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14 hours ago, Adam Ryland said:

That suggests you're using an out of date patch.

Gotcha! I've tried to stay up to date, must have happened in my game before it got addressed. Glad to hear it's fixed even if its a mostly cosmetic thing affecting the AI!

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February 2024 (46 rating 126 attendance)

  • Brought in Lord Toff (Crockett Tubbs) for the night to lose in a good match to West Coast champ Marty Two Guns (Texas Hangman).
  • Mellow Flashhart really had one of her best matches in a 4-way ladder match against Joy Ryder, Kate Redd (DupliKate) and Jack Pryde.
  • Kamehameha (Rocky Weatherfield) pinned white-hot Kate Mishler in a tag team match to retain the East Coast title. Dani Hart (Danielle Sweetheart) teamed with Kame and Kame's nemesis Ghost of Wrestling Past (Masked Stranger) teamed with Kate.
  • Ghost of Wrestling Past has switched his gimmick from pretending he's an actual ghost to being a grumpy old wrestler who wants you off his lawn. But who's to say he's not covering up the fact he's actually a real ghost?
  • The Steve (Stevie Stanley) bested Tennessee William in a Coal Miner's Glove match, despite interference from Zippy Deverell.
  • Sheik Ali Al-Hamad showed up without the typical sheik costume and revealed himself to be a wrestling financier Ali Al-Bahrain. He'll continue to manage Sheik (Reilly Patton).
  • DF DOOM (Funkenstein) had a big win with Joanna Silver, pinning Papa Swoll after The J.H. (Jack Holder) left his tag team partner in the ring instead of making the save.


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Just had my best show yet, which isn't saying much because at MAW's size every other show is the best one yet until you hit 2026 probably. Please don't judge me on the match-only show, Sam Keith forced me to run a modern throwback product, and my tv shows are only 60% matches so it evens out!



A few notes: 

  • Carlos Barrera has developed into one of the better workers in the roster with 76 brawling, and TNT is a TCW training school grad I hired and probably my future figurehead if he turns into what it looks he can
  • Marco Gonzalez is just too good. I pushed him as a young developing face and he's been feuding with Big Money Inc., my stable consisting of Avalanche, The Historian, Xavi Ferrera and Carl Batch. I had him lose to Historian here, but later in the night he distracted Nate DeMarcus to let Avalanche win, turning him heel to join the stable he's been feuding with. 
  • LA Stars are the best free agent tag team in the US, period. They're so good, and #1 has a lot of singles potential too, I'm already thinking of a future angle where they feud and #2 loses a mask vs mask match but pulls off #1's mask anyway, sparking a LOOOOOOONG blood feud. 
  • Texas Hangman got a bad match here against an aging Doc Hammond, but he was supposed to be fighting Mitchell Aldred, who injured his spleen. Hangman's been my undisputed top babyface and had a 364-day, 15 defense title reign. He started as Aldred's muscle, got over on his own and turned face and won the title. He won the 2023 Rip Chord Invitational and I'm having him win again in 2025. 
  • Big Papa Swoll is a future champ, he's developed so much this save. I've always been unlucky with him in that he usually doesn't show much skill growth, but in this save his brawling skill is improving at a rate of 4 points per year and his already impressive entertainment skills are still going up. Plus I complimented him a couple of times and we're like family now, he's never going anywhere.
  • Youngman is Ernest, whose first name I hate lol. I'm doing something different with him now. For the past ten years I feel like I've booked him as a super serious Bret Hart type, but for some reason I've just decided to transform him into a loudmouth 80s-style joker character, sort of like a modern Seth Rollins with a Joey Janela wardrobe. He and Whitehead tore the house down, at 66 overness Youngman's in-ring performance here was 92, it's insane how good he is, and I honestly stayed away from him for two years straight because I assumed that someone would hire him. 


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On 8/17/2024 at 8:45 PM, John Lions said:

@619 @HiPlus

As some of you may know, I've pretty much exclusively played long term saves in Australia (now Oceania) since TEW2010 - I loved the original renders that sebsplex did and how uniform they were across the region (thankfully we have a full new render set for the entire verse now!) and ended up becoming attached to a lot of the wrestlers there. All of my saves have been pretty long-term, especially in 2016 where I went 12 years from local to larger than RAW. Every save I started as a small company other than in 2020 where I was a regional one from the start, and this time I'm going back to my roots with All-Star Wrestling.

Based in Sydney, I again play the user character of John Green, brother to Lone Rider and son of the Original Lone Rider Paul Green. I made a couple changes to the base data, bringing the Original Lone Rider back to the business as well as Carol Singer, and adding women's dojos across the verse to get an influx of wrestlers across a world that's severely lacking in it.

I've been running biweekly shows called Friday Night Fight, and we just finished our "season finale" Starrcade as I am halfway through April. I gave myself a little extra money ($20k additional from the "Rock Hard" start) so that I can afford to bring in ladies for my women's division without breaking the bank.

I'm running Wrestling Nerd Nirvana as the product, with the idea that Australia desperately needs a promotion that focuses on in-ring work considering RAW and APW are both sports entertainment and DIW is full hardcore wrestling. The three stars that I've been focusing on at the top of the card are Blackwell Bush, Rob Edwards, and Luke Pope (fka Surfer Dude Lucas), who are all WAY too talented to still be unemployed at this point in the game. I've been treating my promotion as a ROH-lite with Bush taking the role of Bryan Danielson, Rob Edwards as my Samoa Joe, and Luke Pope as CM Punk. I'm a bit worried about losing any of these three, mostly Luke Pope, but I'm not going to let it restrict my booking.

The reason I called the promotion "All-Star Wrestling" was because the "gimmick" of this game is that I want to bring in the stars from all of my previous long term saves. On my third Friday Night Fight, a 15 man battle royal to crown the first ever Sydney champion ended with the final 6 being 6 of my former top champions across all of my previous long term saves:

Seeker (TEW2010, I actually did a diary on the board with him back when I was still in high school...)
The Kipper (TEW2013)
Lone Rider (TEW2020)
Rob Edwards (TEW2016)
Blackwell Bush (TEW2016)
Luke Pope (TEW2016)

Luke Pope would be crowned the first ever Sydney champion after winning the Battle Royal - the "Messiah of Professional Wrestling" has been claiming that all he and Seeker, the Mission Of Violence, want to do is save wrestling from itself... which means cheating any time they are in a potentially losing match up, and avoiding challenges from the real threats while "graciously" giving opportunities to indy workers or workers lower down the card. Him and Seeker have been feuding with the alliance of Blackwell Bush and Rob Edwards, and Bush was able to win the right to challenge Pope at Starrcade after beating Edwards. He would lose that bout in the main event (and one of the best matches we've had so far) thanks to Lance Maddigan (fka Earl Chevalier, going back to his original gimmick as a Missionary) interfering in the main event after Edwards pummeled Seeker earlier in the night to keep him from being involved. Edwards and Bush would be saved from a Missionary of Violence beatdown by Harry Simonson, who took a keen interest in Bush and going forward is going to mentor the young technician. Fingers crossed I can get him to step back into the ring, but so far he's been resisting my attempts to get him to come out of retirement.

Elsewhere on the card, D-Pod and Adgee Cross have been having a fun back and forth feud that has been putting up my best segments and some of my most disappointing matches. Adgee won their first bout with a quick roll-up, so D-Pod physically took a mic to Adgee's head in the Sydney championship battle royal and would spend the next month running his mouth about Adgee before they met at Starrcade in a rematch, D-Pod getting the win this time with a roll up and a handful of tights. I think the next step for these two is to get them in the ring with my top guys and see if they sink or swim - I think the title match for my next event will be a triple threat between them and Luke Pope.

Armando Guerrero is the vital key to my midcard, as I have him working predominantly with my young prospects helping them pick up experience without killing each other. Hack The Hunter and Fast Eddie Booker are my top two prospects and two guys I see as future top champions, but they need a bit of seasoning to get there. In all of my Australia saves these two are guys I never really had the chance to use because of how late they debut, so I'm excited to get them from the start and I see them both as my future headliners. Hack, being over 100 lbs of pretty much everyone on my roster, desperately needed a "nerf", so he's been working a gimmick as a lovable giant who is much too gullible for his own good, frequently getting focused in multi man matches and falling for every trick in the book when I need him to logically take a loss. Armando actually offered to put Hack over for 3 matches, so after Hack spurned to come under Guerrero's Learning Tree, a first one on one encounter between the two at Starrcade would lead to Hack getting the biggest win of his young career.

Banky Bremner has been the surprise of the save - I brought him in as a local guy to lose a handful of matches and he's had better performances than everyone save Pope and Bush, so he earned himself a roster spot and he found himself naturally teaming with Hack in a classic big guy-little guy team in a feud with The Learning Tree of Armando Guerrero and his protege Eddie Booker. I ran both teams the night before Starrcade in a warm up match and they both had excellent chemistry with each other, which has made me move when I was planning to introduce the tag team titles an event cycle earlier.

Speaking of tag titles, True Grit, the team of Lone Rider and The Kipper, have been undefeated in tag team action, the duo put together thanks to Kip being an old friend of the original Rider. Dutch DeRue offered his services to the pair, and, after being spurned, like any rational wrestling manager he spent the next couple of shows hiring 2 villains of the week to lose to them... until he revealed his true clients, The S&M Connection (Smasher and Mauler), the veteran tag team being the first to put Rider and Kipper on the back foot. The duo were upset that they were taken out by Rider and Kipper in the Sydney battle royal and happily joined DeRue, "losing" the first encounter by DQ when they just brutalized the babyface duo and then losing a Tables match at Starrcade where DeRue and The S&M Connection butted heads over trying to inflict damage to the faces vs actually winning the match. Right now the plan is to run the match a final time in a no rules match in the opening of my tag title tournament and move them down the card where they can put over the rest of my roster, because their best days in the ring are way too far behind them for them to have any value to me.

That just leaves the women's division. In my 2016 game Golden Delicious ended up becoming a key manager in my midcard after she retired, managing Gold (fka Black) Flash as Gold + Delicious. In 2020 I tried to create a women's division anchored on her, Kalliope, and the many wonderful Oceanic ladies from willr0ck's women's revolution mod... and it was a disaster. In my save I have never been more cursed with injuries and retirements, and so I want to get a second chance. I relocated her to Oceania and also unretired Carol Singer to be her heel counterpart, angry that Golden claims she was the first Aussie gal to go to the US and make a name for herself because she did it first (for less than a year wrestling much, much better talent in Miss Mexico and Joanne Rodriguez). Given my lack of access to valuable talent and none of the workers having more than 1-3 pop, it has been a unique challenge, so I've kept things simple with a face vs heel group feud. Golden Delicious has been frequently backed up by the face painted ball of energy CHRISTINE 6TINE (fka Hez Jendall, I really have no idea what I was thinking when I went with this name change but I'm stuck with it...), while Carol Singer has surrounded herself with the vapid Celestine Charisma and Elise Tiler, the impressive rookie making her debut after a tag match at Starrcade to join the trio, calling themselves "The Trailblazers". Right now I'm just planning on continuing this feud and having a trios match at my next event, with a women's title tournament forthcoming. The third lady I have penned for the face side is Kalliope (Woodchuck), who is going to step in the door the best wrestler in the division. The best part of my horrible women's division in 2020 was Kalliope and Golden Delicious having excellent chemistry - the Golden Icons were my first (and only) Women's Tag champions after I convinced Golden to come out of retirement. Long term plan is to shell out some $ to bring in some international ladies for a women's title tournament, with Steph Blake being the "final" boss for Golden Delicious to overcome to win the first title in her career. But who knows what can happen in 6 months...

I've been having a lot of fun with this save. My last long term game I immediately started with weekly television and it was so cumbersome to start right of the bat with a big roster. It's also been an interesting challenge to have to book all of my angles around them being physically in the ring since I have no broadcasting yet. I've been growing steadily despite shelling out some money to run a few too many multi man matches and because I've wanted to run a couple of shows in Melbourne and Brisbane just to get my guys on the road a bit and work with some different indy talent. Other than a tag title tournament which I'm planning on True Grit to continue their streak and win, there is one of my favorite workers across all of my different TEW saves who just became a free agent after getting into a fight with Halloween Knight, and right now the plan is to bring him in as Blackwell's opponent at the next PPV...

Apologies for the wall of text, but I hope some people enjoyed reading this. I'll probably post another big update once I get back to booking and get to Stampede, my next major event.

Here's the top matches of my save so far. Inexplicably Lee Bawes is one half of my best match of all time thanks to good chemistry with Blackwell Bush, so I think he's earned a 3 month contract to see if he can be another veteran hand in my midcard with some upside. Wrecker and Chopper Rourke were both brought in for main events in Brisbane and Melbourne and pulled their weight, but Wrecker is the only one I could see being a hire in the long term. So far, Pope, Bush, and Edwards have all fought once apiece, with Pope 2-0 thanks to interference, Bush 1-1 , and Edwards 0-2.


After a long break working on updating a bunch of free pictures, 6 months are in the books and I just finished ASW's second major event, Stampede. Stampede saw True Grit (Lone Rider and The Kipper) continue their undefeated streak to become the first ever ASW Tag Team champions in an 8-team tournament. I originally had the tournament planned for later in the year, but some good hits on team chemistry made it make more sense to run with it after Starrcade. They ended their feud with The S&M Connection (Smasher and Mauler) beating them decisively in a hardcore match in the opening round, and they survived the Mission Of Violence (Seeker and Lance Maddigan) in the semifinals (more on that later). 

On the other side of the bracket, SAISHO's Diamond Dogs (Jimmy Stratosphere and Motty Kuroda) made their debut, winning the rematch against their canon APW forever rivals Crime Wave (D.O.A. and Switchblade). The Diamond Dogs would just narrowly beat The Learning Tree (Armando Guerrero and "Fast" Eddie Booker) in the semifinals before losing to True Grit at Stampede in a solid match. Dutch DeRue would try desperately to sign on The Diamond Dogs as his clients, trying to get SOMEONE who could beat True Grit for him after The S&M Connection failed, but they would spurn him. I brought The Diamond Dogs in for a short term deal to bring some legitimacy to my first champs and they did their job well. Though I do think Harry Simonson must be a big fan of Jimmy from their days in APW because SOMEONE kept giving me character ideas for him in the shows leading up Stampede even though I only signed them for a three show deal -_-.

The Mission Of Violence added "The Missionary" Lance Maddigan to the fold with Seeker and ASW Sydney champion Luke Pope at Starrcade, helping Pope come out on top against Blackwell Bush. Pope, though, is a marked man, as Banky Bremner, D-Pod, and Adgee Cross all called their shot at him, with Bush and Rob Edwards breathing down his neck as well. Pope would successfully defend his title against Banky, while D-Pod and Adgee would face off for the third time to determine who would be Pope's challenger at Stampede. On the same night, Pope would goad Edwards into chasing him into the crowd in his and Tobias Bastio's first round match against the Mission of Violence, and then the whole Mission would jump Adgee and D-Pod in their #1 contender's match causing a non-finish. John and Paul Green, backed up by True Grit, would make it clear that this is unacceptable, and that 1) Luke Pope cannot be at ringside for any of the Mission's future matches in the tag title tournament and 2) Luke Pope would have to defend against Adgee AND D-Pod at Stampede! The classic heel move backfires, and while the Mission came up short in their tournament match, Pope would successfully defend against Adgee and D-Pod in a great main event. The rivalry between Adgee and D-Pod would keep them from fully uniting against Pope, and the champion managed to win clean, hitting both men with his finisher and stacking them up in a much more dominant display than his win against Blackwell. After his win though, Rob Edwards would come out to stare down the champ, in what was BY FAR my highest rated angle of the save so far (61), but I think I have to sit on their rematch for a little bit longer.

Blackwell Bush, after his loss at Starrcade, received help from veteran Harry Simonson. "The Hitman" openly said that he sees all the potential in the world in Bush, believing he has what it takes to truly be the best technical wrestler in the world, but he just needs a bit of veteran guidance. With Simonson in his corner, Bush would get wins over Maddigan and Seeker, as well as a stellar rematch with Lee Bawes, where he busted out his new submission finisher for the first time - taught to him by "The Hitman" himself, the devastating Sharpshooter. Simonson, confident in his charge, made an open challenge for Stampede that was accepted by the lights going out, resulting in a sneak attack from ASW's newest signing, Vortex. Unfortunately, the weeks I spent trying to get a strong gimmick idea + character ideas ended up in a failure as he ended up with an awful gimmick and the solid idea failing, so he didn't hit the ground running as hard as I hoped. Regardless, Vortex managed to pick up the huge upset over Blackwell in his debut, taking out Simonson in a suicide dive that left Bush conflicted and cost him his second big match.

On the women's side, things moved along pretty predictably. The Trailblazers (Carol Singer, Celestina Cherish, and Elise Tiler) had the edge over veteran "figurehead" Golden Delicious and her ally CHRISTINE 6TINE until the timely debut of Kalliope to even the odds, with the trio settling things in a falls count anywhere match where Golden Delicious came out on top. I'm finally at a point where these gals are starting to get above unimportant and can start building momentum, which is very timely as Singer announced her retirement soon. My next major show, Revolution, is planned for just 3 shows from now, so I will be rushing to crown an ASW Women's champion before Singer hangs up the boots for good.

Other things of note in the undercard - I finally found some direction for Tobias Bastio, as the stoic face happily agreed to partner with Rob Edwards to team up in the tag tournament. They would lose to the Mission Of Violence in the first round, but they managed to get their win back at Stampede. Unfortunately for Bastio, who is looking for a permanent tag partner, Rob Edwards only has eyes for Luke Pope and destroying the Mission Of Violence. Right now I'm toying with the idea of Bastio getting tired of being used by Edwards and joining up with the Mission, but it's a bit too soon to turn him so I'm not sure when (or if) that happens. Banky Bremner and Hack The Hunter have great chemistry and are still engaged with The Learning Tree, the latter winning a three way tag match also involving The S&M Connection to get first dibs on the new tag champs. Part of me wanted to hang on to Smasher and Mauler for a bit, but they are well past their best-by date and I need to be more disciplined to keep my roster leaner than I typically do.

Speaking of (failing) to keep my roster lean, I've signed a few young talent to get some reps and take some falls, since my only rookies have managed to work themselves up the card much faster than I expected. Aguila del Sur (new gen, masked babyface luchador), Jimmy-Jam Baxter, and Dee Lucketti will all be joining ASW but unless I can't control myself they will be pin eaters for the rest of the year.

Right now I'm planning on having Pope go over one (or both) of my tag champs before taking on Edwards in their inevitable rematch - I set that up with them standing up for ASW management in the latter part of the tag tournament. I've come around on D-Pod thanks to his incredible performance stats, so my current idea is for him to form a tag team with Adgee and right now they are my top pick to be the ones to dethrone True Grit. I have absolutely no idea where to go from here with regards to Bush and Vortex - they definitely have some more matches in the pipeline, I'm just not sure when to pull that trigger or how to get there.

Here's my updated Top matches so far:


I also keep an Excel sheet where I track my worker's pop growth monthly, as well as keep track of their records and match performances. You can see the big gulf in average performances with my top 3 (Bush/Edwards/Pope) and the rest of the roster:



On 8/19/2024 at 5:25 AM, HiPlus said:

I really loved the write up. 


I love the approach as a throwback of sorts. I definitely avoid signing people or making people from previous years big deals in my companies between saves. It is cool to see you want to highlight all your talents. What role does your user play outside of being owner? On screen personality? Wrestler? Manager? 


I have a soft spot on my heart for a lot of the Australian independents, but I love me some Seeker and seeing him albeit not wrestling as much but in that Main Event scene is so great for him. Luke Pope is a guy that has bucket loads of talent but in any of my countless saves he never ended up as a "top" guy in the company cause I always try to slow burn him. But he deserves that spot for sure. I always love the name True Grit for a cowboy tag-team and like that you haven't gone the typical Nepo-Heel Lone Rider. Glad Banky has performed as well as he did so far. Edwards and Bush are guys I know are talented but have never utilised well enough so it's good to see them shine. 


I have no idea who could have ended up fighting with HK and being dropped. That is also a favourite of yours. Outside money being Buckminster Snark for mine. 

Appreciate the feedback as always. My user character is just a very mediocre announcer/interviewer so I don't really do much but dub over the recordings that we sell + do the ring announcements, as well as the occasional interview or "speak" on behalf of the company to introduce stuff like new titles or tournaments. As soon as I have the cash to phase him out, I will, but for now I need someone to do that stuff and I don't have the money to pay anyone else.

I've used Surfer Dude Lucas/Luke Pope every single save since 2013 and he's only been my top guy once - my first (shorter) 2016 save where him and Lorenzo Oliverio were my two top guys by a country mile. In 2013 I slow burned him in a tag with Blackwell Bush as Surf and Turf, in my second 2016 save he was in Hang Ten with Surfer Dude Jesse. He turned on Jesse and went heel, but his size up went horribly wrong and he became overweight which ruined my long-term plans with him... he was still putting on "good enough" matches but he was just a cut below my top guys. In 2020 I JUST hit the point where him and Jesse (going by Surfer Dude Jesse) were about to get that first serious push as my top tag team and I burnt out on it 3 years in. I'm excited to give him the ball from the start this time around. I really see him as my "CM Punk in ROH" because he's the guy I am most worried about getting poached - I already have the angle ready to go when he signs his RAW contract on the Sydney title.

Vortex is another guy who I've always loved but never really got that big push his talent deserved. In 2013 and both 2016 saves I teamed him up with Australian Devil as The Lost Souls and they were a staple in my tag division - in my longer 2016 save he was "just" below the top guys, as Lothar Prellinger, the leader of The Lost Souls, took most of the main matches and was a 3x World champion for me. In 2020 I slow burned him as the 4th man behind Molokai (formerly Mik) and The Affliction, but again he started to get meaningful snaps right when I burned out on that save. The guy always performs and I want to make sure I give him a proper top guy singles run this time around, and looking at his physical condition I should probably do it sooner rather than later.

On 8/19/2024 at 1:04 PM, 619 said:

@John Lions The roster seems incredible for a new company's initial roster. It really shows how much unsigned talent there is in Australia, and I love the All-Star premise of spotlighting your previous favourites while still finding plenty of room for people you haven't worked with much before like Hack and Eddie. And even more than the young blood, it's great that there's a spot for Harry Simonson. Hopefully he agrees to one more run.

I love that no matter what the TEW edition, Blackwell Bush always delivers for you: the top two matches and four of the top six. It will be interesting to see how D-Pod and Adgee Cross handle the chance to step up to the main event, and I guess with Luke Pope involved, you can be fairly confident it won't bomb even if they don't prove worthy of the shot.

A few other things that stood out as impressive were you already having compelling stories going in your tag and women's divisions, as I'm not the best at keeping multiple divisions hot at once, and how you leant into Banky Bremner overperforming, as I'm not always the best at being flexible in those situations. As you mentioned, women's wrestling is a challenge in Australia, but hopefully the dojo move will have a long-term impact (dojos) and you've got enough to build a bit of momentum in the short term.

Looking forward to further updates and the reveal of your ZEN pick-up.

Cheers, I've always been pretty meticulous in how I plan ahead but this time around, especially with all of the great changes in TEWIX, I've tried to keep myself more flexible. Weirdly enough, I think the real-life calendar has helped with that because I always got very OCD-stuck on having events be on the same days every month and little stuff like that. Adgee definitely stepped up in the in-ring department while D-Pod is always horrible for me in the ring, but he's more than pulled his weight in angles. I honestly kind of stumbled backwards into the storylines fleshing out my midcard, it usually isn't as detailed but I've been trying to plan out the main story beats in between my "bigger" shows and I've found that has helped me a ton. It sucks that running events is the way to go money wise because I'd love to get a weekly TV show ASAP, I always find that much easier to book with.

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52 minutes ago, John Lions said:

After a long break working on updating a bunch of free pictures, 6 months are in the books and I just finished ASW's second major event, Stampede. Stampede saw True Grit (Lone Rider and The Kipper) continue their undefeated streak to become the first ever ASW Tag Team champions in an 8-team tournament. I originally had the tournament planned for later in the year, but some good hits on team chemistry made it make more sense to run with it after Starrcade. They ended their feud with The S&M Connection (Smasher and Mauler) beating them decisively in a hardcore match in the opening round, and they survived the Mission Of Violence (Seeker and Lance Maddigan) in the semifinals (more on that later). 

On the other side of the bracket, SAISHO's Diamond Dogs (Jimmy Stratosphere and Motty Kuroda) made their debut, winning the rematch against their canon APW forever rivals Crime Wave (D.O.A. and Switchblade). The Diamond Dogs would just narrowly beat The Learning Tree (Armando Guerrero and "Fast" Eddie Booker) in the semifinals before losing to True Grit at Stampede in a solid match. Dutch DeRue would try desperately to sign on The Diamond Dogs as his clients, trying to get SOMEONE who could beat True Grit for him after The S&M Connection failed, but they would spurn him. I brought The Diamond Dogs in for a short term deal to bring some legitimacy to my first champs and they did their job well. Though I do think Harry Simonson must be a big fan of Jimmy from their days in APW because SOMEONE kept giving me character ideas for him in the shows leading up Stampede even though I only signed them for a three show deal -_-.

The Mission Of Violence added "The Missionary" Lance Maddigan to the fold with Seeker and ASW Sydney champion Luke Pope at Starrcade, helping Pope come out on top against Blackwell Bush. Pope, though, is a marked man, as Banky Bremner, D-Pod, and Adgee Cross all called their shot at him, with Bush and Rob Edwards breathing down his neck as well. Pope would successfully defend his title against Banky, while D-Pod and Adgee would face off for the third time to determine who would be Pope's challenger at Stampede. On the same night, Pope would goad Edwards into chasing him into the crowd in his and Tobias Bastio's first round match against the Mission of Violence, and then the whole Mission would jump Adgee and D-Pod in their #1 contender's match causing a non-finish. John and Paul Green, backed up by True Grit, would make it clear that this is unacceptable, and that 1) Luke Pope cannot be at ringside for any of the Mission's future matches in the tag title tournament and 2) Luke Pope would have to defend against Adgee AND D-Pod at Stampede! The classic heel move backfires, and while the Mission came up short in their tournament match, Pope would successfully defend against Adgee and D-Pod in a great main event. The rivalry between Adgee and D-Pod would keep them from fully uniting against Pope, and the champion managed to win clean, hitting both men with his finisher and stacking them up in a much more dominant display than his win against Blackwell. After his win though, Rob Edwards would come out to stare down the champ, in what was BY FAR my highest rated angle of the save so far (61), but I think I have to sit on their rematch for a little bit longer.

Blackwell Bush, after his loss at Starrcade, received help from veteran Harry Simonson. "The Hitman" openly said that he sees all the potential in the world in Bush, believing he has what it takes to truly be the best technical wrestler in the world, but he just needs a bit of veteran guidance. With Simonson in his corner, Bush would get wins over Maddigan and Seeker, as well as a stellar rematch with Lee Bawes, where he busted out his new submission finisher for the first time - taught to him by "The Hitman" himself, the devastating Sharpshooter. Simonson, confident in his charge, made an open challenge for Stampede that was accepted by the lights going out, resulting in a sneak attack from ASW's newest signing, Vortex. Unfortunately, the weeks I spent trying to get a strong gimmick idea + character ideas ended up in a failure as he ended up with an awful gimmick and the solid idea failing, so he didn't hit the ground running as hard as I hoped. Regardless, Vortex managed to pick up the huge upset over Blackwell in his debut, taking out Simonson in a suicide dive that left Bush conflicted and cost him his second big match.

On the women's side, things moved along pretty predictably. The Trailblazers (Carol Singer, Celestina Cherish, and Elise Tiler) had the edge over veteran "figurehead" Golden Delicious and her ally CHRISTINE 6TINE until the timely debut of Kalliope to even the odds, with the trio settling things in a falls count anywhere match where Golden Delicious came out on top. I'm finally at a point where these gals are starting to get above unimportant and can start building momentum, which is very timely as Singer announced her retirement soon. My next major show, Revolution, is planned for just 3 shows from now, so I will be rushing to crown an ASW Women's champion before Singer hangs up the boots for good.

Other things of note in the undercard - I finally found some direction for Tobias Bastio, as the stoic face happily agreed to partner with Rob Edwards to team up in the tag tournament. They would lose to the Mission Of Violence in the first round, but they managed to get their win back at Stampede. Unfortunately for Bastio, who is looking for a permanent tag partner, Rob Edwards only has eyes for Luke Pope and destroying the Mission Of Violence. Right now I'm toying with the idea of Bastio getting tired of being used by Edwards and joining up with the Mission, but it's a bit too soon to turn him so I'm not sure when (or if) that happens. Banky Bremner and Hack The Hunter have great chemistry and are still engaged with The Learning Tree, the latter winning a three way tag match also involving The S&M Connection to get first dibs on the new tag champs. Part of me wanted to hang on to Smasher and Mauler for a bit, but they are well past their best-by date and I need to be more disciplined to keep my roster leaner than I typically do.

Speaking of (failing) to keep my roster lean, I've signed a few young talent to get some reps and take some falls, since my only rookies have managed to work themselves up the card much faster than I expected. Aguila del Sur (new gen, masked babyface luchador), Jimmy-Jam Baxter, and Dee Lucketti will all be joining ASW but unless I can't control myself they will be pin eaters for the rest of the year.

Right now I'm planning on having Pope go over one (or both) of my tag champs before taking on Edwards in their inevitable rematch - I set that up with them standing up for ASW management in the latter part of the tag tournament. I've come around on D-Pod thanks to his incredible performance stats, so my current idea is for him to form a tag team with Adgee and right now they are my top pick to be the ones to dethrone True Grit. I have absolutely no idea where to go from here with regards to Bush and Vortex - they definitely have some more matches in the pipeline, I'm just not sure when to pull that trigger or how to get there.

Here's my updated Top matches so far:


I also keep an Excel sheet where I track my worker's pop growth monthly, as well as keep track of their records and match performances. You can see the big gulf in average performances with my top 3 (Bush/Edwards/Pope) and the rest of the roster:



Appreciate the feedback as always. My user character is just a very mediocre announcer/interviewer so I don't really do much but dub over the recordings that we sell + do the ring announcements, as well as the occasional interview or "speak" on behalf of the company to introduce stuff like new titles or tournaments. As soon as I have the cash to phase him out, I will, but for now I need someone to do that stuff and I don't have the money to pay anyone else.

I've used Surfer Dude Lucas/Luke Pope every single save since 2013 and he's only been my top guy once - my first (shorter) 2016 save where him and Lorenzo Oliverio were my two top guys by a country mile. In 2013 I slow burned him in a tag with Blackwell Bush as Surf and Turf, in my second 2016 save he was in Hang Ten with Surfer Dude Jesse. He turned on Jesse and went heel, but his size up went horribly wrong and he became overweight which ruined my long-term plans with him... he was still putting on "good enough" matches but he was just a cut below my top guys. In 2020 I JUST hit the point where him and Jesse (going by Surfer Dude Jesse) were about to get that first serious push as my top tag team and I burnt out on it 3 years in. I'm excited to give him the ball from the start this time around. I really see him as my "CM Punk in ROH" because he's the guy I am most worried about getting poached - I already have the angle ready to go when he signs his RAW contract on the Sydney title.

Vortex is another guy who I've always loved but never really got that big push his talent deserved. In 2013 and both 2016 saves I teamed him up with Australian Devil as The Lost Souls and they were a staple in my tag division - in my longer 2016 save he was "just" below the top guys, as Lothar Prellinger, the leader of The Lost Souls, took most of the main matches and was a 3x World champion for me. In 2020 I slow burned him as the 4th man behind Molokai (formerly Mik) and The Affliction, but again he started to get meaningful snaps right when I burned out on that save. The guy always performs and I want to make sure I give him a proper top guy singles run this time around, and looking at his physical condition I should probably do it sooner rather than later.

Cheers, I've always been pretty meticulous in how I plan ahead but this time around, especially with all of the great changes in TEWIX, I've tried to keep myself more flexible. Weirdly enough, I think the real-life calendar has helped with that because I always got very OCD-stuck on having events be on the same days every month and little stuff like that. Adgee definitely stepped up in the in-ring department while D-Pod is always horrible for me in the ring, but he's more than pulled his weight in angles. I honestly kind of stumbled backwards into the storylines fleshing out my midcard, it usually isn't as detailed but I've been trying to plan out the main story beats in between my "bigger" shows and I've found that has helped me a ton. It sucks that running events is the way to go money wise because I'd love to get a weekly TV show ASAP, I always find that much easier to book with.

Somewhere down the track you should take a look at Historians & SHEROES if you ever want extra Womens workers for Oceania both have a few interesting workers for Oceania

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@John Lions Adgee Cross is one of those guys I always see as my guys. So seeing him get a decent tag-team partner and potential championship is so good to see. I love Tue Grit as a tag-team and the build for them is perfect. Bringing in The Diamond Dogs to establish the titles does give them so much credibility. 

 Dee Lucketti is a guy I have flirted with bringing in my save as he just looks cool. I also have loved how Banky has earned some respect in your books and hope he continues to rise up the card. It sounds like you're just having fun, booking guys who you never had the chance to mixed with your top of the unemployed. 

Edited by HiPlus
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10 hours ago, codey_v3 said:

Just had my best show yet, which isn't saying much because at MAW's size every other show is the best one yet until you hit 2026 probably. Please don't judge me on the match-only show, Sam Keith forced me to run a modern throwback product, and my tv shows are only 60% matches so it evens out!



A few notes: 

  • Carlos Barrera has developed into one of the better workers in the roster with 76 brawling, and TNT is a TCW training school grad I hired and probably my future figurehead if he turns into what it looks he can
  • Marco Gonzalez is just too good. I pushed him as a young developing face and he's been feuding with Big Money Inc., my stable consisting of Avalanche, The Historian, Xavi Ferrera and Carl Batch. I had him lose to Historian here, but later in the night he distracted Nate DeMarcus to let Avalanche win, turning him heel to join the stable he's been feuding with. 
  • LA Stars are the best free agent tag team in the US, period. They're so good, and #1 has a lot of singles potential too, I'm already thinking of a future angle where they feud and #2 loses a mask vs mask match but pulls off #1's mask anyway, sparking a LOOOOOOONG blood feud. 
  • Texas Hangman got a bad match here against an aging Doc Hammond, but he was supposed to be fighting Mitchell Aldred, who injured his spleen. Hangman's been my undisputed top babyface and had a 364-day, 15 defense title reign. He started as Aldred's muscle, got over on his own and turned face and won the title. He won the 2023 Rip Chord Invitational and I'm having him win again in 2025. 
  • Big Papa Swoll is a future champ, he's developed so much this save. I've always been unlucky with him in that he usually doesn't show much skill growth, but in this save his brawling skill is improving at a rate of 4 points per year and his already impressive entertainment skills are still going up. Plus I complimented him a couple of times and we're like family now, he's never going anywhere.
  • Youngman is Ernest, whose first name I hate lol. I'm doing something different with him now. For the past ten years I feel like I've booked him as a super serious Bret Hart type, but for some reason I've just decided to transform him into a loudmouth 80s-style joker character, sort of like a modern Seth Rollins with a Joey Janela wardrobe. He and Whitehead tore the house down, at 66 overness Youngman's in-ring performance here was 92, it's insane how good he is, and I honestly stayed away from him for two years straight because I assumed that someone would hire him. 


I brought in Swoll to be one of the top heels in my Hudson Valley Wrestling - he hasn't disappointed so far. His out of ring skills are great and I like his ad libbing ability.

Texas Hangman is currently one of my three belt holders - he's been solid too, although I have him pegged just below the top faces.

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How things are going lately in my WWE 2010 save, now past Over The Limit and heading towards the revived King of the Ring PPV

The latest PPV card: lMw1eub.jpeg


The short (that's still long) of what's been happening in the save:

  • Instead of retiring at Mania, Shawn Michaels is now going on a 'jaded grizzled veteran heel' run. Thinking of probably aping the recent Bryan Danielson storyline by giving HBK one last title run where he retires once he loses the belt. Also Lance Cade and Trevor Murdoch are his midcard cronies.
  • Swapped the Intercontinental and United States titles between the brands: Miz is still US Champ heading into SmackDown, but Drew McIntyre almost immediately lost his IC title to MVP in a shock win - though I plan on Drew potentially regaining the title, and him and Finlay joining forces with Sheamus to be the next new heel stable threat on Raw now that Legacy has broken up.
  • The women's titles are only temporarily unified since I'm slowly trying to grow the division and it being split between Raw and SmackDown makes things a little shallow.
  • CM Punk and the Straight Edge Society target John Morrison heading into SummerSlam - Joey Mercury returns as a part of SES just like in real-life, though in this case it makes somewhat more sense due to him being Morrison's former tag partner, and being convinced to join Punk's cause due to a lack of direction in recent years.
  • I'm also sort of doing the Undertaker/Kane feud that happened in real life, but I started it a little earlier (as in not long after Mania); Kane eventually emerges wearing a version of his classic mask, and now being managed by the Sinister Minister, James Mitchell. However, the game decided Kane was gonna take a little break for his 'outside interests' and I decided to move the next PPV, King of the Ring, up a week to fit in a casket match that he'll lose against World Heavyweight Champion Edge with help from Undertaker. I do plan on advancing the Taker/Kane feud once Kane's available again (though I imagine it won't give the exact date of when he would come back).
  • ECW as a brand is still alive in this save. Initially, I was just gonna let it run a little longer until SummerSlam or Survivor Series, but then I considered 'What if I just had ECW stick around until the point in 2012 where NXT in real life went from the game-show to the developmental brand?' Granted, with how I tend to play TEW, I rarely ever make it past a year let alone half of one on the usual save. In short, Heyman's back, and there's a few classic ECW vets back on the roster (like RVD, Sabu, Jerry Lynn, the Full Blooded Italians) mixed in with some of the 2009/2010 ECW talents (Christian, Ezekiel Jackson, Dudebusters, Vance Archer, etc.), a few FCW callups (so far, Daniel Bryan and Kaval), and a couple of other roster members I brought into the brand to spice things up a little (namely Cody Rhodes and Ted DiBiase Jr., continuing their post-Legacy feud).

A lot going on, to put things in even less words.

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As usual, I can't stay dedicated to one save, so now I'm off doing WWF in 2001. Yes, it's a lot easier than WCW, what a shock.  About to reach the end of the year for the first time in TEW 9 so look forward to the end of year awards. 

I brought Hogan in on his own.  Nash is in NJPW but I really just wanted Hogan in on his own.  He's only wrestled a few matches so far, vs Rock at Summerslam, survivor series sole survivor and teaming up with Tripper against APA. 

I've let Hogan vs Austin simmer because I want to do that at Wrestlemania.  They were on opposite teams at Survivor Series. Hogan pinned Austin after we got a sledgehammer shot from Triple.  Yeah, I just made Austin babyface as soon as I started.  The next thing will be at the Royal Rumble, either Hogan and Austin eliminating each other or Hogan eliminating Austin, then we get an Austin distraction, Hogan tasting his own medicine, and the winner eliminates Hogan.  The only question is, who shall be the winner?

I already have things planned for Mania like Kurt Angle vs Edge in a hair vs hair match. How original. Thinking of doing Undertaker vs Sting.  That will have to be face vs face. The only problem is the world title match would also be face vs face because at the minute, the winner in my mind is..... Goldberg. 

I haven't signed him yet, but he's definitely the leading candidate. There's nobody else ready or free,  and I've wanted to turn Rock into Hollywood Rock and get years out of him haha,  so maybe Goldberg beating Rock is the way to get the turn going.

Austin vs Hogan will be the main event. I mean, come on, it's Austin vs Hogan.  The biggest match of all time, Jack.

Speaking of main events. Triple H vs Chris Jericho has also been simmering.  Yes, this time it will be done right, I hope.  Triple H vacated the IC title earlier in the year because he wouldn't give Jericho a shot. Fast-forward a few months, Jericho won the vacant IC title and will be defending it at Vengeance vs Eddie Guerrero.  That match will be a draw because I'm doing it again on Raw the next night and Triple H will cost Jericho the match.

Why has Triple H randomly gone after Jericho?,''the man not fit to share the ring with me.'' The reason why is that The Rock defeated Triple H at Vengeance, so Triple is pissed, he spots Jericho smiling and carrying on backstage on Raw.  Where the hell is my sledgehammer?  The plan is to have Jericho win, then Triple to take a break before it's faction time. Something like that. 

Bryan Danielson is slowly but surely getting over.  We have Regal being a straight-up mentor in the backstage segments, as well as being a heel. Their first match got a big 80. Proud of them.  I think their match at Wrestlemania will be Danielson's graduation.  Bryan's now at the recognized stage after beating Dean Malenko. The Ice man complained about it. I don't know, that just felt weird.  Surely he knows Brian Danielson is an absolute stud.  haha Carnival folk for ya. :p

RVD and Rey Mysterio have great chemistry as tag team partners.  They are the current tag team champions.  I've just turned Dudley Boyz heel, although I'm not sure if this will be the title match at Wrestlemania because I consider a Benoit vs Rey rematch.  Their first match got  88 and Benoit won the cruiserweight title. 

Rey and RVD are called Caribbean Blue. (my favorite Enya song)  Yes, RVD and Rey passing the blunt around before the match, they listen to Enya pre match and so on. Ricky Steamboat even signed up as road agent and was chilling with them backstage.  He's a keen listener. RVD and Rey were made to be tag team champions of this world. Enya fanatics. Eh, why not?  This is what this game is all about.  ''It's the freedom of expression, my friend.'' Their finisher is called The Watermark.

Bryan Danielson has excellent chemistry, being managed by Kim Neilson.

I don't think I will abandon ship so quickly.  I'm enjoying it, managed to get a few good shows in yesterday and have plans for the future.  Lesnar after Wrestlemania etc.  There will be no taking the ball and going home here, pal.  Yeah, Austin is my favorite so he'll have no reason to think my booking is trash, son.   I hope not.

Meanwhile, WCW are booking Scott Steiner vs Kanyon again.  Good luck knocking me off top spot, Shane.

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3 hours ago, Alan James said:

As usual, I can't stay dedicated to one save, so now I'm off doing WWF in 2001. Yes, it's a lot easier than WCW, what a shock.  About to reach the end of the year for the first time in TEW 9 so look forward to the end of year awards. 

I brought Hogan in on his own.  Nash is in NJPW but I really just wanted Hogan in on his own.  He's only wrestled a few matches so far, vs Rock at Summerslam, survivor series sole survivor and teaming up with Tripper against APA. 

I've let Hogan vs Austin simmer because I want to do that at Wrestlemania.  They were on opposite teams at Survivor Series. Hogan pinned Austin after we got a sledgehammer shot from Triple.  Yeah, I just made Austin babyface as soon as I started.  The next thing will be at the Royal Rumble, either Hogan and Austin eliminating each other or Hogan eliminating Austin, then we get an Austin distraction, Hogan tasting his own medicine, and the winner eliminates Hogan.  The only question is, who shall be the winner?

I already have things planned for Mania like Kurt Angle vs Edge in a hair vs hair match. How original. Thinking of doing Undertaker vs Sting.  That will have to be face vs face. The only problem is the world title match would also be face vs face because at the minute, the winner in my mind is..... Goldberg. 

I haven't signed him yet, but he's definitely the leading candidate. There's nobody else ready or free,  and I've wanted to turn Rock into Hollywood Rock and get years out of him haha,  so maybe Goldberg beating Rock is the way to get the turn going.

Austin vs Hogan will be the main event. I mean, come on, it's Austin vs Hogan.  The biggest match of all time, Jack.

Speaking of main events. Triple H vs Chris Jericho has also been simmering.  Yes, this time it will be done right, I hope.  Triple H vacated the IC title earlier in the year because he wouldn't give Jericho a shot. Fast-forward a few months, Jericho won the vacant IC title and will be defending it at Vengeance vs Eddie Guerrero.  That match will be a draw because I'm doing it again on Raw the next night and Triple H will cost Jericho the match.

Why has Triple H randomly gone after Jericho?,''the man not fit to share the ring with me.'' The reason why is that The Rock defeated Triple H at Vengeance, so Triple is pissed, he spots Jericho smiling and carrying on backstage on Raw.  Where the hell is my sledgehammer?  The plan is to have Jericho win, then Triple to take a break before it's faction time. Something like that. 

Bryan Danielson is slowly but surely getting over.  We have Regal being a straight-up mentor in the backstage segments, as well as being a heel. Their first match got a big 80. Proud of them.  I think their match at Wrestlemania will be Danielson's graduation.  Bryan's now at the recognized stage after beating Dean Malenko. The Ice man complained about it. I don't know, that just felt weird.  Surely he knows Brian Danielson is an absolute stud.  haha Carnival folk for ya. :p

RVD and Rey Mysterio have great chemistry as tag team partners.  They are the current tag team champions.  I've just turned Dudley Boyz heel, although I'm not sure if this will be the title match at Wrestlemania because I consider a Benoit vs Rey rematch.  Their first match got  88 and Benoit won the cruiserweight title. 

Rey and RVD are called Caribbean Blue. (my favorite Enya song)  Yes, RVD and Rey passing the blunt around before the match, they listen to Enya pre match and so on. Ricky Steamboat even signed up as road agent and was chilling with them backstage.  He's a keen listener. RVD and Rey were made to be tag team champions of this world. Enya fanatics. Eh, why not?  This is what this game is all about.  ''It's the freedom of expression, my friend.'' Their finisher is called The Watermark.

Bryan Danielson has excellent chemistry, being managed by Kim Neilson.

I don't think I will abandon ship so quickly.  I'm enjoying it, managed to get a few good shows in yesterday and have plans for the future.  Lesnar after Wrestlemania etc.  There will be no taking the ball and going home here, pal.  Yeah, Austin is my favorite so he'll have no reason to think my booking is trash, son.   I hope not.

Meanwhile, WCW are booking Scott Steiner vs Kanyon again.  Good luck knocking me off top spot, Shane.

Admittedly I always liked Kanyon and he put on great matches.

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On 9/2/2024 at 3:58 AM, alpha2117 said:

Admittedly I always liked Kanyon and he put on great matches.

Oh yeah, absolutely.   I get amused looking at the WCW cards and Shane McMahon stretching it as far as he can, using tag team matches and triple threats involving El Hijo del Santo.

I would have changed Kanyon back to Mortis mostly because I'm a fan of the supernatural BS in wrestling.

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25 minutes ago, Alan James said:

Oh yeah, absolutely.   I get amused looking at the WCW cards and Shane McMahon stretching it as far as he can, using tag team matches and triple threats involving El Hijo del Santo.

I would have changed Kanyon back to Mortis mostly because I'm a fan of the supernatural BS in wrestling.

Mortis could have worked but the other wrestlers in Blood Runs Cold couldn't get over.

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All this 90's/80's talk makes me want to run a WCW sim where Ted Turner let's Hogan stay in Hollywood and focuses on resigning Austin, Vader and Foley (as well as retaining Shanghai & Tex).  Maybe start in 1991 with Bill Watts and his "rules" are not seriously implemented, rather structured as a story arch for the rise of a Brian Pillman or one of the cruiserweights to rebel against the doomed "Top Rope Rule"; oh and he can pay Tully what he owes him per written and not a handshake offer of $40 and no travel costs covered.

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March 2024 (47 rating 124 attendance)

  • Two angles get into the 60+ range! It's the mainstays DF DOOM (Funkenstein), Brother Grimm, and Tennessee William.
  • Most of the undercard matches were meh. Including Joy Ryder.
  • Bhodi Buff (Charlie Corner) and The Steve (Stevie Stanley) are now an official team - California Teaming. And they won against Harem - Allie Perks and The Sheik (Reilly Patton).
  • Marty Two Guns (Texas Hangman) retained the West Coast title against Ghost of Wrestling Past (Masked Stranger).
  • Kamehameha (Rocky Weatherfield) beat Papa Swoll and Zippy Deverell for the East Coast title in the best match of the night.
  • DF DOOM and The J.H. (Jack Holder) both escaped the cage at the same time, keeping the belt on Holder.


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April 2024 (49 rating 126 attendance)

  • Kate Redd (DupliKate) had a phenomenal match against Joanna Silver.
  • The J.H. (Jack Holder) pins Olivia Diamond after Joy Ryder is blindsided by Kate Mishler to prevent her from getting the Total Championship belt.
  • Marty Two Guns (Texas Hangman) retains the West Coast belt in a fatal 4-way against Jack Pryde, Velvet Suarez, and Sheik (Reilly Patton).
  • DOOM (Funkenstein) gets the win over Papa Swoll and Zippy Deverell.
  • Kamehameha (Rocky Weatherfield) and Dani Hart (Danielle Sweetheart) take the main event over Ghost of Wrestling Past (Masked Stranger) and Tennessee William.


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On 9/1/2024 at 1:42 AM, Taylor2020 said:

How things are going lately in my WWE 2010 save, now past Over The Limit and heading towards the revived King of the Ring PPV

The latest PPV card: lMw1eub.jpeg


The short (that's still long) of what's been happening in the save:

  • Instead of retiring at Mania, Shawn Michaels is now going on a 'jaded grizzled veteran heel' run. Thinking of probably aping the recent Bryan Danielson storyline by giving HBK one last title run where he retires once he loses the belt. Also Lance Cade and Trevor Murdoch are his midcard cronies.
  • Swapped the Intercontinental and United States titles between the brands: Miz is still US Champ heading into SmackDown, but Drew McIntyre almost immediately lost his IC title to MVP in a shock win - though I plan on Drew potentially regaining the title, and him and Finlay joining forces with Sheamus to be the next new heel stable threat on Raw now that Legacy has broken up.
  • The women's titles are only temporarily unified since I'm slowly trying to grow the division and it being split between Raw and SmackDown makes things a little shallow.
  • CM Punk and the Straight Edge Society target John Morrison heading into SummerSlam - Joey Mercury returns as a part of SES just like in real-life, though in this case it makes somewhat more sense due to him being Morrison's former tag partner, and being convinced to join Punk's cause due to a lack of direction in recent years.
  • I'm also sort of doing the Undertaker/Kane feud that happened in real life, but I started it a little earlier (as in not long after Mania); Kane eventually emerges wearing a version of his classic mask, and now being managed by the Sinister Minister, James Mitchell. However, the game decided Kane was gonna take a little break for his 'outside interests' and I decided to move the next PPV, King of the Ring, up a week to fit in a casket match that he'll lose against World Heavyweight Champion Edge with help from Undertaker. I do plan on advancing the Taker/Kane feud once Kane's available again (though I imagine it won't give the exact date of when he would come back).
  • ECW as a brand is still alive in this save. Initially, I was just gonna let it run a little longer until SummerSlam or Survivor Series, but then I considered 'What if I just had ECW stick around until the point in 2012 where NXT in real life went from the game-show to the developmental brand?' Granted, with how I tend to play TEW, I rarely ever make it past a year let alone half of one on the usual save. In short, Heyman's back, and there's a few classic ECW vets back on the roster (like RVD, Sabu, Jerry Lynn, the Full Blooded Italians) mixed in with some of the 2009/2010 ECW talents (Christian, Ezekiel Jackson, Dudebusters, Vance Archer, etc.), a few FCW callups (so far, Daniel Bryan and Kaval), and a couple of other roster members I brought into the brand to spice things up a little (namely Cody Rhodes and Ted DiBiase Jr., continuing their post-Legacy feud).

A lot going on, to put things in even less words.

Ooh, what mod is that?

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Aukland Raider broke Buckminster Snark's neck. Everyone hates him. Which just makes sense.

Cyanide agreed to put Aukland Raider over twice, took him as a protegee, is on the booking team, and is one of the few people that don't blame him for Snark's injury, so Buckminster Snark is officially my Stevie Richards. "Hey, don't worry about it kid, it's just Bucky." - Cyanide, probably.

Raiding Rainbow, Aukland Raider's weekly segment where he tries to read a children's book with his guest only to eventually get frustrated due to his illiteracy and smash someone, is consistently my highest rated segment and is essentially a fundamental part of ZEN now. All credit to alpha2117.

Man O' War is on a hot streak. His anti-ZEN promos are must see, his storylines are napalm, and he's almost singlehandedly gotten Laguna The Loyal, and The Malothian over just from interacting with him as he slowly develops his Starscream tendencies, and begins to threaten Karrg The Insidious' ironfisted rule. I can't see myself pulling the trigger on that story in the next year, but MAYBE by year 3. Either way, Man O' War is only behind Celestina Cherish in the list of workers I'd fight RAW to keep. He'll have a place with me until I go bankrupt or he retires.

Kalliope Woodchuck and Devil Fish have begun dating.

Rekha and Karrg The Insidious are dating, and Karrg has offered to put her over, so I have to figure out how to transition Rekha to Grand Champion in a way that doesn't undermine F.E.A.R.

C-W-A is having his career run right now, putting in great performances in the tag division, entirely because New Game gave him better stats than half the roster and he's gotten some good chemistry. C-W-A is oddly enough my mid card workhorse. 

Hez Jendell's gimmick of every match being a ladder match for inexplicable reasons, has worked, and solidified the avenging alien a place in the hearts of ZEN faithful everywhere.

Jester is extremely talented, New Game having worked it's magic on him. Ensuring that he becomes my JTTS' Bobby Thomas style heel. He's doing well, and I'm seriously hoping he takes a protegee or two because he's the kind of mentor I want most of my roster to have.

I allowed myself 4 non-ZEN alumni hires:

Fuyuko Higa agreed to work in Oceania, and has just finished up her third ZEN feud and will start her fourth at the next TV when she meets Celestina Cherish for their rubber match.

The Brat Pack have been slumming it the last month, appearing on tv to remind the audience how much better RAW is than ZEN. 

Remmy Skye agreed to come over and has spent his entire ZEN career putting over alumni in heatless well performed matches.

Super Serious, a stable consisting of Marcel LeFleur (who was saved from the Canadian Indy Circuit, only because he refused to put over Simony Sentinel in ACPW, and it's funny to me to job him out to every woman I can find.), Carey Fry, Tobias Bastio, and 'The Fourth Horseman of the Apocalypse' Reggie Hammer, have been slowly building their popularity and are now properly engaged in a war against silliness that they are destined to lose. They'll remain a fixture after their big feud blow off thanks to Fry and Bastio having excellent chemistry together, and Reggie Hammer's charisma making him a perfect heel to have Flair Flopping and Wooing around for the next several years. These are my smokescreen guys that I'm counting on RAW to take before anyone else on my roster. Until they leave for greener pastures, they'll be my fourth string rudo faction.

Edited by GretaGridlock
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18 hours ago, Dawn said:

Ooh, what mod is that?

I converted a TEW2020 mod known as "The Game Changes Now". The most I did to change things was mainly birth/debut days and height/weight for the WWE roster (and whoever I end up hiring, for the most part, during the save).

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Just running a sim at the moment, keeping an eye on NYCW, MAW and a couple other companies and came across this new debut for TCW who i would love to push. He's not great in ring yet, but he should be great even more so if he loses some weight or gets in better shape.



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