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MCW: From Grassroots to Global (C-Verse 2020)

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Kid Fantastic vs Payaso Jr [1pt]

Yellow Flash vs Hector Galindo [1pt]

Ozzie Goldstein vs Blue Phatom[1pt]

Simon Waves vs Remmy Skye[1pt]

Dazzling Dave Diamond and The Red River Express vs Zachary Inc and Pryme Tyme[1pt]

Payaso Jr vs Yellow Flash [1pt]

Ozzie Golstein vs Remmy Skye 4 [1pt]

Demarcus & Gray(c) vs Chaos Theory [1pt]

Yellow Flasg vs Ozzie Goldstein [1pt]

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First of all, you brought a great group of highflyers to Detroit 👍 and this tournament looks very good.


Kid Fantastic vs Payaso Jr [1pt]

Payaso Jr has been hyped and he must win this match or it would be a complete failure.

Yellow Flash vs Hector Galindo [1pt]

I don't know about his popularity in USA at this point, but he has much more pedigree

Ozzie Goldstein vs Blue Phatom[1pt]

This is a fantastic match. I'll say Ozzie wins, but it'd be great if it goes the other way

Simon Waves vs Remmy Skye[1pt]

Remmy is superior in every aspect.

Dazzling Dave Diamond and The Red River Express vs Zachary Inc and Pryme Tyme[1pt]

McClane woudn't risk his reputation for Triple D to put Zachary Inc and Pryme Tyme over

Payaso Jr vs Yellow Flash [1pt]

Ozzie Goldstein vs Remmy Skye [1pt]

Demarcus & Gray(c) vs Chaos Theory [1pt]

Yellow Flash vs Ozzie Goldstein [1pt

Ozzie has been there for MCW the whole time.

Edited by newbiezness
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Kid Fantastic vs Payaso Jr [1pt]

Yellow Flash vs Hector Galindo [1pt]

Ozzie Goldstein vs Blue Phantom [1pt]

Simon Waves vs Remmy Skye [1pt]

Dazzling Dave Diamond and The Red River Express vs Zachary Inc and Pryme Tyme [1pt]

Winner of Match 1 vs Winner of Match 2 [1pt]

Winner of Match 3 vs Winner of Match 4 [1pt]

Demarcus & Gray (c) vs Chaos Theory [1pt]

Winner of Semi-Final 1 vs Winner of Semi-Final 2 [1pt]

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Predictions Key

Kid Fantastic vs Payaso Jr [1pt] I'm betting on the kid cause he has all the tools and I think MCW needs fresh babyfaces to develop quickly

Yellow Flash vs Hector Galindo [1pt]

Ozzie Goldstein vs Blue Phatom[1pt]

Simon Waves vs Remmy Skye[1pt]

Dazzling Dave Diamond and The Red River Express vs Zachary Inc and Pryme Tyme[1pt]

Kid Fantastic vs Yellow Flash[1pt]

Ozzie Goldstein vs Remmy Skye [1pt]

Demarcus & Gray(c) vs Chaos Theory [1pt]

Yellow Flash vs Ozzie Goldstein [1pt]

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Predictions Key

Kid Fantastic vs Payaso Jr [1pt]

It could go either way- Fantastic's hardly a disaster- but I prefer Payaso here


Yellow Flash vs Hector Galindo [1pt]

Going purely on the fact that I don't like Yellow Flash's pic here


Ozzie Goldstein vs Blue Phantom[1pt]

Phantom looks too much like Penta, and I don't much care for Penta (which is weird 'cos normally I love luchadores)


Simon Waves vs Remmy Skye[1pt]

Fun fact: in all the TEW2020 games I've run I've never once managed to get Remmy to turn up to an event. 


Dazzling Dave Diamond and The Red River Express vs Zachary Inc and Pryme Tyme[1pt]

That Dave Diamond pic looks like a mix of Thom Lattimer and a male stripper, which is incredibly weird to me. On the plus side, Dave and The Red River Express feels like a natural pairing to me.


Payaso Jr vs Hector Galindo [1pt]

If this was Rudy that'd be one thing, but I can't see Hector edging out Payaso here.


Ozzie Goldstein vs Simon Waves [1pt]

It's 50/50 but I say let the outside guy take it.


Demarcus & Gray(c) vs Chaos Theory [1pt]

If it was just for the MCW titles I'd give it to Chaos Theory but they're not COTT level yet.


Payaso Jr vs Simon Waves [1pt]

He's really good, what more need I say

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Will be keeping this open for another day or 2! The next reward will be at the MCW year-end finale and rewards will be done every 6 months to have participation from y'all and to throw curveballs into the story. Thank y'all so much and can't wait to show y'all the inaugural Velocity Cup

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MCW: Velocity Cup 2020

Sunday, Week 4 July 2020

Held in The Sanctuary(Great Lakes) 

Velocity Cup 1st Round

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Payaso Jr vs Kid Fantastic

The lights dim as Payaso Jr saunters to the ring eerily stopping to stare at a fan with a Kid Fantastic shirt before handing that fan a pen that sprays him with black ink as the clown laughs hysterically. Kid Fantastic sprints down to the ring quickly bouncing off the ropes and hitting Payaso Jr with a crossbody for this and the match begins. Payaso Jr gets back to his feet and smiles freaking out the young Kid who just tackles the problem with a chop across the clown's chest and laughs before headbutting Fantastic knocking him down. Payaso Jr grabs Kid Fantastic by the hair and rubs his face on the mat Fantastic screams in pain as the Clown lets go and stomps on his head. The match quickens from here as Kid dodges the next strike from Payaso with a forward roll. Fantastic continues dogging the Clowns strikes before he bounces off the ropes and tries a superkick which the clown cartwheels out off. Both men continue dogging each other before both meet in the middle as both men hit a cross-body with the audience erupting. The men stagger to their feet when Fantastic knocks down Payaso with a headbutt of his own this time. Fantastic goes up for the Fantasm but Payaso Jr gets the knees up Fantastic is writhing in pain but the clown doesn’t care and gets him up and hits not one but two Clown Cradles making this personal by pinning Fantastic by sitting on his chest with the Clown Prince advancing to the next round.[41]


Velocity Cup 1st Round

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Yellow Flash vs Hector Galindo

In the second match of the tournament, the MCW crowd is amazed by Hector Galindo and Yellow Flash. Galindo has no fear and uses every part of his body against Yellow Flash. Multiple times Galindo uses underhanded tactics or plain crazy tactics to stop the Flash. Flash is unbothered by this as with every eye poke, leg guillotine, or desperate grab Flash just gets back up and continues to quicken the pace. Embarrassing Galindo with his lucha libre style kicking Galindo’s leg causing him to fall on his ass before following it up with a dropkick right on the head of Galindo before frantically hitting a springboard press onto the Puerto Rican. But with every move, Galindo just barely escapes the pinfall every time. Galindo continues taking down Flash but every time he gets more desperate to hit his patent Shooting Star Press which Flash is always able to roll out of the ring before Galindo can hit his finish. The match ends with Galindo taking out a chain from his pants and wrapping it around his wrist. Flash sees this but not referee Jez McArthuer but Flash is able to avoid the punch bouncing head first off the ropes and hitting a devastating clothesline turning Galindo upside down and sending the chain flying. As Galindo lies stunned Flash gets on the ropes and uses Galindo’s own Shooting Star Press against him and wins advancing to the next round to face Payaso Jr[49]


Velocity Cup 1st Round

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Ozzie Goldstein vs Blue Phantom

In a match with decent wrestling, Ozzie Goldstein takes on Blue Phantom in front of a buzzing Detroit crowd. Goldstein uses Phatom’s inexperience throughout the match. Multiple times when Phantom is about to springboard off the ropes Goldstein is able to kick, grab, or bounce off the ropes causing Phantom to topple onto the ground. Phantom eventually gets going after a flying scissor takedown ground Goldstein long enough for a double foot stomp that almost finishes the match but Goldstein is able to get his foot on the rope for referee Dale Keeney. As both men continue going at a frantic pace Goldstein gets a quick upper hand with a superkick and a quick transition into a German suplex. Phantom looks like he is out but Goldstein hits the Golden Shower finishing the match and advancing into the semi-finals of the Velocity Cup. [48]


Velocity Cup 1st Round

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Remmy Skye vs Simon Waves

In a match that wouldn’t be out of place in the California Independents Simon Waves and Remmy Skye face off as two sides of the same coin with Skye’s career being a tale of wasted potential and a man overcoming his demons while Waves has just set off on his path of wrestling with so much potential. Waves and Skye wrestle a very different match than the others who were more than fine going 100mph. Waves sends Skye out of the ring and slows the match down sending Skye into the steps and showboating for the Detroit crowd. Proudly showed his surfboard with his smug face on it. Skye gets back into the ring but Waves again is able to toss Skye out of the ring but this time he hits a flapjack onto the floor with an audible thud stunning the crowd. But the veteran refuses to give up and at a Dale Keeney 9 count getting back into the ring. Waves now visibly frustrated puts Skye in a surfboard stretch Skye screaming in pain. But Skye is able to free himself Waves is stunned as Skye slowly brings himself up onto his feet by the ropes and Waves charges the veteran who pulls the ropes sending Wave out of the ring. Skye then uses the ropes and hits a catapult kick throw the ropes. Pushing Wave against the railing. Waves this time frantically gets back into the ring but he is welcomed back by a Twist of Skye planting Waves on the top of his head. Followed by a Skye Diver Senton crushing Waves and letting Skye advance into the Semifinals against Ozzie Goldstein.  [37]


Trios Match

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Dazzling Dave Diamond & The Red River Express vs Zacahry Inc & Pryme Tyme

In a decent match with little heat DDD and The Red River Express beatdown Zachary Inc and Pryme Tyme. The match consisted of Dazzling Dave Diamond on the apron watching Patterson and Thompson take on Zacahry Inc and Pryme Tyme. As the match begins to close Doug Peak comes out and stands on the entranceway with Carl Batch allowing Zachary Inc to try a quick schoolboy on DDD who kicks out. DDD finally ends the match after Patterson and Thompson take out Pryme and Turner before DDD punches Inc straight in the mouth and gets him up for a Dazzling Driver. After the match, DDD gets a mic. [44]


Segment DDD: Alright Doug keep trying to intimidate me. Keep trying to establish yourself as the top dog here when you ain’t nothing more than a scared old dog about to lose his spot at the top of the pack. You couldn’t do anything but smear blood on my face and use your goons to beat me and that’s more than alright… Cause Ms. Texas Deanna, Big Tex, and  Thunderbolt Patterson here told me backstage that they had my back if I needed it, and boys I am gonna take you up on that offer. Doug Peak we are one Wild Bunch and when you see us coming it’s gonna be too late to stop us. So buck up or shut up son!


Doug Peak slowly has a smile creeping onto his face as he holds the title up and Batch tries taking him to the back but war has been proclaimed in the eyes of the monster.[37]


Velocity Cup Semi-Finals

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Payaso Jr vs Yellow Flash

In the first match of the Semi-Finals, Payaso Jr takes on Yellow Flash in a match that wouldn’t be out of place in Mexico City! Yellow Flash goes to shake Payaso's hand who grabs it before taking him down with a wrist lock the Clown laughs as he wrenches the wrist. Flash gets out the wrist lock and hits a missile drop kick on Payaso Jr who falls out of the ring in perfect position for a suicide dive. Flash continues this rapid pace by hitting a stalling suplex on Payaso Jr on the outside before throwing him back into the ring. But as Flash slides back into the ring Payaso Jr boots him in the head with a stomp stunning Flash and allowing Payaso Jr to hit a baseball slide into a cannonball into the corner. Payaso Jr decides to take away Flash’s speed and focuses on the knee stomping on the knee before hitting a double stomp on his right knee of Flash. Flash wails in pain as the Clown laughs going for a Clown Cradle that Flash is able to escape and hit a big chop to the back of Payaso before hitting a gut kick into a springboard leg guillotine. Payaso Jr looks out of it and as Flash sets up for his finish Payaso Jr pops up and grabs Flash from the top turnbuckle for a big suplex. Payaso Jr goes for the pin and Yellow Flash kicks out enraging the clown. Flash screams as Payaso Jr sinches in a figure 4 leg lock. Flash screams as his knee is being twisted and he crawls to the ropes. Referee Jez McArthuer starts the count for the break but Payaso Jr doesn’t let go. Referee Jez tries getting him off but he doesn’t let go and Payaso Jr is disqualified. After holding it for a while longer he lets go and Payaso Jr laughs before slapping Flash across the face and spitting on him before standing in the ring and laughing.  [47]


Velocity Cup Semi-Finals

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Ozzie Goldstein vs Remmy Skye

To determine who will face Yellow Flash we have Ozzie Goldstein and Remmy Skye. Two former young stars who are proving themselves as top-tier performers in the sport with potential not being wasted. Skye looks visibly injured from his match with Waves but comes into this match with some grit hitting a bicycle thrust kick launching Ozzie to the turnbuckle and following that up with a drop kick and then a rope-assisted thrust kick. Ozzie is writhing on the ground but he is able to goat Remmy Skye close for a small package that Skye barely kicks out of. Goldstein can't believe it. He punches Skye and hits an atomic drop sending Skye up before going for a superkick that Skye gets out of. Both men continue the back and forth when out of nowhere Hammer Hadley is outside of the ring and distracts referee Keeney. In the chaos, Skye is hit with a zig-zag after looking towards Hammer and a Golden Shower that again looks like it causes major damage to Goldstein. [46]


Segment: Backstage Rob Reynolds is walking to Richard McClane’s office earlier in the show but before he gets inside he is met face to face with Doug Peak. Nothing is said between the men for a moment but Reynolds looks at the title and then looks back at Peak with a smirk. 


Rob Reynolds: Doug… I know you had something to do with that interference at the BrickCity Brawl. I don’t know who that masked b*stard is but I do know you have something to do with it. Just know you are the next step in my plan to get to Pablo. So watch out Psycho cause your gonna be in real trouble.[40]


MCW and COTT Tag Team Title Match

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DeMarcus & Gray vs Chaos Theory


A long-awaited match-up occurs tonight as DeMarcus & Gray take on Peak Chaos’s own Chaos Theory. Chaos Theory is ready to prove to Doug Peak that investment in their future is warranted. DeMarcus & Gray hold all their titles high as Dale Keeney struggles to hold all the titles up. The match begins with Tyrone Gray who would fit right into the Velocity Cup and Frank Marciano. The Devil Dog is a ball of relentless energy charging Gray and getting a quick headlock but the experience both he and Nate DeMarcus have gained int he recent months has turned them into not only an experienced duo but grapplers in their own right with Gray spelling out of the headlock and hitting a split leg facebuster on Marciano before taking a headlock of his own as the Devil Dog struggles to get up. DeMarcus fires up the crowd as Gray wrestles circles around Marciano before a cheap shot by Devil Dog takes down Gray. Marciano uses this as an opportunity to hit a vicious spine buster on the smaller Gray before tagging in Deadline. Deadline uses his power tossing Gray out of the ring but as he climbs out to meet Gray he is met face to face with DeMarcus. Both men stand head to head as Deadline rolls back into the ring allowing Gray to tag in DeMarcus and the big men go at it. A big punch exchange sets up Nate for a big belly-to-belly suplex but Deadline is able to elbow DeMarcus before hitting a back body drop sending the big man flying. Deadline tags Marciano back in and sets up DeMarcus for Murphy’s Law but DeMarcus gets out of Deadline’s Deadliner to Marciano’s knee. The inexperienced and young Marciano looks around awkwardly as Deadline screams orders but it’s too late and Tyrone Gray is back in and hits a big drop kick sending Marciano to the corner. Marciano claws at Gray’s eyes who screams and crawls back to Deadline who is ripped off the apron by Nate DeMarcus who starts brawling with Deadline. Marciano turns around to a codebreaker by Gray who steals the win and retains the titles! [37]


Velocity Cup Finals

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Yellow Flash vs Ozzie Goldstein

In our main event for the Velocity Cup. We have MCW’s Own Pretty Gorgeous Boy Ozzie Goldstein versus the Latino Blur Yellow Flash. Both men come down to the ring in rough shape from their previous two matches. Goldstein has bandaged his ribs with the landing of the Golden Shower taking a toll on his body while Flash is now wearing a knee brace from the damage Payaso Jr caused. Both men start the match by showboating to the crowd before doing a test of strength where Goldstein uses his slightly larger size to his advantage but the flexible Flash touches the ground with him before letting go of Goldstein and landing a solid kick on the Canadian's head. Both men try to end this early with Goldstein trying to hit his patent superkick German suplex combo but with his injured back, he is unable to get Flash up resorting to a chop instead. Flash does similarly not getting the speed when hitting the ropes and completely fails on hitting a flying shoulder tackle allowing Goldstein to get an octopus stretch. Flash gets out of it and kicks Goldstein again on the side of the head stunning the Blonde just enough for a Flash to use a Clown Driver out of nowhere! Flash goes for the pin and gets a strong 2 count after a slow cover. Both men struggle back up and exchange chops with Flash’s knee giving out and Goldstein hitting a blockbuster for another strong 2. Flash gets a schoolboy for another 2 and Goldstein reverses it for another 2. Both men are giving it their all but can’t finish the match! Flash eventually crawls over to the ropes and dodges a Goldstein superkick entangling him in the ropes for Flash to hit a DDT followed by a standing moonsault. Goldstein kicks out but his ribs have taken a number already and Flash wastes no time getting on the top turnbuckle. Goldstein tries making the stop crawling onto the turnbuckle with Flash and both men exchange strikes until Flash finally pushes Goldstein back to the mat. He sets himself up and hits the Golden Shower! He beats Ozzie Goldstein with his own move. Your Velocity Cup winner is Yellow Flash! [49]

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Predictions Standings: The Velocity Cup 2020

@KyTeran: 9pts

@Charasmatic Enigma: 8pts

@newbiezness: 8pts

@Wrestling Machine: 8pts

@1PWfan: 5pts

@azzak: 4pts

Congratulations to KyTeran for the perfect score and for everybody's predictions the Velocity Cup was a fantastic show to write and now with 6 months left till the end of MCW's first year we will be heading to overdrive on a successful year 1. 

On 1/13/2024 at 11:05 AM, newbiezness said:

First of all, you brought a great group of highflyers to Detroit 👍 and this tournament looks very good.

Yellow Flash vs Hector Galindo [1pt]

I don't know about his popularity in USA at this point, but he has much more pedigree

Ozzie Goldstein vs Blue Phatom[1pt]

This is a fantastic match. I'll say Ozzie wins, but it'd be great if it goes the other way


Thank you for that! Flash actually has 20 pop in the USA which matches him with mid-carders like Threepwood and Goldstein and his in-ring is amazing at this point. For Phantom, he is so good but OLLIE has him on a 7 match-losing streak so it felt logical to have him lose to the favorite of the tournament.

On 1/14/2024 at 9:10 AM, Wrestling Machine said:

Kid Fantastic vs Payaso Jr [1pt] I'm betting on the kid cause he has all the tools and I think MCW needs fresh babyfaces to develop quickly

I have some plans coming up for Kid Fantastic his inexperience is costing him but he is on the cusp every time. Let's see if he can get his win back against Payaso eventually

On 1/14/2024 at 12:38 PM, 1PWfan said:

Dazzling Dave Diamond and The Red River Express vs Zachary Inc and Pryme Tyme[1pt]

That Dave Diamond pic looks like a mix of Thom Lattimer and a male stripper, which is incredibly weird to me. On the plus side, Dave and The Red River Express feels like a natural pairing to me.

Payaso Jr vs Simon Waves [1pt]

He's really good, what more need I say

The Thom Lattimer and male stripper comment actually made me spit out some coffee cause now I can't see it for the rhinestone cowboy DDD lol. For Payaso Jr he has big plans especially since he technically only lost cause of his own choice to torture Flash his stats are better on par with Phantom and Flash and he is more or less gonna be homegrown.

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Vibert’s Voice Studio based in Sacramento, California

Phil Vibert: Welcome everybody back to Vibert’s Voice! I’m your host Phil Vibert and I’m here with someone in the depths of the wrestling world today give it up the Motor City madman cause you have to be a madman to promote in today’s day and age Richard McClane! Alright, Rich so it’s been 6 months since MCW started what would you say has been the hardest part about running a company so far?

Richard McClane: Thank you for the kind words Phil! The hardest part about running a promotion is a good question… I would say other than money trying to manage all the egos and people in the locker room. We have a diverse talent pool in MCW and multiple people are vying for the chance to challenge Doug Peak for the MCW Title. And while some like Flash have taken more heroic paths to reach those goals we have plenty on the roster who are more than happy to take ulterior means to get to the top. 

Phil Vibert: Money and egos are something I know about brother. Speaking about Yellow Flash getting him is a big deal for you guys. An established luchador fresh out of working at the top spot in Mexico. Do you think Flash is gonna be the guy to finally get the title off Peak?

Richard McClane: I can’t tell you that. Flash is a fantastic performance but Peak has shown that he is willing to beat down and destroy everybody in his path to retain the title. Plus having Peak Chaos behind him will always give him the numbers. What I can say is Flash is like nothing Peak has faced before. 

Phil Vibert: Completely agree The Peak’s always struggled with speed even in DAVE and with age he couldn’t have gotten much better at it. I wanna talk about COTT if I could. Is it true that Tamara McFly’s Canadian Women’s Wrestling is joining the Confederation? And does this mean there will be an addition of a women’s title in the Confederation?

Richard McClane: It is true and I would like to say welcome to Tamara McFly to COTT. Tamara is one of the best performers of her generation and we are lucky to have her mind added to the brain trust we have. For the Women’s title question, I can’t really say what the plan is. You would probably find more insight by asking old Sam at MAW about it. 

Phil Vibert: I feel like something special is brewing in COTT everybody and I for one can’t wait to see it! To keep up with Motor City Wrestling check them out on WrestleWorld and if you are near Michigan head over to Detroit and check out MCW Burning Up on Saturday, August 28th at the Sanctuary in Detroit everybody.  After this commercial break me and Richard will talk about Philly Pro Power Wrestling and the night I almost lost Eddie and Doug Peak to SWF. 

*The show goes off the air and Vibert and McClane sit in their chairs before parting ways*

Phil Vibert:  Alright Rich before you go I just wanna know with the addition of Tamara the COTT is adding something they haven’t ever had before. Which of you guys are gonna start a women’s division first and make Larry blow a gasket? I think good ole Sam might do it just to see Vessey's face!

Richard McClane: At this point, it’ll probably be me I somehow always find a way to make Larry blow a gasket *chuckle*. But seriously Phil do you think I should do it me and Sam have talked about a COTT Women’s title before but we never had reason to take it seriously until Tamara gave Sam the call last week. 

Phil Vibert: I always say keep your audience on their toes and keep things fresh. Your audience is still young and will accept anything you do for now wait too long and they might not want it. Do it too early and they might hate it. It’s a fine line for it but you signed up for it. You're a smart kid McClane so you’ll figure it out. Just call Uncle Phil if you need any tips. 

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MCW: Burning Up

Another crazy night of MCW action with BURNING UP ending Motor City Wrestling's successful summer with a BANG! MCW Champion Doug Peak takes on Velocity Cup Winner Yellow Flash in a styles clash with the hardcore legend taking it to one of the best high fliers in the world. A grudge match between Chaos Theory and The Red River Express will show us who is truly the best up-and-coming tag team in MCW! The unnerving Payaso Jr looks to inflict further pain in the MCW roster as he faces Connor Threepwood with Harry Allen. A Velocity Cup Tag Team match happens with Remmy Skye and Kid Fantastic taking on first-round exits Simon Waves and Hector Galindo. In our semi-main event, we will have a number 1 contenders match with "Detroits Finest" Rob Reynolds taking on The Wild Bunch's Dazzling Dave Diamond and the Velocity Cup runner-up Ozzie Goldstein in what some say might be the match of the night with all 3 competitors being real threats to Doug Peak or Yellow Flash's MCW Championship. We will hear the next challenge from DeMarcus and Gray after defeating Chaos Theory. Along with special guest Tamara McFly coming through town to chat with Richard McClane and Freddie Datsun! Come to the Sanctuary in Detroit Michigan which has expanded it's capacity from 500 to 600 seats! This is a night you do not want to miss!

Tag Team Match

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Chaos Theory vs Red River Express w/Deanna Desire

Singles Match

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Payaso Jr vs Connor Threepwood w/ Harry Allen

Tag Team Match

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Remmy Skye and Kid Fantastic vs Hector Galindo and Simon Waves

Number 1 Contenders Match for MCW Title

   RobReynolds.jpg.a14803ff3eb7e7ef2f34c841bc093a7d.jpg  vs.jpg.e8bf92c6c1e143fad58e067da646868e.jpg  OzzieGoldstein.jpg.31111775bdcf3961ef937a8781544dc2.jpg  vs.jpg.e8bf92c6c1e143fad58e067da646868e.jpg  DazzlingDaveDiamond.jpg.8b08c38f5ca05bc666fdc5675e3541ca.jpg  

Rob Reynolds vs Ozzie Goldstein vs Dazzling Dave Diamond

Main Event: MCW Title Match

DougPeak.jpg.554259fc795bf3affadca8e2a2138a6b.jpgCatlBatch_alt1.jpg.d90e1bb8eb0febe6ec6c9d9322ba66f8.jpg  vs.jpg.e8bf92c6c1e143fad58e067da646868e.jpg  YellowFlash.jpg.15aa16bff52c6fe0de5cc87e48027411.jpg

Doug Peak w/Carl Batch (c) vs Yellow Flash

Predictions Key

Chaos Theory vs Red River Express w/Deanna Desire[1pt]

Payaso Jr vs Connor Threepwood w/ Harry Allen[1pt]

Remmy Skye and Kid Fantastic vs Hector Galindo and Simon Waves[1pt]

Rob Reynolds vs Ozzie Goldstein vs Dazzling Dave Diamond[1pt]

Doug Peak w/Carl Batch (c) vs Yellow Flash[1pt]

Bonus Point Question: Who is the best talker in MCW? [1pt]

Edited by Marmo
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Chaos Theory vs Red River Express w/Deanna Desire[1pt]

Payaso Jr vs Connor Threepwood w/ Harry Allen[1pt]

Remmy Skye and Kid Fantastic vs Hector Galindo and Simon Waves[1pt]

Rob Reynolds vs Ozzie Goldstein vs Dazzling Dave Diamond[1pt]

Doug Peak w/Carl Batch (c) vs Yellow Flash[1pt]

Bonus Point Question: Who is the best talker in MCW? Dazzling Dave Diamond [1pt]

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Chaos Theory vs Red River Express w/Deanna Desire[1pt]

Payaso Jr vs Connor Threepwood w/ Harry Allen[1pt]

Remmy Skye and Kid Fantastic vs Hector Galindo and Simon Waves[1pt]

Rob Reynolds vs Ozzie Goldstein vs Dazzling Dave Diamond[1pt]

Doug Peak w/Carl Batch (c) vs Yellow Flash[1pt]

Bonus Point Question: Who is the best talker in MCW? Connor Threepwood?!? [1pt]

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Chaos Theory vs Red River Express w/Deanna Desire[1pt]

Payaso Jr vs Connor Threepwood w/ Harry Allen[1pt]

Remmy Skye and Kid Fantastic vs Hector Galindo and Simon Waves[1pt]

Rob Reynolds vs Ozzie Goldstein vs Dazzling Dave Diamond[1pt]

Doug Peak w/Carl Batch (c) vs Yellow Flash[1pt]

Bonus Point Question: Who is the best talker in MCW? Ozzie Goldstein[1pt]

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Predictions Key

Chaos Theory vs Red River Express w/Deanna Desire[1pt]

Coin flip imo

Payaso Jr vs Connor Threepwood w/ Harry Allen[1pt]

Payaso has been presented as a big deal so far, so going with him

Remmy Skye and Kid Fantastic vs Hector Galindo and Simon Waves[1pt]

The matching face paint/headband colours look pretty cool

Rob Reynolds vs Ozzie Goldstein vs Dazzling Dave Diamond[1pt]

I will never vote for Dazzling Daze Diamond!

Doug Peak w/Carl Batch (c) vs Yellow Flash[1pt]

Maybe a little early for Yellow Flash?

Bonus Point Question: Who is the best talker in MCW? [1pt]

Carl Batch

Edited 17 hours ago by Marmo

Edited by Charasmatic Enigma
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Chaos Theory vs Red River Express w/Deanna Desire[1pt]

Payaso Jr vs Connor Threepwood w/ Harry Allen[1pt]

Remmy Skye and Kid Fantastic vs Hector Galindo and Simon Waves[1pt]

Rob Reynolds vs Ozzie Goldstein vs Dazzling Dave Diamond[1pt]

Doug Peak w/Carl Batch (c) vs Yellow Flash[1pt]

Bonus Point Question: Who is the best talker in MCW? [1pt] Playboy Jake Sawyer

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