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How You Discovered TEW/EWR?

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4 minutes ago, KingofOldSchool said:

Around 2001. I don't know how. I got into EWD, TNM 7, PW around the same time. Probably found it on a Yahoo search.

Same here, right around 2001.  No idea how I found them since it was that long ago.  Probably yahoo searching for e-fed stuff and stumbled across them in my teen years.

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One of my friends introduced me to promotion wars in the early 2000's, played the hell out of that then discovered EWR through a forum (might have been ewbattlegrounds) and played that for years... Never realised tew04 existed until after tew05 came out however I could not afford it at the time. Then when tew05 was made free to play I tried it out and was hooked, tew10 was my first purchase of the series and have not looked back.

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I discovered the original games via the Pro Wrestling Simulator Enthusiast website, there were so many old text based wrestling sims on there. I found a zip file of some old games a while back and it was a fun nostalgia trip.

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32 minutes ago, HHUK said:

I discovered the original games via the Pro Wrestling Simulator Enthusiast website, there were so many old text based wrestling sims on there. I found a zip file of some old games a while back and it was a fun nostalgia trip.

think i found that too. PWSE!

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EWR 4.2 was the first for me - still have a copy on my PC for nostalgia purposes. Stumbled upon while looking for a wrestling game in 2002-2003. TEW04 was revolutionary in terms of what it did versus what EWR was. And it has grown into this mammoth of a game. I think if I had to pick a single game series that has had as much of an impact on my life, this is it. And it isn't even close. I am insanely pumped for the beta tomorrow... happy beta eve, everyone!! 

Edited by LoganRodzen
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Love All these responses!  Unlocked such great memory’s !!!!  It was  early 2001 when I first discovered EWD !   Also  being apart of E-FEDs, and have to admit I did jump on promotion wars 1.2 (Adam Jennings ? ) as it had a newer feel to it, and from memory The talk was Adam wasn’t making any more games at the time. So promotion wars was basically the future lol!!! … man I still remember the morning EWR dropped back in 2002 ! Was a Sunday morning ( Australian time ) would of been like middle of June . Wow ! It blew my 14 year old mind !!  The old dial up days when it would take hours to download . Played that game non stop ! Was not a fan of TEW when it first got released tho, I bought it , played it , but loved EWR to much. Wasn’t until 10 came out that I properly invested the time into learning the mechanics of the game . I have had 2 kids since I first started playing EWD , so they are now gamers, and have taken over the gaming consoles in the house . But TEW is still my guilty pleasure . I have a laptop ( basic level ) and it’s sole purpose is to play TEW  whenever I can .    So by some chance you are reading this Adam. I want to thank you for all the joy and excitement you have given me  For these last 23 years !!  The most nostalgic times of my life were EWD/EWR . And I look forward to playing your latest edition. Thank you 

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Like so many people here, I started in e-feds.  The e-fed was being booked using TNM7.  It was just a hop, skip and a jump from there to EWD, EWR, TEW, etc.  I know for certain that I've purchased every TEW so far.  I often wonder if there's anyone else on here that was part of IWL.  It was based on real-life wrestlers.  I ended up running it for a bit.

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I was pretty heavily in the wrestling simulator scene back in the day, worked with a variety of people as a friend beta tester for their games, played TNM7, etc. Was also in E-fedding as both a wrestler and booker. Did my own V-Feds stuff like that with or without games like TNM7. Ran one entirely fictional Japanese V-fed for about a decade off and on part of a bigger "universe" of other promotions ran by other people.

I can't remember exactly the first EW I played (I believe 7500) but it quickly supplanted the other simulators and games of the scene. As they faded away EW got bigger and bigger with 7500, 9000, EWD, EWR, TEW etc, etc. One of my fondest memories is going on a trip in 2001 and convincing my family member to let me borrow their PC while I was there so I could download EWD and play it since it'd just come out. 

It's been a looooong time. And yet I'm still excited for TEW IX. 

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This is just kind of a history question since I keep seeing it mentioned but have no idea:


Was EW the predecessor to TEW, like officially, or was it just a sort of spiritual predecessor but made by completely different people? Also, if it was the official predecessor do we have C-Verse lore officially dating back to the 90s or was it a completely separate universe?

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I think EWR9000 was one of the first wrestling simulators I discovered. Started with Zeus, played Promotion Wars, even one that was like Wrestling Spirit and had expy's for a lot of old-school territory wrestlers. Then there was the behemoth that was TNM7 but EWD and EWR were the ones that got the most hours logged especially at uni. I remember being wowed by custom databases and then having custom messages from HHH and Jericho about their booking (IIRC). 


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I got into EWR back in 2006-ish? I was on the GameFAQs Pro Wrestling: WWE forum (PWB) and someone there told me about it and it seemed right up my alley. I can't remember when I found out about TEW, but I think my first TEW game was TEW 2005. If not 2005 then 2007. Ever since then I've bought every game at launch. It's still the best wrestling/booking sim out there and the CornellVerse is a lot of fun to play around in. 

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53 minutes ago, SomeDude03 said:

This is just kind of a history question since I keep seeing it mentioned but have no idea:


Was EW the predecessor to TEW, like officially, or was it just a sort of spiritual predecessor but made by completely different people? Also, if it was the official predecessor do we have C-Verse lore officially dating back to the 90s or was it a completely separate universe?


The way I remember it EWR was a free game that had real world wrestlers. When TEW came out it you had to buy it, so Adam had to create original characters because you can't just sell a game with the Rock and Steve Austin in it.

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I started with Zeus Pro to book my custom fed with my brother and cousin but wanted something a bit different. One of my friends told me about EW (Cant remember the version - 6000?) so I downloaded it, moved on to EWR and then TEW 2004.

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My friend suggested me to play TEW2016 back in 2018-19, and I grew to love it. Since I still don't have the money to buy the retail versions of TEW2016 and then TEW2020, I tend to make my own canon by editing the workers or making up new workers lol.

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started way way way long again. with extreme warfare delux. If i remember correctly the ewr games where real life wrestlers.  it where just names with some stats. When tew came out. they created the c-verce.  for copyright reasons. 

but my most fond memory off the old games was modding.  i spend days researching the the dutch and european wrestling scene. Trying to get those wrestlers in my mod as realistic as possible. The games where the reason i went to dutch wrestling shows.  found out about WXW ROH Chikara NJPW and so many more. 

also the community on this forum. It has always been a place where people help each other with mod, can show there creativity. I could always feel how much love and energy different people put into modding, art, history.  These games have always felt like they where made with the people and by the people. with adam ryland as lead programmer and leader. 

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2006 when I was just a lad outta middle school, some guy and I were talking on Yahoo Messenger and he mentioned about EWR. I didn't exactly know how to install properly yet but when I did, the game blew my little mind. It wasn't too long that I discovered TEW 2005 and I've been a fan since.

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It was a complete accident honestly. I was looking for a certain game whose name honestly escapes me right now but I came across this and at first I was disappointed that I had bought the wrong game but then I found the real world mods and I was hooked. Shortly after was when TEW16 was announced and I've been hooked since. 

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Playing alot of sports manager games since i was young, like Football/Soccer, Formula 1, hockey, so i knew that there are some small developers who make sports manager games that exist under the radar.
So i always wonder if theres a wrestling manager-like game and googled it. A german wrestling community pops up wich talked about all kinds of wrestling games, one of the most popular threads that wasn't WWE games was from TEW 2010, and i thought i 'll give it a try. 

Yeah, im not an EWR kid :D

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2 hours ago, SomeDude03 said:

This is just kind of a history question since I keep seeing it mentioned but have no idea:


Was EW the predecessor to TEW, like officially, or was it just a sort of spiritual predecessor but made by completely different people? Also, if it was the official predecessor do we have C-Verse lore officially dating back to the 90s or was it a completely separate universe?

Adam made a few Extreme Warfare games (I feel like there were 7 or 8 of them pre-EWD) then made EWD (Extreme Warfare Deluxe) and then EWR (Extreme Warfare Revenge) before moving on to TEW04.

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