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Attribute Suggestion Thread

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Low effort names, but regardless:

Show Stealer - This worker is known for their ability to raise their game when given the chance to steal the show. If the aim is Steal The Show then they tend to perform better.
Spot Monkey - This worker is known for wowing fans with jaw dropping spots. If the match aim is High Spots or Car Crash then they tend to perform better.
Technical Wizard - This worker is known for their ability in highly technical bouts. If the match aim is Technical Masterclass then they tend to perform better.
Unsinkable Battleship - This worker is known for their crazy brawling ability. If the match aim is Wild Brawl then they tend to perform better.

Edited by Questlove
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20 hours ago, Questlove said:

Low effort names, but regardless:

Show Stealer - This worker is known for their ability to raise their game when given the chance to steal the show. If the aim is Steal The Show then they tend to perform better.
Spot Monkey - This worker is known for their wowing fans with jaw dropping spots. If the match aim is High Spots or Car Crash then they tend to perform better.
Technical Wizard - This worker is known for their ability in highly technical bouts. If the match aim is Technical Masterclass then they tend to perform better.
Unsinkable Battleship - This worker is known for their crazy brawling ability. If the match aim is Wild Brawl then they tend to perform better.

We could also use Agent of... Versions of these

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Sorry if this has been suggested already but this feels badly needed for the Cena/Rock types.

I'm a Business, Man - This worker is the epitome of a living brand. They live and breathe their public image. They will seldomly get into negative public incidents and try to build a wholesome image. Behind the scenes, however, they possess a sizeable ego and will politic to get their way.

Mechanically the worker would have a higher than average chance of having wholesome public incidents happen to them and any negative stories or events from AI controlled companies would not be reported on the website. There is a non-zero chance of a really bad public incident hitting them however; see: Cena talking about how much he loves Vince and publicly having dinners with him.

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I don't remember if I suggested these here or in the 2020 topic, so I'll state my case again: More attributes for non-wrestlers. There are so many that don't do anything for them, so Announcers & Agents end up with Voice/Agent of X, a base personality, and little else.


Amazing Heel Ref - gives a boost to matches with Screwy/Sport Entertainment/otherwise non-clean finishes.

Amazing Face Ref - lessens the backlash of controversial finishes (in products that penalize Screwy/DQ/Count Out)

Invisible Ref - ref is so good at not being noticed that their performance, good or bad, never contributes to a match rating


Radio Host - current or former radio host who is great at talking and being entertaining, but doesn't necessarily know a lot about wrestling; more likely to sign with entertainment-based products, gets a boost in them, might get penalized in 'realistic wrestling' products

Sports Journalist - this person lends credibility to realistic/traditional products due to their background in a 'real sport', is more likely to sign with such products, and gets a boost when calling Technical Masterclass (which has no Voice of)

Thought of another to make it even between refs and broadcasters:

Podcaster - this is someone who has a wrestling podcast/YouTube channel or similar; the specialist version of Radio Host, but not specialized in a specific product type. Chance to get a boost for any non-Regular match aim, but a much lower chance than the specialists to balance it out. Increased chance to befriend someone via social media (from doing interviews, to reflect that they are more connected with the wrestling world than Radio Host or Sports Journalist).

Edited by GrindhouseArts
added Podcaster
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16 minutes ago, GrindhouseArts said:

Radio Host - current or former radio host who is great at talking and being entertaining, but doesn't necessarily know a lot about wrestling; more likely to sign with entertainment-based products, gets a boost in them, might get penalized in 'realistic wrestling' products

as an award winning college radio host, i approve of this one in particular :D

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Timeless - Negates the time decline penalty to a workers in ring performance. Their actual skills still decline normally (unless they have Age is Just A Number/Can't Fight Time) but don't suffer the declining physical abilities penalty in the ring.

Turn Back the Clock - Timeless, but only for matches that matter. Basically the Canny Operator version of timeless where they get normal time decline penalties for lesser matches on TV/smaller events, but get them negated for important matches. Again their actual skills still decline as normal.

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5 hours ago, Peter.1986 said:

Functioning - drinker/heavy drinker/drugs etc

The worker has the effects of the drinker/drugs, but still manages to go about their business as normal. This would have less problems on the day, not turning up, working etc. 


To expand on this:

Liquid Courage - This worker wrestles better when under the influence of alcohol/drugs. This gives them an occasional boost to their performance. However, they're also more likely to develop addictions over the course of their career, making for more frequent bonuses, but also all of the negative effects of whatever they're addicted to.

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