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TCW: Three Of A Perfect Pair

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"Never In The Lead, Always Behind"


This company is filled with a losing culture. I've been here for 14 years. 14 years of seeing top stars like Rocky Golden, Joey Minnesota, Liberty, Tyson Baine, and Tommy Cornell all leave. Money or fame was always the excuse. There's no loyalty for those on top, only greed. Greed in what they feel like they deserve versus what their fellow troops in the locker room deserve. Those of us who stayed loyal, who did good for those around us, are now stuck picking up the pieces. It's a joke nowadays, a toy company is our saving grace, and is the only thing keeping us up with money. We have always been a number 2 due to the money, as SWF continued to outpace for all of our existence and now USPW with their billionaire have passed all of us putting us in third. From the other lesser end of the pair to now the third wheel of a national war. 

Stuff has to change. Booking has to change. We have to reinvent the wheel even if it's impossible. Being the company known for good ol rasslin isn't enough and it will never be enough. We need people to connect with the crowd, we need people to be ready to go all out with whatever we put in front of them. We must out do USPW and SWF at their own games to get to a position where we can actually compete. It'll be a slow process, as we are slowly changing not just our game, but the audience too. Creating the perfect Wrestling and perfect Sports entertainment atmosphere. Plus, I have to convince the other producers to go alongside me with this change. Kyle Rhodes will be all for it, but hard asses like Joel Bryant and Robert Oxford will be hard to flip. But we have a great young generation of folks who I know can fit the spots that I want. All in all, it's going to be hard, but if we ever want to be number 1, the change must be made. 

There are three sides to every story. Two perspectives and the objective. SWF and USPW are two different perspectives of the same truth, the same game. The goal is for us to become the objective truth, to become the perfect wrestling and entertainment machine and show how perfect this sport can be. And that will mean finally taking our spot as number 1 not just in the United States, but in the world




This Is

Total Championship Wrestling: Three Of A Perfect Pair


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"The Ace" Aaron Andrews,

Bart Biggins,

Benny "Ben" Benson,

"Lucky" Chance Fortune, 



"The Jock" Chris Flynn,

"Dr.Love" Danny Fonzarelli,

"Mighty Fine" Darryl Devine,

"Triple D" Dazzling Dave Diamond



Dean "The Machine" Daniels

"The Mercenary" Doc Hammond

Edd "Partying 24/7" Stone

"Fabulous" Eddie Chandler



"The Hardcore Assassin" Eddie Peak

Elliot Thomas

Flying Jimmy Foxx

Freddy Huggins



Greg Gauge

Human Arsenal

"The Chosen One" Jay Chord

Jeremie Courtney



"Straight Edge" Joshua Taylor 

Killer Shark 

"Speedball" Marc Speed

"Shocking" Matt Hocking




Mighty Mo

"The Natural" Nate Johnson

"Nasty" Nick Booth



One Man Army

"Knowingly Annoying" Roderick Remus

"The Elation Sensation" Sammy Bach

Tana The Mighty



T-Bone Bright


Troy Tornado 

"Alpha" Wolf Hawkins



"The Japanese Sensation" Yuri Yoshihara





Announce Team 


Lead Announcer Shaun Doakes

Lead Color Commentary Kyle Rhodes

Secondary Commentator and Interviewer Jasmine Saunders 

Special Commentator Jason Araiza 




Floyd Goldworthy (Manager for Sinners Society) 

Laura Catherine Huggins (Manager for Freddy Huggins

Vita (Manager for Edd Stone)





Brent Hill 

Joel Bryant

Ricky Dale Johnson

Robert Oxford





Eddie Peak, Killer Shark, Titan, Nick Booth, and Floyd Goldworthy




Wolf Hawkins, Chris Flynn, Doc Hammond, Eddie Chandler, and Nate Johnson





Wrestler Themes




Aaron Andrews: Red - King Crimson

Benny Benson: Labyrinth - Miracle Musical

Dazzling Dave Diamond: I Won't Back Down - Johnny Cash

Doc Hammond: God Is Dead - Black Sabbath

Eddie Peak: Underground - Tom Waits

Jay Chord: 25 or 6 to Five - Chicago

Joshua Taylor: Karma Police - Radiohead

One Man Army: Fortunate Son - CCR

Ricky Dale Johnson: Southern Nights- Glen Campbell

Sammy Bach: Bio-Wars - Akira Ifukebe


Devine Fortune: PUNK TACTICS - Joey Valance and Brae

The Syndicate: Superhero - Metro Boomin


*Half of the pictures used were apart of Waltersobchak's pic packs. Big Thanks to Walter for making these free to use for diaries. 

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Current Champion:


Aaron Andrews






Current Champion: 


Greg Gauge






Current Champions:


The Behemoths (Killer Shark and Titan)






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Roster Overview Heading Into 2020:


Wanted to go over the roster before starting booking for the year. 


The Big Four


The world champ Aaron Andrews is the clear Ace here. Not the most charasmatic guy but he still has the whole crowd behind him. After that the two big heels, Jay Chord and Wolf Hawkins, are right there with him. Chord is very close to being the next great world champ, while Wolf Hawkins is neck and neck with AA in terms of popularity and skill. Sammy Bach meanwhile, the 41 year old rock star, is in this weird spot. His ring work isn't as good as before, but he is clearly a top tier talent with some of the best charisma in all of wrestling. With a good run, he could conceivably become a world champion. There is a fifth man right behind the big four though 



While one of the best in ring specialists, Joshua Taylor should be a  multi time world champion. Issue is, he can't connect with the crowd as good as the best. Sure he has an amazing gimmick, being the straight edge asshole compared to some of the more indulgent superstars, but the crowd isn't giving him the reactions we would like to see. He will definitely fill the shoes of some of the lost stars, but he needs to prove to me he can be considered one of the best outside the ring before I can give him top tier status. 


The Next Big Thing


The most important member of our roster right now is Mighty Mo. Mo is next in line for being considered a potential ace, with the crowd senseing the potential. He just comes off as someone who can make the jump to movies or being a talk show host with his standup and friendly personality. His contract is up soon, and I'm already planning on talking with Kyle Rhodes and BriCo to pay him at  a level of the big four. It's just really important that he stays here and carries us into the next generation 


Standouts Of The Upper Midcard


There are several key guys who can insert themselves up and down the card without being a surprise. Benny Benson, Edd Stone, and One Man Army all fill out different niches for babyfaces. Benny connecting as the bubbly, good guy that works as the babyface for the kids, Edd Stone being the party animal young adults going to college at Alabama or Clemson can relate too, while One Man Army connects with the older generation, still having his army roots as his gimmick. Tana The Mighty meanwhile fits all 3 groups, and while he's not the best worker, his chemistry with the audience and ability to go from friendly, to eccentric, and then to serious just checking all the boxes.

For the bad guys, Freddy Huggins and Matt Hocking fill out the same position, the asshole who is to full of themselves. I am working on storylines to basically differentiate them, making so it's not just two guys who feed their own ego. Doc Hammond is interesting, as he is a wrestler from the old generation and is teetering on filling the veteran role. But he still wrestles extremely good, and it's just not the time to make the switch where he loses to those younger then him. Just too much credibility for us to start throwing away now.  Plus he fills out the deputy role in The Syndicate really well. 


The Potential Future


While not all of these guys will be future main eventers, they are all being focused on as potential standouts. Greg Gauge, the 30 year old son of Sam Keith, is a true standout amongst this pack, already one of the best wrestlers in the whole company. It's just going to take time to get him up to main eventer status, but by the end of the year he will probably be there. T-Bone Bright is another name I have confidence in, he has a lot of star quality that shines every time he wrestles. If he can improve his overall wrestling, specifically the key psychology stuff, then he could be a big face for years to come. The other names. Chris Flynn, Nick Booth, and Roderick Remus, all could potentially reach that status, but all are a little more questionable. 31 year old Flynn is only now connecting with the crowd, and these next few months are key to see if he can be a big name. Meanwhile Nick Booth is a long term project, as while his potential is high at 25 years old, it's still an unknown if he can connect with the crowd and be an actual single star. Roderick Remus is the longest shot here, as while the 30 year old could be big, he also fits that arrogant heel spot, and their is a long line ahead of him in that category. The right push or the right momentum and he could be a key guy though. 


Veteran hands


I have been in the locker room with these guys for a lot of my career, so I don't like saying what I'm about to say. But they are approaching their last stands as in ring performers. Recently in the wrestling world, many men of my age retire due to a sudden injury. Squeeky McClean for example went out with a sudden concussion, and he hasn't been the same since. That was a big wake up call for me, and with my waning neck, I retired from full time competition. Joel Bryant did the same, and I hope these guys can follow my lead in the coming years and not damage their lives. They all still wrestle decently, with Human Arsenal being the best. Eddie and Nick wrestle a safe style and are heat magnets. Danny Fonzarelli has taken a ton of bumps, and may be reaching that point where I have to tell him to stop, and Dean Daniels is already making the transition, his body battered from years of Japan kicking his ass. Eddie Peak is still a big name and can wrestle, but his body is also in the downward spiral. Hopefully he can be a good sport in taking a few more losses before a retirement. 


The Mid Card


A lot of these guys fit the category of "Too good to totally job, not good enough to be a big name." But a ton of them are working in one direction (or another.) Triple D is someone I have a plan for, and it's up to him to take it or not. Devine Fortune (Chance Fortune and Darryl Devine) are good, but have tired bodies that are screaming for peace. Killer Shark screams a top monster heel if he can make it as a singles guy, and Troy Tornado is nearing veteran status but can still really go. The rest, like I said, are too good or too bad to fit in any other category, so remain here in the mid card. 


The Bottom Feeders


Being here does not mean these guys are the next to be cut or whatever. I have gimmick plans for all of them and it just takes some momentum and improvement in ring work to match it. But for now, these guys are down here as while Yuri Yoshihara for example can be a future star, his in ring skills aren't even close to being good enough to be up for consideration. So, again, long term projects for all 3 of them. But more of the "sink or swim" mentality versus "either a main event talent or just the mid card."


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TCW Live in Denver for the first event of the year





Aaron Andrews and Devine Fortune vs The Syndicate (Wolf Hawkins, Eddie Chandler, Nate John)

Freddy Huggins and Matt Hocking vs Mighty Meaty

Dazzling Dave Diamond vs Maverick

Sammy Bach vs Yuri Yoshihara

Television Championship: Greg Gauge (C) vs T-Bone Bright




Prediction Contest!


For those who are into the prediction game, this diary will hold a contest from now until Total Mayhem in May. The winner, the person with the highest prediction percentage, gets to pick any available to hire worker to sign for TCW. Also at every PPV, there will be a mini reward for whoever predicts the ppv the best. A couple guidelines though 

-You must predict for 10/20 of the TV shows to be applicable. 

-2/4 for the PPVs. If a lot are close under the benchmark and few are above, we can change both. 

-For the PPV prediction prizes, at least 2 members on the forums have to predict for any reward to go through. 


Thanks if any of you take the time to predict! Hope you enjoy the diary!

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Really interested to see what you do compared to my run with TCW

Aaron Andrews and Devine Fortune vs The Syndicate (Wolf Hawkins, Eddie Chandler, Nate John)

Freddy Huggins and Matt Hocking vs Mighty Meaty

Dazzling Dave Diamond vs Maverick

Sammy Bach vs Yuri Yoshihara

Television Championship: Greg Gauge (C) vs T-Bone Bright

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Aaron Andrews and Devine Fortune vs The Syndicate (Wolf Hawkins, Eddie Chandler, Nate John)

Freddy Huggins and Matt Hocking vs Mighty Meaty

Dazzling Dave Diamond vs Maverick

Sammy Bach vs Yuri Yoshihara

Television Championship: Greg Gauge (C) vs T-Bone Bright

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Aaron Andrews and Devine Fortune vs The Syndicate (Wolf Hawkins, Eddie Chandler, Nate John)

Freddy Huggins and Matt Hocking vs Mighty Meaty

Dazzling Dave Diamond vs Maverick

Sammy Bach vs Yuri Yoshihara

Television Championship: Greg Gauge (C) vs T-Bone Bright

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Aaron Andrews and Devine Fortune vs The Syndicate (Wolf Hawkins, Eddie Chandler, Nate John)

Freddy Huggins and Matt Hocking vs Mighty Meaty

Dazzling Dave Diamond vs Maverick

Sammy Bach vs Yuri Yoshihara

Television Championship: Greg Gauge (C) vs T-Bone Bright

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TCW Presents: Total Wrestling 

Attendence: 8,775

Location: Denver Colorado

TV Rating: 3.03 (2,278,143 Viewers)



The show begins with pyro going off, and the crowd going nuts. It's the first show post Psycho Circus, where Wolf Hawkins and The Syndicate made clear that they want Aaron Andrews' World Championship. Andrews stood his ground though, and The Syndicate left without attacking the champion. It seems both Andrews and Hawkins are on a collison course, and we start off the show with...









The World Champion, Aaron Andrews!

The world champion high fives with some fans and gives out an armband to a kid in the front row. The crowd is electric, as this is the first time Denver has seen Aaron Andrews as a world champion since becoming the Ace. The champ heads to the ring though with a microphone in his hand. 

"The world champ is here baby! And not only am I here just to talk, I am here to wrestle. Tonight's main event, I team with two close friends of mine, Chance Fortune and Darryl Devine! Both of these men rose through the ranks with me, with Chance being my son's godfather, and a former tag team champion with me! And Darryl Devine of course being one of the most underrated wrestlers in wrestling today. But our opponents....I think you guys know them well. They've run things here, being continuously assholes to whoever dares cross their path, and I cannot stand for it anymore!"

Before he could continue though, a familiar theme began 




The Syndicate Arrive!

The crowds boos are immediate, with all 3 slowly walking out onto the stage. Wolf with a slimy grin on his face, Chris Flynn laughing, Doc Hammond a stone cold killer, and The Elite riling up the crowd. Wolf has a microphone, but before he can speak, Aaron makes clear he has something to say. 

"I beat you for this championship Wolf. And I respect that you won King Of Kings and feel as confident as you do, but you and I both know this is only going to end up like it did last time, with a victory for The Ace." The crowd cheers again, going for a couple second before Wolf finally spoke. 

"Believe me Aaron, I've been in your shoes before."

"I've been on top of the world, looking down on the rest of humanity."


"But trust me when I say this. I know you have no real plan."


"I know you have no real plan outside of just fighting us to keep that title. 


"I know you think you have friends but they will just turn on you if they can get a sniff of that world championship."


"I know you think I'm next up and putting my all for that world championship." 


"But trust me, The Syndicate, we always have a plan, and I suggest you watch your surroundings, or otherwise you will be looking up to the ceiling, saying....WHAT Happened.'"

The crowd boos immediately, as The Syndicate's theme plays them off. Aaron Andrews is shown in the ring showing no fear, even cracking his neck a bit, showing his readiness for the challenge.


We then head to the announcers table, where Shaun Doakes and Kyle Rhodes go over tonight's match ups. Mighty Meaty take on the arrogant duo of Freddy Huggins and Matt Hocking, also on the docket, two brawlers in Triple D and Maverick will fight in what should be a good ol contest of strength. But first, it's the Television Title Match




Television Championship Match

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This is a fun match for the crowd, as both of these men are expected to eventually challenge for the world championship in the future. The champion and more experienced Greg Gauge showd his experience early on, wrapping technical headlocks and twisting the arms of Bright. But one mistake changed the match, as a big suplex from Bright stunned Gauge, who rolled to the outside of the ring. The crowd gave some chirps, though Gauge responded in kind. T-Bone eventually rushed outside of the ring, but Gauge jumped back in and got a kick to Bright on the outside. This was the pattern for the match for the next few minutes, before Bright started to finally get some combos together, almost hitting Gauge with the T-Bone Lariet, but Gauge ducks, picking the knee of Bright in the process. He gets hold of Proton Lock, and while Bright tried his best to get out, he was unable to, tapping out at 14:26. 


After the match though, as Gauge celebrates-


Benny Benson and Flying Jimmy Foxx

They walk out onto the ramp! They give a round of applause to Guage, before pointing at the belt he is shown to be holding up. Gauge smiles, and tells the duo to "come get some."





We head backstage into the den of The Sinners Society. 



Only Eddie Peak and The Behemoths are there. They are seen with several throwing knives, with The Behemoths throwing them at a target. Eddie Peak stops them though, and staples up a picture of Mighty Mo. The Tag Champs smile, and they start throwing rapidly, ripping the picture to shreds. Peak then puts up a picture of Tana The Mighty. Killer shark is about to throw a bunch at him, but Titan stops him. He grabs one, and throws it at the leg of Tana. Peak smiles, and looks at the camera. 

"What's scarier then a monster? A smart one...."

Peak laughs maniacally, as the camera fades out. 


We cut again to backstage, as we see Jasmine Saunders with the Rockstar, Sammy Bach!


Jasmine: Sammy, some would say you have had an underwhelming 2019, no titles all year and the least amount of wins in 3 years. How do you plan on making 2020 your year?

Sammy: Well Jasmine, I first want to give props to the new suit, purple really fits you...but enough of my flirtatious side. I have been focused too much on personal grudges and keeping up a character for not just the fans, but all those in the locker room. There is prestige to my name, and I get into my head about it. Starting tonight though, Sammy Bach sets his sights on the top! 





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This was a really one sided affair. The 21 year old Yuri Yoshihara is 19 years younger then Sammy, and while Sammy has slowed down in recent years, he still ran circles around the much inexperienced Yuri. Sammy was half the time doing poses to the crowd, which clearly disrespected the PGHW native, who got angrier the more the match went on. Eventually, Bach hit the Adrenaline shot, and pinned Yuri at 7:13. If Sammy was a couple years younger, he could've carried Yuri to a spectacular match, but here's it's only an average one.


As Bach got up and celebrated a hooded man attacked him from behind! He beat him down horrendously, picking him up and slamming him over and over again into the tunrbuckle. As referees and production come out to stop him...





He reveals himself as JAY CHORD!

Producers pull him off Bach, as he tries to cover himself up on the floor, Chord looks angry, mad he couldn't keep beating on The Rockstar. 






This is a rather basic video package here with Triple D and One Man Army. Both are seen heading to the local bar here in Denver, drinking some beers back, and then playing pool. A fight broke out near them, and it looked like both were going to jump in. But when the participants saw them, they immediately stopped, intimidated by their presence.





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This was a sloppy affair, as both DDD and Maverick went into this match less with the goal of putting on a match, but with the goal of making each other feel brusies for the rest of the week. Out of the duo though Maverick was actually doing more wrestling moves, putting slaps to the chest of DDD or the occasional suplex and powerslam. Triple D meanwhile kept giving Maverick clubbing blow after clubbing blow, smashing his fists anywhere on the head of Maverick. They fought to the outside, with Maverick giving a front face suplex to DDD onto the steel steps. Eventually both men got back into the ring, and Triple D hit a nasty lariet, almost trying to decapitate The Maverick. This was enough for Triple D to get the pinfall and the win. 


As Triple D celebrated in the ring, a camera is shown on the screen above the ramp. It shows DDD's locker room wide open.






Joshua Taylor!

He is in the locker room! He looks over DDD's stuff finding around 5 beer bottles underneath his backpack. He gives a disapproving look, before the feed cuts off, Triple D looks irate, but before he can react, Joshua Taylor is behind him, beating him down! He gets a couple kicks in before...







One Man Army is out here for the rescue!

And he has a steel chair! He runs Joshua Taylor out of the ring, before finally checking on his friend Triple D. Looks like Joshua Taylor just picked a fight with 2 very tough men. 





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A fun co main event here. Mighty Meaty are some of the younger generations favorites, with Mighty Mo's physique and Tana's friendliness playing into the kids enjoyment. Both Huggins and Hocking played their arrogance up to cartoonish levels, mostly with Laura getting into arguements with those in the crowd, hyping up how successful her brother is. Most of the match was centered with Freddy and Matt attacking Tana, tiring him out and getting the crowd to play into the loveable giant. Eventually though, Tana wrestled out of their grasp, and made the hot tag to the Big Mighty Mo. He went rough shot with both men, throwing them all over the place in the ring. He even did a standing moonsault on Hocking, which got the crowd really hyped up. As it looked like Mo was going for the finish


Floyd Goldworthy jumps onto the apron!

He provides a distraction for a second, as a frustrated Mo goes to deal with him. Goldworthy jumps off the apron, and Huggins goes for the roll up.



Kickout! Mo rolls out of the pin attempt. Freddy goes for the attack, but Mo throws him up and Huggins lands flat on his face. Hocking, then also attacks, but is picked up and hit with the plunging spinebuster onto Huggins! Hocking rolls out, as Mo pins Huggins and gets the pinfall victory. 






We head backstage to see Marc Speed doing jumping jacks and working out. As he is working his arms, someone approaches.


"Marc! How you doing pal? Listen, I am looking to hire a partner. Or like a bodyguard, as while I'm clearly a stud, I need someone to have my back so the scum in this company don't steal from my trust fund, and I think you are the best man for the job. I mean, you're not doing much as of now...right? 3 match losing streak and all heading into 2020."

This clearly angered Marc, who was about to punch Jeremie Courtney out. But then. 


"Marc, I need a favor for next week, can we talk?"

This cooled off Marc Speed, who went with Gauge, leaving Courtney confuzzled. Why didn't Speed take him serious? 




Before the main event, we got a short video package from Dr. Love, Danny Fonzarelli. He states that February, the month of love, will also be his time to shine, and he says he will win some gold by the time Valentine's Day rolls around. 






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There was some decent hype for this match, as both sides really played to their strengths, the match starts with Darryl Devine and Eddie Chandler, and after some technical grappling, Chandler gets Devine in his teams corner. All 3 start blasting him with punches and chokes, which lead to AA and Chance Fortune to jump into the ring an punch Hawkins and Johnson off the ring apron. Both regroup, as Andrews and Fortune give fist bumps, reminicisint from their Tag Team Days. They both then run the ropes and do suicide dives onto Hawkins and Johnson, which got the crowd insannly hyped, both fist bumped as we head to commericial break. 

After the break, we see Hawkins with a headlock onto Chance in the ring. The next 10 or so minutes we see Chance Fortune get a couple hits in but grinded down by The Syndicate, all while The Ace waits for the hot tag. Eventually, Darryl Devine reverses Nate Johnson's chokehold and jumps for the tag, Aaron Andrews is in. He clotheslines Johnson before punching both Chandler and Hawkins off the ring apron, before going back and laying damage onto Chandler. He does several back suplexes in a row, hyping up the crowd in the process. He looks ready for the Flying Body Press, but as he heads to the top rope, Johnson follows, hitting his back repeadedly. The veteran then picks up Andrews from the rope, twisting him around, and hits a large powerbomb onto the champ. He shows off his arm patch, the logo for the syndicate, before preparing Andrews with Johnson's own finish. As he gets ready though, he sees Darryl Devine on the apron, and he can't help punching Devine in the face, knocking him off the apron. More boos from the crowd, as Johnson laughs it off. As he turns around though, Aaron Andrews hits a stunner! Johnson goes limp, as Andrews heads to the top rope, and finally hits the Flying Body Press!




Aaron Andrews gets the win for his team!


The Syndicate are seen licking their wounds, Aaron keeps his championship close, as Wolf Hawkins heads to the announcers table and picks up a mic. 


"Like I said before Aaron, the only thing you can do is out fight us. And sadly, that won't be enough. We have the numbers. Even when it's clear that I'm not ready to face you....someone else is."

Aaron looks confused in the ring, before suddenly.



He barrels down blows onto the lifeless champion, beating him senseless. The referee is already gone, and Doc is just making Aaron feel pain. Eventually, Doc grabs the belt from Aaron's hands, and slams his face with it! Doc looks at the belt very sternly, his goal in life is to win that belt, and he just laid a very painful claim for it. All the while, Wolf Hawkins is laughing on the outside of the ring. It seems Doc gets first dibs at Aaron Andrews versus The Alpha Wolf! Show ends as Doc holds up the belt in Aaron's grimacing face.



Show Rating: 73


Edited by Martel123
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Prediction Results:



Shifty425 4/5 (Only one to predict the main event correct! Congrats!)

Kyteran 4/5

Wrestling Machine 3/5

JayNO 3/5

Newbiezness 3/5

Charismaticenigma 3/5


Thank you all for participating. Future shows will have more time for predictions for whoever missed out, I just wanted to get the first show out quickly. Next card will be up in the coming days.

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TCW Heads to Memphis Tennessee for Total Wrestling!





Aaron Andrews and Human Arsenal vs Doc Hammond and Wolf Hawkins



Dean Daniels vs Matt Hocking



Television Championship: Greg Gauge vs Flying Jimmy Foxx



One Man Army and Dazzling Dave Diamond vs The Behemoths



Bart Biggins vs Joshua Taylor


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Aaron Andrews and Human Arsenal vs Doc Hammond and Wolf Hawkins

Comments: Faces won last week makes sense for the heels to cheat to win. Arsenal takes the fall


Dean Daniels vs Matt Hocking

Comments: Hocking is one to look to for the future. Easy win for him


Television Championship: Greg Gauge vs Flying Jimmy Foxx

Comments: Gauge wins. Don't see Gauge losing the title any time soon


One Man Army and Dazzling Dave Diamond vs The Behemoths

Comments: No way The Behemoths lose to OMA and Triple D


Bart Biggins vs Joshua Taylor

Comments:  Taylor is a hair away from being a top guy at the start of the game and shouldn't break a sweat beating Biggins


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Aaron Andrews and Human Arsenal vs Doc Hammond and Wolf Hawkins


Dean Daniels vs Matt Hocking


Television Championship: Greg Gauge vs Flying Jimmy Foxx


One Man Army and Dazzling Dave Diamond vs The Behemoths


Bart Biggins vs Joshua Taylor


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TCW Presents: Total Wrestling Episode 2

Attendence: 8,321

Location: Memphis, Tennessee 

TV Rating: 3.37 (2,529,219 Viewers)



The show begins with a look back at last weeks action. After the main event, Aaron Andrews was attacked by Wolf Hawkins' right hand man, Doc Hammond. The Syndicate already set their sights on The Ace when Wolf Hawkins won King Of Kings, but he hasn't put in his shot yet for the world championship. The show starts off with.








"The Alpha" Wolf Hawkins! 

The crowd boos immediately, suffocating any noise with their anger. Wolf smile as he continues down to the ring. He is alone, no Syndicate with him, yet he's clearly confident even without the help. He has a microphone and heads to the ring

"I think it's clear I'm not well liked her in Denver, hahaha. At the end of the day, I am still superior to all of you. I'm the Alpha Wolf of professional wrestling, the former 3 time world heavyweight champion, the protege of the great Tommy Cornell, and the GOAT of Total Championship Wrestling! Ricky Dale Johnson and Rocky Golden don't have anything against me! I am him! I should be world champion right now, but I don't even need to go for the championship to stay winning. The Great Mercenary, Doc Hammond, will get to beat Aaron to a pulp, and he will bring that world championship to the hands of The Syndicate. And hey, maybe I'll go for the gold then, make the World Championship stay in the hands of The Syndicate for years! But, as of now, Doc will get that shot, and soon after, I will go for that championship, even if friend or foe is champ!

The crowd boos, as Wolf's theme plays again, he walks to the back clearly with arrogance on his shoulders. 





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Veteran Bart Biggins is out here taking on "The Straight Edge Star" Joshua Taylor. Both get technical quickly, as Bart tries to beat Joshua Taylor at his own game. Though he gets him on the ground, Taylor punches out of Bart's holds. A couple big elbows to the gut as both men get back onto their feet. Taylor then hits a nasty forearm that sends Biggins all the way to the outside of the ring. Taylor gets the fans excited, and looks like he's going to do a suicide dive. But he stops as he's about to jump, instead walking out of the ring and giving Bart a big chest chop, bringing in boos from the crowd. Joshua laughs it off, and tries to bring Bart back to the ring but gets an elbow to the face! Bart brings Taylor back in, and gives him 3 elbow drops to the chest! He gets the crowd riled up now, getting ready to hit a running knee, but Taylor reverses it into a spinning forearm! He gets Biggins up and hits a painful brainbuster! Bart is down, and Taylor twists him over and locks in The Butterfly Lock, twisting Biggins head through the back of his shoulder! Biggins taps, but Taylor holds in the lock just a couple seconds longer, leading to a mad ref pulling him off. A decent TV match here, as Joshua Taylor gets the win!


After the match, as Taylor stays in the ring...







Dazzling Dave Diamond is here! And he's got company with him.




One Man Army! Both stand at the entrance ramp and both stare down Taylor! Taylor wrecked Triple D's locker room, and attempted to embarrasses him to the audience, and now both men clearly want revenge! Taylor looks furious in the ring, yelling at them that they are "DISGUSTING!" over and over again as we head to the break. 






We head backstage to see Mighty Mo and Tana The Mighty laid out on the ground! You see referees and producers checking on the duo, but both are clearly in a heap, Tana knocked out while Mo is writhing in pain. As everyone tries to get them help, we see




Floyd Goldworthy laughing! He walks away, showing the Sinners Society logo on the back of his shirt! 



Still backstage we see veteran Troy Tornado walking. He says hi to some of the fans waiting backstage, signing some autographs. As he leaves, another fan comes up to him...only this time the fan is a wrestler. 


"Troy! When I was a teenager, I loved to watch you wrestle, it's so good to see you can still go bro!"

Troy gives a smirk back to Jermaine, as he hears out whatever he has to suggest. 

"I would love to work with you, as you see, I am looking for a partner in crime! Be that someone to protect me in matches or someone I can help get opportunities! We would make great partnership and....Troy?"

As Jermaine's pitch finishes up, Troy laughs hysterically at the Trust Fund Kid. He points at him before waving him off, still laughing as he walks away. Jermaine looks confused, putting his hands up in disbelief that Troy just laughed him off. 




After that, we get a quick video package of Elliot Thomas! We see him in Los Angeles at a skate park doing some tricks with other skateboarders. He was doing some pretty crazy flips, and even used his athleticism to hold onto the railing by one hand, holding up his body and the board in the process. Some text comes up on the screen.

Elliot Thomas Returns To TCW Soon!





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Big tag team match between two brawling teams. Killer Shark was the big threat here, so the first part of the match was One Man Army and Dazzling Dave Diamond constantly moving, avoiding Sharks big hands. Eventually a kick to the head lands, and Triple D falls to the canvas. Shark hits a big legdrop, but One Man Army comes in and tackles Shark! Titan finally gets into the ring and throws One Man Army over the top rope, but as he turns around Triple D hit a stunner! Shark and Triple D get back to brawling, and D just looks tiny compared to Shark's gigantic form. Shark eventually wraps his giant hands arounds Dave, and hits a huge throw, sending Dave into the turnbuckle. Shark looks for a turnbuckle splash, but Dave moves out of the way at the last second, tagging in One Man Army! The smallest guy in the match, Army used his speed advantage to run around Shark, hitting a bulldog on his run back. The crowd is pumped up, and he looks ready to hit a move onto Shark, but Titan from the outside pulls him under the bottom rope. He grabs him, and slams him onto the apron back first! Army is in pain, but Triple D comes around the outside of the ring and hits a big boot onto Titan on the outside. Both men start brawling, but Shark is back up, and he carries a dazed Army back into the ring. He hits him a huge two handed chokeslam, pinning him for the 3 count! 






In another video package, Danny Fonzarelli is shown in Denver in a series of video skits helping couples fall in love. This includes giving tips to a guy on how to ask out a girl, causing someone to drop their books at a library so someone else can help them, an creating the perfect group of flowers for a guy to give to a girl. He then says with the amount of talents he has, he knows he can bring it to the ring, and he thinks he's going to become world champ. 




Backstage, T-Bone Bright is seen wrapping his hand up in tape. It seems he broke a finger or knuckle during last weeks title match. After he finishes wrapping





Roderick Remus comes up to him, with a big smirk on his face. 

"If it isn't the big bad T-Bone Bright! I saw you get your ass handed too you by Greg Gauge. Now, I might not be the biggest fan of that second generation asshole, but it still felt amazing to see you get beaten down. We came here together, remember? 2018, great year for the both of us. But you just kept being the goody always smiling T-Bone Bright, leaving a potential friend to the dust. Just pure arrogance from you my friend. And, well, it's just good to see you lose. HAHAHA!"

As Roderick finishes, he gets a slap to the face from Bright's good hand! Both brawl for a minute max before security pull both men apart. 






Television Championship Match

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This match started off hot, as Greg and Jimmy immediately started brawling. Jimmy won the exchange, throwing Gauge over the tope rope and to the outside of the ring. As Gauge startles to his feet, Jimmy gets to the top rope, and does a moonsault from the top rope! An amazing move and Foxx high fives some fans for his efforts. He brings Gauge back the ring, again going to the tope rope and hits a double stomp to the back of Gauge! He is hurt, as Jimmy goes for the pin.





















Kickout! Almost a quick win here for Foxx! He hits the canvas before pulling Gauge up to his feet. He kicks him towards the ropes, but Gauge uses it as momentum and runs back towards Jimmy and hits a clothesline! Gauge cracks his knuckles, and goes to work on Jimmy technically. He eventually grabs hold of ankle of Foxx and twists him into an ankle lock! Foxx twists on the ground trying to get out it, weakening the hold of Gauge! Eventually, he loosens out of the hold, and gives a big kick to the face of Greg! Foxx kips up, and then hits a hurricanrana! Greg is now really stunned, as Foxx points to Gauge before clapping to the crowd. He prepares to hit the patented brainbuster, but Gauge reverses it into a powerbomb! Gauge now starts kicking Foxx's head in, as boos can be heard from the crowd. Gauge then turns Foxx onto his back, and then locks in the Proton Lock! Foxx can do nothing but tap out!


A clearly mad gauge continues the beating after the match, but as he starts kicking Foxx some more.





BENNY BENSON IS HERE! He rushes down and Gauge heads out of the ring. He immediately checks up on Foxx, but before he can pull him out of the ring





Marc Speed comes up from behind and chokes Benson out with a sleeper hold. Gauge gives a smile, before coming back to the ring and raising the hand of Speed. Not been a good night for the good guys so far....






We head backstage to see Aaron Andrews and Sammy Bach talking. Both mention their recent fights with Doc Hammond and Jay Chord respectively. Both say they should stay together, but they both know they don't want both enemies joining up. At the end of the segment


Human Arsenal shows up! He tells Aaron to get ready for the main event with him, and he follows Arsenal out the room.  As Arsenal closes the door, a note appears on the door. 

"Watch Your Step, Rocker Boy -Chord"

A nervous looked appeared on the face of Bach, as we fade out....  





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While Dean Daniels got the initial offense going, hitting a big chop to immediately, this was more or less a showcase match for Matt Hocking. After a minute of Daniels having the offense, Hocking twists him around and hits a swinging neckbreaker. Hocking continued the onslaught, hitting a massive dropkick and gave a vicious clothesline, he poses for the crowd, but Daniels goes for a roll up that Hocking kicks out at 2. Hocking then gives a head kick to the sitting Daniels, and picks him up and hits a powerbomb! He then hits a hock shock, and gets the pinfall win! 


After the match, Matt Hocking got on the mic

"Last week another man like me screwed me over. That bastard Freddy Huggins lost that match for me, and I'm sick and tired of relying on people clearly below me in not just skill, but just confidence. I'm too pretty to be losing matches like that, and next week, I'm gonna beat that douchebag!"

Looks like two of TCW's biggest annoyances will go toe to toe next week!




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Big main event here. Human Arsenal has stepped up to team with Aaron Andrews, and he starts the match against Doc Hammond. Both are proficient at technical wrestling and go to town right away, with Doc twisting the knee of Arsenal's over and over again. Eventually, Arsenal punches out, and looks to go for a clothesline but his leg gives out, which leads to Hammond giving him a double stomp to the chest! He tags in Wolf Hawkins, who plays it up for the crowd for a bit, twisting the neck of Arsenal now. Eventually Arsenal gets out of it with a stunner, and tags in the world champion! Andrews chases after Hawkins who immediately tags in Hammond. Both Andrews and Hammond begin brawling, with Hammond pushing Andrews through the middle rope and out to the outside. Hammond slams Andrews into the barricade, before slamming him into the steel steps on the outside of the ring, which got an applause out of Wolf Hawkins. Human Arsenal limps to the other side of the ring to pull Hammond off Andrews, but gets a punch to the face for his troubles. Arsenal gets mad, and tackles Hammond to the ground, laying in several blows to the face. Andrews crawls back to the ring, and Hammond is thrown in by Arsenal. Hammond crawls to his feet, but gets a drop kick from Andrews. He then grabs Hammond, picks him up, and give him a michinoku driver! Cover!














No! Wolf Hawkins breaks up the pin. He picks up Andrews and hits a big suplex! But before he can do more damage, Arsenal enters the ring again, giving Hawkins a stunner! Hawkins goes to the ropes, and it looks like Arsenal is going to clothesline him over, but he throws Arsenal over and out to the ring. As Arsenal gets back to his feet, Hawkins goes to the top rope and hits a huge crossbody to the outside of the ring. Hawkins gets up pumped, only for Aaron Andrews to jump over the top rope with his own crossbody! Chaos as Andrews yells in excitement, he gets back in the ring, picking up the still dazed Hammond, getting ready for a powerbomb, only to be flipped up and slammed down by The Mercenary! An Alabama slam! Doc then signals to the crowd that it's time to end it, and he picks up Aaron for a piledriver! Cover











NO! Arsenal stops the count before it could even get to two. A pissed Hammond picks Arsenal and launches him out of the ring. He then puts Andrews back first, and stretches his legs apart, twisting them, and then locking in the Texas Cloverleaf! Aaron yells in pain, writhing in the ring all the while Hammond keeps twisting the hold. Arsenal tries to get back into the ring only to be stopped by Hawkins, who blasts him with a big punch to the head! Andrews, after almost a minute of trying to fight out of the hold, finally taps! Hammond just made the world champ tap out!


As expected the winning duo beatdown the world champ and his partner. Wolf calls from help from the back, and


The Elite rush down! Nate Johnson gives some extra jeers to the crowd as Eddie Chandler stretches the arm of Andrews almost out of his socket, the boos could be heard far and wide, as The Elite make Andrews hurt. Meanwhile Doc Hammond is slamming Arsenal's head into the turnbuckle. As the beatdown continues








Chance Fortune and Darryl Devine are here for the rescue! Chance gets to the top rope and does a huge cross body onto both members of the Elite! Meanwhile Devine hits a huge clothesline to Hammond sending him over the top rope! Wolf looks like he's gonna bring a hair to the ring, but Devine gives a big kick to the chair, hitting Hawkins in the face in the process. The four members of The Syndicate retreat, as Devine Fortune check up on Arsenal and Andrews. It seems this war has expanded, and is far from over.....




Show Rating: 76

Edited by Martel123
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Prediction Update:


Episode 2: 


Shifty425 5/5 ! Congrats

KyTeran 4/5

Newbiezness 4/5

Wrestling Machine 4/5




Shifty425 9/10

KyTeran 8/10

Wrestling Machine 7/10

Newbiezness 7/10

JayNO 3/5

Charismaticenigma 3/5

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TCW Comes to Wichita Kansas for Total Wrestling!





Human Arsenal vs Wolf Hawkins



Roderick Remus vs T-Bone Bright



The Syndicate (Chris Flynn, Eddie Chandler, and Nate Johnson) vs MAW's Finest!



Freddy Huggins vs Matt Hocking



Mighty Mo vs Titan



Bonus: Who will be representing MAW?

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Human Arsenal vs Wolf Hawkins


Roderick Remus vs T-Bone Bright


The Syndicate (Chris Flynn, Eddie Chandler, and Nate Johnson) vs MAW's Finest!


Freddy Huggins vs Matt Hocking


Mighty Mo vs Titan



Bonus: Who will be representing MAW? Jaylon Martins, Seth Whitehead, Joey Fili

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Human Arsenal vs Wolf Hawkins


Roderick Remus vs T-Bone Bright


The Syndicate (Chris Flynn, Eddie Chandler, and Nate Johnson) vs MAW's Finest!


Freddy Huggins vs Matt Hocking


Mighty Mo vs Titan


Bonus: Who will be representing MAW? Cheetah Boy, Seth Whitehead, and The Architect

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    Human Arsenal vs Wolf Hawkins

    Roderick Remus vs T-Bone Bright

    The Syndicate (Chris Flynn, Eddie Chandler, and Nate Johnson) vs MAW's Finest!

    Freddy Huggins vs Matt Hocking

    Mighty Mo vs Titan

    Bonus: Who will be representing MAW? Cheetah Boy, Nate DeMarcus, and Tyrone Gray

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