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Keeping up with our old tradition. TCW lives! And they're on the upswing.

What's the general reaction to the roster changes, and how everyone's evolved over the past 2 years?

Jay Chord has finally fulfilled his destiny - twice, even. Greg Gauge is a main event talent. Sammy Bach had his title run! But most surprising is T-Bone Bright being on the main event after winning King of Kings. I expected him to have a jump up the card, but not one this big.

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TCW are always the promotion I check first, I think that's the case for many of us (which makes it extra odd that there's often no TCW diaries active..). 


I'm happy with them though, everything makes sense. My only concern is 2020 was such a good spot in that they were really on the brink of something, with Chord and Gauge both ready to become main eventers, it felt like you were booking a really pivotal moment. Now could it feel like the interesting work has been done? I don't know. 

Sad to see Edd Stone go, was always a favourite. Again though, the change makes sense and does make CWA more appealing. 

Happy with a lot of the renders too. Chance Fortune looks way too young, could say the same for Darryl Devine too, but if they are my only gripes then I'd say it's a success. 

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9 minutes ago, christmas_ape said:

TCW are always the promotion I check first, I think that's the case for many of us (which makes it extra odd that there's often no TCW diaries active..). 


I'm happy with them though, everything makes sense. My only concern is 2020 was such a good spot in that they were really on the brink of something, with Chord and Gauge both ready to become main eventers, it felt like you were booking a really pivotal moment. Now could it feel like the interesting work has been done? I don't know. 

Sad to see Edd Stone go, was always a favourite. Again though, the change makes sense and does make CWA more appealing. 

Happy with a lot of the renders too. Chance Fortune looks way too young, could say the same for Darryl Devine too, but if they are my only gripes then I'd say it's a success. 

I definitely get what you mean - in 2020, it felt like we were taking over at the cusp of a new age, and you could theoretically do anything, meanwhile some big changes appear to have happened since (ie: the removal of Chris Flynn and the Elite from the Syndicate and replacement with Flint Slater and Jaylon Martins) with little or no explanation. You can still technically continue from here and make some big changes, but the company - and to an extent a fair chunk of the wrestling world - felt like it was open for a real big move for TCW.

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Happy to see the TCW Crew on the upswing. Love the new additions to the roster. 

Bradley Blaze and The American Cobras are great picks to join TCW. Blaze seemed like a lock and I’m happy the Cobras came stateside instead of staying in Japan or Mexico

Interesting to see Quentin Queen return to TCW but honestly I kinda like it he has evolved into a workhorse in such a short time. Same with Bradford Peverell he kinda fills that Midcard role that DDD did in the past.

Dominic DeGraff now Dominic Rizzoli is somebody I would never have guessed would join TCW this early but his tag team with Nick Booth called the Bruisers is super cool and a good use of both of them

Same with Masked Mauler VII he seemed like such a lock for a career-independent guy but after missing out on Diaz and Dreadnought it makes sense to get a monster legacy like him.

Interested in the new Syndicate too. I'm kinda thinking of booking him like Jorge Masvidal with a brutal knee strike finisher but Syndicate feels like they are still missing a member maybe a partner for Jaylon Martins I don't know exactly 


Also sidenote the new developmental guys seem awesome. The Demon Lords are gonna be automatic Tag Champions when they develop. Joey Fili is hitting his stride as the future Chief. Pretty Amazing is a fun nod to Pretty Deadly and Mean Machine and James Carter are generic but look like they have a ton of potential to be future stars.

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Some major positives for Total this time. No exodus of talent to the big two is gigantic. Edd Stone is definitely a loss but very expected, and I could not be happier to see Sammy Bach got his title run.


I like the new midcard stable The Main Event. Its a group where you could absolutely build all three members into stars.

The Syndicate is not in great shape. The 2020 version wasn't the strongest iteration of the group, but was fine. This feels weak. To use a real world comparison, the 2020 version was the Four Horsement with Pillman and Benoit, and this one is Ric & Arn making do with a way too old Ole and a bad Paul Roma. My initial inclination is to just disband it and have Hawkins run as the Lone Wolf.


The tag team division is in a decent position. Some very useful teams with room to bring in one or two new ones. Very happy to get the Cobras and The Bruisers is a great use of Nick Booth.


Big negative: Why the hell is Mo still in the midcard? There's building someone slowly and then there's this!

Edited by Truth
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I am liking the emphasis on Tag Team wrestling as well, Tag team division was very thin for TCW in 2020.  I am bit  surprised Devine Fortune and The Elite are still around at this point.  I am especially glad to see the American Cobras !  I noticed there was two tag teams currently in developmental - The Demon Lords and Pretty Amazing.  I will definitely call them up to be enhancement talent once in awhile or be on the pre-show till they are ready for a full call-up. I agree that the Syndicate looks a bit rough, might be a good time to turn Wolf face down the line in my save.  

Good to see T-Bone getting a push and I am also surprised by Mo being stuck in Midcard. The Chord vs Gauge feud should be fun too. 

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  • Big Roguey changed the title to The TCW Thread
3 minutes ago, Blackman said:

So no women's division. 

I guess ill never play TCW then. 🤡

I'll just start a division myself once I sit down to actually play the game, do the same!

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Slightly disappointed with the lack of Edd Stone, stealing him back from CWA's neon claws will be the mandatory goal of all my TCW saves going forward but pretty happy with the roster at the moment.  Especially The Main Event, since I usually put Huggins and Hocking together as a tag team in 2020.

Quentin Queen being hired back but no Blackfriar was a bit strange at first glance, but QQ's stats and render look a lot better now so I can get behind it.  Thankfully The Elite OAPs aren't stinking up the Syndicate anymore but surprised to see Flynn get cut, always liked having him as the dumb bruiser from an 80s movie that Wolf and Doc have to keep in line, so I might re-add him back.

I can only imagine Flynt Slater's TCW debut as TNA's August 1 Warning with Sammy Bach doing the Mr. Anderson pose. 

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Not sure if it's been discussed but Sinner Society seems to have just been erased from existence. A shame as they were my favourite stable to build (albeit by almost completely gutting and re-casting them)

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1 hour ago, azzak said:

Not sure if it's been discussed but Sinner Society seems to have just been erased from existence. A shame as they were my favourite stable to build (albeit by almost completely gutting and re-casting them)

Feels like once Eddie Peak retired the Sinner's just broke up which is weird since it seems like they wanted to build Booth as the future leader of the Sinner's Society. Still interested in the current state with Shark finally having a singles run on his own and Booth in an actually interesting Tag Team with Dominic Rizzoli. Feels like The Bruisers are primed to be something. Shark still has so much to improve on though.

1 hour ago, Crym said:

Booking the Mighty Mo vs Flint Slater feud actually seems rather tricky. You don't really want either of them to lose

Still thinking about how it should end. Like you said neither guy should lose but Slater is ready for a title run yet but also Mo should already be in the Main Event scene but where does he fit other than defacto babyface 4 behind Andrews, T-Bone and Gauge. 

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As usual, TCW was the first thing I checked out as well. The biggest surprise was probably (like already mentioned) that Mighty Mo ist still stuck waiting for his push while T-Bone Bright has apparently leapt ahead of him - certainly didn't expect that.

I also wouldn't have expected the Cobras, but they certainly make sense and I'm glad to have them. Quentin Queen is someone I really learned to like in some of my saves with smaller promotions and since he's a TCW School product, he certainly fits in nicely.

The three guys in The Main Event actually ended up in a stable in my most recent longer TCW saves as well (though with Aaron Andrews as a leader and a name that was so stupid my brain seems to have decided to forget it), so I sure like them as The Main Event.

Sad to see the Sinner Society having disappeared - I used to have a nice long storyline going with Aldous Blackfriar (or Aldous Blackfire in my save) slowly taking it over from Eddie Peak, but there's nothing to stop me from recreating it anyway.

I kind of would have expected more (or different - since the Cobras do qualify) top shelf indy signings like Ernest Youngman and/or Logan Wolfsbaine. And I certainly would have expected Blackfriar / Blackfire / DeVille (since he's also a TCW School graduate).

I'm gonna miss Eddie Peak, but other than that, I'm liking what I'm seeing and am looking forward to booking TCW 👌

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I was just hoping SWF hadn't pillaged them to fight USPW, being in such a good spot is very nice to see.


A lot of the once useless workers now look like legit prospects, and there's some smart signings filling out the undercard slowly but surely. 

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28 minutes ago, Marmo said:

Still thinking about how it should end. Like you said neither guy should lose but Slater is ready for a title run yet but also Mo should already be in the Main Event scene but where does he fit other than defacto babyface 4 behind Andrews, T-Bone and Gauge. 

My initial thoughts on that are have Mo lose the belt quickly on TV due to interference from the Syndicate, and then have him join T-Bone feuding with Wolf & Doc.,

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You could also have Mo lose in a fashion that could still put him over as a tough bastard, like maybe Slater gets him in a choke and Mo passes out rather than tapping, or perhaps Slater gets him in a kimura or a heel hook and Mo refuses to tap - you can then either book it so that the ref stops the match on a technical submission after Mo gets his arm/ankle kayfabe broken, or maybe Slater intentionally does so on orders of the Syndicate.

Give him a four to six week paid vacation, and when he comes back, he doesn't even care about the TV title - at the next PPV, he wants Slater's ass, and Slater can theoretically take a loss there since the TV title's not defended on PPVs.

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I was thinking having an angle in which Syndicate attack and injuree his former partnerTana to get under Mo's skin first.  Which is good way to give Tana an extended vacation to consider retirement.  Mo then is looking for allies and teams up wit T-Bone.  Perhaps have the Syndicate interfere in the TV title match ,  something like Jaylon Martin knocking out Mo with a briefcase. Then I would have Slater lock him in a submission with Mo not being able to respond forcing the ref to stop the match.

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Couple early thoughts:

In my most recent TCW save in 2020, I decided to try and actually push Harvey Robbinfield. So, he was one of the first names I checked. Joke's on me, TCW released him. Which makes sense, as I had released him in literally every save before this one, but I just thought it was funny.

In the C-Verse prediction thread, I predicted that Mighty Mo would get sick of waiting for his main event push and jump ship to SWF. Given that it's been two years and Mighty Mo has 2 less pop nationwide than he did in 2020, he probably should have.

TCW needed another top face that could carry a match, so the Greg Gauge turn makes sense. I always ended up turning Wolf in 2020, but I like Greg turning.

I'm a little surprised that Masked Mauler and Dominic Rizzoli are here, as they screamed NYCW to me, but I like it. 

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Some Interesting Tidbits with Finishers I noticed :

Benny Benson and Wolf Hawkins have the same finisher with different names. Which is just a Running Enzuigiri Kick

The Syndicate replaced Chris Flynn with Flint Slater and both of them have ankle lock finishers. In my head I imagine Flint sometimes doing a knee bar/ankle lock combo with his MMA background, while the Flynn-lock is just the standard Kurt Angle style one. 


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Like what I'm seeing from Total. Roster is a decent size, though I always like playing with big rosters so it's kinda small for me. I'm giving myself a limit of 55 wrestlers max.

I like the new additions to the roster but I felt it needed a few more solid hands. So I picked up Riley McManus and Del Veccio. Love my prospects so i scooped up Papa Swoll, Spencer Edmund, James Patterson (sent him down to MAW). Then I picked up established indy guys who could make an impact now; Cali Black and Blackfriar. The latter I'm pairing him up with Goldworthy, Killer Shark and Titan. Plan is to have him debut and viciously attack Bach and start setting them up for Total Mayhem.


T-Bone winning King of Kings is super interesting. I've debated whether or not to have him beat Chord at Total Mayhem. The move is going to be having him beat Chord, have his first defense be against Hawkins (they're facing in February), get another defense in July (maybe Doc), then drop it back to Chord. I don't think he needs a major push just yet. I want everything to orbit about Andrews, Hawkins, Chord and Gauge. The last twonhave contracts due at the end of the year so that'll be interesting. I'm willing to do whatever to keep both, mainly because I want Gauge to beat Chord for the title to end the year.

With those as my orbits, the main three I want to elevate is T-Bonw, Slater and Blackfriar.

In TEW2020, my first move was to make a women's division. I signed 10 girls and went from there. Higa was the centerpiece. Seeing that none of the FA women have any pop, I chose to invest in a women's company. I signed 20 girls exact. Goal is for them to build pop and then integrate them to the main roster (might create a broadcaster to help) or pounce on the first kinda big women's free agent. Strong is the white whale whenever she comes back from politics (which looks like a year from now). Besides her, the target is any of the top USPW women.

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1 hour ago, MiykaelP said:

Some Interesting Tidbits with Finishers I noticed :

Benny Benson and Wolf Hawkins have the same finisher with different names. Which is just a Running Enzuigiri Kick

The Syndicate replaced Chris Flynn with Flint Slater and both of them have ankle lock finishers. In my head I imagine Flint sometimes doing a knee bar/ankle lock combo with his MMA background, while the Flynn-lock is just the standard Kurt Angle style one. 


I think I know why Chris Flynn was replaced by Flint Slater. Flint's render is in fact Chris Flynn's Syndicate alt from 2020 if you compare it. It ended up too badass for Chris and so he got kicked from the Syndicate and replaced by this new character lol

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2 hours ago, Crym said:

I think I know why Chris Flynn was replaced by Flint Slater. Flint's render is in fact Chris Flynn's Syndicate alt from 2020 if you compare it. It ended up too badass for Chris and so he got kicked from the Syndicate and replaced by this new character lol

I decided that the trust fund kid Jerome Courtney is Wolf Hawkins biggest fan.  So much so that he formed a wish.com Syndicate with the former members The Elite and Chris Flynn. Jerome is delusional and in his mind he thinks that he is the biggest star in wrestling. I haven't thought of a name yet, anyone have any suggestions ? 

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1 hour ago, MiykaelP said:

I decided that the trust fund kid Jerome Courtney is Wolf Hawkins biggest fan.  So much so that he formed a wish.com Syndicate with the former members The Elite and Chris Flynn. Jerome is delusional and in his mind he thinks that he is the biggest star in wrestling. I haven't thought of a name yet, anyone have any suggestions ? 

I'd just use The Elite name for the group as a cocky group who think they are the best in the world it works

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