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I looked at starting a QAW game about 5 weeks ago,then decided to wait.  I am pleasantly surprised.

On the negative side, Alina America is gone.

On the plus side, personalities in the locker room are positive except for two or three lower card workers.

I have this feeling I'm going to need to 50/50 book a lot of workers to keep the ones I need.

Commissioner Bomb, Miss Mexico and Kate Lily as locker room leaders (Ava and Kate are also road agents now to help with those stats and general road agenting in the future) seem like really solid picks.  Commish is also a great Enforcer.  Not that I should need that often with all of the bad personalities gone.

Boss Man, Commish, Ava Anderson, and Queen Amazon are on the booking team.  Personalities don't seem to be an issue.

Purple Viper is also a road agent because she's the most qualified on the roster.  As well as being the head Road Agent and Trainer.

Alfonso Garcia is the travel organizer and talent relations guy.

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I came up with a lot of ideas s to how all of this plays out in advance.  Every company has tropes.  I want mine to be acceptable to me.



Pre-Big money: The ring is the only interview area, nobody sees backstage.

Big Money: Backstage promo/interview area.  Hire interviewer.  Nobody sees backstage beyond this.  Outside the building can be shown very occasionally.

QAW Colors, R, W & B.  Ring Aprons & Surface match the logo.   R,W & B ropes.

Tecnicos tend to wear the primary company colors, rudos can go any direction.

Ronin 3 wear white & red.

Clenched Fist wear crimson & black.

The Furies wear mostly black with hints of red & white.

Big Money Set:

White/blue lighting for TV.  One entranceway with a “QAW Queendom” logo emblazoned wall around the opening.  Entrance is blue, ring surface is blue with the Queencom logo, Apron is white with red trim, also the logo.



Athletic contests with a mix of high flying/brawling and technical wrestling.  This is determined by the workers with no bias as to which is better/more suitable.

High flying is done at the right points in a match.  Leg work is sold in regards to this.  Really flippy stuff is taken as a very big highspot and treated with respect.

Finisher submissions and head drops are the end 90% of the time.  A finish is a finish.  If not, it is usually a tag match and sold big time.

Big submissions and nearfalls are also sold, just on a slightly lower level.

Matches are pretty fast-paced.  When the match type demands something else, it is changed.

Rope running can get pretty crazy, smaller workers may have those super-fast rope run spots.

2-3 big nearfalls in most matches.  5-6 in the big matches.  WWE face happens only in big matches and ONCE.

Big spots always build to the climax of the match.

Breakdown match type – Only on Big City Breakdown, I Quit in a Cage match.

Breakdown match/Cage(classic) matches do NOT leave room to do much outside the cage.  Just enough to walk in.

Acceptable saving face finishes are: Double Countout, Interference, Double Ref shenanigans (once things grow and more refs)

None of these happen more than once per show.  Try to keep this to a minimum.

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The other thing I did right away was to flesh out who was on the roster and where I thought they could go.  A couple of finishers to fix (doubled up) when I go through and define the characters/styles.


Danielle Sweetheart – tec – Superkick – projected star/major – The Line

Emma May – rudo -  MMA holds – projected star/major – The Furies


Juana Hurricane – tec – Time Square Lock (Texas C-leaf) – projected midcarder – Storm Front

Queen Amazon – rudo – Running PB – projected star/major -  Ronin3


Ava Anderson – rudo – Tajiri kick – projected upper mid/star – Clenched Fist

Debbie Rose – tec – twisting face crusher – projected midcarder -  Storm Front

Houston Handley – tec – pump kick – projected midcarder – The Line

Kate Lilly – tec – top rope cross-body – projected upper mid/star -Storm Front

Lily Snyder – rudo – exploder – projected upper mid/star – Clenched Fist

Little Miss Perfect – rudo – camel clutch into pinfall – prodected upper mid – Ronin3 - NBT

Poison Ivy – rudo – rolling cross arm breaker – projected midcarder – N/A

Millie the Minx – tec – tiger driver – projected mdicarder – N/A

Pinky Perez – tec – tiger driver – projected star/major – N/A


Alexis Lee Littlefeather – tec – flying tomahawk chop - midcarder – N/A

Ashley Grover – tec – full nelson bomb – projected midcarder – The Line

Becca Barton – rudo – X-Pac facebuster - projected midcarder – Ronin 3

Coco Malloy – tec – flying bulldog – projected midcarder – N/A

Elsa Calvo – rudo – running bulldog – projected midcarder – Clenched Fist

Felicia Luck – tec – pump kick – projected upper mid/star – N/A

Izzy Quick – tec – roll-ups – projected star – N/A – NBT

Marie Punnen – rudo – scissor kick – projected midcarder – The Furies

Modesty Pador – tec – crossface – projected star/major – N/A

Purple Viper – rudo – flying double knee plant - projected upper mid – The Furies – road agent

Raquel Alvarado – rudo – stump puller – midcarder – N/A

Sonnaz Shah – tec – figure four – midcarder – The Line


Black Diamond – rudo – belly to belly – main event 100% - n/A

DupliKate – tec – jumping face stomp – projected star/major – N/A

Rosalie Burns – rudo – running knee strike – projected star/major – N/A

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Finally I went through and defined all the PPVs as to where I see them going and what they are for.  Some were pretty much there.  Others I tweaked to give them something to differentiate themselves.

Starshow and Showdown seemed the same.  Having Showdown be all gimmick matches seemed like the best way to differentiate and add some excitement to the upcoming tourney.  Who is too borken down after their big cage match to make it work?

Big City Breakdown seemed like the same as San Antonio Invasion.  The exact same.  There needed to be some kind of thing going on there.


Show logo is always above the single entrance.  Show logo is always in the center of the ring.


Starshow (January):

Big Money Set – Blue background on everything.  Show logo on apron.  Star is directly above wrestler entrance.  Yellow trim on ring surface.

Focus on making new stars.  Somebody Well Known should be going over to end a big feud in at least 2 matches.

All titles defended.

One big name should be in main event to end a feud.


San Antonio Invasion (February):

Big Money Set – Blue background on everything.  Also on ring surface and apron.  Large pictures of famous San Antonio places around the arena walls.  White trim on apron and ring surface.  San Antonio on ring apron.

Hometown talent should have a big night.  Any invasion angles should take place here.

San Antonio Showdown Title – Eventual tag team tourney finale. Winners get title shot at Breakdown.


American Lucha (March):

Big Money Set – Blue entrance background.  American & Mexican flags along the walls.  White ring/apron setup with the show logo on both.

Trios 2/3 falls match as the main.  The winner of this match challenges for the title in next month’s main event.   Should have At least one more trios match, if an Apuestas match can fit it should be here.


Big City Breakdown (April):

Big Money Set – The logo is front and center on the entrance (blue).  Ring is blue. Apron is white w/red trim. Blue text on apron.  Has to be in Mid-South.

QAW World Title must be defended in a Breakdown match which is a I quit match in a cage match with high flying aids.. 

QAW Tag titles must be defended.


Battle Bowl (May):

Big Money Set – Blue entrance, logo.  Ring apron the same.  Ring surface is red w/white trim.  Both use logo.

Battle Royal in the main.  Sets up challenger for next month’s main.


The Showdown (June):

Big Money Set – First set that is all in white.  Apron has blue trim with text of the name of the show.  Ring surface has red trim.

All titles defended.

All gimmick matches for title defenses.  Cage(classic), Chain, First Blood, Ladder

Crowning the Queen (July):

Big Money Set – All in blue, ring and apron have white trim.  Text on apron.

Big tourney finish.


Defiant (August):

Big Money Set – Blue background to everything, logo.  Ring surface has red trim.  Apron has white trim and the name of the show in white outline w/red “I”.

Big name that doesn’t have the title (and did well without winning the Crown) has a World title match.  Either tag titles or Shockwave also are defended.  Preferably someone feuding with a bigger/more over worker/team.  If the worker who is in the main lost to the title holder during the tourney it doesn’t hurt.

Amazons Attack (September):

Big Money Set – White w/red trim all-around.  Logo on ring apron.

Ronin 3 are in the main and all big matches.


Trios Mania (October):

Big money set – White entrance, white ring w/red trim, white apron.  Logo on apron.

All trios matches.  Main event winner (not 2/3) gets to choose the opponent for a title shot on Thanksgiving Thunder.


Thanksgiving Thunder (November):

Big Money Set – Blue background w/ white trim all around.  Logo on apron.

World Title match.

Main event wrestlers giving thanks in character in promos.


Three Way Dance (December):

Big Money Set – Entrance is blue.  Ring is blue, apron is blue w/white trim.  Text on apron.

Three Way Dance sets up Starshow main event.  3 way trios tag and tag on undercard.

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I like the level of detail you go into here, it is very well thought out and I really am into your setup for each ppv. The only thing I would maybe do differently, depending on if I have a title defence at Crowning the Queen, would be having the Battle Bowl winner meet the Champion there given season finale but that's the old WWE influence there, battle royal leading to a main event at the finale.

For me the priority in the first four to six months is making sure I am always building a heel to take on Danielle Sweetheart, maybe it is because QAW have been monthly only up to the start date but they favour near year long world title reigns and Danielle is very early into hers, I kind of want her to go at least until July and have her decide does she enter Crowning the Queen despite whatever title program she is in which could lead to complications whether a same night defence or being very beat up heading into Defiant.

The three at the bottom end of the roster with all the potential in the world, DupliKate, Black Diamond and Rosalie Burns, are all the future main event scene though there is perhaps a matter of priorities, everyone will have a different one they want to push first, I kind of want to have Rosalie either rising through the ranks to become the leader of the ever changing Ronin 3 or maybe she decides she is a badass and eschews the stable wars all together to burn her own path through QAW and tecnico or rudo she is going to wreck you if you get in her way so if I have to raise them one at a time she is first.

Unrelated to QAW itself but i am considering running 5SSW alongside it, they would be an interesting alliance, two women's feds in a very male dominated wrestling world. If they can use each other to raise the stock of both of them then that could lead to a nice setup of using touring contracts on people that are not currently in QAW plans, I would love to get the three i mentioned earlier into stables in 5SSW (i tend to put together stables in feds that don't have them) to give them experience and eventually, when they rise in one or the other, spillover.

Edited by Teasenitryn
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36 minutes ago, Untouchable said:

I'm probably going to wait until the Women's Revolution mod drops as that added some workers that I genuinely got super attached to in my CZCW 2020 save.

If I’m not wrong all the women in the women’s revolution mod were in Lavelle’s cverse alt mod, they might have different bios because of where they fit but he dropped a link for a rough conversion you could import from. Though even then maybe wait until he says it’s patched for heights and weights, still if that happens sooner than women’s revolution it’s worth a look

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I haven't had a chance to really think about the roster yet but my first port of call would be reworking the schedule of events. It makes more sense that "The Showdown" acts as the season finale as it's THE Showdown-- and Crowning the Queen feels more of a start of season event that can kickstart feuds and set motivations for the year ahead. 

Battlebowl into the Showdown feels too rushed. It would be like Royal Rumble straight into Wrestlemania. You could squeeze in a couple of shows like SA Invasion and American Lucha [main event is 3v3 which is a good story tool] to build up the Battlebowl winner. 

Whoever wins Crowning the Queen should receive a title shot like at a Summerslam type event. Personally I'd switch out Thanksgiving Thunder [hate it] and replace it with "Queendom" [the TV show graphic]. Maybe the Queen sets the stipulation of the match as well. 

Overall the year could look like 

Starshow - Jan - Last chance for big title changes before the run to The Showdown

Big City Breakdown - Feb - Gimmick matches leading to the battlebowl, maybe revolving around entry to battlebowl or order number etc.

Battlebowl - March - Battle Royale

San Antonio Invasion - April 

American Lucha - May - 3 v 3 Lucha main event, probably some mix of the world and tag team title scene mixed together

The Showdown - June - Battlebowl winner v Champ season finale

Crowning the Queen - July - Reset for new feuds

Defiant - Aug

Amazons Attack - Sept

Queendom - Oct - The Queen gets her shot in a match of their choosing

Triosmania - Nov - Really needs trios belts or tournament, a good space to protect the new champion & challengers from losses

Three-way Dance - Dec -- Not keen on this PPV theme either but the winners of Triosmania can be shoehorned into existing feuds I suppose


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I use the Showdown as the last spot for individual matches in feuds, and Crowning as the blow-off for stables. For instance, using this year's storylines as an example, the Showdown would be where you have the big one-on-one match for the title between Sweetheart and May, and Crowning would be The Line vs. The Furies.

I think the bigger issue for QAW is that with Alina and Foxxy moving to greener pastures, QAW is hurting severely for Star Quality, and that's going to be a challenge for long-term games. There aren't many female wrestlers who have Star Quality over 80, and most of them are tied up with other companies or in a few exceptions are getting a bit old. There's Evelyn Jameson, good luck affording her, and Spider Isako. (Technically, there's also Kate No Longer Named Avatar.) And scanning the Yet To Debut workers, all NINE of them, none of them appear to have SQ over 70. So, unless you get REALLY lucky with a random gen, you're never really going to be able to get farther than Medium successfully.

For short term, hire Joy Ryder. Her stats seem to have improved significantly between 2020 and now, particularly those you'd want in a lucha fed. I'd also grab Maria Guest, as her relationship with Farrah would help improve the backstage area, possibly offsetting Hellcat's shenanigans. Similarly, I'd add Tamara McFly to the shortlist, though it's not like you need another road agent at the start of the game. Velvet Suarez and La Hija Del Diablo also seem like two to keep an eye on.

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Decided to follow some of the friends here and make Showdown the season finale. 

Interesting that the poster above mentioned Joy Ryder as she was my first signing alongside Katya Kornishkova. The user character is the artist formerly knows as Kate Avatar(it was just convenient to pick her).

Like others, I also decided to make the Battlebowl my Royal Rumble and made it a title linked to the Battlebowl PPV as one of the big milestones in the QAW calendar. It's just the right thing to do and it gives structure to the whole schedule. 

The Crowning the Queen event makes little sense as a season finale. I made it one of the starting events after Showdown and it'll work like the Cinderella Tournament in Stardom. The winner gets a QAW World Title shot at Thanksgiving Thunder(the second PPV after Crowning the Queen).

Like others mentioned, losing Alina America and Foxxy LaRue really hurts this roster and makes it overly reliant on an aging Danielle Sweetheart to carry the main event.

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Adding to the discussion about the Season Finale, I think there are two things worth mentioning.

The Queen of the Ring Tournament has more prestige than the World Title.

In 2011, Jillian won the tournament and became champion a few months later for the first time

In 2013, Danielle won the tournament and became champion a few months later for the first time

In 2014, Danielle won the tournament two months after losing the title to become the only two times Queen of the Ring ( 5 Times now ) 

In 2017, Danielle was the first and only World Champion to win the Tournament.

In 2018, Juana Hurricane won the tournament and became champion a few months later for the first time

In 2020, Emma May won the tournament and became champion a few months later for the first time

In 2021, Sweetheart won the tournament and became champion a few months later.

The only time the World Title changed hands on the Season Finale was in 2015 when Jillian Jarvis beat Foxxy.

So, that's a bit of context for the history of the Season Finale if you want a bit of context around it. Personally, I think it makes some sense when you look at the company with an indy mindset. Their history suggests that they never got a broadcasting deal so the big gimmick match ended up being what defined the company, something that could naturally change since you have access to a broadcaster and even a weekly TV Show on Wrestleworld. The tournament has been treated as a way to " quietly " crowd new World Champions, get the heat back on Danielle and for a big part of its history, I think you can make a point that winning it puts you in a stronger position than being the World Champion.

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2 hours ago, Mokoa said:


Like others mentioned, losing Alina America and Foxxy LaRue really hurts this roster and makes it overly reliant on an aging Danielle Sweetheart to carry the main event.

It just makes it imperative that you find and/or develop a successor as your primary goal in the first few years. (For me, it means doing something other than Jesus pushing Electric Blue to the top to have Celeste turn on Dreamer and feud over the World title. It was low hanging fruit!).

I'm actually debating whether to even look at the beta. But who am I kidding, I'm downloading it now.🫢

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Finally getting around to looking at the changes properly. The company has lost Alina America to USPW and Foxxy Larue to CWA, which is pretty rough on the main event scene. Also, strangely, Teresa Perez has been poached by CWA, and Pamela Rojo and Darkness Cat have also left to compete in Mexico. It's a shame Rojo never finished her story for the world title, but to be fair, I never finished my diary about that either. 

Taking a look at the stables first:

Ronin3: Queen Amazon [L], Toni Parisi, Becca Barton & Vinny Cruz.

I appreciate this change because Amazon has always worked a "Big Boss Rudo" gimmick which suits Ronin's vibe and its a different type of leader. As for Payback Inc they squeezed in a modest title reign and seem like the go to transitional champion duo. 

Storm Front: Juana Hurricane [L], Debbie Rose & Kate Lilly.

The stable no longer has Sonnaz or Alexis with no explanations and everyone is tecnico so I suppose they just split up on great terms which sounds very unlike pro wrestling. They were replaced with Kate Lilly and Debbie Rose, which is fine, but I don't see any connection they'd have to Juana or whatever Storm Front is meant to represent. So, I like to imagine that Storm Front is akin to Queen's Quest and is about seeking out strong competition and proving yourself, which Lilly & Rose make sense with that MO. 

The Clenched Fist: Hellcat Hernandez [L], Elsa Calvo, Lily Snyder & Ava Anderson.

So, we've got Elsa instead of Felicia Luck who is now tecnico and has a nemesis in Honey Badger. This is what bugs me about the lack of update to the women's CVerse scene. You can tell me that Felicia Luck and Honey Badger are in a "fight forever" type feud but lots of bigger players have no bio update. ANYWAY, the differences between the rudo factions are paper thin and don't really mesh well as Ronin3 is win at all costs, Furies are no nonsense violence, and Clenched Fist are known for group attacks [feels samey]. I've always opted for Clenched Fist being hired guns rather than group attacks because it implies Hellcat/Elsa should be up in all of Anderson & Snyder's matches which takes away the shine of them being legit tag legends.

The Line: Danielle Sweetheart [L], Ashley Grover, Houston Handley & Sonnaz Shah.

The group needed a leader and Danielle suits them as they grow into a faction that is not fixated on Ronin, so that's cool. I just think they need to be an actual stable rather than individuals. Teresa Perez has moved to CWA which frees up Houston Handley to tag with Ashley Grover which packages nicely. Sonnaz Shah is with the group for absolutely no reason so lets just say that... Sonnaz has a slow burn obsession growing with Danielle Sweetheart after she rescued her from The Furies [reaching her before Juana]... And this obsession is going to build into a full blown Mickie/Trish type feud that puts Sonnaz on the map... That could work! 

The Furies: Emma May [L], Honey Badger, Marie Punnen & Purple Viper

I like The Furies and I try to differentiate them as trash talking but prefer to back it up in the ring and seek glory like a professional fighter would. Emma having a solid title reign works for me and The Rage somehow managed a lengthy reign, it feels like they should be more over...! New addition with Purple Viper who is returning to QAW. I like Viper but wouldn't of had her pegged as a Fury, but, it adds a lucha element to the stable which is cool. She's a good buffer between Emma and Danielle too.

Starting Feuds: 

Queen Amazon v Juana Hurricane: Juana v Amazon seems like a cool feud and one that Amazon should win. You've got some interesting wrinkles with Toni and Juana's past and you have Payback there for Lilly & Rose to pad out their tag wins when they even the numbers. It seems to me there is a follow up storyline for Toni Parisi to explore why she doesn't step up and kick start a Ronin civil war. As far Juana, I can't help but see her as a Natalya type who is a great wrestler but the character isn't really there so just keep her around to sharpen the up and comers. 

Danielle Sweetheart v Emma May: This is your money feud and you have different facets to bring in with The Rage v Houston/Ash, and Purple Viper/Sonnaz. The Sonnaz obsession with Danielle idea is growing on me. You could run with this but I suppose the game is telling you to end the feud within 6 months [if you follow the season finale]. It really highlights how exposed the main event scene... Queen Amazon feels like a good choice to win QotR so it would make sense to keep the belt on Danielle. So, maybe that would free up Emma to welcome an up and comer to the main event...

Pinky Perez v Mariana Torres: This feud is a no brainer and I like how they moved quicky on it because Pinky just doesn't belong in a tag team. And I like how they have traded the belt which doesn't bury Mariana. It says that the stakes keep rising and I feel like it has to culminate in a mask vs career-type match, with Pinky coming out on top and Mariana "leaving" QAW but only to return later as Poison Ivy and screw Pinky in a title defence one last time. I'd align Poison into Clenched Fist and use Hellcat's overness to push Pinky up into the main event, and into the clutches of Emma for a money feud in a couple of years. 

Anderson & Snyder v Lilly & Rose: So, Lilly & Rose are in QAW and they are feuding with Lily Snyder and Ava Anderson, who are now FIVE time champions, in an "Indy dream feud". This was a go to in the 2020 version to do this so it all adds up and you've got tons of mileage. No notes!

Best of the rest: 

The tag division is pretty low on talent. Outside of Lilly & Rose/Anderson & Snyder, you've got Payback, The Rage and San Diego Girls. I don't know how or why the latter have been champions already. You can pair Ashley & Houston for a solid team. Maybe pair "100% rudo" Raquel Alvarado and the "Bad to the Bone" newcomer Elara Thorn... And Millie the Minx and Duplikate could have a comedy act together. Ultimately, you'd want to pave the way for The Uprising to come in and take on the winners of Lilly/Rose v Anderson/Snyder, though [or 3-way feud it]. 

After you finish Pinky v Mariana the Shockwave division is tricky. If you have Pinky carry on with the belt the likely candidates to take the belt are Hellcat, Little Miss Perfect or Purple Viper. None of them need the belt. I have a feeling Hellcat is going to be a nightmare backstage so I'd go with Viper or Little Miss Perfect to build up Felicia Luck for a solid reign. It feels like Hellcat should really be in the main event by now so maybe use Juana to boost her in. Little Miss Perfect needs a gimmick change... The new render makes her look unhinged so maybe it could go into the desperate to be "perfect" realm. I always thought she belonged feuding with Modesty Pador because of their names... 

I've already touched on the world title scene. I think Electric Dreamer would be a great addition to keep Emma May occupied after the season finale as you build up Pinky. 

Then there is a new rookie Rosalie Burns, another red-head in QAW [it's a thing]. A protege of Miss Mexico? 

And lastly, there is Black Diamond who is probably the woman you want coming up behind Felicia Luck. And on that note, where is the diversity?! C'mon... It's just off at this point. Red/ginger hair doesn't count. 

And in terms of talent scouting I'd be looking for openings for: Joy Ryder & Christy Higgins as a tag team. Kira Lee and Skye Hermosa as a tag team. The Uprising. Electric Dreamer. Ursula Saez. Maria Guest. Simony Sentinel. I would probably bring back Pamela and Darkness if they sit and do nothing, especially as the game is shallow. And last but not least, Fuyuko Higa. 

I think I've talked myself into giving it a go!

But bring on the women's mod expansions Willrock and Lavelle! ❤️



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I like the idea of re-arranging the PPVs once you got to TV/PPVs.  Showdown seems very much like the logical conclusion once that hits.  I just hadn't felt like arguing with it despite some misgivings at first.  Shooltra hit it on the head as to why the tourney would be more of an "indy" kind of deal.

I also don't believe that you go direct Battle Bowl to Showdown.  give it 2-3 months to simmer.  And to get momentum back for big names once you can actually lock them up.  I am looking at maybe a 2 month gap after Showdown before The tourney as well.  You are going to have enough big losses at Showdown you don't want to throw them directly into another loss next month.  My 2020 TCW save taught me that you have to keep big feud losses away from the tournery if you don't want to spend the next six weeks doing nothing but momentum-recoup matches for both the main event workers and the midcarders who end up eating a lot of the losses.

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3 hours ago, Remianen said:

It just makes it imperative that you find and/or develop a successor as your primary goal in the first few years.

Here's the thing, though- who? Moreso than arguably any other company, QAW's long term success is dependent on the whims of the AI. Unless you want use the editor.

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The real gold on the roster is in Unimportant.  Just keep them as enhancement talent long enough to make it to Medium.  Most workers you can hire will at least get you that far.

My goal is to have 3 out of the 4 Star/Major Stars around at that point and Anderson & Snyder as well.  I love me some non-charismatic, but rock solid midcard tag teams.  If I get that far that well-off I'll have a nice cruise past that point.

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6 hours ago, Matt_Black said:

Here's the thing, though- who? Moreso than arguably any other company, QAW's long term success is dependent on the whims of the AI. Unless you want use the editor.

You spent multiple paragraphs naming and dismissing potential candidates. I'm not looking for a figurehead. I'm looking for a worker who can put on good to great matches and not be repellent on the microphone. Velvet Suarez is usually my go-to pick for a successor. Black Diamond is too, and she's already on the roster. I always portray her as a sort of Randy Orton type. Not a typical white bread babyface but still convincing, with confidence bordering on arrogance. Depending on how you tune that confidence, they can be babyface or heel. But depending on your bent (I tend to tweak the product to be popularity leaning since pop is dirt cheap to create - still - especially if you can get Grace Harper and/or J.Ro on the roster), Skye, Modesty, Rosalie, heck Joanna Silver has more star quality than Danielle Sweetheart!  What I look for is under 30 (the younger, the better) with SQ of 65 or above (71 is where the bonus starts but it's also where USPW/CWA start lookin') and preferably 'better as babyface' or better. I don't like cancer, especially not in my locker room, so a positive personality is a hard requirement. This is why I never use Fuyuko Higa for more than a couple shows. Probably the best candidate (if you keep her around) is Kate Mishler (née Avatar). But the C-Verse women's scene, unchanged, is pretty much handicapped by the fact that star quality is so heavily restricted. It basically locks you at Medium since going above that is extremely difficult unless you luck out with trainees coming out worth investing in. With a few of those, Big is doable but without a "Golden Generation" type of phenomenon, Titanic is "retirement funded by this lottery ticket". It's possible but it'll be like Crusader Kings 3 in that it'll be several generations of user characters before it becomes reality. And looking at the physical condition of many workers this go-round, many of them are pretty much going to get neg'd out of the building.

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As others have said I kind of dig moving around some of the ppvs, especially if you want to go with a batle bowl to finale type deal.

It is very easy to get wrestleworld, just need to up one thing in broadcast and you can get them for events and for the weekly show. However at the start running Queendom comes with running at a loss every week and it also goes to show just how shallow the women's world in the original data is, and QAW especially with how that can impact you. Week one mostly ok, week two Honey Badger has to be pulled away from a fight and gets a stern warning, week three she gets into a fight proper as does Toni Parissi at which point I am kinda screwed, if fines don't stop that behaviour i can only escalate to firing which I don't really have the numbers for.

Also week three I get notified that 5SSW have offered Lily and Rose a touring contract. I love touring contracts and the spillover addition but that leaves you with the issue in this world of where do a fed like 5SSW go for people who are over and are not under written contracts? That's always going to be QAW which given I was running weekly that was my big tag feud I couldn't book towards and it hurts Storm Front because Hurricane's backup is gone. At the same time you can't really load up Storm Front with five or six people if you are going to keep to the canon that the Ronins have three people and need to be considered a threat. Some of this is coming from a place of I book three months ahead and get grumpy if I have to pivot mind you ;) That does concern me for an original data run long term with QAW though, if Lily and Rose are going to be 5SSW constants then I really need to fix the Storm Front roster or drop the Three that follows Ronin.

Wrestleworld comes with the risk of you will lose money when doing a show pretty much down to the production cost increase so you have to weigh out will it get you to small (and hopefully medium) before the money runs out and do you have more chance of doing that with weekly (riskier given costs) or monthly exposure. I would also say you definitely want to add some depth to the roster and have more stories than you start with to cover absences or downright firings should people throw punches backstage or get called away for a few weeks to a month tour here and there.

Edited by Teasenitryn
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8 hours ago, Rhysrob said:

But bring on the women's mod expansions Willrock and Lavelle! ❤️



Lavelle posted an update with Astil's help that looked into a lot of default data heights and weights which outside of he was looking into it for non original creations was the minimum i considered needed for my own taste to import people, though you would need to change bios of anyone you're using if you import them into original. Giving his QAW a go is also an option but if I am playing alt I tend to look at DW, AAA and IWW as well as the more fleshed out Japan scene, also that would need a different thread as his QAW looks different ;)

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36 minutes ago, Remianen said:

You spent multiple paragraphs naming and dismissing potential candidates. I'm not looking for a figurehead.

Well, I am. And there really aren't any potential figureheads in the Database (at least not ones you can hire), and I think that's a failing of the C-Verse this time around. Especially compared to when you do a worker search for male wrestlers 30 and under with a Star Quality of 80 or more.

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in 2020 I spent a lot of time building a competitor to QAW from the ground up but never touched QAW proper. now with a more depleted and aging women's indie scene and heavy hitters like Rose/Lilly being moved to QAW I feel I'm finally going to have to give QAW a shot.

how do people generally feel about this company lore-wise? it's "lucha" with a southern americana aesthetic for some reason, and an "episodic" product but it runs as a monthly indie with no TV. I find it kind of messy and hard to get invested in from the outset. I could see some interesting challenges arise from trying to make some sense out of this promotional identity crisis but it's not clicking with me yet.

committed tecnico/rudo alignments are one of the fun elements of lucha for me, and I feel like if I start playing this company I'm going to switch alignments to strictly enforced asap

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Having some fun with the Sweetheart vs May feud. I decided to go full soap opera with The Furies kidnapping Houston Handley so Danielle is forced to give May a second title match to save her friend. Meanwhile Hellcat Hernandez has beef with the furies, who she blames for the clenched fist's fall into midcard hell, and she decided to go to Danielle Sweetheart and offer her stable's help as a hired gun to aid Sweetheart on Handley's rescue and the furies' destruction. The price, of course, is for Danielle to pull her weight around as the face of QAW to give Hernandez a boost to the main event scene(basically ask the commish to put Hellcat as next in line for the title).

Edited by Mokoa
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The figurehead thing is tricky because in the context of the overall CVerse it is essentially telling you that women generally just don't have what it takes. I recall Alina and Foxxy also being poor choices for a figurehead in 2020 too, and if you want to push above medium you're really left with no where to go.

It's probably that the figurehead settings are a tad too harsh and/or, as Remianen pointed out, at QAW's size you don't want to be raided. It's clear that Danielle Sweetheart is the "ace" of QAW lore-wise but a bittersweet truth she's been lucky/the last one standing. 

5 hours ago, Teasenitryn said:

Also week three I get notified that 5SSW have offered Lily and Rose a touring contract. I love touring contracts and the spillover addition but that leaves you with the issue in this world of where do a fed like 5SSW go for people who are over and are not under written contracts? That's always going to be QAW which given I was running weekly that was my big tag feud I couldn't book towards and it hurts Storm Front because Hurricane's backup is gone. At the same time you can't really load up Storm Front with five or six people if you are going to keep to the canon that the Ronins have three people and need to be considered a threat. Some of this is coming from a place of I book three months ahead and get grumpy if I have to pivot mind you ;) That does concern me for an original data run long term with QAW though, if Lily and Rose are going to be 5SSW constants then I really need to fix the Storm Front roster or drop the Three that follows Ronin.

You can't have more than 3 members of Ronin! 😅 What kind of lawless world are you planning on? I guess you could just write Lilly & Rose off from a group attack from Clenched Fist and create a story of Juana fighting solo [Alexis is around still] and maybe Toni Parisi can feel sympathy towards her old partner being trounced 3 v 1. Or Queen Amazon has some old enemies from OLLIE days that could come in as Juana's backup. Heck, bring back Pamela Rojo and Darkness Cat into Storm Front and make them the under-appreciated/chip on their shoulders group. 


5 hours ago, Teasenitryn said:

Lavelle posted an update with Astil's help that looked into a lot of default data heights and weights which outside of he was looking into it for non original creations was the minimum i considered needed for my own taste to import people, though you would need to change bios of anyone you're using if you import them into original. Giving his QAW a go is also an option but if I am playing alt I tend to look at DW, AAA and IWW as well as the more fleshed out Japan scene, also that would need a different thread as his QAW looks different ;)

Thanks I hadn't realised! I tend to just import over the new stuff and selectively ignore bios that don't quite line up. 


2 hours ago, eriatarka said:

in 2020 I spent a lot of time building a competitor to QAW from the ground up but never touched QAW proper. now with a more depleted and aging women's indie scene and heavy hitters like Rose/Lilly being moved to QAW I feel I'm finally going to have to give QAW a shot.

how do people generally feel about this company lore-wise? it's "lucha" with a southern americana aesthetic for some reason, and an "episodic" product but it runs as a monthly indie with no TV. I find it kind of messy and hard to get invested in from the outset. I could see some interesting challenges arise from trying to make some sense out of this promotional identity crisis but it's not clicking with me yet.

committed tecnico/rudo alignments are one of the fun elements of lucha for me, and I feel like if I start playing this company I'm going to switch alignments to strictly enforced asap

The lore is good from a storyline perspective. The overall product and brand of QAW is a hot mess. If you look at Willrocks 2020 thread about graphic requests I put in one to reimagine the logo and make it less USA themed [and some extra belts-- Trios, Nova and Supernova titles]. They are really good! I think looking at each year as a season of TV and ensuring that your key players experience some kind of character arc then you're okay. Weekly TV is when you get the creative burnout but you have to give in and do it after a year or so. 


27 minutes ago, Mokoa said:

Having some fun with the Sweetheart vs May feud. I decided to go full soap opera with The Furies kidnapping Houston Handley so Danielle is forced to give May a second title match to save her friend. Meanwhile Hellcat Hernandez has beef with the furies who she blames for the clenched fist's fall into midcard hell and she decided to go to Danielle Sweetheart and offer her stable's help as a hired gun to aid Sweetheart on Handley's rescue and the furies' destruction. The price, of course, is for Danielle to pull her weight around as the face of QAW to give Hernandez a boost to the main event scene(basically ask the commish to put Hellcat as next in line for the title).

I like the sound of this! And did Emma take the belt on the second title match?

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3 hours ago, eriatarka said:

in 2020 I spent a lot of time building a competitor to QAW from the ground up but never touched QAW proper. now with a more depleted and aging women's indie scene and heavy hitters like Rose/Lilly being moved to QAW I feel I'm finally going to have to give QAW a shot.

how do people generally feel about this company lore-wise? it's "lucha" with a southern americana aesthetic for some reason, and an "episodic" product but it runs as a monthly indie with no TV. I find it kind of messy and hard to get invested in from the outset. I could see some interesting challenges arise from trying to make some sense out of this promotional identity crisis but it's not clicking with me yet.

committed tecnico/rudo alignments are one of the fun elements of lucha for me, and I feel like if I start playing this company I'm going to switch alignments to strictly enforced asap

I think the lore is interesting with a lot of headcanon. The first event the company ever did was the Queens of the Ring tournament while AAA was still there and was entirely founded by Farrah who is a wrestler so this tells me that the company was kind of picking all of the talent that was left alone and giving them an opportunity. So, with this in mind, I put together that the company is not one meant to succeed but one that a wrestler created to give the spotlight to others. It's heavy on stables because it's an easy way to fit in more wrestlers, the rudo/tecnico split exists because she respected AAA and wanted to offer an alternative, not compete with them so they focus on the Lucha. As for the episodic style, I think it makes sense when QAW is the number one company to be raided, they are getting their wrestlers ready to get poached so they give them experience in the Entertainment style while still focusing on their alternative style.

With that in mind, the challenge of QAW is something that I would say is similar to NXT around 2013. You are an unofficial developmental company whose product is tailored around helping wrestlers move up rather than helping yourself. Now, for the first time in history, you have a broadcast deal. You can finally think for yourself and manage to build your own history, your own product, your own events much like NXT did in 2014 and 2015. I think it's a good company because it's one with its own history but also one where you can make big changes and it makes sense because it's right before the biggest game changer of the company.

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44 minutes ago, Rhysrob said:

I like the sound of this! And did Emma take the belt on the second title match?

The match has yet to happen. It's tough to pull the trigger on a title change as Danielle's reign is on the short side, but I want to get more mileage out of this Emma May feud and the current plan is the second match to end in controversial fashion to set up  May v Danielle v Hernandez for the march PPV.

The Houston Handley angle will culminate in a trios match pitting Handley, Grover and Shah W/Katya Kornishkova(clenched fist's newest member who is here courtesy of Hellcat Hernandez to prevent Emma May from interfering) vs Badger, Punnen and Viper W/Emma May.

I have to say, I really liked how you booked Hellcat Hernandez in your QAW diary. She wasn't the main event, but her storylines were always entertaining.

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