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The C-Verse 2022 Predictions thread

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I think a new promotion in Japan opened what with the deaths of Warrior Engine and GCG among hits to other promotions. I could see a money player entering the scene or even the resurrection of an old company to try and make waves. With money and pull there's enough PPA workers in Japan to make a super strong promotion.

Similarly (or perhaps tied to) I think something might have happened to BCG. They've been too stable for too long in the C-Verse where turmoil is always happening. They formed in 2016 and "won" the Modern Japan Movement War in 2020. I could see a new player poaching a large portion of the non-core roster (including the likes of SUKI and Furusawa) or even something happening to Maeda to cause a rift in the promotion leading to a mass exodus. 

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USPW: I'm thinking USPW will change to appeal to a global audience. Lose the American image in favor of a global brand. With this I think they will sign up many top stars (as they do in many playthroughs). I'm thinking the Cornells, El Leon, Christian Price, and many of the RAW stars (not including Swoop whose bio notes he would still be signed to RAW by the start time of this game). As many here have said I think this is going to cause a lot of backstage tension as the new signings will clash with the old guard. They'll have the money, reach, and big names - but their backstage will be toxic. I'm thinking the toxicity will be so much that they even lose some notable names. 

TCW: I think the BriCo ownership is finally going to lead to a shift in presentation.  TCW has the highest merchandise levels of any company currently, and this will lead to them obtaining their biggest win in the war of the big 3 - Nicky Champion. Champion doesn't have a set time on his contract at the start of the 2020 game. I believe BriCo lures Champion away from USPW with a big contract and the promise to put their toy/merch machine behind him. Much like Hogan joining WCW in 1994, this will spell big business for the southern brand as sales go up across the board. However, much like 1994 WCW, they also sign his friends (Happy Elwood would be in the Brutus Beefcake role) and the new direction will sour the more loyal southern fanbase. We'll be tasked to pick a direction and must choose to either stay loyal to the TCW southern style roots or follow Champion and his cohorts as they bring in the big bucks.

SWF: I think the above USPW expansion and rise of TCW will cause friction between the brothers and will play a role with the creative team feature.  SWF is going to be more vulnerable as it has ever been - maybe even falling to being the third place of the big 3. I see Jack Bruce returning to play a role on the creative teams. Maybe even Christian Faith or Skull DeBones. I do see RIPW growing more notably as they forgo joining WrestleWorld to be aired on the popular SWF Network. The new streaming service helps keep SWF afloat and the increased eyes on their child company secures that they have a foothold in the future.

WrestleWorld will be either a blessing or curse on the independent scene. Companies will either fall due to overspending or the increased viewership will lead to a growth. I think the IPW-GSW war will feel this the most as one company will evidently fall. CZCW with their in ring work will grow to a medium company. Lastly, NYCW will have experimented with having a woman's match on the card at the behest of Steve Flash - this will be seen as too new for their audience and Larry Vessey will fire him for it. Steve will then join some of his fellow RPW alumni in PSW as part of the creative team.

Predictions for the rest of the world:
EMLL, ZEN, and WLW will all form a lucha based alliance based around a "multiverse" concept that is a hit with the fans. They all joined WrestleWorld when the broadcaster expanded into their regions, and the character work of each company led to fans clamoring for crossover.  EMLL and WLW will follow ZEN in integrating women on their rosters. Thereby drawing talent from 5SSW and OLLIE/CILL. One company will make history as they put the top title on a woman - that being EMLL crowning Electric Dreamer as the Campeonato del Mundo.

With their roster being raided by the American companies, CWA will find itself actually for the better as it solves the issue of their overbloated roster. That doesn't mean they are without new talent as Edd Stone returns home not as a hero, but as a heel whose "black sheep of the family" moniker is drawing big money in Canada. Other notable signings include Eric Tyler who joins the side of his daughter as a manager, Mimic who finds himself rising up the card, and Danny Cavanagh coming home as his tag partner retires.

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RAW pulls a Johnny Ace and hires the wrong charismatic blonde kiwi. Unable to admit the mistake, Tristam Day tries his best to make Booster Boy a star while Dastardly grows ever more exasperated by his lack of a hiring.

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I'm curious which wrestlers will be taller/heavier and which will be shorter/lighter than what people have in their mind for them, since we're going to numerical height/weight numbers.  Like have I been picturing someone as 6' in my head and they're actually just like 5'8"?  Or have I been thinking someone is like 6'4" and they're 6'9"? 


I don't have any predictions for that, but it will be funny to see how off my bad mental images are.

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The new popularity spillover and the loyalty changes that let workers break loyalty definitely does make it feel like someone big from Japan is jumping ship. There's usually a change like that in the database to showcase changes like that. Could be someone like Kawashima jumping over to BHOTWG or USPW stealing a couple names from the japanese companies. I wonder who it will be.

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2 hours ago, Crym said:

The new popularity spillover and the loyalty changes that let workers break loyalty definitely does make it feel like someone big from Japan is jumping ship. There's usually a change like that in the database to showcase changes like that. Could be someone like Kawashima jumping over to BHOTWG or USPW stealing a couple names from the japanese companies. I wonder who it will be.

I've said it a few times how much I want Kozue Kawashima in TCW, but I think it'd be cool if he jumped ship to a Non-American company, whether that be one taking a massive jump like BCG (perhaps Maeda decides he's too old and someone does a buyout) or he jumps to CWA. 

Maybe get crazy and jump to 21CW, finally give us Cornell/Kawashima.


Basically, please not USPW please not USPW please not USPW 🙏🙏🙏🙏

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USPW is still #1 but it's gotten complacent. The stars are ageing and egos are set to clash, especially when it comes to the booking comittee. There's still time, but someone needs to steer the ship before it's too late. SWF are catching up, they've finally added a women's division and they've launched their own broadcaster. Despite losing a few stars, the Eisen kids are playing the long game and investing in younger home grown talent, whether it's the one they already had on their hands or the people coming through the Supreme University -> RIPW -> Main Roster conveyor belt. TCW have given up on dreams of being the top promotion and instead have settled as a comfortable 3rd. As the most workrate-focused company of the big three, they've positioned themselves as leaders of an alliance that allows them to showcase a diverse roster of southern wrasslin' style brawlers, strong style technical strikers and high flyers from the Cali circuit (and occasionally Mexico and Japanese Juniors). The indies are way harder to predict, but I do hope my beloved GSW are still around. Pretty sure there will be at least one new LGBTQI+ friendly promotion. Possible locations include the South West a la Lucha Vavoom, Florida (because Florida) and a sacrilegious hard reset/rebrand of NYCW.



CWA are a ticking time bomb with the Stones, DeColts and other big players butting heads. It really comes down to whether a player will choose to run them and sort this mess out, or if they're left to the AI to roll the dice and see what happens. ACPW continue to innovate by introducing intergender tag titles and maybe even a few openly non-cisgender wrestlers. Also, the long awaited return of AAA happens, but it's just north of the border, in BC. This benefits the company as far as operating expenses go and allows them to dream of an expansion south once they get bigger, while also avoiding any direct competition with Texas-based QAW. Also, since they're on the west coast of the continent, they try to get in touch with joshi promotions, perhaps accepting 5SSW's young lionesses for excursion.



EILL have set up a child promotion and looking to expand into the US, which has them competing against the major powers there. They might be overreaching though, especially with everyone else catching up. OLLIE is still around because it is indeed eternal and CILL have established themselves as a viable third alternative in the country. EMLL have embraced their turn to a more Grindhouse Dark Lucha product and are taking a chance in the southwestern United States, where they're funding a wrestling school. Many of their graduates make appearances for GSW and especially IPW. There's talks of a TV show a la Lucha Underground, or maybe an entire developmental promotion, that could be then cut loose as an autonomous company.



21CW become too big for the island. In their attempt to expand to foreign markets, they try to get the backing of the UK government, pitching British wrestling as a national cultural export, of sorts. The government refuses though, after having one too many experiences of providing grants for a certain Mark Carnie. This leads to an investigation on Carnie and a serious blow to SNP, while CWW continue to... just be. 21CW are faced with a choice between trying to expand into multilingual Europe or face serious expenses to try and penetrate the American market. Also, someone decides to saddle a comedy wrestler on the roster with the gimmick of a Turkish hair transplant doctor.



BHOTWG and PGHW continue their attempts to adjust after the blows they were dealt in TEW2020. BCG is now a major player competing with them and has set up a great system of producing young talent, so it seems like they're not just a passing trend, they've got the strong roots. 5SSW are facing competition from a rival joshi promotion that's collaborating with the re-vamped AAA in Canada. WLW are collaborating with ZEN! and the crossover multiverse is a smash hit for both companies. EX2020 are still around as a Japanese super indy and SAISHO have either shut down or been purchased by one of the bigger companies.



VWA have broken through the pack, thanks to their product, talent and connections. UEW are a close second, having decided to go all in with their presentation of wrestling as a sport, which allows them to expand their show areas without having to worry about promos being understood. EWA are still faring well and even have a show on TV, but they can't really break past their stronghold of Central Europe, as their promo-heavy product relies on audiences understanding German.



RAW gets canned by the TV execs despite its massive success, creating a power vacuum in the Australian market. Some of its bigger names try to create a new promotion, but it's just not the same. APW see their chance to overtake as #1, ZEN are under the wing of WLW and trying to break out of New Zealand into Australia. DIW are struggling, the Comedian has withdrawn even more and it's down to Big Jim Teasdale to keep the ship afloat.



Singh has finally trained enough rookies to start up a small promotion. It mostly functions as his wrestling school's showcase and a chance to teach rookies how to work in front of a live crowd, but if the ball gets rolling, there's literally no competition around.

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This may be wishsting, but...


An aging roster leaves Alicia Strong as the most important wrestler in the roster. The Woman's Division is in good shape and routinely producing main event numbers. Alina America has signed and is moving up the roster.


Weathering the loss of some talent to USPW QAW has grown slightly and adopted a touring schedule that includes a winter tour of Mexico.


Structural issues have dropped them to Medium and left them struggling with debt. Several older hands have retired and they have a promising roster.


They've added a child company and expanded into Europe.


At least one of the major indies (my vote is CZCW) has signed with Wrestleworld and rode that to the edge of Medium. Another (maybe NYCW) has signed but the production values have left them struggling financially.


EILL has bought out OLLIE and is running it as a child company.


Has changed products to Ruthless Aggression and added a woman's division.


Is playing the role of AEW. A wrestling nerd friendly product that is thriving.

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1 hour ago, Pteroid said:

Building off previous predictions, the WLW and ZEN partnership oddly results in Blue Flea flourishing in a tag team/mentorship with The Tic

Their tag team finisher is a pinning combination called Blue Tic

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 Super excited to see how wrong I am on Saturday WOOOOOOOOO



  USPW: Has finally evolved into 2017-19 WWE, Nicky Champion really has to carry the company on his back as Rich Money has retired from the ring and Steve Frehely is out injured. The terrible backstage and creative team (as many have predicted) will be spearheaded by Giant Redwood, booking the retirement home of wrestling in the main event. As well as strong-arming a lot of talents out of USPW, notably what I think will be the big story is Alicia Strong leaving for the new TCW women’s division (2 more probably will be Enygma to SWF, Jacob Jett to TCW). They’ve dropped in popularity in North America (80 for the USA and Canada, 70 for Mexico due to a botched El Leon signing due to jobber booking). Will also have a ‘B’ show for developmental. As well, their main target is gaining popularity in India and the UK, with the latter triggering a hard fought battle with 21CW, leaving NA even more vulnerable.


  SWF: Jerry Eisen’s reign is going over smoothly, mainly giving the fans what they want as The Crippler got the honor of dethroning Rocky Golden, finally winning the big one, and Spencer Spade having a solid North American title run (Their American pop at 80 as well with Canada at 77) While some of the more subpar wrestlers have an in with being friends with Eric Eisen, receiving favorable booking, making the locker room leaders slightly upset, but definitely not as heated as USPW. I think ZWB or Angry GIlmore will have left to start touring with BHOTWG, but probably will come back to the states soon. With other older talents defecting to USPW for that bank like Valiant, Jungle Lord, and Joey Morgan, to counteract that they’ve signed Frankie-Boy and The Architect, as well Hellion and Forrest Ratzloff are called up from RIPW. 


  TCW: Still being overshadowed by the Big 2 technically, TCW has kept pace making it back to Big in size (78 in USA, 65 in Canada). Also surprisingly they will have kept most of their talent minus Sammy Bach, Triple D, and (Greg Gauge or [hopefully not]Jay Chord). Having grown back to big, they have raided the indies for Franky Perez(who starts the game being injured at Psycho Circus), Ernest Youngman, return of Blackfriar, and Bradly Blaze (maybe Devil May Care or Rich and Famous as well?). Also called up from MAW is Seth Whitehead, Harvey Robbinfield, and Guillotine. Finally they are the ones to start up a women’s division, poaching Alicia Strong for her to become the inaugural TCW Women’s champion at Psycho Circus. BriCo saved them unlike TNA irl.


  CZCW: What is to be expected at this point, CZCW was raided for talent yet again, though thankfully some of their women wrestlers have stepped, as well the COTT acting as a lifeline to get their talent over as well. Masked Cougar will be a lifer like Fox Mask before him. Also r e in a prime position to become medium size (like OLLIE in 2020). CZCW also seem to be the only benefactors of the Wrestleworld expriment


  PSW: Didn’t get decimated over the past two years, Nelson Callum still holding out on big money contracts by this point he has definitely received. Have also established themselves as the best indie company in the US(also in prime position to become medium). However they also look prime for a talent raid having a developed Xavi, Wolfsbaine, etc. PSW however, have also secured a TV deal with EC Today for the year in a ‘prove it’ type contract, avoiding the blight of Wrestleworld. 


  QAW: Got hit by TCW for their new women’s division, Losing Amelia Sweetheart, Alina America, and more. Also, Wrestlworld failed for QAW They were basically forced to the COTT for talent as a lifeline, and have begun to make their next batch of superstars.


  MAW: Doing MAW things… I guess Josh Jacobs becomes the second coming of Cheetah Boy? Idk. Probably just got bought outright by TCW after Wrestleworld blew up in their faces.


  NYCW: Really just “if ain’t broke, don’t fix it” ah company. Didn’t join Wrestleworld, continuing their modest growth. Super Massive Destroyer is probably being pushed to the moon now. Riley Mcmanus probably left for one of the big three. Probably signed Jack Pryde and Masked Mauler Vll


  GSW: Brother Grimm basically said F U to Wrestleworld and continued to bank roll GSW out of pocket. This ended up working out well as Wrestleworld imploded, allowing them to rise as the 3rd biggest indie company in America. Even joining the COTT once IPW was kicked out. However, losing Fro Sure to USPW and Cali Slick to TCW, in the process..


  IPW: Have burned through much of the invested cash they had from 2020. Then add in the fact they were the biggest loser of the Wrestleworld experiment, and losing Aldous Blackfriar to TCW, set them back to ground zero practically. They tried to build Deacon Darkhold to be their megastar, but he wasn’t ready and was too inexperienced. Then tried to supplement Blackfriar with newly released Jeremy Courtney, who turns out can't replicate Blackfriar’s success.


  FCW: Growing slowly but surely even after dipping their toes in Wrestleworld, but lost the likes of Kip Keenum to the big three. Also probably joined the COTT unless the hardcore product is a turnoff. 




  BHOTWG: Definitely still in a vulnerable spot, what with their stars being above 38 (most above 40) in the heavyweight divisions. The junior heavyweights on the other hand are flourishing with their stars still being young and at the best of their game, could see the prestige of that title on track to match the heavyweight prestige. Although they probably have continued to stagnant in popularity. Ideally they’d double down finally on adopting a more western friendly product and start working on popularity there as BCG becomes the popular true puro promotion.


  PGHW: Them and OLLIE both seem to be near dead. But if any company should close, it’s them. They don’t bring a whole lot that isn’t covered by SAISHO or BCG other than their title prestige. Assume that the roster will split for BHOTWG, BCG, SAISHO, or as free agents. I don’t think Adam will close them yet however, just that they will either be broke af, in debt, and/or have near 0 momentum. Also, breaking their excursion agreement with TCW.


  BCG: Definitely will be medium with most of their top talents signed to written contracts. Will be the #2 domestic promotion due to previously mentioned PGHW implosion. Funakoshi will also be the figurehad as they are set to compete with BHOTWG, advertised as the true puro company. Most likely were able to lock up their top stars minus one or two to long term deals. As well.


  WLW: Unlike PGHW, they've managed to right the ship and overcome the yakuza scandal, but have yet to make anymore forward progress due to backstage politics (probably a 50/30/20 divide on booking decisions and surrounding the product) mainly due to Komine’s ruthlessly efficient ownership style. 


  SAISHO: Irony as the slowly rise up  and take position to take PGHW phaux-MMA spot in the Japanese market.


  EXODUS: They fill their niche well as a smaller WLW. Kinda like CZCW and ACPW though, they’re gonna have a stockpile of stellar, young talent that are prime for anyone else to sign away. Could see them opening up a wrestling school and become the MAW of Japan.


  Joshi: New Joshi company started up by 5SSW rejects and being headlined by Fuyoka Higa and Unstoppable Tai. Financially backed by Kagawa, but ran by Kuniyoshi Chishu after he was forced out of the company in 2020.




  EILL: Jorge Ibanez Jr hasnt been the worst owner in history, but has definitely fumbled the bag in retaining dominance in Mexico. Losing El Leon so soon after Champagne Lover hurt, with Rock God Alverez not being able to half fill their void. Plus, he released several of their prospective undercard talents like Scarlet Scarab and Jagged(which comes as a shock due to his victory in the Luchador! talent search). Still a financial juggernaut, the booking committee that had already turned away guys like Pablo Rodriguez and Hysteria continue to put their own interests in mind by schmoozing the older leaders like Oceano. Basically a watered down USPW backstage.


  OLLIE: Through the most troubling times in OLLIE history, two luchadors stepped up and pushed OLLIE back to national television, Phoenix lV and Blue Phantom fulfilling their potential, practically acting as the next Lopez and Flores. With Phoenix lV and Blue Phantom becoming the Flores and Lopez. With Silver Tiger and Mr Lucha lll leaving for EILL however, the Muerjas division has stepped up tenfold, becoming on par with the men at this point as well. One thing still preventing the growth of OLLIE is Nicholas Lopez, understanding in his old age he can't be in the Universal title picture, now holds the Mexican title hostage with his role as lieutenant booker. TL;DR Original Lucha Libre never dies!!!!

  EMLL: How original that I think they will have a bigger fanbase in the US. Seriously though, I think they are set up to be a top 15 company, or at least be the edgy third choice in contrast to the safer big 2 of Mexico or the American companies. Mexican DAVE potential, with a japanese touring schedule. La Estrellala and El Serperitente have probably defected though.


  CILL: Rise to the void of an indie classic lucha that OLLIE was tailspinning into, have lost Firefly but quickly have had HUSH pushed to the top spot.


  Also Mexico will have one, hopefully two new indie companies as there is a crap load of potential for it to be as deep as Japan and the USA.




  CWA: I don’t think that they will have internal conflict to the extent others have predicted as unlike BHOTWG, the fans won’t have been torn on the new product, but the signs will be there. Most of their story is their three-way bout in Canada between the juggernaut USPW, and the phoenix SWF. With Vessey, Knight, and Price being all well in good, they have the best women’s division by match quality now acting as their lifeblood, even getting their own midcard belt for the division.


  Indies: ACPW is doing well and is at small size now, but their stars are no longer under the radar and so basically have a CZCW cash of talent ready to be bought by the big American promotions and the CWA. probably a new hardcore and new MMA company in Canada too for diversity.




  21CW: The land of potatoes thrives, even when facing foreign competition. They will probably have a developmental ‘B’ show or just an outright child company (which would be nice to have another one again). Though I suspect that some potatoes may grow hair.


  SNP: LMAOOO… laughin at Carnie. He will be arrested and forced to leave the business like elder Eisen before him because of him changing his promises to the Scottish government on what his promotion would be. SNP made it out though not unscathed as many of their talents left for 21CW or a new company in the UK.


  CWW: Good example for the new localized geotags, prob signed a bunch WWA:UK graduates akin to EMLL. Just missing that unique factor or any guys with solid enough talent, though could see them with an excursion deal with one of the Japanese companies (maybe BCG), or take developmental workers from 21CW.






  RAW: There is no way in hell that something doesn’t happen that kills RAW’s momentum based on Adam’s… strong language he uses about the company in the bios. Probably a steroid scandal or greater network shady dealings that gets them shot in the foot. At the very very least will be in the bottom 3 of backstage environments with the new systems.


  APW/DIW: APW would be in prime position to not lose their starts to RAW finally and have momentum from previously mentioned RAW scandal. DIW should become more financially stable but their product is holding them back from any rapid success.


  ZEN: I think they've just become more popular in New Zealand to the point where they are 73 popularity there and nowhere else, not yet ,but for comedy sake, probably in Xl.




  EWA: Has TV shows to compete with USPW and 21CW, has momentum as the EU’s promotion, probably even nabbed some young potatoes from 21CW. But egos are in the way of any further growth.


  The rest:  VWA is practically irrelevant and probably only make small lateral moves. Though I do expect UEW to have nice momentum by game start and be small or at least near it. Also new companies like a women’s one, a Mediterranean one, a Balkan one, etc.


India: Has multiple companies added with Singh’s being small immediately, leading the way. I expect it to be the cash cow area of the game unless Saudi Arabia gets added.

Edited by Lier
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On 7/19/2024 at 8:08 AM, ubernoobDXA said:

I'm curious which wrestlers will be taller/heavier and which will be shorter/lighter than what people have in their mind for them, since we're going to numerical height/weight numbers.  Like have I been picturing someone as 6' in my head and they're actually just like 5'8"?  Or have I been thinking someone is like 6'4" and they're 6'9"? 

I was also wondering this. Not really envisioning specific inches, but I have an idea who the smallest workers are, for one. Curious who the biggest giant is. :p

Also excited how CWA does. Never played a long TEW20 game but probably would've picked them if I did.

Some scary predictions here like the closure of PGHW. They were my faves over a decade ago.

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I just skimmed the default database and noticed a narrative for a 'CommPlanet' streaming service that is heavily financially backed and meant to be the true, direct competition for Reverie that is set to debut in February of 2022.

I wonder if Adam is going to bump up the release of this for TCW or SWF to better compete with USPW, or will it just be announced and dropped in later like Wrestleworld was in 2020.

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Given today's news...

Realizing the grant money is about to run about, the founder of SNP tries a bold scheme. Reverend Mark Carnie has retooled SNP into a religious themed organization; oh, they still have the exact same matches and angles, but now they also awkwardly quote scripture where possible.

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5 hours ago, Matt_Black said:

Given today's news...

Realizing the grant money is about to run about, the founder of SNP tries a bold scheme. Reverend Mark Carnie has retooled SNP into a religious themed organization; oh, they still have the exact same matches and angles, but now they also awkwardly quote scripture where possible.

I can see that going as well as when Raven crucified Sandman in ECW. 

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On 7/24/2024 at 2:41 PM, Blackman said:

I was also wondering this. Not really envisioning specific inches, but I have an idea who the smallest workers are, for one. Curious who the biggest giant is. :p

Also excited how CWA does. Never played a long TEW20 game but probably would've picked them if I did.

Some scary predictions here like the closure of PGHW. They were my faves over a decade ago.

Yeah, I don't necessarily envision them right now as specific inches but (I'm 6' generally.  Military height/weight said I was 6'1'' once but I don't believe them at all on that, and would never claim that) I kinda just use myself as a comparison point.  5'5" and under are 'little.' 5'6"-5'10" ish I would consider smaller than me.  5'11"-6'1" is my size-ish.  6'2"-6'4" are bigger than me.  6'5"-6-9" are much bigger than me.  6'10"+ are giants. 

I've always just kinda dropped people mentally into one of those buckets, so I'm wondering if I am gonna be like "oh I thought he was my size, turns out he's much bigger than me."  But it will be nice to be able visualize it better.

Also I hope PGHW doesn't close, they were always one of my favorite companies over in Japan.  I guess  one of  my other hopes is that OLLIE is still sticking around and didn't decide to rely on another company or rebrand themselves.  It's fine if they're smaller or even struggling some, but I think them being so old and going the way of the dodo (or rebranding and losing a lot of that history that comes with the name) would be a sad day.

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21 hours ago, Matt_Black said:

Given today's news...

Realizing the grant money is about to run about, the founder of SNP tries a bold scheme. Reverend Mark Carnie has retooled SNP into a religious themed organization; oh, they still have the exact same matches and angles, but now they also awkwardly quote scripture where possible.


Honestly I love it and Carnie is enough of a scumbag that he'd try and grift like that.

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A couple of random starting champion guesses:

SWF World: Brett Starr

SWF NA: Spencer Spade

SWF Tag: Matty Faith & Ranger


TCW World: Jay Chord

TCW TV: Ernest Youngman

TCW Tag: Minnesota Awesome 

USPW World: Running Wolf

USPW Women's: Alina America


CWA World: Aaron Knight

CWA Women's: Brooke Tyler

CWA Tag: Mimic & Dagger


BHOTWG Heavyweight: Matthew Keith

BHOTWG Jr: Emerald Angel




Just some random thoughts! 

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