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WCW [1995]: The Goodbye Resolution

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WCW United States Title Match
The Giant defends vs. Warrior
Comments: I think we see a DQ here with the devil getting involved

Road Warriors vs. Steiner Brothers
Comments: I sense this will not be the last match but the Warriors pick up a cheap win

WCW World Tag Team Titles Match
Luger & Windham defend vs. Harlem Heat

"Double A" Arn Anderson vs. "The Nature Boy" Ric Flair
Comments:  Honestly I hated seeing these two battle in RL back then.  

War Games
"The Ugandan Giant" Kamala, Meng, The Shark and Zodiac vs. "The Immortal" Hulk Hogan, "Hacksaw" Jim Duggan, "The Macho Man" Randy Savage and "WCW Franchise" Sting

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Zodiac vs. "The Macho Man" Randy Savage

"The Man Of A Thousand Holds" Dean Malenko vs. Mr. JL

"The Enforcer" Arn Anderson and "Flyin'" Brian Pillman vs. The Armstrong Boys

"Dirty" Dick Slater vs. "The Total Package" Lex Luger

WCW World Heavyweight Title Match
"The Immortal" Hulk Hogan defends vs. "Hacksaw" Jim Duggan

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  • 3 weeks later...
Posted (edited)
On 12/21/2023 at 12:58 PM, Dawn said:

Wait...did I miss something? People went from predicting a card to predicting another and I was bamboozled along :p

It appears that some people skipped page 2 entirely, maybe?  That's what I get for not paying close enough attention to the predictions.  The wrong prediction show was made by JaCeLo3Colonel PhantomOld School Fan and Dawn.  Though, Old School Fan and Dawn made the right predictions first.

Edited by angeldelayette
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17 hours ago, angeldelayette said:

It appears that some people skipped page 2 entirely, maybe?  That's what I get for not paying close enough attention to the predictions.  The wrong prediction show was made by JaCeLo3Colonel PhantomOld School Fan and Dawn.  Though, Old School Fan and Dawn made the right predictions first.

Oh, dang, I guess we goofed on that one, didn't we?  😆  Well, there's always next time...  🍺

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Sunday Week 4 September 1995
WCW Fall Brawl


WCW Fall Brawl does not begin in the arena.  Instead, it begins in the backstage area where Hulk Hogan is shown with Jim Duggan.  Duggan tells Hogan that he apologizes for striking Hogan last Monday on Nitro.  He says that he didn't know who he was bumping into and just lashed out.  Hogan says he understands, brother.  He says that the two of them need to be on the same page because they have War Games tonight.  The two of them shake hands and hug it out before we go to the arena and the ring for our opening bout.


Match #1
WCW United States Title Match
The Giant (w/The Taskmaster) defends vs. Warrior

Highlights of the opening bout include Warrior rushing to the ring and attacking both The Giant and The Taskmaster.  Warrior goes for the press slam early on in the match but The Giant shifts his weight and lands on top of Warrior for an early two count.  More highlights include The Giant hitting a dropkick on Warrior and then sending Warrior into a corner.  He hit a reverse avalanche and then threw some back elbows.  The Giant locked Warrior into a bear hug but Warrior managed to fight back and break the hold.  Warrior and The Giant hit a double clothesline that sent both men down to the mat.  Warrior shook the ropes, getting the crowd into it and getting up to his feet first.  He stomped on The Giant, keeping the larger man on the mat.  The Taskmaster climbed onto the apron and Warrior ran at him, throwing a punch and knocking him off the apron.  Warrior turned back to The Giant and walked right into a Superkick from Shawn Michaels, who slid into the ring from the crowd!  This was right in front of the referee so referee Nick Patrick called for the bell as Michaels slid out of the ring and headed through the crowd.  Warrior gets the win by disqualification but not the belt at 9:41!
Warrior d. The Giant =80


The Nature Boy
As The Giant is handed the United States title belt, we are taken to the backstage area where Ric Flair is set up for an interview.  Flair says that they are in Flair Country right here in Asheville, North Carolina.  He says that he has had his ups and downs with his former best friend, Arn Anderson.  But this is going to be an up for him and a down for his old Enforcer.  He says that he is living his best life as the Nature Boy.  He tells Anderson that to be the man, you have to beat the man and Ric Flair is always the man.  Flair reminds Anderson that he's the reason Anderson has had custom made clothes and the best things in life.  Tonight, Flair promises to take all those things away.  Whoo!


Match #2
Road Warriors (w/Paul Ellering) vs. Steiner Brothers

We go to the ring for our second bout of the night.  Highlights of these two veteran teams include a wild brawl in the early goings of the match that feature Steiner Brothers getting control and knocking Road Warriors out of the ring.  Rick jogs around the ring, barking, before getting down on his knees with Scott standing over him.  Once things settle in the ring, Animal takes control over Rick Steiner.  Animal scores a two count following a powerslam.  Animal and Hawk make some frequent tags during the middle portion of the match, keeping Rick Steiner in their corner or away from Scott.  Paul Ellering guides Animal and Hawk from ringside.  Rick manages to make the hot tag to Scott, who comes in firing off Steinerlines on both Animal and Hawk.  This makes the match break down into a four person brawl both in the ring and out of the ring.  Scott and Animal end up out of the ring, fighting with Scott running Animal into the ring post and then the guardrail.  The fight continues outside the ring as the referee counts, eventually causing the referee to call for the bell.  We have a double countout at 15:47!
Road Warriors Draw Steiner Brothers =73



Continue To Brawl
The sound of the bell doesn't stop Road Warriors and Steiner Brothers from fighting in and out of the ring.  Hawk hits Rick Steiner in the ring with the top rope clothesline, one half of the Doomsday Device.  Scott Steiner slides in the ring and attacks Hawk from behind.  Scott sends Hawk to the ropes and hits the Frankensteiner!  Animal makes it back in the ring and begins brawling with Rick Steiner.  The brawl with all four men goes from the ring to the outside to through the crowd.  The four men disappear in the crowd as they fight.  While officials and security officers try to separate the four men, we go to the backstage area.



Picking Up A Lady
In this backstage area, we are shown Diamond Doll pausing by catering and looking almost longingly at some of the sweet treats there.  She is approached by Eddy Guerrero, who calls her the sweetest treat that he can see right there.  Doll seems to blush and thanks him in a whisper.  Guerrero sweet talks Diamond Doll and she seems a bit receptive to his flirtations until Diamond Dallas Page shows up.  DDP asks what's going on and Doll looks like she got caught with her hand in the cookie jar.  DDP looks to Guerrero and tells him to stay away from his girl.  DDP and Guerrero go face to face before Guerrero smiles and pats DDP on the cheek before walking away.  Doll seems to be looking at him like she looked at the sweet treats behind DDP's back.  DDP turns to her and grabs her by the hair, walking away with her with an angry look on his face.


Blue Bloods Want A Match
We go from the backstage area to the ringside area where Lord Steven Regal, Earl Robert Eaton and an unknown man come down to the ring.  Regal introduces this new man as Squire Dave Taylor.  He says that he brought Taylor in so that Taylor could help teach Eaton about the finer things in life.  He says that Eaton is still rough around the edges but that Taylor can really help Eaton learn about things.  Taylor gets on the microphone and says he wants to prove himself as a member of the Blue Bloods.  He challenges any three men in the back to come out to the ring and face them.  Earl Robert Eaton gets on the microphone and says there aren't three men in the back who are brave enough and worthy enough to face the Blue Bloods on pay-per-view.  There is a pause as we wait to see who is going to answer the challenge.


Mike Rotunda walks out from the back wearing his Syracuse letterman's jacket.  Rotunda talks about the Blue Bloods being a bunch of English prissy wrestlers and says that Eaton is better than those other two.  Rotunda says that he has made the decision to reinstitute the Varsity Club and what better way to bring the Varsity Club back then on a match here on pay-per-view.  Regal reminds him that he's only one man.  Rotunda says he's not here alone.  He makes a motion and reintroduces to the wrestling world one of the best tag teams in the history of the business: First, from the University of Oklahoma, we have Dr. Death Steve Williams!  Second, from the University of Tennessee, Terry Bam Bam Gordy!  These are the Miracle Violence Connection!  Those two men come out wearing letterman's jackets from their respective universities.  They look at each other and then charge the ring.  The Blue Bloods quickly rush out of the ring and we have our next match.




Match #3
The Blue Bloods vs. The Varsity Club

Highlights of the match include The Varsity Club starting out strong, using a lot of chain wrestling against the Blue Bloods.  It is an old-fashioned wrestling match that focuses on the amateur style of wrestling.  The Blue Bloods take control with Terry Gordy as the face-in-peril.  Lord Steven Regal scores a two count on Gordy following a half-nelson suplex.  Regal tags in Earl Robert Eaton, who tries to hit a double underhook suplex but can't seem to lift the larger Gordy.  Gordy fights back and manages to make the hot tag to Steve Williams.  Dr. Death comes in with clotheslines on all three members of the Blue Bloods.  Williams hits Eaton with a dropkick and then an overhead belly-to-belly suplex.  Eaton manages to tag in Dave Taylor.  Taylor comes in and fights in a back and forth fashion with Williams.  Williams tags in Mike Rotunda.  Rotunda takes down Taylor and then hits the Airplane Spin into a slam.  Rotunda makes the cover: One, Two, Three!  The Varsity Club picks up the win at 14:21!
The Varsity Club p. The Blue Bloods =76



A New Contract?
Eric Bischoff leaves the announce table and heads to the top of the stage.  Bischoff reminds everyone about the two outsiders, including the attack by Shawn Michaels earlier tonight.  Bischoff invites the two outsiders to talk with him right now.  Shawn Michaels and Roddy Piper come out from the back and stand beside Bischoff.  Michaels asks Bischoff what's going on because they have better things to do than to talk with Ken Doll Bischoff.  Bischoff says that he has been authorized to offer both Michaels and Piper full-time WCW contracts.  So they will no longer be outsiders and be able to be in the arena week in and week out.  Michaels says this must be some kind of a sick joke.  Piper says that Bischoff is the joke.  Suddenly, Michaels strikes Bischoff with the Superkick.  We are reminded by Bobby Heenan that Eric Bischoff is not a wrestler.  Michaels looks down at the two contracts and picks one up, signing it.  Piper signs the second contract and says they'll see them all tomorrow night on Nitro, especially Randy Savage.  Piper and Michaels walk to the back before we go back up to the ring.


Match #4
WCW World Tag Team Titles Match
Luger & Windham defend vs. Harlem Heat

Tony Schiavone and Dusty Rhodes become the new commentary team for the rest of the show as the WCW World Tag Team titles are on the line next.  Highlights of the match include Harlem Heat showing why they are former WCW World Tag Team Champions as they use quick and early double teams to keep Luger and Windham off guard.  Sensuous Sherri leads them from ringside, though she doesn't seem to have much positive chemistry with Booker T.  Booker T scores a two count on Windham following the Heat Bomb, a Powerbomb and diving elbow drop combination.  Windham manages to fight back and makes the hot tag to Luger.  The Total Package comes running in with leaping forearm smashes to both Stevie Ray and Booker T.  Luger catches Booker with an inverted atomic drop.  Then he picks up Stevie Ray with a vertical suplex.  The match moves forward with both teams getting in a few more moves.  Then, all four men end up in the ring together.  Luger sends both himself and Booker over the top rope with a clothesline, leaving Barry Windham and Stevie Ray in the ring.  Windham adjusts the glove on his right hand before he ducks a clothesline attempt by Ray.  He bounces off the ropes and hits a flying lariat!  Windham makes the cover: One, Two, Three!  Luger & Windham defend the WCW World Tag Team titles in 16:49!
Luger & Windham p. Harlem Heat =78



Rock And Roll Lives
New backstage interviewer Mark Madden is shown backstage with the returning tag team known as the Rock 'N' Roll Express.  Madden says this is a great moment for him being here for the return of the former tag team champions.  He welcomes them back to WCW.  Ricky Morton reminds him that rock and roll never dies.  He says that rock and roll is alive and well here in WCW.  Robert Gibson says that they came back for one reason and that's to win the WCW World Tag Team titles.  He says that they have a lot of respect for Lex Luger and Barry Windham.  He says that normally they wouldn't have a fight with them but they want the belts.  Madden thanks them and sends us back to the ring.


Match #5
Arn Anderson vs. Ric Flair

The penultimate match is the match of the night here at Fall Brawl as Arn Anderson steps in the ring to take on his former best friend Ric Flair.  Highlights of the match begin with Flair avoiding Anderson several times and then doing a strut across the ring and releasing a 'Whoo!'  Flair frustrates Anderson in the early goings until Brian Pillman and Greg Valentine come down to ringside and stand in Anderson's corner.  The distraction leads to Anderson gaining the advantage.  Anderson focused on the back of Flair, with Tony Schiavone reminding everyone about the airplane accident that Flair had been in back in 1975.  Anderson scored a two count on Flair following a Gourdbuster.  Another highlight included Anderson Irish whipping Flair to the turnbuckle.  Flair flipped up and over the turnbuckle and landed on the apron.  He rushed across to the top turnbuckle but got caught and Anderson slammed him off the top turnbuckle.  

The momentum turned when Arn Anderson went for a high knee in the corner on Ric Flair but Flair moved and Anderson struck the turnbuckle with his knee.  Flair focused his attack on the knee of Anderson, placing it on the bottom rope and then hitting it with a leaping senton.  Flair began to strut but then grabbed his back in pain.  Flair went for the Figure Four but Anderson reversed it into a small package for a two count.  Flair got back in charge and hit Anderson with hard knife-edge chops in the corner.  Flair Irish whipped Anderson across but referee Charles Robinson got caught in the middle.  Flair avalanched Anderson in the corner, along with Robinson.  With the referee down, Flair went for the Figure Four but in came Brian Pillman and Greg Valentine.  It became a three on one attack on Flair, setting Flair up for a Spinebuster by Anderson.  Pillman strikes Flair with an additional punch before rolling out of the ring.  Valentine wakes up the referee as Anderson makes the cover: One, Two, Three!  Arn Anderson wins at 22:34!
Arn Anderson p. Ric Flair =87



The bell has sounded and Brian Pillman and Greg Valentine enter the ring.  Arn Anderson gets his arm raised by Pillman and then he looks down at the fallen Ric Flair.  Anderson paces for a moment and then he reaches down and grabs Flair, pulling him up to his feet.  The two men stare at each other for a moment and then embrace in a hug!  The fans in the arena are confused, as are the announcers.  Flair raises Anderson's arm and then shakes hands with Pillman and Valentine.  What in the world is going on?!?!?  All four men stand side by side in the ring and raise a hand with four fingers.  The four men exit the ring together and head to the back with everyone more confused than ever.


Destroying Hulkamania
One final time, we go to the backstage area where The Taskmaster is hyping up The Dungeon Of Doom members Kamala, Meng, The Shark and Zodiac.  The Taskmaster says that tonight is their opportunity to get rid of Hulk Hogan and Hulkamania.  He says that this is the reason they are stepping into War Games.  He says to focus on Hogan when he gets in the ring and whether they win or lose they want to make sure that Hogan doesn't survive the night.  The Taskmaster makes a few motions and then we head to the ring for our main event.




Match #6
War Games Match
Kamala, Meng, The Shark and Zodiac vs. Hulk Hogan, Jim Duggan, Randy Savage and Sting

It is main event time and we have two four man teams in War Games.  Two rings will be surrounded by a steel cage with a roof on top.  One wrestler from each team starts the match for five minutes.  During those five minutes, a coin flip takes place backstage to determine which side has the one man advantage.  They alternate wrestlers from each team every two minutes until all eight men are in the ring.  Once that happens, the Match Beyond begins.  It can only be won by submission or surrender.  This submission or surrender can only happen once all eight men have entered the rings.

This War Games match is quite possibly the worst War Games match in the history of War Games matches.  The match begins with Randy Savage on one side and Zodiac on the other side.  Zodiac shows his craziness as he yells at Savage yes, no, yes, no!  Savage goes right after him, showing his talent with a double axehandle from the top turnbuckle.  The coin is flipped and the Dungeon Of Doom wins the one man advantage.  That eventually brings out Kamala.  The match goes a pretty basic way as Sting is the next man out.  Then, Meng comes out from The Dungeon Of Doom.  During this time, Zodiac hits an awkward looking DDT on Sting.  Sting manages to crawl backward into a corner, holding his head and officials are checking on him as Savage is triple teamed by the Dungeon Of Doom.  Jim Duggan comes out with the 2X4 in hand and enters the ring with the weapon, using it on all three members of the Dungeon Of Doom in the ring.  The Shark is the last man from The Dungeon Of Doom to enter the ring.  He uses his size advantage to give the DoD the control.  The Shark hits a seated senton splash on Jim Duggan.  The advantage comes to an end with the final buzzer sounding and out comes the WCW World Heavyweight Champion Hulk Hogan.  The Match Beyond has begun!

Hulk Hogan enters the ring and throws punches with all four members of the Dungeon Of Doom.  The crowd cheers as Hogan takes down The Shark with a clothesline.  He body slams Meng.  Zodiac attacks him from behind and then locks in the Sleeper!  Hogan tries to fight back but starts to slip into dreamland.  Sting recovers some in the corner and then fights back with his team, going up against The Shark.  He knocks The Shark to the mat with a clothesline and Randy Savage heads to the top turnbuckle.  Savage hits the Flying Elbow Drop!  Jim Duggan hits Meng in the back with the 2X4, breaking the wooden board over the back of Meng.  Hogan manages to get back to his feet and backs up in the corner, crushing Zodiac in the corner.  Sting charges in and Hogan moves at the last minute, setting up Zodiac for the Stinger Splash!  Sting grabs Zodiac by the legs and turns him over into the Scorpion Deathlock.  Zodiac struggles in the hold and then is forced to submit!
Hulk Hogan, Jim Duggan, Randy Savage and Sting d. Kamala, Meng, The Shark and Zodiac =46


Everybody Wants The WCW World Title
Team Hulk Hogan wins the match tonight and Sting releases the Scorpion Deathlock.  Sting and Hogan raise their arms in victory as Randy Savage exits the ring and heads over, grabbing the WCW World Heavyweight title belt.  Savage enters the ring and stands in front of Hogan.  He looks down at the WCW World Heavyweight title belt.  He looks up at Hogan for a long moment before Hogan snatches the belt from Savage.  Hogan raises the belt up as Jim Duggan and Sting stand between Savage and Hogan.  The show ends with the Macho Man and the Immortal looking face to face.

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35 minutes ago, Dawn said:

Holy smokes did that main event tank :o wondering what the factors to that were?

Yeah, the main event definitely tanked.  Here are some of the factors that went into that:

Sting sustained a Chronic Migraine.  The injury that Sting worked through took a big toll.  Zodiac got backstage heat following this match after injuring Sting with a botched move.

This type of match was an extremely poor choice for this audience.

Kamala was penalised for stamina.  

Hogan=DPA.  Savage=DPA.  

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8 hours ago, angeldelayette said:

Yeah, the main event definitely tanked.  Here are some of the factors that went into that:

Sting sustained a Chronic Migraine.  The injury that Sting worked through took a big toll.  Zodiac got backstage heat following this match after injuring Sting with a botched move.

This type of match was an extremely poor choice for this audience.

Kamala was penalised for stamina.  

Hogan=DPA.  Savage=DPA.  

Even with all these factors, FORTY SIX in a pop > perf company with Hogan, Savage and Sting in the match is absolutely nuts! But that's not your fault, that's TEW mechanics. Though honestly perf wise this match would likely be worse than 46 IRL :p 

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WCW Monday Nitro
Monday Week 1 October 1995

'Flyin' Brian Pillman vs. 'Hacksaw' Jim Duggan

Christian Cage and Sexton Hardcastle vs. Miracle Violence Connection

Lord Steven Regal vs. 'Iron' Mike Rotunda

WCW World Television Title Match
10 Minute Time Limit Match
Diamond Dallas Page defends vs. 'Das Wunderkind' Alex Wright

Pretty Powerful (Hercules Hernandez and Paul Roma) debut vs. Nasty Boys

'Rowdy' Roddy Piper vs. 'Macho Man' Randy Savage

Comments About The Diary In General: 

Edited by angeldelayette
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  • 2 weeks later...

Monday Week 1 October 1995
WCW Monday Nitro


Match #1
WCW World Heavyweight Title Number One Contender's Tournament, Quarterfinals
Brian Pillman vs. Jim Duggan

WCW Monday Nitro takes place in Moretz Stadium in Hickory, North Carolina.  As the two wrestlers are making their entrances, Eric Bischoff announces that this match is a quarterfinals match in an eight man WCW World Heavyweight title number one contender's tournament.  The finals of this tournament will take place at Halloween Havoc with the winner facing Hulk Hogan at World War 3 for the WCW World Heavyweight title.  At the beginning of the match, Jim Duggan gets a USA chant going, even though both wrestlers are from the USA.  Pillman tries to use his speed in the early going, including hitting a picture perfect dropkick on Duggan's chin.  The match gets slowed down when Duggan takes control and he hits a few restholds to keep Pillman on the mat.  In the end, Pillman takes down Duggan with a body slam and then heads out to the apron.  He hits the Air Pillman, a springboard lariat.  He makes the cover: One...Two...Three!  Brian Pillman advances in the tournament at 9:35!
Brian Pillman p. Jim Duggan =82


Four Horsemen?  Or Three?
Brian Pillman stands up and gets his arm raised as Jim Duggan rolls out of the ring and heads to the back.  As Pillman remains standing in the ring, '2001' begins to play and out from the back come Ric Flair, Arn Anderson and Greg Valentine.  Highlights of the match from Fall Brawl between Flair and Anderson are shown.  They hit the ring and Flair says he heard that there's a party going on in Hickory tonight.  He begins by telling Arn Anderson congratulations on the win last night.  He says that last week when he was in his hotel room he was approached by Anderson, Pillman and Valentine.  They talked about joining back together and Flair says that he agreed to make that happen if Anderson could beat him at Fall Brawl.  We all saw what happened last night.  Last night Arn Anderson became the man for the evening.  But there's one thing.  He turns to Valentine and says that Valentine can't be a part of this.  He has Arn Anderson and Brian Pillman attack Valentine, beating him down to the mat!  Valentine is shoved out of the ring and Flair says he cannot trust Valentine because The Hammer turned on him.  He says they will be scouting for a fourth member of the Four Horsemen but it won't happen here because Hickory isn't worthy of being in the presence of the Four Horsemen.  Flair, Anderson and Pillman raise four fingers before they walk to the back.



Brawl Backstage
We are taken to the backstage area where we see a brawl has already broken out between two teams that met last night at Fall Brawl, Road Warriors and Steiner Brothers!  Animal and Rick Steiner brawl in one portion, while Hawk and Scott Steiner brawl on another side.  Scott knocks Hawk backward into the garage door.  He goes for a clothesline but Hawk ducks and Scott hits the door with his arm.  Hawk kicks him in the gut and strikes with a punch.  On the other side, Rick knocks Animal to the ground with a Steinerline!  Officials and security led by Doug Dillinger rush in and break things up.  Can these two teams coexist in the same building?


Match #2
Christian Cage and Sexton Hardcastle vs. Miracle Violence Connection

Our second match of the night is the second match for both teams in this company this year.  We see Christian Cage and Sexton Hardcastle on one side and two members of The Varsity Club, Miracle Violence Connection.  Highlights of the match include the sneaky Cage and Hardcastle using some double teams on Terry Gordy and keeping him in their corner.  Gordy makes the hot tag to Steve Williams and Dr. Death goes off on both Cage and Hardcastle.  The match ends with Williams hitting Cage with the Oklahoma Stampede before making the pin: One...Two...Three!  Miracle Violence Connection pick up the win at 8:21!
Miracle Violence Connection p. Christian Cage and Sexton Hardcastle =56



Halloween Havoc Control Center
It's time for the Halloween Havoc Control Center hosted by Gene Okerlund!  Mean Gene talks about the number one contender tournament and gives a graphic that shows the eight men that will compete in this tournament.  We already saw Brian Pillman advance over Jim Duggan to the semifinals.  In our next quarterfinals match, we will see Roddy Piper take on Randy Savage in tonight's main event.  Next week, we will see the other two quarterfinal matches take place on Monday Nitro.  These will include Dean Malenko taking on Mike Rotunda and Ric Flair taking on Lex Luger.  The semifinals will take place in two weeks on Nitro, with the finals taking place at Halloween Havoc.  The winner of the tournament will receive their World title match against Hulk Hogan at World War 3.  Okerlund sends us to a promo with Lex Luger.  Luger begins by talking about his win last night at Fall Brawl and says he plans to continue to defend the WCW World Tag Team titles alongside Barry Windham.  But, next week, he faces an old friend and rival in Ric Flair.  Luger talks about their history and him coming within inches of beating Flair time and time again.  Luger says that Flair needs to focus on him and not the Four Horsemen because the Total Package is coming for you!  Luger flexes and then we go to the ring.


Match #3
Lord Steven Regal vs. Mike Rotunda

The first hour main event is Lord Steven Regal of The Blue Bloods taking on Mike Rotunda of The Varsity Club.  Highlights of the match include a suplex contest between the two men where they traded variations on the suplex until Regal finally got the advantage with a half nelson suplex.  Other highlights include Regal scoring a two count following a Regal Roll, a rolling fireman's carry slam, Regal going for the Regal Stretch but Rotunda working his way out of the hold and Rotunda getting the crowd fired up with a double underhook suplex.  In the end, Rotunda hits Regal with the Airplane Spin into a slam.  He makes the cover: One...Two...Three!  Mike Rotunda gets the win at 18:03!
Mike Rotunda p. Lord Steven Regal =78




The Mouth Of The South
We go to the ramp where Gene Okerlund is standing by to start off the second hour.  Okerlund talks about Fall Brawl last night and then brings out the manager of Hulk Hogan, Jimmy Hart.  Okerlund asks Hart about Hulk Hogan and Hart says that Hogan will be in the building next week.  He says that Hogan needed the night off after winning at Fall Brawl last night.  Hart says that Hulk is prepared to meet whoever he needs to meet at World War 3.  They get interrupted by the arrival of Brian Pillman.  Pillman yells at Hart that he is the man that Hogan is going to meet at World War 3.  Pillman bounces back and forth around Jimmy Hart before throwing a punch and knocking Hart to the ground.  Out from the back comes the Macho Man Randy Savage!  Pillman quickly bounces away as Savage checks on Hart, helping him to his feet.  While Savage helps Hart to the back, we go to the ring for our next contest.


Match #4
WCW World Television Title Match
10 Minute Time Limit Match
Diamond Dallas Page (w/Diamond Doll and Maxx Muscle) defends vs. Alex Wright

The next match is a title match for the WCW World Television title as Diamond Dallas Page, along with Diamond Doll and Maxx Muscle takes on 'Das Wunderkind' Alex Wright.  The match begins with Wright challenging DDP to a dance off.  Wright does his dance but is quickly taken down with a discus clothesline by DDP.  DDP and Wright share the advantage back and forth during the contest with neither man getting a long advantage.  DDP hits the Trip To The Diamond Mine for a two count.  Wright comes back with a perfect dropkick.  Wright sets up DDP for his German suplex finisher but Diamond Doll gets on the apron, distracting the referee.  Maxx Muscle hits Wright in the back of the head with the WCW World Television title belt but the referee doesn't see it.  DDP makes the cover as Diamond Doll drops from the apron: One...Two...Three!  Diamond Dallas Page with a successful defense at 8:47!
Diamond Dallas Page p. Alex Wright =57




A Rowdy Heartbreak
We go to the ramp where Gene Okerlund discusses the WCW Hotline and discusses the return of Hulk Hogan next week.  Then, he brings out two of the newly signed wrestlers here in WCW, Roddy Piper and Shawn Michaels.  Okerlund asks them about their plans and Piper says they plan to tear down WCW from the inside.  Piper reminds Okerlund that just when people think they have all the answers, he changes the questions.  Michaels says he's never been to a town this small.  He says the stadium must be the entire town.  Michaels says that everyone here used their entire paycheck just to come and see the two of them.  They get joined on the ramp by Warrior!  Warrior goes on a rant, yelling at Michaels and Piper something about car crashes and running them up the flagpole.  Michaels looks at the camera and says that if anyone has closed captions on, if they can translate what Warrior just said he would appreciate it.  Michaels just shrugs and strikes Warrior with a Superkick, knocking him down to the ramp.  Michaels poses for a moment over the body of Warrior before he walks off with Piper.


The Funks
We go to a music video promoting the WCW return of Terry Funk and Dory Funk, Jr.  The two former NWA World Heavyweight Champions are shown in the ring using moves like the Spinning Toe Hold and the Texas Piledriver.  A voiceover lets everyone know that The Funks will make their WCW return this month at Halloween Havoc.  The two Funk brothers throw up the Texas sign and we go to the ring.


Match #5
Pretty Powerful vs. Nasty Boys

Our penultimate match features the WCW debut of Paul Roma and Hercules Hernandez, Pretty Powerful, taking on Nasty Boys.  The match is focused on the debuting team and they hold the advantage throughout most of the contest.  Hercules shows his strength when hitting a backbreaker on Knobbs or a bearhug on Sags.  Roma shows off his skills as one of the best to hit a dropkick on Knobbs.  Hercules comes back in and sets Knobbs up on the top turnbuckle.  Roma heads to a neutral corner and climbs to the top.  Hercules hits a Superplex on Knobbs followed by a top rope splash by Roma!  The move, known as the Powerplex, lands perfectly on Knobbs.  Roma makes the cover: One...Two...Three!  Pretty Powerful wins at 8:45!
Pretty Powerful p. Nasty Boys =59


You're Fired
Speaking of tag teams, we are shown backstage here on Nitro as Booker T and Stevie Ray are arguing over what happened last night.  Booker says that Ray should never have been pinned.  Ray says that Booker should have come in and made the save.  Sensuous Sherri steps in to calm them down, telling them that they need to work together to get another title shot.  She says that she doesn't manage bad tag teams and right now they're a couple of losers.  Booker and Stevie Ray turn to each other and Booker says that maybe their problem is her.  Stevie Ray agrees and he fires her from being their manager!  Booker agrees and high fives his brother.  The two brothers walk off as Sherri looks absolutely shocked at being fired.  With that, we go to the ring for our main event.


Match #6
WCW World Heavyweight Title Number One Contender's Tournament, Quarterfinals
Roddy Piper vs. Randy Savage

It's main event time and this is a match in the number one contender's tournament as 'Rowdy' Roddy Piper takes on 'Macho Man' Randy Savage.  Highlights of the match start early with Savage going right after Piper.  Savage throws punches and manages to land an atomic drop on Piper.  Piper bounces right over the top rope to the floor.  Savage quickly climbs to the top turnbuckle and hits the flying double axehandle off the top to the outside!  The Macho Man brings the action back into the ring and scores a quick two count.  Piper gets in a few blows but Savage has the crowd behind him and seems well on his way to a victory as he wears down the Rowdy Scot for the first five minutes of the match.  Macho Man brings down Piper with a body slam and he heads to the top turnbuckle.  Before he can leap, though, he is distracted.


This distraction comes in the form of the arrival of Shawn Michaels!  Michaels walks down to the ringside area and stands in the corner of Roddy Piper.  Randy Savage finally goes for the Flying Elbow Drop but Piper rolls out of the way and Savage hits the mat.  Piper catches Savage with a flying high knee, knocking Savage into the corner.  Piper moves in and chokes Savage on the top rope by the turnbuckle.  He bangs Savage's head off the turnbuckle and then hits a body slam.  Piper picks up Savage and locks in the Sleeper!  Savage quickly moves into the corner and bounces out, landing in a jackknife cover on Piper: One...Two...Kickout!  Both men are slow to get up at this point.  Piper shows that his stamina is wearing out at this point.  Macho Man catches Piper with a few punches and then a back elbow.  Macho Man brings down Piper with a vertical suplex and then heads to the top turnbuckle again.  He raises his arms up and then leaps -- right into a Superkick from Shawn Michaels!  The Superkick is right in front of the referee, causing a DQ!  Randy Savage advances in 17:44!
Randy Savage d. Roddy Piper =81



Blade Runners?
The match is over and Shawn Michaels helps Roddy Piper to his feet.  The two of them begin striking Randy Savage, stomping on him.  Piper locks Savage in the Sleeper!  During this moment, Michaels begins punching the stomach and ribcage of Savage.  The fans get on their feet as Sting and Warrior come running out from the back together!  Warrior takes down Michaels with a clothesline!  Piper drops Savage and slips out of the ring on his own.  Michaels is left in the ring with Warrior and Sting!  A double clothesline from Sting and Warrior sends Michaels over the top rope to the floor.  Warrior and Sting beat their chests in the middle of the ring.  Sting releases a howl and the two men hug in the center of the ring.  The show ends with the very hot crowd going crazy at the reunion of Sting and Warrior!  We'll see you this Saturday for WCW Saturday Night!

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Saturday Week 1 October 1995
WCW Saturday Night

Monday Nitro Highlights
A video plays showing Monday Nitro highlights, which includes Randy Savage defeating Roddy Piper, Brian Pillman defeating Jim Duggan and Sting reuniting with Warrior...70

Match #1
Bunkhouse Buck and Dirty Dick (w/Col. Robert Parker) vs. The Armstrong Boys

In a bout that had a decent reaction from the crowd but sub-par wrestling, Bunkhouse Buck(35) and Dirty Dick(52) defeated The Armstrong Boys(Steve-42, Scott-41) in 6:22 when Dick Slater pinned Steve Armstrong with a Leaping Piledriver.

Dick Slater carried the match in terms of in-ring performance.  Referee=Mickey Jay
Bunkhouse Buck and Dirty Dick p. The Armstrong Boys =48

A Shot At The United States Title?
In the interview area, Gene Okerlund interviews Jim Duggan.  Duggan talks about losing on Nitro to Brian Pillman.  He says he's not going to earn another World title match but he can earn a shot at the United States title.  He challenges The Giant to meet him at Halloween Havoc.  Duggan says that he deserves the United States title over The Giant because he represents the best of the United States...63

A music video is shown to promote Psicosis.  He will make his WCW Saturday Night debut next week...13

Match #2
Zodiac (w/The Taskmaster) vs. Barry Windham

In a bout that had good heat and decent wrestling, Barry Windham(61) defeated Zodiac(44) in 6:30 by pinfall with a Flying Lariat.  Referee=James Beard
Barry Windham p. Zodiac =60

Come Out With Me
Post-Match, Barry Windham celebrates his victory.  The celebration is interrupted by the arrival of Ric Flair.  Flair enters the ring and Windham asks him what he's doing here.  Flair says he's not here to start trouble.  He reminds Windham that he has a lot of history when it comes to the Four Horsemen.  Windham says he can agree with that.  Flair says he just wants to take Windham out tonight to party like the old days and have a conversation with him.  The crowd seems against it but Windham shrugs and says they'll see before walking out on Flair...82

She's A Doll
Backstage, Eddy Guerrero flirts with Diamond Doll again.  Diamond Doll seems receptive until Diamond Dallas Page interrupts again.  DDP warns Eddy again but Eddy throws a punch, knocking DDP to the ground.  Eddy smiles and walks off while Diamond Doll watches him...57

Heartbreaking First Match
We continue following Eddy Guerrero as he walks backstage.  He comes across Shawn Michaels in the backstage area.  Michaels smirks and the two begin an argument before Michaels decides that Eddy will be his first match this Monday on Nitro.  Eddy says he accepts before dodging a Superkick attempt and walking away...83

Match #3
Miracle Violence Connection vs. Steiner Brothers

In a bout that had great heat and decent wrestling, Steiner Brothers(Scott-67, Rick-65) defeated Miracle Violence Connection(Gordy-58, Williams-55) in 18:33 when Steve Williams was disqualified when Road Warrior Animal ran in and attacked Scott Steiner.  Referee=David Manning
Steiner Brothers d. Miracle Violence Connection =72

Another Brawl
Post-Match, Road Warriors brawl with Steiner Brothers.  Road Warriors get the advantage and Road Warrior Animal drives a spike into the forehead of Rick Steiner, busting him open.  Road Warriors stand over the fallen bodies of Steiner Brothers as the show comes to an end...66

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WCW Monday Nitro
Monday Week 2 October 1995

'The Heartbreak Kid' Shawn Michaels vs. Eddy Guerrero

WCW World Heavyweight Title Number One Contender's Tournament, Quarterfinals
'The Iceman' Dean Malenko vs. 'Iron' Mike Rotunda

Christian Cage and 'Living on the Edge' Sexton Hardcastle vs. American Males

'Dirty' Dick Slater and Bunkhouse Buck (w/Col. Robert Parker) vs. Steiner Brothers

WCW World Heavyweight Title Number One Contender's Tournament, Quarterfinals
'The Nature Boy' Ric Flair vs. 'The Total Package' Lex Luger

Comments About The Diary In General: 

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'The Heartbreak Kid' Shawn Michaels vs. Eddy Guerrero

WCW World Heavyweight Title Number One Contender's Tournament, Quarterfinals
'The Iceman' Dean Malenko vs. 'Iron' Mike Rotunda

Christian Cage and 'Living on the Edge' Sexton Hardcastle vs. American Males

'Dirty' Dick Slater and Bunkhouse Buck (w/Col. Robert Parker) vs. Steiner Brothers

WCW World Heavyweight Title Number One Contender's Tournament, Quarterfinals
'The Nature Boy' Ric Flair vs. 'The Total Package' Lex Luger

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  • 2 weeks later...

Monday Week 2 October 1995
WCW Monday Nitro
Location: Lubbock Municipal Coliseum (Mid South)
Attendance: 7,050
Overall Rating: 83
TV Rating: 2.05


Match #1
Shawn Michaels vs. Eddy Guerrero

WCW Monday Nitro begins with the entrance of The Heartbreak Kid Shawn Michaels walking down to the ring.  Michaels yells into the camera that this is the main event because he's here now.  The match has superb wrestling and great heat as Michaels and Eddy Guerrero go one on one in the ring.  Guerrero scores an early near fall following a hurricanrana to Michaels.  Michaels exits the ring to catch a break but instead is caught with a slingshot somersault senton over the top rope to the outside!  Guerrero plays to the crowd for a moment before bringing the action back in the ring.  Michaels uses a poke to the eye to get the advantage and scores his own nearfall with a teardrop suplex.  The match continues to move forward with the momentum shifting back and forth between the two wrestlers.  Guerrero hits moves like the Three Amigos and a Splash Mountain for two counts.  Michaels hits the flying forearm and a top rope elbow drop for his own two counts.  The end comes when Guerrero heads to the top turnbuckle with a downed Michaels.  Guerrero makes a Latino Heat motion before preparing to leap.  As Guerrero leaps, Michaels kips up and then strikes Guerrero with the lightning fast Sweet Chin Music in mid-air!  Michaels, gasping for breath, makes the cover: One...Two...Three!  Shawn Michaels gets the win at 20:10!
Shawn Michaels p. Eddy Guerrero =82



Halloween Havoc Challenge
Following the match, Shawn Michaels is joined in the ring by his partner, Roddy Piper.  The two men celebrate Michaels' first victory in WCW.  But the celebration is cut short by the arrival of Sting and Warrior!  Sting and Warrior join Michaels and Piper in the ring but they're given microphones.  Warrior begins with his usual 'Speak to me, Warriors!'  He snarls and says that Halloween Havoc is now less than a month away and he wants a match at Halloween Havoc 1995.  Sting issues the challenge of Sting and Warrior against Shawn Michaels and Roddy Piper in a tag team match.  Michaels responds that if Sting and Warrior want a dance at Halloween Havoc then they've got it.  He says that he and Piper are used to the spotlight and that's exactly what they'll have at Halloween Havoc.  Michaels says they'll be in the main event because any match that Michaels is in is the main event because he is the Showstopper.  Piper warns Sting and Warrior that they're facing the wrong guys if they want a victory.  Piper slaps Sting and this leads to an all-out brawl between the two teams that has to be broken up by security.  As security works to separate these four men, we go to a taped promo.


What A Rush
This taped video promo comes from Paul Ellering and the Road Warriors.  Ellering begins by saying that they were banned from the building so they don't beat down the fan favorite Steiner Brothers again.  Ellering then reminds everyone that he is the brains behind the Road Warriors.  He has the brain, Animal has the power and Hawk has the speed.  He says they are a perfect combination.  Ellering says they need to have a rematch and they will have that at Halloween Havoc if the Steiner Brothers have the guts between them to face the Road Warriors.  Ellering reminds the fans that the Road Warriors define dominance in this business.  He says that when the Road Warriors come to town, it's not a party; it's a massacre!  Hawk adds in oh what a rush!  The Road Warriors pose and we go to the ring for our first hour main event.


Match #2
WCW World Heavyweight Title Number One Contender's Tournament, Quarterfinals
Dean Malenko vs. Mike Rotunda

The first hour main event features two very good technical wrestlers as Dean Malenko takes on the leader of the Varsity Club Mike Rotunda.  The match features a good amount of suplexes between the two wrestlers as they battle back and forth throughout much of the match.  When Malenko gets control he hits moves like the brainbuster and the gutbuster.  Malenko scores a two count following a double underhook powerbomb.  But the crowd gets solidly in the corner of Rotunda and he uses that to build back some momentum throughout the match.  When Malenko goes for the Texas Cloverleaf, Rotunda reverses it into a small package for a two count.  Rotunda fires a hard back elbow smash and a flying clothesline as Malenko comes running off the ropes.  Rotunda lifts Malenko onto his shoulders and hits the Airplane Spin, turning it into a slam.  Rotunda makes the cover: One...Two...Three!  Mike Rotunda advances in the tournament at 17:55!
Mike Rotunda p. Dean Malenko =78



I Accept
We go to the ramp where Gene Okerlund is standing by.  Mean Gene talks about the WCW hotline, telling folks to make sure to call and get all the latest updates.  Then, he brings out The Taskmaster and the WCW United States Champion The Giant!  Okerlund asks The Taskmaster about the challenge laid out by Jim Duggan on WCW Saturday Night for a match with The Giant.  The Taskmaster says that Duggan has thrown down the gauntlet and, on behalf of The Giant, he accepts the match.  He says that The Giant is a force of nature that devours everything in his path.  He says that The Giant holding the United States Championship is a symbol of his dominance.  He says that Duggan may carry the 2X4 but that piece of wood is nothing compared to the might of his Giant.  He tells Duggan to beware because this match is a match between the forces of good and those that dwell within the shadows.  He promises that, at Halloween Havoc, The Giant will stand tall and Duggan will be just another stepping stone.  With that, the first hour ends.


Stylin And Profilin
The second hour begins with a taped promo from Ric Flair as he is set to face Lex Luger later on tonight in the number one contender's tournament.  Flair begins by talking about being back in the main event where the Four Horsemen belong.  He says he has a date with destiny and that is The Total Package Lex Luger.  He says that Luger and I have danced before but the stakes are higher this time around as this tournament is to become the number one contender to face Hulk Hogan at World War 3.  Flair reminds everyone that he is a limousine riding, jet flying, kiss stealing, wheeling, dealing son of a gun.  But tonight he takes Lex Luger to school Horsemen style.  He says that he knows what it takes to be the man, because he is the man.  He is the measuring stick of excellence in this business.  Whoo!  Flair tells Luger to lace up his boots real tight because tonight he is stepping in the ring with the best and that is the Nature Boy.  Whoo!  Flair poses and we go to the ring.


Match #3
Christian Cage and Sexton Hardcastle vs. American Males

This is definitely the shortest match of the night as the new tag team of Christian Cage and Sexton Hardcastle take on American Males.  The crowd is very hot and that helps make sure this match isn't any worse than what it could be.  Cage and Hardcastle show off a little more than they did the last time these two teams met on Nitro.  Cage scores a quick nearfall following a tornado DDT.  Hardcastle hits Riggs with a spear.  The end of the match comes when Cage and Hardcastle hit Bagwell with a double missile dropkick!  Cage makes the cover: One...Two...Three!  Christian Cage and Sexton Hardcastle score their first victory in WCW at 5:50!
Christian Cage and Sexton Hardcastle p. American Males =41

Coming Next Week



Match #4
Bunkhouse Buck and Dick Slater (w/Col. Robert Parker) vs. Steiner Brothers

Our next tag team match features two former WCW World Tag Team Championship teams as The Stud Stable takes on Steiner Brothers.  This is a showcase match for Rick and Scott Steiner as they dominate from the early-goings.  Rick hits an early Steinerline on Buck and knocks Slater off the apron before running around the ring barking.  He drops down on all fours and Scott enters the ring, standing over him in a typical Steiner Brothers pose.  As the match continues, Scott hits moves like the tilt-a-whirl slam and an overhead belly-to-belly suplex.  Rick comes in the ring and grabs Buck from behind.  Scott hits a Steinerline with Rick throwing Buck in a release German suplex.  The ending comes when Scott is in the ring with Dick Slater.  He sends Slater to the ropes and hits a picture perfect Frankensteiner.  Scott makes the cover, hooking the leg: One...Two...Three!  The Steiner Brothers pick up the win at 7:58!
Steiner Brothers p. Bunkhouse Buck and Dick Slater =69


The Franchise
We go to a pre-taped promo with the newest member of the WCW roster, Shane Douglas.  Douglas begins with 'Well, well, well.  The man you've been waiting for has arrived in WCW, The Franchise Shane Douglas.'  Douglas says that he has been to the pinnacle of this industry and now it's time for WCW to experience The Franchise.  He says that they call him The Franchise for a reason and that's because he is the measuring stick by which excellence is measured in this business.  Douglas says he's walking the land of the extreme and now he is bringing that extreme attitude to WCW.  He says to get ready for a revolution because he is not just a wrestler, he is The Franchise.  He says he is here to change the game.  Douglas poses and we go to the ring for our main event.


Match #5
WCW World Heavyweight Title Number One Contender's Tournament, Quarterfinals
Ric Flair vs. Lex Luger (w/Barry Windham)

We have a one on one match as our main event as the leader of The Horsemen, Ric Flair, takes on one half of the WCW World Tag Team Champions Lex Luger.  Luger brings Barry Windham to ringside with him, while Flair is alone at this point in the night.  Flair tries to get the early advantage by bringing Luger into the turnbuckles and lacing his chest with a knife-edge chop.  Luger no-sells the chop and poses before attacking Flair, ending up with a press slam on Flair.  The Nature Boy rolls out of the ring and takes a break as Luger moves back into the corner, talking with Windham.  Flair rolls back in the ring and the match continues with Luger hitting an inverted atomic drop and a big clothesline.  The momentum shifts when Luger sends Flair into the turnbuckles and follows him in but Flair moves and Luger strikes the corner with his knee.  Flair goes right after the knee, focusing on it throughout the next several minutes.  He lays Luger's leg over the bottom rope and hits a seated senton on the knee.  Flair goes for the Figure Four but Luger reverses into a small package: One...Two...Kickout!

The match continues with Ric Flair in control over Lex Luger, focusing on his knee.  Flair yells out at Windham to keep away as the action spills outside the ring.  Flair runs Luger into the guardrail and then goes to hit him in the ring post but Windham steps in front, blocking it.  Luger hits a back elbow and gains the advantage, bringing the action back in the ring.  Luger sends Flair to the ropes and hits a snap scoop powerslam.  Luger makes a motion, calling for the Human Torture Rack!  Luger picks up Flair for the Rack but Flair's legs hit referee Charles Robinson!  The referee is knocked down and Flair is in the Human Torture Rack!  Flair is giving up but there's no referee.  Luger releases Flair and Flair hits a low blow on Luger.  The crowd boos but here comes Barry Windham!  Windham has the black glove on his right hand.  Flair slowly gets to his feet and Windham moves in, throwing a punch.  Flair ducks and the punch hits Luger instead!  Flair knocks Windham out of the ring and wakes up the referee.  Flair rolls Luger up and puts his feet on the ropes: One...Two...Three!  Ric Flair advances in 22:09!
Ric Flair p. Lex Luger =81



Horsemen Attack
Ric Flair has advanced in the number one contender's tournament to face Mike Rotunda next week in the semifinals.  Barry Windham enters the ring, grabbing Lex Luger and helping him up.  Luger shoves Windham and the two begin arguing before they are both attacked by Ric Flair and the arriving Arn Anderson and Brian Pillman!  Windham is thrown out of the ring and the focus is on Lex Luger.  Anderson hits a Spinebuster on Luger before Flair locks in the Figure Four.  Anderson and Pillman take turns stomping on Luger until Barry Windham re-enters the ring.  Windham knocks Anderson and Pillman out of the ring and breaks up the Figure Four.  Windham and Flair go face to face before Flair smiles and exits out of the ring without a fight.  Windham helps Luger to his feet outside the ring and takes him to the back.


Real American
With the ring cleared, American Made begins to play and here comes the return of the WCW World Heavyweight Champion Hulk Hogan along with Jimmy Hart!  Hogan and Hart march down to the ring, high fiving the fans in the front row.  They slide into the ring and Hogan takes a microphone and begins by saying 'Let me tell you something, Hulkamaniacs!'  He hypes the number one contender's tournament and says he's looking forward to defending his title at World War 3 against the winner.  He says he doesn't want to face that dirty, nasty Ric Flair, especially after how he just won his match against Lex Luger.  Hogan might have continued but he was interrupted by some music.


Out from the back comes one of the men in the number one contender's tournament, Randy Savage.  The Macho Man walks out and joins Hulk Hogan and Jimmy Hart in the ring.  Savage takes a microphone and says that Macho Madness is running wild here in Lubbock, Texas!  Savage reminds Hogan that he is still in the number one contender's tournament and will be the challenger at World War 3.  Hogan responds that he's always up for a challenge, brother, and he knows that's exactly what it will be if he faces the Macho Man at World War 3.  Hogan says they've clashed in the past and the memories of those battles still linger, dude.  Hogan says that if it is fate that the Hulkamaniacs and the Madness collide again, he can only ask Savage one more question.  He can ask him whatcha gonna do when the power of Hulkamania runs wild on you?!?!  Hogan and Savage go face to face with Jimmy Hart trying to keep them apart as the show comes to an end.  We'll see you this Saturday for WCW Saturday Night!

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Saturday Week 2 October 1995
WCW Saturday Night
Location: Dallas Sportatorium (Mid South)
Attendance: 1,699
Overall Rating: 64
TV Rating: .12

Monday Nitro Highlights
WCW Monday Nitro highlights are shown.  These include Randy Savage confronting Hulk Hogan, Ric Flair defeating Lex Luger and Mike Rotunda defeating Dean Malenko...72

Match #1
Lord Steven Regal vs. Tito Santana

In a bout that had good wrestling and a decent reaction from the crowd, Tito Santana(60) defeated Lord Steven Regal(74) in 5:50 by pinfall with a Flying Forearm.  Referee=David Manning
Tito Santana p. Lord Steven Regal =70

Coming This Monday
A video plays hyping Brian Pillman vs. Randy Savage...67

Match #2
Psicosis vs. Scott Armstrong

In a terrible match, Psicosis(41) defeated Scott Armstrong(37) in 3:46 by pinfall with a Sky Twister Press.  Referee=James Beard
Psicosis p. Scott Armstrong =24

Reek Of Awesomeness
In a promo video, Christian Cage and Sexton Hardcastle hype themselves and their tag team.  Christian says that they are going to be the future here in WCW.  Hardcastle says to forget about the future because they are the present and will win the WCW World Tag Team titles and make them totally reek of awesomeness...35

Match #3
Dean Malenko vs. Eddy Guerrero

In a bout that had good wrestling and a decent reaction from the crowd, Eddy Guerrero(64) defeated Dean Malenko(72) in 17:38 by pinfall with a Frog Splash.  Referee=Randy Anderson
Eddy Guerrero p. Dean Malenko =74

Walk That Aisle
At the interview area, Gene Okerlund interviews Ric Flair.  Flair hypes his match against Mike Rotunda this Monday night on Nitro.  He tells Rotunda that he's going to walk that aisle and style and profile this Monday night.  Flair reminds Rotunda that to be the man, you have to beat the man.  Whoo!  Flair does a strut before we go to the ring...73

Match #4
WCW World Television Title Match
10 Minute Time Limit Match
Diamond Dallas Page (w/Diamond Doll and Maxx Muscle) defends vs. Johnny B. Badd

In a bout that had good heat and decent wrestling, Diamond Dallas Page(56) drew with Johnny B. Badd(55) in 10:00 when the time limit expired. During the match we also had Maxx Muscle run in and attack Badd.  Referee=Mickey Jay
Diamond Dallas Page draws Johnny B. Badd =59

Brawl Backstage
The Giant and Jim Duggan are in a brawl backstage.  Officials try to separate them but Duggan gets a hit in with the 2X4, knocking The Giant backward.  Duggan gets held back and takes a big boot from The Giant, who breaks free.  The Giant stands over Jim Duggan as the show comes to a close...67

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WCW Monday Nitro
Monday Week 3 October 1995

'The Heartbreak Kid' Shawn Michaels vs. A WCW Legend
Comments/Guesses On Who The WCW Legend Is: 

WCW World Heavyweight Title Number One Contender's Tournament, Semifinals
'The Nature Boy' Ric Flair vs. 'Iron' Mike Rotunda

Non-Title Match
The Giant vs. Chris Kanyon

Christian Cage and 'Living On The Edge' Sexton Hardcastle vs. Steiner Brothers

WCW World Heavyweight Title Number One Contender's Tournament, Semifinals
'Flyin' Brian Pillman vs. 'The Macho Man' Randy Savage

Comments About The Diary In General: 

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'The Heartbreak Kid' Shawn Michaels vs. A WCW Legend
Comments/Guesses On Who The WCW Legend Is: Bobby Eaton

WCW World Heavyweight Title Number One Contender's Tournament, Semifinals
'The Nature Boy' Ric Flair vs. 'Iron' Mike Rotunda

Non-Title Match
The Giant vs. Chris Kanyon

Christian Cage and 'Living On The Edge' Sexton Hardcastle vs. Steiner Brothers

WCW World Heavyweight Title Number One Contender's Tournament, Semifinals
'Flyin' Brian Pillman vs. 'The Macho Man' Randy Savage

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