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World Wrestling Federation 1996 - Justice or Else

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Raw - 1996 - September - Week 3


Raw gets underway and we are greeted with the eerie sounding of Sycho Sid's music.  Sid makes his way to the ring and apologies to the fans for his recent absences, which he explains were due to unforseen circumstances.

Sid then gets onto a more comfortable topic...

"VADER! You still haven't given me a response about a match at BackLash...are you a man of a mouse? You claim to be the man....but you're looking at THE MAN right here"


Vader's music hits and the WWF Champion makes his way halfway down the aisle, clearly with no intent on entering the ring.

Cornette - Sid...I told you two weeks ago that you had to earn a shot at Vader...and what have you done about it since ? Zero. You've sat at home, probably played some softball, and then come back here demanding a title shot ? Based upon what ? You should be at the back of the queue.
Cornette is then interrupted by Vince McMahon on the TitanTron.

McMahon: Mr Cornette...I shall remind you that there is one person around here who decides whether someone is worthy of a Championship match...and it isn't you!

I have observed the actions of Camp Cornette over the past month and have now made my decision.  Sycho Sid will be in a number one contenders match tonight, against none other than...Owen Hart ! Should Camp Cornette intervene, Vader will be stripped of the WWF Title.

And the same will apply at BackLash! Should any member of Camp Cornette interfere in Vader's Championship match, Vader will be stripped !

Cornette is raging at McMahon as we go to a commercial break.



2Cold Scoprio and Rocky Maivia vs Justin Bradshaw and The Goon

We have two untried pairings here, in an unspectacular match. Rocky Maivia secures the victory with a running shoulderbreaker.

Outcome: 2Cold Scorpio and Rocky Maivia win by pinfall



Smokin' Gunns (C) vs Godwinns

In a defence of their Tag Titles, the Smoking Gunns' come through relatively unscathed in a successful defence against The Godwinns.

Outcome: Smokin' Gunns win by pinfall

Following their match, Jim Cornette appears at the top of the aisle with a microphone.

Clearly still angered by McMahon's comments earlier he shouts...

"SMOKIN GUNNS', SUNNY ! I've warned you once and I'll warn you again...your days carrying those belts around are fast coming to an end. You can't get by forever by beating deadbeats like the Godwinns...

JR: You'd think Cornette would understand by by now that it isn't him who determines title matches !


Marty Jannetty Promo 

Unexpectedly Marty Jannety's song hits and he makes his way towards the ring and demands a microphone from ringside.

"I've been quiet for a long time...but I've observed that since his defeat to Vader, my once long-time partner Shawn Michaels has been absent from the WWF.

I'm calling out as a friend Shawn...to ignite your love of this sport.  We used to talk for hours of our dream to be WWF Tag Champions...a goal that we never realised together...I'm calling out as a friend...as a brother...come back to the WWF...find your mojo once more...and let's finally achieve out goal together..."

JR: Well, I don't know what to say about that one King...

Lawler: He's a desperate idiot...always has been and always will be!



Roddy Piper and Jake Roberts are backstage, with Roberts about to go one on one with Faarooq.

Piper - Things are about to change around here...when you have a group of racial thugs, who think they can bully, outnumber and trample all over others...it takes the actions of good men to bring a stop to it...

Roberts - It is coming to an Faarooq...your tirade stops from here on in...you have chosen to mess with two men with considerable influence.. individuals who are true leaders amongst men...when you receive your awakening...you will wish you were still in WCW....



Faarooq vs Jake Roberts

Faarooq and Roberts go one on one in this clash, with the members of Nation staying backstage, with the exception of Clarence Mason who is ringside. Piper is also backstage.

The bout is highly competitive, with Roberts managing to stay the pace with the younger and more athletic Faarooq.

The match turns when Clarence Mason grabs hold of Roberts' foot in the corner and Faarooq manages to nail a spine Buster, followed by  a dominator for the 3 count.

Outcome: Faarooq wins by pinfall

Faarooq then begins whipping Roberts with his strap.


Which brings Piper running out from the back to make the save.


Piper is quickly overmanned though as the remaining members of the Nation put a beating on Piper and Roberts !

JR: Someone has to stop this...!

There is a small pop as the curtain bursts open...


Lawler: But whose side is he on JR....

Henry quickly answers Lawler as he lays waste to Elijah, Malcolm and Wallace...but is then hit from behind by a wicked chair shot from Faarooq.

JR: It looks like Piper, Roberts and Henry are a team...

Lawler: But it still isn't enough JR...they haven't got an IQ of 10 between them...



Sycho Sid vs Owen Hart - Number 1 Contender's Match - WWF Title

In the semi main event, we have a match which will determine the #1 Contender for the WWF Championship, with the winner getting their shot at Vader at BackLash in less than 2 weeks’ time.

JR: As a reminder, should any of Camp Cornette interfere in this match, Vader will be stripped of the World Title.

The match gets underway, and Sid initially struggles with the athleticism and speed of Hart. However, gradually Sid's power begins to take its toll. Hart attempts an enzirguri, but Sid catches his foot and spins Hart around. Hart goes into the air...

JR: Here comes the beginning of the end....Sid with the chokeslam.


Attention switches to the top of the ramp, where Bulldog comes from behind the curtain, but it is visibly being pulled back by Cornette...

Sid signals for the powerbomb....up Hart goes...Sid executes a perfect looking powerbomb...1...2....3! 

JR: Sid is going to BackLash to challenge the WWF Champion Vader ! And it looks like we have fractures in Camp Cornette !

Outcome: Sycho Sid wins by pinfall



3vs 3 Promo

Following the commercial break we go to a backstage interview hosted by Dok Hendrix with a rather unique trio who will be teaming up tonight. Goldust, Mankind and 'Stone Cold' Steve Austin.

Hendrix - So tonight, you have the unenviable task of facing off against the Ultimate Warrior, The Undertaker and a Mystery Partner...Mankind, what are your thoughts on tonight's match...

Mankind: Undertaker...this is just a short prelude of what is to come at BackLash when we face off in the Buried Alive match....it will be a glimpse into your future...a future of pain and remorse...

Goldust: Ultimate Warrior...this match is what dreams are made of...6 men in lycra...

Goldust is promptly shut down by Austin grabbing the microphone.

Austin: Shut the hell up. Tonight, I see five rivals who are trying to steal Steve Austin's limelight. I dont trust you two idiots anymore than I trust my opponents. If you get in my way, you will pay the price. And that's the bottom line...'cause Stone Cold said so'


3 vs 3



In the main event of the evening, we have Austin, Goldust and Mankind on one team.

JR: How will Austin and Goldust coexist on the same team. In just under two weeks time, they will both challenge the Ultimate Warrior in a triple threat match for the Intercontinental Championship.

The Ultimate Warrior and The Undertaker make their way to the ring…and the crowd patiently awaits the third member of their team, as yet unnamed.

An unfamiliar music begins to play…but it’s a familiar face who appears…



JR: It’s the long-term friend and foe of Mankind, the hardcore legend himself…Terry Funk!

Lawler: Just what this match needed JR….another idiot !

The match gets underway with Undertaker and Goldust going at it. Undertaker makes the tag out to Funk…Mankind can’t resist himself an he goes around the ring and pulls The Undertaker off the apron, and they have a brawl which takes them into the crowd and down the concourses…

JR: This is now effectively a 2 on 2 match!

Goldust is taking somewhat of a beating as Funk and Warrior rotate the tags…

Goldust finally manages to crawl over to his corner and is desperate for the tag…he is well within reach of Austin…Austin jumps down off the apon and starts heading back to the locker room.

JR: Austin is leaving Goldust out there to fight for himself…he has betrayed his team mate!

Lawler: He hasn’t betrayed him JR….DON’T TRUST ANYONE…NOT EVEN YOUR TEAM MATES!

Goldust quickly succumbs to the 2 on 1 disadvantage and Terry Funk puts with away with a Hangman’s Neckbreaker to secure a big win on his debut.

Outcome: The Undertaker, Ultimate Warrior and Terry Funk win by pinfall

Edited by bigt96
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The card so far for BackLash, no predictions at this stage please.

WWF TITLE - Vader (C) vs Sycho Sid

- if any of Camp Cornette interfere, Vader will be stripped of his title

INTERCONTINENTAL TITLE - Ultimate Warrior (C) vs Goldust vs Steve Austin

Marc Mero vs Hunter Hearst Helmsley 

- Sable becomes permanent valet for the victor

TAG TEAM TITLES - Smokin' Gunns (C) vs Owen Hart & British Bulldog

Buried Alive Match - Mankind vs The Undertaker 

Nation of Domination also in action.

More matches to be announced as we approach the week prior to the PPV. 

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Scorpio and rock would be perfect N.O.D members, by why have the goon on the card? Why not just have him be Scott or Bill Irwin I forget which brother the goon is he but he is one of them. Not sure if Henry will be apart of the nation this time around, at least for a while sense sense viscera is filling in the big guy role.

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7 minutes ago, sonny912 said:

Scorpio and rock would be perfect N.O.D members, by why have the goon on the card? Why not just have him be Scott or Bill Irwin I forget which brother the goon is he but he is one of them. Not sure if Henry will be apart of the nation this time around, at least for a while sense sense viscera is filling in the big guy role.

The Goon was his gimmick around that time, which he had debuted as. I doubt I will keep him around for long, he is just filler.  I have used him on SuperStars previously in The Goon gimmick.

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Syxx defeated Joey Maggs

John Tenta defeated Greg Valentine by DQ

Randy Savage defeated Maxx Muscle

Arn Anderson defeated Konnan

Chris Benoit defeated The Booty Man

Jim Duggan and Harlem Heat defeated Dungeon of Doom

Sting defeated Earl Robert Eaton


Salvatore Sincere & The Sultan defeated Aldo Montoya & Bob Holly

The Godwinns defeated Jason Ahrndt & Rick Titan

Jake Roberts defeated Leif Cassidy

Mark Henry defeated The Goon

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Prediction Standings

Lord Byron – 28

Old School Fan – 16

Dawn - 4


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  • 2 weeks later...
Posted (edited)



RAW - 1996 - September - Week 4


Raw gets underway with its usual pyrotechnic intro and we then cut to Vince McMahon is in the centre of the ring.




Ladies and Gentlemen, welcome to Raw!

Due to the action of ‘Stone Cold’ Steve Austin, who last week walked out on his partner Goldust, costing his team the tag team match up…Goldust will this week have his opportunity to gain his revenge. Tonight, in this very ring, Goldust will face off against ‘Stone Cold’ Steve Austin in a 1 vs 1 match-up! The two will then collide again on Sunday at BackLash as they compete in a triple threat match for the Ultimate Warrior’s Intercontinental Championship!




In the first match of the evening. Hunter Hearst Helmsley picks up a convincing win via a pedigree.

Outcome: Hunter Hearst Helmsley wins by pinfall



As Hunter celebrates in the ring, Marc Mero and Sable appear at the top of the aisle.

Mero: Hunter…congratulations on your win tonight. But let me make this clear, on Sunday evening, you will not be facing an opponent of the calibre of Aldo Montoya. You will be facing me…the WildMan, Marc Mero. But not only that….you will be facing a man who is fighting to save his wife from the clutches of a no good loser such as yourself!

Sable: Hunter…I have no intention of leaving this man by my side, the love of my life, Marc Mero. So come Sunday, your best effort will not be enough…we have taken our vows…and we will prevail.

JR: This Sunday at BackLash, Mero and Helmsley will go one on one, with the winner having Sable as their permanent valet.




Next up is Terry Funk who made a successful debut in last week’s 3 vs 3 main event.  He will be facing Jeff Jarrett.

Jarrett puts up a good showing, but Funk ultimately picks up the victory via a submission with the Spinning Toe Hold.

Outcome: Terry Funk wins by submission




Following the commercial break, Marty Jannetty makes his way down to the ring. Jannetty cuts a promo stating that he still hasn’t heard from his good friend Shawn Michaels, following Jannetty’s offer to reignite the desire within Shawn Michaels and chase the Tag Team Titles that evaded them during their Tag Team run.

Jannetty: “The offer is still there my good friend…as is the opportunity for us to achieve the dreams that we held together as a partnership…”

Lawler: When will this loser call it quits JR…





Next up are the Nation of Domination’s Black Panthers, against Jake Roberts and Mark Henry. Last week saw Mark Henry make the save for Jake Roberts and Roddy Piper, but the Nation’s 4 on 3 advantage eventually told, with the Nation delivering a beatdown to the 3 faces.

The match is evenly balanced for the most part, prior to it descending into chaos as the remaining members  of the Nation and Roddy Piper enter into a 4 vs 3 brawl.


The Nation with the numerical advantage gain the upper hand and begin to deliver a beatdown…that’s until a figure is seen making his way through the crowd…

Lawler: Who the hell is that JR, he is climbing over the ringside barrier!


JR: Well I’ll be damned King…it’s Barry Windham!!

Windham enters the ring and clears the ring of the Nation, almost decapitating Elijah with a Lariat in the process.

Outcome: No official decision


Piper now recovered, calls for a microphone from ringside.


Piper: NATION! I had warned you…several times! When a group of bullies come together, and strike with a numerical advantage…history shows you that good men need to come together. And it is required, is an ALLIANCE! This Alliance you see right here, myself, Mark Henry, Jake Roberts and our newest recruit Barry Windham is the stuff of your nightmares…and it is going to get a whole lot worse for you come BackLash!




Next up is Camp Cornette’s Owen Hart and the British Bulldog who will face off against The Smokin’ Gunns at BackLash for the WWF Tag Team Titles.

Owen Hart and British Bulldog gain a comprehensive victory, with Bulldog picking up the win via a running powerslam.

Outcome: Owen Hart and British Bulldog win via pinfall

Following the victory, Jim Cornette grabs a microphone.


Ladies and Gentlemen, you are looking at the next WWF Tag Team Champions right here…Owen Hart and the British Bulldog. Come Sunday night, Camp Cornette will hold all the titles of significance here in the WWF after Vader retains his World Wrestling Federation title against that Sycho idiot Sid!




Next up is our semi main event, with the leader of the Nation of the Domination going up against the #1 Contender for the World Wrestling Federation Championship, Sycho Sid!

The match is evenly balanced, prior to Faarooq’s management grabbing the leg of Sycho Sid from ringside, which momentarily incapacitates Sid, enabling Faarooq to gain the upperhand and hit a huge spinebuster.

JR: Sid is in huge trouble…! Faarooq is setting Sid for the Dominator….

Sid manages to escape with a huge elbow to the side of Faarooq’s head, which completely discombobulates Faarooq..

Lawler: Faarooq doesn’t know where he is…

Sid delivers a chokeslam and makes the cover…1…2…..3!

JR: A huge victory for Sycho Sid as he goes onto BackLash to face Vader for the WWF Title this Sunday!

Outcome: Sid wins by pinfall




Following a commercial break, we cut to an eerie pre-recorded taping of what appears to be Mankind in a Graveyard..

Sat beside a tombstone, Mankind is rocking back and forth, seemingly breathing in the air of death which surrounds him.

Mankind: Undertaker…this Sunday at BackLash….we will have the ultimate reckoning…a continuation of our duel…but one man will be buried alive…all Mankind ends up in this place…nobody can survive the test of life, we all end up dead. The end is night for you Undertaker

The camera then pans to Paul Bearer…

Bearer: But you won’t rest in peace Undertaker….you will burn in hell…something which you are all too familiar with…

JR: What the hell is Bearer talking about ?




In the main event of the evening, we have two men who will challenge for the Ultimate Warrior’s Intercontinental Championship this Sunday at BackLash.

The action in this one is fast paced, with it being a clear contest of the evening.

‘Stone Cold’ Steve Austin picked up a decisive pinfall victory following hitting the Stone Cold Stunner, to give himself a huge boost moving into Sunday’s PPV match.

Outcome: Steve Austin wins by pinfall

Prediction Standings


Lord Byron – 5

Old School Fan – 5

Dawn - 5


Lord Byron – 33

Old School Fan – 21

Dawn - 9


Edited by bigt96
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Posted (edited)

BackLash Card - Predictions Welcomed

Rocky Maivia vs Jeff Jarrett

Nation of Domination ( Elijah, Malcom & Wallace) vs The Alliance (Mark Henry, Jake Roberts and Barry Windham)

Tag Title: Smokin Gunns (C) vs Owen Hart & British Bulldog

Marc Mero vs Hunter Hearst Helmsley - (Sable becomes permanent valet for the winner)

Faarooq vs Roddy Piper

Intercontinental Title: Ultimate Warrior (C) vs Goldust vs Steve Austin

Buried Alive Match: Mankind vs The Undertaker

WWF Title: Vader (C) vs Sycho Sid -  ( If any member of Camp Cornette interfere, Vader will be stripped)


Bonus Point: Which will be the highest rated match of the PPV?


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18 hours ago, Lord Byron said:

My picks:  Rocky Maivia, Nation of Domination, Owen Hart & British Bulldog, Hunter Hearst Helmsley, Faarooq, Steve Austin, The Undertaker, and Vader...

Any pick for highest rated match ?

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Rocky Maivia vs Jeff Jarrett

Nation of Domination ( Elijah, Malcom & Wallace) vs The Alliance (Mark Henry, Jake Roberts and Barry Windham)

Tag Title: Smokin Gunns (C) vs Owen Hart & British Bulldog

Marc Mero vs Hunter Hearst Helmsley - (Sable becomes permanent valet for the winner)

Faarooq vs Roddy Piper

Intercontinental Title: Ultimate Warrior (C) vs Goldust vs Steve Austin

Buried Alive Match: Mankind vs The Undertaker

WWF Title: Vader (C) vs Sycho Sid -  ( If any member of Camp Cornette interfere, Vader will be stripped)

Highest-rated match - Warrior/Goldust/Austin

Edited by Old School Fan
Added bonus point prediction
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On 1/8/2024 at 12:37 PM, Old School Fan said:

Rocky Maivia vs Jeff Jarrett

Nation of Domination ( Elijah, Malcom & Wallace) vs The Alliance (Mark Henry, Jake Roberts and Barry Windham)

Tag Title: Smokin Gunns (C) vs Owen Hart & British Bulldog

Marc Mero vs Hunter Hearst Helmsley - (Sable becomes permanent valet for the winner)

Faarooq vs Roddy Piper

Intercontinental Title: Ultimate Warrior (C) vs Goldust vs Steve Austin

Buried Alive Match: Mankind vs The Undertaker

WWF Title: Vader (C) vs Sycho Sid -  ( If any member of Camp Cornette interfere, Vader will be stripped)

Any pick for highest rated match?

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BackLash - Predictions

Rocky Maivia def. Jeff Jarrett

The Alliance (Mark Henry, Jake Roberts and Barry Windham) def. Nation of Domination ( Elijah, Malcom & Wallace)

Tag Title: Owen Hart & British Bulldog def. Smokin Gunns (C)

Marc Mero def. Hunter Hearst Helmsley - (Sable becomes permanent valet for the winner)

Faarooq def. Roddy Piper

Intercontinental Title: Steve Austin def. Ultimate Warrior (C) & Goldust

Buried Alive Match: Mankind def. The Undertaker

WWF Title: Vader (C) def. Sycho Sid -  ( If any member of Camp Cornette interfere, Vader will be stripped)


Bonus Point: Which will be the highest rated match of the PPV?
Mankind vs. The Undertaker

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Backlash results should be posted tomorrow, all being well.  In the meantime, here are the outstanding results from Nitro and SuperStars.



Chris Benoit defeated Billy Kidman

Greg Valentine & Earl Robert Eaton defeated John Tenta & Jim Duggan

Sting defeated Chris Kanyon by DQ

Jim Powers and Harlem Heat defeated Dungeon of Doom

Randy Savage defeated Dean Malenko

Ric Flair defeated The Booty Man to retain US Title

NWO (Hall & Hogan) defeated Lex Luger and The Giant


The Godwinns defeated Rick Titan and Salvatore Sincere

2Cold Scorpio defeated Leif Cassidy

Who? defeated The Goon

The Godwinns defeated

Barry Windham defeated Jeff Jarrett

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A crazy amount of pyro kicks off the PPV.

JR: Ladies and Gentlemen, welcome to the World Wrestling Federation’s first iteration of the PPV BackLash, and what a show we have in store for you tonight! First of all, let’s go to the owner of the World Wrestling Federation, Vince McMahon.


Vince Promo Promo

Thank you, thank you…I’m pleased to announce to you all, that BackLash will mark the start of the World Wrestling Federation moving to monthly PPVs. Which means more Championship matches, and more access to your favourite WWF SuperStars. And what a night we have to mark this occasion. The WWF Tag Titles on the line…the Ultimate Warrior defending his Intercontinental Championship, Mankind taking on The Undertaker in a first ever ‘Buried Alive’ match, and Vader defending his World Title vs the monstrous Sycho Sid!



Rocky Maivia vs Jeff Jarrett

The first match on the card is the rookie Rocky Maivia vs Jeff Jarrett. The match is a relatively short one, with Maivia putting in an overwhelming dominant performance, picking up the victory via a Running Shoulderbreaker.

JR: What a great win for Rocky. This victory could be the launchpad for his career in the WWF!

Outcome: Rocky Maivia wins by pinfall




Nation of Domination ( Elijah, Malcom & Wallace) vs The Alliance (Mark Henry, Jake Roberts and Barry Windham)

Next up is the Nation of Domination vs the newly formed The Alliance. A reminder that the leaders of these two factions will go on 1 on 1 later this evening !

Elijah and Jake Roberts get this one underway, with regular tags taking place for both teams. The match is evenly poised, when Elijah and Malcolm begin battling on the outside of the ring with Henry and Roberts.

JR: Windham and Wallace are the legal men, as chaos ensues outside! Wallace attempts an irish whip, with Windham reverses. Windham now sends Wallace off the opposite ropes….FLYING LARIAT!

Windham makes the pin…1…2….3! The Alliance pick up a big win over the Nation!

Outcome: The Alliance win by pinfall




Tag Title: Smokin Gunns (C) vs Owen Hart & British Bulldog

Owen Hart and the British Bulldog make their way to the ring accompanied by Jim Cornette. Can Owen and the Bulldog make good on Cornette’s promise that Camp Cornette will be the dominant player after this evening, and add the Tag Team titles to the stable.

The Smokin’ Gunns accompanied by Sunny make the customary latter entrance as Champions as they seek to make defence number 4 of their titles.

In a extremely physical match, the Smokin’ Gunns show their greater experience operating as a team, but the individual abilities of Owen and Bulldog make the match an open and even contest.

Bart Gunn picks up the Bulldog and looks like he is going to beat Bulldog with his own version of the running powerslam…but Bulldog escapes and Bart is pushed into the corner where he bumps into Billy, who has turned around and talking to Sunny….Billy unaware turns around and pushes Bart….straight into the arms of the Bulldog…the Bulldog quickly executes a running powerslam…

1…2….3! We have new Tag Team Champions!

Outcome: Owen Hart and British Bulldog win by pinfall



Marc Mero vs Hunter Hearst Helmsley - (Sable becomes permanent valet for the winner)

Hunter Hearst Helmsley makes his way to the ring, followed by Marc Mero who is accompanied by his wife Sable.

JR: A reminder folks, that should Helmsley win tonight, Sable will be forced to leave her husband and become the permanent valet of Helmsley…

Lawler: Rightly so JR…let’s remember that Sable is only present in the WWF because Helmsley brought her in here originally…

JR: Give over King! Sable is Mero’s wife. Helmsley’s pursuit of her has been sickening !

This one gets off to a fast start with clear vitriol between the two men  - the pace set is such that many of the roster would likely not be able to keep up. After a frentic start the action slows down somewhat.

Helmsley floors Mero with an excellent suplex and swiftly follows up with knee drop to the head…

JR: Mero is in trouble here….Sable is up on the ring apron…!

Sable on the ring apron is shouting encouragement to Mero to get up on his feet…this catches the attention of Helmsley who makes his way over to Sable..

Lawler: Put her in her place Hunter…!

Helmsley goes in on Sable for the kiss….but Sable lands a huge slap across Helmsley’s face…

Mero rolls up Helmsley from behind…


JR: Justice prevails, Mero gets the win and him and his wife will remain as a partnership!

Outcome: Marc Mero wins by pinfall



Faarooq vs Roddy Piper

JR: Here we are folks, it is the leader of the Nation of Domination vs the leader of The Alliance. Can Faarooq avenge the earlier defeat to his group, with The Alliance gaining the victory following Barry Windham pinning Wallace?

Faarooq makes his way to the ring, clearly aggrieved at the earlier loss which his stable endured. He takes this anger out on Piper during the early course of the match, which for the most part he dominates.

However, the experience of Piper sees him gain a foothold in the contest, as he slows Faarooq down with his wily tricks. Piper capitalises on a mistake by Faarooq…

JR: Piper has the sleeper hold applied…! Can he keep it locked in and secure a dominating night for The Alliance…

The ref holds up Faarooq’s arm…it drops once…and then twice…

JR: If Faarooq’s arm drops one more time…Piper has the win…..OH NO! Faarooq has someone managed to deliver a devastating jaw breaker ! Piper is out of it….

Faarooq slowly rises to his feet, and picks up a dismantled Piper…DOMINATOR!

Faarooq makes the cover….1….2…….3!

JR: Faarooq levels it up for the Nation. Both teams leave here tonight with a victory.

Outcome: Faarooq wins by pinfall



Austin Promo with Dok Hendrix

We go backstage to an interview segment.

Dok Hendrix: Ladies and Gentlemen, with me right now is a challenger for the Intercontinental Championship, ‘Stone Cold’ Steve Austin.  Steve in just a few moments, you will head to the ring, how are you feeling about your chances tonight against the Ultimate Warrior and Goldust?

Austin: Listen, I beat the crap outta that crossdresser Goldust last week, and I beat the crap outta the Ultimate Warrior at SummerSlam. Steve Austin will be walkin’ outta this god damn arena as the new and rightful intercontinental champion, and there ain’t a damn thing you, or those two other jackasses I’ll be facing tonight can do about it.



Intercontinental Title: Ultimate Warrior (C) vs Goldust vs Steve Austin

JR: Next up we have a triple threat match for the Intercontinental Championship. There is some backstory here folks, with the Ultimate Warrior advancing to the final of the tournament to win this title at SummerSlam after winning via disqualification as he was severely beaten up by ‘Stone Cold’ Steve Austin. Goldust himself won a battle royal the same night at SummerSlam to become the number 1 contender. Since then we have simply had chaos between the three men.

The wrestler’s make their own individual entrances, Austin carrying the belt which he stole off Warrior several weeks ago.

The match gets underway with Austin and Goldust somehow managing to co-exist to lay a beating on the Ultimate Warrior, but it isn’t long before Austin turns on Goldust, a man who he walked out on during their tag match just two weeks ago. Austin is clearly the frontrunner in the match, and showing his dominance, much to the dismay of the crowd who are firmly behind the Ultimate Warrior.

All three men are in the ring when Austin irish whips Goldust into the corner, and Goldust buckles to the ground. Seizing his opportunity, Austin delivers a stone cold stunner to Warrior!

JR: That’s it! Austin just needs to make the cover and has the title won…but what’s this…Marlena is on the ring apron shouting abuse at Austin….she’s now in the ring…Austin is now shouting in Marlena’s face….

Goldust recovers and makes his way over to Austin and throws Austin out of the ring…Goldust is shouting obscenities out of the ring at Austin who is lay on the floor.

JR: Warrior has rolled up Goldust from behind…1…2….3!

THE ULTIMATE WARRIOR RETAINS HIS TITLE. Austin looks livid on the outside, and enters the ring and delivers stunners to both Goldust and Marlena.

Outcome: Ultimate Warrior wins by pinfall



Video Montage

Prior to this one, a video montage is played reminding us of the rivalry between Mankind and The Undertaker, which includes the Boiler Room Brawl at SummerSlam where Paul Bearer turned on The Undertaker, and Paul Bearer’s vague threats about a dark secret of The Deadman.

Buried Alive Match: Mankind vs The Undertaker

JR: So here we are, the first buried alive match in the history of the WWF. These two men are never likely to be the same competitors after tonight King!

Lawler: I can’t wait JR…The Undertaker has no chance no after Paul Bearer has taken the power of The Urn away and gifted it to Mankind…The Undertaker will finally rest in peace himself tonight!

Mankind makes his way out first, accompanied by his recently acquired manager Paul Bearer…Bearer lifts The Urn..and shouts incomprehensibly…Mankind gifts The Urn to Mankind who rocks back and forth with it whilst sitting in the centre of the ring.

The Undertaker then makes his entrance. The match starts with a wild brawl as soon as The Undertaker enters the ring, with both of them trading heavy punches back and forth. Mankind goes to the outside…and The Undertaker commits to a diving assault over the top rope…and he nails it, with both men now down on the outside of the ring as they battle up the aisle towards the grave…

The fight then spills over into the crowd as the two continue to trade blows…

Lawler: You can’t win the match from there Mankind you idiot…get him into the grave!

The two men now get on the right side of the barrier and battle up towards the grave again…The Undertaker nails a huge uppercut and then follows it with a huge shot to the back of Mankind’s head with the shovel….

JR: Mankind is in huge trouble here…The Undertaker is lifting him up….chokeslam into the grave…

The Undertaker begins burying Mankind by shovel dirt into the grave…

JR: Paul Bearer has grabbed The Undertaker….oh my…The Undertaker has lifted Paul Bearer up by one hand….chokeslam into the grave on top of Mankind. Mankind must be broken in half!

The Undertaker continues burying both Mankind and The Undertaker…the referee calls for the bell…this one is over. The Undertaker wins.

Outcome: The Undertaker wins by burying Mankind



WWF Title: Vader (C) vs Sycho Sid -  ( If any member of Camp Cornette interfere, Vader will be stripped)

JR: Well here we are King, the Main Event of the evening, for the World Wrestling Federation Championship. The Champion Vader, defending not only his World Title, but his record of being unbeaten in the WWF. And remember folks, due to the repeated interference from Camp Cornette, should any of them interfere in tonight’s match, Vader will be stripped of his World Title, will that sway the balance in favour of his opponent tonight, Sycho Sid…

Lawler: You’re talking about the most dominant man in the whole of wrestling JR, Vader doesn’t need any assistance to beat anybody…and who are you going to turn to as your next knight in shining armour once Vader runs through Sid tonight….?

Sycho Sid makes his way to the ring to a heroes welcome, and is shortly followed by Vader who tonight comes to the ring alone. 

The match between these two behemoths gets underway with a test of strength, which Vader ultimately wins due to him managing to rake Sid in the eyes. The match then sway back and forth with both men heavily concentrating on brawling. Vader then manages to lock in a sleeper hold, which he manages to hold for over a minute, before Sid manages an escape.

Sid then hits Vader with a huge big boot…

JR: Sid is in the ascendency now King….what’s this…Sid is lifting Vader up for the chokeslam….up Vader goes….and Sid nails it!

Sid is now stalking around the ring

Lawler: What is this idiot doing JR, make the cover!

JR: What’s Sid doing here….he’s setting Vader up for the powebomb..

Lawler: He’s really wanting to prove he’s the King of the Powerbomb here JR…but he might prove to be the King of the Idiot’s

Sid lifts Vader up for the powerbomb….but Vader slips out of it. Vader flows Sid with a huge clothesline…

Lawler: The tables have turned now JR….Vader is setting up his own powerbomb…!

Vader lifts up Sid…and nails him with a perfect powerbomb…Vader drags Sid by arm over to the corner…

Lawler: Cover him Vader!!

JR: He’s going up for the Vader bomb….

Vader bounces up and down on the ropes and then takes the leap of destiny….Vader nails it…

Vader with the cover…1……2……….3! Vader retains his World Title!

JR: A huge statement win for Vader….who can possibly put an end to this monster’s unbeaten run

Outcome: Vader wins by pinfall


Bonus Point: Which will be the highest rated match of the PPV?  = Mankind vs The Undertaker




Edited by bigt96
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There have been interesting contract developments at the WWF as of late. Barry Windham has signed an iron clad five year contract with the WWF after previously being under a pay per appearance deal. The contract is seen as a significant signing, with the length of the contract surprising many. Post signing the contract, Windham was turned face and then placed into The Alliance to take part in their feud with the Nation of Domination, where he is expected to be a major player. Dok Hendrix has also signed a contract extension, and Teddy Long has agreed to a deal which will see him join from WCW. It is currently unclear as to what role Long will perform in the WWF.

Meanwhile, there will be a significant exit from WWF with Jeff Jarrett agreeing a contract with WCW. The WWF made two offers to Jarrett, but would not agree to enter a third round of talks, which led to Jarrett’s move to the WCW. Jarrett had hoped the door would be open to a move back to the WWF at the end of his 3 year WCW, but that now appears unlikely after his recent jobbing efforts to less established stars such as Rocky Maivia. The signing is seen as a further coup for WCW who have recently risen to ‘Big’ size.

Despite The Undertaker winning at BackLash, it was not all good news for The Undertaker with him picking up a shoulder injury due to a botch from Mankind. The injury will likely impact his in-ring performance for the next 2 months. This is a further blow to the WWF who are already lacking star power and have missing the likes of Shawn Michaels, Bret Hart and the promising Ahmed Johnson.  However, ex World Champion Yokozuna has apparently been training hard, and has lost a considerable amount of weight. However, it remains to be seen whether the WWF will find an appropriate slot for him on the roster or the correct opponent to bring out the best in him.

Edited by bigt96
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Prediction Standings


Dawn - 12

Lord Byron – 10

Old School Fan – 9

DinoKea - 7


Lord Byron – 38

Old School Fan – 25

Dawn - 16

DinoKea - 7


Thank you to all those who took part.

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