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TEW IX Developer's Journal Discussion Thread

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1 hour ago, Searley95 said:

With regards to Owens being over from the indies, it'd be good to have a system in place in-game to recognise this. Realistically before NXT Owens' popularity wouldn't be too high, but him joining NXT and the turn on Sami would've generated hype and momentum online wouldn't it? idk, just seems like it doesn't matter much when you sign a top indie guy and debut them. 

I agree with this, there does need to be a significance to, as an example from the C-Verse, a tag team on the level of Babau and Moroi getting signed to SWF or USPW's developmental.

"Internet Hype" functionality as I would put it

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34 minutes ago, Chikbot said:

I agree with this, there does need to be a significance to, as an example from the C-Verse, a tag team on the level of Babau and Moroi getting signed to SWF or USPW's developmental.

"Internet Hype" functionality as I would put it

its a thing and I hope TEW IX has it in the game somewhere

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18 minutes ago, MrCanada said:

Will the booking team & inner circle be something that can be set in the editor or just chosen by the player every new game?

Adam said earlier in the thread that you can set them in the editor. 

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Absolutely loving everything so far, it was already gonna be a day one buy but I’m super pumped now

Quick question, with stats are win-loss records recorded? I’d love this feature 

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I've been playing a lot lately I wish I would have suggested importing tag teams. Sometimes I'll start a mod and run across one member of the team but the other guy is missing or there is no team in the data base for them. Sure its as simple as creating the team and editing the experience but none the less. That and being able to mass edit start dates on contracts to make it easier to push a mod back say six months instead of manually editing 3,000 contracts or whatever it might be. Minor things that might not get added but heres hoping. 

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10 hours ago, Dawn said:

PLEASE give me letter grades again. It's never bad giving us options to choose from and with my first few TEWs I got so used to them I now don't care for the numbers at all...



Please Adam, I am begging you. The spreadsheet style UI was a tragedy, legitimately one of the reasons I never grabbed 2020. I know it clutters up the page but the old grades/numbers are so much more visually interesting than plain text.

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1 hour ago, ALinc said:

Absolutely loving everything so far, it was already gonna be a day one buy but I’m super pumped now

Quick question, with stats are win-loss records recorded? I’d love this feature 

Win and losses are recorded in every TEW. You just have to go to the match history of the worker to see it. 

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2 minutes ago, alvarasus said:

Win and losses are recorded in every TEW. You just have to go to the match history of the worker to see it. 

Hopefully we might get the ability to filter by match type (e.g. 1 vs 1, 2 vs 2, etc.). It’s great to be able to filter by opponent, but it would be even better to be able to filter out multi-man matches (particularly for Japanese promotions!).

The announcements so far are great, and the return of touring contracts are game changing for Japanese promotions. Will people still be able to compete in their “home” territory while touring?

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I'm pretty excited about the geo tagging which hopefully translates to a more realistic Europe. If I understand this right, I can tag locations with languages and restrict companies to 'countries' where their language is spoken. That alone is worth the extra modding work to me.

One thing that would be a massive help for modding: the ability to set future contracts, so companies will hire the 'right' workers (or at least attempt to do so) when they open (i.e. Circle 6 opens 5 years into the save and tries to hire Jake Crist who is already active). This would allow me to set up scenarios like 'worker and his buddies had enough after X years with owner Y and start a rival company' (especially interesting with the Creative Team!) and similar things.

I'd also love to see some changes how the AI handles contracts in general. I have never seen a worker signed to a non-exclusive written contract in TEW2020, or on an exclusive handshake, for that matter. The AI seems to be dead set on exclusive written as soon as a company hits Medium, sometimes even to the company's detriment. For example, I've seen high pop Freelancers complain about being out of work for years, then the news that they are no longer Freelancers pop up, and boom, bidding war. So the workers fit the hiring criteria all along, but apparently the AI insisted on only offering a contract type the workers wouldn't sign. Maybe a trait 'Journeyman' that makes workers refuse exclusive contracts would be good, plus tweaks to company AI so they offer whatever contract gets them the worker instead of stubbornly insisting on the 'best' their size allows them. As it is, Freelancer is pretty much useless because not even the smallest companies hire Per Appearance.

Lastly, one small request: Updated weapon list. I know, 'Weapons' works as a catch all, but it would mean the world to me to see Gusset Plates, Carpet Strips, Staple Gun, Cinder Blocks, and 'Liquids' (lemon juice, rubbing alcohol, hot sauce) on the list.



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5 minutes ago, Mammoth said:

Weekends suck during Journal time. 😅

Literally, this week has been so weird personally for me so I just loaded up the forum excited for the next announcement only to realise it's saturday... now I'm just sat here wondering what to do lol

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Loving everything I'm reading so far.

That said, I am wondering about the multi-day event capacity. Sounds like it can really do a lot of cool things but I was wondering if it's intended for strictly 1-3 night events (a la WM, WK, etc) or if it's intended to be used for more drawn out events like the G1. 


When doing multi-block tournaments now, I tend to make temporary brand splits to avoid "left off of show" complaints. I also tend to run them as events as opposed to "tour events," knowing that I'll eventually get diminishing returns on attendance (which stinks as the last show with the tournament blow off is the lowest attended). 


Anyway, interested to see how it all comes together.  

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I am not sure how MDE would help the G1. It seems to be a tool to ensure morale is not lost across an event. The G1 would not have this issue as a) it is a tour and b) off night workers are usually in multiman tags. Am I missing something here?

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10 hours ago, alvarasus said:

Win and losses are recorded in every TEW. You just have to go to the match history of the worker to see it. 

I more meant without having to count every yourself haha

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Posted (edited)

Some great stuff and I can't wait for this!

Some bits I'd like to see

Excursion - It's cool that you can send on excursion, but I hate how it effectively releases people.  You should have the ability to send people on excursion and even potentially arrange excursions in certain countries or with companies for people for a determined length of time without having to release their contract.

Working for Developmental Companies - Bring back the "to work there" option for sending someone to a child company.  Trying to make my AEW company save work well with ROH is tricky in this regard.  Additionally, allow members of your roster to be featured on both rosters simultaneously.  I'd love to use John Silver in both of my companies, but I don't want to have to "borrow from developmental" every time.

More Direction for Developmental - Give note to the booker.  Tell them who you'd like them to push etc.  I've brought a number of talent in because I want them working matches and the developmental doesn't use them well - meaning that their pop doesn't get affected and it feels like a waste having them there.

Debut Positioning - When you're bringing in a newbie, allow the user to determine where they'd like to try and position the wrestler on the card.  A'la Kane, if I bring someone in I could say that I want to instantly bring someone in as a main eventer, or like Jericho in WWF, an instant upper midcarder.  Have the game determine using a variety of factors whether the positioning is likely to work and what needs to be achieved to make it successful.  

Copy and Paste Segments/Duplicate - Please give us the ability to copy and paste or duplicate a segment.  If I'm going to do a bunch of interview segments, or even multiman angles throughout the show, let us duplicate so we don't have to choose all 8 guys again.

Edited by McMenemy
Added another point
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1 hour ago, ALinc said:

I more meant without having to count every yourself haha

You don't have to count...it literally tells you their win loss record in the game already 

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1 hour ago, Astil said:

I am not sure how MDE would help the G1. It seems to be a tool to ensure morale is not lost across an event. The G1 would not have this issue as a) it is a tour and b) off night workers are usually in multiman tags. Am I missing something here?

Hmm... I see your point but I suppose it's all in how you set it up. I don't really equate the G1 to "tour events" in TEW2020 terms because that limit your broadcasting options to tour highlights. The G1 has each show broadcasted in full. In my saves, I tended to run them as individual events, each with their own broadcasts and use the undercard multiman matches for workers who were not participating in the tournament. 


I guess ultimately what I want to get a better feel for is how MDE interact with broadcasting. Will it be calculated as separate events with seperate PPV buys/viewerships? Its something I feel like I might need to see in practice to get a better grip on. 


Maybe it semantics, but I did think it was interested that Adam used the term "series" and made a point to say that each event in the series could be held in a different location. Perhaps it was that wording that had me wondering if that tag could be used effectively for something like that. 


Overall it's still early in the journal and perhaps Adam has more up his sleeve when it comes to rolling out Japanese style schedules going forward. 🤷‍♂️

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Posted (edited)
13 minutes ago, RingRider said:

Hmm... I see your point but I suppose it's all in how you set it up. I don't really equate the G1 to "tour events" in TEW2020 terms because that limit your broadcasting options to tour highlights. The G1 has each show broadcasted in full. In my saves, I tended to run them as individual events, each with their own broadcasts and use the undercard multiman matches for workers who were not participating in the tournament. 


I guess ultimately what I want to get a better feel for is how MDE interact with broadcasting. Will it be calculated as separate events with seperate PPV buys/viewerships? Its something I feel like I might need to see in practice to get a better grip on. 


Maybe it semantics, but I did think it was interested that Adam used the term "series" and made a point to say that each event in the series could be held in a different location. Perhaps it was that wording that had me wondering if that tag could be used effectively for something like that. 


Overall it's still early in the journal and perhaps Adam has more up his sleeve when it comes to rolling out Japanese style schedules going forward. 🤷‍♂️

I imagine more touring stuff is coming for sure based on what is already presented.


Sounds like you should have utilized them as lesser events with their own broadcaster or even as a temporary brand split "A Block brand B Block brand". EDIT you said you did that I just cant read. I still don't see how the multiday event which helps with worker morale changes that? 

Edited by Astil
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Regarding the MDE topic, I ran the G1 as full on "normal" shows. But here is something that I did to slightly "limit" it, because quite frankly once you got rolling there was nothing to stop you: I ran them in intentionally smaller venues of 8-10k outside of the first and last night (and ofc the finals.) I believe the MDE entry was more for WrestleKingdom Night 1/Night 2 or ofc WrestleMania Night 1/Night 2.

Say Rollins defends his WHC on Night 1, and wins. Well? Roman hasn't even appeared Night 1! He defends Night 2 against the Rock, this prevents any of the three I mentioned from complaining about being left off the most prestigious event in the wrestling world, which they most certainly would complain. Of course, normally you'd likely run an angle and title it like "Hype for WM Night 2" and include Rock/Roman or something, or in NJPW/WWE's case do a battle royale / rambo to keep everyone happy. But I digress, the point is it helps streamline the gameplay a little and I think its a great addition, and I know nobody is arguing the quality of said addition just giving my two cents on it.

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