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CGC: Dawn of DeColt Country [CVerse 1997]

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21 hours ago, sonny912 said:

Good to have you back. Are you gonna give a name to the trio of Zimmerman, psycho and Loring? They seem like a good stable right now and all without the need for a manager.

I had a name in mind, but I think I might keep it for my next project.

I like how the group has come together. I think a manager could hurt their gimmick... but talking is a definite weakness. I just looked at their stats without scouting on for the first time, and Wolfgang is the best on the microphone with a 47. 


15 hours ago, sonny912 said:

It's ending!? Why!?

I went into it before, but the goal of this project was to just be a snapshot of what I think CGC was at this time in history. Never a project that spanned years. I was fairly convinced it was only going to go three months. I've got far further than I ever planned... and maybe considering how view counts and engagement have dropped off, perhaps I've gone further than I should have. 

I'm also excited to really get deep into a game of TEW IX. Creatively, not just math and trying to break the system. I want to try some of the modern companies and see if anything connects with me. I've decided I'll be trying CWA once I'm done with this. A private game at first, but maybe a diary if it goes well enough. They have a LOT of characters I've written before in new scenarios (DeColts, Edd Stone, Christian Price...) but there's also a aura of blandness and lack of cartoon nonsense I might struggle with. Is that going to be a fun struggle? Or an impossible hurdle? Would SWF fit better? Time will tell, but I can't really get started until I put this project to bed. 

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3 hours ago, Self said:

I had a name in mind, but I think I might keep it for my next project.

I like how the group has come together. I think a manager could hurt their gimmick... but talking is a definite weakness. I just looked at their stats without scouting on for the first time, and Wolfgang is the best on the microphone with a 47. 


I went into it before, but the goal of this project was to just be a snapshot of what I think CGC was at this time in history. Never a project that spanned years. I was fairly convinced it was only going to go three months. I've got far further than I ever planned... and maybe considering how view counts and engagement have dropped off, perhaps I've gone further than I should have. 

I'm also excited to really get deep into a game of TEW IX. Creatively, not just math and trying to break the system. I want to try some of the modern companies and see if anything connects with me. I've decided I'll be trying CWA once I'm done with this. A private game at first, but maybe a diary if it goes well enough. They have a LOT of characters I've written before in new scenarios (DeColts, Edd Stone, Christian Price...) but there's also a aura of blandness and lack of cartoon nonsense I might struggle with. Is that going to be a fun struggle? Or an impossible hurdle? Would SWF fit better? Time will tell, but I can't really get started until I put this project to bed. 

Ooh, sound pretty good. I was gonna suggest you could do a cverse77 diary with the original cwf.

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Jerome Turner "A change to tonight's Title Bout! Last night the CGC Matchmaking Committee held an emergency vote and have now added Katsu Curry Ciabatta into the mix, turning it into a Triple Threat for the Bubbleweight Title. Reportedly this is for Helen's protection, as her kidnapper is still out there, but if you ask me this is a strange decision by the Committee. And not the first in recent weeks." 




STEVE DECOLT is already in the ring, microphone in hand. 

The Last Man Standing Rumble is only 5 days away, and Stunning
 Steve is in it to win it. I don't care about the $300k. I only care
about getting the sweet, sweet, CGC World Title belt back around
 my sweet, sweet waist, and the Last Man Standing Rumble is my 
ticket to another shot. Doesn't matter whether I'm coming in first, 
or coming in last, I'm coming in hot and heavy and ready to-



You don't care about $300,000? Of course you don't. Born with a silver
spoon in your mouth. Your Daddy provided everything you could 
ever want, You've never had to fight off of the bar room floor to make
 your name. You've never fought knowing that if you don't win, you 
don't eat tonight. 

You don't want the money? Well we do. And we're not going to sit 
back and let idiot fan voting decide our chances. Doesn't take a genius 
to see you're going to be one of the final entrants. Probably a good 
idea to save some time and take you out right now. 

Your little gang doesn't scare me, Little Italy. Right now you're a united front, 
but I know men like you. In the heat of the battle, with all that money on 
the line, you'll turn on each other. Only question is which one will do
 it first. What about the big man? You really need these two? 
Can't do it alone? 

Wolfgang just glares, as Rocky and Tavare start to surround... 


Here comes ALEX DECOLT and JACK DECOLT to join their brother and square off against the treacherous trio!

You've got friends. I've got family. Blood is thicker than beer and 
water. While you three are stabbing each other in the back, my 
brothers will be helping me win the Last Man Standing Rumble. 
Because this isn't some back alley bar fight. This! Is!-

Actually... Look, Steve, I'm happy to help you when you're facing 
a 3-on-1 beatdown from these meanies, but how can I be the best 
DeColt I can be if I don't try my very hardest, no matter the opponent? 
I'm going to the Last Man Standing Rumble, and I'm going to try to
 win it for myself. 

And I've got student loans, man. I could really use that $300,000.
 I didn't spend all those nights counting votes just to give you 
get the win. 

Maybe we're worried about the wrong DeColt. The kid seems
 motivated. And Poindexter's probably been slipping himself
 extra votes this whole time. 

Maybe we should take out all three, just to be on the safe side. 

Maybe you're the ones who need to be taken out, to stop you from
attacking anyone else like a bunch of EuroTrash cowards. 


MELISSA MONROE is positively beaming at what she sees in the ring. 

What a wonderful idea, darlings. I must say I am thrilled to see
 so many of you getting into the spirit of the Last Man Standing 
Rumble. Such passion. Such fire. I for one would love to see 
all six of you strapping, muscular young men in action tonight. 
Don't worry about clearing it with the rest of the Committee,
 I've already spoken to one who agrees with everything I have
 to say. Let's see who should truly be feared in the Last Man 
Standing Rumble, with a big Six-Man Tag Team match, right 
here tonight.


/w Dan DaLay ERIC TYLER VS FATE /w Chance

Jerome Turner "The Soldiers of Fortune have foiled Tyler's plan to win the tag team titles... by winning the belts first."

Fate continues to foil Tyler's plans, blocking every attempted eye poke and lacking the hair for pulling. It takes some oversized interference from DaLay for Tyler to finally be able to teach his ex-employee independant contractor a lesson, but the curriculum mostly involves trying for a count out victory. DaLay tries to get involved more, but suffers a Chance encounter, and Tyler can't escape his Fate. Big punches! Big slam! Spinebuster! 1... 2... Tyler kicks out, but he won't tempt Fate any longer.


JOHN McCLEAN, RASH REILLY and FRANKIE FLAME run down to ringside and start attacking Chance. Security and the Referee try to break it up, which lets DaLay get in the ring and hit Fate with a Big Boot! 1... 2... 3! 





It's hard being a parent, making sure the next generation learns
 the harsh truths of the world. Last week, I sat my daughter down
 and explained to her exactly why I did what I did to Ted Moore... 
How about you, Moose? Did you explain to your sidekick why he
 had to suffer? Did you admit that it was all your fault? You pushed
 me, Moose. You tried to show me up. But all you are is a dumb 
animal, who hasn't realised he's wandered onto the train tracks.
 You're trying to make yourself look big, to intimidate what's 
coming towards you... but I'm not an animal. I'm a Runaway 
Train. And you have no idea how out of your league you are. 
At Last Man Standing, I'm running you down. 




JULIE FORLETTA interviews BLACK SHEEP, who is preparing for his match by smoking a cigarette in front of a No Smoking sign. 

Congratulations, Black Sheep. You have been cleared of all 
charges relating to Helen Wheels' kidnapping. If you were 
innocent all this time, why didn't you say anything? 

Only narcs talk to cops. 

Well it all worked out and you've been rewarded with a title 
shot tonight. What do you make of the CGC Matchmaking
 Committee adding Katsu Curry Ciabatta to the match?

Don't worry about it. 



Jerome Turner "I understand wanting to protect Helen from outside forces, but why did the Committee put Katsu in the match?"

Indeed, LAND MASS and MAMMOTH are stationed just outside the ring, keeping a watchful eye on things. Within the match, Katsu tries to protect the Champion, but Black Sheep repeatedly dodges his attempts and gets to her. First to pat her on the head. Then to pat her on the bum. Furious, Katsu chases him around, through, and under the ring, but Black Sheep loses him with a Left Turn at Albuquerque and gives Helen a big, unwanted kiss! 

He pays for that. Helen and Katsu beat him down, serving up cauliflower ears, knuckle sandwiches, and chopping Black Sheep's chest into mincemeat. The Sheep keeps kicking out of Helen's pin attempts, so Katsu gets the hot sauce, but Black Sheep ducks and Helen gets it right in the eyes! She's blind! Black Sheep gets revenge on the Chef with eye pokes and mutton chops, before playing Marco Polo with Helen, tricking her into hitting Land Mass, Mammoth, and even the referee in blind anger. Katsu tries to help her, but she kicks him in the balls and hits a Fisherman Suplex! Black Sheep fast-counts the three and raises a celebrating Helen's hand. Wait. Why isn't her music playing? The referee bursts her bubble, and Black Sheep rolls her up with his feet on the ropes for the 1... 2... 3.





You think you're a big man, Barry Bowen??? You think you're a
 tough guy beating up Ted like that??? Before, I was just going 
to knock you out and take your belt. Now, I'm going to hit you 
harder than I've ever hit anything in my life. At Last Man Standing 
I'm going to destroy you. And maybe when I'm finished, I'll sit 
your daughter down and explain to her exactly what kind of a man 
you really are... although I get the feeling she already knows. 





Jerome Turner "Rocky Psycho has assembled quite the force to be reckoned with, but how will they fare against the sons of Gorgeous George DeColt?"

The DeColts take it in turns to show off how easily they can throw Rocky Psycho over the top rope and out to the floor. Steve uses raw power. Jack levers him out using amatuer wrestling techniques. Alex smartly uses the Italian's own temper against him, provoking before dodging at the correct moment. It's friendly competition between brothers... mostly.

Tavare steps in before Rocky can snap, and the treacherous trio decide which brother to isolate and soften up before the Rumble. They choose Alex, and Wolfgang overwhelms the TV Champion with M.U.S.C.L.E. Steve looks insulted that he's not considered the biggest threat. As much as Alex would love to trade places, he's stuck between an angry rock and two brutally violent places. However, as the match goes on cracks begin to form. They're not a perfectly well-oiled machine. Wolfgang's showing off, and Rocky keeps tagging himself in. Tavare tries to stop the arguments and Alex smartly takes the opportunity to tag in Steve. Powerful Punches! Luscious Lariat! Sexy Slam! He gets blindsided by Rocky, but here comes Jack with Shoulder Tackles and Suplexes. 

Tavare throws Jack out of the ring! Alex throws out Tavare! Wolfgang throws out Alex! Steve charges the big man and they both go barreling over the top rope to the outside, where Rocky dives on the pile! Everyone's down! 


Just as it's getting good, the School of Tradition take the opportunity to run down and attack everyone.

NO CONTEST (14:32)

The School beat the hell out of the two teams...


EDDIE CHANDLER, JOHNNY MAVERICK and the SOLDIERS OF FORTUNE come to the rescue! The action spills into the ring in a massive 14-man brawl. 


Tavare Loring tries to get away, but here's HOWLING DOG to stop him! He's looking for revenge!



The entire roster spills into the ring in a massive brawl. Finally, in comes MOOSE MULDER! He lays out Frankie Flame with a Moose Punch! He lays out BOB CASEY with a Moose Punch! He-

Jerome Turner "We've lost control of this one, folks. This Friday Night! Last Man Standing Rumble! $300,000 on the line! It's going to be chaos!"


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  • DeColts Stand Off with Trio   61
  • Barry Bowen Promo   64
  • Black Sheep Interview   37
  • Moose Mulder Promo   46
  • Big Brawl   50

Normally, I wouldn't have put Rocky's team against the DeColts just yet, but with the project coming to an end, when else would I get the chance? I think there's an interesting hook there. The DeColts are clean cut youngsters, heroic but undeniably privileged by nepotism and genetics. Rocky, Wolfgang and Tavare are grown adults, closer to the end than the beginning. Hungry and angry. Jerks, but ones who have had a rougher path in life.  

A problem I've had writing the DeColts these days is that my attitude towards nepotism has changed. I related to the DeColts, back when  wrote my first CGC project. I was around my family a lot, working for my parent's business, living in my brother's spare room. Now? I have my own house, my own family, and I barely see my parents or brothers. I find it a lot harder to see the sons of famous people as heroes. I respect the people who fought their way up without those lofty connections. A long term storyline between these two groups might have explored that a little. Or maybe it's best explored elsewhere, with a different babyface/heel dynamic. 

I also rushed to Black Sheep's title win, but it was a match I wanted to write before finishing up. I'm a little disappointed not to get to write more matches between him and Katsu Curry Ciabatta. The comedy nonsense is my favourite stuff to write, and an Insane Chef seems like a perfect foil for a Sheep. 


Next time, it's Last Man Standing and it's a two match show. One of the drawbacks to an end date is that I no longer have to build challengers for future Title Bouts, which is how my undercards are born. I might add another match. I haven't decided. Whatever tickles my fancy in the next few days. 

The $300,000 Last Man Standing Rumble
CGC World Title Match: Moose Mulder vs Barry Bowen

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The $300,000 Last Man Standing Rumble Steve DeColt
CGC World Title Match: Moose Mulder vs Barry Bowen


The final show is coming up and I am excited to see how the show turns out.  It has been an exciting ride and while I am sad to see this journey into CGC end, I am glad that existed in the first place.  If and when you decide to make another diary, I will be sure to follow and read for another great story.

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18 hours ago, GOLD NECKLACE said:

This continues to be the best thing on the boards currently.


I'm excited for the final show and really geeked to see what comes next for the author. Much respect.



Apparently he reconsidered his stance on cwa and decided his next diary based on that. good for him cause if he hadn't I would've suggested he do a diary using the cverse77 mod about the original Canadian wrestling federation when George decolt and whipped marks were in their primes.

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1 hour ago, sonny912 said:

Apparently he reconsidered his stance on cwa and decided his next diary based on that. good for him cause if he hadn't I would've suggested he do a diary using the cverse77 mod about the original Canadian wrestling federation when George decolt and whipped marks were in their primes.

Not quite. I'm going to play a game as CWA, and if that goes well, I might write a diary with them. There are a lot of positives, but also some negatives to that promotion. Until I get deep into a real game with them I'm not going to know if there are stories I want to tell. It took three separate games over several years with CGC in this 1997 mod before I sat down to write this project. 

As for CWF, that's definitely a private game I want to try in the future (has the mod been updated for TEWIX?) but I'm not particularly well-versed in 70's wrestling. I grew up in the 90's. I know what 1997 wrestling looks like without any research, but the 70's are fairly foreign to me. I also think if I went for territory wrestling I'd want to book a smaller territory. Geographically. What I love about that era is the nuts and bolts of live event loops. The travel. The business side. Less so stories. I admit it was fun thinking about who George and Whipper (and Melissa and Frenchie and Jean-Pierre Baptiste) were back in those days. I do think the Frenchmen were less wacky than I presented them here. They're like Hacksaw Jim Duggan. A cartoon in the 90's, but a rugged bad ass and serious threat in his heyday. 

Speaking of, there's another part of me that wants to go full comedy, with more of a focus on goofy characters like Black Sheep and Katsu Curry Ciabatta and less of the traditional main event stuff. At some point I need to play a game as ZEN to see if I'd enjoy that vibe for more than a few weeks. 

Really, I'm just going to play TEWIX for a while, and strike when the time is right. Hopefully before TEW 10 is in development. 

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5 hours ago, Self said:

Not quite. I'm going to play a game as CWA, and if that goes well, I might write a diary with them. There are a lot of positives, but also some negatives to that promotion. Until I get deep into a real game with them I'm not going to know if there are stories I want to tell. It took three separate games over several years with CGC in this 1997 mod before I sat down to write this project. 

As for CWF, that's definitely a private game I want to try in the future (has the mod been updated for TEWIX?) but I'm not particularly well-versed in 70's wrestling. I grew up in the 90's. I know what 1997 wrestling looks like without any research, but the 70's are fairly foreign to me. I also think if I went for territory wrestling I'd want to book a smaller territory. Geographically. What I love about that era is the nuts and bolts of live event loops. The travel. The business side. Less so stories. I admit it was fun thinking about who George and Whipper (and Melissa and Frenchie and Jean-Pierre Baptiste) were back in those days. I do think the Frenchmen were less wacky than I presented them here. They're like Hacksaw Jim Duggan. A cartoon in the 90's, but a rugged bad ass and serious threat in his heyday. 

Speaking of, there's another part of me that wants to go full comedy, with more of a focus on goofy characters like Black Sheep and Katsu Curry Ciabatta and less of the traditional main event stuff. At some point I need to play a game as ZEN to see if I'd enjoy that vibe for more than a few weeks. 

Really, I'm just going to play TEWIX for a while, and strike when the time is right. Hopefully before TEW 10 is in development. 

A Self ZEN diary sounds spectacular. Have you played with them at all before? I know you are somewhat familiar with how good the Aussie scene is, but I would love to see what you would come up with.


The $300,000 Last Man Standing Rumble Jack DeColt
CGC World Title Match: Moose Mulder vs Barry Bowen

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If I have, it was short and unmemorable. My Australian experience has been mostly bottom of the barrel indies and a bit of RAW. 

Format would be something to get my head around. My best projects are weekly television, and I don't believe ZEN are quite there yet. 

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ZEN is at a stage that I think if you kept travel & production costs reasonable you could possibly do two shows a month. It’s not *great* at emulating a weekly product but it makes it closer. I could give you the logo I made for a smaller non-Way of the [x] type show if you want it.

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Sometimes, there's a match too big for a single episode of Title Bout
 Wrestling. Sometimes there's a prize so grand that everyone
 wants a piece of it, no matter the cost. Welcome to a special CGC 
presentation, live on GNS. It's the Last Man Standing Rumble, with
 $300,000 on the line, and Stunning Steve is in it to win it. 


I don't know who the Soldiers of Fortune's new benefactor is, but they're 
not going to stop me from winning the Last Man Standing Rumble. My 
students are ready. They've done their homework on all of the other 
fighters. I'm winning that $300,000 and finding out who's paying off
 Chance and Fate once and for all.  


Oh boy oh boy oh boy oh boy I've been waiting for this night for what 
feels like forever. This is my chance to win the Last Man Standing Rumble. 
This is my chance to be the best DeColt I can be. All I have to do is 
outlast 29 other men... including my brothers... I can't wait!


Everyone wants to be the hero. Everyone wants to be the big winner. 
Campione supremo. The Last Man Standing. Sciocchi

You're not looking at the Last Man Standing. You're looking at the Last
 Men Standing. $300,000 split three ways? We've done worse for less. 

Teamwork is the name of the game, and when we all get in the ring
 together, we're going to be unstoppable. 


Thirty men are entering the Last Man Standing Rumble, but I've done 
something no one else has; I counted the votes. I know the entry order. 
So I've been able to plan and strategize in ways no one else can. Call
 it an unfair advantage if you want, but after sifting through thousands
 of votes over dozens of sleepless nights, it's one I'm more than willing
 to take. 


Jerome Turner "They failed to make it into the Last Man Standing Rumble, but there's still plenty to fight for in the Bubbleweight division."

Mario moves in mysterious ways, but can't say no to a home cooked meal. Knuckle sandwiches. Cauliflower ears. Delicious. Katsu struggles to fire up the oven for a 450 degree splash, so Mario shows him how it's done. Frankensteiner! Shooting Star Press! 1... 2... Helen Wheels puts her Chef's foot on the ropes. Mario argues with her, but that just gives Katsu the opportunity to serve up a big Flapjack and hit the Taste Test (Curb Stomp into plate of Mystery Meat) for the win.


Helen gets in Mario's face. 

It wasn't Black Sheep, so one of you little twerps
must have kidnapped me. I want to know who!


Suddenly, two MASKED MEN pull Helen out of the ring and try to run off with her. Security rush in to help, which allows Helen to kick herself free. Helen and Katsu runs away as the Masked Men retreat through the crowd. 


Jerome Turner "Moose Mulder knocked the Champion out before. Can he do it again?"

Bowen laughs as Mulder is unable to knock him down with a shoulder tackles... but flees outside as soon as the challenger rears back for the Moose Punch. Who's laughing now? Every time Bowen switches gears to try to gather some momentum, the threat of a Moose Punch (either real or imaginary) grinds him to a halt and gets Mulder back in control. They brawl inside and outside of the ring... until a wild swing is ducked and Mulder's hand smashes into the ring post.

Bowen switches tracks, zeroing in on the hand. Stomping. Biting. No longer afraid, he starts gathering momentum with every twist of the fingers and devastating charge into the turnbuckles. Mulder fights back with some burly brawling, but he's a one-armed man whose secret weapon has become his biggest weakness. Bowen kicks the hand! Powerbomb! 1... 2... Moose kicks out. Powerbomb!! 1... 2... Moose kicks out again. Frustrated, the Runaway Train keeps on rolling with a Train Wre- MOOSE PUNCH! Bowen goes down but so does Moose, roaring in pain from his injured hand. He crawls to the cover. 1... 2... Bowen kicks out, rattled, but conscious, and laughing. 

Mulder goes for one more Moose Punch, but Bowen catches the fist, crushes it in his grip, and levels him with a third Powerbomb! Train Wreck (High Velocity Shoulder Tackle)! 1... 2... 3. 






What do you say to rumours of corruption on the CGC Matchmaking 
Committee, after some strange results in the Title Bout voting recently? 

There's no denying that Melissa Monroe has thrown some spanners
 in the works, but the rest of the Committee are a united front. Trusted 
veterans that I've known for years, and-


There's a commotion down the hall. WHIPPER SPENCER MARKS and FRENCHIE MARCEL are in a heated argument. 

Traitor! I saw you going into Madame Monroe's office! Just how long have 
you been conspiring with your 'old friend', you mangy Wolverine?

I only went in there because I could smell frogs legs and garlic. If anyone 
has surrendered their morals and started working with Melissa behind
 our backs, it's you!

Moi? MOI??? You rabid mutt!

Go cry to Jean-Pierre, you baguette f-

Gentlemen! Not here. Excuse us, Julie. The Matchmaking Committee
 have more to discuss. 

Jerome Turner "Your votes determined the entry order. A new fighter enters every 90 seconds and are eliminated when they are thrown over the top rope and out to the floor. The last man remaining is the Last Man Standing, and wins the $300,000 prize. 


Canadian Dragon scorches the earth with fiery, high-flying offense. Ted doesn't know much, but he knows a size advantage when he sees one. He catches the Bubbleweight and hits a Belly-to-Belly Suplex... but forgets the rules of the match and tries to pin the Dragon. 
Rash tricks Ted with "look over there" before attacking with textbook eye-pokes and fish-hooking. There's plenty more where that came from for Dragon, as the Student yanks the mask for an advantage. Ted lays both Bubbleweights out with burly brawling. 

Frankie Flame comes to his classmate's aid in the knick of time, and the Students work together to swarm their enemies. Pit Stain (Diving Reverse DDT)! Skid Mark (Flying Double Knee Drop)! They bundle out Moore (Ted Moore lasts 4m 14s) and do the same to Dragon (Canadian Dragon lasts 4m 28s) to take control of the ring. 

Biff is ready to kick some ass, but his 'Poor Widdle Baby' title belt gets caught in the ropes and he's immediately swarmed by Rash & Frankie. Biff bludgeons and bashes, but it's two against one and the Students prevail (Biff the Bruiser lasts 0m 42s).

Jake gets swarmed even quicker than Biff, but every time the Students try to throw him out, he luckily lands on the apron. Or his foot gets caught in the ropes and he ends up dangling upside down. It's a comedy of errors as Rash & Frankie scramble to finish the job before...

Howling Dog goes on the warpath! Tomahawk chops! Sky High Spinebuster! He almost throws out Rash, but Frankie saves his classmate at the last moment. The Students try to swarm, but Jake evens the odds. 

Howling Dog charges the big man as soon as he gets into the ring, but Wolfgang overwhelms him with M.U.S.C.L.E. He presses Jake over his head and tosses him to the floor (Jake Sloan lasts 3m 33s). Rash nearly get the same treatment, but is again saved by Frankie. Wolfgang's just too strong! No one can handle him!

Battering Lamb tests the big Austrian's strength. Lamb's strong, but not strong enough. Dog and Lamb join forces and manage to get top-heavy Wolfgang teetering over the ropes... until Rash & Frankie take a page out of Eric Tyler's 'Backstabbing 1.0" book and try to dump all three. It fails and Wolfgang lays everyone out. 

400lb Land Mass doesn't think Wolfgang is strong enough to lift him... and Wolfgang immediately proves him wrong by picking him up and dumping him over the top rope. (Land Mass lasts 0m 15s). Meanwhile, Battering Lamb is close to finishing off Rash. Frankie just barely saves him in time. He's visibly getting tired. 

Learning from his partner, Mammoth wisely avoids Zimmerman, waiting until Howling Dog goes on the warpath before joining the match. Dog unloads on Wolfgang with tomahawk chops as Rash fails to give Lamb a wedgie. Needing a rest, Mammoth has a sit down on Frankie. 

Condor takes to the skies, soaring through the air to evade his foes, until Wolfgang catches him in mid air and drives him into the ground. Meanwhile, Lamb lights up Frankie with mutton chops, and Mammoth sits on Rash. 

Tavare Loring and Howling Dog are immediately at each other's throats, throwing haymakers and tomahawk chops with reckless abandon. All attempts to separate them are shrugged off, until Wolfgang steps in. He clobbers Dog and teams up with Loring to take control of the ring. First targets; the only other team in the match. Rash cries a little. Frankie struggles to breathe. Mammoth sits on Lamb.

Wolfgang launches Rash out of the ring but he's caught by the incoming DaLay and put back inside. Frankie begs for death, but DaLay rallies the troops and the School of Tradition go to war with the diabolical duo. It doesn't go well. Frankie stumbles into a big knee lift from Loring (Frankie Flame lasts 16m 08s) and Rash is soon muscled out without his protector (Rash Reilly lasts 17m 41s). Mammoth sits on Dog. 

As Jon Jetson enforces his will on Condor, Dan DaLay continues to get double teamed by Tavare & Wolfgang. Howling Dog frees himself from under Mammoth's ass and suddenly flies at Loring with a big tomahawk chop that takes him out (Tavare Loring lasts 3m 43s)! DaLay to go toe-to-toe with the rival giant... wins thanks to a Tyler-esque handful of hair, and clotheslines him out of the ring (Wolfgang Zimmerman lasts 11m 36s)! 

Eddie Chandler goes banana with forearm shivers and fabulous dropkicks. He lays out Jetson with a Backcracker but can't take out DaLay, who bullies him around the ring. Sick of being sat on, Condor, Lamb and Dog team up to heave out Mammoth (Mammoth lasts 8m 08s).

Hollywood Johnny steps into the spotlight with a lot of clotheslines, seemingly oblivious to the fact his partner is close to being eliminated by Dan DaLay. Eddie is forced to save himself, as Maverick takes on the role of a man beating up Battering Lamb. 

John McClean hides behind DaLay, letting his gigantic classmate do all of the work while conserving his energy and providing moral support. Jon Jetson takes aim at Howling Dog, who must be exhausted by this point. 

Nelson Blais is locked and loaded and ready to shoot his enemies out of the sky! Condor soars towards him? Anti Air Missile (Dropkick to Flying Opponent)! Howling Dog goes for a Flying Tomahawk Chop? Anti Air Missile! Maverick goes for a cross bo- Anti Air Missile! Eddie saves his partner from elimination, but Maverick doesn't look particularly grateful. 
Jack DeColt is practically vibrating with excitement as he hits the ring with shoulder tackles, suplexes, and a Can Do attitude. He suplexes Condor over the ropes (Condor lasts 10m 39s) before taking Jon Jetson by surprise with an amatuer throw to the floor (Jon Jetson lasts 8m 03s).

Chance unleashes his new special move; standing around and watching everyone else fight. DaLay wants a piece of the tag team champion, but Chance has learned from their last encounter, using the giant's momentum against him to dump him to the floor (Dan DaLay lasts 11m 12s). Meanwhile, Chandler asks Maverick for help in lifting McCLean, but Maverick ignores him, and McClean weasels himself to freedom. 

Doctors try to stop him, but Moose hits the ring with burly brawling, injured hand be damned. He makes some headway before John McClean stops him with some textbook small joint manipulation. Eddie Chandler and Battering Lamb are battling near the ropes, when Hollywood Johnny tips them both over the top rope (Battering Lamb lasts 20m 28s) (Eddie Chandler lasts 9m 58s). Eddie is stunned!

Black Sheep drunkenly staggers to the ring, CGC Bubbleweight Title on upside down. He tries to pull himself onto the apron, but his legs won't cooperate and gravity betrays him. He rolls under the ring to take a nap. Meanwhile, Johnny Maverick looks to put on a star-making performance against Jack DeColt, but underestimates the Teen Titan and ends up on the cutting room floor (Johnny Maverick lasts 9m 57s).

Howling Dog goes on the warpath on Rocky Psycho, but he's been in a long time at this point and fatigue has set in. Rocky is all smiles as he nails him with a Psycho Crusher and throws him out (Howling Dog lasts 25m 59s). Moose gets McClean up on his shoulders, but the students attacks the hand, and he and Blais dump the big man out. (Moose Mulder lasts 4m 05s).

Alex DeColt doesn't look surprised by who's left in the ring, and he has a plan for all of them. Powerful Punches for Chance! Pretty Powerslam to McClean. He goads Rocky into snapping, flying into a- Anti Air Missile! Blais shoots Rocky down before getting crushed by a SmooOOooth Driving Elbow. Alex has a plan for everything.... except his brother. Jack takes Alex by surprise with takedowns, looking to be the best DeColt he can be, no matter the opponent. 

Fate picks John McClean as his chosen one. McClean tries to find someone to hide behind, but the ring is getting empty, and he can't escape his Fate. Spinebuster! Senton! Out he goes. (John McClean lasts 12m 39s). Meanwhile, Alex doesn't want to fight his brother, but Jack is relentless. Alex finds himself on the apron, and with no choice but to fight back, suplexes Jack out to the floor (Jack DeColt lasts 10m 25s).

Without any Students to rely on, Tyler rallies Blais and Psycho to his side to take on Alex and the Soldiers of Fortune. It's a good old fashioned stand off... until the Soldiers turn on Alex and Rocky eliminates Blais (Nelson Blais lasts 12m 23s). Tyler is confused, then alarmed. Rocky and the Soldiers are working together. In desperation, Tyler saves Alex from elimination, teaming up with his enemy to try to fend off the assault.

Barry Bowen immediately joins forces with Rocky and the Soldiers, turning Eric Tyler inside out with the Train Wreck (Eric Tyler lasts 2m 44s). Alex doesn't last much longer, taking a Powerbomb from the CGC World Champion before being dumped out. (Alex DeColt lasts 5m 56s). What in the world? Why are these disparate forces working together?

MELISSA MONROE makes her way to the ring, positively beaming as she's flanked by WOLFGANG ZIMMERMAN and TAVARE LORING. She takes a seat at ringside as the four men in the ring await their next victim. 

Ed Monton unleashes patriotic fury, but it's four against one and he gets overwhelmed. Double tough Monton fights to survive, using every trick he's ever learned to stay in the ring. Bowen hangs back, waiting for what he knows is coming next. 

Stunning Steve to the rescue! Powerful Punches! Sexy Slam! He lays out Rocky with a Luscious Lariat but Bowen takes him down and the Soldiers mug him. Melissa cackles with delight at ringside, and things look bleak for Steve and Ed. 


Waking up from his nap and emerging from under the ring to hunt for water (or more booze) Black Sheep notices the beatdown. This won't do. He hits the ring! Eye pokes! Foot stomps! He bamboozles Fate with a Left Turn at Albuquerque and tricks the Soldier into knocking his own partner from the ring! (Chance lasts 15m 05s).

Odds evened, Steve and Ed know this is the time to strike! Steve takes Fate out of the ring with a Luscious Lariat (Fate lasts 8m 59s) but Monton gets run over by a Runaway Train (Ed Monton lasts 4m 50s). Meanwhile, Rocky is infuriated at Black Sheep's shenanigans, recklessly hurling himself at the Bubbleweight Champion and sending both over the top (Rocky Psycho lasts 13m 10s) (Black Sheep lasts 15m 40s... sort of).
It's down to two. Barry Bowen and Steve DeColt. Bowen counters at DeColt Stampede (Running Bulldog) by trying to launch Steve out of the ring, but Steve holds onto the ropes and saves himself. The Runaway Train charges! Steve dodges! Bowen crashes into the turnbuckles and Steve eliminates him with a Luscious Lariat! (Barry Bowen lasts 10m 11s)! 


Steve doesn't even get a second to celebrate before Rocky, Tavare and Wolfgang hit the ring and attack, beating him down with brutal efficiency! Ed Monton takes a Fate Spinebuster through a ringside table! Black Sheep gets hurled head first into the ring post!


ALEX DECOLT and JACK DECOLT run to the ring to help their brother, but they face impossible odds. Alex gets flattened by a Spinebuster/Senton Combo, while Wolfgang boosts Rocky into the air for an Ultra High Spike Piledriver on Jack. 


EDDIE CHANDLER, BATTERING LAMB and HOWLING DOG run down to try to help, but each gets taken out by the overwhelming odds. The brutal assault continues, mainly focused on the DeColt Boys...


GEORGE DECOLT and WHIPPER SPENCER MARKS charge to the ring, pissed off and armed with steel chairs. Melissa's calls her thugs off as George protects his sons and- Whipper hits George DeColt in the back with a chair!

George goes down and the thugs resume their assault on the DeColt boys. Whipper sets up the chair in the ring and takes a seat. 

It didn't have to be like this, George. When you started this company, you
 told me we were bringing back real wrestling. But now look at it. A gaudy 
vanity project. A monument to your own overblown ego. I tried to help you, 
but you never listen to me. I wanted a dignified Hall of Legends ceremony.
 You got me dancing girls and a clown. I wanted a lightweight title, like the 
one I made famous. You gave me bubbles and a champion in a tutu. I tried
 to get rid of Helen quietly. Back in the day, when you sent a girl to Japan it 
did her some good, but all we got back was more nonsense. So I'm done
 doing things quietly, George. You've proven you can't be trusted. For
 the good of this company. For the good of your legacy, my legacy,
 I have to take control.

Melissa sits on Whipper's lap.

Of course you do, darling. You were always the smart one. I'm just
delighted you finally decided to ask for my help. Anything for an
old friend. With our votes combined, the Matchmaking Committee 
is under our control. And you'll never have to listen to George DeColt's
silly little ideas ever again. 

We tried it your way, George. Now we're going to do it mine. 

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Friday Week 3 September 1997
King Edward Multiplex - 4,926 in attendance
0.02 rating on GNS (18,412 viewers)

  • Steve DeColt Promo   71
  • Eric Tyler Promo   62
  • Jack DeColt Promo   61
  • Rocky, Tavare & Wolfgang Promo   39
  • Alex DeColt Promo   69
  • Helen is Attacked   54
  • Matchmaking Committee Argue   66
  • Beatdown   54
  • Whipper & Monroe Promo   62

The trouble with endings in wrestling is that they should also be beginnings, opening things up for a bunch of new matches and rivalries. Well, I suppose they don't have to, but that's what I went with. I didn't really have one big feud or match that made sense as an exclamation point for the story, so instead I wanted to answer the three mysteries still dangling. Who is the Soldier's new benefactor? Who kidnapped Helen? Who's the turncoat on the Matchmaking Committee? Seems like it only makes sense that it's the same answer to all three. A devious alliance of Whipper Spencer Marks and Melissa Monroe, creating an era of corrupt authority figures and the heels who do their bidding. 

I both love and hate writing Rumbles. The start is fun. The end is fun. Then you've got a jigsaw in the middle. The entry order changed some plans. I fully expected Wolfgang and Tavare to go in together and dominate... but they ended up too far apart. Wolfgang was out of gas when Tavare got in. So I let the School of Tradition be the early power couple, and got them out relatively early. Howling Dog deserved a little victory.. Stamina determined a few eliminations. DaLay. Mammoth. Frankie Flame probably should have gone out sooner, but I like seeing him tired. 

So there we go. The project is done. I think I hit everything I planned to hit. While there are plenty of fun stories in CGC's past, none of them would come around for a while. The Elite. Sea of Monsters. Jack's first punch. From Lamb to RAM. Alex's development from college pretty boy to wrestling's Sherlock Holmes. Cowboy Steve. Vampire Steve. The Heist. The Player's Club. Fake DeColts. Most of these were spaced out from 1998-2001 in my private games, so I never really saw myself getting to them. I wanted to sit in the 1997 status quo, not rush to change everything to 'real' CGC, with heel Eddie Chandler and Jack punching everything in the face.

The only story I was disappointed to drop was the original concept for Black Sheep vs Helen. Black Sheep was to get eyes for the Bubbleweight Title and bring in a female manager/wrestler to counter her. Dot Matrix was lined up to play a Bo Peep character, but Helen got hurt, and the whole story turned into a murder mystery instead. Which ended up being one of my favorite things I've written, so I'm not too devastated.

I could talk about this stuff for hours. I had a lot of fun, but it was also a chunk of time and effort I'm glad I don't have to deal with for a while. Going to try out some TEWIX promotions, and hopefully I'll have another project in 2025. 


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1 hour ago, Self said:


Friday Week 3 September 1997
King Edward Multiplex - 4,926 in attendance
0.02 rating on GNS (18,412 viewers)

  • Steve DeColt Promo   71
  • Eric Tyler Promo   62
  • Jack DeColt Promo   61
  • Rocky, Tavare & Wolfgang Promo   39
  • Alex DeColt Promo   69
  • Helen is Attacked   54
  • Matchmaking Committee Argue   66
  • Beatdown   54
  • Whipper & Monroe Promo   62

The trouble with endings in wrestling is that they should also be beginnings, opening things up for a bunch of new matches and rivalries. Well, I suppose they don't have to, but that's what I went with. I didn't really have one big feud or match that made sense as an exclamation point for the story, so instead I wanted to answer the three mysteries still dangling. Who is the Soldier's new benefactor? Who kidnapped Helen? Who's the turncoat on the Matchmaking Committee? Seems like it only makes sense that it's the same answer to all three. A devious alliance of Whipper Spencer Marks and Melissa Monroe, creating an era of corrupt authority figures and the heels who do their bidding. 

I both love and hate writing Rumbles. The start is fun. The end is fun. Then you've got a jigsaw in the middle. The entry order changed some plans. I fully expected Wolfgang and Tavare to go in together and dominate... but they ended up too far apart. Wolfgang was out of gas when Tavare got in. So I let the School of Tradition be the early power couple, and got them out relatively early. Howling Dog deserved a little victory.. Stamina determined a few eliminations. DaLay. Mammoth. Frankie Flame probably should have gone out sooner, but I like seeing him tired. 

So there we go. The project is done. I think I hit everything I planned to hit. While there are plenty of fun stories in CGC's past, none of them would come around for a while. The Elite. Sea of Monsters. Jack's first punch. From Lamb to RAM. Alex's development from college pretty boy to wrestling's Sherlock Holmes. Cowboy Steve. Vampire Steve. The Heist. The Player's Club. Fake DeColts. Most of these were spaced out from 1998-2001 in my private games, so I never really saw myself getting to them. I wanted to sit in the 1997 status quo, not rush to change everything to 'real' CGC, with heel Eddie Chandler and Jack punching everything in the face.

The only story I was disappointed to drop was the original concept for Black Sheep vs Helen. Black Sheep was to get eyes for the Bubbleweight Title and bring in a female manager/wrestler to counter her. Dot Matrix was lined up to play a Bo Peep character, but Helen got hurt, and the whole story turned into a murder mystery instead. Which ended up being one of my favorite things I've written, so I'm not too devastated.

I could talk about this stuff for hours. I had a lot of fun, but it was also a chunk of time and effort I'm glad I don't have to deal with for a while. Going to try out some TEWIX promotions, and hopefully I'll have another project in 2025. 


I have so many questions like what's the sea of monsters, lamb to ram, Alex becoming Sherlock Holmes, Steve becoming both a cowboy and a vampire, the heist, player's club and the fake decolts?

Really wish this was a longer series, thank to this sites update it's almost impossible to read any of the old stuff from tew2016 and below, that means nonone can read your old stuff either.

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2 hours ago, AboardTheArk said:

This was incredible work by the OG. I could read different CGC timelines forever tbh. Enjoy playing private and hope you return with a bang.

That'll be hard sense as I said before all the old stuff got messed up when the site got updated now reading anything is a messy word salad.

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On 10/13/2024 at 11:45 AM, sonny912 said:

I have so many questions like what's the sea of monsters, lamb to ram, Alex becoming Sherlock Holmes, Steve becoming both a cowboy and a vampire, the heist, player's club and the fake decolts?

Really wish this was a longer series, thank to this sites update it's almost impossible to read any of the old stuff from tew2016 and below, that means nonone can read your old stuff either.

I think I have some ugly, pdf backups of some of the older projects from the old site. Unfortunately not from my first CGC diary though. 

Surprisingly, most of my projects do appear to be on here, with all of the link nonsense you mentioned due to the change in coding language. I was sure a few of them were lost to time. I've thought about 'remastering' some of it. Either with classic pics or AI pics or no pics at all. Or putting them into nicer PDF documents. The original wordpad documents are long gone, sitting on the hard drives of long dead computers.

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On 10/9/2024 at 10:44 PM, Self said:

If I have, it was short and unmemorable. My Australian experience has been mostly bottom of the barrel indies and a bit of RAW. 

Format would be something to get my head around. My best projects are weekly television, and I don't believe ZEN are quite there yet. 

I remember you doing a short lived but very interesting BEACH diary with Surfer Dude Lucas as your main guy. I could see you do a great job with RAW. Probably the closest thing to your vision of CGC that is still active in the CV universe. TV centric product too, I think it fits. 


Great job on this diary too. I will always be a fan of your work. 


Edited by DAVEFAN95
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6 hours ago, Self said:

I think I have some ugly, pdf backups of some of the older projects from the old site. Unfortunately not from my first CGC diary though. 

Surprisingly, most of my projects do appear to be on here, with all of the link nonsense you mentioned due to the change in coding language. I was sure a few of them were lost to time. I've thought about 'remastering' some of it. Either with classic pics or AI pics or no pics at all. Or putting them into nicer PDF documents. The original wordpad documents are long gone, sitting on the hard drives of long dead computers.

Your first CGC diary is the one with the soothsayer and time travel via superkick right? Remind me did you ever reveal who was under the hood or where you were going with that?

I really wish the moderators or whoever's in charge would clean that mess up so we can re read them, and i wish you'd continue this cause heel whipper and Monroe out to take over sounds amazing. And I'd also like to know what you were talking about with the sea of monsters and other stuff.

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On 10/14/2024 at 11:01 PM, sonny912 said:

Your first CGC diary is the one with the soothsayer and time travel via superkick right? Remind me did you ever reveal who was under the hood or where you were going with that?

I really wish the moderators or whoever's in charge would clean that mess up so we can re read them, and i wish you'd continue this cause heel whipper and Monroe out to take over sounds amazing. And I'd also like to know what you were talking about with the sea of monsters and other stuff.

Soothsayer's identity was revealed. I remember doing the artwork for it in MS Paint.

The Player's Club and Sea of Monsters are two stables I use often in CGC games from this era. The Player's Club are typically a group of pick up artists who act as evil counterparts to 'Stunning' Steve DeColt, teaching him the dark side of having a different girl on his arm every week. In this project, the Little Lisa incident kind of did the same thing... but the door was definitely open if the right heels came along. Rocky Psycho was the crown jewel of the most successful version I've booked, but his character has gone a different direction this time. The Sea of Monsters are a more cartoonish threat. Big lads. Fish/sea monster themed (although sometimes vampiric). Soaking wet at all times. I tend to have them as major threats after the School of Tradition crumble, but before The Elite form in 2001-2. More often than not, this stable flops for me, but I get a kick out of trying to make it work each time. One time Lobster Warrior summoned them from the deeps to fight the DeColts. If they showed up in this project, they might even have a certain enchanted tomahawk with them...

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5 hours ago, Self said:

Soothsayer's identity was revealed. I remember doing the artwork for it in MS Paint.

The Player's Club and Sea of Monsters are two stables I use often in CGC games from this era. The Player's Club are typically a group of pick up artists who act as evil counterparts to 'Stunning' Steve DeColt, teaching him the dark side of having a different girl on his arm every week. In this project, the Little Lisa incident kind of did the same thing... but the door was definitely open if the right heels came along. Rocky Psycho was the crown jewel of the most successful version I've booked, but his character has gone a different direction this time. The Sea of Monsters are a more cartoonish threat. Big lads. Fish/sea monster themed (although sometimes vampiric). Soaking wet at all times. I tend to have them as major threats after the School of Tradition crumble, but before The Elite form in 2001-2. More often than not, this stable flops for me, but I get a kick out of trying to make it work each time. One time Lobster Warrior summoned them from the deeps to fight the DeColts. If they showed up in this project, they might even have a certain enchanted tomahawk with them...

Really? Who was he cause I either forgot or never learned it.

Those sound amazing but what about the other stuff like the lamb to ram, Alex becoming a cowboy and vampire, the Heist and the fake DeColts? You know what just tell how things normally went In your private games cause that's probably the closest will get to an epilogue to your story.

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10 hours ago, sonny912 said:

Really? Who was he cause I either forgot or never learned it.

Those sound amazing but what about the other stuff like the lamb to ram, Alex becoming a cowboy and vampire, the Heist and the fake DeColts? You know what just tell how things normally went In your private games cause that's probably the closest will get to an epilogue to your story.

I think the best epilogue is the 2005 C-verse data. Or my 2012 project. Where did these characters end up? It's in the games. Mostly. I purposefully don't book things to be too much of a left turn, and most of the characters are booked in a way to eventually become their 'canon' selves. Alex DeColt is currently another pretty boy version of his Dad... but will one day become the Thinking Man's DeColt. How does he get there? That wasn't the story I was telling with this project. I just like leaving breadcrumbs and easter eggs. A lot of the things I mention aren't supposed to be explained. Readers can use their imagination. 

This being said, where would CGC go next? The next couple of months would likely be dominated by the new heel faction, led by Whipper Spencer Marks and Melissa Monroe. Whipper wants respectable wrestling with no nonsense, while Melissa just wants power. They have the World and Tag Team titles on wrestlers willing to play ball, so that leaves the Television and Bubbleweight belts. My instinct would be to have Alex drop his early (to Rocky or Tavare) while Black Sheep would take many frustrating weeks (dropping it to Blais or Rash or maybe Rocky if he dropped a few pounds) but eventually the bad guys get all of the belts and squeeze a lot of the silly fun out of CGC... for a time. The babyfaces would rise up, more cartoonish and gimmicky than ever, leading to a war at the next major show. Either Elimination (Survivor Series rip-off) or Chamber of Horrors (Elimination Chamber ripoff). Whichever served the story better. 

Barry Bowen would be a question mark. I've never had a game of CGC 1997 where he hasn't been poached by SWF within 6 months. I fully expected him to leave early, and am stunned he's still on the roster in September. Even as champion, I was fully prepared to have him drop the belt at any point. He could have lost his title defences against Jack, Moose, and even Ted Moore if he'd handed in his notice. So I wouldn't build the narratives around him, and would prepare some backup plans in case of sudden departure. Maybe Steve (bit boring) or Alex (probably deserves a bigger build to his first World title) giving the babyfaces a shock win, or Rocky usurping his role as crown jewel of the heel stable. 

Eric Tyler was in a similar boat. I originally hired Melissa Monroe to be his backup (her pic has Headmistress vibes for a reason) just in case Tyler showed up drunk or took a job with TCW or SWF. Again, stunned he wasn't poached during this project. I think the School of Tradition may have ended in the face of the bigger heel threat that hates cartoon wrestling. Tyler might disagree, but the school uniforms and classroom are pretty cartoon. They would put up a fight (unfinished business with Soldiers) but I think they're crippled by the end of the year, and Tyler would be done by WrestleFestival. One student would join the bigger villains. One would join the babyfaces. The others would land where they land. For all of Tyler's talents, he's the closest thing I have to a pain backstage, and narratively the School did everything I wanted them to do. Natural enemies to young DeColts. Launchpad for Dan DaLay. Job done. 

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