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TCW: Three Of A Perfect Pair

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TCW Presents: Total Wrestling Episode 3

Attendence: 8,184

Location: Wichita Kansas

TV Rating: 3.39 (2,546,326 Viewers)



The show begins with a look back at last weeks action. The Syndicate took a big win over Aaron Andrews, with Doc Hammond, the man to challenge The Ace at Malice In Wonderland, pinning the world champion in impressive fashion. It looked like the whole Syndicate was going to continue the onslaught, but Devine Fortune came out for the save! Lines have been drawn, as Aaron Andrews has a group with him to face off against the nasty Syndicate! But, instead of that starting off the show...















"The Chosen One" Jay Chord!

There is a stern look on Chords face. He isn't some cocky heel that hides from the challenge. He looks for it. The crowd is split, some booing and some cheering. He stares down the crowd, seemingly taking in not only the moment but also his status as one of the best professional wrestlers alive today. He wipes his feet on the ring apron, before entering the ring with the microphone in his hand

"I think I owe everybody here an explanation. I have been continuing this feud with Sammy Bach for one reason: Dominance. I am on the chariot to glory, riding to the kingdom with the sword of Chord in my hand. Sammy Bach will always be just right behind the world championship, always the lingering foe who should've been champion by now. But yet...he has not. That is why I will fight him till not only do I beat him, but send his confidence to the dirt. He will be finished, and I will claim that world championship...."

As he finishes up, his theme doesn't play...






Sammy Bach! He hypes up the crowd as Jay Chord scowls in the ring. Bach is still smiling, even if Chord has made it clear he wants him gone. Bach has a microphone as well. 

"Wichita Kansas! The Elation Sensation is here! Jay...I know you see me as a stepping stone, someone you can just waltz over and make a name out of. Acting like I am a has been, even when I've always been here! I have been at the top of my game all my career, and you pretend I'm nothing. I've got news for you...I am always going to be on top. I'm the sensation, I make women elated! And most of all, I am the best wrestler here, and I'll prove that when I fight you....at Malice In Wonderland!"

The crowd cheers, even yelling in excitement. Jay Chord nods rapidly grabbing on to the ropes, feeling anger at Bach. Meanwhile Sammy smiles again, he high fives with some fans as both continue to stare down as we head to the break.






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Two big lads here. Mighty Mo, the muscle bound star, immediately jumped in with several bug punches. A couple big lariats onto Titan who was muscley himself. Mo hypes up the crowd, but from behind Titan hits a big German suplex. The crowd boos, as Titan picks Mo up and gives a nasty powerbomb. He then throws Mo outside of the ring, before following him and landing a series of overhand throws to the head. Mo fights out of it though, and lands a slicing chop to the chest of Titan. Both men would then brawl a bit, going in and out of the ring several times. Mo landed a big kick to the gut, and hit a pump handle slam onto Titan! Mo got back into the ring, looking to win by count out. Titan rolls back into the ring though, and as Mo prepares to continue the assault, Titan pushes Mo into the referee! Mo immediately checks on the referee, but Titan gets an eye rake in! Mo grabs his head as Titan gives him a big boot. He then lays into Mo, with no referee to give a five count. Big forearms, and he finishes up with an elbow drop to the neck of Mo. Titan gets the attention of the referee, and goes for the cover.











NO! Kickout at the last second. The wild crowd gives a big cheer as Titan looks furious. He grabs hold of the referee who threatens to DQ him. Titan lets go though, and puts his attention back to Mo. He brings him back to his feet, and looks to hit a brainbuster that is reversed out of! Mo hits a big belly to belly suplex that sends Titan to the corner. He hypes up the crowd again, before throwing his whole body into a splash! He then picks up Titan and hits his coveted Plunging Spinebuster! He lays into the pin, and gets a pinfall! A great match!



Tana The Mighty comes down to check on Mo, who gives a thumbs up the crowd, Mighty helps him to his feet and raises his hand, while an out of it Titan is checked on by the ref. The crowd chants "MO, MO, MIGHTY MO!" over and over, but is stopped when.










That monster Eddie Peak! The crowd boos, but some stay  silent out of fear. Peak has a wicked smile on his face, even if one of his many underling just lost. 

"Mr. Mighty Mo. So good of you to show off those skills. I think my men are somewhat fearful of you, don't you think? From the talks of my advocate Floyd Goldworthy, it seems everyone thinks you are the next big thing. A future world champion, that you and your fat slob of a friend are going to rule over this company and kiss the babies as well. To the kids out there who believe in Mo, I want you to pay close attention to your bedrooms tonight and every night. Sinners and demons lurk in the shadows, ready to eat at the smell of fear....My men, The shark and the titan, will pull themselves up not out of wanting to beat you, but at the consequences of failure...."

The crowd boos, Mo and Tana look nervous, but determined...






A big highlight package here showing that starting tonight, an 8 man TV Championship Tournament has begun! 4 singles matches, before a 4 Way Dance at Malice In Wonderland! Matches are Huggins vs Hocking, T-Bone vs Roderick Remus, Maverick vs Chris Flynn, and Edd Stone vs Troy Tornado! Hocking and Huggins starts, right now!





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Not a lot of cheers from the audience here. Both men grapple here to start, there is some bad blood here, but both men are too full of themselves to go super heavy with blows to the head. Referee Charles Hapstander pulls off Hocking in animated way after Hocking failed to let go of an arm hold at the 5 count, which got some cheers from the audience. Both argue for a minute, but Huggins blasts Hocking in the back of the head! The crowd boos again though, as instead of capitalizing, he puts in a chokehold. Huggins holds for too long, and Ref Charles pulls him off to even bigger cheers follow. Both men get up and argue with Charles, thinking he is taking the piss. Charles argues back though, pointing at both men. Laura gets on the ropes though, which distracts Charles. Huggins goes for a low blow, but Hocking reverses it into a stunner. Both men now run back and forth on the ropes, trying to get some sort of move in but both either missing or the move getting deflected. Eventually Huggins hits a big elbow which sends Hocking to the apron. A big enziguri, followed by Huggins running the ropes and and hitting a suicide dive! The crowd cheers, but Huggins is not done, he gets on the barricade and hits a moonsault onto the dazed Hocking outside of the ring! The crowd is fired up, as Huggins throws Hocking back to the ring. A cover of 2 but Hocking kicks out! Huggins gets to the corner, ready to hit the Huggins kiss, but Laura slides something into the boot of Freddy. Freddy doesn't notices, and as he does the run up, Ref Charles stops him! He point at his boot, where brass knuckles are found! Freddy knows immediately that it was Laura, and he yells at her from the ring. She doesn't seem to care though, as she points behind him. But! Freddy doesn't get what she's saying! Then out of nowhere, Hocking comes and hits a behind the back Hock Shock! He then covers, and gets the win!


Hocking waves goodbye as he runs up the ramp, but in the ring, drama unfolds. 


Both brother and sister argue for a minute. Freddy points at Referee Charles Hapstrander who holds his hands to air, trying to stay out of this. Both argue some more, before Laura storms out of the ring, leaving a distraught Freddy confused on what happened?






Backstage, we see trust fund kid Jeremie Courtney walk around rather giddy. He finds his target though, still looking for a man for his bodyguard/tag team buddy role, he glances upon.





Dr. Love! Courtney pounces on Fonzarelli, blasting him with 20 words a second all but begging him to just join his squad. Fonz however is somewhat out of it, and notices something behind Courtney. 

"Look man...I'm not joining your....plan. But looks like someone behind you is interested."

As Courtney turns around, he comes face to face...well, face to chest, with a large imposing man.


"Nasty" Nick Booth! As it looks like Courtney is ready to give Booth his talk, Booth gives him a big knee to the stomach! He then throws Courtney into a garage door backstage before laying into him. We see Dr. Love look at the onslaught, whistle, and leave the scene not wanting to be the next victim.




"Please welcome my guest, the world champion, Aaron Andrews!"


"Aaron, we know that the Syndicate have been on your back in recent weeks, what is your plan to survive the onslaught?"

"It comes down to numbers Jasmine. The Syndicate individually can't beat me, or at least, they think they can, but they won't. Altogether though, they are a bunch of vultures, swarming their prey. Well....I'm no prey. I am the goddamn ace of this place Jasmine! Everything this company stands for is in my blood. I am TCW, and I'm not going to just be swarmed. I have people who have my back. A wrestling machine in Human Arsenal, and a pair of friends in Devine Fortune. They will ensure that not only I remain champion, but The Syndicate is done with in the end!" 

Lots of cheers from the crowd, as the Los Angeles native gives a finger gun to the camera.





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A standard showcase match, MAW is represented here by MAW Champion Bradley Blaze, Sandman Winks, and The Historian. Winks and Historian took the brunt of the punishment here, as all 3 Syndicate members showed out not only technically but also got some vicious punches and slams in that really wrecked the pair. Eventually, a hot tag to the Mid Atlantic Champ though, who comes in and gives a hard clothesline onto Nate Johnson, which gets a cheer from the crowd. He gives a big kick to Chandler on the apron, and Flynn drops down before he can be punched. Blaze ducks a rushing Johnson, and hits him with a big body slam! It looks like the momentum shifts, but crafty veteran Chandler gets a hold of Blazes legs, and pulls him into the turnbuckle, hurting his crotch area. Nate capitalizes, hitting a big brainbuster and getting the pinfall victory for the team!



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We go right away to the next match here, the speedy Roderick immediately exiting the ring, and doing what he can to avoid Bright. This happens a few times, but he gets on the apron once a little too close to Bright, who lays a clubbing blow right to the head of Roderick. Bright grabbed onto the hair of Roderick and threw him over the ropes and into the ring. Roderick fires back with a couple leg kicks, before a big enziguri sending the big man down. Remus gives a nice grin, before hitting a standing shooting star press, but a kickout at 2! Remus kips up, frustrated but not deterred. He picks up Bright and hits a big square to the nose dropkick, sending Bright down. Remus then sits up bright and hits a sitting hurricanrana onto Bright, but another kickout at 2! Remus now is furious. He gets Bright up again, looking for a suplex of sorts, only for it to get reversed into a piledriver by Bright! Bright now gets the crowd engaged, clapping up what he's about to do next.  A stumbling Remus stands up, and Bright hits a superkick that sends Remus down and out. But Bright's not done. He grabs Remus, put him high above Bright, and hits a powerslam! 1, 2, 3! T-Bone Bright gets the victory!






We head backstage to see Edd Stone partying up with some of the other partygoers he brings to each show. As he dances to the music, he accidentally bumps into....


A bruised Jeremie Courtney! Eddie says sorry, but Jeremie is pissed. He gives a big slap to the face to Edd Stone before walking away, several party guys check on Edd, who instead of getting mad, smiles and continues the PARTAY!






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Human Arsenal is up against a huge force here. Wolf Hawkins is a multi time world champion, and Human Arsenal is still relatively new to the singles scene. But never the less Arsenal starts off hot. A big drop kick followed by a spinning back elbow right as the bell rang! The crowd became electric, as suddenly, Arsenal had Hawkins up an hits him with a big suplex! Hawkins is stunned. Arsenal gets to the corner, begging Hawkins to get back up onto his feet. And as soon as he does, a spear! Cover














No!  Hawkins kicked out! That fast start wasn't enough! Arsenal picks up Hawkins, and prepares a package piledriver, but it's reversed, flipping Arsenal onto his back! Hawkins leaves the ring to catch his breath, but Arsenal is not far behind, jumping out of the ring and swarming Hawkins with punches. Both brawl, but Hawkins slams Arsenal's head onto the announcers table! Boos are heard, as Hawkins argues with the announcers at the desk. He bring Arsenal back in, and gives a big boot! Arsenal is then launched up into a face first suplex, and now the crowd is really booing! Hawkins gloats for a bit, getting in an occasional kick or punch in on the downed veteran. Eventually he picks him up and hits a running powerslam! Cover



















NO! Arsenal kicks out. Hawkins looks mad, grabbing hold of Arsenal's beard and putting his knee into his neck. Suddenly, Arsenal turns it around into a leg lock though! The tables have turned big time, as Hawkins screams in agony. Arsenal grips the hold hard, but Hawkins starts twisting and turning. He finally flips Arsenal while keeping the hold in place, but turns into a sharpshooter! Now Arsenal is desperately grabbing for the bottom rope! He inches closer, and closer, until he finally gets the rope! Hawkins gets up immediately, and grabs Arsenal, hitting a pump handle slam! Hawkins signals that this is the end, and he picks up Arsenal. He puts him in a reverse razor's edge, and throws him onto his knees! The Full Moon Rising! Cover














Wolf Hawkins gets the victory! What a great match!


Wolf could barely celebrate though, as suddenly



The Ace is here! He runs down and immediately brawls with Wolf. The crowd is again wild, as Andrews picks up Hawkins and hits a powerbomb! A huge cheer comes, as Hawkins scurries under the bottom rope...but then


Doc Hammond comes from behind with a steel chair! Right to the back of the world champion. He smashes that belt down several times, the dazed Hawkins on the ramp gives a coy smile. Hammond is stone cold here, very methodical with these chair shots. And just like two weeks ago, Doc Hammond grabs hold of the world championship and hold it up high! The crowds boos end a very exciting episode to Total Wrestling!




Show Rating: 77

Edited by Martel123
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Episode 3: 


Shifty425 4/5 

KyTeran 3/5

Newbiezness 3/5




Shifty425 13/15

KyTeran 11/15

Newbiezness 10/15

Wrestling Machine 7/10

JayNO 3/5

Charismaticenigma 3/5


-If you haven't predicted or are behind, you still can on future shows! You just need to have predicted on half the TV Shows to qualify for the big prize which will be announced when we get closer.

-I can also announce the person who predicts the most on Malice In Wonderland gets to choose a theme song for any wrestler on the TCW roster. Even someone I already have a theme for! Anyone can win this, even if you haven't predicted before, so be ready for that. 

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TCW's Go Home Show For Malice In Wonderland! Live In San Antonio





Chance Fortune vs Wolf Hawkins



Dazzling Dave Diamond vs Joshua Taylor



TV Title Number 1 Contender Tournament

Edd Stone vs Troy Tornado



TV Title Number 1 Contender Tournament

Chris Flynn vs Maverick



Benny and The Foxx vs Greg Gauge and Marc Speed



Bonus: Who do you think is the most underrated wrestler in TCW?:

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Chance Fortune vs Wolf Hawkins

Dazzling Dave Diamond vs Joshua Taylor

TV Title Number 1 Contender Tournament

Edd Stone vs Troy Tornado

TV Title Number 1 Contender Tournament

Chris Flynn vs Maverick

Benny and The Foxx vs Greg Gauge and Marc Speed

Bonus: Who do you think is the most underrated wrestler in TCW?: Chris Flynn is def one of them

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Chance Fortune vs Wolf Hawkins

Dazzling Dave Diamond vs Joshua Taylor

TV Title Number 1 Contender Tournament

Edd Stone vs Troy Tornado

TV Title Number 1 Contender Tournament

Chris Flynn vs Maverick

Benny and The Foxx vs Greg Gauge and Marc Speed

Bonus: Who do you think is the most underrated wrestler in TCW?:  I have 3 of them to me that have been great in personal saves. Freddy Huggins, always seems to over deliver to me and i treat him like he has "xpac heat" with the fans or kinda how Dominik Mysterio is treat by the fans just immediately drowned in boos and such. The other two are Roderick Remus and Matt Hocking. I dont see much in them as singles wrestlers personally so i always pair them as "Shocking" Matt Hocking & "Rocking Roderick Remus, as mid card/upper card heels for my tag division. In my personal save i'm debating on pairing them with Troy Tornado in a 3MB inspired gimmick, not as goofy but just 3 dudes in band. Then i can either throw in Bach as either as a foil to or  leader of them if i wanna turn Bach later.



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6 hours ago, Shifty425 said:

Bonus: Who do you think is the most underrated wrestler in TCW?:  I have 3 of them to me that have been great in personal saves. Freddy Huggins, always seems to over deliver to me and i treat him like he has "xpac heat" with the fans or kinda how Dominik Mysterio is treat by the fans just immediately drowned in boos and such. The other two are Roderick Remus and Matt Hocking. I dont see much in them as singles wrestlers personally so i always pair them as "Shocking" Matt Hocking & "Rocking Roderick Remus, as mid card/upper card heels for my tag division. In my personal save i'm debating on pairing them with Troy Tornado in a 3MB inspired gimmick, not as goofy but just 3 dudes in band. Then i can either throw in Bach as either as a foil to or  leader of them if i wanna turn Bach later.



Trying to differentiate those 3 heels and Jermaine Saunders has been tough. Lots of cocky heels and trying to figure out where each gimmick lies specifically has been fun 

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Chance Fortune vs Wolf Hawkins


Dazzling Dave Diamond vs Joshua Taylor


TV Title Number 1 Contender Tournament

Edd Stone vs Troy Tornado


TV Title Number 1 Contender Tournament

Chris Flynn vs Maverick


Benny and The Foxx vs Greg Gauge and Marc Speed


Bonus: Who do you think is the most underrated wrestler in TCW?: Chris Flynn

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Trying my hand at predictions!

Chance Fortune vs Wolf Hawkins

Dazzling Dave Diamond vs Joshua Taylor

Edd Stone vs Troy Tornado

Chris Flynn vs Maverick

Benny and The Foxx vs Greg Gauge and Marc Speed

Bonus: Who do you think is the most underrated wrestler in TCW?: Edd Stone is a guy who I feel like has all the essentials to takeover in TCW, and is someone who either sinks or swims depending on the booking. I've had him be a major star and world title contender and I've had him flounder in the midcard, but I really feel like he can be one of the major guys going forward. He's got the talent, he's just gotta use it!

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(So....The writeup for this go home episode was sadly erased around 3/4ths the way through. This came late in the day, so to ensure a post goes up, I am uploading the basics, the copy and paste of the segments. Over the next few days, I am going to start putting back in the exact promo segments, and maybe the matches too. Starting a new process of writing these so it doesn't happen again. 



TCW Presents: Total Wrestling Episode 4

Attendence: 8,441

Location: San Antonio 

TV Rating: 3.07 (2,303,534 Viewers)




A freestyle segment called 'Doc and Andrews sign contract,


Hawkins attacks,


Devine Fortune for the save again!' featuring Aaron Andrews, Doc Hammond, Wolf Hawkins, Chance Fortune and Darryl Devine.






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In a bout that had good heat and decent wrestling, Greg Gauge and Marc Speed defeated Benny & The Foxx in 14:29 when Greg Gauge submitted Flying Jimmy Foxx with a Proton Lock.



A freestyle segment called 'Gauge is laid out by Marc Speed! He announces himself as the next challenger!' featuring Greg Gauge, Marc Speed and Benny Benson.






We see backstage a sullen Freddy Huggins walk around. His sister left him for dry last week, and he just looks depressed. As he walks though


"Freddy! Want to say sorry for leaving you last week, just got really mad. But I have the perfect opponent for you at Malice In Wonderland! You'll be 100% back in the winning column! What do you say?"

Freddy thinks, before nodding his head. His sister gives him a big hug, before running away. Freddy's confidence is back and he smiles. 




A freestyle segment called 'Sammy Bach talks up his rivalry with Jay Chord, explains how he is too cocky and doesn't deserve his spot on the roster' featuring Sammy Bach and Jay Chord (Off Screen).




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In a decent match, Chris Flynn defeated Maverick in 10:33 by submission with a Flynn-Lock.






A freestyle segment called 'Courtney asks Bart Biggins to join his job, and laughs him off, Edd Stone parties past him, and dumps some punch on to him.' featuring Jeremie Courtney, Bart Biggins and Edd Stone.





A freestyle segment called 'The California Skater is here to make an impact' featuring Elliot Thomas.





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In a bout that had great heat and decent wrestling, Edd Stone defeated Troy Tornado in 13:46 by pinfall with a Party's Over.




A freestyle segment called 'Troy Tornado shakes Edd Stone's hand, but both are attacked by Jeremie Courtney' featuring Troy Tornado, Edd Stone and Jeremie Courtney.





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In a bout that had great heat and decent wrestling, Joshua Taylor defeated Dazzling Dave Diamond in 10:08 by submission with a Butterfly Lock.




A freestyle segment called 'Taylor challenges One Man Army 1on1' featuring Joshua Taylor and One Man Army.






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In a bout that had great heat and decent wrestling, Wolf Hawkins defeated Chance Fortune in 19:51 by pinfall with a Full Moon Rising.



Show Rating: 73

Edited by Martel123
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TCW's Presents:

Malice In Wonderland!

Live At The Dust Bowl!





TCW World Heavyweight Championship

(c) Aaron Andrews vs Doc Hammond



TCW Tag Team Championships

(c) The Behemoths (Killer Shark and Titan) vs Mighty Meaty (Mighty Mo and Tana The Mighty)



TCW TV Championship Number One Contender Match

Chris Flynn vs Edd Stone vs Matt Hocking vs T-Bone Bright



Jay Chord vs Sammy Bach



Joshua Taylor vs One Man Army



Devine Fortune (with Human Arsenal) vs The Elite (with Chris Flynn) 



Freddy Huggins vs ???



Just Announced On The Pre Show!

Dazzling Dave Diamond vs Wolf Hawkins 



Winner of Predictions here gets to pick a theme song for any wrestler on the roster, so a decent prize here. After this show I will post a month end recap, including some other show results around the Cornellverse. As well as some awards and stats for the month being handed out by the wonderful Brent Hill

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TCW World Heavyweight Championship

(c) Aaron Andrews vs Doc Hammond

TCW Tag Team Championships

(c) The Behemoths (Killer Shark and Titan) vs Mighty Meaty (Mighty Mo and Tana The Mighty)

TCW TV Championship Number One Contender Match

Chris Flynn vs Edd Stone vs Matt Hocking vs T-Bone Bright

Jay Chord vs Sammy Bach

Joshua Taylor vs One Man Army

Devine Fortune (with Human Arsenal) vs The Elite (with Chris Flynn) 

Freddy Huggins vs ???

Just Announced On The Pre Show!

Dazzling Dave Diamond vs Wolf Hawkins 

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TCW World Heavyweight Championship

(c) Aaron Andrews vs Doc Hammond

Comments: The Ace has to hold it at least until Total Mayhem/whenever he takes on Wolf

TCW Tag Team Championships

(c) The Behemoths (Killer Shark and Titan) vs Mighty Meaty (Mighty Mo and Tana The Mighty)


TCW TV Championship Number One Contender Match

Chris Flynn vs Edd Stone vs Matt Hocking vs T-Bone Bright

Comments: Edd Stone vs Greg Gauge writes itself. 

Jay Chord vs Sammy Bach

Comments: Chord is on the road to being one of the faces of the company 

Joshua Taylor vs One Man Army

Comments: This one's tough but Taylor has more upside

Devine Fortune (with Human Arsenal) vs The Elite (with Chris Flynn) 

Comments: Gotta give the Syndicate more momentum in their hunt against Aaron

Freddy Huggins vs ???

Comments: Some crazy signing is gonna debut, I am guessing Angry Gilmore

Just Announced On The Pre Show!

Dazzling Dave Diamond vs Wolf Hawkins 

Comments: If Wolf loses I'll riot 

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TCW World Heavyweight Championship

(c) Aaron Andrews vs Doc Hammond

Comments: Doc's good but not on the same level.


TCW Tag Team Championships

(c) The Behemoths (Killer Shark and Titan) vs Mighty Meaty (Mighty Mo and Tana The Mighty)

Comments: I think the title could change hands in this match.


TCW TV Championship Number One Contender Match

Chris Flynn vs Edd Stone vs Matt Hocking vs T-Bone Bright

Comments: Matt Hocking would be a good choice, no matter when you read this.


Jay Chord vs Sammy Bach

Comments: Just to make Chord work a little bit more for it.


Joshua Taylor vs One Man Army

Comments: 50/50


Devine Fortune (with Human Arsenal) vs The Elite (with Chris Flynn) 



Freddy Huggins vs ???

Comments: Very skeptical about someone who can debut defeating Huggins.


Just Announced On The Pre Show!

Dazzling Dave Diamond vs Wolf Hawkins 

Comments: Easy!

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TCW World Heavyweight Championship

(c) Aaron Andrews vs Doc Hammond


TCW Tag Team Championships

(c) The Behemoths (Killer Shark and Titan) vs Mighty Meaty (Mighty Mo and Tana The Mighty)


TCW TV Championship Number One Contender Match

Chris Flynn vs Edd Stone vs Matt Hocking vs T-Bone Bright


Jay Chord vs Sammy Bach


Joshua Taylor vs One Man Army


Devine Fortune (with Human Arsenal) vs The Elite (with Chris Flynn) 


Freddy Huggins vs ???


Just Announced On The Pre Show!

Dazzling Dave Diamond vs Wolf Hawkins 


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Posted (edited)




TCW Presents: Malice In Wonderland 2020!

Attendance: 44,175

Location: Dust Bowl Fields

TV Rating: 1.47 (737, 082 Buys) (USA Free Choice) 



All sorts of pyro goes off as we are live for Malice In Wonderland. Jason Araiza and Kyle Rhodes, the legendary commentary pair, are on commentary tonight, and both are clearly excited to be here. Big night as we have 2 big title matches and several feuds and developments coming to ahead. The first match is to begin, and who comes out but...















Joshua Taylor

While the crowd hates him, they can't help but sing along to the song. "Karma Police, Arrest This Man" has been Joshua Taylor's purpose for the past month now, attack Triple D and One Man Army for their "stubborn" drinking and not taking the wrestling ring as the serious place they should be taking it. He scoffs at the crowds singing, and slowly walks into the ring. "This is what, you get..." is repeated near endlessly by the crowd, as Taylor finally gives a smile. 





One Man Army is here!

The crowd erupts, as the energetic boastful Army runs down to the entrance ramp. He high fives everybody near the ramp, and is showing a ton of hype for his own match. He even tells the camera "Get This Man A Body Bag!" which gets a pop from the crowd. He gets in the ring and stands toe to toe with Taylor, before doing his salute to the crowd, which gets another pop itself.


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Taylor’s technical skills were up against a brawler here. Both locked up immediately, with One Man Army using his strength to get the advantage. He pushes Taylor in the corner who immediately protests, and Army backs up before a big slap to the face by Taylor! Before Army can react, Taylor comes up with a swinging neckbreaker! The crowd boos as Taylor begins twisting Armys arm and stomping several times on his chest. He eventually gets up and argues with the crowd. In the front row was a little kid who was extra loud. Taylor went under the bottom rope and got in his face, scaring the kid. Army follows with a suicide dive taking out Taylor! He gives a high five to the kid before throwing Taylor back to the ring. The muscular One Man Army then gets on the top rope and hits a big double axe handle to a dazed Joshua Taylor! The crowd erupts, as Army poses! He then gets on his knees and starts landing closed punches to the head of Taylor, showing anger with each hit! Eventually, Taylor gives a kick to the back of the head, and One Man Army rolls over. A big double stomp by Taylor follows, blasting the chest of One Man Army. Taylor smiles, and stretches out One Man Army into a crossface! Army twists and turns trying to get the angry Taylor off him. He looks to be going out, but he gets a second wind! He starts standing up somewhat while Taylor hangs on. He takes slow steps, before finally getting to the ropes, collapsing at the rope break! A furious Joshua Taylor lets go, pulling Army back to the ring and grabbing onto the ankle and twisting! Another submission attempt! This time Army gets out a bit quicker, twisting around and kicking Taylor in the head! The Straight Edge star hangs onto his mouth, but Army comes up with a wicked lariat! Cover! 




















KICKOUT! Taylor gets out of the pin quickly but with efficiency, already back to sitting up in the kickout. Army gets Taylor up and goes for a brainbuster, but Taylor gets out of it and pushes Army into the turnbuckle! Taylor rolls Army around and goes for the roll up, but Army kicks out only for Taylor to switch the roll up into a back suplex! Taylor signals for the end, and gets on top of Army and twists him around into the Butterfly Lock! Army is screwed! He tries hard, but it’s near physically impossible to get out of the hold, and Army verbally taps out, not being able to physically tap! Joshua Taylor gets the win. 





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A tag match between two rivaling teams. Devine Fortune saved Aaron Andrews twice now, and have become the clear allies for the World Champ. Meanwhile, The Elite have been the right hand mans for Wolf Hawkins, always helping him in whatever situation he’s in. This match is a proxy war! Devine and Johnson start the match, both twisting and hurting each other in holds and grappling. Johnson breaks the cycle with a big kick to the gut of Devine, getting some boos from the audience. Johnson is the heat magnet of the pair, and the overall Syndicate as well, so it’s no surprise he plays up to it. A bit boot to the head of Devine as soon as he recovers from the kick, and now Johnson pounces, laying blow after blow to the head of Devine. A tag is made to Eddie Chandler, who begins working the arm of Devine, twisting it into an arm bar of sorts. While clearly confident in his fabulousness, Eddie Chandler is less mean to the audience and more to the opponent. Johnson meanwhile just picked up an audience member's beer, drinked a little bit of it, and spilled it all over the paying member of the TCW Fanbase. This gets boos, all the while the actual in-ring match is a little boring. Chandler gets Devine up into the corner and hits a big chop! He does a couple more, and now Darryl Devine’s chest is close to blood red. Chance is praying for a tag at this point, and it looks like we are going to get it, as Devine starts hitting big elbows before landing a drop kick onto Chandler! He goes for the hot tag, but Johnson pulls Fortune off the ropes, slamming his head into the apron! Boos are as close to nuclear as they can get, as Johnson slams Chance Fortune over the announcers table and into Jason Azaria! No broken table though! A livid Devine turns around only to get a stunner from Eddie Chandler. He goes for the cover, but Devine kicks out at two! Johnson now on the apron starts arguing with the ref, but Fortune pulls Johnson off and hits a frankensteiner! A huge cheer can be heard as Fortune jumps onto the apron and hits a cannonball senton! He gets back up and reaches out for a hot tag! Devine is in a chokehold, and gets a couple elbows in, each one hurting Chandler more and more. He finally gets out of the hold and Chance Fortune comes in! Two big punches to the head of Chandler takes him down! He then hits a leg drop onto the Fabulous man! Cover























KICKOUT! Fortune gets up and hits another one, before landing an elbow drop as well! But Nate Johnson breaks up the pin count, and bashes Chance’s head. Devine gets in and clotheslines Johnson over the rope and out of the ring though, and Fortune tags him in! Fortune goes to two with stomps onto a now really hurt Chandler! He tries for a pin a couple times but each time Chandler just barely kicks out. Devine gets to the corner though preparing for a superkick.


But Wolf Hawkins is out here distracting the Ref!

He has a match later tonight, what is he doing??? But Nate Johnson jumps the apron and hits Devine with some brass knuckles! He falls hard, and Chandler inches closer to the pin. He gets on top, and the Referee turns around just in time to count the pin! What a dirty way to win this match!


The Elite celebrate like they just won the World Series! And Wolf Hawkins hypes both men up. The crowd is nuclear here, booing both men to kingdom come! 





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It’s a big Four Way Dance here. Matt Hocking immediately rolls out of the ring, as Chris Flynn pounces on Edd Stone, landing several clubbing blows! Bright comes behind and hits a big back suplex though, sending Flynn near the opposite side of the ring! Bright can barely do anything after this though as Edd Stone from behind hits a spinning hurricanrana! Stone then gets too good jabs in on the stunned Bright, before clotheslining him over the rope. Flynn is back up and goes for Stone, who ducks and hits a chop to the stomach of Flynn. A couple more chops before Flynn simply picks Stone up and carries him far over his head! He then slams him down into the mat, before getting a big elbow drop on him! Finally Matt Hocking gets back into the match, hitting a dropkick that sends Flynn out of the ring. He then covers Edd Stone.

















Kickout! A mad Hocking goes to the top rope, where he hits a big shooting star press! Before he can go for another cover, T-Bone Bright is back in the ring and hits a pump handle slam onto Hocking. Cover by Bright!











Kickout by Hocking! Going to take more than one move to keep any of these guys down! Bright picks him up and hits a sitting powerslam, but Chris Flynn jumps on Bright, landing a couple big fists onto the big man! Edd Stone is back up though, and he hits a running knee to the crouched down Flynn! He gets Hocking up and both hit a big double suplex on Flynn! They try the same on T-Bone Bright, but he suplexes both of them instead! Both wince in pain and roll under the ropes and out of the ring. Bright now grabs Flynn and gets him back up. He pushes him into the ropes, and goes for a spinebuster that Flynn reverses, instead giving a big elbow to the face of Bright! T-Bone backs up, and Flynn hits a big Lariet! Cover











KICKOUT! Flynn gets a leglock in on bright here, the training from the more technical members of The Syndicate showing! But now Edd Stone is on the top rope, and hits a plunging back splash, breaking the hold! He grabs T-Bone first, twisting his leg on the ropes before tossing him out of the ring. Flynn then hits a suplex, and signals that this is the end! He prepares for the Flynn Lock, and Full Neson variant, but Matt Hocking decks Flynn from behind! He hits the Hock Shock, and celebrates like he just won the match! But Edd Stone is still in the ring, and he decks him before throwing Hocking out of the ring. Stone then grabs Flynn, lifts him up, and hits the Party Down! Cover


















Edd Stone wins! He gets a future championship shot at the TV title!






We see both Freddy and Laura Catherine Huggins head down to the ring. You can tell Freddy looks nervous, but Laura looks extremely confident. Both enter the ring as boos get louder when Laura starts talking on the microphone. 

"I know my little brother has been losing a lot lately, and everyone thinks time is catching up with him! Well, he is just hitting his second prime! Freddy Huggins will not only win tonight, but will win so much TCW can do nothing but proclaim him world champion! So his opponent tonight.

















Alan Parent!

There is an audible "Who?" from the audience. While Alan Parent is unknown in America, he is a 4 year veteran of CGC and a near 20 year veteran of the Independent scene! He gets his big break here as Laura's handpicked opponent for Freddy Huggins. 



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This was less of a match, and more of a showcase here. While Alan Parent is a veteran of the independent and Canadian scene, Huggins was the biggest challenge he’s ever faced. Huggins is just out doing whatever Alan Parent has in mind, including even being a better technician, something Alan Parent clearly prides on. Inevitably, Huggins lifts up Alan Parent, and hits his patented Huggins Kiss, a spinning back fist! He gets the pinfall victory with ease!




Freddy and Laura celebrate big time. Even if Alan Parent is a veteran who has never wrestled a big time opportunity till now, they are treating it like he's Rocky Golden. As they do this, Freddy grabs the microphone from Laura. 

"I just proved how I am back baby! I am Freddy F'ing Huggins, the best thing this company has ever seen! And I still have all the energy in the world! Come on, barely a scratch from that dude. I challenge anyone, and I do mean anyone for another match. I'll go 2-0 in one night! Who will stop me....No One!"

Laura looks concerned, and even kind of mad at Freddy for putting out a challenge. But as they argue again












It's Eddie Peak! 

The smile on Freddy Huggins fades immediately, as Laura Catherine Huggins berates him. Eddie Peak walks down to the ring slowly, increasingly scaring the fans around him that just a few minutes ago were booing Freddy Huggins. Peak's smile was almost cartoonishly evil, like he wanted to completely destroy Freddy. He lumbers into the ring, as while he's still slow moving, he is still incredibly threatening. 



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This match was the exact opposite of the last one. Peak all but jumps on Huggins, landing a series of hard blows to the head. He moves down and picks Huggins up and lands a big powerbomb! He plays to the crowd who treat him as the good guy here, as he hits an elbow drop onto Huggins. Huggins eventually gets up and tries for some punches, Eddie Peak no sells them, which forces Huggins to dropkick him which has some effect. Huggins then hits the ropes for a run up, but Eddie Peak stops him dead with a big discus clothesline! Eddie then picks up Huggins, runs around the ring, before hitting a running powerslam! He pins him, and now a quick loss for Freddy Huggins!



As Eddie Peak left, a dejected Freddy Huggins sits on the apron. An enraged Laura Catherine Huggins gets right up into his face, Both argue for a moment, before Laura SMACKS Freddy IN THE FACE! The crowd gives a large "WOAH" as she storms off, leaving Freddy Huggins even more depressed then when the night began. 





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This match was a wild brawl from the start. Triple D runs up with a big boot that send Hawkins over the ropes and outside the ring. D follows, hitting a big double axe handle from the apron onto the outside. It’s impact is shown as Hawkins is dazed wandering outside the ring. D catches up, grabbing Hawkins and slamming his head into the barricade and then into the steel steps! He then tosses him over his head and Hawkins lands groin area first onto the barricade, only for Triple D to give a clothesline! Hawkins tries to get up, but Triple D starts stomping a mud hole. The crowd is now believing, as Triple D brings Hawkins back in to stop the count out. He goes for a haymaker, but Hawkins reverses by picking the knee! He then gets to the back of Triple D and locks in a sleeper hold! The crowd starts trying to cheer Triple D out of the hold, but he’s going quickly. Eventually he twists around, picking up Hawkins, and hitting a belly to belly suplex! The crowd goes wild as a surprised Hawkins gets up only to be met with a foot to the face! Triple D then hits a leg drop, and goes for the cover.






















KICKOUT! Hawkins is up and fired up! He jumps on Triple D, landing a series of punches and kicks that are rare for the usually calculated Alpha Wolf! He is incensed and just trying to bloody Triple D at this point. The referee pulls him off the break the 5 count, which starts an argument between the two. Triple D gets up, and while not bloody, he’s got a couple scratches. Hawkins twists him around and goes for a cutter, but Triple D reverses it into a powerslam! He goes for another cover



























KICKOUT AGAIN! Triple D is now mad at the referee! He is able to snap out of being mad though, and picks up Hawkins, who twists around for a small package! But Triple D kicks out. They both get up and Hawkins gives a big kick to the gut! He runs the ropes, and does a running neck breaker! The end is near here, as Hawkins digs into the crowd before picking up  Triple D. He lifts the man form Texas up, and hits the full moon rising! Cover

























Hawkins gets the victory! What an awesome match here! Both men on short notice put it all on the line






Tag Team Championship Match

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Big tag team match, which ring announcer Shaun Doakes hypes up. Mo starts the match and lays Titan out big time, getting several big clubbing blows. This has been a feud egged on through backstage attacks and one on one matches, and Mo isn’t going to let an opportunity go to waste. He is throwing everything he can at Titan, before giving him a big belly to belly suplex! He tags in Tana, who gives a quick elbow drop. He then gets up pretty quick for his size, and gives a leg drop! All Mighty Meaty right now. Titan is being crushed by both men, and it continues as Tana gets Titan up, and gives him a powerslam! Floyd Goldworthy takes notice, and distracts the referee! As he does that, Titan scratches the eyes of Tana, sending him into the corner where Titan hits a big splash! Titan then hits a suplex on the big Tana, showing his strength and even forcing the crowd to give a cheer. Titan now starts working the neck of Tana, and then starts going to the knee. The crowd boos a bit as this is happening, and Mo is begging for a tag. But Titan gets to his corner where he tags in Killer Shark. The Giant Shark gets on the top rope as Titan holds Mighty down, and gives a frog splash onto the giant! The crowd is stunned as he goes for the pin. 


























KICKOUT! Shark drops an elbow drop, before picking Mighty Up and giving him a couple hammer fists to the head! Each one starts hiring more and more, before finally Shark lifts up Tana and throws him to the ground! A big leg drop comes and Shark now works in a sleeper hold. Tana tries whatever he can, and  starts inching towards the ropes. He finally gets a rope break which makes Shark mad, he argues with the referee, and as Mighty gets back to his feet, he goes for a punch to the head! But Tana no sells it, and starts hyping up! He takes a couple hits before he starts punching back, and Shark’s head falls into the ropes! Both men make a tag, and Mighty Mo again lays the smackdown on Titan! He throws him around the ring like a ragdoll, and lands a series of clotheslines. He hits a back suplex, and he looks up, ready and for the big move, he approaches Titan but then.














Eddie Peak is here again!

He approaches the ring as his bellowing theme rings around the arena! Mo is ready for the fight, but Shark is tagged in, and he hits the Big Bite! Cover

























The Behemoths Defend their belts! Eddie Peak just saved their asses! The Champs get their belts and stagger to their feet, both pretty hurt throughout the match. Mo is out cold from The Big Bite, and Tana is bruised from the attack! 






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A big time match between two rivals, ring announcer Shaun Doakes all but yelled each man's name, and the crowd was hype for the start of the match. Both men grappled for the first part of the match, with the younger and physically superior Jay Chord taking advantage of the grappling. He'd throw Sammy Bach around the ring, all the while Bach is trying to outdo Chord's strength advantage with his speed. You can tell Chord is getting frustrated, ad he gives a big clothesline to stop any of the grappling. The crowd boos as Chord throws Bach across the ring into the corner, where he follows to give a couple punches. Bach escapes through the middle rope, and as Chord approaches, Bach gives a big enziguri to the head! He then jumps on the middle rope and does a moonsault to the inside of the ring! The crowd goes wild as Bach is hyped up now. Chord is up and is met with two big punches to the head! HE leaves the ring, and Bach attempts a suicide dive, only for Chord to move him out of the way and slam him into the ring apron! He slows down the match again, elevating Bach onto the barricade and doing an elevated DDT! He throws Bach back in the ring and starts twisting his arm, Bach's yells in agony. He has had multiple arm injuries in his career, and this hold is just amplifying his history! Bach gives a big kick to the head of Chord though, getting him out of the hold. Bach kicks up, and goes for a running clothesline but Chord catches him running, lifting him up, and hitting a michinoku driver! Cover

















Kickout! Bach has prepped for Chord's cradle piledriver, and no driver is going to keep him down. That's why when Chord picked him up again and hit a cradle piledriver, Bach kicked out again! Chord is stunned! He goes for a cover







KICKOUT EVEN QUICKER NOW! Chord hits the ground in anger, all the while Bach is gaining energy as he starts getting up. Chord gets a running start, trying to get a running big boot, but Bach jumps him, twists around, and is now on Chords back! He really wants to get his sleeper hold, Bach On The Back, in, and Chord is doing whatever he can to stop it. He throws himself around but Bach is staying on. Eventually, Chord runs and throws himself out of the ring! Bach hits the ground hard and is hurt, and both men are exhausted at this point. Chord gets up first, and rolls in and out of the ring to reset the clock. He grabs Bach and moves him to the steel steps. He removes the top half of the step and puts Bach's arm in between, and STOMPS ON THE STEPS!!! Bach screams in agony along with the crowd, his arm is busted! Chord grabs hold of him and throws him from the ring apron to the barricade over and over again! He finally gets back in the ring, and hits a big Chord Cutter! Cover





















KICKOUT! Bach somehow kicks out! Chord is furious, and slaps the mat over and over again. He picks up Bach and brings him to the corner, slamming his head into the turnbuckle! He then gets onto the turnbuckle carrying Bach, and moves him to the cradle piledriver position on the top turnbuckle! The crowd murmurs, fearful of what's going to happen. Bach starts trying to squeeze out, and flips himself around and balances himself with Chord on the turnbuckle. He gets down to the second turnbuckle, and hits an avalanche suplex on Chord! The crowd goes wild as Bach gets up immediately! He hits two big kicks to the head of Chord, and he's all but knocked out, he twists him around, and moves his able arm around his neck, twisting him around, and locking in The Bach On Your Back! Chord is losing his breath rapidly! The crowd is begging for Chord to tap, and he's doing everything he can tho get out of it. Bach then moves his other hurt arm around Chord's head, fully locking in the hold! Chord has to tap and he does! What a match!


A huge victory for Bach here, but you can tell he is hurting. Not only is his arm all sorts of messed up but he was thrown around and outside the ring like a ragdoll. His good arm is raised by Referee Ray Johnson but then














Joshua Taylor is on the stage! He stares down Sammy Bach who stares back. This could be the next big feud for both men...but then 


Jay Chord rolls back in the ring with a steel chair. He bashes Sammy Bach in the head with it, sending him down hard onto the canvas. He then puts his arm inbetween the chair, and stomps on it rapidly! Ray Johnson and the Security around the ring rush in and pull Chord off Bach! Joshua is forced to watch from the ramp, giving a disapproving look to both men. 




It's time for the main event here. The world champion Aaron Andrews is up against Doc Hammond. The challenger comes down first. 


The lingering beats carried out Doc Hammonds slow walk to the ring. The calculating mercenary always has his mind on the victory and he plans on ensuring it comes through. As soon as he gets in the ring the music finally picks up, and you can hear the crowd roar with boos. This is Doc Hammonds first title shot in over 10 years, and he is soaking this opportunity in. 



The champion is out next. He carries the belt over his right shoulder, and the crowd goes wild. Hammond has been a thorn in his side now for a bit, attacking and making The Ace look like a fool. He is very serious, and wants to prove he is still the man. The guitar gets heavier as he gets on the turnbuckle, extending his arms up and holding the championship for the whole crowd too see. It's time. 

World Heavyweight Championship Match

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No one's with Doc Hammond, he stands here alone and ready to fight. Both immediately start brawling, with Aaron getting the better hand, a series of clubbing blows and Hammond is forced to leave the ring. The Ace follows, giving a big clothesline to the The Mercenary on the outside of the ring. He pounds his chest to the crowd, who cheer on. He goes for Hammond who picks the knee of Andrews, and gets on top of him with a couple of punches to the head. He picks him up and slams him onto the announcers table!


Andrew winces in pain, meanwhile the announcers are forced to move away as Doc reaches towards Andrews head. He gets a big punch before dragging him back into the ring . He then begins his technical work, twisting the arm and getting in a crossface! Andrews tries to grab the ropes, but is too far away. He starts elbowing Hammond with his free arm, and gets out of the hold! Hammond though gets a big kick in the back, and now locks in a Camal clutch! Aaron now yells out, but this time he can't elbow his way out. He starts getting his knees down onto the mat, and starts attempting to stand up. He gets one knee up and gets up into a crouching position, where he throws Hammond off of him! Hammond responds by rushing to the corner, and as Andrews finally stands up fully, Hammond superkicks him! Square in the jaw! Andrews is down and knocked out here, and Hammond knows victory is in his bag. But, he soaks in the moment! The fact it's been so long since his last shot means for the first time in a couple of years, Doc Hammond is gloating to the fans. He gets right in one fans face and starts gnawing him. Andrews is being checked on by the referee though, and he throws up an X. The ringside doctor comes in to check on Andrews and the camera cuts back to Hammond, who is now arguing with the referee. He wants Andrews again, but the doctor is still checking in on the champ. Eventually Hammond moves the referee out of the way, and almost kicks the doctor in the head to get to Andrews! He picks him up, but Andrews reverses with a kick to the head! Andrews gets up and does a full missile dropkick and now heads to the top rope. He raises his arms up, and hits the flying body press! Cover!


















Kickout! Hammond just kicked out of The Ace's finishing maneuver. Andrews is up quickly, and hits an elbow drop! He still is holding onto his jaw, and he heads to the corner for a running knee, but Doc Hammond beats him to the punch with a big lariat! Hammond is mad now, and gets down and locks in a figure four leg lock! The world champion yells in pain, and flops on the ground trying to get out of it. Hammond is looking like a crazy man! He twists and turns and tries to get it more, but Andrews uses these twists to loosen the grip! He then sits up and starts throwing some heavy punches, and Hammond is forced to let go of the hold. The Mercenary is stunned, and The Ace gets to him and hits a hurricanrana! The crowd is going wild now, as Andrews hits a punch, then a chop, then a standing body press that Hammond catches! He twists Andrews all around and hits an end of days! He goes for the cover


























KICKOUT! ANDREWS KICKS OUT! The crowd goes wild as Hammond stands up mad! He gets in the referee's face, and almost slaps him but the world champion goes for a roll up! The challenger kicks out, but The Ace gets a big kick to the chin! Hammond tries to not fall down, but Andrews hits a second kick to the chin! He then gets to the top rope, and eggs Hammond to get up! The crowd gets even more wild as Hammond is up, and Andrews hits the flying body press! Cover


























Aaron Andrews defends his world championship! 


The crowd is still riled up, as Andrews stands up, bleeding from the mouth. He is given the belt from referee Ray Johnson, and holds it up high! The crowd give another cheer, as Andrews gets on the turnbuckle to celebrate!....













But wait! That's the theme for The Syndicate! Andrews gets off the turnbuckle, and looks up to the ramp, seeing who is going to come out. But someone comes up from behind! 


That asshole Wolf Hawkins! 

He bashes him with a big punch to the back of the head, laying out the world champion! He then stomps on him, specifically on his bleeding jaw! The boos are near nuclear. He is going to town, and just making the champ suffer. As he does this though, another theme rings out in the arena that stops him in his tracks....



























It's Ricky Dale Johnson! 

The former world champ walks onto the ramp! He was in the company for 20 years, and he is back! Wolf Hawkins is stopped cold, as Aaron Andrews rolls out of the ring to be checked on by the doctors! What is RDJ doing here! 


Show Rating: 72

Edited by Martel123
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Malice In Wonderland: 


Newbiezness 6/8

Knkmaster69 6/8

Shifty425 5/8

KyTeran 5/8




@Shifty425 23/28

@KyTeran 20/28

@newbiezness 21/28

@knkmaster69 10/13

@Wrestling Machine 7/10


@Charasmatic Enigma3/5



Want to thank all who have been waiting, I know this was also a bit messy on the rollout, but it's all out now. Newbiezness and Knkmaster69, please message me or reply here for the theme you want any wrestler on the roster to have! 

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TCW's Post Malice In Wonderland Show! Live In Los Angeles





Aaron Andrews, Devine Fortune, and Human Arsenal vs The Syndicate (Doc Hammond, Eddie Chandler, Nate Johnson, Wolf Hawkins



Maverick vs Mighty Mo



Edd Stone vs Jeremie Courtney



Danny Fonzarelli vs Freddy Huggins



TCW Television Championship

Greg Gauge vs Marc Speed



Bonus 1: Ricky Dale Johnson will speak to open the show, what will he announce?

Bonus 2: A match on the show will end in a draw. Which one will it be?

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Aaron Andrews, Devine Fortune, and Human Arsenal vs The Syndicate (Doc Hammond, Eddie Chandler, Nate Johnson, Wolf Hawkins


Maverick vs Mighty Mo


Edd Stone vs Jeremie Courtney


Danny Fonzarelli vs Freddy Huggins


TCW Television Championship

Greg Gauge vs Marc Speed


Bonus 1: Ricky Dale Johnson will speak to open the show, what will he announce? That he is the new authority figure/gm

Bonus 2: A match on the show will end in a draw. Which one will it be? The TV title match

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Aaron Andrews, Devine Fortune, and Human Arsenal vs The Syndicate (Doc Hammond, Eddie Chandler, Nate Johnson, Wolf Hawkins

Maverick vs Mighty Mo

Edd Stone vs Jeremie Courtney

Danny Fonzarelli vs Freddy Huggins

TCW Television Championship

Greg Gauge vs Marc Speed

Bonus 1: Ricky Dale Johnson will speak to open the show, what will he announce? That he is the new leader / manager of a new stable

Bonus 2: A match on the show will end in a draw. Which one will it be? Greg Gauge vs Marc Speed

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TCW Month End Review

Live on totalchampionshipwrestling.com




Hello TCW Universe! I am 2 time TCW World Tag Team champion Brent Hill, and today I am host for this end of the month review, where we go over recent news top 10 matches of the month, and some news to watch for in the coming weeks. We begin though with a few big pieces of news.

Aaron Andrews Breaks Jaw! 


During the world championship match last night, Aaron Andrews took a big superkick from Doc Hammond. This kick knocked Andrews out for a minute during the match, but the ringside doctor ruled that it was not a concussion, and the match could continue if Andrews wished too. The Ace then finished the match getting the title defense. When he went backstage he was found to have his jaw broken, and a stint was put in his mouth to help him for the next few weeks. Doctors say he should be okay after a couple weeks, and can wrestle during this injury time period. 


Alan Parent Signs To TCW Full Time!  


Alan Parent made his debut this Sunday, losing to Freddy Huggins in a quick match. As a reward for the debut, and doing it against a top talent like Freddy, he has been given a full time exclusive contract with TCW. Congrats to Alan Parent and his family!

Ratings From The War


As many of you know, TCW is in the midst of the American War! 3 different companies are going at it here, with USPW still getting the most viewers. But how were the actual shows. While USPW opened a second show, USPW War Room, their A show still got an average of 78.25, a bit higher then us and SWF. SWF got a 74.5, while we got an average of 74.75, just slightly higher then the Supreme! This war will continue on though, and we hope to eventually have the best in ring competition in the world. 

Top 10 Matches Of The Month

1. Wolf Hawkins defeats Dazzling Dave Diamond (Malice In Wonderland, 79

2. Wolf Hawkins and Doc Hammond defeats Aaron Andrews and Human Arsenal (Total Wrestling Episode 2, 79)

3. Sammy Bach defeats Jay Chord (Malice In Wonderland, 77)

4. Wolf Hawkins defeats Chance Fortune (Total Wrestling Episode 4, 75)

5. Wolf Hawkins defeats Human Arsenal (Total Wrestling Episode 4, 72)

6. Mighty Mo defeats Titan (Total Wrestling Episode 3, 72)

7. Mighty Meaty defeats Freddy Huggins and Matt Hocking (Total Wrestling Episode 1, 71)

8. Joshua Taylor defeats One Man Army (Malice In Wonderland, 71)

9. The Behemoths defeats Mighty Meaty (Malice In Wonderland, 71)

10. Aaron Andrews and Devine Fortune defeats Wolf Hawkins And The Elite (Total Wrestling Episode 1, 70)


As you can see from these matches, there is a clear pattern, with one wrestler being in the top 5 four different times! So, the wrestler of the month...


"The Alpha" Wolf Hawkins! 

Congrats to the leader of The Syndicate, who has made clear his intentions for the world championship with a post match attack at Malice In Wonderland!

What to look for this month

-War has begun! The Syndicate's leader Wolf Hawkins wants that world championship, meanwhile Aaron Andrews has been teaming with Human Arsenal and Devine Fortune. Lines have been drawn, and we will see who comes out on top. 

-Jay Chord wants more with Sammy Bach, but now Joshua Taylor is involved! What will be the matchup here?

-Mighty Mo was distracted from winning the tag titles by Eddie Peak! How will this feud play out?

-Will Freddy Huggins continue his depression? Or will he bounce back and be a top star?

-Matt Hocking on social media announced a new theme song for his next match! What will it be?



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Posted (edited)
On 3/8/2024 at 2:32 AM, Wrestling Machine said:

The Month End Review is a nice treat! Hawkins vs Andrews is always instant classic, let's see your take on this one!

Wanted to do some extra stuff instead of just the shows. You'll see that and some other stuff more often now. 


48 Hours until the show is premiered, so get those predictions in everyone! 

Edited by Martel123
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