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The C-Verse 2022 Predictions thread

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On 7/5/2024 at 5:29 AM, SolidDavidGold said:

CWA has been split, albeit amicably.  Lauren Easter pitched an idea for the women to have a sister company instead of merely being a division within CWA, and management agreed.  They're at most a year in, and Lauren was spot on with her assessment.  CWA Women or whatever it's called, is on fire, and is already considered the biggest female only promotion of all time.



I like the Idea of the women having their own company.

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25 minutes ago, chm39 said:

I like the Idea of the women having their own company.

You could definitely have Lauren Easter and Tamara McFly launch CWWF as the women exclusive sister promotion of CWA. I could absolutely see that.

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4 hours ago, Crym said:

Jerry and Eric Eisen get arrested after Operation Super Lullaby, leaving SWF on the hands of Eric and Emma's 10 month old daughter

Hahaha it becomes the Supreme Kids Federation. Jokes aside, having Emma as the Owner doesn't sound like a bad idea at all to me. She needs to have a spot on the booking team. Jerry vs Eric & Emma for power would be fun to see and watch unravel.

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Alright, full USA predictions cause why not


USPW- Used as the tutorial for "WCW like creative teams" we will FINALLY see locker room craziness which will give the player something to work and fix. I bet we see Nicky Champion, Rich Money and Tyson Baine all kind of protecting their groups (Nicky has a core Native American group, Rich has Sterling and other young guys he likes, Tyson Baine advocating for the old guard.) I could see other guys like Steve Frehley, Trent Shaffer, and Casey Valentine being stuck in the middle with all of it going down and maybe they lose their popularity/are relied on more by Packer to ride the ship when the backstage gets really bad. Big signings would by Rogue, Sammy Bach, Valiant, Des Davids, maybe Mikey Lau. Just guys who are kind of stuck or declining a bit and want a big pay check. 

SWF- I think the only trouble here would be Eric Eisen having more say with his guys so there is more of a Jerry vs Eric thing happening. A big thing would be Rocky vs Scythe with Scythe having his own Ministry Of Darkness thing working (Hellion, John Greed plus the other super big dudes who don't have a spot.) Spencer Spade might become more of rebel figure against Rocky's heroic babyface thing, and that might be where they go for Supreme Challenge. Big signings include them getting Jay Chord and maybe someone like Bulldozer or D.C./Eddie looking for a bigger push. They also win the Ernest Youngman/Venus Angeletti sweepstakes

TCW-They will be way more unified then the others of the big 3. Mighty Mo and Greg Gauge will slot into the main event scene, and Remus, Bright and Huggins being either in the scene or just on the wings. Brent, Arsenal, Bryant, and Oxford are all similarly minded wrestlers and they will all be pushing hard for a more technical style of wrestling that everyone will work with. They bring in The American Cobras, Bradley Blaze, Miller Fforde (under a different name I hope),  and they win the Canadian sweepstakes of Cameron Vessey. 

CZCW- I think they start leaving the Indy scene and start trying to make it a Big four, as their high flying indy style will be primed for a Tony Khan like injection of money. They keep the core group I think, with maybe CLM and Frankie-Boy becoming more Young Bucks like and joining up fully with Frankie Perez. Acid II and Johnny/Ralph from MAW would be the bigger signings if they make many. Coastal Academy seems to be working. 

PSW- Think Nelson is the last of this games best left in the company. He should be remaining loyal given his bio hinting at that and I can see him angle for a creative spot. I also think Phil Vibert will be brought in but like Paul Heymans post ECW plans, he will want to go more modern. Guys like Xavi and Austin Smooth will step up for the world title action and Sayeed Ali will be the head of the hardcore section of the company . I could see guys from IPW, GSW, and PSW all rotating a bit, no big signings outside of Phil bringing in more technically minded wrestlers. 

QAW- Their monopoly on independent USA women's wrestlers means even with loses they reload. Alina America Foxxy LeRue, and other older women probably take money opportunities in USPW and CWA. Little Miss Perfect, Honey Badger, Coco Malloy and Marie Punnen should start rising up a bit, either approaching main event status like Perfect or firmly in the mid card. I think the American independent scene could use a bigger rush of women wrestlers anyway, and we might see QAW have more FA options available. 

NYCW-Tennessee William doesn't get picked up yet, and remains a unanimously hated heel. Brutus and Freedom Eagle put up the fight against him. Meanwhile the DiMeo family is right around the corner, and as soon as William signs with another company, he will mysteriously be stuffed into the trunk of a car. I think they keep chugging along really, no big news outside of William getting even more heat and a bigger push. 

MAW- The Architect is finally getting the main event push some expected to happen in 2020. They will rely on Jaylon Martins more as a lead face and are prepping Nate DeMarcus and Tyrone Grey for bigger singles pushes. I think we see a bit more of a rotation happening again, with guys like Josh Jacobs, Copperhead, and Deuce Deadline replaced by younger guys like Pepper Pelton, Prime Time Jack Pryde, and Zippy Deverell coming in. They would keep up the TCW development guys too, but it wouldn't shock me if TCW expand sending their dev guys internationally too. 

IPW-The war is starting to bring both companies down. Aldous leaves for the big 3, Frantic Ali leaves due to not having his former push, and a couple defectors here and there on their roster. Ash Campbell I think comes in to lead either the booking or becomes the big face against The Dark Watch. They might bring in some other rejects/crazy dudes hardcore wise to fill out the niche of fully hardcore wrestling but like PSW/NYCW not a ton changes. 

GSW-I think Brother Grimm starts making the company a little goofy. Think Remmy Skye pops up here, and maybe Texas Pete becomes a laughing stock booed by the anti Texan audience. Top guys like Cali Slick, Deaf Touch, Omar leave for greener pastures and Papa Swoll gets pushed quickly, and by 2022 is expected to be signed by a big company at anytime. I just think we can get really wacky, maybe a bunch of rappers come in and start politicking the booking (NXT this year with Sexxy Red kind of) or weird gimmicks becoming a thing and kind of working (Max Mayhem becoming an RVD lite is something I have in my head) as the war keeps dragging both companies down, they find more and more ways to one up each other. 

RIPW-I see the big four (Ratzloff, Arnold, Hellion, and Good) are all up with the four being former world champions. Willy LaRoux has slotted up here and has become the guy, with Whole Lotta Marvin, Samson Sharpe, and Bryan Jewett being the other big players. I think they go even harder with more college athletes, similar to NXT, and start really bolstering their physical freaks (Big Smack Scott's Son gonna be a former D1 linebacker that can run a 4.33 40 yard dash for example.) I also think SWF start experimenting with a women's division down here, having a set number of women from their University as well as some Independent wrestlers (Black Diamond, Duplikate) starting to prove to SWF that womens wrestling can work for them. 

FCW-This is where you get your Indy Politicing. Flecs and Pecs will be right in PRP's ear trying to retain power. Kip probably leaves to a bigger company, and Mutant isn't that far behind. Island Boy Apollo is starting to get his big push though it's hard to tell if he will be kept at that level due to the politicking. Juggarnaut Jones is also rising, though every big company from here to Japan has a personal scout on him by this point. It's an interesting time for the company.


I think we do see at minimum 1 new company. Maybe a more technical American-Canadian hybrid located near the border (Seattle could use a company) or Molokai Milk goes nuts in Hawaii and brings in some guys from Japan and Oceania to fight Americans. Just some fun could be added that haven't been there the past few games.

Edited by Martel123
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  • With Phil Vibert having considerable popularity in Canada thanks to his tenure as the head booker of CGC for 5 years (2009-14), he opens up 'Ultimate Championship Wrestling' which would be Canada's first genuine hardcore promotion and will try to compete with CWA and ACPW
  • PGHW's fate is so ambiguous. They either resurge or struggle even more. What I am hoping is that Tatsuko gets either ousted or voluntarily resigned from his post, and then former PGHW ace and the greatest worker in the database (sorry Tommy) Yoshimi Mushashibo takes over the company and transform the company into a modern NOAH-style promotion. However, I wouldn't be disappointed if Shuji Inukai takes the post and maybe PRIDE Koiso takes the book.
  • BHOTWG can have a 'renaissance' period, and KC Glenn definitely has the potential to become the Kenny Omega
  • BCG will definitely rise as a major Japanese company, nothing to note much.
  • In Japan, there might be a new hardcore/deathmatch company that is akin to either BJW or FREEDOMS
  • WINNOW: Japanese Women's Wrestling will finally open sometime between 2020 and 2022 to rival 5SSW. Kit Hatoyama or Crusher Ichihara could be potential CEOs since WINNOW was 'created by investors who saw that there was an opportunity to make a lot of money in the relatively untapped joshi market' and they'll try to negotiate either of them since they are Joshi legends.
  • Kashmir Singh will finally open India's first-ever wrestling promotion, most likely to be Delhi Superstar Pro Wrestling
  • I feel like there's gonna be a non-wrestler from the you know industry opens up ELITE Pro Wrestling, and they're more hostile towards the more established West Coast hardcore companies.
  • Back to Phil Vibert, there is another yet-to-open company (Phoenix Wrestling Company) in the database that could potentially be opened by him between that timespan.
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Would be interesting if Aaron Andrews and Wolf Hawkins develop a Bret and Shawn like relationship where they both competing for top spot in TCW leading to hostilities.

Also, can set up a Montreal screw job like situation to unravel in future game when either leaves the company. (Or has this happened and I’m unaware?) 


edit: maybe Jay Chord and one of above. Aaron loses title to Jay who refuses to drop it back to him because “been there done that.” A clique with Greg Gauge, and 2-3 others brewing in TCW. Overall it’s not as chaotic as USPW but you have a 97’ HBK brewing on hands. 

Edited by JrSquared
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RAW will open its own performance center……..get it? Performance center? Cuz acting.

Anyway the grads will have thrice the hair and half the talent of 21CW’s and Tristam Day’s standards (read: Myopic quest for 'The Next Swoop McCarthy) will leave them flooding the Aussie scene.

Edited by Pteroid
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Eric Eisen would be a candidate for me. He carries quite the amount of controversy himself even without involving Richard and he doesn't strike me as the most diplomatic one. I could see him not handling the media well.

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I have a strong gut feeling that 21CW will have lost both Cornells to USA and be struggling! Needing a new booker/vision to reboot as all the big muscle men are starting to become a little tiresome to the audience. I think the British scene could really use a little refresh tbh.

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I'll preface these predictions by saying they're more of a 'what I would do' rather than a pure 'predictions' list, but I don't have anywhere else to post this!


USPW - descends further into cartoon, PG family fun and essentially bans the word 'wrestling' in a similar vein to WWE up until recently. Prioritises gimmicks over in-ring abilities, signing easy-to-follow characters such as Tennessee William, Hugh de Aske, Garry The Entertainer. While recording record profits and merchandise deals etc, it is not the place for anyone who cares about the sport. Nicky Champion is the eternal champion.

SWF - stays on the sports entertainment track, but with an edgier product. Reports of a real life power struggle between the Eisen brothers are worked into a storyline culminating in a brand split. A long term injury to Rocky Golden like a broken neck or something gives time and space in the main event scene for guys like Angry Gilmore and The Crippler to have a run with the World title before retiring.

They're also instrumental in forming a 'Sports Entertainment Alliance' with fellow powerhouses 21CW and EILL to challenge USPW. 

TCW - BriCo have either began to turn the company's fortunes, or have sold off to someone else who has. They have transitioned to become the 'home of wrestling', catering to a smart audience akin to AEW and a plethora of indy-darling signings replace their otherwise aged roster. Jay Chord replicates his father and fulfils his legacy by winning the TCW World Heavyweight title at Total Mayhem 25. I think Tommy Cornell returns 'home' to retire at the hands of his former protege, Wolf Hawkins.

CZCW - Cliff Anderson's sad and untimely death has made way for secret billionaire Pee-Wee Germaine to take over the company, bankrolling them in the process. A rebranding to something more 'global' but keeping the initials, like Combat Zone Championship Wrestling, to further widen their marketing appeal. A gender split is reintroduced, but the men's and women's divisions are treated legitimately as equal, with women main eventing as much as the men, etc. Potential for both Joanne Rodriguez and Fox Mask to come out of retirement, but even if they don't I think J-Ro joins on commentary. They're more indy-darling than TCW, but still a step under them in terms of popularity, though very much on the brink of turning the Big 3 into a Big 4. 

PSW - All their top talent in Ernest Youngman, Nelson Callum, Logan Wolfsbaine, Ash Campbell etc have been poached. They've kept afloat by leaning into hardcore wrestling (DAVE) nostalgia, bringing in guys like Chris Caulfield, Brandon James. A few bigger companies midcard guys find it as a home to thrive in such as Dusty Ducont. Essentially they've been forced to swap out pure talent for ready made but over-the-hill stars. 

QAW - I'm hoping the American-based, psuedo-British, luchadora company finds an Identity, because they're one I struggle to get behind in TEW 2020. Women's wrestling as a whole is going to see a major push in this edition, with many big companies like TCW forming a dedicates women's division. As a result QAW will either be raided and threadbare, or thriving from the surge in popularity. 

NYCW - still existing in 1976. 

MAW - So much of this depends on Sam Keith. I think every iteration of the game Adam tries to remove the overpowered characters, and in terms of road agents that's Keith. But MAW itself is a heavily protected, highly thought of part of the CVerse, so I can't see the company dying or being bought out. I think the trio of Bradley Blaze, Miller Fforde and The Architect all go to one of the Big 3 each. I see many of the undercard go too, in favour of a 'new era' for the roster, bringing in actual talented youngsters like Prime Time Jack Pryde, Chip Martin, Dreadnought and James Diaz (the latter two hopefully as a dominant tag team). I'm also hoping a few veterans come in to teach these kids the ropes such as Acid, Air Attack Weasel and Nicolas Lopez. The secondary benefit to this is it gives the company a ready made main event scene as the kids grow in skill and popularity.

GSW - I think Brother Grimm loses interest when the likes of Fro Sure, Deaf Touch and Cali Slick move to the bigger companies. He's still the owner on paper, but spends his time touring, or just otherwise busy. CJ Weston takes the rap for losing the bigger stars of the company and is fired and replaced as head booker. 

IPW - I'm hoping they fully embrace a hardcore-horror, backwoods psycho circus like product that their roster is tailor made for. Cut out the bland undercard (I'm looking at you Stanley Axis) and draws a huge cult like following on Wrestleworld. 

RIPW - Cease to exist or are cut loose by SWF, who have brought their development system in-house with a separate, dedicated brand (like NXT). 

FCW - The use of Wrestleworld has given FCW the reach into the mainland to continue to grow, and are a sleeper hit that could potentially threaten the Big 3 if they continue on form. I'm hoping they adopt the Puerto Rican Hardcore style too. The loss of their best workers Kip Keenan, Davis Wayne Newton etc is offset with some smart, shrewd signings of USPW, SWF and TCW released workers.

New Promotions: At least one women's wrestling promotion. 


CWA - The merging of the two beloved Canadian powerhouses has been a roaring success. The industry is way up in Canada as a result, and the company is the unofficial 4th addition to the USA 'Big 3'. Product wise, I think there's a huge scope to blend real-life issues into storylines (similar to SWF above), that sees the likes of Edd Stone, Nate Johnson and Alex DeColt return 'home' as the product grows into a faction warfare style, with almost everyone on the roster having alliance to a particular stable. 

ACPW - Restore Canadian representation in the COTT by joining the alliance, potentially with a move to Ontario to facilitate a wider reach into the American market as a result. This will pave the way for a new Quebec-based promotion in the ready to go QPW. 

New Promotions: At least a hardcore promotion, and a women's wrestling promotion.


EILL - Unfortunately the apple fell very far away from the tree, and Jorge Ibanez Jr turns out to be a megalomaniac who only cares for market and profitability, and not lucha libre itself. This leads to an exodus of the locker room leaders in EILL, not least head booker Soul Taker. But with the walkout of the veterans, EILL has almost completely shed itself of the SOTBPW shadow, and can now dominate the Mexican market in Ibanez Jr's image.

OLLIE - The writing has been on the wall for OLLIE for sometime, and they either die and are reborn as a luchadoras only company, or completely rebrand as such. I'm predicting they become MOLLIE (Mujeres Origial Lucha Libre Is Eternal). Although Electric Dreamer was very much the proof positive for a luchadoras only promotion, she's long gone with USPW having stolen her as the final blow to the OLLIE brand before the new company forms. Nicolas Lopez vs Marcos Flores was the company's final ever match (obviously won by Lopez).

EMLL - I don't have much specific to predict, other than they keep on growing as their unique, dark, comic-book style world becomes a cult phenomenon. I hope they have 'fixed belts' on in the editor to start with, so that they don't keep bringing back that Campeonato de Mexico title that no longer fits their product...

CILL - With OLLIE dying, they have a deep pool of workers to choose from, and are the home for independent lucha libre. They're also likely to take OLLIE's place in the COTT too. 

New Promotions: Other than the OLLIE/MOLLIE prediction, a hardcore promotion, and possibly a bankrolled challenger to EILL populated by workers that Ibanez Jr has angered.


Hopefully the addition of several new titles, including a Trio's Championship, Women's Championship, Women's Tag Team Championship and a Hardcore Championship. At least one representative from Canada to join, possibly PSW and/or FCW to join, and OLLIE to be replaced if they do close, most likely by CILL.

British Isles

21CW - There's not much to predict here, other than joining the aforementioned 'Sports Entertainment Alliance' with 21CW and EILL. I think if Rogue joins them, either as part of the alliance, or after retiring as a colour commentator. Many more bald graduates from the National School Of Wrestling.

SNP - Mark Carnie is a scumbag. He almost gets caught in some dodgy money deal, but in some convoluted scheme enlists the help of fellow oxygen-thief, Welsh mafia boss Ken Flanagan. The two become the best of pals, bonding over their love of mistreating women, being dirtbags, and pro wrestling. Flanagan becomes the head booker and the two ruin the good thing SNP had going for itself.

CWW - I'm praying a takeover sees them gain some financial backing and helps them grow a little. Also hoping for a rebrand to something with a wider appeal than to the people of Wigan, something like Catch Wrestling Worldwide. They also become an excursion hub for BCG.

New Promotions: A new women's promotion and an Irish, indy haven promotion.


BHOTWG - (Assuming there is some sort of new contract system that allows workers to only be exclusively signed in one region) I can see some sort of talent trading deal with TCW (similar to NJPW and AEW). This allows for things like the Greg Gauge/Matthew Keith collision course, and the crossover of many top-tier talent. Other than that, they're simply still top by virtue of others doing worse, or not yet catching up.

PGHW - I think they come just seconds away from closing forever, but find a spark that breathes new life into the promotion, and they're just bouncing off from rock-bottom and ready to build their way back up. Closer to those beneath them in the pecking order than they are to BHOTWG above them, they have an upwards trajectory for the first time in a very long time. Part of this is thanks to becoming the first ever Japanese promotion to incorporate Joshi wrestling, stealing 5SSW's biggest names such as Yuma Maruya (though I think she personally will be off on maternity leave for the game's start date).

WLW - Hopefully further expanding and continuing to move past the yakuza scandal. Closing the gap on PGHW and BHOTWG without doing anything specifically noteworthy this time around. 

BCG - A real bright spot for puroresu over the last few years, and are essentially level pegging with PGHW as Japan's #2 promotion at this point. A really strong roster and all the potential in the world to challenge BHOTWG in the near future.

5SSW - Similarly to QAW, they will either thrive due to the surge in women's wrestling that's bound to happen, or be swallowed up by it. Given their history it would be a shame to see them go, but I think they could be the surprise casualty of this edition, their roster either being part of the PGHW women's revolution, or making up part of a new joshi promotion's roster.

EX2010 - After a decade as a slightly edgier version of WLW, I see EX2010 capitalising on the gap in the market for bloodthirsty hardcore puro fans by integrating deathmatch wrestling that has been missing from the country since WEXXV's demise. Unique in their Junior-Deathmatch combined product, they're one of the fastest rising companies in the game.

SAISHO - Much like their former owners in PGHW, SAISHO are on the decline. Any non-loyal workers with any talent have been scooped up by the above companies, leaving SAISHO with a lack of star power and a lack of identity. A transition into becoming the Japanese MAW helps to steady the ship, look for Yuta Isono to be the next big thing on their roster.

New promotions: A women's promotion if 5SSW fall.


EWA - Byron continues to put his own personal ego ahead of business, putting himself over the likes of Paolo Gandalfini, which in turn sees an exodus of anyone who doesn't benefit from being in the Byron vortex. I'm also expecting to see a tag title run with his son Bret. Lots of monsters signed for Byron to overcome.

VWA - The amicable relationship between the three European companies cracks in favour of a three way war for the top position. Byron's stale act allows VWA to grow in popularity, and their 'something for everyone' product helps them gain traction.

UEW - A talent trading agreement or alliance with CWW sees both companies reject Brexit and drag each other up a level, to the extent where UEW are only fractions behind the other two European companies at this point. There isn't much to say about these companies individually, but rather that I can see a different one of the trio becoming the European top dog in each save.

New Promotions: Potentially a women's promotion, a very low level comedy promotion.


RAW - Good lord I hope they die. Though I don't think that happens, I think a steroid scandal resulting in an untimely death pulls the rug out from the company and leaves them perilous for the first time. They will still be the big company of the region, but with a distinct lack of interest or goodwill in their direction.

APW / DIW - This one really is wishful thinking over predicting, but I hope to see the two companies combine into some sort of attitude era or ruthless aggression style that can challenge RAW one day soon. There's plenty of potential in the two companies when you combine their rosters, and a united front, either between old enemies James J McMinister and The Comedian, or a new owner who buys both out, should see an upcoming AIPW ready to take over Australia.

ZEN - ZEN's gonna ZEN. They're a light-hearted promotion hidden away in New Zealand and that's how they will stay. They're a nice titbit to the CVerse, but should never be anything more than that really.

New Promotions: Possibly (though not likely) a women's promotion, a new indy-darling promotion, and a potential hardcore promotion if DIW and AIPW were to merge.


New Promotions: I'm hoping for three, DSPW and MGPW as per the yet to debut companies in TEW 2020, but also a hardcore promotion to flesh out an option for everyone there.

Deaths & Leaves The Business

Rather than just comment on the companies, I thought I would predict who leaves the game in this edition, either by retirement, or by dying - you know, keeping it light.

Remmy Skye - The big one (in my book). A loved character on the forums, but his time for redemption has passed, I think he sadly passes away due to his substance abuse issues.

Cliff Anderson - This was covered in the CZCW section briefly, but I think it's time for fresh blood to run that company, and he wouldn't willingly sell up.

Jason Azaria - Luckily for him not a death, but finally leaves the business after calling his final match at Total Mayhem 25.

Manhunter - I'm putting him down as the RAW steroid-scandal death.

Phoebe Plumridge - A devastating accident that results in Adam Matravers being on sabbatical as the game starts, just to give 21CW something interesting as the game starts.

Dawn Gemmell - Leaves the business after landing a role in a soap opera.

Persephone - someone has to leave to raise little baby Nikki Champion, and it's not going to be Nick, is it?

Jeremy Stone - One of the Stones' follows their father by shuffling off this mortal coil. Jeremy's death is the catalyst for the remaining Stone boys to reconcile with Edd though.

Optimus - Either by death or retiring to a farm somewhere, Optimus is not available in the next edition of TEW.

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Hellion to be on the SWF main roster. Whether he's a group enforcer who has rarely wrestled, a midcard champion who's dominating his division, or victim of a failed push I do not know.

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More of a discussion than I prediction, but I just took a look at the "yet to debut" crowd in the editor of TEW2020's default database.  28 male wrestlers to debut in 2020.  By the start of 2022, that number is down to 13.  I'm thinking Adam and Co. have had to do a lot of creating this time.  So what do you think?  Has a next big thing debuted somewhere?  How many more wrestlers does Adam need to create?  Just on schools and the like, probably 150 or so just for the last 2 years I think.  I'm really hoping for a big number of yet to debut workers, at least for the first few years.  Does Jr. get nerfed?  I mean, he IS Tommy's kid, but no one should have stats that good as a noob.  Better than average?  Sure.  One of the best in the world?  Probably not.  Tell me your thoughts on potential new cannon workers.

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If one of the big feds snaps up Swoop McCarthy, then RAW is immediately hiring Damian Dastardly to replace him.  Assuming that Damian himself isn't snatched up by whatever promotion that's snapping up talent from Down Under.

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