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What's Your Favourite Save?

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Yeah, as the title says, just want to know what your favourite save has been? CVerse, RW, Thunderverse, doesn't matter. Can be from any TEW. I just think it'd be nice to share since the new game is coming out soon, and it can help people get inspiration for saves they might do in IX. 

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United Promotions Japan from 2016 ThunderVerse (TEW2016) - Booked the biggest company in Japan from 2016 to mid 2022 and is far and away the most fun I have ever had in TEW. The lore that forms after that much time in a puro company is fantastic and so immersive. I'm probably the only player to ever book Leonzio Battaglia as a main eventer in UPJ.

All Japan Pro Wrestling from Chronicles 1992 (TEW2020) - Booked AJPW from 1992 to 1997 (and still am, on and off) from the beginning of the rise of the Four Pillars and the decline of Jumbo Tsuruta and co. I tried to stay true to Baba's vision with a small roster of native guys and rotating foreigners. My favorite bits from this are booking Eddie Gilbert (the most underrated wrestler to ever live) to the top of AJPW as a regular Triple Crown challenger until he left to become booker of WCW, which if you know his story is very surreal to see play out in TEW. Dan Kroffat got insanely over and was very close to being a realistic Triple Crown holder. The Steiners came in and stuck around for awhile as tag team title contenders, Jun Akiyama's rise began a little early as he won the revived All Asia Heavyweight title at the 95 AJPW Anniversary Show before breaking his neck. I also signed Ultimo Dragon and his Toryumon students to shore up a floundering junior division, alongside an unemployed Rey Misterio Jr. and Dean Malenko. Lots of fun all around here.

Wildcard pick - Super Smash Entertainment from DiabloX (TEW2016) - Ever want to see Sting take on Bowser and his crew? Power Rangers vs. Wario and Waluigi? How about a best of seven series between Link and Randy Orton?

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Below are my four TEW2020 saves in order of my favorite 

1. 1985-2019

2. 1970-1991

3. 1980-2000

4. 1920-1969

I loved them all, but my 85-2029 will be bitter sweet to end. Still have two years of stories left

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1997 Real World with WWF - My favourite save ever, built around a nearly 2 year long storyline

Steve Austin feuds with The Hart Foundation. Bret wins the World Title and Austin has to work his way through the HF members to get to Bret. Austin win the Royal Rumble, beats Bret at WM14 for the World Title (in a rematch from their famous WM13 submission match). The feud humbles Bret, who, wanting to focus on the purity of the sport of pro wrestling, shows respect to Austin by shaking his hand and turns face. Brian Pillman returns after a 9 month stint in rehab. He doesn't like seeing Bret showing respect to Austin, still remembering Austin 'Pillmanize" him back in late 1996. Pillman corrupts Hart Foundation prodigy Chris Jericho, they attack and 'Pillmanize" Austin. The (kayfabe) injury is so bad Austin has to vacate the belt. A furious Bret officially kicks Pillman & Jericho out of the Hart Foundation. Pillman vs. Hart at Summerslam for the vacant belt. Edge & Christian debut by helping Pillman win the match and the World title. There's way more to the story after this but basically it culminates in Austin vs. Pillman at WrestleMania 15. Of course, Austin wins and gets his belt back.

This save also had one of my most fun midcard feuds. Goldust wins Kurt Angle's Olympic medal. Goldust then mocks Angle with a serious of raunchy photoshoots where he sports the medal, and he starts wearing a sparkling gold wrestling singlet in matches and tapping people out with the ankle lock.

A few others:

Real World 1987 with Gold Standard Wrestling (custom company):

Gold Standard Wrestling was built off the on again off again feud between Curt Hennig and Terry Gordy. Eventually I get enough money to hire some more big talent. Ted DiBiase wins the belt off Gordy, and creates his Million Dollar Corporation stable with Vader and Shane Douglas. Ricky Steamboat eventually wins a big end of year tournament a takes the belt from DiBiase. Sting also had a year+ long run with the TV Title and lead my favourite babyface stable ever with The Ultimate Warrior and The Road Warriors (was as unhinged as it sounds)

Real World 1991 with WCW:

Only booked a year. Had the 4 Horsemen turn face, Rick Rude wins the World Title, had a near 40 minute 100 rated title defense against Ric Flair, then dropped the belt to Sting at Starrcade. Also poached Shawn Michaels from WWF and had him feud over the TV Title with The Great Muta.

Cornellverse 2020 with Canadian Conquest Wrestling (custom company)

Alex DeColt uses his life savings to open a new promotion. Sayeed Ali and The Northern Lights run rampant over the company. Homecoming hero Edd Stone overthrows Ali to win the World Title. Shane Nelson finally gets serious about his career and makes one last effort to make something of himself in the business. He gets a run with the TV Title and reaches main event status for a while, until his skills begin to decline too much. I poached David Stone from CWA. I imagine that Alex was a devil on David's shoulder, telling him not to make the same mistakes Alex did by relying on family legacy, to leave home and find himself, knowing full well I was going to job him and the rest of the roster to my custom DeColt regen once they were called up from developmental. Also hired Robin DaLay and convinced him to get on roids. I'll definitely convert this one to TEW IX and continue it at some point.

Edited by GreatreDRagon
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I had a 0/0/0/0 game in 2016 based in Japan that I played for about fifteen in-game years. By the time I lost the save I was nearly Big status and had based the promotion around Tanyu Toshusai, Kadonomaro Kamisaka, Goemon Komiya, Lion Genji and others. Goemon was my first "star" who I always pretended was who bought us our first actual wrestling ring after he'd been fired by PGHW. If I still had the game I'd revisit it from time to time but I lost it during a PC reinstall. Thought I had backed it up but turned out the files never copied over to my external drive. Sucks to lose so much history.

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NJPW 1992-2012 save. 20 years of just fun. I would have kept going but had a lot of downtime due to real life, and then sort of messed around with AI to make some workers from C-Verse. When TEW IX (I pronounce it TWIX) I will obviously play some 2022 C-Verse but am chomping at the bit for a CV97 and a Real World 90-93 mod. My goal is to go from 199x (8x?) to modern day.

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1 hour ago, Peria said:

NJPW 1992-2012 save. 20 years of just fun. I would have kept going but had a lot of downtime due to real life, and then sort of messed around with AI to make some workers from C-Verse. When TEW IX (I pronounce it TWIX) I will obviously play some 2022 C-Verse but am chomping at the bit for a CV97 and a Real World 90-93 mod. My goal is to go from 199x (8x?) to modern day.

This was my favorite save to see updates about.

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2 hours ago, Zero said:

This was my favorite save to see updates about.

Thanks man that means a lot, I think a lot of yours (and others) interactions with me made me feel so much more into the save, and inspired. I definitely don't demand or expect your attention when TEW IX comes out but I will be "re-starting" the whole process. So!

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1 hour ago, Peria said:

Thanks man that means a lot, I think a lot of yours (and others) interactions with me made me feel so much more into the save, and inspired. I definitely don't demand or expect your attention when TEW IX comes out but I will be "re-starting" the whole process. So!

The restart is the best part. It’s bittersweet but it will be fantastic.

Will you do NJPW again?

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1 minute ago, Zero said:

The restart is the best part. It’s bittersweet but it will be fantastic.

Will you do NJPW again?

Honestly? I think it is largely because I prefer "workrate > pop" but I can't stick with WWF/WCW. I like the storytelling aspect of NJPW as well, how it is all told in stats/in-ring. So, yes, I think I might do NJPW again for a few reasons. I could also do WCW and turn it into AEW as time passes, and make it more like "Super RoH" as it already is. But... I doubt I will. I'd expect more NJPW, unless I get really in the mood for something else.

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My absolute favourite has to be White Canvas Grappling. I started the save as a diary for TEW 2016 (man what a long time ago) and it became one of the dynasty section mainstays over here. I took it over to TEW 2020 and had a blast booking and writing it until my hard drive died months ago. It went to 2022 (six in-game years), which is the longest running dynasty I have ever did here on GreyDog. 

I also had very fun times with a save I started with the incredible Chronicles 1992 mod where I played with WING, the cult deathmatch promotion from Japan. I did some posts about the diary in the "What's going on in your game" thread, but it went even further I think I was in like 1996 or 1997. This also died with the hard drive back then.

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My favourite has been my AEW save, started just after before Revolution 2022, and now in 2025. Without the real life Punk drama, he's been a huge star for me feuding with The Elite over the Trios titles and then aligned with MJF at the end of 2024, and then in 2025 he's turned on him, and I have a faction of John Cena, Punk, Becky Knox, Darby & Hook running riot

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Booking Big Mouth Loud from about 97 - 2005 in TEW 2016. Still very depressed to have lost this save. BML started as a pseudo shoot promotion but eventually evolved into something that would more closely resemble NOAH. Getting Morishima over to the Star level from a literal rookie was a great achievement. 

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On 7/16/2024 at 9:51 PM, Dalton said:

United Promotions Japan from 2016 ThunderVerse (TEW2016) - Booked the biggest company in Japan from 2016 to mid 2022 and is far and away the most fun I have ever had in TEW. The lore that forms after that much time in a puro company is fantastic and so immersive. I'm probably the only player to ever book Leonzio Battaglia as a main eventer in UPJ.


On 7/18/2024 at 9:25 PM, CGN91 said:

My absolute favourite has to be White Canvas Grappling. I started the save as a diary for TEW 2016 (man what a long time ago) and it became one of the dynasty section mainstays over here. I took it over to TEW 2020 and had a blast booking and writing it until my hard drive died months ago. It went to 2022 (six in-game years), which is the longest running dynasty I have ever did here on GreyDog. 

I remember the diaries for these and enjoyed reading them. Thank you both.


My favourite save has to be a CVerse97 Road to Glory one as NextGen Wrestling, or NGW. I chronicled that as a diary in another forum and became attached to my company, so instead of jumping to a bigger one, I turned it into a Local to Global project. It went on for 16 in game years, I made it to Cult/Medium size and featured names such as Tommy Cornell, Angry Gilmore, Marat Khoklov, Marihito Matsuko, Champagne Lover and others.

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It took me a couple years to fine tune the database, but I heavily tweaked Bigpapa42's 2013 database so I could do a long term Stardom save. I more or less have it mapped out to the present day, but I think in my last save (which I pretty much abandoned when TEW IX was announced lol.) I made it to mid 2016.

Basically it's just a world where the Io's, Kairi's and Kanas (and a world where Kana doesn't have any problem working Stardom) don't leave Japan and Stardom kind of becomes a super Indy joshi promotion. Like I've kept a lot of the real Stardom title reigns, etc, altered or replaced where I see fit. I've got a sort of sub-brand called SWA (I lack a lot of creativity) so that a lot of non core Stardom talent like Shida, Fujimoto, or Nakajima work Stardom shows and SWA branded lesser shows so they can still be grown in exposure without necessarily being inserted directly into the Stardom roster itself. New Blood has been a brand since the beginning, so I feel like it's a database where I can do everything I want to do regarding Stardom/Joshi. (I'm also a little insane and control a user character also booking TJPW.)

In this last iteration of the save in 2016, I'm steadily gaining on NJPW in size, Io is in the midst of a long red belt reign and Threedom are doing their thing stomping the roster around. It's been fun. I look forward to tweaking this database for a couple of years to make it play the way I want for TEW IX 🤣

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My favorite save was from a War of the Immortals mod, where I took over the wrestling world with Smoky Mountain Wrestling.  In the Cverse, it would be a tie between an early TCW game and my most recent 21CW game that ended about a year ago.

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One of my favorite saves ever has been this multiplayer save with one player on each of the big 3 Cverse US companies (I am SWF, the others are TCW and USPW). Its a fairly laidback experience where we can swap wrestlers, trade ideas, and talk smack about each others stupid storylines while making actual cool stuff happen as well, some "highlights" (Some serious, some...idk)

  • Atom Smasher going from a superhero gimmick to "The Atom" aka The Rock in 2003 but somehow less subtle
  • USPW Owner Nicky Champion being cheated on Persephone by Jacob Jett, who refused to resign his deal, and even after being jobbed out GAINED pop and became one of the most over babyfaces in TCW
  • Valiant and Rogue's feud finally ending at Supreme Challenge with Valiant throwing Rogue off the building
  • Ash Campbell becoming a megastar with Scythe, forming a brainwashing cult stable that thinks life is a simulation (I assure you its not...)
  • Jay Chord breaching the main event with a stable of his own.
  • Aaron Andrews trusting Rogue against all odds, AND IT WORKING....for a brief moment...
  • Jebediah debuting in USPW to the worst ratings of all time and we still don't know why
  • The Force starting his own line of action figures with Natural Storm
  • Bart Biggins become a star with Edd Stone in a Beer-Money tag team, then reuniting with his brother
  • Mikey Lau defeating Remo for the SWF World Title at The Supreme Challenge
  • Rocky Golden and Scythe getting a 99 in that shows main event
  • Pablo Rodriguez taking over the sinners society, renaming "The Church of Pablo" and that being the highlight of a bunch of TCW tv
  • Rodrick Remus and Troy Tornado having a feud about why CZCW sucks
  • The Launch of the SWF Network
  • T-Bone Bright going from underused guy in TCW to North American Champ in the span of a month
  • Seeing the real growth of the world around us
  • any probably many, many more...

I literally cannot wait to put this in TEW IX and see what kind of chaos comes about as that, but we first gotta complete the year so I can win company of the year (We're in November)

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TEW 2020 only - 

WWE 2013 to 2016. It's been fun. Shield break-up, NXT call-ups, Taker Vs Sting, Bray breaking Taker's streak, AJ/Paige angle leading to new NXT generation of women's wrestlers, Lesnar Vs Daniel Bryan, where Lesnar became the corporate champ, and we had a similar but still different Yes Movement. Goal was cannon storylines with few characters/stories changing as fantasy booking. I was pushing/depushing guys to not oversaturate main event and what not, it was fun. Super-shows in all the regions, countries, like WWE is doing now. Probably my longest save in 2020 if you go by number of hours spent, pretty great. AJ/Naka are yet to debut for me, 2016 rumble/WM, so plenty to do in future if I go back.

Might continue this save in IX.

TCW 2020-21. Standard TCW save, but the amount of talent TCW has in 2020 is brilliant. Jay Chord's legend killer gimmick leading to his first title win, Sons of Sam (Keith) becoming supremacists (they have the Sam Keith's blood so they are the best wrestlers in the world) joining Syndicate and being taken down by Mo and Tana, Wolf Vs Aaron Andrews where we lived through all of their history from 2005 to 2018, Hollywood Bret Star and Jay Chord reforming generation X albeit Jay being an intense legend killer now and Bret Starr's character as this movie geek/drama kid but still competent wrestler. Eddie Peak as this cult leader slowly taking over TCW graduates and running havoc - then being taken down by an uneasy alliance of Jay Chord and Aaron Andrews - enemies, yet Jay wanted to add to his legends killed tally while Andrews was tired of losing TCW prospects to Eddie's brainwashing, finally, Roderick Remus becoming a star by beating Syndicate alone for his first world title. I had crunch hours at work so stopped playing and just couldn't get back to the save.

Finally, UPJ, Only Puro company where I am actually invested TEW wise due to how it's setup in-game. Standard puro save, yearlong storyline of Kinjo and his Kinjo-Jidai brushing off everyone and monopolizing belts while, Kenta Sonoda, booker, desperately trying to control the chaos. Sonoda brings back his other protégé, Kamikaze. Kamikaze barely qualifies for the summit finale, beats Katsuhiko Ishii in finals, who is deputy of Kinjo-Jidai and former protégé of Sonoda. Kinjo loses to Kamikaze, Dustin Lefever is defeated by FROST and Thunder Leseda comes out and gives him a beating (mascot of blue Rhino - parent company of UPJ + talking a lot of shit to Leseda and other juniors in press conferences while hiding behind Blue Rhino and Kinjo-Jidai). Eda/Torture lose against a reunited Ignition Zero, with Goto coming back to re-unite with his partner for one last time.

Ishii is the only man who wins his match against Naruto and breaks off from Kinjo-jidai to form his own faction, with plans for Bell Family, a couple of juniors and Nobuhito Yasutake to join him. This is where I stopped because it was a good stopping point, and I was tired of puro schedule.

Edited by SanX
Mixed up years, Eddie Peak was dead in 2018 database lmao.
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I'm restricting myself to just TEW 2020 because it's the 2020 forum and besides, my memory going back any further is terrible anyway...

- TCW in the Cverse up to 2024 becoming filthy rich due to the out-of-whack financial rewards for big companies and with lots of fun with my old favourite Wolf Hawkins as well as new (and often surprising) favourites like Mainstream Hernandez with a World Title run, Aldous Blackfire taking over the Sinner Society from Eddie Peak, a multiple year storyline of the Keith twins being in rival stables, but always refusing to really full-on turn on one another, a returning Tommy Cornell forming a rival "Original" Syndicate and so on. TCW has almost always been my favourite promotion in every iteration of the game since I started playing the CVerse.

- UPJ in the ThunderVerse up to 2023, my first time really getting into a ThunderVerse save. Lots of fun with shifting stable allegiances and with Katsuhiko Ishii and Cameron Cody just banging out one classic after another in their respective divisions.

- AEW in an edited RWC starting in January 2022 going only about one year (but with AEW and then buying ROH, that is still an ungodly amount of shows to book) in a kind of a "What if Cody hadn't left" scenario

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In TEW 2016, I had a CGC save that made it into mid 2018 before I lost steam that remains one of my favorites. Some of the highlights include:

  • Making Jack Griffith a transitional World champion towards the end of 2017
  • Building up Davis Wayne Newton, Morgan Malone, Greg Keith, and Hawkeye Calhoun into main eventers
  • Turning Intrepid Ian Identity into a bastard son of George DeColt, culminating in a World title reign off the back of Ricky DeColt, as well as defeating Jack DeColt in a Loser Leaves CGC match (Jack would return shortly thereafter under a mask).
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I will always fondly remember a TCW save where I decided my main goal was to give TCW the best tag division in the world. The centerpiece of the division ended up being the year long feud between The American Cobras and The Ring Generals. The two teams wrestled a lot, but never had a decisive finish between them. I had so much fun thinking up goofy ways to end their matches so there would never a decisive finish. Two out of three falls match? It's 1 to 1 and the final fall is a draw when the teams accidently incapacitate the ref. I want to say there was also a count out in a cage match after one of the cage walls broke and the teams brawled up the ramp and out of the arena, forcing the ref to end the match so the rest of the show could happen.

And I did my best to build them up as equals. Cobras win the tag titles? Okay, well The Generals will win the brand new tag trophies. That involved a month long tag tournament which saw the Generals interfere in the semi-finals to make sure they didn't face the Cobras in the finals.

Even the final match where The Generals finally won the tag titles, they didn't pin the Cobras. It was a three way match where the Cobras got distracted by a heel team that involved Bulldozer Brandon Smith and brawled with them while The Generals pinned the other team.

The best part? No angle or match in the year long feud scored higher than a 70. The feud was a huge ratings flop, but I didn't care. I remember thinking that I was getting shockingly good ratings for my main event feuds, which I remember none of, but I was only invested in coming up with more stupid ways to end gimmick tag matches so there would be no decisive finish. Genuinely some of the most fun I've had with TEW. 

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