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MCW: From Grassroots to Global (C-Verse 2020)

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MCW: WrestleBowl 2020

Following No Love Lost last month Motor City Wrestling is looking to continue its run of good shows with WrestleBowl. Featuring both MAW and MCW talent in a $12,000 Trios Match Ozzie Goldstein and Pryme Tyme take on an all-star MAW Trio of Bradley Blaze, Josh Jacobs, and “Cheetah Boy” James Neil. Rob Reynolds takes on Zachary Inc in a singles match and has some words to say about what happened last month at No Love Lost. The Dirty White Boys take on Kid Fantastic and Remmy Honeyman as the Boyz try to regain some momentum after being upset by DeMarcus and Gray. DeMarcus and Gray celebrate their MCW Tag Title victory and make a major announcement on what's next! And in our main event, we see Doug Peak with Carl Batch at ringside taking on Harry Allen in a DAVE Rules No Disqualification match for the MCW Heavyweight Title. Can Harry Allen win a match against Doug Peak who holds a major advantage or will the Aussie Cowboy taste defeat again? Come to the Sanctuary in Detroit for another night of pro wrestling action!


Singles Match

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Rob Reynolds vs Zachary Inc

Tag Team Match

LeadBelly.jpg.780eb1f5a9abca910b335e4287f7601c.jpgGreaseHogg.jpg.5e6b50ff6c703fd92c64db46624e024f.jpg  vs.jpg.694db56d35ff094152ba73cfeb542573.jpg  KidFantastic.jpg.c4eb014ee896179b73a65f32232f38d3.jpgRemmyHoneyman.jpg.abc950108730d5d058d1c6246e4fe9be.jpg

The Dirty White Boyz vs Kid Fantastic and Remmy Honeyman


Singles Match 

HammerHadley.jpg.79c893d49b52a1ab9f6e971ef08acc40.jpg  vs.jpg.694db56d35ff094152ba73cfeb542573.jpg  AceYoungblood.jpg.0a368070bad028feb57a0b856a3a6e84.jpgWildRedStallion.jpg.40b938fbdae83c3a3da57fec77a53316.jpgLisaBowen.jpg.710b2d0ee97ca069309ffa119346c8a6.jpg

Hammer Hadley vs Ace YoungBlood w/Lisa Bowens and Wild Red Stallion


MAW vs MCW Trios Match for $12,000

CheetahBoy.jpg.aaf73cfaabd99d507a3f6aecf20daf62.jpgBradleyBlaze.jpg.d182953e1d8eda8925772cd8703953f7.jpgJoshJacobs.jpg.f108dfe078a2e24f57ed8adda3568a9b.jpg  vs.jpg.694db56d35ff094152ba73cfeb542573.jpg  OzzieGoldstein.jpg.481d6a1eaa3ea35947dab8043b42054c.jpgPrimeTimeJackPryde.jpg.ef04315b8f12c2060ec2e8fba2043699.jpgRickyTurner.jpg.3af8d1cc017ea3d8aed17a174a35ba79.jpg

"Cheetah Boy” James Neil, Bradley Blaze, and Josh Jacobs vs Ozzie Goldstein and Pryme Tyme


Main Event: No Disqualification Singles Match for the MCW Heavyweight Title

DougPeak.jpg.59f8901c80bbe7ac1ca8244d4b13e289.jpgCatlBatch_alt1.jpg.45d53221750fe00082a90b73cf775dd6.jpg  vs.jpg.694db56d35ff094152ba73cfeb542573.jpg  HarryAllen.jpg.5bbd956376155720167d70b349212312.jpg

Doug Peak(c) w/ Carl Batch vs Harry Allen


Predictions Key:

Rob Reynolds vs Zachary Inc [1pts]

The Dirty White Boyz vs Kid Fantastic and Remmy Honeyman [1pts]

Hammer Hadley vs Ace YoungBlood w/Lisa Bowens and Wild Red Stallion [1pts]

"Cheetah Boy” James Neil, Bradley Blaze, and Josh Jacobs vs Ozzie Goldstein and Pryme Tyme [1pts]

Doug Peak(c) w/ Carl Batch vs Harry Allen [1pts]

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Predictions Key:

Rob Reynolds vs Zachary Inc [1pts]

The Dirty White Boyz vs Kid Fantastic and Remmy Honeyman [1pts]

Hammer Hadley vs Ace YoungBlood w/Lisa Bowens and Wild Red Stallion [1pts]

"Cheetah Boy” James Neil, Bradley Blaze, and Josh Jacobs vs Ozzie Goldstein and Pryme Tyme [1pts] I assume home guys will take the W

Doug Peak(c) w/ Carl Batch vs Harry Allen [1pts]

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Predictions Key:

Rob Reynolds vs Zachary Inc [1pts]

The Dirty White Boyz vs Kid Fantastic and Remmy Honeyman [1pts]

Hammer Hadley vs Ace YoungBlood w/Lisa Bowens and Wild Red Stallion [1pts]

"Cheetah Boy” James Neil, Bradley Blaze, and Josh Jacobs vs Ozzie Goldstein and Pryme Tyme [1pts]

Doug Peak(c) w/ Carl Batch vs Harry Allen [1pts]

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Rob Reynolds vs Zachary Inc [1pts]

The Dirty White Boyz vs Kid Fantastic and Remmy Honeyman [1pts]

Hammer Hadley vs Ace YoungBlood w/Lisa Bowens and Wild Red Stallion [1pts]

"Cheetah Boy” James Neil, Bradley Blaze, and Josh Jacobs vs Ozzie Goldstein and Pryme Tyme [1pts]

Doug Peak(c) w/ Carl Batch vs Harry Allen [1pts]

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Rob Reynolds vs Zachary Inc [1pts]

The Dirty White Boyz vs Kid Fantastic and Remmy Honeyman [1pts]

Hammer Hadley vs Ace YoungBlood w/Lisa Bowens and Wild Red Stallion [1pts]

"Cheetah Boy” James Neil, Bradley Blaze, and Josh Jacobs vs Ozzie Goldstein and Pryme Tyme [1pts]

Doug Peak(c) w/ Carl Batch vs Harry Allen [1pts]

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Rob Reynolds vs Zachary Inc [1pts]

The Dirty White Boyz vs Kid Fantastic and Remmy Honeyman [1pts]

Hammer Hadley vs Ace YoungBlood w/Lisa Bowens and Wild Red Stallion [1pts]

"Cheetah Boy” James Neil, Bradley Blaze, and Josh Jacobs vs Ozzie Goldstein and Pryme Tyme [1pts]

Doug Peak(c) w/ Carl Batch vs Harry Allen [1pts]

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Predictions Key:

Rob Reynolds vs Zachary Inc [1pts]

Rob's the more talented prospect, and the hometown hero besides

The Dirty White Boyz vs Kid Fantastic and Remmy Honeyman [1pts]

If in doubt always go with the team that has a proper name

Hammer Hadley vs Ace YoungBlood w/Lisa Bowens and Wild Red Stallion [1pts]

"Cheetah Boy” James Neil, Bradley Blaze, and Josh Jacobs vs Ozzie Goldstein and Pryme Tyme [1pts]

It's kind of funny to see Bradley Blaze here when he's such a big part of Wrestling Machine's LSW dynasty. I'm gonna go with Ozzie and Pryme Tyme, they feel more established in this spot

Doug Peak(c) w/ Carl Batch vs Harry Allen [1pts]

It feels too early to switch the belt, unless Doug's going elsewhere

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MCW: WrestleBowl 2020

Saturday, Week 4 March 2020

Held in The Sanctuary(Great Lakes) in front of 332 people

21, 483 viewers on WrestleWorld


As the show goes live Rob Reynolds music hits and Detroit’s Finest makes his way to the ring with a microphone and a notebook in hand. “Detroit’s Finest” steps into the ring and panders to the crowd before standing in the middle of the ring. 


Rob Reynolds: Detroit! Let me tell you something. Last week at No Love Lost I had one of the toughest matches of my entire career against Nathan Coleman and I thank the pioneer for pushing me to that level because if he didn’t I would not have been able to punish Pablo Rodriguez for what he said about this great city. Rodriguez isn’t here this month not because he wasn’t invited but because he is scared. He is scared not of what I am gonna do to him but what WE will do to him as a city. United against a sham of a priest who doesn’t practice what he preaches. Next time Pablo Rodriguez is here I will get my revenge for what he said about us I can promise all of you that. I was also informed by the COTT board that I must apologize for what I said about Pablo so with that I have this notebook with me to read out the message I was told to deliver by the board. “Dear Mr. Reynolds, we strongly urge you to read the following message on behalf of the Confederacy Of The Territories after your comments about champion Pablo Rodriguez at No Love Lost. I Rob Reynolds would like to”… don’t need to read that part… don’t need to read that one either… definitely don’t need to read that part. Basically what they want me to say is sorry to Pablo for the pure ass whopping I’m gonna give you next time you're in town. And sorry to Mr. McClane and Sam Keith but I’m not going to apologize to Pablo until he’s in this MCW ring in Detroit Michigan handing me the COTT World Title watching as my hand gets raised for all of you fans to see. I’m pissed off now Zachary Inc come out here so we can show the world what two people from Detroit fight like (20)

RobReynolds.jpg.6682399a83042f36caf3c6b0aea2dea3.jpg  vs.jpg.3b1259c6bf0405c5fcc884d170628d2c.jpg  ZacharyInc.jpg.26d1719c5b01e657a0a31029c965c0ab.jpg

Singles Match

Rob Reynolds vs Zachary Inc

In a decent match, the Detroit crowd supports both of their hometown boys with Rob Reynolds and Zachary Inc going at each other in a battle of kicks vs strikes. Both men using their offenses to deal devastating strikes that boom throughout the Sanctuary. Zachary Inc hits a strike combo onto Reynolds ending with a big chop across the back of Reynolds causing Detroit’s Finest to cry out in pain. Both men continue exchanging blows in a battle of attrition before Reynolds hits a back breaker onto Inc before trying to hit a Real Deal Rocker which Zachary Inc rolls out of the ring for. This doesn’t stop Reynolds though who hits a suicide dive out of the ring onto Inc before roaring at the Detroit crowd. The match ends with Zachary Inc poking the eye of Reynolds behind referee Dale Kenney’s back and gets Rob Reynolds up for a Credit Crunch… And Reynolds is able to slip out of it and while covering his poked eye Reynolds hits the Real Deal Rocker for the win! (40)


GreaseHogg.jpg.62377d0b22f21a0aba63fd202e5c0483.jpgLeadBelly.jpg.882abce38957c4256c6c9fd0c21afdef.jpg  vs.jpg.3b1259c6bf0405c5fcc884d170628d2c.jpg  KidFantastic.jpg.c0e684118434e902dae2b8c4b8250599.jpgRemmyHoneyman.jpg.693a35311846f13d32e63344825aea7a.jpg

Tag Team Match

The Dirty White Boyz vs Kid Fantastic and Remmy Honeyman

A good match with a decent reaction The Dirty White Boyz take on Kid Fantastic and Remmy Honeyman as the veterans take on an exciting new alliance. Kid Fantastic wows the crowd as halfway through the match he flashes a new go-to move. Lead Belly charges at Kid Fantastic who sidesteps the big man and hits a sling blade to down the biker. He rushes over to the top rope and hits a shooting star press on Lead Belly which gets a 2 count after Grease Hogg breaks the pin. Remmy Honeyman spends the match selling for the DWB but always kicking out with some stroke of luck. Whenever a Full Throttle is about to be hit Honeyman is always able to slither out of it or take advantage with Kid Fantastic. The match ends when Kid Fantastic attempts to hit a Fantasm on Grease Hogg but is outpowered by GreaseHogg who uses Kid Fantastic's body to knock Remmy Honeyman off the apron and the DWB finishes the match with a Full Throttle in 14:56. (47)

HammerHadley.jpg.237414be3edc732f3998fd309024b186.jpg  vs.jpg.3b1259c6bf0405c5fcc884d170628d2c.jpg  AceYoungblood.jpg.79cd51d205780419a5b924c87a4b7af1.jpgWildRedStallion.jpg.e355a52ec64afd2a1dd42ef9a5803f34.jpgLisaBowen.jpg.3ddd87a074849a04bea769dcaf0419e3.jpg

Singles Match 

Hammer Hadley vs Ace YoungBlood w/Lisa Bowens and Wild Red Stallion

Decent reaction but subpar wrestling Hammer Hadley takes on Ace Youngblood in a wild brawl. Youngblood comes to the ring with Wild Red Stallion and Lisa Bowens but even he is dwarfed by the imposing Hadley. Both men take their time chopping and striking each other as Jez McArthuer has to separate them multiple times for almost breaking the 5-count rule. Youngblood takes a late advantage with his Tomahawk chops across the chest of Hadley causing the big man’s skin to ripple and tear. But with one fell places punch Hadley evens the score. YoungBlood is sent out of the ring by Hadley and is helped up by Wild Red Stallion but in an act of brotherhood Youngblood pushes Stallion out of the way of a baseball slide from Hadley who gets Youngblood back into the ring before sinching a full nelson till Youngblood taps in 12:44. (34)


Segment: DeMarcus and Gray come out to a rocking crowd holding not only the MCW Tag Team Titles but the MAW Tag Team Titles. The men pump the crowd up before grabbing a microphone

Tyrone Gray: Detroit Michigan we are “The Truth” Tyrone Gray and Nate “The Great” DeMarcus and we are proud to not only be MAW Tag Team Champions but your MCW Tag Team Champions! And truthfully I can tell you that this has been our boyhood dream to hold championship gold and represent and build the prestige of a title. Nate and I want to thank you for believing in us.


Nate DeMarcus: We also want to thank the Dirty White Boyz sorry asses for thinking they had a chance against us! With that Gray and I aren’t done collecting titles. We are only getting started and we want the COTT Tag Team Titles next! We have decided that all of the tag team gold in the Confederacy isn’t safe so anybody who thinks they can beat us let us know but just know your walking out of that match without the gold you came with!

As Gray and DeMarcus celebrate the DWB come out and wait at the entrance ramp arms crossed staring through both men as if to say they aren’t finished with them yet. DeMarcus and Gray get in their face as both teams stare down before music hits again and the COTT Tag Team Champions The American Cobras come out! Storm Spillane and Marvel Malloy walk right past the DWB and hold their tag titles high for DeMarcus and Gray telling them that if they want a fight any time any place the American Cobras will give them a fight! (35)


MAW vs MCW Trios Match for $12,000

CheetahBoy.jpg.65c96264f8f9d7c0ded4f124b1c073cf.jpgBradleyBlaze.jpg.d7c144dd5aa4ec727783f24237669b91.jpgJoshJacobs.jpg.85df4e2679c946a5eae9f4d565d50e78.jpg  vs.jpg.3b1259c6bf0405c5fcc884d170628d2c.jpg  OzzieGoldstein.jpg.a09bc839268879f3bd96976aa711add7.jpgPrimeTimeJackPryde.jpg.754694325120f976c8cd713269c467aa.jpgRickyTurner.jpg.7590a95dfb66c79a7fbea6d846611571.jpg

“Cheetah Boy” James Neil, Bradley Blaze, and Josh Jacobs vs Ozzie Goldstein and Pryme Tyme

In a decent match with solid heat, the 6 men gave it their all in a long match which featured Ozzie Goldstein coming out in a new fur coat he bought with the money he will make in this match. The teams brawled through it with James Neil and Ozzie Goldstein being the workhorses for both teams. Ricky Turner brawling with Bradley Blaze brings a clash out old school MAW with the new Mid Atlantic Champion in Bradley Blaze. Prime Time Jack Pryde does his best but underperforms to the level of the other 5 competitors. The match ends with all men exhausted and down in the ring after Bradley Blaze hit a Dallas Drop on Ricky Turner. Cheetah Boy James Neil the legal man gets to his feet and searches for Prime Time Jack Pryde the other legal man and sets him out for a Flying Cheetah Pounce but Pryde is able to get the knees up allowing Goldstein to capitalize with a Unprettier. Draping Jack Pryde over Cheetah Boy as Ricky Turner topples out of the ring with Bradley Blaze and Josh Jacobs eats superkick before stopping the pin. Ozzie Goldstein and Pryme Tyme win in 23:17. (40)


Main Event: No Disqualification Singles Match for the MCW Heavyweight Title

Doug Peak(c) w/ Carl Batch vs Harry Allen

DougPeak.jpg.cdfc65b863ff34b7dfd63af5d762cccf.jpgCatlBatch_alt1.jpg.87fb8cac1d812e051f72754afe99053a.jpg  vs.jpg.3b1259c6bf0405c5fcc884d170628d2c.jpg  HarryAllen.jpg.d115d8ee60bb90d4d0fd75a71973455c.jpg

Fantastic Heat and good wrestling Doug Peak and Harry Allen beat the snot out of each other in a DAVE Rules No Disqualification match. The match started with a no-nonsense Harry Allen storming to the ring, no high-flying entrance, no smiling to the crowd just a man here to get the job done. Doug Peak comes out after Carl Batch flanked behind him as the America Psycho climbs into the ring and stairs down as Allen with a look of pure hatred.


Dale Kenney holds the belt up and the match gets underway with Doug Peak and Harry Allen feeling each other out. A waistlock from Harry Allen is thwarted by Peak who is able to hip-toss the smaller competitor. Peak takes this opportunity to muscle Allen up and irish whip Allen onto the ring apron before launching him off with a stiff forearm right across the chin. Peak slowly lumbers out the ring as Batch is at ringside berating the downed Allen. Peak grabs Batch and tells him to grab him a table to end this early which Batch does immediately setting up the table as Peak continues whipping Allen first across the ring pole before launching him into the steps. After Batch sets up the table Peak grabs Allen and carries him on his shoulders toward the table but before he can reach it Allen punches at Peak's head getting off the Psycho’s shoulders and pushing him onto the table. Batch gets between Allen and Peak and eats a superkick for his efforts which knocks out the manager as Allen searches under the ring for a steel chair. Allen holds the chair up and hits a stiff shot across the back of Peak who grunts in pain as the crowd chants for a table. Allen obliges and gets Peak onto the table and climbs to the top rope but before he can dive off Peak rolls off the table attempting to climb into the ring to get Allen. Allen uses this moment to walk across the ropes and hit a hurricanrana onto Peak sending him back onto the floor from the apron. Allen again sets Peak up on the table but this time goes onto the apron and dives onto The Psycho with a senton knocking both of them down. As both men stagger back onto their feet slowly they start exchanging blows the bruises starting to form on the backs and chests of both men as they continue wailing each other as hard as they possibly could. 


With one stiff punch Peak gets the advantage and uses his rage to get Allen onto his feet and deliver a brutal rip chord lariat onto Allen holding his wrist and delivering a second one before sliding the Aussie back into the ring. All hope looks lost but a recovered Batch screams for Peak to destroy Allen for what he did to him telling Peak to make sure he never walks again. Peak obliges as he is handed a kendo stick as Batch sets up another table but this one inside the ring. Peak dismantles Allen with the kendo stick delivering crushing blows across the back and chest of the lightweight causing visible cuts to form before getting Allen into the corner and trapping him with the kendo stick which is falling apart to attempt a corner splash but before Peak can his it Allen is able to get a foot up across the face of Peak who staggers allowing the bloodied Allen another chance at offense. And he takes it giving Peak his all, a classic Harry Allen comeback consisting of the lightweight dodging the big boot of Peak before bouncing off the ropes and delivering consecutive flying forearms onto the monster who went leave his feet before Allen climbs to the top rope and gets a flying cross body onto Peak knocking him down. Batch attempts to punch the Cowboy but Allen grabs his fist and wrenches a wrist lock onto Batch who cries and wails for mercy before being launched out of the ring with a big irish whip. Allen returns to focusing on Peak and sets him up on the table and looks within himself knowing this will be the last chance he gets to fell the monster and return to his old finish while in his younger days of a Phoenix Splash. As Allen sets up for the move a masked man pops up behind him and pushes him off the turnbuckle. Another masked man gets Peak off the table before jumping onto Allen and delivering brutal punches to him. The two masked men grab Allen’s arms and legs and throw him up with Allen landing with a nasty thud onto the canvas. Peak then gets onto the top rope as the two masked men give him an unconscious and bloody Harry Allen and Peak hits the House of Horrors through the table. Pinning Allen in 18:07 (47)


Post Match: Peak gets up before being handed the title back to him by Carl Batch as the two masked men kneel in front of him. Batch calls for a microphone and says

Carl Batch: Harry Allen you might have put up a good fight but the biggest thing when facing a master of hardcore wrestling is to always have a plan when things aren’t going your way. Our two friends here will allow us to hold the MCW title for as long as we want baby. To make sure you know who the men under masks are let me introduce them to you. “Masked Man I unmasks” This is Devil Dog Frank Marciano! A former US Marine who’s as tough as nails and as hardcore as they come. F*** with him baby and you're gonna end up drinking through a straw for months. “Masked Man II unmasks” and this is Deuce Deadline coming way of the precious little place called MAW baby. Deuce is tired of listening to old-school out-of-date old-timers like Sam Keith who have nothing to say other than the past and is ready to take a jump and be led by a true superstar just like Doug Peak Baby! WE ARE PEAK CHAOS AND WE RUN MCW! You can fight us all you want but I can testify and notarize that you will not win! (38)


Overall Show Rating: 45

Edited by Marmo
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OOC: I just want to say thank you to everybody who has read this diary so far! I've honestly been having a blast and while I am going with a very realistic and slow start things will start heating up soon! The next show is MCW: BlueBloods and I can't wait to continue building this for y'all!

Predictions Standings: WrestleBowl 2020

Wrestling Machine [5pts]

KyTeran [5pts]

1PWFan [4pts]

Newbiezness [4pts]

Charismatic Enigma [4pts]



Predictions Standings Total

1PWFan [11pts]

Wrestling Machine [11pts]

Charismatic Enigma [10pts]

Newbiezness [10pts]

Kyteran [10pts]

GreatreDRagon [3pts]

JAK [3pts]


Smw88 [2pts]

Theheel [2pts]

Edited by Marmo
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Small Time Independent Wrestling Event in Toledo Ohio


Richard McClane and Freddie Datsun are at a small-time wrestling event in Freddie Datsun’s hometown of Toledo Ohio. Datsun is the special guest referee in the main event and will be signing autographs after the show. McClane has tagged along to scout some talent that may be useful for Motor City Wrestling along with seeing if Toledo and the Greater Ohio area could be viable places to hold an MCW event. McClane has been in talks with Gil Thomas and Vin Tanner over IPW and MCW holding a cross-promotional match with the talks being around Aldous Blackfriar vs Doug Peak or Coulrophobia vs DeMarcus and Gray.

Richard McClane: Alright Freddie I got to admit for a city like Toledo the crowd has been rocking all night. This has been a good break after talking with Gil and Vin all day about a match. If all goes well BrickCity Brawl should have a main event cross-promotional match. I'm just hoping that Larry or Phoenix don't get in their ear about working with us. Sam has done a good job proving it can make money and give guys opportunities but they are still wary.

Freddie Datusn: We just gotta keep pushing forward with the Confederacy or not. We have some good momentum and WrestleWorld is pushing us as a big deal within the service. Doug Peak has been a standout and has the wrestling world talking about his resurgence in North America along with a good faction debut for Peak Chaos. I think everything is gonna work out.

Richard McClane:  I think so too just tired of having to jump through all these hoops to just hold a show... But I want your opinion on some of the kids I saw tonight. That Big Tex kid looks like a really good worker. The look paired with the size makes me think of Ricky Dale Johnson or The Blackhats. Just that old-school tough-as-nails mean bastard that the fans know is gonna open a pure can of whoop ass on whoever they face. What do you think?

Freddie Datsun: I like Big Tex for sure. That big lariat after he bounces off the ropes is something special. He seems like the type of tough guy we need in the locker room for sure to add a bit of an edge to it. But Jason Patterson has something too. The kid has some good size and is as country-strong as Big Tex. Spoken with him a few times and I think he seems more than coachable and wants to just break out. I think if we can hire him we can develop him into something special.

Richard McClane: I’m listening… Do you think they could work together? Big Tex and Jason Patterson might be a good little unit for us. Get these two blue-collar kids together and the MCW fans might start getting behind both of them if they prove that they belong. Plus if they can show that they are willing to give out a good beating will definitely get them over.

Freddie Datsun: I don’t see why they can’t work as a tag team. Look if you are being serious about this let's just get this done and let the kids know that they have an opportunity. They might be able to give us a good name to call them and come up with a good finish in the meantime. 

Richard McClane: I’ll start drafting a contract when I get back to Detroit then. Let the kids know and tell them that I’m inviting them to dinner with us tonight and it's on me so we can discuss what I see in this team and what their expectations should be.

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MCW: Blue Bloods 2020


Blue Bloods like the premier college programs in Michigan. MCW brings another night of exciting and breath-defying wrestling action. We are featuring the debut of a mysterious never-before-seen tag team called The Red River Express taking on those mean old nasty Dirty White Boyz. Aussie Cowboy Harry Allen looks to regain momentum after losing consecutive bouts to Doug Peak with a match with “Bad Boy” Zacahry Inc who still hasn’t won a match in MCW. We will have words from Peak Chaos before they take on Remmy Honeyman and Tomahawk Nation in trios action. The MCW Tag Team Champions fresh off challenging the American Cobras for the COTT Tag Team Titles defend their own MCW Tag Titles against the boisterous and obnoxious Pryme Tyme! And in our main event, Ozzie Goldstein will face a mystery opponent supplied by Freddie Datsun. Will the gorgeous one be able to continue building momentum or will he crash and burn? We will also be featuring words from Rob Reynolds, Hammer Hadley, and Kid Fantastic throughout the night. Come to the Sanctuary in Detroit for a rocking night of pro wrestling action! 

Match Card

Tag Team Match

LeadBelly.jpg.dba336ab1481ac0157c30d2ee5dad031.jpgGreaseHogg.jpg.d3c503a7f26319d9d269af777e6028ad.jpg  vs.jpg.27f6a32fc1c0c6a3464a4a89164d0727.jpg  no_picture.jpg.e4988283641ab0981c0ee287b274a2d2.jpgno_picture.jpg.e4988283641ab0981c0ee287b274a2d2.jpg

The Dirty White Boys vs The Red River Express

Singles Match

HarryAllen.jpg.b5f05a7cf44c17cb620939317336482f.jpg  vs.jpg.27f6a32fc1c0c6a3464a4a89164d0727.jpg  ZacharyInc.jpg.1db117ffc223e1f707e9105b3ff4cabe.jpg

HarryAllen vs Zacahry Inc

Trios Match

DougPeak.jpg.c85f2ed7a97ee87bc36201868dd64b20.jpgDeuceDeadline.jpg.ea825b90ce1e339f3649fed48d1f924f.jpgFrankMarciano.jpg.7fea6eead0d99ba8a4f5edd4990e07b6.jpg vs.jpg.27f6a32fc1c0c6a3464a4a89164d0727.jpg  RemmyHoneyman.jpg.1ced8f7ec4470260db18d01e21c3e61a.jpgAceYoungblood.jpg.a5f815031495f2ec1051997d9a21e7ef.jpgWildRedStallion.jpg.3c8b71a9c9ec460e27f344fa4280b774.jpg

Peak Chaos(Doug Peak, Deuce Deadline, and Devil Dog) vs Remmy Honeyman and Tomahawk Nation w/Lisa Bowens


MCW Tag Team Title Match

NateDemarcus_alt.jpg.25d61500c7c2137d4410519a3d6a4b7e.jpgTyroneGray_alt.jpg.fb8834261a43bf280f8850509270eff6.jpg  vs.jpg.27f6a32fc1c0c6a3464a4a89164d0727.jpg  PrimeTimeJackPryde.jpg.7b8089abf02b21b13f1e64111bfb3d99.jpgRickyTurner.jpg.8d00292159d0d5db37d07b78b046cd07.jpg

DeMarcus and Gray(c) vs Pryme Tyme

Singles Match

OzzieGoldstein.jpg.9af7ee15d7d0d5cd9a70fd880646cfa0.jpg  vs.jpg.27f6a32fc1c0c6a3464a4a89164d0727.jpg  no_picture.jpg.e4988283641ab0981c0ee287b274a2d2.jpg

Ozzie Goldstein vs ???


Predictions Key

The Dirty White Boys vs The Red River Express w/ DeAnna Desire [1pts]

Harry Allen vs Zacahry Inc [1pts]

Peak Chaos(Doug Peak, Deuce Deadline and Devil Dog) vs Remmy Honeyman and Tomahawk Nation w/Lisa Bowens [1pts]

MCW Tag Team Title Match

DeMarcus and Gray(c) vs Pryme Tyme [1pts]

Ozzie Goldstein vs ???  [1pts]

Bonus Point: Who is Ozzie Goldstein’s mystery opponent? [1pts]


Edited by Marmo
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The Dirty White Boys vs The Red River Express w/ DeAnna Desire [1pts]

Harry Allen vs Zacahry Inc [1pts]

Peak Chaos(Doug Peak, Deuce Deadline and Devil Dog) vs Remmy Honeyman and Tomahawk Nation w/Lisa Bowens [1pts]

MCW Tag Team Title Match

DeMarcus and Gray(c) vs Pryme Tyme [1pts]

Ozzie Goldstein vs ???  [1pts]

Bonus Point: Who is Ozzie Goldstein’s mystery opponent? [1pts] Clueless, let’s say Rob Reynolds

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The Dirty White Boys vs The Red River Express w/ DeAnna Desire [1pts]

Harry Allen vs Zacahry Inc [1pts]

Peak Chaos(Doug Peak, Deuce Deadline and Devil Dog) vs Remmy Honeyman and Tomahawk Nation w/Lisa Bowens [1pts]

MCW Tag Team Title Match

DeMarcus and Gray(c) vs Pryme Tyme [1pts]

Ozzie Goldstein vs ???  [1pts]

Bonus Point: Who is Ozzie Goldstein’s mystery opponent? Rob Reynolds [1pts]

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The Dirty White Boys vs The Red River Express w/ DeAnna Desire [1pts]

Harry Allen vs Zachary Inc [1pts]

Peak Chaos(Doug Peak, Deuce Deadline and Devil Dog) vs Remmy Honeyman and Tomahawk Nation w/Lisa Bowens [1pts]

MCW Tag Team Title Match: DeMarcus and Gray(c) vs Pryme Tyme [1pts]

Ozzie Goldstein vs ???  [1pts]

Bonus Point: Who is Ozzie Goldstein’s mystery opponent? Cheetah Boy [1pts] As far as Reynolds is a great pick, I'll go with Cheetah Boy in the aftermath of 3vs3, and also cause you're relying a lot on COTT 

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The Dirty White Boys vs The Red River Express w/ DeAnna Desire [1pts]

Because that team name is cool as heck

Harry Allen vs Zachary Inc [1pts]

Allen's still pretty much your top babyface

Peak Chaos(Doug Peak, Deuce Deadline and Devil Dog) vs Remmy Honeyman and Tomahawk Nation w/Lisa Bowens [1pts]

Peak Chaos cement themselves as the top faction

MCW Tag Team Title Match

DeMarcus and Gray(c) vs Pryme Tyme [1pts]

I don't see any reason to switch the titles right now

Ozzie Goldstein vs ???  [1pts]

Never bet against ???

Bonus Point: Who is Ozzie Goldstein’s mystery opponent? [1pts]

Let's say The New York Doll

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Predictions Key

The Dirty White Boys vs The Red River Express w/ DeAnna Desire [1pts]

Harry Allen vs Zacahry Inc [1pts]

Peak Chaos(Doug Peak, Deuce Deadline and Devil Dog) vs Remmy Honeyman and Tomahawk Nation w/Lisa Bowens [1pts]

MCW Tag Team Title Match

DeMarcus and Gray(c) vs Pryme Tyme [1pts]

Ozzie Goldstein vs ???  [1pts]

Bonus Point: Who is Ozzie Goldstein’s mystery opponent? [1pts]

Rob Reynolds

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The Dirty White Boys vs The Red River Express w/ DeAnna Desire [1pts]

Harry Allen vs Zacahry Inc [1pts]

Peak Chaos(Doug Peak, Deuce Deadline and Devil Dog) vs Remmy Honeyman and Tomahawk Nation w/Lisa Bowens [1pts]

MCW Tag Team Title Match

DeMarcus and Gray(c) vs Pryme Tyme [1pts]

Ozzie Goldstein vs ???  [1pts]

Bonus Point: Who is Ozzie Goldstein’s mystery opponent? [1pts]

Kip Keenan

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MCW: Blue Bloods 2020

Saturday, Week 4 April 2020

Held in The Sanctuary(Great Lakes) in front of 382 people

20, 531 viewers on WrestleWorld


Backstage Segment: Backstage Playboy Jake Sawyer stands in front of a banner with the MCW logo as Peak Chaos enters. Doug Peak has the title draped over his shoulder flanked by Deadline, Marciano, and Carl Batch. 


Jake Sawyer: Welcome fellas! I just want to say your victory at WrestleBowl is one of the best matches I have seen in a long time. Beating that degenerate Harry Allen who dared to bleed all over this fine Motor City ring. I want to ask, how does it feel to be MCW Heavyweight Championship still?


Doug Peak:


Carl Batch: It felt great Playboy! When Harry Allen was down in that ring and Doug Peak was able to pin him to retain the Heavyweight title he rightfully earned I felt a euphoric feeling. Doug practically couldn’t hold himself back in excitement baby. But this is not gonna be about what I feel or what Doug feels baby. We want to talk about these two fine gentlemen right next to me Deuce Deadline and “Devil Dog” Frank Marciano The Chaos Theory!


Jake Sawyer: The Chaos Theory? I love it! Alright, Batch tell me about these guys what can the Motor City audience expect from them?


Carl Batch: Let me tell you about them baby! These two boys are deadly, chaotic, aggressive, calculated, and absolutely the lethal shot of adrenaline that the tag team division needs. DeMarcus & Gray, American Cobras, DWB, and any other team in the back needs to watch out for these two boys. Because if you aren’t turning your head to watch out for them climb the ranks right to the top you are gonna fall baby! You are not only gonna fall but just like everyone that climbs the Peak of the mountain they must come down and reach the bottom baby! So watch out cause Peak Chaos will claim all the belts not only here but in the entire Confederacy and I can testify and notarize that for you baby! [35]

Tag Team Match

GreaseHogg.jpg.3b0f72c0201cebcc42bd360a160db2db.jpgLeadBelly.jpg.d492935452a5b0663f4609ea06bf2814.jpg  vs.jpg.60580de6c5e465da5e1dc00399924db0.jpg  BigTexAvatar.jpg.b69b77a9f8695cd33766dee42e301796.jpgJasonPatterson.jpg.dfd6ccdf26e0ddc85bec5706a1886d08.jpgDeAnnaDesire.jpg.469800b89c083a23e1bf733633586bd1.jpg

The Dirty White Boys vs The Red River Express w/ DeAnna Desire

The Dirty White Boys storm to the ring still holding onto the anger from the disrespect the American Cobras gave them after walking right past them to challenge DeMarcus & Gray last week. After they get into the ring Renegade by Styxx starts playing and MCW’s newest tag team appears. Big Tex Thompson(Big Tex Avatar) and Jason Patterson The Red River Express named after the river separating their home states of Texas and Oklahoma look to make a name for themselves in their debut. Flanked by the beautiful Ms. Texas DeAnna Desire these good ole southern boys climb into the ring and waste no time taking it to the Dirty White Boys.


Big Tex and Jason Patterson take it to Grease Hogg and Lead Belly like a house of fire. The rookies toss Lead Belly out of the ring and the bell rings with Grease Hogg and Jason Patterson. The match consists of both teams fighting for very different reasons. DWB looking to regain their momentum and prove that they aren’t a team to look past. The Red River Express are looking to get that marquee to win in their debuts. Late in the match the DWB retook the advantage and use their experience to keep Big Tex out of the match isolating Patterson in the corner. Grease Hogg sets Patterson up for the Grease Spot when before he can hit the move Lead Belly screams to hit the Full Throttle. Hogg tags in Lead Belly but before they can hit the Full Throttle Patterson is able to sidestep Lead Belly and crawl over to Big Tex as the DWB scramble back onto their feet. Big Tex gets the hot tag and bounces off the ropes and delivers a devastating double lariat on the DWB as Grease Hogg rolls out of the ring. An isolated Lead Belly takes a stiff right hand from the big Texan before eating an impressive gorilla press on the heavyweight Lead Belly. The match ends with The Red River Express hitting their finish the High Low Rodeo with Big Tex holding Lead Belly on his shoulders and Jason Patterson coming off the top rope with a big spinning uppercut for the win in 12:33! [36]


Singles Match

HarryAllen.jpg.fa9e4e63ab83ad3fa6831ca412c9c8de.jpg  vs.jpg.60580de6c5e465da5e1dc00399924db0.jpg  ZacharyInc.jpg.7773b8f2f4ca251699a70e847e84e997.jpg

Harry Allen vs Zacahry Inc

In a match with decent wrestling, Harry Allen faced off against Bad Boy Zachary Inc. Harry Allen looked to end the match early Allen hasn’t won a match since MCW Genesis where he made it to the finals in his and Peak’s initial encounter. Zachary Inc on a 3-match losing streak looks to get his first win. Sadly for Inc, this win doesn’t come today when Harry Allen takes control of the match late and is able to hit a snug DDT into his Flying Fist Drop finisher right in the middle of the ring which keeps the Detroit native down for the 3 count in 13:08 minutes. Harry Allen gives the crowd a grin and takes off his cowboy hat signaling to the crowd he is getting back on this horse to the top. [37]


Backstage Segments: Rob Reynolds walks down to the ring Detroit’s Finest smiles at the crowd before pumping.

Rob Reynolds: Detroit! I have a big announcement to make. I have been taking my time thinking about how I can get my hands on Pablo Rodriguez. How I can show the world that everything he said about us is wrong… And I think I just found the solution because Detroit’s Finest Rob Reynolds is announcing himself as the first entrant for the Brick City Brawl Battle Royal next month. By winning that match I will have the ability to challenge for any title within Motor City Wrestling or either of the Confederacy Titles. With that, I will challenge Pablo Rodriguez and force him back to the Motor City to make him pay for his words and actions. Believe that Detroit because you will soon be seeing the next COTT World Champion [25]


Trios Match

DougPeak.jpg.dc46acc0b100665db5edc7d1e3f5b024.jpgDeuceDeadline.jpg.c929961365bce8983c9b00fe74a3812d.jpgFrankMarciano.jpg.c148956bb70a8d172a83ef44626d3ee7.jpg  vs.jpg.60580de6c5e465da5e1dc00399924db0.jpg  RemmyHoneyman.jpg.bd19d8b92d3622e89109676472b1a615.jpgAceYoungblood.jpg.543fbb5689b8e2910b274875e55a0d4f.jpgWildRedStallion.jpg.e40204d93dfe4aa34fa222e1e45089b8.jpg

Peak Chaos(Doug Peak, Deuce Deadline, and “Devil Dog” Frank Marciano) vs Remmy Honeyman and Tomahawk Nation w/Lisa Bowens

Peak Chaos takes on Remmy Honeyman and Tomahawk Nation in trios action. Remmy Honeyman and Deuce Deadline start the match with a flurry of offense as Honeyman and Deadline are evenly matched throughout the exchange until sneaky Carl Batch is able to distract the referee allowing Frank Marciano to catch Honeyman bouncing off the ropes stopping his momentum and allowing Deadline to hit a high knee. Marciano and Deadline take Honeyman into the corner and show off some innovative tag team offense with the sequence finishing off with a double flapjack for a 2 count. Honeyman is able to out-wrestle Marciano and crawl his way over to his corner, and tag in Ace YoungBlood. YoungBlood uses his veteran experience and takes it to Marciano Tomahawk chopping Marciano till his chest is red and he is cawling over to the corner. Marciano attempts to tag in Doug Peak who ignores the Devil Dog and forces Deadline back in who in a solid display tries taking down Youngblood but overextends and allows Youngblood to tag in Wild Red Stallion who spears Deadline out of his mullet. Deadline tries to keep up with the reckless rookie but is unable due to the sheer momentum and athleticism Stallion hits the ropes with. Out of nowhere Peak gets into the ring and chokeslams Stallion before slowly climbing out of the ring again and staring at Deadline to finish Stallion which he and Marciano do with Murphy’s Law! [40]

Backstage Segment: Kid Fantastic and Hammer Hadley in separate segments announce themselves for the Brick City Battle Royal. Hadley says that when he wins he will face Pablo Rodriguez for the COTT World Title and Kid Fantastic stating he wants a chance at the MCW Heavyweight Title to face Doug Peak and to prove himself as the best in the Motor City. [21]


MCW Tag Team Title Match

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DeMarcus and Gray(c) vs Pryme Tyme

In a match with decent wrestling and decent heat, DeMarcus and Gray face off against Pryme Tyme. Throughout the match Prime Time Jack Pryde looked out of place in this match. DeMarcus and Gray have their wrestling down to an art and in their first defense, they pull zero punches. Tyrone Gray has his way with Prime Time Jack Pryde getting a big elbow on the young wrestler before hitting a double stomp. Ricky Turner tries stepping into the ring and stopping the onslaught but Nate DeMarcus grabs Turner and tosses him out of the ring. DeMarcus and Gray hit mirror image moves one in the ring and the other on the floor before Tyrone Gray finally tags in Nate DeMarcus who hits a big spear on Jack Pryde. Ricky Turner sneaks back into the ring and breaks up the pin before Tyrone Gray catches him out of nowhere with a running neckbreaker. DeMarcus takes Pryde into the corner and tags in Gray who hits a Rocket Launcher! 1..2..3 DeMarcus & Gray make their 1st title defense of the MCW Tag Team Title. [37]


Post-Match Segment: DeMarcus and Gray hold their titles high and tell the American Cobras that at The Brick City Brawl, they have earned a COTT Title shot and they will take those titles and continue to prove themselves as the best tag team in the world.


Pre-Match Segment: Ozzie Goldstein comes out in his gorgeous glory. The crowd cheers as Goldstein showboats in his long yellow fur robe. Before the main event starts Freddie Datsun comes out and stands in the ring opposite Goldstein a smirk on his face


Ozzie Goldstein: Alright Freddie the world is dying to know who is “Gorgeous” Ozzie Goldstein gonna face tonight and who will be staring at those pretty little lights tonight when Ozzie Goldstein earns an opportunity to face Doug Peak at the Brick City Brawl. I can’t imagine it’s anybody more important than wrestler number one or somebody as ugly as Ricky Turner so let me know who from ugly Toledo is it gonna be?


Freddie Datsun: Ozzie I never said you would be allowed to face Peak at the Brick City Brawl but let's do this. If you can win this match tonight in under 20 minutes I will give you a chance to Doug Peak at The Brick City Brawl. If you fail to do that though Ozzie you will have to do me a favor and come to Toledo to wrestle in my hometown for my people. But let’s not keep the fans waiting then your opponent tonight will be a main just a stone's throw away from us in Detroit. Your opponent is the Indiana Hoosier Connor Threepwood! [35]


Singles Match

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Ozzie Goldstein vs Connor Threepwood

In a match between two skilled technicians with great chemistry Ozzie Goldstein and Connor Threepwood delivered a technical masterclass. The two wrestlers put on a match that wouldn’t be out of place in CWA. Goldstein and Threepwood exchanged pinfalls and submissions taking pages out of Rip Chord and Acid their mentors before transitioning into their own best hits. Goldstein and Threepwood trying everything to hit their finishers in the Golden Shower and The Stretch Plumb. When the match seems to finally be swinging in one wrestler's corner the other finds a way to bring it back. Goldstein tries to sneak the win away with a roll-up pin when Threepwood is able to turn it into an armbar which Goldstein slithers out of like his bones are made of rubber as the crowd claps for both stars. The clock continues to tick down as Goldstein gets more and more desperate for the pinfall by grabbing the tights for leverage but referee Jez McArthuer spots the cheating and Goldstein is irate. Threepwood takes advantage with a big enzuigiri and corner big boot. As Goldstein lays on the ground the clock keeps ticking and Goldstein only has 30 seconds left! Threepwood tries locking in the Stretch Plumb but Goldstein is playing possum tries a cradle pin for a 2 count. 20 seconds and Goldstein can’t believe it. Threepwood gets back to his feet and takes a big swing at Goldstein but Goldstein ducks and hits… he hits the ACIDITY TEST that’s Threepwood’s mentor Acid’s move! Goldstein pins Threepwood and Goldstein does it in 19:56 Goldstein has beaten Threepwood and will challenge Doug Peak at the Brick City Brawl! [48]


Overall Rating: 43

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OOC: The next event is the Brick City Brawl which is gonna be Battle Royal with the winner being able to challenge for any MCW Titles or any COTT Titles. Still trying to figure out how exactly to do a battle royal-type show as the text would be a massive block but we shall see. Thank you so much for reading this far and I hope y'all have a Happy Holidays or just a great day!

Predictions Standings: Blue Bloods 2020

Charismatic Enigma [5pts]

Wrestling Machine [4pts]

1PWFan [4pts]

Newbiezness [3pts]

KyTeran [3pts]

JunkRat [3pts]


Predictions Standings Total

1PWFan [15pts]

Wrestling Machine [15pts]

Charismatic Enigma [15pts]

Newbiezness [13pts]

Kyteran [13pts]

JunkRat [6pts]

GreatreDRagon [3pts]

JAK [3pts]

Smw88 [2pts]

Theheel [2pts]

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Pro Wrestling Report May 2020 by Greg Sluchinski


WrestleWorld Update

WrestleWorld Proving to be a huge success! Every promotion within the USA and Canada has inked a deal with the streaming service which I have heard is looking to expand its platform from USA and Canada into Mexico and the British Isles sooner rather than later. CZCW is being pushed by the administration of WrestleWorld as the premier promotion on the platform but PSW isn't far behind as the DAVE Successor is hitting a golden period with The Steel Circle holding all the gold!


Zimmy Bumfhole jumps ship from SWF to USPW!

Sources have told me that Zimmy Bumfhole has inked a deal sending him from SWF the promotion he has been since the early 2000s to USPW. Rumors have been circulating ZWB has been unhappy in his position in SWF after Eric Eisen stated he sees more potential in Zimmy's brother Randy Unleashed saying "While Zimmy and Randy are good together, Randy Unleashed can be a top star in this company!". Randy and Zimmy have been together since the beginning of their careers but it seems the brothers will be splitting for the first time. It's believed the cryptic messages Bulldozer Brandon Smith has been cutting on TV are leading to a feud between them.




Dazzling Dave Diamond gone from TCW

Dazzling Dave Diamond has finished his contract with Total Championship Wrestling. DDD had been vocal about wanting to retire in the promotion but BriCo has other plans with TCW management being adamant that they want a youth movement to take place. DDD will have plenty of suitors in the independent scene but one promotion that won't book DDD will be NYCW with owner Larry Vessey sending the report " You can print this! Dave will never work in New York as long as I run NYCW. The kid is full of sh*t and an awful worker. I can't believe TCW put up with him and his diva antics for this long. To any promotor reading this. STAY AWAY FROM THIS BUFOON"-Larry Vessey. We will see where DDD ends up but a lengthy run in Japan we believe would be best for the Texan.



Payaso Jr coming to America with MCW!

In less important news Payaso Jr one of the hottest free agents in Mexico has allegedly gotten a working visa and will be signing a contract with Motor City Wrestling. The former MPWF standout has been rumored to have offers by EMLL and OLLIE but has decided to make appearances in the USA beforehand. Time will tell if this move will be fruitful but with how McClane's promotion has been running in it's 1st year this might be a long-term move that can be fruitful for the Mexican standout.



Rest in Peace to "Mighty" Micky Starr

Micky Starr has passed away in his Texas Ranch this weekend at the age of 74. We would like to offer our condolences at the Wrestling Report to a legend in our industry. A 2x SWF World Champion Micky Starr was known as a wrestler who could go with anybody in this industry. A mastermind in psychology Starr will always be remembered as an influential figure in both SWF and USPW history. His grandson Hollywood Brett Starr has decided to not take any time off from his SWF schedule but to work through the year as a tribute to his grandfather.


Edited by Marmo
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MCW: Brick City Brawl 2020

Sunday, Week 4 May 2020

MCW returns with another night of exciting wrestling action with the Brick City Brawl! Featuring the 1st inaugural Brick City Battle Royal where the winner will be awarded a championship match within the Motor City for the MCW or COTT titles. Will Rob Reynolds win the match and earn his shot against Pablo Rodriguez for Detroit that is to be seen! We will also see the defense of the MCW and COTT Titles as the world-traveling American Cobras come to Detroit to defend their COTT Titles and claim another championship in their career against The MCW and MAW Tag Team Champions Demarcus & Gray! We will also see the debut of the surreal Mexican superstar Payaso Jr taking on “The Pioneer” Nathan Coleman in a match to establish if Payaso Jr can handle The Motor City. The main event is MCW Heavyweight Champion “The American Psycho” Doug Peak taking on “Gorgeous” Ozzie Goldstein who has accumulated some wins in the past couple of months to earn a shot at the MCW Heavyweight title. Will Goldstein walk out champion or will Peak Chaos retain their iron grip on the MCW Heavyweight title? 

COTT and MCW Tag Team Title match

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The American Cobras vs DeMarcus & Gray


Number 1 Contenders 25 Man Brick City Battle Royal! Featuring Rob Reynolds, Connor Threepwood, The DWB, Harry Allen, Hammer Hadley, Kid Fantastic, Pryme Tyme, The Red River Express and more!

Singles Match

NathanColeman.jpg.0fbb4033042686af1f2d2e48e46127b8.jpg  vs.jpg.af5c797e4a1c375c6a31d3aeffb33389.jpg  Payaso.jpg.814e3b4a84c11198d3e9ff67b9b2bce3.jpg

Nathan Coleman vs Payaso Jr


Main Event: MCW Heavyweight Title Singles Match

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Doug Peak(c) vs Ozzie Goldstein


Prediction Key

COTT and MCW Tag Team Title match

The American Cobras vs DeMarcus & Gray[1pt]

Number 1 Contenders 25 Man Brick City Battle Royal[3pts]

Nathan Coleman vs Payaso Jr[1pt]

Main Event: MCW Heavyweight Title

Doug Peak(c) vs Ozzie Goldstein[1pt]

Bonus Points

Who will get the most eliminations in the Battle Royal [1pt]

Who will be runner up[2pts]

Edited by Marmo
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