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USPW: Staying At The Top [C-Verse/2020]

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SWF When Hell Freezes Over
Thursday Week 2 January 2020

Robbie Retro defeated Dominic DeSousa...62
ANGLE: A backstage segment with Krissy Angelle...66
ANGLE: An interview with Huey Cannonball...65
Masked Patriot defeated Mainstream Hernandez, American Machine and Robbie Wright...71
ANGLE: A backstage segment with John Greed...64
ANGLE: A backstage segment with Angry Gilmore...75
ANGLE: An interview with Spencer Spade...65
Lenny Brown defeated James Prudence, Sammy Smoke and Brett Biggins...68
Bear Bekowski defeated Steven Parker...73
ANGLE: A backstage segment with Hannah...75
ANGLE: A backstage segment with Masked Patriot...55
ANGLE: An interview with Des Davids...62
Joey Morgan & The Dallas Cowboys defeated John Greed & The Pain Alliance...72
Atom Smasher defeated Jungle Lord...82
ANGLE: An interview with Rogue...69
Angry Gilmore defeated Spencer Spade in a Cage match...75
ANGLE: A backstage segment with Randy Unleashed...68
ANGLE: A video hyped Fame & Money vs. Hawaiian Crush...61
ANGLE: A backstage segment with Joey Morgan...66
Fame & Money defeated Hawaiian Crush to retain the SWF World Tag Team titles...73
ANGLE: A backstage segment with Ranger...58
Rogue defeated Primus Allen...74
ANGLE: A backstage segment with Primus Allen...60
ANGLE: A video hyped The Crippler vs. Valiant vs. Brandon James...69
Valiant defeated The Crippler and Brandon James...78
ANGLE: A video hyped Scythe vs. ZWB...65
Scythe defeated ZWB...89
ANGLE: A video hyped Rocky Golden vs. Remo...78
Rocky Golden defeated Remo to retain the SWF World Heavyweight title...82

SWF Supreme TV
Tuesday Week 3 January 2020

ANGLE: An interview with Remo & Scythe...71
The Crippler defeated Chill...69
ANGLE: A backstage segment with Spencer Spade...64
Valiant defeated Robbie Wright...72
ANGLE: An interview with Hollywood Bret Starr...68
ANGLE: A backstage segment with Ekuma...63
ANGLE: An interview with Angry Gilmore...74
Famy & Money defeated Joey Morgan & ZWB...81
ANGLE: A backstage segment with Hannah...71
Unleashed Awesomeness (Randy Unleashed & The Awesomeness) defeated Ekuma & The Dallas Cowboys...79
ANGLE: A backstage segment with Ranger...56
ANGLE: An interview with The Crippler...69
Mikey Lau defeated Primus Allen...79
Hollywood Bret Starr defeated Angry Gilmore...80
Remo & Scythe defeated Rogue & Brandon James...82

TCW Presents Total Wrestling
Tuesday Week 3 January 2020

ANGLE: An interview with Aaron Andrews & Sammy Bach...74
Human Arsenal defeated Nick Booth...59
ANGLE: A backstage segment with Laura Catherine Huggins...66
ANGLE: An interview with Troy Tornado, Jay Chord & Joshua Taylor...65
ANGLE: An interview with Freddy Huggins...65
ANGLE: A backstage segment with Dazzling Dave Diamond...56
Edd Stone & Matt Hocking defeated Maverick & Roderick Remus...73
ANGLE: An interview with Tana The Mighty...64
Wolf Hawkins defeated Dean Daniels by count out...77
ANGLE: A backstage segment with Danny Fonzarelli...60
ANGLE: A backstage segment with Eddie Chandler...57
Greg Gauge defeated Flying Jimmy Foxx to retain the TCW Television title...79
Freddy Huggins defeated Benny Benson...82
Troy Tornado, Jay Chord & Joshua Taylor defeated Dazzling Dave Diamond & Mighty Meaty...76
Aaron Andrews & Sammy Bach defeated The Behemoths...83

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USPW World Tag Team Titles Match
Jett & Moor defend vs. Hawkeye & Wolf
Comments: Non finish with a set up for singles matches on TV.

If The Texas Express Loses, They Must Salute The Russian Flag
The Cold Warriors vs. The Texas Express
Comments: The young guys score a win but it's close! 

USPW National Title Match
Roger 'Smooth' Cage defends vs. 'The Marksman' Kirk Jameson (w/Maryam Vega)
Comments: I think Roger has a shot to be a main eventer, but he can't job to Kirk yet!

USPW Women's Title Match
Jaime Quine defends vs. 'Miss Reliable' Wendy Anderson

USPW World Title Match
Rich Money defends vs. Rick Law's Choice
Comments/Guesses On Rick Law's Choice: Justice, his old tag team partner! 

Comments On Diary/Other Comments: Loving it so far!
Fun Fan Signs: "Jaime! Follow Me Back!"

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Wednesday Week 3 January 2020
USPW American Wrestling
Location: Illinois State Park (Great Lakes)
Attendance: 13,753
Overall Rating: 77
TV Viewers: 8,937,378



I'm Your Opponent
This week's USPW American Wrestling takes place in Illinois State Park.  The crowd of 13,753 are on their feet as Brock Cornish welcomes everyone here.  The brand new authority figure here in USPW, Rick Law, comes out from the back.  He high fives the fans on his way down to the ring before stepping inside.  Law says that tonight is a championship edition of USPW American Wrestling with every title on the line.  He says that this is the kind of show he wants to put on week in and week out.  He wants the fans here to see the very best in professional wrestling.  Speaking of the very best, Rich Money walks out from the back and makes his way down to the ring.  The USPW World Heavyweight Champion steps inside and says that Rick Law is forcing him to defend his title twice this month but he'll do it because he was born and bred to be the best.  Money says he was born with a platinum spoon in his mouth, looking down at those who had the silver spoon.  He says that it was only the best for him and that The Business is what is best for business.  But we have to focus on tonight and tonight he doesn't know who his opponent is.  Money says, no, he demands that Law tell him who his opponent is.  Before Law can answer, music plays in the background.


Da Phreak Andre Jones walks out from the back.  Jones enters the ring and goes face to face with Rich Money before looking down at the USPW World Heavyweight title belt.  Jones smiles and takes a step back before revealing that he is the man that Rick Law hand-selected to face Rich Money tonight.  Jones says that he bas been here for ten years and that he deserves a USPW World title match.  Rich Money smiles and then laughs.  He says that being a volleyball player doesn't make someone an athlete.  He says that Jones is a joke here in USPW and always has been.  He reminds the fans that it's been five years since Jones even held a title in this company.  Jones says he will prove himself tonight and then throws a few punches to Money!  Jones and Money begin brawling until Jones hits Money with the lung blower known as the Blast From The Past!  Money rolls out of the ring and Jones raises his arms up as the crowd cheers him on.  Jones shakes hands with Law before he exits the ring and heads for the back.  =80


Match #1
USPW World Tag Team Titles Match
Jett & Moor defend vs. Hawkeye & Wolf

Our opening match tonight is for the USPW World Tag Team titles as Jacob Jett and Julius Moor defend against Nicky Champion and Running Wolf.  Of course, there is no Persephone tonight as she was attacked backstage last week.  Jett scores an early Cleared For Take Off, a backflip kick on Nicky Champion, scoring a two count.  The USPW World Tag Team Champions prove themselves in this match against two of the top wrestlers in this business.  The crowd is hot throughout this match as Nicky Champion plays face-in-peril until he makes the hot tag to Running Wolf.  Wolf comes in with clotheslines and punches.  He catches Jett with an inverted atomic drop and then a body slam.  He catches Moor with a powerslam.  Wolf gets fired up as he prepares for the Wolf Tamer.  Instead, he is assaulted from behind by Dusty Ducont.  The attack causes a disqualification, giving the win to Hawkeye & Wolf at 15:15 but not the titles.
Hawkeye & Wolf d. Jett & Moor =79


It Was Me (Sort Of)
We go backstage where Steve Frehley was watching the monitor.  Frehley looks in the camera and removes his shades so everyone can see his eyes.  He says that everyone needs to be quiet right now because the millions and millions of his fans are chanting his name.  A small Frehley chant breaks out in the audience.  Frehley tells Nicky Champion that they are getting closer and closer to their tables match at Stars, Stripes And Slams.  He warns Champion that he is going to get it worse than his wife got it last week.  Frehley announces that he hired Gorgon to attack Persephone so she could no longer be a distraction for Nicky Champion.  He says she needs to stay at home where it's nice and safe, making sandwiches and cleaning the house.  Frehley says that in one week from this Saturday he is going to prove that Champion means he ain't nothin.  Frehley turns and walks off as we head to the ring.  =66


Match #2
If The Texas Express Loses, They Must Salute The Russian Flag
The Cold Warriors vs. The Texas Express

Our second match of the night is the lone non title match this evening as The Cold Warriors take on The Texas Express.  This match has a major stipulation, though, as if The Texas Express loses they must salute the Russian flag that The Cold Warriors keep in their corner.  During this match, there is a loud USA chant from the crowd here in Illinois.  The fans are definitely in the corner of The Texas Express as the match goes back and forth between the two teams here.  The match nearly comes to an end when Turk Trenneman hits Krusher Karloff with the missile dropkick.  Karloff manages to tag in Petr Novak and the size of Novak is definitely a game-changer.  Novak hits Trenneman with the double arm DDT for a two count.  Novak picks up Trenneman and Irish whips him into the corner, hitting with an avalanche in the corner.  Cooper Christie comes in to help his partner but he gets into a brawl with Krusher Karloff.  Novak rolls up Trenneman, placing his feet on the ropes: One...Two...Three!  The Cold Warriors get the win at 8:23!
The Cold Warriors p. The Texas Express =61



The crowd is in absolute shock as The Texas Express have lost the match!  Cooper Christie sees The Cold Warriors getting their arms raised and he knows what that means.  Petr Novak moves over to the corner and gets the Russian flag out, holding it up and waving it.  Cooper Christie helps Turk Trenneman to his feet.  The two of them look across at Petr Novak and Krusher Karloff.  The crowd boos, telling them not to do it.  Christie and Trenneman look at each other and then at the Russian flag.  They both shrug and give a quick salute to the flag before attacking The Cold Warriors!  Novak and Karloff are knocked out of the ring with their flag thrown on top of them.  Christie and Trenneman lead a USA chant in the ring before both pointing toward a sign in the crowd that reads: 'The Cold Warriors: Kiss My Ass!'  They both flash the 'T' sign for Texas as a graphic shows up for a match for next week.  =52

Coming Next Week



Match #3
USPW National Title Match
Roger Cage defends vs. Kirk Jameson (w/Maryam Vega)

It is the main event of the first hour as Roger Cage defends the USPW National title against The Marksman Kirk Jameson, along with Maryam Vega at ringside.  Jameson definitely has more technical skills in the ring than the champion and he proves it in the early-going, out-wrestling Cage and knocking Cage out of the ring.  Jameson hits the ropes and hits a baseball slide kick on Cage.  He grabs Cage and hits him agains the guardrail and then goes to hit him against the ring post but Cage blocks it and it's Jameson that hits the ring post instead.  The man known as Smooth brings the action back into the ring and proves his brawling ability against the more technically oriented marksman.  The match goes back and forth in the middle section with neither man holding a sustained advantage.  The match goes nearly twelve minutes but it's Cage that hits the Cage Rage, a diving reverse DDT on Jameson and makes the cover: One...Two...Three!  Roger Cage successfully defends the USPW National title at 11:55.
Roger Cage p. Kirk Jameson =66



Running For A Title
To begin the second hour, the number one contender to the USPW World Heavyweight title, Running Wolf, comes out from the back.  Wolf gets a good crowd reaction.  The announcers talk about how he cannot be in peak condition right now after the tag match earlier and the attack by Dusty Ducont.  Wolf enters the ring and he begins like Nicky Champion did last week by saying that he took what the enforcer of The Business had to give and he's still standing.  Wolf says that's a man of few words because it has been said by his people that it does not require many words to speak the truth.  He says that the truth is that he is going to be the next USPW World Heavyweight Champion because there will be no interference.  There will be no enforcer.  He is interrupted by Elizabeth Cartier, the manager of The Business, walking out from the back and entering the ring.  Cartier reminds Wolf that Rich Money gave him a very good deal of money to lose one week from Saturday.  Cartier tells Wolf that he should take the deal but Wolf responds that he will make more money when he becomes the champion.  Cartier tells Wolf that he's not going to make it to Stars, Stripes And Slams.  =64


The crowd boos as Dusty Ducont comes out from the back, walking toward the ring as Elizabeth Cartier tells Running Wolf to take the money.  Wolf refuses and gets ready for a fight.  Cartier puts herself in harm's way to distract Wolf before Dusty Ducont attacks him with several forearm smashes.  Wolf starts to fight back but Ducont throws Wolf back into the corner.  Ducont charges Wolf and hits him with several hard knife-edge chops.  Ducont yanks Wolf from the corner and kicks him in the gut.  He lifts Wolf up and hits the Thrown Powerbomb!  Ducont looks down at Wolf and warns him to take the money, placing his foot on the chest of the number one contender.  Will Running Wolf make it to Stars, Stripes And Slams?  Make sure to keep tuned in to find out as we go backstage.  =61



Did You Really Do it?
We go to the backstage area to see why Nicky Champion didn't come out to save Running Wolf.  We see Nicky Champion backstage having a conversation with Gorgon.  Champion asks Gorgon if Steve Frehley was lying when he said he paid her to attack Persephone.  Gorgon says that she did it but it wasn't anything personal.  She says that it was just to get paid.  She says that she was paid a lot of money to attack Persephone.  Champion reminds Gorgon that Persephone is his wife.  Gorgon laughs and says that Champion won't do anything to her.  Champion says that's true but he can find someone to attack her the way she did to Persephone.  Gorgon laughs and tells him to go ahead and do that before slapping him on the back and walking away.  We go to the ring for our USPW Women's title match.  =61


Match #4
USPW Women's Title Match
Jaime Quine defends vs. Wendy Anderson

Jaime Quine does her usual entrance, flaunting her assets on the ring apron before climbing into the ring.  Wendy Anderson looks on with a look of focus on her face.  The crowd is very hot throughout this contest as Anderson scores several quick near-falls in the first few minutes.  Anderson shows off her high flying skills when she hits Quine with a top rope sunset flip.  She scores another two count.  Quine avoids a flying cross body attempt by Anderson and she crashes and burns on the mat.  As the match continues, Quine is in control.  Quine hits a back splash and then scores a two count herself.  Quine sneers at a sign in the crowd that reads: 'Jaime!  Follow Me Back!'  She yells at the fan that it will never happen!  After a few more attempts by Anderson to take control, Quine strikes Anderson with the K.O. Kick.  She makes the cover: One...Two...Three!  Jaime Quine successfully defends the USPW Women's title at 14:49!
Jaime Quine p. Wendy Anderson =69




Good Luck
We go to the backstage area where we see Bulldozer Brandon Smith talking with Andre Jones.  The two men shake hands and Smith wishes Jones good luck in his match tonight.  He says that Jones is worthy of getting the title match and he hopes that Jones takes the title away from Mr. Money.  Jones thanks him and then offers Smith a title match after he wins.  Smith accepts the title match offer and then shakes hands with Jones again.  Jones turns and walks off.  After Jones disappears, Smith turns and is struck by Trent Shaffer in the gut with a chair!  Shaffer slams the chair over the back of Smith.  The man known as The Talent tells Smith that he won't make it in this company as long as he goes after men like Trent Shaffer.  Shaffer kicks Smith in the ribs and walks off as we go to a graphic.

Coming Next Week



Match #5
USPW World Title Match
Rich Money defends vs. Andre Jones

It is main event time and this week Rich Money defends the USPW World title against Da Phreak Andre Jones.  Will Andre Jones be able to secure the World title for the very first time?  Following an early slap by Money, Jones starts off strong and fast against Money.  Money seems shocked at this early burst by Jones and exits the ring to stop the momentum.  Jones leaps over the top rope, landing on the apron.  When he lands, Money trips him, knocking him down on the apron.  Money pulls him outside the ring and runs him into the edge of the ring.  Money brings the action back into the ring and hits Jones with a train of three German suplexes, ending in the Money In The Bank, a German suplex with an unusually high lift before the bridge: One...Two...Kickout!  Money continues his control over the next several minutes, keeping Jones down for the most part.  At around the nine minute mark, Money goes for the Dollars From Heaven but Jones manages to get his knees up and Money crashes his ribs into the knees of Da Phreak.  The camera shows a sign in the crowd that reads: 'Rich Money goes Bankrupt!'  Could this be the beginning of that tonight?

The crowd is solidly behind Andre Jones as he works his way to his feet and begins brawling with Rich Money in the center of the ring.  The crowd cheers as Jones hits a punch and boos as Money hits a punch.  Jones blocks a punch and then backs Money into a corner.  Jones climbs in the corner and begins raining down punches, hitting ten before hitting a monkey flip out of the corner.  Jones goes for the Blast From The Past but Money grabs the top rope, blocking the hold and sending Jones down to the mat.  Money stomps on Jones before picking him up and hitting the Bank Roll, a snap side belly-to-belly suplex.  This puts Jones in the right place in the ring as Money heads to the top turnbuckle.  Money leaps -- Dollars From Heaven!  The frog splash lands and Money makes the cover, hooking the leg: One...Two...Three!  Rich Money successfully defends the USPW World title in 14:53!
Rich Money p. Andre Jones =81



Tries To Make A Save
The match is over and Rich Money continues his attack on Andre Jones.  Money lifts Jones and ducks his head down, striking him with a vicious European Uppercut that knocks him down.  The move is known as the Money Shaker.  Money stomps on Jones before Running Wolf comes running in from the back!  The number one contender slides into the ring and takes down Money, throwing punches!  The two men exchange punches, rolling around on the mat.  The attack spills outside the ring and Wolf manages to Irish whip Money into the steps.  With Wolf's back turned, Dusty Ducont attacks him from behind.  The Enforcer of The Business rams Wolf into the guardrail and then into the ring post.  Ducont clears off the announce table and pulls Wolf in, hitting the Thrown Powerbomb through the announce table.  Ducont yells that he warned Wolf to just take the money.  Elizabeth Cartier helps Rich Money to his feet and they move over to where Ducont is standing over Wolf.  The two men and a woman stand together over Running Wolf as the show comes to a close.  We'll see you next week on American Wrestling!

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USPW American Wrestling
Wednesday Week 4 January 2020

'The Marksman' Kirk Jameson (w/Maryam Vega) vs. Bulldozer Brandon Smith

Bad Intentions vs. The Dream Team

Glorious Gloria vs. 'Fearless' Faith McGee

'Dirty' Dusty Ducont (w/Elizabeth Cartier) vs. Running Wolf

Gorgon vs. Miss American Pie

'The Complete Package' Joss Thompson vs. 'Cool Hand' Casey Valentine

'The Dark Destroyer' Steve Frehley vs. 'The Amazing' Jacob Jett

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'The Marksman' Kirk Jameson (w/Maryam Vega) vs. Bulldozer Brandon Smith
Comments: Smith looks to have a future match with Shaffer on the horizon, so I think he gets the win here.

Bad Intentions vs. The Dream Team
Comments: I think Bad Intentions get the win here.

Glorious Gloria vs. 'Fearless' Faith McGee
Comments: Gloria is going to dominate, the only way I see Faith winning is through a distraction, a dq, or a fluke.

'Dirty' Dusty Ducont (w/Elizabeth Cartier) vs. Running Wolf
Comments: Running Wolf regains some momentum.

Gorgon vs. Miss American Pie
Comments: Gorgon wins to help build for a match whoever Nicky choses to fight her.

'The Complete Package' Joss Thompson vs. 'Cool Hand' Casey Valentine
Comments: Casey gets a measure of revenge against Thompson.

'The Dark Destroyer' Steve Frehley vs. 'The Amazing' Jacob Jett
Comments: Unless shenanigans ensue, I doubt that Frehley is going to lose before his big match with Champion.

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'The Marksman' Kirk Jameson (w/Maryam Vega) vs. Bulldozer Brandon Smith

Bad Intentions vs. The Dream Team

Glorious Gloria vs. 'Fearless' Faith McGee

'Dirty' Dusty Ducont (w/Elizabeth Cartier) vs. Running Wolf

Gorgon vs. Miss American Pie

'The Complete Package' Joss Thompson vs. 'Cool Hand' Casey Valentine

'The Dark Destroyer' Steve Frehley vs. 'The Amazing' Jacob Jett

Comments On Diary/Other Comments: Another great show! The outcome of The Texas Express vs The Cold Warriors and the Russian flag segment was unexpected and is probably the story that is captivating my imagination the most.

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'The Marksman' Kirk Jameson (w/Maryam Vega) vs. Bulldozer Brandon Smith

Bad Intentions vs. The Dream Team

Glorious Gloria vs. 'Fearless' Faith McGee

'Dirty' Dusty Ducont (w/Elizabeth Cartier) vs. Running Wolf

Gorgon vs. Miss American Pie

'The Complete Package' Joss Thompson vs. 'Cool Hand' Casey Valentine

'The Dark Destroyer' Steve Frehley vs. 'The Amazing' Jacob Jett

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'The Marksman' Kirk Jameson (w/Maryam Vega) vs. Bulldozer Brandon Smith

Bad Intentions vs. The Dream Team

Glorious Gloria vs. 'Fearless' Faith McGee

'Dirty' Dusty Ducont (w/Elizabeth Cartier) vs. Running Wolf

Gorgon vs. Miss American Pie

'The Complete Package' Joss Thompson vs. 'Cool Hand' Casey Valentine

'The Dark Destroyer' Steve Frehley vs. 'The Amazing' Jacob Jett
Comments: Was surprised at how low the Frehley segment scored last show, was there any reason for that?

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'The Marksman' Kirk Jameson (w/Maryam Vega) vs. Bulldozer Brandon Smith
Comments: DQ win I think

Bad Intentions vs. The Dream Team
Comments: Squash

Glorious Gloria vs. 'Fearless' Faith McGee
Comments: Also squash?

'Dirty' Dusty Ducont (w/Elizabeth Cartier) vs. Running Wolf
Comments: Big hoss match!

Gorgon vs. Miss American Pie
Comments: Also squash? 

'The Complete Package' Joss Thompson vs. 'Cool Hand' Casey Valentine
Comments: Casey holds his own but isn't on Joss' level!

'The Dark Destroyer' Steve Frehley vs. 'The Amazing' Jacob Jett
Comments: A literal crime scene!

Comments On Diary/Other Comments: I enjoyed seeing my sign in the crowd 🤣

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SWF Supreme TV
Tuesday Week 4 January 2020

ANGLE: Scythe and Rocky Golden got into a heated shouting match backstage...73
Hollywood Bret Starr defeated Chill...71
ANGLE: A backstage segment with Angry Gilmore...66
Rogue defeated Robbie Wright...67
ANGLE: A backstage segment with John Greed...64
ANGLE: A backstage segment with Masked Patriot...56
ANGLE: An interview with ZWB...66
ANGLE: A backstage segment with Spencer Spade...63
ANGLE: An interview with Hollywood Bret Starr...69
Mikey Lau & Hawaiian Crush defeated John Greed & The Pain Alliance...75
ANGLE: A backstage segment with Hannah...71
Paul Huntingdon defeated Lenny Brown...73
Randy Unleashed defeated Marshall Dillon...77
ZWB defeated Primus Allen...83
Scythe & Remo defeated Valiant & Brandon James...81

TCW Presents Total Wrestling
Tuesday Week 4 January 2020

ANGLE: Jay Chord cut a heated promo about Sammy Bach...70
ANGLE: Wolf Hawkins attacked Aaron Andrews backstage...74
Maverick defeated Danny Fonzarelli...67
ANGLE: An interview with Joshua Taylor...66
ANGLE: A backstage segment with Benny Benson...57
ANGLE: A backstage segment with Matt Hocking...50
Joshua Taylor defeated Elliot Thomas...81
ANGLE: An interview with Flying Jimmy Foxx & Human Arsenal...57
ANGLE: A backstage segment with Killer Shark...55
ANGLE: A backstage segment with Eddie Chandler...54
Dazzling Dave Diamond defeated Chris Flynn...68
ANGLE: A backstage segment with Vita...51
ANGLE: An interview with Freddy Huggins...67
Wolf Hawkins defeated Dean Daniels...74
The Behemoths defeated Flying Jimmy Foxx & Human Arsenal...69
Freddy Huggins & The New Wave defeated Benny Benson & Mighty Meaty...79
Aaron Andrews & Sammy Bach defeated Jay Chord & Troy Tornado in a Cage match...85

Thanks to everyone who has made predictions so far.  This past Tuesday, I had a tooth extraction done so I've been kind of down with painkillers and other things.  I'm still here, though, and still enjoying the diary.  Just got to get feeling better so I can get this show written up.

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Wednesday Week 4 January 2020
USPW American Wrestling
Location: Utah Park Reservation (South West)
Attendance: 13,373
Overall Rating: 84
TV Viewers: 10,250,097


Match #1
Kirk Jameson (w/Maryam Vega) vs. Bulldozer Brandon Smith

USPW American Wrestling begins with a match as Kirk Jameson makes his entrance.  While the two wrestlers make their entrance, Brock Cornish welcomes everyone to USPW American Wrestling and hypes the matches coming up tonight, reminding everyone that we are just a few days away from Stars, Stripes And Slams.  The match itself is pretty good and a back and forth encounter.  Maryam Vega plays a distraction to give Jameson the advantage.  Jameson focuses on the leg of Smith, striking it again and again with forearm smashes.  He hooks up Smith for the Bullseye but Smith blocks it and brings Jameson over with a back body drop.  Smith gets fired up by the crowd and takes down Jameson with a drop toe hold.  He picks up Jameson and brings him down with a short-arm lariat and then plays to the crowd for a moment.  He picks up Jameson, showing his strength when he plants The Marksman with a Tombstone Piledriver!  Smith makes the cover: One...Two...Three!  Bulldozer Brandon Smith picks up the win at 10:18!
Bulldozer Brandon Smith p. Kirk Jameson =73



I Want A Match
With a vocal crowd, we go to the backstage area where we see the USPW General Manager Rick Law standing by.  Law begins to hype the upcoming Stars, Stripes And Slams card when he gets interrupted by the arriving Jack Jackson.  Jackson says that nobody cares about Stars, Stripes And Slams because the megastar Jack Jackson won't be wrestling at that show.  Jackson reminds Law that he is the fastest rising superstar in USPW history.  Law says that Jackson is a good wrestler but he's still got a lot to learn.  Jackson says that he can and will prove himself next week.  He asks Law for a match against a wrestler of Law's choosing.  Law agrees to the match and says that he will think on who to choose.  Jackson says that wrestler will get the honor of being taken down by the best wrestler on the show, with everybody saying Jack Jackson!  Law smirks as Jackson walks off and we go back to the ring.  =65



Match #2
Bad Intentions vs. The Dream Team

The second match of the night features Siale Valhalla and Bash Street of Bad Intentions of The Olympus Order taking on Grandmaster Phunk and Greg Black, known as The Dream Team.  This is basically a match put Bad Intentions over as they dominate from the early-goings.  Phunk and Black get in a few moves here and there but Street and Valhalla hit double shoulderblocks and a double elbow drop on Phunk.  Black tags in and he gets nailed with a double clothesline.  Valhalla picks up Black and places him on his back with a backbreaker.  Street heads to the top rope and hits the forearm shot to the throat, the move known as the Decapitator!  Street makes a cover: One...Two...Three!  Bad Intentions win at 5:39!
Bad Intentions p. The Dream Team =47


Revenge For Persephone
We go to the backstage area where we see Nicky Champion talking with Jacob Jett.  Jett asks how Persephone is doing and Champion says she's sitting at home recovering after the attack.  He says he cannot be sure when she will make her return.  Jett says she needs to take her time and get healthy.  He says they'll keep the World Tag Team titles while she's not around.  Jett asks Champion how his knee is doing.  Champion says he is recovering each week, though it's not easy when you have matches to focus on.  Champion wishes Jett good luck in his match tonight against Steve Frehley.  Jett says he's going to get revenge for Persephone but he will try to leave some of Frehley for Champion this Saturday.  The two men shake hands and we go back to the ring.  =64



Match #3
Glorious Gloria vs. Faith McGee

Our third match of the night features two female wrestlers as Glorious Gloria takes on Faith McGee.  It is announced duirng this match that McGee will be the third partner with Melody and Sara Marie to take on The Triumverate at Stars, Stripes And Slams.  McGee uses her speed in the first minute to hold the advantage until Gloria catches her with a clothesline.  Gloria takes control, including landing a hanging vertical suplex on McGee, bringing her down hard to the mat.  Gloria sends McGee to the ropes and catches her with a spinning spinebuster that gets her a two count.  McGee comes back with a reversal of the Glorious Full Nelson attempt, rolling Gloria into a victory roll for a two count.  McGee takes control, speeding things up.  After a few more minutes, she heads to the top turnbuckle and hits a Flying Cross Body!  She makes the cover, hooking the leg: One...Two...Three!  Faith McGee picks up the win at 7:51!
Faith McGee p. Glorious Gloria =47



Our New Partner
We go backstage where we see Alicia Strong and she is...walking!  She pauses at the infamous USPW Soda Machine, making a decision on what she wants to drink.  She pauses and then turns, coming face to face with Melody and Sara Marie.  Melody asks Strong what she thinks of their new partner for Saturday night.  Strong calls McGee lucky and says her luck will run out this Saturday.  Strong turns back to the soda machine and Melody turns her back toward her and throws a forearm smash to the skull.  Melody and Strong begin to brawl with Marie staying out of it for a moment before joining in and knocking Strong against the soda machine.  Strong slumps down to the ground and Sara Marie says she'll see her this Saturday.  Sara Marie and Melody turn and walk away together with Melody asking Marie what she wants to do for dinner tonight.  With that, we go to the ring for our opening hour main event.  =65



Match #4
Dusty Ducont (w/Elizabeth Cartier) vs. Running Wolf

The Enforcer of The Business, 'Dirty' Dusty Ducont, along with Elizabeth Cartier, faces off with the number one contender Running Wolf.  As one would expect, this match is a brawl between the two wrestlers that starts with Wolf in control until Cartier distracts him.  Using the distraction, Ducont knocks Wolf into the ring post and takes control.  Ducont uses several power moves to keep Wolf at bay, striking him down with hard clotheslines and a spinebuster.  Ducont is all business during this match.  Ducont sends Wolf to the ropes and puts his head down but Wolf stops short and begins throwing punches.  The match moves back and forth again, with both men getting time for momentum.  Dusty Ducont goes for the Thrown Powerbomb but Wolf lands on his feet and lifts Ducont up on his shoulders -- Wolf Tamer!  The Fireman's Carry Slam plants Ducont on the mat in the middle of the ring.  Wolf makes the cover: One...Two...Three!  Running Wolf wins at 11:49!
Running Wolf p. Dusty Ducont =75


The hour turns over to hour number two and Running Wolf gets his arm raised in the air in victory over Dusty Ducont.  Ducont rolls out of the ring and exits to the back with Elizabeth Cartier.  In the ring, Wolf asks for a microphone and he says that the next time you see him on American Wrestling he will be the new USPW World Heavyweight Champion!  Wolf says that he has become one of the greatest Native American wrestlers in the business, citing men like Nicky Champion and Chief Two Eagles.  He even mentions another up and coming Native American wrestler in Ace Youngblood.  Wolf says that he will be at the top of the list when Youngblood gets into USPW.  Wolf says that Rich Money is not going to be able to hide behind The Business.  Wolf goes to continue but he gets interrupted.


Here comes the USPW World Heavyweight Champion Rich Money!  Money walks down to the ring dressed to the nines.  He has the USPW World Heavyweight title belt around his waist and a briefcase in hand.  Money enters the ring and takes a microphone.  He says he's not here to fight Running Wolf at this moment.  Instead, he reminds Wolf that he is all about opportunities.  He says that he is all about giving people what they need and he can tell by the outfit that Wolf needs money.  He motions to the briefcase and says that in this briefcase is $50,000.  He says that it can be Wolf's if he simply lies down for Money Saturday night and allows Money's title reign to continue.  Wolf says he can see the fear in Money's eyes.  He can tell that Money is scared of him or he wouldn't be giving away that money.  He admits that it's a lot of money but he can make more money than that as the USPW World Heavyweight Champion.  Money tells Wolf that he will never win the title but he can have the money if he just plays ball.  Money tells Wolf to think about it before turning away.  He turns back to Wolf and bashes him in the skull with the briefcase.  Money hits the fallen Wolf with the briefcase in the ribs, yelling at him to be smart and take the money before walking out of the ring and heading to the back.  =89

Coming Tonight



Match #5
Gorgon vs. Miss American Pie

Our next match is the second female match of the night as Gorgon takes on Miss American Pie.  Brock Cornish reminds everyone that Gorgon took out Persephone.  Gorgon dominates this match with female power moves.  Gorgon shows some skill when she hits Miss American Pie with a slingshot into the corner.  Gorgon continues to move ahead and move forward.  She picks up Pie and lifts her up on her shoulders, dropping her with the crucifix powerbomb known as the Hydra Bomb.  Gorgon makes the cover: One...Two...Three!  Gorgon picks up the win at 6:10!
Gorgon p. Miss American Pie =52


Darth Vader
We go to a video where we see the number one contender to the USPW Women's Championship, Missy Masterson.  This week, she is dressed as Darth Vader from Star Wars fame.  Masterson says that when it comes to the match this Saturday, she is going to be Jaime's daddy.  She warns Jaime Quine not to choke on her aspirations but that Saturday night will be a day long remembered as the night that Missy Masterson became the new USPW Women's Champion.  Masterson warns Quine that she does not know the power of the dark side but she will know that this Saturday because when Masterson hits the Identity Crisis it will be all over but the crying.  Masterson does the famous Darth Vader breathing as we go to the ring.  =60


Match #6
Joss Thompson vs. Casey Valentine

Our sixth match of the night is one that has been building as The Complete Package Joss Thompson takes on Cool Hand Casey Valentine.  Valentine shows that cool hand early on when he takes down Thompson with a left handed punch.  Thompson exits the ring and paces but gets back in before he can get counted out.  The Complete Package gets the advantage and takes down Valentine with a fisherman's suplex: One...Two...Kickout!  Valentine has the crowd behind him and it shows when Thompson locks in a rear chinlock.  A Valentine chant breaks out in the crowd and he makes his way up, taking down Thompson with a belly-to-back suplex.  Valentine gets fired up and begins making the advantage, hitting Thompson with a German suplex, no bridge, all impact.  Valentine gets the crowd involved and a few minutes later, he sets Thompson up in a double underhook.  He drops Thompson with the Double Underhook DDT, known as Deep Impact!  Valentine makes the cover: One...Two...Three!  Casey Valentine gets the win at 14:49!
Casey Valentine p. Joss Thompson =81


The Talent
We go to the locker room area where Trent Shaffer is standing with Raven Robinson at his side.  He says that they are coming up on Stars, Stripes And Slams where he is scheduled to defeat Bulldozer Brandon Smith.  Shaffer says that the ending is already locked in because he is the better talent.  He says that he proved it when he defeated and pinned Nicky Champion.  He reminds everyone that the cream always rises to the top and that Talent always gets things done.  He reminds the fans that he is The Talent and that Bulldozer Brandon Smith is going to hit a wall.  That wall's name is Trent Shaffer.  Shaffer says that he will prove once and again that he is The Talent.  Shaffer leans down and kisses Raven Robinson and we go to a graphic.  =75


Coming At Stars, Stripes And Slams




Match #7
Steve Frehley vs. Jacob Jett

It is main event time and we have The Dark Destroyer Steve Frehley taking on The Amazing Jacob Jett.  Early on in the match, Jett actually locks Frehley in the Jett Engine.  It is a variation of the stretch muffler.  Frehley refuses to submit and uses his power to break free of the hold.  Frehley takes control and grabs Jett by the throat, looking right in his eyes.  He hoists Jett up in the air and drops him with a press slam in a move known as The Choke Press Slam.  Frehley plays to a booing crowd for a moment.  The Dark Destroyer picks up Jett and sends him into the corner.  He moves in and chops the chest of Jett and then sets Jett up on the top turnbuckle.  He climbs up but Jett recovers and hits Frehley with punches and then a headbutt that knocks Frehley off the turnbuckle.  Jett leaps with a top rope sunset flip: One...Two...Thr -- NO!  Frehley kicks out!  Frehley gets back up and immediately hits Jett with the Dark Destroyer Spear!  The spear nearly takes Jett out of his boots!  Jett struggles on the mat as Frehley gets up and, again, plays to the crowd.  Boos echo through the crowd as Jett uses the ropes to pull himself to his feet.  He staggers toward Frehley and Frehley lifts him on his shoulders -- Frehley's Comet!  The Frehley's Comet connects and Frehley makes the cover: One...Two...Three!  Steve Frehley picks up the win at 10:08!
Steve Frehley p. Jacob Jett =80


Who Will Stand Tall?
The bell sounds and Steve Frehley gets his arm raised in victory.  He throws Jacob Jett over the top rope to the floor.  Frehley exits the ring and goes underneath the ring, pulling out a table.  He brings the table in the ring and sets it up, leaning against it with a microphone in hand.  Steve Frehley says he's going to be quiet right now because the millions and millions of his fans are chanting his name.  A Frehley chant does break out in the crowd here.  Frehley says that this Saturday night he is going to step in the ring with a man who has champion in his name.  He says that Champion is someone who has been pushed a long time in this company but he's not better than The Dark Destroyer.  Frehley says that he is the best wrestler in this company and that it will be proven Saturday night.  Frehley goes to continue but he gets joined in the ring.


Nicky Champion comes running down to the ring and slides inside.  After a quick staredown, Steve Frehley and Nicky Champion exchange punches!  Frehley blocks a Champion punch and takes him down with a clothesline.  The Dark Destroyer picks up Champion and lifts him up on his shoulders, taking aim for the table.  Before he can hit the move, Champion wiggles his way free and lands behind Frehley.  He turns Frehley around and kicks him in the gut.  Champion goes for a Powerbomb through the table but Frehley manages to land on his feet.  Champion goes for a punch but Frehley drops down and exits the ring.  Frehley backs up the ramp, telling Champion he'll see him this Saturday night!  Steve Frehley and Nicky Champion stare each other down as the show comes to an end!  We'll see you this Saturday night for Stars, Stripes And Slams on Reverie!  =100

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USPW Stars, Stripes And Slams
Saturday Week 4 January 2020

Tables Match
'The Dark Destroyer' Steve Frehley vs. Nicky 'Hawkeye' Champion

USPW World Tag Team Titles Match
Jett & Moor defend vs. Bad Intentions

The Triumverate vs. Melody, Sara Marie and 'Fearless' Faith McGee

'The Talent' Trent Shaffer vs. Bulldozer Brandon Smith

Krusher Karloff and 'The Iron Lady' Jillian Jarvis vs. Turk Trenneman and Pariah

USPW Women's Title Match
Jaime Quine defends vs. 'Miss Fit' Missy Masterson

USPW World Heavyweight Title Match
Rich Money defends vs. Running Wolf

Comments On Diary/Other Comments: 

Fun Fan Signs: 

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On 1/22/2024 at 11:21 PM, DirigoJoe said:

'The Marksman' Kirk Jameson (w/Maryam Vega) vs. Bulldozer Brandon Smith
Comments: DQ win I think

Bad Intentions vs. The Dream Team
Comments: Squash

Glorious Gloria vs. 'Fearless' Faith McGee
Comments: Also squash?

'Dirty' Dusty Ducont (w/Elizabeth Cartier) vs. Running Wolf
Comments: Big hoss match!

Gorgon vs. Miss American Pie
Comments: Also squash? 

'The Complete Package' Joss Thompson vs. 'Cool Hand' Casey Valentine
Comments: Casey holds his own but isn't on Joss' level!

'The Dark Destroyer' Steve Frehley vs. 'The Amazing' Jacob Jett
Comments: A literal crime scene!

Comments On Diary/Other Comments: I enjoyed seeing my sign in the crowd 🤣

Hey DirigoJoe,

Thanks for the predictions and comments!  I really enjoyed reading them.  Glad you enjoyed seeing your sign in the crowd.  I brought them back for the premium live event.  Looking forward to seeing what you come up with for the show.

On 1/18/2024 at 8:40 PM, newbiezness said:

'The Marksman' Kirk Jameson (w/Maryam Vega) vs. Bulldozer Brandon Smith

Bad Intentions vs. The Dream Team

Glorious Gloria vs. 'Fearless' Faith McGee

'Dirty' Dusty Ducont (w/Elizabeth Cartier) vs. Running Wolf

Gorgon vs. Miss American Pie

'The Complete Package' Joss Thompson vs. 'Cool Hand' Casey Valentine

'The Dark Destroyer' Steve Frehley vs. 'The Amazing' Jacob Jett

Comments On Diary/Other Comments: Another great show! The outcome of The Texas Express vs The Cold Warriors and the Russian flag segment was unexpected and is probably the story that is captivating my imagination the most.

Hey newbiezness,

Thanks for the predictions and comments!  Glad you enjoyed reading the show and enjoyed the Texas Express/Cold Warriors segment.  It's too bad that Novak popped for steroids, huh?  I had to make a change for a match at Stars, Stripes And Slams.  But do expect that to continue at some point.

On 1/19/2024 at 7:50 AM, Charasmatic Enigma said:

'The Marksman' Kirk Jameson (w/Maryam Vega) vs. Bulldozer Brandon Smith

Bad Intentions vs. The Dream Team

Glorious Gloria vs. 'Fearless' Faith McGee

'Dirty' Dusty Ducont (w/Elizabeth Cartier) vs. Running Wolf

Gorgon vs. Miss American Pie

'The Complete Package' Joss Thompson vs. 'Cool Hand' Casey Valentine

'The Dark Destroyer' Steve Frehley vs. 'The Amazing' Jacob Jett
Comments: Was surprised at how low the Frehley segment scored last show, was there any reason for that?

Comments On Diary/Other Comments: 

Hey Charasmatic Enigma,

Thanks for the predictions and comment!  I really do appreciate them.  I'm pretty sure the Frehley segment suffered from having Persephone and Gorgon rated on Overness.  He was a real star in the segment, though, and it was done to a very hot crowd.  But the only thing I can see is that it was random or the Persephone/Gorgon part got it rated down.

Thanks to everyone who has made predictions or even just read this diary.  I appreciate everything that all y'all do.

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On 1/27/2024 at 5:43 AM, angeldelayette said:

Hey newbiezness,

Thanks for the predictions and comments!  Glad you enjoyed reading the show and enjoyed the Texas Express/Cold Warriors segment.  It's too bad that Novak popped for steroids, huh?  I had to make a change for a match at Stars, Stripes And Slams.  But do expect that to continue at some point.

Petr Novak news were a let down, but it's great that you plan to continue that storyline when possible. I think it'll be worth the wait. I didn't see Petr Novak as a bad boy but he now has the potential to become one.


Tables Match
'The Dark Destroyer' Steve Frehley vs. Nicky 'Hawkeye' Champion
Comments: I don't think Nicky Champion needs this win.

USPW World Tag Team Titles Match
Jett & Moor defend vs. Bad Intentions
Comments: Easy.

The Triumverate vs. Melody, Sara Marie and 'Fearless' Faith McGee
Comments: I think it's time for the babyfaces to win.

'The Talent' Trent Shaffer vs. Bulldozer Brandon Smith
Comments: 50/50

Krusher Karloff and 'The Iron Lady' Jillian Jarvis vs. Turk Trenneman and Pariah
Comments: Interesting match, I think Karloff and Jarvis win to continue to gain momentum.

USPW Women's Title Match
Jaime Quine defends vs. 'Miss Fit' Missy Masterson
Comments: Missy Masterson is not the best choice to dethrone Jaime Quine IMO.

USPW World Heavyweight Title Match
Rich Money defends vs. Running Wolf
Comments: Probably using dirty tricks.

Comments On Diary/Other Comments: I liked last segment between Running Wolf and Rich Money.

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Tables Match
'The Dark Destroyer' Steve Frehley vs. Nicky 'Hawkeye' Champion
Comments: I think Frehley could use the win more than Champion.

USPW World Tag Team Titles Match
Jett & Moor defend vs. Bad Intentions
Comments: I think Jett & Moor are keeping the titles for now.

The Triumverate vs. Melody, Sara Marie and 'Fearless' Faith McGee
Comments: Considering how most of my other female picks involve heels winning, I think the faces win here.

'The Talent' Trent Shaffer vs. Bulldozer Brandon Smith
Comments: I think Smith gets some vengeance by beating Shaffer tonight.

Krusher Karloff and 'The Iron Lady' Jillian Jarvis vs. Turk Trenneman and Pariah
Comments: Karloff and Jarvis use this match to build momentum.

USPW Women's Title Match
Jaime Quine defends vs. 'Miss Fit' Missy Masterson
Comments: I don't think Quine is having her reign end yet.

USPW World Heavyweight Title Match
Rich Money defends vs. Running Wolf
Comments: By hook or by crook I think Money is leaving with the title tonight.

Comments On Diary/Other Comments: 

Fun Fan Signs: Time for a Bulldozing

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Tables Match
'The Dark Destroyer' Steve Frehley vs. Nicky 'Hawkeye' Champion

USPW World Tag Team Titles Match
Jett & Moor defend vs. Bad Intentions

The Triumverate vs. Melody, Sara Marie and 'Fearless' Faith McGee

'The Talent' Trent Shaffer vs. Bulldozer Brandon Smith

Krusher Karloff and 'The Iron Lady' Jillian Jarvis vs. Turk Trenneman and Pariah

USPW Women's Title Match
Jaime Quine defends vs. 'Miss Fit' Missy Masterson

USPW World Heavyweight Title Match
Rich Money defends vs. Running Wolf

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Tables Match
'The Dark Destroyer' Steve Frehley vs. Nicky 'Hawkeye' Champion
Comments: Think with the main event, it makes sense that Nicky is set up as the next challenger.

USPW World Tag Team Titles Match
Jett & Moor defend vs. Bad Intentions
Comments: Gotta keep the prestige of the belts up. 

The Triumverate vs. Melody, Sara Marie and 'Fearless' Faith McGee

'The Talent' Trent Shaffer vs. Bulldozer Brandon Smith
Comments:  I'm the biggest Trent Shaffer stan on this forum, but I also think Bulldozer will be used more. 

Krusher Karloff and 'The Iron Lady' Jillian Jarvis vs. Turk Trenneman and Pariah
Comments: Gotta give Turk a win back. Plus Pariah is over. 

USPW Women's Title Match
Jaime Quine defends vs. 'Miss Fit' Missy Masterson
Comments:  Jaime Quine is peak, while I love what you're doing with Missy, she doesn't need the title for the gimmick as of now. 

USPW World Heavyweight Title Match
Rich Money defends vs. Running Wolf
Comments:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TeXatquVqAc


Comments On Diary/Other Comments:  From 2017 or 2018 you had a peak CGC diary I think. Made that an amazing Soap Oprea style diary. Glad you are still cooking, and USPW is right up your ally. 

Fun Fan Signs:  "BUY MY SON RICH MONEY!"
"Nicky Champion > Clint Barton" 


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USPW Stars, Stripes And Slams
Saturday Week 4 January 2020

Tables Match
'The Dark Destroyer' Steve Frehley vs. Nicky 'Hawkeye' Champion
Comments: Could definitely see Champion winning to set him up as the next challenger for Rich Money after disrespecting fellow Native American Running Wolf

USPW World Tag Team Titles Match
Jett & Moor defend vs. Bad Intentions

The Triumverate vs. Melody, Sara Marie and 'Fearless' Faith McGee
Comments: Named team > non-named team (Ignore my selection above)

'The Talent' Trent Shaffer vs. Bulldozer Brandon Smith

Krusher Karloff and 'The Iron Lady' Jillian Jarvis vs. Turk Trenneman and Pariah
Comments: I think Pariah could be the difference maker here

USPW Women's Title Match
Jaime Quine defends vs. 'Miss Fit' Missy Masterson

USPW World Heavyweight Title Match
Rich Money defends vs. Running Wolf
Comments: Tying back to my first prediction, expecting Money to either cheat to win or some other underhand tactics to set up Champion vs Money

Comments On Diary/Other Comments: 

Fun Fan Signs: 

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On 1/30/2024 at 3:43 AM, Martel123 said:

Tables Match
'The Dark Destroyer' Steve Frehley vs. Nicky 'Hawkeye' Champion
Comments: Think with the main event, it makes sense that Nicky is set up as the next challenger.

USPW World Tag Team Titles Match
Jett & Moor defend vs. Bad Intentions
Comments: Gotta keep the prestige of the belts up. 

The Triumverate vs. Melody, Sara Marie and 'Fearless' Faith McGee

'The Talent' Trent Shaffer vs. Bulldozer Brandon Smith
Comments:  I'm the biggest Trent Shaffer stan on this forum, but I also think Bulldozer will be used more. 

Krusher Karloff and 'The Iron Lady' Jillian Jarvis vs. Turk Trenneman and Pariah
Comments: Gotta give Turk a win back. Plus Pariah is over. 

USPW Women's Title Match
Jaime Quine defends vs. 'Miss Fit' Missy Masterson
Comments:  Jaime Quine is peak, while I love what you're doing with Missy, she doesn't need the title for the gimmick as of now. 

USPW World Heavyweight Title Match
Rich Money defends vs. Running Wolf
Comments:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TeXatquVqAc


Comments On Diary/Other Comments:  From 2017 or 2018 you had a peak CGC diary I think. Made that an amazing Soap Oprea style diary. Glad you are still cooking, and USPW is right up your ally. 

Fun Fan Signs:  "BUY MY SON RICH MONEY!"
"Nicky Champion > Clint Barton" 


Hey Martel123,

Thanks for the predictions and comments.  I did once have a CGC diary back in the day.  Not sure if it was peak or not but I am thankful to have it remembered.  Glad you're enjoying the diary so far.  I like Trent Shaffer too, by the way.  I compare him to Shane Douglas in real life.

On 1/28/2024 at 2:25 PM, newbiezness said:

Petr Novak news were a let down, but it's great that you plan to continue that storyline when possible. I think it'll be worth the wait. I didn't see Petr Novak as a bad boy but he now has the potential to become one.


Tables Match
'The Dark Destroyer' Steve Frehley vs. Nicky 'Hawkeye' Champion
Comments: I don't think Nicky Champion needs this win.

USPW World Tag Team Titles Match
Jett & Moor defend vs. Bad Intentions
Comments: Easy.

The Triumverate vs. Melody, Sara Marie and 'Fearless' Faith McGee
Comments: I think it's time for the babyfaces to win.

'The Talent' Trent Shaffer vs. Bulldozer Brandon Smith
Comments: 50/50

Krusher Karloff and 'The Iron Lady' Jillian Jarvis vs. Turk Trenneman and Pariah
Comments: Interesting match, I think Karloff and Jarvis win to continue to gain momentum.

USPW Women's Title Match
Jaime Quine defends vs. 'Miss Fit' Missy Masterson
Comments: Missy Masterson is not the best choice to dethrone Jaime Quine IMO.

USPW World Heavyweight Title Match
Rich Money defends vs. Running Wolf
Comments: Probably using dirty tricks.

Comments On Diary/Other Comments: I liked last segment between Running Wolf and Rich Money.

Hey newbiezness,

Thanks for the comments and predictions!  I appreciate them all.  Glad you enjoyed the bribery segment between Wolf and Money.   It just seems like something Money would do to keep the title.  It's unfortunate that Novak suffered from the steroids.  But he'll be back in a month and hopefully get clean so the storyline can continue.


Thanks to everyone who has made predictions and comments.  I have read them all and I hope that Stars, Stripes And Slams comes out soon and that everyone enjoys the premium live event.

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Saturday Week 4 January 2020
USPW Stars, Stripes And Slams
Saturday Week 4 January 2020
Location: Mississippi Bowl (South East)
Attendance: 50,000
Overall Rating: 84
TV Viewers: 11,863,318


Match #1
Tables Match
Steve Frehley vs. Nicky Champion

USPW Stars, Stripes And Slams begins with the arrival of the Dark Destroyer Steve Frehley and Nicky Hawkeye Champion.  The fans are on their feet for this contest but they don't like the stipulation added to it.  Both men begin in the center of the ring exchanging punches before the action spills to the floor and the first table is brought out.  Frehley sets up the table and then lifts Champion on his shoulders but Champion drops down behind him and locks in a sleeper.  The sleeper is broken when Frehley charges the ring post, ducking free of the hold and sending Champion into the ring post.  When the action returns to the ring, tables are set up in opposite corners.  Frehley shows off his power when he locks Champion around the waist, stares at him and then throws him over in an overhead belly-to-belly suplex known as the Launch Pad Suplex.  The fans get behind Champion, though.  They fire up the Native American known as Hawkeye and he comes back with a Wolf Tamer on Frehley!  He hit the move of his best friend!  The cameras focus in on a sign that reads: 'Nicky Champion > Clint Barton!'  Champion picks up Frehley and sets him up in the corner on the table.  Champion charges in but Frehley moves at the last second.  Champion stops himself before he goes through the table but Frehley bounces off the ropes -- Dark Destroyer Spear through the table!  The Dark Destroyer picks up the win at 15:14!
Steve Frehley d. Nicky Champion =67



Hawkeye And Wolf
The match is over and Steve Frehley gets his hand raised but he's not finished.  He grabs one of the broken pieces of table and moves back over to Nicky Champion.  He looks to drive that piece of the table into the forehead of Champion but Champion blocks it at the last second.  Champion and Frehley struggle against each other but here comes Running Wolf!  Wolf slides in the ring and pulls Frehley back from Champion!  Wolf and Frehley begin to brawl in the center of the ring.  Frehley gets the advantage and lifts Wolf on his shoulders but Nicky Champion is on his feet!  Champion kicks Frehley in the gut, forcing him to drop Wolf.  Champion and Wolf work together, eventually clotheslining Frehley over the top rope to the floor.  Champion and Wolf hug it out in the center of the ring before we go backstage.  =81




Who's My Opponent
Backstage, Rick Law is watching the monitor.  He looks in the camera and says he's proud of the opening match here at Stars, Stripes And Slams.  He begins talking about the rest of the show, including the main event where Rich Money defends the USPW World Heavyweight title against Running Wolf.  He gets interrupted by Jack Jackson, who tells him 'Let me talk to you.'  Jackson says this can't be the best premium live event this year because he's not on the card.  He reminds Law that he is the fastest rising star in the business, YEAH!, and asks Law if he's decided who he's going to face this Wednesday.  Before Law can answer, USPW National Champion Roger Cage walks into the office.  Cage says he wants to prove he's a fighting champion and will take on Jackson this Wednesday, defending his title.  Law makes the match and a smiling Jackson calls Cage a dummy and says he's going to become the best National Champion this Wednesday night and that's not an insult.  That's a fact of life.  He says there can only be one winner this Wednesday and that winner is, with everybody saying, Jack Jackson!  YEAH!  Jackson smirks and Law sends us back to the ring.  =65


Match #2
USPW World Tag Team Titles Match
Jett & Moor defend vs. Bad Intentions

It's time for our second match of the night and the first title match as Jett & Moor defend the USPW World Tag Team titles against Bad Intentions of the Olympus Order.  The crowd is already very hot and seem to enjoy this tag team contest.  Highlights of the match include a brawl at the beginning where Bash Street and Siale Valhalla are sent out of the ring.  Jacob Jett hits them both with a diving somersault plancha, knocking them both down.  Back in the ring, Jett is the face-in-peril as he is kept in the corner of Street and Valhalla for the majority of the match.  Valhalla scores a near fall on Jett with the Powerslam.  The momentum turns when Jett manages to hit Valhalla with a Cleared For Take Off, a backflip kick.  As Jett and Valhalla are on the mat, a random sign shows up in the background that reads: 'CASEY WILL NEVER BE AS GOOD AS PETER!'  Jett crawls to the corner and makes the hot tag to Julius Moor!  The former defensive tackle comes in like a house on fire, taking down both Valhalla and Street.  All four men brawl in the ring, with Julius Moor finally hitting the Charging Tackle on Street!  Moor makes the cover: One...Two...Zeus pulls the referee out of the ring!  The referee looks at Zeus and then calls for the bell, disqualifying Bad Intentions!  Jett & Moor pick up the win at 7:58!
Jett & Moor d. Bad Intentions =62



The Olympus Order
Zeus slides in the ring and attacks the worn down Jacob Jett and Julius Moor.  He hits Jett with the Thunder Bolt, a sit-out powerbomb.  Zeus motions to both Bash Street and Siale Valahalla.  The 22 year old Street hits Julius Moor with the Crucifix Powerbomb in the center of the ring.  Valhalla picks up Jett and hits the Full Nelson Bomb.  Jett & Moor are laid out in the center of the ring together.  Zeus goes outside the ring and grabs the USPW World Tag Team title belts.  He slides back in and hands them to Street and Valhalla.  They hold the belts up to loud boos from this very hot crowd.  The belts are then laid over the broken bodies of Jett & Moor before The Olympus Order exit the ring and walk to the back.  =53


The Talent
As officials check on Jett & Moor, we are taken to a backstage interview with Trent Shaffer and Raven Robinson.  Shaffer looks in the camera and says that the fans need to understand that they are looking at The Talent.  They are looking at the man who redefined the game.  The man who beat Nicky Champion, pinned him in the middle of the ring.  Shaffer says that his talent has set the bar so high that everyone else is still trying to catch up.  Shaffer says that one man who cannot catch up is Bulldozer Brandon Smith.  Shaffer says that Smith is in for a world of hurt tonight because he is just a stepping stone to Shaffer becoming the World Champion.  Robinson just smiles in the background, agreeing with Shaffer occasionally.  Shaffer leans over and gives Robinson a kiss before he says that tonight he is going to remind everyone why he is the best in the business.  With that, we go back to the ring.  =75




Match #3
The Triumverate vs. Melody, Sara Marie and Faith McGee

Our first women's bout tonight as The Triumverate step in the ring against the team of Melody, Sara Marie and Faith McGee.  During this match, it is announced that our main event on Wednesday is going to be Melody taking on Alicia Strong one on one in a rare women's bout main event on American Wrestling.  The Mama Bear shows off her talent in this one when she hits Sara Marie with the Vertical Suplex Drop, scoring a near fall.  It has to be broken up by Melody.  Faith McGee gets a hot tag in the match and the high flyer picks up the pace.  King tags out to Alicia Strong and Professional Wrestling's Princess is taken down with a running cross body by McGee.  All six women get into the bout with referee Rob Perkins trying to get things separated.  With Perkins distracted, Strong manages to reach underneath the ring and pull out a lead pipe.  Strong strikes McGee in the gut with the lead pipe when she tries to leap off the top turnbuckle with her Flying Cross Body!  Strong strikes her in the back with the pipe before rolling it out of the ring.  Strong makes the cover, hooking the leg: One...Two...Three!  The Triumverate pick up the win at 9:38!
The Triumverate p. Melody, Sara Marie and Faith McGee =68



Brock Cornish lets us know that we need to immediately go backstage.  The first sight we see backstage is Maryam Vega.  She is cackling and yelling at Kirk Jameson, who is attacking Enygma.  The Marksman locks Enygma in the elevated leg lock known as the Kirk-Hold.  Enygma yells out in pain but this isn't a match, after all.  Jameson yells at Enygma that he's going to be known as the man who ended Enygma's career.  Jameson releases the hold and stomps on the knees of Enygma.  Officials step in to break things up, pulling Jameson back.  Jameson breaks free and gives a knee drop to the back of Enygma's knee before stepping back and walking away.  EMTs are called in for Enygma and we go to a video.  =56


The Talent Versus The Bulldozer
This video features the history between Trent Shaffer and Bulldozer Brandon Smith.  The two of them brawling during a six man tag team match at Week 2 is shown.  Shaffer is also shown attacking Smith backstage with a chair following a distraction from Raven Robinson.  Smith is shown hitting Shaffer with the Tombstone Piledriver following the six man tag team bout.  In week 3, Shaffer, once again, attacks Smith with a chair.  Neither man will have a chair tonight, though, and this anticipated bout is coming up right now!  =65


Match #4
Trent Shaffer (w/Raven Robinson) vs. Bulldozer Brandon Smith

We've reached the halfway point here at Stars, Stripes And Slams as The Talent takes on The Bulldozer.  The 34 year old Talent and the 37 year old Bulldozer are both looking to make their mark here in this company and secure a future World Heavyweight title match.  It's not a surprise that this match is moreso a brawl than anything else.  Smith has control in the early going as the cameras focus on a sign that reads: 'Time for a Bulldozing!'  Smith points to the sign and then goes for an early Backdrop Driver but Shaffer shows off some high flying ability by flipping and landing on his feet.  Smith turns and downs Shaffer with a lariat.  A little distraction from Raven Robinson leads to Shaffer getting the advantage.  Shaffer heads out to the apron and hits Smith a sling-shot hurricanrana!  Despite a few comebacks by Smith, Shaffer stays in control for the majority of the match.  the ending comes when Shaffer strikes Smith with the Heart Burn, his version of a Lung Blower.  Shaffer makes the cover: One...Two...Three!  Trent Shaffer picks up the win at 14:56!
Trent Shaffer p. Bulldozer Brandon Smith =82


Hungry Like The Wolf
We go to the backstage interview area where Running Wolf is standing by.  Wolf says that tonight he stands by not just as a man but as a proud warrior.  He says he is the embodiment of strength and resilience.  He says that Rich Money might have all the money in the world but there's one thing that money cannot buy and that is the spirit of the wolf, the spirit of a true warrior.  He tells Money that he thinks he can buy a victory tonight but Wolf is not about the money.  He says that he is here to become the next Native American to be the World Heavyweight Champion.  Wolf says that the spirits of his ancestors runs through his veins and they are guiding him to a victory over the greedy Rich Money and his Business.  He tells Money to be ready tonight because there are some battles that money cannot win.  Wolf poses and then is attacked from the side.


The Enforcer of The Business, Dusty Ducont, is shown attacking Running Wolf from the side.  Ducont catches Wolf with a body slam as he is directed by Elizabeth Cartier.  On commentary, Brock Cornish calls foul for this attack but Emily McQueen says it's smart to gain the advantage for the match later on tonight.  Ducont continues the attack, ending with a Thrown Powerbomb through a table.  Ducont stomps on Wolf as security and officials rush in to break things up.  Rick Law shows up along with these officials and kicks Ducont and Cartier from the building.  Law checks on Wolf as Cartier escorts Ducont from the building with security members surrounding them.  Belle Bryden questions whether Running Wolf will be able to participate in the main event tonight.  With that, we go back to the ring.  =73


Match #5
Krusher Karloff and Jillian Jarvis vs. Turk Trenneman and Pariah

A mixed tag team match is next as one half of the Cold Warriors Krusher Karloff teams with Jillian Jarvis against Turk Trenneman of The Texas Express and Pariah.  Brock Cornish lets us know that this was scheduled to be a six person match but Petr Novak was suspended and so it became a tag team encounter instead with The Texas Express choosing Trenneman to represent them.  The rule is that only the men can fight the men and the women can fight the women.  Karloff was really off his game in this contest and it became more a battle between the two women in the ring.  Jillian Jarvis was in control for most of the contest throughout the middle part, keeping Pariah down.  A USA chant filled the crowd as they tried to get Pariah to make that hot tag.  Pariah managed to block a Tornado Elbow Smash attempt and took down Jarvis with a clothesline.  The hot tag was made as in came Trenneman and Karloff.  Trenneman immediately attacked Karloff with clotheslines and a powerslam for a two count.  Trenneman gets the crowd behind him, getting that USA chant even louder.  Trenneman sends Karloff to the ropes and catches him with a Spinebuster, slamming Karloff to the mat.  Trenneman makes the cover as Pariah comes in and knocks Jarvis off the apron: One...Two...Three!  Turk Trenneman and Pariah pick up the win at 10:21!
Turk Trenneman and Pariah p. Krusher Karloff and Jillian Jarvis =63


Facing An Uggo
We go from the ring to the backstage interview area where the USPW Women's Champion Jaime Quine is standing by.  Quine talks about her opponent tonight being an uggo and that is why Missy Masterson has to do all this cosplay stuff.  She is trying to hide her ugly looks.  But Quine promises that she will do her best to hide Masterson's ugly looks with the paper bag tonight and the K.O. Kick that knocks Masterson out.  Quine promises that she will walk into American Wrestling on Wednesday still holding the USPW Women's title belt.  Quine says that this is Jaime Time and she will be victorious.  Toodles!  She smiles and walks away, grabbing her cell phone and working on it as she heads toward the ring.  =66


Beauty Versus The Cosplay
We are taken to a video that shows highlights of the battles between Jaime Quine and Missy Masterson.  At the beginning of the month, Missy Masterson interrupted Jaime Quine on Belle Bryden's Beauty Shop.  Masterson was dressed as Harley Quinn and ended up attacking Quine and knocking her out of the ring.  In a tag match the next week, Masterson pinned Quine with the Identity Crisis.  The upcoming match was announced for Stars, Stripes And Slams.  This past Wednesday, Masterson cosplayed as Darth Vader as she hyped the match with Jaime Quine.  Who will Masterson dress up as tonight?  We'll find out right now!  =54


Match #6
USPW Women's Title Match
Jaime Quine defends vs. Missy Masterson

Jaime Quine made her entrance first, doing a few selfies on the way to the ring.  She climbed on the apron and bent over, pointing to her bum and having the camera focus in before she stepped into the ring.  Then, 'Real American' began to play and we have Missy Masterson cosplaying as Hulk Hogan from the popular video game TEW 2020.  He is from the Flairverse.  Masterson charges down to the ring and cups her ear, drawing in cheers from the crowd.  Masterson poses in the ring before the bell, tearing off a Mastersonmania shirt to reveal the red and yellow top underneath.  The match itself is fairly good and has Jaime Quine in control of the match throughout most of the contest.  Quine works down Masterson as a 'Missy' chant breaks out through the crowd.  Quine, the all arounder, hits a bicycle kick on Masterson and makes a cover: One...Two...Big Kickout!  Missy Masterson shakes her head and stares at Quine up on her knees.  Masterson absorbs punches and gets to her feet before pointing at Quine.  Masterson blocks a few punches and fires back with three of her own before sending Quine to the ropes.  Masterson goes for a big boot but Quine ducks.  Quine comes back with a spear on Masterson, stopping the Missy Up.  Quine rolls Masterson up and places her feet on the ropes for leverage: One...Two...Three!  Jaime Quine successfully defends the USPW Women's title at 11:49!
Jaime Quine p. Missy Masterson =72


Business Is Closed
We go to the interview area one more time where we see the USPW World Champion Rich Money.  Money says that he is here tonight to give the USPW Universe a reality check.  He says that he is known for his wealth and power and his ability to buy anything and anyone he pleases but he must make the announcement tonight that he is closing down The Business.  He says that it has not paid off the way that he expected and even the wealthy sometimes have to cut their losses.  He asks why he would waste his hard-earned cash on something that's not delivering the returns he deserves.  He says, however, that he will still be keeping his Enforcer Dusty Ducont and Elizabeth Cartier on his payroll because they have obviously paid off.  Speaking of paying, now comes Running Wolf.  He reminds Wolf of his offer of $50,000 to lay down for him, rather than suffering pain before the loss.  He calls himself merciful by making this offer.  He says that Wolf has been living in a fairy tale if he thinks that he can beat Rich Money.  He tells Wolf to get ready for a reality check because he is about to bankrupt Wolf's dreams.  Why?  Because everybody's got a price for Rich Money.  Money laughs and we go to a video.  =72


Money Versus Wolf
This video features the past between Rich Money and Running Wolf.  The feud began in November 2019 and hit a high point at Made In America when Wolf teamed with Nicky Champion to beat Money and Steve Frehley to earn Wolf a title match.  Wolf was attacked by The Business to begin American Wrestling in 2020.  He remained standing and it was announced by new authority figure, Rick Law, that The Business would be banned from ringside during this match at Stars, Stripes and Slams.  This past Wednesday Wolf pinned Dusty Ducont and was then offered $50,000 from Rich Money to lay down and let Money pin him.  Will Wolf lay down?  We'll find out right now.  =69


Match #7
USPW World Title Match
Rich Money defends vs. Running Wolf

Both Rich Money and Running Wolf come out alone.  Money has the briefcase with the $50,000 in it, holding it up to Wolf and telling him to lay down.  When the bell sounds, Money makes the offer one more time and Wolf seems to think about it before laying on his back.  Money laughs and smiles before laying on his back over Wolf's chest: One...Two...Wolf pulls Money into a crucifix style pin: One...Two...Kickout!  Running Wolf very nearly scored a quick pinfall!  Both men get to their feet and an angry Money charges Wolf, being taken down with an arm drag by Wolf.  Wolf hits a second arm drag and then a dropkick that sends Money rolling out of the ring.  Money throws up his hands and tries to exit and take a count out but Wolf rolls out and grabs him.  When they get back to ringside, Money runs Wolf into the ring post.  Money points and laughs at a sign that reads: 'BUY MY SON RICH MONEY!' and then brings the action back inside the ring.  Within a few minutes, Money would hit the Bank Roll, a side belly-to-belly suplex with a nice snap.  He makes the cover: One...Two...Kickout!  The crowd cheers the kickout!  Money argues with referee Robbie Sanchez and gets rolled up by Wolf: One...Two...Kickout!  Money goes right back to work on Wolf, wearing down an already hurt wrestler who was put through a table earlier in the night.  Money strikes with the Money Shaker, a vicious European uppercut on Wolf, knocking him down to the mat.  Money heads to the top turnbuckle and leaps with the Dollars From Heaven but Wolf avoids the frog splash!  Money crashes and burns, leaving both men down on the mat.

Both Rich Money and Running Wolf beat the ten count and meet in the center of the ring, exchanging punches.  Wolf knocks Money back in the corner before setting up on the top turnbuckle.  Wolf climbs up and hooks Money, dropping him with a Superplex!  Wolf floats over to make the cover: One...Two...Shoulder Up!  Somehow, Rich Money got that shoulder off the mat!  Wolf continues to fight as both men are worn down.  Wolf manages to get Money up on his shoulders but Money wiggles free and shoves Wolf face-first into the corner before grabbing him and hitting a backdrop driver.  Money slowly rolls out of the ring and walks over, grabbing the USPW World title belt!  Money holds the belt close to his chest, walking back to the ring and sliding inside.  Wolf uses the ropes to slowly get to his feet.  He turns toward Money and Money smashes him in the head with the title belt!  The smash is right in front of the referee so Robbie Sanchez has no choice but to call for the bell.  Running Wolf will win at 15:07 but won't win the title.
Running Wolf d. Rich Money =82



Championship Save
The match is over and Rich Money is still the USPW World Champion!  Money scares the referee out of the ring before attacking Running Wolf.  He drops down to his knees and begins throwing punches and then a headbutt to Wolf.  Money drops the belt to the mat and then climbs up, heading to the top turnbuckle.  He leaps and connects with the Dollars From Heaven on Wolf!  As Wolf is down, here comes Nicky Champion!  Champion slides into the ring and goes after Rich Money.  The two men exchange punches in the center of the ring before Champion gives a kick to the gut.  He hits Money with the Hawkeye Hammer, a double underhook facebuster!  He shoves Money out of the ring and checks on Wolf.  He helps Running Wolf to his feet and the two men hug it out to close the show.  Champion raises Wolf's arm in the center of the ring.  Running Wolf has defeated Rich Money, but he is not the USPW World Champion.  Brock Cornish reminds everyone to tune in this Wednesday for American Wrestling.  We'll see you there!  The credits show up to end the show.  =99







'You are beautiful on the inside
You are innocence personified
And I will drag you down and sell you out
Run away'


The crowd is in absolute shock as Jack Bruce walks out from the back!  Bruce stands at the top of the ramp absorbing in the sounds of the crowd as they cheer his arrival.  'Judas' continues to play in the background as Bruce stands there.  Bruce moves to the guardrail and hugs some of the fans.  He gives others some high fives.  The commentary team is completely silent as Jack Bruce raises an arm up high in the air.  Bruce leaps the guardrail and moves through the crowd, high fiving and shaking hands and hugging the fans as the show does come to an end.  We'll see you this Wednesday!  =65

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Why did Steve Frehley vs Nicky Champion have such a low rating? Was it just because of the tables stipulation? 

The Main Event was very good, I specially liked how Running Wolf behaved to start the match. I'm not enough familiar with Jack Bruce's story to know if I'm missing something or not. Should we know by this point why is he using Judas? I know he left USPW but I don't know if there was a betrayal or it was in good terms. Is it just to let us know he comes back as a heel?

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9 minutes ago, newbiezness said:

Why did Steve Frehley vs Nicky Champion have such a low rating? Was it just because of the tables stipulation? 

The Main Event was very good, I specially liked how Running Wolf behaved to start the match. I'm not enough familiar with Jack Bruce's story to know if I'm missing something or not. Should we know by this point why is he using Judas? I know he left USPW but I don't know if there was a betrayal or it was in good terms. Is it just to let us know he comes back as a heel?

Hey newbiezness,

The Frehley/Champion match did have such a low rating because of the tables stipulation.  Champion was, also, really off his game in this match.  So, neither of those two helped.

Glad you enjoyed the main event, especially the beginning.  Wolf nearly took the title by tricking Money into thinking he would take the money.  Hope you like the new picture for him, too.  I saw King Bison make that one and I couldn't resist using that for him.

As far as Jack Bruce goes, he never left USPW.  He was never a part of this company.  He worked for NYCW, TCW and SWF.  So, it's a bit of a betrayal to SWF for him to show up in USPW, especially since he worked for SWF for 15 years before retiring,.

On 2/5/2024 at 1:40 PM, wyldekr said:

Not sure what pops me more, Jack Bruce debuting or the fact he comes out to Judas!

Hey wyldekr,

I am glad that the Jack Bruce debut popped you.  I did a lot of thinking about the CM Punk return at Survivor Series last year.  I modeled it after that.  I've always thought of Jack Bruce as being like Chris Jericho in real life.  That's the real reason for my choosing Judas as his USPW entrance music.

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44 minutes ago, angeldelayette said:

Hey newbiezness,

The Frehley/Champion match did have such a low rating because of the tables stipulation.  Champion was, also, really off his game in this match.  So, neither of those two helped.

Glad you enjoyed the main event, especially the beginning.  Wolf nearly took the title by tricking Money into thinking he would take the money.  Hope you like the new picture for him, too.  I saw King Bison make that one and I couldn't resist using that for him.

As far as Jack Bruce goes, he never left USPW.  He was never a part of this company.  He worked for NYCW, TCW and SWF.  So, it's a bit of a betrayal to SWF for him to show up in USPW, especially since he worked for SWF for 15 years before retiring,.

I know Jack Bruce is a SWF hall of famer but I thought he worked for USPW, not TCW. It makes sense since USPW was the third company at the time. If he makes this Judas entrance in reference to betraying SWF then it's well deserved :classic_laugh:

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