champ stumbling but not knocking him off his feet, Graham tumbles into the ropes and Butch Reed grabs at his feet and yanks him down! And Sherri leaps on top of him, her eyes wild with rage as she uses those long acrylic nails the scratch and gouge at the Champion's face. All Butch can do is laugh as he slooooowwwwlllyy takes his time moving up the steps as Sherri continues her feral, cat like attack, grabbing a hold of the stiletto once more and driving the heel of it down right in to Graham's face. Butch finally gets in and with a tap of the shoulder...Sherri stops, gets to her feet, and smiles, immediately latching on to her man as he leans in and kisses her on the cheek. You can see her almost melting there as she presses into him, her eyes filled with lust and danger. The lights return to the arena as things have gotten serious but Reed raises his hand as he charges around the ring, shouting loud enough so the production crew can hear him!


Not wanting to anger the challenger further out of fear of what he might do, the lighting returns and a spotlight shines on the fallen Mike Graham, a close up of his face shows the scratch marks of Sherri's nails and the gouge mark right on the forehead from that Stiletto heel...a normal heel wouldn't make a gouge like THAT?! What the hell has she done to that shoe?! Reed grabs the mic once more...

Primetime Butch Reed

I want you to bathe in this spotlight Mike...for as long as you can, because at Omaha? I'm gonna do what shoulda been done to you a long time ago, BOY! I'm gonna humble you! I'm gonna show you what happens when you meet a man...who has had to work ten times harder than you...just to get his foot in the door...and when I'm through with you? I'm sending you back home to Florida, hanging your head in shame, returning home to daddy where you belong...and maybe...just maybe if he still has an ounce of love for you?! He can find you another job somewhere...one where Butch Reed isn't there to humiliate you any more!

The scene fades with Reed and Sherri leaving the ring together as we cut to a commercial break...

Rating: 62

The Axis Powers VS. The High Flyers

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The stakes are high for both teams. On one side, there's the Axis Powers, looking to show themselves as the new dominant force in the tag team division and to show they are a true threat to their opponents at the AWA Spectacular, by defeating the former Tag Team Champions. Then on the other, there are The High Flyers, who lost their belts in controversial fashion and have been fighting every step of the way so far towards their rematch. The tension is palpable and the meaning that this match has going into The Omaha show is not lost on them. The match starts with Saito and Gagne as the initial legal men and Saito uses his bulk and hard hitting style to take control of the match early and to restrict Gagne to the Axis side of the ring. The first portion of this match was old school tag team wrestling, with The Iron Axis keeping control and weakening the fan favorites, some key spots being where Masa tagged Baron in, keeping Gagne on all fours he held him in place as Baron drove a hard knee right across the face of the former Champ! Or when Baron wold tag Saito back in and the two would perform a double suplex on Gagne. 

The turn around would come however at a key moment as Saito would try to bring Gagne up to his feet and Gagne would firght back! Pushing Saito into the corner, delivering a few blows to the body to weaken him and keep him in place as Gagne struggled to hoist Saito to the top rope...then climbing to the top rope with him and then hitting him with the superplex keeping both men down...

The momentum was changing and the crowd could sense it, clapping their hands, stomping their feet as both men were coming to and crawling to their respective corners...each man closer...closer...until with a final leap Gagne jumps and tags in Brunzell! Here comes The fresh man full of fire and fight but wait a minute!...



Blackwell charges at Brunzell in the ring and knocks him down with a thick, ham hock of a forearm, Patera meanwhile yanks Gagne down from ringside, and hurls him into the ring barricade!


Rated: 48



The assault continues as Blackwell delivers a devastating BIG BODY SPLASH to Jim Brunzell! Potentially crushing the former champions ribs! And Paters grabs Gagne's head at ringside and REPEATEDLY DRIVES his head into the barricade, screaming while he does it! The camera closes in as we see a crimson curtain begin to draw across the temple of Greg Gagne! He's been busted open...


And here comes Sheik Adnan! What is he here for? Coming to ring carrying a cane with him in one hand and a microphone in the other. Is he here to gloat? CONTROL YOUR CLIENTS ADNAN! GET THESE BRUTES OUT OF HERE!

Sheik Adnan Al-Kaissie


Adnan walks around ringside to where Patera is beating down Gagne, seeing that his manager is coming, Patera hoists up the bloody Gagne to his knees. The former champion is clearly in a daze, potentially even unconscious as his head dropps down, but Adnan grabs him by the chin and forces Gagne's face up so it is looking directly at him. Adnan then visibly spits at him, the ultimate sign of disrespect

Sheik Adnan Al-Kaissie

YOU SEE GAGNE?! YOU SEE THE REALITY! MY SHEIKS DO NOT NEED ME TO DESTROY YOUR DYNASTY HERE IN AWA! You want me barred from ringside? Fine! You earned it! But you will LIVE to regret making that request!

Adnan punctuates his point by cracking his cane across Gagne's forehead, he pats his client Patera on the chest and signals for him to head back to the locker room, leaving the fallen, bloody Gagne at ringside. Adnan then heads into the ring, where Blackwell has just delivered ANOTHER devastating BIG BODY SPLASH to Brunzell. Adnan can only laugh as he witnesses the destruction his team is displaying. Adnan kneels down by the fallen Brunzell who is writhing in agony, clutching at his ribs.

You want me barred from ringside? Well I feel it necessary to let you know how that will happen. You see...it has just come to my attention that you will get your wish and the way which our AWA President has decided to uphold that decision, is by locking you two in with my Sheiks...IN A STEEL CAGE! FOOLS! YOU STUPID, ARROGANT, AMERICAN FOOLS! YOUR REQUEST WILL BE YOUR OWN DOWNFALL! YOU WILL BE TRAPPED LIKE RATS IN THE VERY CAGE DESIGNED TO KEEP ME OUT...because it will keep you locked inside with my monsters...MY SHEIKS...MY...TAG TEAM...CHAMPIONS!


Curt Hennig VS. Nacho Barrera

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Folks...this was probably the best Nacho Barrera match you've ever seen. Now you might have to thank Curt Hennig for that, who at least gave Nacho SOMETHING, to deviate from the complete standard AWA squashes we are used to witnessing on TV. The moment that came that gave Nacho the chance to look like a threatening force to Curt was when he gouged at Hennig's eyes and Hennig sold it like he had just been blinded, writhing around and clutching on to the ropes for support, which gave Nacho the opportunity to get in a little offence on the young rising star. Curt would, as expected and predicted come back and ultimately get the win with the Hennig Plex, but it wasn't the total squash we expected and was actually, a pretty athletic display even from Barrera.

Rated: 50

A Man of My Word...

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Gene Okerlund

Ladies and Gentlemen Gene Okerlund here with the men who have certainly made a name for themselves in the past few weeks, the Ruthless Russian, Boriz Breznikoff and his manager Jim Cornette, now Boris you have had altercations with Curt Hennig since the January Spectacular show but things notched up to a more personal level after you put your hands on Curt's father and AWA legend, Larry Hennig.

Jim Cornette

Mean Gene I don't like your tone. I think you better correct the record because my client, the Ruthless Russian, the undefeated NIGHTMARE that AWA is witnessing in real time did what he had to do in order to PROTECT me from that raving old loon Larry Hennig! Why Mean Gene? I'll be honest with you...I feared for my life sharing that ring with Larry Hennig!

Gene Okerlund

You feared for your life?!

Jim Cornette

That's right Mean gene, you see if it isn't obvious. I am not a man with athletic talents. I am not a man who should have to be expected to defend himself in the ring, when I am not even officially recognized as an in ring talent. I'm a manager Mean Gene. Plain and simple. I'm a man who the athletes with the talent, with the capabilities and with the hunger to succeed COME TO, to get the opportunities that they have had held back from them for far too long and Larry Hennig? He took advantage of my position in this company. He took advantage of the advantages he had over me and he put my life in jeopardy! Larry Hennig should be THANKING Boris Breznikoff because if it weren't for him. I assure you...Larry would have been served papers from my attorney by now at the very least, if not already being paid a visit by his local police department because I would have been charging him with assault if Boris had not saved me!

Gene Okerlund

But YOU were the one who had invited Larry Hennig to come and speak to you, you were the one who made things personal with him! None of this would have happened if you hadn't-

Jim Cornette

MEAN GENE DON'T MAKE ME DO SOMETHING I MIGHT REGRET! Your mouth keeps writing checks that you can't cash and if you aren't careful one day someone's gonna take payment in a way that you aren't gonna' appreciate! So why don't you shut up! Scoot out of our shot and let me speak PROFESSIONALLY on behalf of my client going forward?!

Gene doesn't hesitate. If Jim Cornette needs to avoid in ring action than double can be said for Mean Gene who is here for announcing and interview capabilities only. He dare not push his luck, especially when a behemoth like Boris Breznikoff is standing there breathing heavily and grunting as he stares waiting for Gene to follow Cornette's request...

Jim Cornette

That's better...now Curt...People are already saying many things about me...people here don't seem to like me. They think I'm a momma's boy, they think I'm a loud mouth, they think I'm...not to be trusted. Now, if these were good, upstanding, moral citizens than I might take offence to these statements, but as they are all Mid Western cheese heads who can't separate from the bottle. I take their opinions with a mountain of salt! But there is one thing I wanna' guarantee to you Curt. That I am a man of my word. This all started between you and I Curt, because YOU want to know who has been spreading these rumours about you. YOU want to know who's been saying that your father is the only reason that you are are...and I am the man that can provide you with those answers...

Cornette flashes a confident grin. He knows a secret that Curt doesn't know. Even though Curt might want to throttle him right now. That very fact protects Cornette in a way. He's in some sort of cahoots with this mystery man bad mouthing Curt, his client laid his hands on Curt's father thanks to Cornette and yet...Cornette has information Curt wants so he can uphold both his and his father's honor. So Curt couldn't go as far as he wanted to in delivering justice to Cornette even if given the freedom to do so...

Jim Cornette

Well allow me to provide you with the chance, to truly fight for your father's honor in a way you never have before Curt...prove the naysayers wrong, get your hands on MY RUTHLESS RUSSIAN and serve JUSTICE to your father...and in doing so? I promise you...you will find out EXACTLY who did this Curt! You have my word...and believe it or not Curt? I am a man of my word...but the problem YOU face Curt in order to get there...you need to beat my client...you need to beat the RUTHLESS RUSSIAN...BORIS BREZNIKOFF

In a rare showing, Boris actually steps in and begins to speak, which is really a surprise. Cornette is very much the mouthpiece and if we think about it, we've never actually heard him speak before. Cornette has always been the one to speak on his behalf.

Boris Breznikoff

CURT HENNIG! Папин сынок! (Translation: Daddy's Boy) They say that YOU are the first real challenge to my undefeated streak. They say that YOU are the one who will end my domination! They say that Cornette and I...have made things TOO PERSONAL...that we do not KNOW the fight that I have on my hands! I SAY МУСОР! (Translation: Garbage) YOU are just the first of their many, many heroes that will face the same DESTRUCTION that has already fallen to the weaklings here in the AWA. YOU are the example that ALL OTHERS WILL FEAR THEY BECOME when they face ME! YOU are the name they will whisper when they see me in the locker room and think of all the harm that I have done!

Jim Cornette

He can beat you ANYWHERE Curt...not just in the ring...ANYWHERE...At ringside...in the stands...at the concessions...in the locker room. This man can beat you ANYWHERE...and we're gonna prove it. Because after some heavy petitioning, and a hefty deposit delivered to the doorstep of AWA President Gagne...I have managed to convince him to agree to a FALLS COUNT ANYWHERE MATCH CURT! NO DISQUALIFICATIONS! NO COUNT OUTS! NO ESCAPE! NOWHERE TO RUN AND NOWHERE TO HIDE! Boris is going to expose you in front of all those paying fans who came to root for you Curt...and after he is done with you? You'll have to return home in shame and explain to your father why you have to quit this business! Because you have been shown to them all what a FRAUD YOU REALLY ARE! I PROMISE YOU CURT! I GIVE YOU MY WORD...THAT'S EXACTLY WHAT'S GOING TO HAPPEN...after all...

Cornette smiles like the cat who just caught the canary and he steps behind his massive client, who is flexing for the camera, letting out a mighty yell to the camera, veins bulging, eyes wide and full of wild frustration, Cornette begins massaging his shoulders as he leans over and grins to make his final point...

Jim Cornette

I'm a man of my word....

Rated: 55


Bobby Duncum (W/Bobby Heenan) VS. Hulk Hogan

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Ladies and gentlemen it is now time for the Main Event of the evening as a member of the Heenan family, Bobby Duncum goes one on one with the Hulkster. It seems appropriate with the tie in that the Hulkster has to the World Championship scene that he faces another member of the Heenan family here tonight and folks? This was a standard Hulk Hogan match. Duncum started off in control and bringing it to the Hulkster, having a confident Bobby Heenan at ringside cheering him on and doing what he needed to do as a manager to keep the momentum on his clients side and it was moments like, when Hulkster managed to get a quick pin on Duncum, and Heenan positions Duncum's foot on the ropes while the ref is looking away to make it look like a rope break, or When Hogan tries to make a comeback by running against the ropes and Heenan trips him, that shows how good of an advocate for his clients, albeit a weaselly one, that Heenan truly is...but the moment of truth seems to be near as when it all looks like the Hulkster might face defeat, he starts to Hulk up.One shot and the Hulkster's body is starting to shake, another shot from Duncum and he raises to his feet, Hogan's entire body almost vibrating as he walks around the ring! The Hulkster is Hulking up and Bobby Heenan is familiar with this! He's seen this before! He knows what is going to happen and he won't stand for it! He grabs a hold of a chair and while The Hulkster is shaking and vibrating around the ring, grabbing one of the ropes Heenan is timing himself for the moment...

Duncum tries to deliver a closed fist to the Hulkster, but Hogan stops it and points back at him...


One...two...threee punches...he hoists Duncum up, launches him to the ropes and...BIG BOOT...Hogan doesn't know that Heenan's got the chair and as he runs to the ropes, turning his back. Heenan hops up and CLOCKS Hogan right across the back with the flat end of the chair, sending the Hulkster down on to all fours as the ref calls for the bell! 

Hogan Wins by DQ but Heenan's still got the chair!

Rated: 53



Heenan delivers an other chair shot right across the back of Hogan, and Hogan let's out a scream of pain as he struggles to crawl across the ring, before Heenan hands the chair over to Duncum. "END HIM!" Heenan instructs his client, before he kneels down to look as his client continues the assault, delivering a chair shot that this time drives the Hulkster down to the mat and keeps him there as his body falls faint and motionless. Causing Heenan to smile.  Duncum moves over to the Hulkster's head, looking to Heenan for approval. "DO IT!" Heenan yells and Duncum raises the chair above his head when all of a sudden...



And Heenan and Duncum make a run for it! Rolling out of the ring and running back towards the locker room before Wahoo can get his hands on them! Wahoo throws the chair over the ropes, pointing and yelling as the Heenan family runs with their tails between their legs, before turning his attention back to Hogan and helping the Hulkster to his feet. As Hulk stands he looks a little dazed and confused, stepping back for a moment, thinking the attack might be continuing, before realizing that it is Wahoo standing in front of him. The two shake hands and Wahoo raises Hogan's hand, before Hogan does his usual celebration cupping his hand to his ear around each side of the ring, showing to the AWA faithful that they are truly friends...

Rated: 81

Final Rating: 60


Writer's Note: Good to be back. 



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Posted (edited)

Prediction Scorecard

Old School Fan- 25


Captain Kremmen- 14

Lord Byron- 13

ColdBloodedSausageMaker- 9

StanMiguel- 4

kinnikuniverse- 3


AWA Spectacular

February, 1983


AWA World Light Heavyweight Championship

Mike Graham (C) VS. Primetime Butch Reed


Tag Team Grudge Match

The Axis Powers VS. Strike Force


Falls Count Anywhere Match

If Curt Hennig Wins, Jim Cornette says he will reveal the identity of who has been badmouthing Curt in the locker room.

Boris Breznikoff VS. Curt Hennig


AWA World Tag Team Championships


The Sheiks (C) VS. The High Flyers


AWA World Heavyweight Championship

Nick Bockwinkel (C) VS. Wahoo McDaniel


Edited by Neon_Peon
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AWA Spectacular

February, 1983


AWA World Light Heavyweight Championship

Mike Graham (C) VS. Primetime Butch Reed


Tag Team Grudge Match

The Axis Powers VS. Strike Force


Falls Count Anywhere Match

If Curt Hennig Wins, Jim Cornette says he will reveal the identity of who has been badmouthing Curt in the locker room.

Boris Breznikoff VS. Curt Hennig


AWA World Tag Team Championships


The Sheiks (C) VS. The High Flyers


AWA World Heavyweight Championship

Nick Bockwinkel (C) VS. Wahoo McDaniel

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AWA World Light Heavyweight Championship

Mike Graham (C) VS. Primetime Butch Reed (incidentally, what's Reed doing contending for the light heavyweight title when he's at least over 30 pounds over the light heavyweight limit?)


Tag Team Grudge Match

The Axis Powers VS. Strike Force


Falls Count Anywhere Match

If Curt Hennig Wins, Jim Cornette says he will reveal the identity of who has been badmouthing Curt in the locker room.

Boris Breznikoff VS. Curt Hennig


AWA World Tag Team Championships


The Sheiks (C) VS. The High Flyers


AWA World Heavyweight Championship

Nick Bockwinkel (C) VS. Wahoo McDaniel (by DQ due to interference by Heenan)

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