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World Wrestling Federation 1996 - Justice or Else

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Bam Bam Bigelow vs Marc Mero

Barry Windham vs Elijah - The Alliance vs Nation of Domination Best of 9 Series

Tag Titles - British Bulldog & Owen Hart (C) vs The Headbangers

Intercontinental Title - Ultimate Warrior (C) vs Roddy Piper

Rocky Maivia vs Hunter Hearst Helmsley - #1 Contender Match for Intercontinental Title

Bret Hart vs Goldust

Vader vs Steve Austin

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Bam Bam Bigelow vs Marc Mero

Barry Windham vs Elijah - The Alliance vs Nation of Domination Best of 9 Series

Tag Titles - British Bulldog & Owen Hart (C) vs The Headbangers

Intercontinental Title - Ultimate Warrior (C) vs Roddy Piper

Rocky Maivia vs Hunter Hearst Helmsley - #1 Contender Match for Intercontinental Title

Bret Hart vs Goldust

Vader vs Steve Austin

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41 minutes ago, bigt96 said:

Bam Bam Bigelow vs Marc Mero

Barry Windham vs Elijah - The Alliance vs Nation of Domination Best of 9 Series

Tag Titles - British Bulldog & Owen Hart (C) vs The Headbangers

Intercontinental Title - Ultimate Warrior (C) vs Roddy Piper

Rocky Maivia vs Hunter Hearst Helmsley - #1 Contender Match for Intercontinental Title

Bret Hart vs Goldust

Vader vs Steve Austin

Bam Bam Bigelow

Barry Windham

British Bulldog & Owen Hart (C)

Ultimate Warrior (C)

Hunter Hearst Helmsley

Bret Hart

Steve Austin

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Posted (edited)



1996 - November - Week 2

JR: Ladies and Gentlemen, welcome to Monday Night Raw! And what a night of action we have in store for you tonight as we have the WWF Champion Vader in action against ‘Stone Cold’ Steve Austin, the Ultimate Warrior defending his Intercontinenal Championship and the in-ring return of Bret ‘Hitman’ Hart….


Following JR’s announcements, the music of Bret Hart plays and he makes his way to the ring accompanied by his new insurance policy, ‘The Loose Cannon’ Brian Pillman.



Hart: Firstly, I’d like to address the challenge made last week by Steve Austin for a match at Survivor Series. I’d like to say that I have been watching Austin for months at home…he is a hell of a competitor and in my mind one of the best wrestlers in the World today….so Austin….I gleefully accept your match for Survivor Series…and look forward to showing you the difference between one of the best….and the absolute best in me!  


Secondly, I am happy to announce that tonight will see my return to in-ring action against the enigma that is Goldust….




Bam Bam Bigelow vs Marc Mero


In the first of our matches, Bam Bam Bigelow is in action against Marc Mero. The latter makes it competitive for the most part, but Bigelow’s strength and power ultimately prevails and he puts Mero away with a Greetings from Asbury Park.


Outcome: Bigelow wins by pinfall



Curt Hennig promo


We return from a commercial break and the WWF Commissioner Curt Hennig is in the ring. Ladies and gentlemen, as we have become accustomed to, it is the time for the latest instalment of the Best of 9 Series between the Nation of Domination and The Alliance. As a reminder, the Nation lead by 4 to 2…one victory will see them secure the victory…


The two wrestlers I have personally selected for this evening’s match up are….Wallace of the Nation of Domination….versus….Barry Windham of The Alliance!



Barry Windham vs Wallace 


This is the first time we have seen Wallace in singles competition in the WWF and he overcome with relative ease by the far more polished Windham.


Windham picks up a pinfall victory following a vicious Lariat.


Outcome: Windham wins by pinfall


JR: That’s another one back for The Alliance, they are now just one behind at 4-3!






WWF Tag Title – Owen Hart & British Bulldog (C) vs The Headbangers 


Next up are the Tag Team Champions the British Bulldog & Owen Hart, facing off against new arrivals in the WWF, Mosh and Thrasher. Otherwise known as The Headbangers.


In perhaps a unique set of circumstances, they are placed into a WWF Tag Title match in their first appearance in the WWF. They put in a strong show, but ultimately lose out following the British Bulldog hitting a running powerslam on Thrasher to pick up the win.


Outcome: British Bulldog and Owen Hart win by pinfall


Following the win, their manager Jim Cornette gets into the ring.


 Cornette: Last week, that idiot Commissioner Curt Hennig ordered Vader to defend his WWF title at Survivor Series vs Bam Bam Bigelow. This is outrageous….Bigelow does not have one singles win on his resume indicating that he deserves a shot at the title…

JR: How much Owen Hart be feeling here…Bigelow beat Hart a matter of weeks ago!


Cornette: So I demand that Hennig get his ass out here and explain his decision right now…!


Hennig doesn’t waste much time, as he makes his way down to the ring.

Hennig: Let’s make one thing clear Mr Cornette…I am the Commissioner of the World Wrestling Federation…and when it comes to matchmaking, I don’t answer to anybody…let alone YOU!  Bigelow will be facing the WWF Champion Vader at Survivor Series…and not only that….the British Bulldog and Owen Hart will be in competition…defending their WWF Tag Team Titles….against THE ROCKERS!!!




Intercontinental Title – Ultimate Warrior (C) vs Roddy Piper


Next up is the Ultimate Warrior making a defence of his Intercontinental Title vs the leader of The Alliance, Roddy Piper.


It’s a good bout between these two experienced wrestlers, with a back and forth flow between the two. The Ultimate Warrior eventually picks up the win following a Gorilla Press and Running Splash.


Outcome: Ultimate Warrior wins by pinfall


Following the bout the Warrior grabs the microphone off Howard Finkel.


Warrior: Last week, I stated to that young upstart Rocky Maivia that I would announce to the World the man he had to beat to get a shot at my Intercontinental Championship at Survivor Series…


Before he can get any further, a figure appears from behind the curtain at the top of the entrance ramp….it’s Curt Hennig…


Lawler: How many times is he going to stick his nose into things tonight JR?


JR: It’s his job King…!


Hennig: Warrior…let me remind you of your role as a wrestler here in the WWF….and more importantly, let me remind you of who is the Commissioner here in the WWF…it isn’t you….it is me Curt Hennig! I will announce who Rocky Maivia will face for a shot at your title…and it will be directly next….Rocky Maivia will go to head to head with….HUNTER HEARST HELMSLEY….!....RIGHT NOW…FOR A SHOT AT YOUR TITLE!



Intercontinental Championship #1 Contender’s Match - Rocky Maivia vs Hunter Hearst Helmsley

JR: So which of these young studs here will take the step up and go on to face the legend that is the Ultimate Warrior at Survivor Series?

Lawler: It has to be Helmsley JR, Rocky has failed ever time he has stepped up. And it would be perfect retribution at Survivor Series for Helmsley to avenge his WrestleMania defeat against Warrior!

The two athletes set a tremendous pace during this one, producing a real see-saw of a bout with the momentum swinging back and forth. 

Helmsley momentarily gains the upper hand with a perfectly executed DDT….

JR: It looks like Helmsley is looking to end this one with the pedigree….NOOO…Maivia has reversed it, Helmsley is now down….

JR: Rocky has picked up Helmsley…it looks like we are going to see the Running Shoulderbreaker…..NO…..


JR: That b***ard Justin Credible has just entered the ring and taken the legs out of Rocky…the referee is calling for the bell….this one is over by disqualification!

Lawler: What happens now JR??

JR: Well, it well be on Curt Hennig’s decision….but it looks like Rocky Maivia is going to Survivor Series to face the Ultimate Warrior for the Intercontinental Championship!

Outcome: Rocky Maivia wins by DQ



Bret Hart vs Goldust

JR: What a treat we have tonight folks, as we are about to witness the first match of Bret ‘Hitman’ Hart since WrestleMania, as he goes head to head here with the unique Goldust!

Goldust takes the early initiative, as Bret Hart shows evidence of his ring rust due to an extended period out of the ring.

Lawler: Bret Hart has no chance against Steve Austin at Survivor Series JR, Austin is at the top of his game and Hart is miles off the pace!

Hart gradually grind his way back into the contest and begins to gain the upperhand…

Marlena seeing that her husband has lost the momentum climbs onto the ring apron…

JR: What is Marlena doing…we have seen her hit people with her purse before…a purse that contains a brick

Bret Hart makes his way over to Marlena…

Lawler: Yes….Hart the idiot is going to fall for it!!!

Marlena takes her arm back to launch it towards Bret Hart….


JR: Pillman has yanked Marlena clean off the apron….! Hart is going for the SharpShooter on Goldust…..it’s LOCKED IN!!! Can Goldust escape…..nooo….Goldust is tapping out and the referee has called for bell. Hart wins and his insurance policy Brian Pillman is paying off already !

Outcome: Bret Hart wins by submission


Paul Bearer Promo


JR: Well, it’s time for the big announcement by The Undertaker’s former manager, Paul Bearer….what will he say after promises of a grave announcement regarding his former protégé….




Vader vs Steve Austin

JR: So here we go with the main event of the evening, in a non-title match, the WWF Champion Vader will face off against the Texas Badass, ‘Stone Cold’ Steve Austin.

The match gets off to a frenetic start with wild brawling between the two men. The crowd unclear who to cheer for between these two heels, but seemingly loving seeing them both beat the crap out of each other.

Vader gains the ascendency…

JR: Vader is picking Austin up….it looks like he is going for the powerbomb…..AUSTIN ESCAPES! 

Austin manages to hit Vader with a low blow without the referee noticing, Vader is writhing around on the floor in agony…

JR: Austin is stalking Vader…it looks like he is set to deliver the ‘Stone Cold Stunner’ once Vader gets to his feet…………Vader is up…..WHAT THE HELL IS CORNETTE DOING…..!


Jim Cornette seeing his client in clear trouble has entered the ring and smacked Austin across the back of the head with his tennis racquet! The referee has called for the bell!

JR: Austin gets the win by DQ here….I guess we could call that Vader’s first defeat in the WWF….but it doesn’t quite sit right….

Lawler: We can’t say Vader has been beaten until he has been pinned or submitted JR! Disqualifications mean nothing in this sport.

Outcome: Steve Austin wins by DQ



Edited by bigt96
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Posted (edited)


Randy Savage defeated Ultimate Dragon

The Four Horsemen (Anderson & Benoit) defeated Nasty Boys by DQ

The Booty Man & Steiner Brothers defeated Dungeon of Doom

Hollywood Hogan defeated Glacier

Sting defeated VK Wallstreet

US Title Ric Flair defeated Jim Duggan to retain

World Title   Kevin Nash defeated The Giant to retain




Barry Buchanan defeated Freddie Joe Floyd

The Headbangers defeated Chris Adams & Mark Youngblood

Disciples of Apocalypse defeated Justin Bradshaw, Leif Cassidy & Rick Titan

BodyDonnas defeated Salvatore Sincere & The Goon

2ColdScorpio defeated Jason Ahrndt

Rocky Maivia defeated The Sultan

Marc Mero defeated Justin Credible

Edited by bigt96
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