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The EMLL Discussion Thread

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EMLL continues to be one of the most interesting promotions in the CVerse. They are Dark Fantasy Lucha. They have such an interesting lore and backstory and are a perfect place to bring in new characters and phase people out because you can kill off characters and recast 'em. What do you do with them? No tag matches. No trios matches. No triple threat matches. All singles. How do you build EMLL?

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So the first thing I do is change most of the worker names to Spanish names. It bother's me immensely that Demon King Is not Rey Demonio. There are too many changes to list I left a handful Pyromaniac, Noxious, Maelific, and a few more. I also do the same thing for the show, why on earth is a mexican only promotion, with no TV deal and little to no in roads in the US naming their shows in English

EMLL Clash of the Multivers
Escaramuza del Multiverso

EMLL Avatar of Chaos
Avatar del Caos

EMLL Time Wars
Guerras del Tiempo

EMLL Mortal Combat
Mortal Kombat

El Universo Oscuro
EMLL The Dark Universe

EMLL The Paradox Equation
La Ecuación Paradoja

EMLL Hellmouth (no translation)

EMLL The Battle for the Ring
La Batalla por el Anillo

EMLL El Día Nacional De Lucha (no need for one)

EMLL The Blood Throne
El Trono de Sangre

EMLL Día De Los Muertos (no need for one)

La Crisis del Destino
EMLL The Destiny Crisis


And the word for ring in Spanish is Anillo your main title has a Spanish name but its Ring of Chaos, RIng of Life, RIng of Destiny. I think not.

EMLL's Anillo de la Vida
EMLL's Anillo del Caos
EMLL's Anillo del Destino


After thos changes then I can really start gtting down and dirty with the booking

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First off I seperate everyone into which realm they are from. Most are from what I call the Prime realm, you have a bunch of people from the Hellmouth, I named Rey Demonion's (Demon King's) realm Stygia, YYou have the Dark Realm, The Kingdom of Blood, Both DeCipher and Delerium are from unknown realm Origins, Delfin Maestro (Dolphin Master) is from Water World, I have Pyromaniac be from the Inferno, and Principe Trasgo (Gobling Prince) is from the fey realm called The First World, and all the Time releated folks are from Future Prime.


Although there are no tag teams and officially the product doesn't use stables I change that. There are so many talks of alliances that I just made a bunch of stables; Samael El Acusador leads Aumento de la Oscuridad (Darkness Rising) with Charron, Malefic, and Trickster. Guerrero Muerto already has a lackey, Calavera and I usually bring in two more guys in 2020 it was Wraith and Styx to form  Legión del Infierno. Cabeza de la Muerte (Death's Head) is mentioned as the leader of Reino de Sangre (Kingdom of Blood) and he already has Hellfire as one of its members, I like to add more from the roster who turn away from their groups to shore up this faction. Usually I have Capitan Lucha lead a faction of heroes Héroes del Multiverso (Heroes of the Multiverse) and in 2020 Delfin Maestro, Ciclope, El Hijo Del Phantasma, and Ray Soldado.


I like to use the starting storylines but there are a few that can be added. I like the idea that DeCipher's main purpose is to find his home universe by collecting all the rings, so I think I'd start a story with of him going after Ciclope who has the EMLL's Anillo del Destino, Trickster has EMLL's Anillo del Caos and estially uses it to control Delerium so I'm going to start a story with them and Delrium trying to break the rings hold, which he can't, but no one knows what happens if Delerium posses the ring so I'd have him eventually win it. Escorpion and Tarantula have a built in rivalry as they worship opposing gods. I know Rey Demonio is trying to close The Hellmouth and is currently a story with Guerrero Muerto but Hombre Poderoso (Powerdul Man) needs the portal open cause that's where his power comes from so eventually he will cost Rey Demonio the EMLL's Anillo de la Vida and the two will have a one on one battle. El Diablo Emplumado is a Demonic Lord from the Hellmouth and Macabro is an escapee from the Hellmoth trying to amass enough power to become a demonic lord so that's a story right there.



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45 minutes ago, taekwonjohn31 said:

EMLL is going to be the first save I try once the full game is out. I've been meaning to create a doc and list out all of the character quirks, just to keep track, so this is a great start!

I have an excel sheet I use helps me lay out my shows and keep track of everyones affiliations. I just usec my 2020 sheet added the new characters and adjusted for new background information.

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21 hours ago, taekwonjohn31 said:

EMLL is going to be the first save I try once the full game is out. I've been meaning to create a doc and list out all of the character quirks, just to keep track, so this is a great start!

Same, for the past few days I've been working on a now 10+ page and counting lore Section in my booking notebook for them. Even with how vague the character bios can be, it's actually not that hard to peace together a history and canon through title histories.

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1 hour ago, Lier said:

Same, for the past few days I've been working on a now 10+ page and counting lore Section in my booking notebook for them. Even with how vague the character bios can be, it's actually not that hard to peace together a history and canon through title histories.

As someone who loves EMLL doing something like this is insanely useful. I have just a bunch of bullet points relating to the characters as of right now. Its going super well, brought in some fresh faces such as El Hijo Del Mephisto (Who in my universe is the strongest demonic leader in the Hellmouth) as well as Edo Phoenix IV and Phoenix IV (With Phoenix being his dark universe counterpart) Such creative freedom with booking imo. However, I will say I don't plan on sticking to the 1v1 only archetype, just think with this many characters that'd be a waste.

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34 minutes ago, PepsiPlunge said:

However, I will say I don't plan on sticking to the 1v1 only archetype, just think with this many characters that'd be a waste.

Yeah it's always been annoying to work around that in 2020, plus no factions make it hard to keep track of continuity. Though if using the fighting game product base, doing elimination tags would work really well as multiple fighting games use that for multiplayer formats.

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Who do you have winning the Ring of Chaos in your save? So far through my many, many 3 month runs in the beta I've had either Boriken Love Machine Jr win as he perfectly replaces how I think La Estrella from our world, basically being a cocky asshole from our world akin to Johnny Cage. Or I have Rey Solado win it to better further his push and feud with Time Master. I find a lot of irony that the man who wants to fix the multiverse becomes the Avatar of Chaos, either trying to spin the powers in a way that does sorta fix things chaotically, or corrupts him for a short time. Though usually to add drama with the Time Wars storyline, I sign Blue Phantom, Huracan Sandoval Jr and if he gets released, jagged as two/three wrestlers from a permanent classic/past era timeline in contrast to Time Master's futuristic one. Usually I have Rey bring them in to counter Time Master, or they are forcibly thrown in by a wormhole because shenanigans.

Edited by Lier
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7 hours ago, Lier said:

Who do you have winning the Ring of Chaos in your save? So far through my many, many 3 month runs in the beta I've had either Boriken Love Machine Jr win as he perfectly replaces how I think La Estrella from our world, basically being a cocky asshole from our world akin to Johnny Cage. Or I have Rey Solado win it to better further his push and feud with Time Master. I find a lot of irony that the man who wants to fix the multiverse becomes the Avatar of Chaos, either trying to spin the powers in a way that does sorta fix things chaotically, or corrupts him for a short time. Though usually to add drama with the Time Wars storyline, I sign Blue Phantom, Huracan Sandoval Jr and if he gets released, jagged as two/three wrestlers from a permanent classic/past era timeline in contrast to Time Master's futuristic one. Usually I have Rey bring them in to counter Time Master, or they are forcibly thrown in by a wormhole because shenanigans.

As i'm literally about to book it think it's gonna be Delirium. I didn't really care about him the first month, just having Trickster control him constantly in the feud with Snake King and Captain Lucha, however. I like the idea of a Delirium face turn and he's been giving me solid ratings. Him winning and finally attempting to break the control the ring has over him.

In regards to my main overarching storyline. I have brought in The Cleansing (Angel Flyer, Crusader, and Redeemer) as members of the Time Corps from the future. Right now they debut after Cyclops had several visions of them coming. In storylines they have seen how this is one of the darkest points of the timeline and they need to fix it for their future. The plan is for them to bring in the "saviour" Hallowarped. However, they are going to attempt to take the Ring off Cyclops so he can have a match with Samael. Eventually this will lead into a big feud between the future Time Corps and Time Master.


Another change I made with Time Master is he gains help and strength through "the Maniacal Master" Chess Maniac, helping him plan his every move to be as smart as possible. 


Really loving this save right now, cannot wait for the full game.

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