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World Wrestling Federation 1996 - Justice or Else

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1 hour ago, bigt96 said:



Vince McMahon’s decision to re-sign the Ultimate Warrior following his failed earlier stint this year sent shockwaves through the WWF’s corporate headshed. Not only has Vince signed Warrior, he has signed him on a 2 year contract, making him one of the top paid wrestlers in the World, which must be considered a considerable risk given Warrior’s nature of being unmanageable.  The rumour is that Vince felt the WWF needed more star power following the departure of Kevin Nash and Scott Hall to WCW and polling suggests Warrior is still in the Top 5 most popular wrestlers in the World. Thus far, Vince appears to have been vindicated. Warrior put in two stellar performances with an average rating of 80 during his two matches at SummerSlam as he claimed the WWF Championship. It’s thought that should Warrior continue such performances, he will soon find himself in the picture again for the World Title.   The WWF initially wanted the Warrior in for the start of the Last 16 of the Intercontinental Championship, but terms were unable to be agreed in time, hence why Jake Roberts appeared in the Last 16 and was then written out of the Quarter Finals with a storyline injury.


The WWF has made a significant leap of faith by placing the World Championship around the considerable waist of Vader. However, their plans already appear in disarray following a recent injury to Sycho Sid at the hands of Crush. It remains to be seen whether Sid will be in a position to challenge Vader. With WWF short on top level faces, it’s difficult to see who would currently present a realistic challenge to the unbeaten behemoth.


Jose Lothario has been released from his contract following a feeling that the dynamic between him and Shawn Michaels isn’t the way they want to go in the future. The Bushwhackers, Vince Russo, The Iron Sheikh and  have also been released.


And finally for this iteration, it appears Faarooq Asad will be in-line for a change of gimmick following his failure to secure the Intercontinental Championship at SummerSlam. It is thought Faarooq hates the cartoony nature of the Gladiator gimmick and has propositioned an edgier more controversial gimmick.


Warrior’s in, Vader's champ and russo's out? Interesting series of events. I'm sure cornette's happy cause of the last thing, he'll probably given head booking when we get to the attitude era.

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Next Week’s Raw Card – August – Week 4 - Predictions Welcome

Steve Austin vs Aldo Montoya

WWF Tag Title Match – Smokin’ Gunns © vs The New Rockers

The Stalker vs Savio Vega

British Bulldog vs Rocky Maivia

Marc Mero vs Hunter Hearst Helmsley

Roddy Piper vs Faarooq

Intercontinental Championship: Ultimate Warrior © vs Goldust

Prediction Standings

Lord Byron – 10

Old School Fan – 3

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RAW - August 1996 - Week 4


Raw gets underway with its customary pyro introduction as the crowd is all revved up. And boy, we have a lot to ponder tonight following last night’s action at SummerSlam! Vader was crowned new WWF Champion following his victory over Shawn Michaels, the Ultimate Warrior capped off an incredible return week capturing the vacant Intercontinental Championship and we saw the shocking event of Paul Bearer turning on The Undertaker to gift Mankind the victory in the Boiler Room Brawl!


Vader’s music hits and the new World Wrestling Federation Champion makes his way to the ring accompanied by his manager Jim Cornette.

Cornette states that he told anyone who would listen that Vader would have too much for Shawn Michaels, and things went exactly as he expected, with Shawn Michaels flat on his back and no longer the WWF Champion.

“There isn’t a man who has ever competed in this company who can stand toe to toe with Vader….there isn’t a man back there who he doesn’t intimidate…”

Cornette’s barb results in the familiar music of the madman…IT’S SYCHO SID!!


Sid states that his days of being Shawn Michaels’ bodyguard are long gone, hence why he never got involved when Camp Cornette were continually beating up Michaels…but now Camp Cornette and Vader specifically have something that Sid wants….the WWF Championship!

Cornette realising he may have dug his client and himself into a hole, attempts to backtrack…”You have to earn your shot like everyone else…if you manage to do that, Vader will happily kick your ass like he has done everyone else in the WWF”

As we go to a commercial break, the camera focuses on Sid his has a manically look on his face, like he knows he has got to Cornette



British Bulldog vs Rocky Maivia

The Bulldog fresh off his victory last night at SummerSlam is back in action tonight vs Rocky. Rocky looks good in spurts, but it’s a further defeat for him here as the Bulldog secures the victory with the running powerslam.

Outcome: Bulldog wins via pinfall.



Steve Austin vs Aldo Montoya

Steve Austin comes out to a rapturous welcome. His popularity seems to have increased even further following his beatdown of the Ultimate Warrior last night at SummerSlam.

He makes light work of Aldo Montoya  and picks up the win via a Stone Cold Stunner.

Outcome: Steve Austin wins by pinfall.



Smokin’ Gunns (C) vs The New Rockers

The New Rockers attempt to claim the WWF Tag Team Championships, but they never really pose much of a threat and are comfortably beaten as Bart Gunn picks up the win via pinfall.

Outcome: Smokin’ Gunns win via pinfall

The Smokin’ Gunns are celebrating their win in the ring, but what’s this…Bulldog and Owen are running down the ramp, directed by Jim Cornette…they attack the Smokin’ Gunns from behind and beat them up prior to being dragged off by security guards


Faarooq Interview Segment


Following a commercial break we go to Vince McMahon in the ring.

“Ladies and Gentlemen, at this time I would like to welcome the losing finalist of last night’s Intercontinental Championship match, accompanied by Sunny…Faarooq Asad!”

Faarooq makes his way to the ring dressed in black fatigues, keeping his distance from Sunny as he steps into the ring.

Vince: “Faarooq…first of all, commiserations on last night…”

Before Vince can say anything else, the microphone is ripped from Vince’s hands by Faarooq.

“Shut your mouth. Ever since I got here, you tried to keep me down…dressing me in a stupid costume and pairing me up with people who aren’t on my level. I am done with playing to the white man’s tune…”

Turning to Sunny, Faarooq says…

“Last night, I was about to claim what was rightfully mine, the Intercontinental Championship. Then a piece of white trash decided to interfere…and cost me the championship. Sunny….your ass is fired”.

Turning to McMahon and prodding him in the chest, Faarooq shouts…

“From this day forward, I am not leaving anything to chance. No more trust in white corporate and authority figures. I am taking things into my own hands. You will see me rise to the top, by any means necessary”.



The Stalker vs Savio Vega

The Stalker picks up a win via a superplex from the middle rope. It seems The Stalker is picking up some momentum following reaching the final four of last night’s Battle Royal at SummerSlam.

Outcome: The Stalker wins by pinfall


Ultimate Warrior Promo


The Ultimate Warrior’s music hits and the crowd expectantly wait the arrival of the newly crowned Intercontinental Champion. However, the famous Warrior entrance does not occur, as he appears from the curtain clearly beaten up from last night’s heroics at SummerSlam, where despite a sustained beating from Steve Austin, he managed to win the title against Faarooq.

Lawler: Look at him JR…this is going to be one of the shortest title reigns of all-time, Goldust will have the Gold tonight!

JR: Let’s hear what the man has to say King…this is the first time Warrior will have spoken since his return to the WWF…

Warrior gingerly picks up the microphone which had been laid out for him on the ring apron…

“Stone….Cold…..Steeeeeve Austin…..

What you did last night was get on the wrong side of the Warrior……but you still couldn’t stop me fulfilling my destiny….and it is written in the stars….that you will get your comeuppance at the hands of the Warrior…


Warrior is interrupted by ‘Shattered Dreams’, as Goldust makes his way to the ring accompanied by Marlena. Goldust won  a battle royale last night to become the Number 1 Contender for the Intercontinental Championship, a shot he will get in tonight’s main event.

Goldust pulls the microphone from Warrior, who is clearly perturbed by Goldust’s character. Goldust states that Warrior should forget about Steve Austin, as his eyes should be focussed upon the man he will be facing tonight, and the man who will be laying on top of him to make the cover…1…2….


Before Goldust can make the count of 3, ‘Stone Cold’ Steve Austin’s music hits. Austin comes through the curtain and remains at the top of the entrance ramp.

“Cut the music.

All I see in front of me is a pair of freaks. I couldn’t give a rats ass which of you wins your stupid match tonight, but the winner is on Stone Cold’s list…and that means that you will be in for an ass whipping. I was robbed of the Intercontinental Title last night at SummerSlam, and at BackLash I will be taking what is rightfully mine. And there ain’t a damn thing either of you freaks can do about it…”


Marc Mero vs Hunter Hearst Helmsley


Hunter and Mero have a balanced match, with neither man having a significant advantage.  Hunter throws Mero to the outside, where Sable goes to attend to him. Hunter slides out of the ring and viciously kicks Mero in the ribs. Hunter then begins flirting outrageously with Sable who gives a hard slap to Hunter’s face! Hunter seemingly goes into a rage and grabs a steel chair from ringside giving Mero a vicious chair shot to the back….the referee has disqualified Hunter!

Outcome: Mero wins by DQ

Hunter continues his attack on Mero, with Sable reduced to tears.


Roddy Piper vs Faarooq


This is the first time we have seen Piper on WWF TV for some time, and it is announced by JR that the WWF is delighted to announce that Roddy Piper has signed a new 3 year contract with the World Wrestling Federation.

The action is fast paced in this one as the two men slug it out, Piper begins to gain the upper hand when there is a commotion in the crowd…a behemoth of a man straddles over the barrier at ringside and slides into the ring…


JR: That’s Malcolm! What the hell is he doing here…!

Malcolm clubs Piper from behind, resulting in an immediate disqualification of Faarooq.

Faarooq and Malcolm then put a beating on Piper, with Malcolm hitting a big splash and Faarooq hitting the dominator…

Faarooq and Malcolm stand side by side in the centre of the ring, giving the black power salute.

JR: What on earth is going on here…it seems Faarooq and Malcolm have joined forces

Outcome: Roddy Piper wins by DQ



Intercontinental Championship: Ultimate Warrior ©  vs Goldust

The Ultimate Warrior makes his first defence on his Intercontinental Championship which he won last night, against the #1 Contender, Goldust.

The two compare in a see-saw contest, with Warrior visibly struggling due to the injures sustained at the hands of Steve Austin last night.  Warrior gains an advantage with a back bodydrop, and then hits a huge suplex for a 2 count. Goldust regains an advantage with a distraction of the referee a low blow.


Neither man has an advantage when there is a huge pop from the crowd…Stone Cold Steve Austin is walking down the aisle…Austin throws Jerry Lawler off his chair and slides into the ring….HUGE CHAIR SHOT TO WARRIOR….AND TO GOLDUST! Both men are knocked into next week.

Austin demands that a crew member ringside throws him the Intercontinental Championship, which he then parades whilst standing on the turnbuckle. Austin then disappears backstage with the title in hand.

Lawler now back with headset on….”He’s taken what he said was his JR….my chair and the Intercontinental Title!”


Outcome: No official decision

Edited by bigt96
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WCW Nitro Results

Rock ‘n Roll Express defeated The Blue Bloods

Randy Savage defeated Chris Kanyon

Syxx defeated John Tenta

Dungeon of Doom defeated Jim Duggan and The Nasty Boys

Hollywood Hogan defeated Prince Iaukea

Lex Luger defeated Chris Benoit to retain TV Title

Ric Flair defeated Eddy Guerrero by DQ in a US Title Match



WWF Superstars

Mark Henry defeated The Goon

Bob Holly defeated Rick Titan

Rocky Maivia defeated Brooklyn Brawler

Bulldog & Owen Hart defeated The New Rockers

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Raw - 1996 - September - Week 1 - PREDICTIONS WELCOME

Rocky Maivia vs Bob Backlund

Steve Austin vs 2 Cold Scorpio

Goldust vs Savio Vega

The Godwiinns vs Owen Hart & Bulldog

Intercontinental Title - Ultimate Warrior © vs Jeff Jarrett

Nation of Domination (Faarooq and Malcolm) vs Roddy Piper and ???

Non-Title - Vader vs Marc Mero

Bonus: Who will be Piper's partner?

Prediction Standings

Lord Byron – 13

Old School Fan – 7

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4 hours ago, Old School Fan said:

Rocky Maivia vs Bob Backlund

Steve Austin vs 2 Cold Scorpio

Goldust vs Savio Vega

The Godwiinns vs Owen Hart & Bulldog

Intercontinental Title - Ultimate Warrior © vs Jeff Jarrett

Nation of Domination (Faarooq and Malcolm) vs Roddy Piper and ???

Non-Title - Vader vs Marc Mero

Any guess on Piper's partner ? 

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2 hours ago, sonny912 said:

Could you please turn the the stalker back into badass Barry Windham?

There are a few currently whose characters I have no real affinity to or use with. Just a matter of a slow progression as some of the gimmicks of this time period are awful for me.

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Raw gets underway with its usual pyro display before the lights suddenly go off…..

The Undertaker’s music begins to play.


JR: This is The Undertaker’s first appearance since he was utterly betrayed by Paul Bearer to hand Mankind the victory in the Boiler Room Brawl at SummerSlam.

Undertaker: At SummerSlam, I was betrayed by Paul Bearer...betraying the trust which had been built up over several decades...now Paul, you must pay the price for such a betrayal. Have no fear that I will hunt you down...and you will pay the Ultimate sacrifice...


The Undertaker is then interrupted by Paul Bearer who appears on the ramp stood with his new client, Mankind

Bearer: Undertaker...what I did at SummerSlam was for the greater good....Mankind and I had been planning this for sometime...but it's not the only secret I have been keeping from you Undertaker.....

I know how you love to right an injustice...so at BackLash, we challenge you to a 'Buried Alive Match'...but if we win...you will have no option but to join forces with us...to form an Unholy Union...before anymore secrets get revealed...

JR: What the hell is Bearer talking about ? What secrets can he reveal?



Rocky Maivia vs Bob Backlund

Rocky faces off against former two-time WWF Champion and the hugely experienced Bob Backlund. Rocky picks up the win following a running shoulder breaker, to pick up a notable win to file alongside his victory over Jerry Lawler.

Outcome: Rocky Maivia wins by pinfall



Steve Austin vs 2 Cold Scorpio

Austin comes out with the Intercontinental Championship which he stole following an attack on the Ultimate Warrior last week. Austin puts in a dominant performance and wins via a Stone Cold Stunner. Following the bout Austin climbs the turnbuckle, raising the Intercontinental Title into the air…


Austin’s music is then interrupted by the sound of Vince McMahon who is standing under the TitanTron.

“AUSTIN! ….That Intercontinental Championship that you stole last week, rightly belongs to the Ultimate Warrior. And Warrior will defend that Championship at the next PPV…BackLash.

You will get your shot Austin…but so will the man who you denied his opportunity last week….

At BackLash, the Ultimate Warrior will defend his Intercontinental Championship against Steve Austin….and Goldust….in a Triple Threat Match!”

Outcome: Steve Austin wins by pinfall



Goldust vs Savio Vega

In a routine match-up, Goldust picks up a victory via pinfall following the Curtain Call.

Outcome: Goldust wins by pinfall



Cornette Interview

Jim Cornette comes to the ring accompanied by The British Bulldog and Owen Hart for their match against The Godwinns. Cornette does an impromptu interview…

“Last week….Camp Cornette set out its next goal with an attack on the World Wrestling Federation Tag Team Champions…The Smokin’ Gunns. A B-Tech team ladies and gentlemen, led  by a B-Tech manager in Sunny….

Camp Cornette’s aim is to secure all the Gold in the WWF…we have already beaten that punk Shawn Michaels to elevate Vader to being the top wrestler in the World…NEXT IS THE TAG TEAM GOLD…AND THERE IS NOTHING YOU CAN DO ABOUT IT SUNNY! “



The Godwinns vs Owen Hart & Bulldog

Following their victory over The New Rockers on Superstars, it appears that Owen Hart and the Bulldog will now be regularly featuring in Tag Team competition rather than a primary focus upon their singles careers. Whilst The Godwinns are one of WWF’s better Tag Teams currently, Owen and the Bulldog made light work of them, with Bulldog securing the pin after a running powerslam.

Outcome: Owen and Bulldog win by pinfall



NoD Promo

Following a commercial break, there is a slight pause before a new entrance music is head..


Faarooq makes his way to the ring accompanied by Clarence Mason and Malcom who made his debut last week joining forces with Faarooq and attacking Roddy Piper.

Vince McMahon has the microphone…

“Faarooq….do you care to explain your actions last week, which was quite the Monday night…sacking your manager Sunny and then attacking Roddy Piper along with Malcolm…..”

Faarooq – “It’s quite simple…I told you just last week that I am taking matters into my own hands….Malcolm is the first addition to  my Nation. A man who will sacrifice himself for the greater good. A man who will put his body on the line and enforce the values of the Nation. He is the first, but he will not be the last….”

Before Faarooq can get further, Roddy Piper’s music hits, and Piper stands at the top of the aisle with a microphone in hand…


Piper - “FAAROOQ…..last week you were not man enough to leave the contest at 1vs1…well this week, I found myself a partner….and we are ready to kick your ass tonight, should you be man enough to accept….?”

Faarooq scoffs at the challenge. “The Nation backs down from no man….tonight, we will get the job done….by any means necessary”



Intercontinental Title - Ultimate Warrior © vs Jeff Jarrett

The Ultimate Warrior makes his customary sprint to the ring. Jarrett puts up a valiant effort, but is ultimately overwhelmed by the Warrior, with the Warrior picking up a relatively straightforward victory to make the 2nd defence of his Intercontinental Championship.

Outcome: Warrior wins by pinfall



Nation of Domination vs Roddy Piper and ???

The Nation of Domination (Faarooq and Malcolm) make their way to the ring. This will be Malcolm’s in-ring debut following his attack last week on Roddy Piper, as he formed the Nation of Domination under the leadership of Faarooq.

Roddy Piper makes his entrance but he waits at the top of the aisle…who will it be?


It’s Jake ‘The Snake’ Roberts !

Lawler: These two old-timers don’t have a chance against the Nation, JR!

It’s a see-saw match, as Piper and Roberts utilise their experience to make it a competitive bout. Roberts and Malcolm are the legal men, as Piper and Faarooq begin wildly brawling outside.  Ouof nowhere Roberts hits Malcolm with a DDT!

JR: It’s over….Roberts has Malcolm beat….

As Roberts attempts to make the pin, two men clad in black jump over the ringside barrier and attack Roberts…


JR: It’s Elijah (New Jack) and Wallace (Mustafa Saed)! The Nation has two new members!

It’s a brutal 4 on 2 beatdown as the referee calls the bell for a DQ victory for Piper and Roberts.

Outcome: Piper and Roberts win by DQ



Hunter Hearst Helmsley Promo

Following a commercial break we go backstage to an interview segment with Hunter Hearst Helmsley, who last week conducted a vicious attack on Marc Mero which resulted in Mero being disqualified.

“Mero…we are far from done. We have unfinished business…unresolved business since you stole Sable who was my valet….at BackLash, I challenge you to a match….the winner of which will have Sable as their permanent valet….this matter won’t rest until you agree….and I give you your overdue beating…”


Vader vs Marc Mero – Non-Title

Our main event tonight will be a non-title match, as the WWF Champion Vader faves off against a man in white hot form, Marc Mero.

Vader is accompanied by Jim Cornette, with Mero accompanied by Sable.

The match gets underway and Mero has a quick inside cradle, which Vader manages to kick out of at the the 2 count.

JR: Mero is giving a great account of himself here, this Iis arguably one of Vader's most difficult match-ups thus far in his WWF career.

Whilst Mero is in the ascendancy, Hunter Hearst Helmsley appears at ringside.

JR: That SOB is harassing Sable again !

This momentarily distracts Mero and he pays the price as he is clubbed to the ground by the monstrous Vader. This enables Vader to execute the powerbomb and pick up the victory.

Outcome: Vader wins by pinfall




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The Blue Bloods defeated American Males

Dungeon of Doom defeated Rock n Roll Express & John Tenta

Randy Savage defeated Ultimo Dragon by DQ

DDP defeated Eddy Guerrero

Hollywood Hogan defeated Glacier

Tag Titles: Harleam Heat (C) defeated Dungeon of Doom

Sting defeated Dean Malenko

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Raw - Sep 1996 - Week 2  - Predictions Welcome

Rocky Maivia vs Marty Jannetty

BodyDonnas vs Black Panthers (Elijah & Wallace)

Jake Roberts vs Malcolm

Roddy Piper vs The Stalker

Camp Cornette (Vader, Bulldog, Owen) vs Smokin' Gunns & Marc Mero

'Stone Cold' Steve Austin vs The Undertaker


Prediction Standings

Lord Byron – 19

Old School Fan – 13

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Raw - 1996 - September - Week 2


Raw opens up and Vince McMahon takes centre stage in the ring.

"Ladies and Gentlemen, last week saw a valiant effort by Marc Mero against the World Wrestling Federation Champion, Vader. Only for Mero to be defeated following Hunter Hearst Helmsley's activities at ringside. As Mero deserves a further chance in the spotlight, he will face Vader again tonight! But this time in a 3 vs 3 tag team match up. On one side will be the WWF Champion Vader, alongside his team mates Owen Hart and the British Bulldog. On the other side will be Marc Mero, teaming with the WWF Tag Team Champions, The Smokin' Gunns. Should Jim Cornette or Sunny interfere...the Camp Cornette will forfeit their Tag Team Championship shot at BackLash...and should Sunny interfere...The Smokin' Gunns will be stripped of their championships".



Roddy Piper vs The Stalker

In a competitive match-up Piper picks up a hard fought victory when The Stalker passes out after Piper applied the sleeper hold. Following his celebration, Piper offers his hand to The Stalker to congratulate him on a hard fought battle. The Stalker momentarily thinks it over before accepting Piper's handshake.

Outcome: Piper wins by submission



The Black Panthers vs The BodyDonnas

The Black Panthers make their first appearance in ring on a Monday Night Raw as they dominate The BodyDonnas and pick up an impressive win with Elijah sealing the pinfall victory.

Outcome: The Black Panthers win by pinfall



 Dok Hendrix is in the ring and says he has an important interview to conduct, introducing the Nation of Domination.

The remaining members of the Nation of Domination (Faarooq, Malcolm and Clarence Mason) join The Black Panthers in the ring following their victory.

Hendrix: Faarooq…last week we saw two new additions to the Nation, with the arrival of Elijah and Wallace….continuing your attacks on Roddy Piper…and now Jake Roberts. What next for the Nation…how big is your organisation going to get?

Faarooq: Let me tell you something…the Nation of Domination is always looking to improve, the relentless pursuit of excellence which is needed to get the justice that we deserve. But let me tell you this…in this very ring, you are looking at the best and strongest collection of black men that this World has to offer…

Hendrix: Elijah and Wallace…The Black Panthers…you have a history of success and extreme violence…what has brought you to the WWF and more specifically the Nation of Domination….

Elijah: Let me tell you something…the Nation of Domination is the only organisation in which a black man can succeed in the WWF! The black man has been continually been held down here…and now Faarooq has taken it into his own hands to make sure the black man succeeds. So we get the offer…to join this organisation, under the leadership of the only black man won be recognised as a true World Champion in this sport…it was a no brainer…do you understand?!


The Nation is then interrupted by Roddy Piper and Jake Roberts appearing at the top of the entrance ramp.

Piper: Nation…you appear to be continually bleating about being disadvantaged….you are in the land of opportunity…there has never been a more equal time in this country. Meanwhile, you continue to attack people whilst maintaining a numerical advantage over everyone you face…me and my good friend Jake Roberts are willing to take this fight to you…

Roberts: Malcolm…I challenge you to a match right now…but be a man…1 vs 1…all your goons go backstage and have no involvement….do you have the minerals…

Malcolm immediately accepts, slightly to the disdain of the Nation leader Faarooq. 



Jake Roberts vs Malcolm

Piper and the remaining members of the Nation head backstage and this match immediately gets underway. Roberts puts in a good showing and seals a victory following a DDT.

Following the match, the rest of the Nation run to the ring to put the boots into Roberts, Piper attempts to make the save but the Nation has too much strength in numbers…

JR: Piper and Roberts are going to need a rethink here…they simply cannot overcome 4 vs 2 with the size of some of these Nation members…

Outcome: Roberts wins by pinfall



Austin Promo

The glass shatters and ‘Stone Cold’ Steve Austin makes his way to the ring, carrying the Intercontinental Championship belt which he recently stole from the Ultimate Warrior. He tosses the belt into the ring, prior to him climbing up the steps into the ring.

Austin is being universally booed as he grabs a microphone.

“You jackasses can boo all you like…it doesn’t matter to ‘Stone Cold’ Steve Austin.

Last week, we had that idiot in a blazer, Vince McMahon come out and say I had to win this title, not only against the Ultimate Warrior, but against that jackass who paints himself and acts like a woman… Goldust.  Fortunately for you Goldust, ‘Stone Cold’ Steve Austin is an equal opportunities ass kicker, so I will gladly kick your ass all around that arena at the same time as the Ultimate Warrior…”


Austin is then interrupted by Vince McMahon appearing from behind the curtain.

“Austin…you are still parading around the championship which belongs to the Ultimate Warrior….and with actions come consequences…tonight, as punishment, you will face in a 1 vs 2 match…The Undertaker!”

Austin: “I couldn’t give a rats ass who you put me with son…Stone Cold’s time has come…and I will beat any b****rd that you put in front of me”.



Rocky Maivia vs Marty Jannetty

Following his notable victory last week over Bob Backlund, Maivia is back in action this week against Marty Jannetty . Maivia picks up a relatively straightforward win after pinning Jannetty following a Running Shoulder Breaker.

Outcome: Rocky Maivia wins by pinfall



Mero and Sable Promo on HHH

Marc Mero comes to the ring accompanied by Sable.  Mero was cost the opportunity to be the first man to beat Vader last week in a non-title match following Hunter Hearst Helmsley harassing Sable which distracted Mero and enabled Vader to pick up the victory.

Mero - "Firstly, thanks to Vince McMahon for giving me the opportunity to kick Vader's ass again tonight in the 3 on 3 match-up.

Secondly let's address that jackass, Hunter Hearst Helmsley, who will not leave my wife alone. You've gone a step too far now...I accept your proposal for BackLash..."

Sable looking quite upset that she is being put on the line in such a match-up meekly hugs Mero and says she has full confidence in him getting the win




Camp Cornette vs Smokin' Gunns and Marc Mero

In the semi main event we have the team of Camp Cornette (Vader, Bulldog and Owen) going off against the team of Marc Mero and the reigning tag team champions, the Smokin' Gunns. Mero is the clear crowd favourite in this match, with all the other competitors being roundly booed.

Owen Hart and Billy Gunn get the majority of the early action in, with Vader notably not having any involvement. Vader finally tags in after approximately 15 minutes of the match, during which the Smokin' Gunns become embroiled in a slugfest outside the ring with Bulldog and Owen, distracting the referee, this enables Hunter Hearst Helmsley to sneak into the ring and floor Mero with a chair shot....Vader makes the cover and the referee makes the 3 count.

JR: That b***ard Helmsley has screwed Mero again.

Lawler: He'll be screwing more than Mero after BackLash JR! 

Outcome: Camp Cornette win by pinfall



The Undertaker vs Steve Austin

Steve Austin makes his way to the ring and is followed by The Undertaker. This is a  real back and forth match between two of the top competitors currently in the WWF, with no man able to gain  a clear advantage over the other. The brawl spills out to the outside of the ring, where the two brawl in vicinity of the announcers table.

Suddenly The Undertaker is attacked from behind..IT’s MANKIND!


Austin and Mankind have momentary 2 vs 1 advantage over The Undertaker until the crowd pops wildly....


and the Ultimate Warrior comes sprinting down to ringside to even things up. The referee has seen enough of this one and calls for the bell in a no contest. 

The Undertaker vs Mankind brawl spills into the crowd, with the camera now focussing on Austin and Warrior beating the hell out of each other…

As Raw begins to wrap up its weekly show, we get a shot of Goldust backstage looking on with glee as his two BackLash opponents beat the snot out of each other.

Outcome: No official decision


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Rock n' Roll Express defeated The Blue Bloods

Sting defeatd Maxx Muscle by DQ

Bug Bubba Rogers defeated Konnan

Randy Savage defeated Ultimate Dragon

The Booty Man and Harlem Heat defeated Dungeon of Doom

Hollywood Hogan defeated John Tenta

Lex Luger defeated Arn Anderson to retain TV Title




The Stalker defeated Barry Horowitz

Jeff Jarrett defeated Aldo Montoya

The Godwinns defeated Brooklyn Brawler and Rick Titan

2 Cold Scorpio defeated The Goon



Earl Robert Eaton defeated Bobby Walker

DDP & The James Boys defeated John Tenta & Rock n' Roll Express

Kevin Sullivan defeated Jim Powers

Arn Anderson defeated Disco Inferno

Harlem Heat defeated Blue Bloods to retain Tag Titles

Rey Mysterio defeated Syxx to retain Cruiserweight Title

Lex Luger defeated Chris Benoit, The Booty Man and Jim Duggan to retain TV Title

Scott Hall & Hollywood Hogan defeated Sting and Randy Savage

The Giant defeated Kevin Nash to retain World Title

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Raw - 1996 - September - Week 3 - Predictions Welcome

2 Cold Scorpio & Rocky Maivia vs The Goon and Justin Bradshaw

Smokin Gunns (C) vs The Godwinns - Tag Title Match

Faarooq vs Jake Roberts

Sycho Sid vs Owen Hart - #1 Contenders Match - WWF Title

The Undertaker. Ultimate Warrior & ??? vs Steve Austin, Goldust & Mankind


Bonus - Who will be ???

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