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TEW IX Public Beta Release Reaction Thread

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Just pointing this out here because some of you may have missed it as it was initially hidden, but you can find a resource thread via the link below that'll give you some handy links should you wish to use the old 'blue background' renders amongst other things:


5 minutes ago, leigh31 said:

When trying to check a imported database

Screenshot 27_07_2024 18_39_22.png

2 minutes ago, leigh31 said:

When trying to import 2020 save

Screenshot 27_07_2024 18_45_52.png

All errors should be posted in the Technical Support forum here: Click Here.

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1 minute ago, EdJames said:

So your suggestion is that the better alternative is to spam out renders you don’t rate so that people can do it free?

That doesn’t make much sense.


No. I was stating that I prefer a lot more the renders we've been making for the past year and that they are useless with this default pack move towards realism. I also added that if I wanted to conform and move towards this style, to me it's really hard without midjourney.

In the end, I just prefer the style of third render I posted and not the first or the one used in the default db, the ones I don't rate or don't rate the direction.


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My biggest hope for this version was making the game easier to actually play. Less cumbersome. And the first thing I see is the redesigned worker screen that's going to literally double or triple the number of clicks I need in order to access extremely essential information. Not the way I hoped to see things going and unless something changes, which is unlikely at this point, TEW IX is going to be a pass from me. Oh well.

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28 minutes ago, TheStroke7 said:

I am buffled by how tiny the pics are. It is very strange since the AI renders should improve quality of the images, but then the decision is making them invisible. 

I hope there is an option to eliminate the background frame in every picture.

If someone finds out, please tell is!

Select the other database with "alt" and play with jpegs only.

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23 minutes ago, hollywoodshinebox said:

I'm still stunned by the move towards ultra realistic renders. Guys were making thousands on thousands of images with way more personality by trying to imitate 3d programs, but now we are here and they are all useless for this style unless someone reworks the whole universe and ditch these renders all together. I look at KC Glenn, Wolf Hawkins and etc and they now look like some JAGs off the corner and with way way less "character". KC tho doesn't look anything like what he looked like in 2020.

I’ve tried to…

A) Keep true to the original images

B) Keep them relatively neutral to allow the alt community to go nuts.

I’m sure they will evolve over time and I’m happy to rework those that the community feel have missed the mark. 

Wolf and Glenn are two of those reworked in the D1 update in the mod forum and you’ll note I actually did Glenn in the style of one of the other AI creators.

You’re right about the amount of character in much of the AI work I’ve seen - but my take is that the real world isn’t like that. Not everyone is a model, not everyone is flamboyant and not everyone has crazy hair with a multi-coloured jacket. Orton, Styles, MJF, Cole, Swerve, Reigns, Brock, Rock, Austin, Samoa Joe…they’d fit this Cornellverse. 



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8 minutes ago, hollywoodshinebox said:

No. I was stating that I prefer a lot more the renders we've been making for the past year and that they are useless with this default pack move towards realism. I also added that if I wanted to conform and move towards this style, to me it's really hard without midjourney.

In the end, I just prefer the style of third render I posted and not the first or the one used in the default db, the ones I don't rate or don't rate the direction.


The beauty is, you can use those ones from the last year if you prefer that style. 

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4 minutes ago, WalterSobchak said:

When I select the other database, I just get black renders...can you dumb it down for us greybeards? Is there a seperate download?

You gotta swich to the alt database as well :)

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While I get the criticism over the roster clicks I'm much happier having all the stats and all the popularity on a single screen with a single click rather than having to click a side bar to get to the bottom ones like last time. It's far less visually busy as well, so it's an improvement in my eyes.

Liking what I see so far, which is only like 10 minutes worth, but still!

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Just now, Cold Cobra said:

While I get the criticism over the roster clicks I'm much happier having all the stats and all the popularity on a single screen with a single click rather than having to click a side bar to get to the bottom ones like last time. It's far less visually busy as well, so it's an improvement in my eyes.

Liking what I see so far, which is only like 10 minutes worth, but still!

You could literally click skills or popularity last time to see all that information on the following screen. So the exact same information a single click away while virtually no information now without clicking.

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Browsing through the database now and I do wish that the new attributes were a little more widely distributed amongst current workers. I love almost all of them yet most of these attributes have at most a couple of people holding them. Many new attributes aren't even on a single current worker from what I have seen either which is especially disappointing.

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I'm actually really fascinated by the new renders. I know, AI is the devil and all, but just from a comparison standpoint it's kind of cool to see how certain renders that have been basically unchanged since the early games are updated. I never expected Ade Nelson to look so old, for instance, but it makes sense because he's not 23 anymore. In that respect, I think AI is probably most useful in quickly changing pictures as characters age/change gimmicks. I also think they look better than a lot of the newer CG renders. I never liked the weird, washed out look of the Australian workers. The older women too actually look older. A lot of the black wrestlers also look like real people now. Cali Slick actually looks badass instead of goofy. I'm scrolling through them now looking at all my old standby hires and so far almost all of them I think look better than the CD renders. Ah! There's so many free pictures! I'm gonna spend all day just going through those and creating characters around the ones I like the best. 


Okay, so having glanced through the list, I definitely think this was the right choice. I'm sure once I get in the game and start seeing more workers I'll come across some duds and some sameface, but it seems like there's a lot more variety in the way the faces look than there is in the default Cverse renders. There's also way less goofiness and odd looking faces. I used to skip over a lot of workers because I didn't like their renders, and now I don't really have that problem. So yeah, I like the AI renders. In many cases better than the original renders.  

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1 minute ago, Stingberg said:

You could literally click skills or popularity last time to see all that information on the following screen. So the exact same information a single click away while virtually no information now without clicking.

Forgot about that... still, it was a smaller pop up window over the top of the already busy-looking screen, so I guess I should correct myself but still say I prefer this far less busy looking set of screens with the same amount of clicks than the previous game.

Anyway, like the body damage image, not convinced of the cartoony attribute images but I will say they both feel a bit too big for what little information they're getting across, is the only way I can describe it.

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