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Is there any way to use your UC on house shows? When I try to put mine on the House show roster it says I need a monthly paying contract, but there isn't (as far as I know) any way to change your own contract.

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20 minutes ago, Bent said:

Is there any way to use your UC on house shows? When I try to put mine on the House show roster it says I need a monthly paying contract, but there isn't (as far as I know) any way to change your own contract.

I think this is an unintended consequence of the user character having a handshake contract as you could do it in TEW2020. Adam probably needs to add an exception for the user character because they can never have a monthly contract.

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3 hours ago, cjdub09 said:

How does new worker generation work? iirc in 2020 there was a setting in the database, but it doesn't seem to be there.

Are you sure you are not thinking of 2016? 2020 and TEW9 are the same as far as I can see and it's mainly controlled by the training facilities in the game with the ability to turn it off in the options screen (Graduation).

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I've been trying to figure out when/how to better use the Inspirational Speech.  Is it cumulative with the "works extra hard" for a season finale, ie, is it a *must* to ensure we get the best season finale possible, or is it better used to boost "other" events throughout the year because everyone is already giving all their got at the season final? 


What's been folks experience/approach with this? 

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1 hour ago, moststay said:

Could we get a mechanic where we could buy out a company after they have already gone bankrupt or maybe get to step in right before a company is forced to closed and forcibly buy them out?

Not sure if this is what you're looking for, but on the Companies screen (the icon looks like buildings) you can contact another company and attempt an hostile takeover. I have yet to try this on TEW IX but in previous games ('13 to be more precise) it gave you the option to just close the doors, keep titles and/or contracts with workers, or keep them alive as a child company (this was quite expensive from what I remember). You usually need to find a promotion that's doing quite badly, like bleeding money bad, for the takeover to be sucessful. I'm assuming it will work similarly in IX.


Otherwise, if you're working on a roleplaying game where you want to "revive" a previous company, you can go to the Office screen (suitcase) > Investments > Purchase a Classic Title Belt. Doing so will give you a true legacy championship, with a certain ammount of prestige plus the full championship lineage. This is more expensive than creating a new belt and calling it the "spiritual successor" to the original belt, but gives you the "real deal" if that's what you're looking for.


Hope this helps! 

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5 hours ago, Veenetor said:

Not sure if this is what you're looking for, but on the Companies screen (the icon looks like buildings) you can contact another company and attempt an hostile takeover. I have yet to try this on TEW IX but in previous games ('13 to be more precise) it gave you the option to just close the doors, keep titles and/or contracts with workers, or keep them alive as a child company (this was quite expensive from what I remember). You usually need to find a promotion that's doing quite badly, like bleeding money bad, for the takeover to be sucessful. I'm assuming it will work similarly in IX.


Otherwise, if you're working on a roleplaying game where you want to "revive" a previous company, you can go to the Office screen (suitcase) > Investments > Purchase a Classic Title Belt. Doing so will give you a true legacy championship, with a certain ammount of prestige plus the full championship lineage. This is more expensive than creating a new belt and calling it the "spiritual successor" to the original belt, but gives you the "real deal" if that's what you're looking for.


Hope this helps! 

Oh yeah i already know about these but I want like an option where the owner will sell the company themselves instead of me having to come to them and ask.

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Quick Pop Gain Question - 

If you are a company that runs only live events (no TV or PPV) and you book someone in a preshow match will they still gain the same pop as they would in a regular card match?

I am running a MAW save and wondering if I there is any benefit to putting some little pop workers on the card vs just having them do preshow matches.

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How do I book hype videos as I apparently did it very wrong 😂

I did the video option but for workers I used "Subject in Video" and got a 14 rating 😂 so that's clearly not what I'm supposed to be using


To be clear when I say hype video I mean such as a 2 minute match recap/buildup before a title match

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19 minutes ago, jesterx7769 said:

How do I book hype videos as I apparently did it very wrong 😂

I did the video option but for workers I used "Subject in Video" and got a 14 rating 😂 so that's clearly not what I'm supposed to be using


To be clear when I say hype video I mean such as a 2 minute match recap/buildup before a title match

Subject of Video is based almost entirely on Pop. For a match recap for a less popular worker try fighting?

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On 8/24/2024 at 11:54 AM, Adam Ryland said:

Actually, it's just Reputation, so I guess you could get hired regardless.

Hi Adam, would it be possible to get a "Exclude Already Booked" button in the pre-booking section? Would help enormously with the speed of booking tours in Japan.

Thanks for the new IX, it's awesome. 🍻

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I saw Jay Chord organically gain Amazing Babyface attribute. Has anyone seen that happen before? Its pretty cool.


I updated his attributes a lil bit after to give some more petty stuff. USPW is dominating and he was added to booking team & Rich money not getting along. Wanted to watch the chaos.  

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Is there any way to give Hall of Fame entries different names? Like, for example, James Justice is in the TCW HoF, but he never wrestled there under that name; he was Liberty for his entire TCW run. I can change his name in the editor, but then he would be Liberty in the USPW HoF, so it's the same problem. You can give different names in the Power 500, but it doesn't seem to be possible in Halls of Fame.

Edited by TheChef
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Not necessarily. Prestige is an actual number (it's shown under the current status on the 'Companies' screen). Ranking reflects the popularity of a company, while workers consider its importance (Size + Prestige).
This means that between two companies of the same size, workers will prioritize the one with higher prestige when deciding where to work.
I'm just trying to explain how the game calculates this, not commenting on whether it makes sense or not. :p 

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2 hours ago, Matt_Black said:

Could someone explain to me why a worker will opt to do a touring show for a company that's rated 21st in the world rather than their full time gig for the Above Average rated season finale for a company that's rated 11th?

Workers don't "choose" as such, where they work is decided by which order the shows run in (as explained in the handbook, that's on size and prestige, with a boost available if they have a headquarters or physical hall of fame). In your scenario, either the touring show came first in the order, or, the finale came first but they didn't use the worker (meaning they're available to use elsewhere).

Note that a company's ranking is on their total global popularity, so it's possible for a company to be ranked lower than another but run their shows first because their size rating and prestige are higher. Ranking doesn't have any bearing on the order of shows.

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On 8/24/2024 at 9:44 AM, VBigB said:

I think this is an unintended consequence of the user character having a handshake contract as you could do it in TEW2020. Adam probably needs to add an exception for the user character because they can never have a monthly contract.

If you set your company up pre-game, with the character you plan to use as your UC having a written/exclusive written contract, then your UC will be under that type of contract. It just seems to default them to a Handshake contract if you join the new company when you start the game or when you come in later.

But, I agree: there should be a metric that allows your UC to be placed under a written contract, especially if you're joining a big company that has predominantly written deals.



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13 minutes ago, St. Templar said:

But, I agree: there should be a metric that allows your UC to be placed under a written contract, especially if you're joining a big company that has predominantly written deals.

Well I did put this in the small issues thread a while ago and it hasn’t been deleted yet or answered so I’m assuming it’s on the radar. I guess a potential work around is just to edit the user characters contract in the in game editor but I haven’t actually tried that yet.

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I'm not sure I should list this on the tech support forum, so I thought I would check in here first.

I was booking a show and wanted to hype a match between the tag team that had just won a match and another team which was on the other brand, but since I was not using that brand, I'd given the second tag team the night off. Now, I was almost positive I'd done this before with no problem (set up an angle with my commentators as "Segment Host", the team that was present as "Non-Speaking Appearance" and the guys who had the night off as "Off-Screen"), but when I went to add the guys who had the night off, they weren't available for this scenario.

I thought we still could use workers given the night off as "Subject of Video" or "Off-Screen" in angles. Am I wrong or was this a glitch and I should report it on the tech support forum?



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