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MCW: From Grassroots to Global (C-Verse 2020)

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The American Cobras vs DeMarcus & Gray[1pt]

The American Cobras are too big to lose maybe, but DeMarcus & Gray are already MCW and MAW champions so I can see them becoming COTT champions as well.

Number 1 Contenders 25 Man Brick City Battle Royal[3pts] Rob Reynolds

Nathan Coleman vs Payaso Jr[1pt]

I hope Payaso Jr's hype will be enough to defeat a tough opponent.

Main Event: MCW Heavyweight Title

Doug Peak(c) vs Ozzie Goldstein[1pt]

Probably it is too early to lose the title.

Bonus Points

Who will get the most eliminations in the Battle Royal [1pt] Hammer Hadley

Who will be runner up[2pts] Remmy Honeyman

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Prediction Key

COTT and MCW Tag Team Title match

The American Cobras vs DeMarcus & Gray[1pt]

Number 1 Contenders 25 Man Brick City Battle Royal Rob Reynolds [3pts]

Nathan Coleman vs Payaso Jr[1pt]

Main Event: MCW Heavyweight Title

Doug Peak(c) vs Ozzie Goldstein[1pt]

Bonus Points

Who will get the most eliminations in the Battle Royal Hammer Hadley [1pt]

Who will be runner up Harry Allen [2pts]

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Prediction Key

COTT and MCW Tag Team Title match

The American Cobras vs DeMarcus & Gray[1pt]

DeMarcus & Gray feel more like 'your guys' than the Cobras

Number 1 Contenders 25 Man Brick City Battle Royal[3pts] Rob Reynolds

Reynolds has been pushed hard so far, and this feels like the next logical step

Nathan Coleman vs Payaso Jr[1pt]

He got a news item to announce his signing, so expect him to win his debut showcase

Main Event: MCW Heavyweight Title

Doug Peak(c) vs Ozzie Goldstein[1pt]

I've enjoyed Peak so far, and feel it would be too soon for him to lose the strap

Bonus Points

Who will get the most eliminations in the Battle Royal [1pt]

Hammer Hadley

Who will be runner up[2pts]

Harry Allen

Edited by Charasmatic Enigma
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COTT and MCW Tag Team Title match: The American Cobras vs DeMarcus & Gray[1pt]

Number 1 Contenders 25 Man Brick City Battle Royal: Harry Allen[3pts]

Nathan Coleman vs Payaso Jr[1pt]

MCW Heavyweight Title: Doug Peak(c) vs Ozzie Goldstein[1pt]

Who will get the most eliminations in the Battle Royal: Rob Reynolds [1pt]

Who will be runner up? Ricky Turner[2pts]

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COTT and MCW Tag Team Title match

The American Cobras vs DeMarcus & Gray[1pt]

Number 1 Contenders 25 Man Brick City Battle Royal[3pts] Rob Reynolds

Nathan Coleman vs Payaso Jr[1pt]

Main Event: MCW Heavyweight Title

Doug Peak(c) vs Ozzie Goldstein[1pt]

Bonus Points

Who will get the most eliminations in the Battle Royal [1pt] Grease Hogg/Lead Belly

Who will be runner up[2pts] Harry Allen

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COTT and MCW Tag Team Title match

The American Cobras vs DeMarcus & Gray[1pt]

I could see it going the other way but my instinct says not yet


Number 1 Contenders 25 Man Brick City Battle Royal[3pts]

I'm gonna say Rob Reynolds- you've been building him as a rising star and this is a good way to pull the trigger.


Nathan Coleman vs Payaso Jr[1pt]

Payaso's really good (like, I hadn't realised just how good this guy actually is)


Main Event: MCW Heavyweight Title

Doug Peak(c) vs Ozzie Goldstein[1pt]

I haven't got any sense that Ozzie's being built up as the next major challenger to Doug so I don't see him winning here


Bonus Points

Who will get the most eliminations in the Battle Royal [1pt]

I'm gonna say Lead Belly- ordinarily I'd go for a singles guy here but I don't see any other big monster types being advertised.


Who will be runner up[2pt]

Conner Threepwood

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MCW: Brick City Brawl 2020

Sunday, Week 4 May 2020

Held in The Sanctuary(Great Lakes) in front of 478 people

23,422 viewers on WrestleWorld


COTT and MCW Tag Team Title match

StormSpillane.jpg.9c091f1f84f23cb6e9121069e1c64dea.jpgMarvelMalloy.jpg.1f26b34f34f5061ba70bb2f274f1b71d.jpg  vs.jpg.6a7bf13b21320e7877776d46e32496f7.jpg  NateDemarcus_alt.jpg.ef03e1486bfaf6e7753e8c1b192d0b38.jpgTyroneGray_alt.jpg.fa4c413a5b9cc037ca5b70dd8f5729d3.jpg

The American Cobras vs DeMarcus & Gray

The American Cobras come out for their first-ever match in Motor City Wrestling. The crowd boos as The Cobras look in disgust at the MCW faithful. DeMarcus and Gray come down the ramp with huge fanfare holding both the MCW and MAW titles high as they get in front of the Cobras. Referee Dale Kenney separates both of the teams and holds the titles up for the audience and the match begins with Marvel Malloy and Tyrone Gray. [22]


Gray and Malloy start the match with a strike exchange before both superb athletes begin hitting the ropes using their speed to outmaneuver and out with the other. Malloy gets the advantage with a rolling ankle lock transitioned into a Cupid's arrow. The match from that moment slows down as The Cobras take control using their unique blend of speed, high flying, and submissions to take Gray to the edge with the Spillane hitting a 360 splash onto Gray as Malloy holds him in a Romero Lock. Gray kicks out at 2.99 as DeMarcus stomps on the apron and pumps the crowd up to motivate Tyrone Gray. As Spillane tries to take Tyrone Gray down with a running knee strike Gray gets out of the way and finally gets some offense with a flying forearm and begins to crawl to Nate as Spillane scrambles to get Tyrone back on their side of the ring. Spillane grabs Gray’s ankle but Gray rolls forward carrying Spillane into the corner Gray jumps up and tags in Nate DeMarcus who like a bull in a china shop man handles the smaller Cobras. Hitting a big boot onto Spillane as Malloy jumps in to make the save Malloy eats a German suplex for his troubles. The Cobras try running at DeMarcus who outpowers both of them at the same time and hits a fallaway slam holding both men as the crowd cheers in amazement. 


The match ends with a worn-out Nate DeMarcus and Marvel Malloy staring each other down as Spillane and Gray hang onto the ropes barely conscious. Malloy uses his speed on the tired behemoth slowly taking him down with ankle hooks and dead legs before hitting a stiff knee on DeMarcus’s head as he sits up. As Malloy slowly gets up to tag Spillane for the Cobra Strike DeMarcus kicks up and catches Malloy by surprise with a chokeslam. Spillane again tries to get in for the save but it is too late as DeMarcus tags in Gray who hits a Tumbleweed Splash on Malloy as Spillane eats a spear by DeMarcus. AND NEW COTT Tag Team Champions DeMarcus and Gray defeat The American Cobras in 20:12 minutes [45]

NathanColeman.jpg.6d1f147e72a65016594a75a399c31593.jpg  vs.jpg.6a7bf13b21320e7877776d46e32496f7.jpg  Payaso.jpg.db905878d0007907484eeaf8e1a936d8.jpg

Nathan Coleman vs Payaso Jr

In a poor match with decent heat, Payaso Jr makes his Motor City debut facing off against the Pioneer Nathan Coleman. Coleman looking to avenge his defeat at the hands of Rob Reynolds at No Love Lost. Payaso Jr comes out to eerie carnival music as the luchador appears in the ring staring up at Coleman and offering a handshake. The Pioneer obliges but Payaso Jr takes this opportunity to hit a kick to the sternum and start the match. The match is a short 12 minutes as Payaso Jr and Nathan Coleman are pure opposites Payaso uses his submission skills and high flying to take advantage of the lumbering older Pioneer as Coleman uses his size, power, and strikes on the much smaller luchadore. The match ends with Coleman setting Payaso Jr up for the Pioneer Twist before the luchador pokes Coleman in the eye and muscles him up for a Clown Cradle Driver for the win. [30]


Number 1 Contenders 25 Man Brick City Battle Royal

RobReynolds.jpg.7856e04584ac7e032f65a8b0f39dc612.jpg  vs.jpg.6a7bf13b21320e7877776d46e32496f7.jpg  DeuceDeadline.jpg.5fc748a5914e66b688c33f2b20a8ab20.jpg

The Brick City Battle Royal begins with Rob Reynolds drawing the unlucky number 1. Detroit’s Finest comes to the ring and pumps up the Motor City audience vowing to still win the rumble and beat Pablo Rodriguez. With number 2 comes out Peak Chaos’s Deuce Deadline with the enforcer coming to the ring and trying to get to Reynolds before Referee Jez separates the men and starts the match [27]


  • Entrant 3 Kid Fantastic
  • Entrant 4 Ricky Turner

  • Entrant 5 Bob Casey

  • Entrant 6 JAVA


  1.  Bob Casey was eliminated by Java who pressed him out of the ring

  • Entrant 7 Remmy Honeyman

  • Entrant 8 Ace YoungBlood

  • Entrant 9 Zachary Inc


  1. Zachary Inc is eliminated by Rob Reynolds after Inc tries to get Reynolds out but is reversed onto the apron and kicked out of the ring

  • Entrant 10 Jason Patterson

  • Entrant 11 Ben Williams

  • Entrant 12 Hammer Hadley


  1. Hammer Hadley comes into the ring and uses his superior size to eliminate Remmy Honeyman, Ben Williams, Ricky Turner, and Kid Fantastic. Before meeting eyes with Java the two behemoths brawl as Hadley gets the upper hand on Java and with the assistance of Rob Reynolds gets the Java The Tribal Warrior out of the ring.

  • Entrant 13 Matt Sparrow

  • Entrant 14 Grease Hogg

  • Entrant 15 Lead Belly


  1. Grease Hogg and Lead Belly team up and eliminate Jason Patterson and Ace Youngblood out of the match.

  • Entrant 16 Harry Allen


  1. Rob Reynolds and Deadline grapple with The DWB in the corner. The DWB have the upper hand and almost eliminates Reynolds and Deadline before Harry Allen gets behind The DWB and aids Reynolds and Deadline in getting both men out of the ring.

  • Entrant 17 Keith Vegas

  • Entrant 18 Miller Fforde


  1. Sparrow eats a clothesline across the chest as Hammer Hadley gets another elimination and Reynolds hits a surprise roundhouse on Deadline eliminating one of Peak Chaos’s enforcers and establishing himself as the ironman of the match so far

  • Entrant 19 Prime Time Jack Pryde

  • Entrant 20 Aldous BlackFriar


  1. The IPW Champion comes down to the ring in his Satanic Glory. Blackfriar starts the match like a house of hellfire and eliminates Keith Vegas after a chokeslam. Then eliminates Jack Pryde after the rookie tries jumping the deadman who makes him pay.

  • Entrant 21 Devil Dog Frank Marciano

  • Entrant 22 Wild Red Stallion

  • Entrant 23 Big Tex Thompson


  1. Big Tex Thompson tries coming down but is attacked by The Dirty White Boys who are still irate over their loss to the Red River Express. Big Tex gets into the ring finally after Jason Patterson helps pry DWB off Thompson. Marciano tries to sneak attacking Thompson who gets out of the way before hitting a brutal lariat onto Marciano and throwing him out.

  • Entrant 24 Connor Threepwood


  1. Threepwood comes in and helps Harry Allen eliminate Wild Red Stallion before the duo faces off against Miller Fforde and Aldous Blackfriar.

  • Entrant 25 Dazzling Dave Diamond


  1. WHAT A SUPRISE Dazzling Dave Diamond is in Motor City Wrestling! DDD comes into the ring like a house of fire. He sidesteps Big Tex and hits a Dazzling Uppercut and tossing him out of the ring, Miller Fforde tries to hit a cross body but DDD plucks him out of the air and tosses out the MAW standout. DDD stands face to face with Hammer Hadley as both men eat a chop from Connor Threepwood and Harry Allen. Both men try to outdo each other with DDD eliminating Threepwood after hitting a Dazzle Driver and Hadley catching Allen off guard with his athletic dropkick right on the chin both men are eliminated


  1. We have a final 4 of Rob Reynolds, Hammer Hadley, Aldous Blackfriar, and Dazzling Dave Diamond. Rob Reynolds, DDD, Aldous Blackfriar, and Hammer Hadley all stare at each other as Rob Reynolds takes on Blackfriar and DDD and Hammer Hadley brawl. Hammer Haldey tries catching DDD with a Hammer Lock but the veteran is able to overpower Hadley for an atomic drop. Diamond then bounces Hadley off the ropes and hits Diamond Mine before getting Haldey out of the ring. Reynolds and Blackfriar wrestle before Blackfriar gets Reynolds sitting on the corner turnbuckle and when all hope seems lost, Reynolds powers Blackfriar up and out of the ring. The crowd cheers as DDD and Rob Reynolds are the last two men in the ring.

  2. DDD gets Reynolds off the top turnbuckle and both men shake hands. The Hometown Hero vs The Dazzling One. Reynolds and DDD brawl as the MCW crowd cheers with every strike as both men intend to leave everything in the ring. As Reynolds finally gets DDD over the top rope onto the apron he hesitates for one second which allows DDD to get Reynolds right next to him on the apron. As both men wobble and strike at each other a masked man slides into the ring behind them and knocks off Rob Reynolds from the apron. Crowning Dazzling Dave Diamond is the winner of the Brick City Battle Royal! 

  3. Most eliminations go to Hammer Hadley with 7 Eliminations, Iron Man of the Match was Rob Reynolds lasting 30:21 minutes.[45]


Main Event: MCW Heavyweight Title

DougPeak.jpg.ffc0232498d3245831ca8cd4307b5849.jpgCatlBatch_alt1.jpg.1435bbaf83cdaa3ec69a1e74fe8fd8da.jpg  vs.jpg.6a7bf13b21320e7877776d46e32496f7.jpg  OzzieGoldstein.jpg.a45e80f1ff5b178ceacedb36092bdb0a.jpg

Doug Peak(c) w/Carl Batch vs Ozzie Goldstein

Doug Peak lumbers to the ring dragging the MCW title behind him Carl Batch on his side screaming about how Doug Peak has been an absolute superstar since 2003 and is finally getting the love he deserves. Ozzie Goldstein comes out after with a long yellow robe dragging behind him the MCW audience seemingly deciding that Goldstein is who they want to get behind this match. 


Doug Peak pushes Goldstein using his big hand to push Goldstein’s face away before Goldstein smiles and the match begins. Peak and Goldstein start the match with a test of strength that Peak uses to bend Goldstein to the ground but the flexible Canadian isn’t bothered as he does a bridge as the crowd awes Peak lets go of Goldstein and stomps on his chest. The match goes on with the Charismatic Canadian getting the upper hand on Peak and aweing the fans before the monster swats down the much smaller opponent with a swift strike or an underhanded tactic. The match continues with this back and forth until Goldstein nearly knocks out Peak with a crescent kick that staggers the monster onto his ass. Goldstein tries to hit the Golden Shower but is thwarted by Batch who gets on the apron and yells at referee McArthuer. Goldstein ends up jumping off the turnbuckle and punching Batch in the face off the apron. Peak catches Goldstein by surprise as he turns around and eats a big double ax handle on Goldstein’s head. 


The match ends with Goldstein using his speed to hit a spinning kick onto Peak’s chest. Staggering the monster before Goldstein kicks him in the sternum and lands a Canadian Destroyer on Peak. In shock Batch tries getting on the apron but Goldstein has it scouted and hits Batch before he can get up. Goldstein gets on the top turnbuckle for a Golden Shower when out of nowhere Deadline and Marciano try storming the ring but before they can do it The Red River Express makes the save. It’s just Peak on the matt and Goldstein left. Goldstein jumps toward Peak and… Peak rolls out of the way. Both men are down and Peak is crawling towards the ropes. Goldstein is down but slowly getting up himself. Both men are on their feet and Peak strikes Goldstein with a big forceful strike on the temple and Goldstein returns the favor with a kick. The men strike each other when Peak muscles Goldstein off the ground and hits Goldstein with a House Of Horrors and pins Goldstein to retain the MCW Heavyweight title![47]


As the show goes off the air backstage a camera is on the masked man from earlier. He puts his fingers on his lips as he shows a picture of Rob Reynolds with a giant red X painted on it and the show goes off the air. [49]

Edited by Marmo
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10 hours ago, 1PWfan said:

Nathan Coleman vs Payaso Jr[1pt]

Payaso's really good (like, I hadn't realised just how good this guy actually is)

Trust me I didn't either until I went scouting in the game world and found him saw the gimmick and the stats and knew he was perfect to be the first luchador in MCW

Predictions Standings: Brick City Brawl 2020

Charismatic Enigma [4pts]

Newbiezness [4pts]

KyTeran [4pts]

JunkRat [2pts]

Wrestling Machine [2pts]

1PWFan [2pts]


Predictions Standings Total

Charismatic Enigma [19pts]

1PWFan [17pts]

Wrestling Machine [17pts]

Newbiezness [17pts]

Kyteran [17pts]

JunkRat [8pts]

GreatreDRagon [3pts]

JAK [3pts]

Smw88 [2pts]

Theheel [2pts]

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WrestleWorld News


Condolences to Petr Novak's family and USPW

WrestleWorld and all promotions within our brand would like to extend our condolences to Petr Novak who has died at the age of 39 due to drug-related problems. Novak wrestled under WrestleWorld affiliate NYCW as The Big Problem from 2003-2006. After signing with USPW he became a stalwart in the Tag Division for the promotion with Krusher Karloff. A consonant professional Petr Novak will be missed by all.


New COTT World Heavyweight Champion

IPW Champion Aldous Blackfriar has done what some believed to be unthinkable and has defeated Pablo Rodriguez at Invincibility X. BlackFriar a graduate of the TCW Dojo has reinvented himself as His Satanic Majesty one of the hottest acts in professional wrestling. The WrestleWorld community is excited to see how Aldous fairs as COTT Champion.


Former MAW Wrestler Cameron Vessey signs with USPW

Son of NYCW owner Larry Vessey, Cameron Vessey signs with USPW on a 3-year deal worth $125,300. The former MAW standout has been honing his craft in the CWA. Vessey won every achievement in MAW and is a former CWA World Champion. The keeper of the Vessey legacy looks to take USPW by storm in his return to the US.

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Posted (edited)


MCW: Motown Mayhem 2020

Sunday, Week 4 June 2020

At the midpoint of the year, MCW continues rolling on the heels of the Brick City Brawl. With former TCW mainstay Dazzling Dave Diamond finally making his decision to challenge Doug Peak for the MCW championship instead of newly crowned COTT Champion Aldous Blakfriar. Tonight we will also see the crowning of a new number 1 contender for the MCW Tag Titles. Peak Chaos's goons Deadline and Marciano will go toe to toe with the new red-hot Red River Express. The old guard of The Dirty White Boys and Tomahawk Nation are fighting to keep their spots on the roster. Rob Reynolds will answer for what happened at the Brick City Brawl while answering the challenge laid out to him by Chicago's Monster Java The Warrior. Harry Allen and Connor Threepwood continue their allegiance from the Brick City Brawl as they take on Pryme Tyme in tag team action. We will also have an announcement from Richard McClane and Freddie Datsun! Come to the Sanctuary in Detroit for a night of action-packed wrestling. Tickets are first come first serve so don't miss out!

Number 1 Contenders Tag Team Fatal 4-Way

LeadBelly.jpg.37d6ed0cfdd00d868d87495a31465090.jpgGreaseHogg.jpg.f18951d29e888ef902b3588945461f91.jpg  vs.jpg.308ab66da0f7a49e2b7b2e76bb429752.jpgBigTexAvatar.jpg.2cffedb75c9e255340e1000cad79880c.jpgJasonPatterson.jpg.8370bbbd2e046d4f31fcb1f74bab3d5c.jpg  DeuceDeadline.jpg.6ed3c5e0eed419c97d75c86d87453d32.jpgFrankMarciano.jpg.2c5e12d340f037e09d47c2cfa3da7195.jpg  vs.jpg.308ab66da0f7a49e2b7b2e76bb429752.jpg  AceYoungblood.jpg.f869c27bf7aea9f4f0a2e8a45d50661a.jpgWildRedStallion.jpg.647e85d399895b55578b5ad48c8a8c8b.jpg

Dirty White Boys vs Red River Express vs Chaos Theory vs Tomahawk Nation

Singles Match

RobReynolds.jpg.f2cbd3688d2df6fb3acecc1db23c70ae.jpg  vs.jpg.308ab66da0f7a49e2b7b2e76bb429752.jpg  Java.jpg.ba41177becb845ecc01eb6899a028a0d.jpg

Rob Reynolds vs Java

Tag Team Match Match

ConnorThreepwood.jpg.59b66f1da88ccf33ac3f382704297d84.jpgHarryAllen.jpg.22ed092921ca6a0b4d0825eba83bcf38.jpg  vs.jpg.308ab66da0f7a49e2b7b2e76bb429752.jpg  RickyTurner.jpg.61dae178f4e0ce0bac1d49dc1da84735.jpgPrimeTimeJackPryde.jpg.3079c132e6d327bcaf2213bdea665a63.jpg

Connor Threepwood and Harry Allen vs Pryme Tyme

Main Event: Singles Match for the MCW Heavyweight Title

DazzlingDaveDiamond.jpg.b4747bfe2d92613513d0759df33ecde3.jpg vs.jpg.308ab66da0f7a49e2b7b2e76bb429752.jpg  DougPeak.jpg.aa59f8fbcc5780533a585830ccc9657d.jpgCatlBatch_alt1.jpg.c15423410e295f66d7663f8677a4744e.jpg

Dazzling Dave Diamond vs Doug Peak(c) w/Carl Batch 


Predictions Key

Dirty White Boys vs Red River Express vs Chaos Theory vs Tomahawk Nation [1pt]

Rob Reynolds vs Java[1pt]

Connor Threepwood and Harry Allen vs Pryme Tyme[1pt]

Dazzling Dave Diamond vs Doug Peak(c) w/Carl Batch[1pt]

Bonus Point

Who has been your favorite character so far?[1pt]

Edited by Marmo
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Dirty White Boys vs Red River Express vs Chaos Theory vs Tomahawk Nation [1pt]

Rob Reynolds vs Java[1pt]

Connor Threepwood and Harry Allen vs Pryme Tyme[1pt]

Dazzling Dave Diamond vs Doug Peak(c) w/Carl Batch[1pt]

Bonus Point

Who has been your favorite character so far? So far I think that Rob Reynolds has been my favorite character.[1pt]

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Dirty White Boys vs Red River Express vs Chaos Theory vs Tomahawk Nation [1pt]

Rob Reynolds vs Java[1pt]

Connor Threepwood and Harry Allen vs Pryme Tyme[1pt]

Dazzling Dave Diamond vs Doug Peak(c) w/Carl Batch[1pt]

Who has been your favorite character so far? Overall Richard McClane, wrestling-wise Rob Reynolds [1pt]

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Predictions Key

Dirty White Boys vs Red River Express vs Chaos Theory vs Tomahawk Nation [1pt]

It will probably be Dirty White Boys, but I always sign Youngblood and Stallion as a Native American team in small US promotions, so have a soft spot for them

Rob Reynolds vs Java[1pt]

He's been the focal point of the diary so far, and a win over Java could skyrocket his pop

Connor Threepwood and Harry Allen vs Pryme Tyme[1pt]

Threepwood and Allen are bigger names

Dazzling Dave Diamond vs Doug Peak(c) w/Carl Batch[1pt]

I have a weird aversion to Dazzling Dave Diamond, so I'll go for Peak

Bonus Point

Who has been your favorite character so far?[1pt]

Rob Reynolds is the obvious one, as he's probably been given the most air time, but I've also enjoyed DeMarcus & Gray's title collector gimmick.

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@Marmo I think there are problems with some pics in your last post, at least I can't see them.


Dirty White Boys vs Red River Express vs Chaos Theory vs Tomahawk Nation [1pt]

Rob Reynolds vs Java[1pt]

Connor Threepwood and Harry Allen vs Pryme Tyme[1pt]

Dazzling Dave Diamond vs Doug Peak(c) w/Carl Batch[1pt]

Triple D is very popular and can take MCW to the next level

Bonus Point

Who has been your favorite character so far?[1pt] DeMarcus & Gray so far, but I see a lot of potential in Payaso Jr

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Thank you so much for the comments so far I am super behind because of work(Training a new employee), so the next update should be in a day or 2! Thank yall so much for sticking with it. 


On 1/4/2024 at 10:22 AM, newbiezness said:

@Marmo I think there are problems with some pics in your last post, at least I can't see them.

I just saw that too. Should be fixed now if not somebody let me know and I will fix that.

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21 hours ago, Marmo said:

Thank you so much for the comments so far I am super behind because of work(Training a new employee), so the next update should be in a day or 2! Thank yall so much for sticking with it. 


I just saw that too. Should be fixed now if not somebody let me know and I will fix that.


Right there with you on the work stuff- I'll get my predictions in soon but I've hardly had time to properly read this in a while.


As or the images, It's just showing links rather than pics for some pics at my end- all the tag guys, the main event and the versus pic to be specific. 

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2 hours ago, 1PWfan said:


Right there with you on the work stuff- I'll get my predictions in soon but I've hardly had time to properly read this in a while.


As or the images, It's just showing links rather than pics for some pics at my end- all the tag guys, the main event and the versus pic to be specific. 

You’re good no need to rush! Images now should be fixed I saw the problem on my work computer that the pictures had been deleted which was weird but it should be good to go.


I’ll be posting it tonight or tomorrow morning so if anybody else wants to join you have time to do so will also be DMing the winner of the predictions after this event so watch out for that whoever wins:)

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Dirty White Boys vs Red River Express vs Chaos Theory vs Tomahawk Nation [1pt]

Rob Reynolds vs Java[1pt]

Connor Threepwood and Harry Allen vs Pryme Tyme[1pt]

Dazzling Dave Diamond vs Doug Peak(c) w/Carl Batch[1pt]

Bonus Point

Who has been your favorite character so far?[1pt]
Rob Reynolds

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Hey everybody gonna keep this up for 1 more day for predictions! Got behind cause of work but pretty much have just finished writing everything for this upcoming show! Thank y’all for sticking with it and my schedule! 🙂

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MCW: Motown Mayhem 2020

Sunday, Week 4 June 2020

Held in The Sanctuary(Great Lakes) in front of  500 People(Sold Out)

23,819 viewers on WrestleWorld

DeuceDeadline.jpg.a9da17c8da39c903c0cd507fa766f533.jpgFrankMarciano.jpg.08d10d45b0f198672677de97d8f91133.jpg  vs.jpg.dec0210f445ab81bb24067a77abe57b8.jpg  BigTexAvatar.jpg.7d0002061c00dbe3259e4076d895c0ef.jpgJasonPatterson.jpg.39cea79574a017e5f671f4112f5d7586.jpg 

AceYoungblood.jpg.f1d3f971a4af927dc0b4a5446bbcf7e5.jpgWildRedStallion.jpg.c60abc0ef4d6d9a494dc8f33e6233ed5.jpg  vs.jpg.dec0210f445ab81bb24067a77abe57b8.jpg  GreaseHogg.jpg.d278c1092eff8db259562928da5af780.jpgLeadBelly.jpg.38ba73f11f7582640689c42ef41aa180.jpg

The Chaos Theory w/Carl Batch vs The Red River Express w/DeAnna Desire vs Tomahawk Nation w/ Lisa Bowens vs The Dirty White Boys

Motown Mayhem starts hot with 4 of the best up-and-coming tag teams in MCW fighting to gain a shot at the MCW Tag Team Titles and end one of the reigns of the dominant DeMarcus & Gray. The 4 competitors in the ring are Deuce Deadline, Jason Patterson, Ace Youngblood, and Grease Hogg. Deadline and Grease Hogg take an early advantage working together to dump the babyfaces out of the ring before Deadline suckers Grease Hogg in with a swift kick to the gut and an early Deadliner. Allowing Deadline to try to sneak a pin but Jason Patterson slides back into the ring and breaks it up. Patterson and Deadline brawl but the inexperience of Patterson leaves him open to Deadline isolating him into his corner with Frank Marciano where the Devil Dog grabs the Oklahoman allowing Deadline to hit body shots on him. Young Blood wastes no time making the save on Patterson with a Tomahawk Chop on Deadline’s back firing up Stallion who gets off the apron and takes out Marciano’s legs from under him. Patterson and Grease Hogg are down as Youngblood unleashes a flurry of chops onto Deadline culminating in a big DDT for the pin when Carl Batch get’s on the apron for the distraction. DeAnna Desire gets up on the apron and begins yelling at Batch when a distracted Dale Kenney scrambles to get both managers off the aprons Lead Belly sneaks into the ring and clotheslines Youngblood down. Grease Hogg gets into the ring and drags Youngblood over to their corner tagging in Lead Belly for a Full Throttle. Youngblood looks out of it but Stallion breaks up the count. Patterson is able to tag in Big Tex and the San Antonio Strong Boy comes in like a house of fire. A big double lariat takes out the DWB and then a big back body drop launches Deadline onto the mat. Youngblood crawls to his corner and when it looks like the Texan is gonna stop him he just smiles at Stallion as he tags in and the Lakota and Texan go at each other. Two young prospects with everything in front of them just wailing on each other as a sign of mutual respect. Stallion comes off the ropes for a spear when the Texan sidesteps him and he launches himself onto Lead Belly. As Stallion is going back onto his feet he is on the other end of Big Tex’s San Antonio Lasso. Before he can get the pin Carl Batch again gets on the apron and distracts referee Dale Kenney but his time The Red River Express makes him pay when Jason Patterson tags in and gets on the top rope and Big Tex muscles him up for the High Low Rodeo! Batch takes all of that coming down but in the madness, Deadline is back in the ring and he gets a Deadliner on Patterson. Marciano cheapshots Big Tex and Chaos Theory sneak MURPHYS LAW onto Patterson. Chaos Theory sneaks a victory and will challenge DeMarcus and Gray for the titles. 


Segment: After that insane showing Rob Reynolds storms to the ring before his match with Java. Detroit’s Finest grabs a mic

Rob Reynolds: Detroit… I failed you. There is nothing to say other than I went into the Brawl saying how I was gonna come out the winner and challenge for the COTT World Title and I failed that no excuses about that. I lost the opportunity to hold the COTT Title high and to defeat Pablo Rodriguez for that title… But that ISN’T the end of my story. That isn’t the end of my goal here at MCW. To whoever that masked f*ck is that screwed me over… I am coming for you. For Pablo Rodriguez, even with him losing the COTT Title I am still challenging you not cause I wanted your gold but because I don’t let anybody talk about my family and people like that. And to Java tonight as a legend I respect what you have done in your career but… YOU HAVE NEVER SEEN WHAT SOMEBODY LIKE ME CAN DO! So come out and let me show you a Detroit greeting right before you retire and sulk back to Chicago![49]

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Rob Reynolds vs Java

As Reynolds waits in the ring Java comes out. The Tribal Savage Java towers over his much smaller opponent. Reynolds doesn’t back down as he gets face-to-face with 300+ pounds of Indonesian Power. All it takes Java is one swift punch to catch Reynolds and take him down but the fired-up martial artist is able to come right back up and hit a pair of stiff kicks onto the side of Java finishing the combination with a roundhouse kick that Java catches and throws Reynolds with. Both men have a competitive bout with Detroit’s Finest not looking out of place with the much bigger and popular behemoth. As the match continues Java gets more desperate to put away Reynolds who does everything in his power to not let Java get an Indonesian Clutch onto him. The match ends with Java charging at Reynolds who perfectly times a Real Deal Rocker onto the temple of Java knocking him down for the 3 count. Rob Reynolds has just won the biggest match in his career but he still isn’t pleased with himself.


Segment: A video package plays hyping up the recent title defenses of DeMarcus & Gray in which they beat Zombie Boy and Stanley Axis in IPW and The Inner City Express in CZCW. DeMarcus & Gray display all 3 of the titles they have before another package plays for the new number 1 contenders in Chaos Theory. Deuce Deadline and Frank Marciano have fit together like a glove and Carl Batch promises they will stop the “Tyranical” hostage situation of titles DeMarcus & Gray hold. [32]

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Connor Threepwood and Harry Allen vs Pryme Tyme

The unlikely duo of Threepwood and Allen march their way to the ring both men clearly having respect for each other after banding together during the Brick City Brawl. After them comes out the team of Pryme Tyme of Ricky Turner and Jack Pryde. Pryde and Turner looking to regain some momentum after their abysmal showing at the Brawl along with their recent loss to DeMarcus and Gray.


Turner and Threepwood demonstrate an impressive technical display with both men exchanging holds and showing pinning combinations to the crowd's amazement before a frustrated Pryde cheapshots Threepwood allowing Turner to get the advantage with an armbar. Threepwood screams in pain before slowly dragging himself to the ropes for a rope break when Pryde from outside the ring cheapshots Threepwood behind referee Dale Kenney’s back. Threepwood staggers but is caught by Turner with a figure 4. Harry Allen stomps on the apron with anticipation as Threepwood again slowly makes his way towards the rope and breaks the submission but before Pryde can get another cheapshot in Allen catches Pryde off guard with a running forearm. Turner tries to protest to the ref but Threepwood sweeps Turner’s legs out with a russian leg sweep. Both men are down but Allen is yelling at Threepwood who crawls over and tags in the Aussie Cowboy who runs past Turner and hits Pryde with a flying forearm and turns back to Turner and hits an atomic drop into a super kick. Allen tags Threepwood back who gets the Stretch Plum on Turner forcing him to tap for win. [42]


Segment: Richard McClane gets up from his announcer's booth and grabs a microphone getting into the ring.

McClane: I just want to start this by thanking the MCW audience so much for the support and to say this is the first sold-out show in MCW history! I would also like to announce that Motor City Wrestling will be hosting the Velocity Cup. The Velocity Cup will bring to Detroit some of the best high fliers and athletes from all over the world for the chance to show their skills and win a shot at the MCW Heavyweight Title and $5,000 so come down for a night of high-speed, athletic, and mesmerizing combat right here in the Sanctuary! I am glad to announce our very own Payaso Jr, Ozzie Goldstein, and Kid Fantastic will be representing MCW in this Cup. So come out next month to one of the biggest events of the year. Participants will continue to be announced throughout the month![30]


Main Event

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Doug Peak w/Carl Batch vs Dazzling Dave Diamond for the MCW Heavyweight Title

Dazzling Dave Diamond comes out as the audience roars this is DDD’s first singles match since leaving TCW and the Texan comes down with a special entrance to Separate Ways by Journey. He struts into the ring before giving his diamond taunt to the crowd.[62]


Doug Peak comes out dragging the MCW Title behind him Carl Batch is in a neck brace from earlier in the night. As Peak enters the ring the crowd boos as he gets face to face with DDD. The two men are almost equal in size and weight but holding it in different ways. This match can define MCW in its short history.

The match starts with a slower pace DDD and Doug Peak feeling each other out in their first-ever meeting between each other. DDD eventually gets the upper hand with a tight headlock that is reversed into a backbody drop by Peak. The monster isn’t playing around and follows the drop with an early guillotine choke on DDD. Batch screams from ringside telling Peak to end this early as he winces in pain by his screaming shrill voice. DDD eventually fights off Peak with some stiff punches to the gut and hits a spinning punch right across the face of Peak. The two men exchange stiff shots across each other's faces one wild shot hitting Peak right on the nose and busting him open as the blood begins to gush out his nose. DDD is able to sneak Peak up and hit a Dazzling Driver on the monster. Batch gets on the apron as the monster lays on the ground in pain distracting Jez McArthuer for a second before DDD notices the distraction and rushes Batch dragging him into the ring and yanking off the neck brace. Batch screams for mercy but isn’t met with it as the crowd cheers DDD as he hits a Diamond Mine on Batch effectively eliminating him from this contest. Peak uses this moment to stagger to his feet and a Saito Suplex on DDD bringing back shades of Munemitsu Senmatsu during their WEXXV days. Peak takes advantage from here with the bloodied monster battering DDD with clobbering blows to his head referee McArthuer has to pull Peak off DDD as the Texan is now drenched with blood. As Jez checks on Diamond Peak gets out of the ring and gets the MCW title bringing it into the ring and standing over Diamond with it firing up both men. The two men hit each other with DDD throwing Peak into the corner and hitting a big Diamond Splash(Stinger Splash) staggering Peak who takes an extra step and levels Diamond with a big boot knocking both men to the floor.

As both men are battered and bloodied Peak is the first to his feet trying to drag Diamond up for the House Of Horrors when the American Psycho is blindsided by DDD hitting an atomic drop out of nowhere, Peak staggers to his feet as the crowd buzzes with excitement. He sets up Peak for a Dazzling Driver the bloodied Diamond determined to make his statement in MCW in his second match. He gets Peak up for it and… The American Psycho rakes the eyes of Diamond with his own blood. McArthuer didn’t see what exactly happened and Diamond is on the ground rubbing his eyes as Peak decided to finish this. Peak goes up to the top rope and in a move not often seen by Peak, he jumps off the top rope with the grace of a tank and hits a big top rope splash on DDD. Diamond looks out for the count but for good measure, Peak hits a House of Horror on the unconscious Diamond and collapses on top of him for the pin. That bastard Doug Peak has retained the MCW Heavyweight title by raking the eyes and smearing the blood of Diamond[51]

Edited by Marmo
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Predictions Standings: Motown Mayhem 2020



@Charasmatic Enigma[4pts]

@Wrestling Machine[4pts]


Predictions Standings Total

Charismatic Enigma [23pts]

Kyteran [22pts]

Wrestling Machine [21pts]

Newbiezness [20pts]

1PWFan [17pts]

JunkRat [8pts]


GreatreDRagon [3pts]

JAK [3pts]

Smw88 [2pts]

Theheel [2pts]

Congratulations to @Charasmatic Enigma on winning the predictions for this 6 month period! I will be DMing you on your prize! The next 6 month period will start with the Velocity Cup. Thank you to everyone who has participated it has been a blast to do this as a creative outlet for y'all. 

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2020 Awards So Far

Wrestler of The Year So Far Tommy Cornell

Company of The Year So Far 21CW

Tag Team of The Year So Far The Red Devils

Match of The Year So Far Edward Cornell Vs Tommy Cornell vs Jonathan Faust In a Cage at The Cornell Cup(97)

Show of The Year So Far 21CW War Drums(90)

Young Wrestler of The Year So Far Hurakan

Veteran Wrestler of The Year So Far Rich Money

Female Wrestler of The Year So Far Alicia Strong

Independent Wrestler of The Year So Far Star Master



Offices of Motor City Wrestling

In the dingy offices of Motor City Wrestling in Eastern Detroit, Richard McClane sits at his desk like always trying to find another venture or talent that can help MCW take another step in their already successful first year. Datsun and Mustafa are training up the recruits to the Motor City Dojo and Datsun has really taken a liking to one of them. But their graduation is too far away for McClane to have any real plans for either guy. He has been in talks with OLLIE trying to secure some other luchadors for the upcoming Velocity Cup when a phone call breaks him from thought. Looking at his phone he sees a New York area code flashing on the screen. He answers and hears a gruff New York accent yelling at somebody.

Richard McClane: Hey Richard McClane here from Motor City Wrestling who do I have the pleasure of speaking to?

Larry Vessey: Hey kid it's Larry calling to ask you what the f*ck is wrong with you? Hiring a schmuck like Dazzling Doofus to join your company. Do you want to go bankrupt with no dignity?

Richard McClane: Well nice to speak to you too Larry... I know you have problems with Triple D but MCW business has no real concern for you guys in New York. We saw the opportunity to sign the biggest free agent in wrestling and it has paid dividends for us. Triple D has nothing but a consummate professional for us. Larry, I know you have problems with the guy but that was almost a decade ago Dave has changed.

Larry Vessey: Changed my ass, Doofus was an unprofessional asshole his whole tenure here. He can act all different now that he made it through the majors but he is gonna burn you just like he did me time and time again kid. But you don't wanna listen to me so that's on you. Enjoy your company while it lasts, next time when Keith tries bringing in somebody I'll tell him I'll only accept them once they can grow some hair on their chest unlike you.

Richard McClane: OK Larry you are...(Vessey hangs up the phone)... What the actual f*ck!...

McClane takes a deep breath and tries mellowing himself out but can't. Vessey is being an asshole but he knows that Vessey is an influential figure in not only COTT but in the US wrestling scene as a whole. He is gonna have to prove to Vessey that he is a phenomenal promotor in his own right and he can make Vessey money. That and show Vessey that Triple D from 2012 isn't the same Triple D from the one in 2020. He rubs his temples knowing he has a lot of work cut out for him

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Participants for the Velocity Cup Announcement

Via Fitter MCW Owner Richard McClane has announced the participants for the Velocity Cup. The tournament will take place in MCW's home of The Sanctuary in Detroit Michigan. McClane says this tournament is a love letter to the style of wrestling he loves and he can't wait to show WrestleWorld some of the most underrated athletes in professional wrestling who are willing to lay everything they have to win the inaugural Velocity Cup trophy.


Ozzie Goldstein

The Motor City's most Gorgeous combatant enters the Velocity Cup a clear favorite to win it all. Goldstein has accumulated a 3-2 Win Loss Record during his time in Detroit winning bouts against Connor Threepwood and the MAW vs MCW Showcase. The 34-year-old Canadian looks to rebound after his loss to Doug Peak at The Brick City Brawl and get another chance to glam up the MCW Heavyweight Title. 


Payaso Jr

McClane's big import from Mexico Payaso Jr looks to make a statement win in the Velocity Cup. No one truly knows what is his ambition in Motor City or what the clown is looking for after his win against Nathan Coleman but what we do know is he was more than happy to participate in the Velocity Cup after being offered the spot by Richard McClane. The Clown Prince will have fun no matter what happens in the Cup.


Kid Fantastic

The youngest competitor in the Velocity Cup Kid Fantastic will use his boundless energy and athleticism to show the older competitors the new speed that wrestling can take. The 23-year-old kid says he is looking to take this opportunity and literally run with it. Saying when he wins the MCW Title will be in his hands shortly after. Starting his career with a massive win.


Simon Waves

The Chairman of the Board surfs his way to his MCW debut after parting ways with CZCW. Waves says he wants to prove himself in a new setting and winning the Velocity Cup will not only help him buy money for a new board but show the world he is more than a James Prudence look alike. He says a single The Big One can put down all opponents.


Hector Galindo

Coming from sunny Puerto Rico Hector Galindo comes to Detroit on his own to participate in the Velocity Cup. Galindo a DAVE alumni states that Doug Peak has been ducking him with his debut coming the same month Peak left DAVE. The militant Latino says that he doesn't need a rematch to make Doug Peak bleed like the pig he is.


Blue Phantom

OLLIE's representative for the Velocity Cup is revealed to be Blue Phantom. The charismatic spirit making his first appearance in the United States. One of the quickest and best high fliers in the world Phantom has permission from Phoenix I to go all out and bring the Cup to Mexico where the best high fliers live.


Remmy Skye

"Psyche Out" Remmy Skye was voted into the Velocity Cup by MCW fans via Fitter. Skye has wrestled all over the West Coast independent scene and vows to prove himself as not a screw-up but as a man who had demons but has defeated them and has come back stronger than ever. He just needs a chance and will not waste this one.


Yellow Flash

The most surprising entrant in the Velocity Cup is a man who lives his life at 100 mph. The Latino Blur Yellow Flash freshly from his release by EILL enters the Velocity Cup as a a letter to the art he has lost passion for. During his EILL run Flash says he lost his love for performing never getting a chance to stand out the Flash is looking to use his newfound freedom to recapture the passion he had early in his career. 

Edited by Marmo
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MCW: Velocity Cup 2020

Sunday, Week 4 July 2020

Held in The Sanctuary(Great Lakes) 

MCW returns to the Sanctuary in Detroit after a bloody brawl between Doug Peak and Dazzling Dave Diamond that left the MCW audience wanting more. Now the Motor City revs up for a high-speed, intense, and action-packed Velocity Cup with the best high fliers in the world converging in Detroit for a chance to claim the trophy a title shot, and a cash prize. Will the cup stay in Detroit with a member of the roster or will the cup be whisked away by a newcomer? We will also feature a defense of the MCW and COTT Tag Team Titles as DeMarcus & Gray take on Peak Chaos's very own Chaos Theory. Dazzling Dave Diamond will also be in action as he aligns himself with Big Tex Thompson and Jason Patterson to take on Zachary Inc. and Pryme Tyme in a trios exhibition! All that and more as MCW wraps up the summer with this electric showcase!

Velocity Cup 1st Round Match 1

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Kid Fantastic vs Payaso Jr

Velocity Cup 1st Round Match 2

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Yellow Flash vs Hector Galindo

Velocity Cup 1st Round Match 3

OzzieGoldstein.jpg.98900bb80b613d5997a4eefc0946b2c5.jpg  vs.jpg.2c5497cf4319f1bd12f7cdb7cd60fe5d.jpg  BluePhantom.jpg.bf708ad305f3b877fcc7b8ee24cd654e.jpg

Ozzie Goldstein vs Blue Phantom

Velocity Cup 1st Round Match 4

SimonWaves.jpg.cb956b932bebc3d9c44f926b1cf00b55.jpg  vs.jpg.2c5497cf4319f1bd12f7cdb7cd60fe5d.jpg  RemmySkye.jpg.9465141b2512593a34d87e6c365fb8cc.jpg

Simon Waves vs Remmy Skye

Trios Match

DazzlingDaveDiamond.jpg.483b34d5f118760b163998969706b0c0.jpgBigTexAvatar.jpg.3b4bbdc9a8b8f3350d8a9f488730bba8.jpgJasonPatterson.jpg.b932fbcf3759b9e7d6c586ebbfa175ba.jpg  vs.jpg.2c5497cf4319f1bd12f7cdb7cd60fe5d.jpg  


Dazzling Dave Diamond and The Red River Express vs Zachary Inc and Pryme Tyme


Velocity Cup Semi-Finals

Winner of Match 1 vs Winner of Match 2


Velocity Cup Semi-Finals

Winner of Match 3 vs Winner of Match 4


MCW and COTT Tag Team Title Match

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Demarcus & Gray(c) vs Chaos Theory

Velocity Cup Finals

Winner of Semi-Final 1 vs Winner of Semi-Final 2


Predictions Key

Kid Fantastic vs Payaso Jr [1pt]

Yellow Flash vs Hector Galindo [1pt]

Ozzie Goldstein vs Blue Phatom[1pt]

Simon Waves vs Remmy Skye[1pt]

Dazzling Dave Diamond and The Red River Express vs Zachary Inc and Pryme Tyme[1pt]

Winner of Match 1 vs Winner of Match 2 [1pt]

Winner of Match 3 vs Winner of Match 4 [1pt]

Demarcus & Gray(c) vs Chaos Theory [1pt]

Winner of Semi-Final 1 vs Winner of Semi-Final 2 [1pt]

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Kid Fantastic vs Payaso Jr [1pt]

Yellow Flash vs Hector Galindo [1pt]

Ozzie Goldstein vs Blue Phatom[1pt]

Simon Waves vs Remmy Skye[1pt]

Dazzling Dave Diamond and The Red River Express vs Zachary Inc and Pryme Tyme[1pt]

Payaso Jr vs Yellow Flash [1pt]

Ozzie Goldstein vs Remmy Skye [1pt]

Demarcus & Gray(c) vs Chaos Theory [1pt]

Yellow Flash vs Ozzie Goldstein [1pt]

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