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EMLL: Multiverse of Madness

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Season 1 Episode 2

Noreste, Mexico 

Attendance: 300


The recap of last week's episode is shown with the highlights: Morada stepping up to KoB, Historia demanding a title shot, and The Boys becoming the #1 contender again. As the screen fades to black, the speakers blast a deafening scream which signals the entrance of the Time Demon, Screamer.


Singles Match


Rey Soldado vs Screamer


- Historia had been causing problems for too many people in the past few weeks, ever since he got hold of the Time Disintegrator device. He has also brainwashed Noxious and Screamer to cause a mutiny and Soldado & Mr. India are having a hard time to contain.

- While Screamer's ear-shattering screams would kill many a mortal, Rey Soldado was a seasoned cop from Time Corps and he had been trained well to overcome these threats, his use of high-end advanced technology earplugs suggesting that he had come fully prepared.

- With Screamer's main weapon rendered useless, he went berserk and tried ineffectively to use his hands but Rey hit a powerful lariat and a running hip block combo getting Screamer in the position for his Powerslam finisher as Rey won this quickly. 

- Next week, it's Mr. India vs Noxious.

Winner: Rey Soldado



The Time Demons taken to task


After losing, Screamer returns to backstage dejected and he is met by Noxious first who tries to cheer him up, mouthing motivational words to lift the mood but as they are trying to exit the arena, they are met with.........


Historia who blasts Screamer for his performance and then warns Noxious that if he doesn't win next week, then both of them will be sent back to the Lacuna., the thought earning a shriek from both. Historia further adds that if they are looking for inspiration and motivation, they better watch him crush Charron next. They nod in unison and scamper quickly away from Historia.



Singles Match


Historia vs Charron


- While Historia was riding high on his recent wave of momentum, Charron brought it crashing down as he blocked most of the offense and then hit the Fisherman Suplex out of the blue but Historia kicked out at 2.9 and was quite surprised to see Charron dominating.

- Historia then opened a little bottle from the belt pocket that was lying outside the ring and popped something in his mouth. Instantly, his expression changed and he hulked up which shocked Charron. He then clobbered Charron from pillar to post before hitting Time's Arrow (Falcon Arrow) to win. He didn't end and then dragged him outside before throwing him into the intro screen and it busted.

Winner: Historia



Historia continues his pursuit



Historia calls out Samael and tells him that if he doesn't give him his title shot, he will sent Charron to Lacuna and will ensure that every member of Dark Universe is subjected to the same fate until only Samael remains.

Samael comes out angrily and lock eyes with Historia and says that he can get his title shot, only if....


It's Malefic as he blasts Historia from behind with an iron rod and then switches it on, turning it into a tazer and tazes Historia.

Samael's expression changes from anger to laughter as he says that if Historia can beat Malefic in a No DQ match next week, he can have his title shot.



Singles Match


Captain Lucha vs Chess Maniac


- The match of the month so far as these two veterans locked up and showed the crowd that they are two of the best in Mexico. They started off with a simple lockup into a side headlock takeover. Both men hit corkscrew moonsaults one after another as Cyclops was shown watching from backstage.

 - This was a fast-paced match with a variety of types of offense from both men. Lucha looked more precise and smooth than he has in a long time, and Maniac was still a solid veteran. Both men made the crowd think the match was over several times, but it was Lucha who sealed the win with the Mexican Death.

Winner: Captain Lucha


Captain wants another shot


Captain Lucha after getting the win and grabs a mic before he calls out Cyclops, telling him that he needs another shot at Ring of Destiny because it is his destiny to win that, to wear that and he can go to any lengths to achieve that. He was heartbroken when he lost to Cyclops two months ago at Clash of the Multiverse but he is back to his best and he wants another shot.


Cyclops comes out smiling and says that while he respects Lucha for having the guts to ask for yet another shot when he failed so miserably the first time, he cannot just hand over the shot because it will be unfair to others. The only way Lucha is getting the shot is if he wagers something. Lucha says he agrees to anything before Cyclops cuts him.

Cyclops: "Please think twice before agreeing because you may regret it for the rest of your life"

Captain Lucha: "I don't think you can ask anything more than my life and I am willing to die to get that shot."

Cyclops: "Well, I am not executioner, Captain but what I want is to lose your pathetic face so if you lose, you will walk away from this universe and never return."

The crowd lets out a collective gasp, the thought of losing their hero forever unsettling their minds. They wait with heavy breaths.

Captain Lucha: "I accept!!"


Calavera becomes a casualty!!!



We cut to a scene in one of the barren valleys in Hellmouth, the sight of which can freeze your blood. There we see two men bullying and almost rendering the man unconscious. A closer look reveals



Guerrero Muerto & El Hijo del Fantasma who is beating Calavera up continuously. He is no state to fight back.

Guerrero Muerto: "You are a disgrace to the name of Hellmouth. Have you ever won a match in your career??"

El Hijo del Fantasma: "No, he just knows to ride the coattails of others. First, he rode yours and now that he has been abandoned, he is now tagging with Macabro."

Guerrero Muerto: "It's evident that you have become a pain for me now and I must remove the thorn"


Muerto then grabs Calavera by his neck and pushes him down the valley. We witness the lifeless body falling down and slowly we hear the cracking of bones and a high-pitched shriek as suddenly everything goes silent. Guerrero Muerto and El Hijo del Fantasma, satisfied at their work, walk away.


Calavera has been killed at the hands of Guerrero Muerto!!! What a shocking turn of events!!! Macabro is alone again!!!



The Tri-Ring scenario gets hotter



From that gloomy scene, we go to the locker room of the Boys as they are in a jolly mood knowing that they have once again got a shot at the Tri-Ring. Melvin Otto is psyching them up that this time, there should be no slip-ups.

Suddenly, we see two figures barging into the locker room. They are....


Snake King and Cobra!!!!

They are arguing about who is the better leader of Naagas and they have started pushing and shoving each other. This brawl continued as they broke into the locker room of The Boys. Seeing their state, everybody starts laughing which brings the brawl between Snake King and Cobra to a halt as they lock eyes with the laughing trio and ask them what's so funny.

Otto replied on behalf of his clients that they were fighting like a deranged couple and it was tickling their ribs.

The Naagas took offense to it and challenged them to put their title shot on line against them next week. While they continue their laugh, Otto accepts saying that they will be all too happy to make them laughing stock.



Singles Match


La Bestia Morada vs El Hijo del Vigilante


- We finally came to the main event where Bestia didn't wait for the entry of Vigilante as he exited the ring to attack first. He tried to throw Vigilante from the ramp but he fought back and thus we resumed normalcy.

- Traditional wrestling maneuvers were few and far between. This became a bloody war of attrition that tested the pain tolerance of both performers. While both men's blood flowed freely covering their masks. Bestia had a higher tolerance and he clobbered Vigilante with his heavy arms before he went out and found a shuriken-laced club which he swung wildly catching Vigilante square in the face.

- While Vigilante's Twisting Powerbomb was countered every time it was attempted, a bloodied Morada won a test of strength which was strangely executed between the two at the fag end of the match instead of the beginning. Morada won it and then hit a Beast Bomb through a stack of tables and Vigilante failed to beat the three count.


Winner: La Bestia Morada


A new obstacle for the Beast

While Bestia wakes up having won a bloody brawl against Vigilante, as he turns around, he catches a fireball right in his face. The camera reveals the source of the same,


It's Pyromaniac!!! as he laughs seeing the plight of Bestia. 



Death's Head walks out and mockingly congratulates Bestia.

Death's Head: " Congratulations on the hard-fought victory Bestia. You went out in defeating Vigilante. While I am not happy about it, I have to give credit where it is due. But if you think, this would be your final barrier before you get to meet me, you are gravely mistaken. Next week, you take on Pyromaniac in a Ring of Inferno match the same match which your beloved Samael used to defeat me. If you can overcome that, you can get me in Time Wars."


Overall Grade


(21,102 Viewers)

Edited by kanegan
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    EMLL Tales From The Multiverse.jpg

    Season 1 Episode 3 Preview


It's the go-home episode before Time Wars 11, and we offer an action-packed, violent, dark episode.


   Mr. India vs Noxious

Last week, Rey Soldado won against Screamer. Historia has warned his minions that if Noxious doesn't win, they will be forever sent to the Lacuna. If Noxious does win, they will then take on the Time Corps in Time Wars.


    EMLL Tri-Ring Title Shot: Naagas vs The Boys

    Last week, we saw The Boys getting into a heated discussion with Snake King & Cobra and they agreed to put their title shot on line against them. Will the Boys still be going to Time Wars 11 after this episode or will Naagas sneak their way to the Premium Live Event?


    No DQ Match: Historia vs Malefic

    While most matches in EMLL don't have a DQ, still Samael announced this match specifically as No DQ which means that Historia has to deal with not only Malefic but surely the entire Dark Universe in this match. Will he still be able to earn his title shot against Samael?


    Ring of Inferno: La Bestia Morada vs Pyromaniac

 For only the second time in the promotion's history, we are getting the Ring of Inferno match, the same match in which Samael had defeated Death's Head. Can Bestia continue the winning streak of Dark Universe in this match or has Death's Head executed the most sinister plot ever?



    1. Mr. India vs Noxious

    2. EMLL Tri-Ring Title Shot: Naagas vs The Boys

    3. No DQ Match: Historia vs Malefic

    4. Ring of Inferno: La Bestia Morada vs Pyromaniac

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Season 1 Episode 3

Noreste, Mexico 

Attendance: 335


Singles Match


Mr. India vs Noxious


- Just like last week, the Time Corps battle opened the show. Noxious was on notice as Historia had warned him of facing dire consequences if he failed to win. This realization made him extra aggressive as his kicks and punches looked more stiff than usual.

- Mr. India was taken aback by this and he could never fully recover and he tried to hit his Delhi Dream finisher (springboard cutter) twice but both times, it was foiled and the second attempt was turned into a wicked throwaway side slam before he hit the Toxic Waste (Codebreaker) to get a shock victory and keep himself and the Time Demons alive.

- The Time Corps vs Time Demons would happen in Time Wars

Winner: Noxious



The Time Demons still get a warning


After winning the match, Noxious was being congratulated by Screamer and then they both went silent as,


Historia walks in. While he gave a pretty formal congratulations to Noxious, he once again warned both that he wants the end of Rey Soldado & Mr. India and at Time Wars, the job must be finished otherwise there would be consequences. They both looked at each other and nodded. They knew raising their voice would make matters worse and so, keeping quiet was beneficial.



No DQ Match


Historia vs Malefic


- It was Historia who once again followed his fellow Time Demons with a match, this time a no disqualification against Malefic. It was the last frontier for the former Time Master, win this one and set a date with Samael for the EMLL title.

- Malefic tried every trick in the book to defeat Historia and every weapon that he could get his hands on but Historia had a strange determination in him, he would not budge. He kept getting beat but still kept coming back.

- Malefic's frustrations grew more and more with every passing minute. He did finally made a mistake when he wrapped himself up in a barbed wire and went for the Maligner (Swanton Bomb). Historia was waiting for this moment as he grabbed a cane and hid it behind and while Malefic was mid-air, he blasted the Dark Universe assassin with the cane, sending him crashing down on earth. The wires has cut through his skin and he started bleeding profusely.

- The job was done, he had turned this around. After few minutes of severe punishment, Historia hit the Time's Arrow (top rope Falcon Arrow) to Malefic on a heavily dented barbed wire wrapped chair and that was all she wrote.

Winner: Historia




The challenger is softened up



He had won back-to-back wars against Dark Universe. Historia was ecstatic but the amount of punishment that his body had taken forced him to catch his breath instead of celebrating, He knew he had earned a date with destiny, his first ever EMLL Campeonato del Mundo title shot. It was history in the making, As he slowly stood..........





La Bestia Morada and Samael hit the ring and attacked Historia. Samael smashed his belt right in the face of Historia and then hit the Poison of God while Morada picked up the hapless body of Historia and hit his Beast Bomb. Samael then slapped Historia hard and told him that he is the true boss of this universe and Historia will be dead man walking come Saturday.



Trios Match




Naagas vs The Boys


- This match came about when Melvin Otto on behalf of his clients accepted Snake King and Cobra's challenge. While Boys acted like a cohesive unit, quick tags in and out and isolating Tarantula who was the weak link, Snake King and Cobra's bickering continued and it got worse as they both started tagging themselves into the match in a bid to outdo each other.

 - This proved costly as Boys sensing the tension, quickly acted to shut down the match with Americana Jr., the legal man hitting the American Crush on Tarantula and he had no option of kick out.

Winner: The Boys




Tarantula bears the brunt


Snake King and Cobra were angry and they had a shouting match, blaming each other for failing to act at the right time. Then both saw 


Tarantula coming to his senses and their anger increased even more. Snake King hit the Snake Bite on him and then Cobra, once again trying to outdo King, locked in the Viper Vice (Anaconda Vice) which threatened to choke out Tarantula until he passed out.

Both of them then left Tarantula in the ring and went back, without looking at each other all the way.




Nepotism at its best


While the Boys returned after triumphing in their match, they met face-to-face





with the Tri-Ring champions, The Council.


All six men had a tense staredown but the heavy voice of someone broke it. A quick look around revealed it to be




The tequila-drinking, Mondragon-wielding Mexican cowboy, El Bandido Jr.!!!!!

He laughs at all six of them before he introduces himself to them and then stresses the fact that he is the son of the owner of this universe El Bandido (EMLL owner). While being the son of the ultimate boss has a lot of privileges, he is a hard-working cowboy and he does not wish to take things for granted.

He may have easily been in the main event because you know, PRIVILEGES........ but he wants to work his way to the top (real reason: his father flat out refused to give him any other title shot but that is for only the readers to know) and he sees the Tri-Ring as the stepping stone to the ultimate stardom and he is also building his own gang,





The Rebels!!!!

So, at Time Wars, it will not only be The Council vs The Boys, it will be The Council vs The Boys vs The Rebels. Melvin Otto complains about this and says that every time his clients are looking for a straight match, someone keeps on interfering.

Bandido Jr. replies in a sarcastic tone that they are not privileged enough to understand this and he and his two partners will meet them at Time Wars. He walks off leaving all six men dumbfounded by this new development.




Ring of Inferno Match


La Bestia Morada vs Pyromaniac


- For the second week in a row, the main event was Dark Universe vs Kingdom of Blood and it had La Bestia Morada in it.

- The rings were lit up and flames encircled the adjoining part. Two men with no remorse for other's lives or even their own stepped in and it was a horrific sight to watch. Pyromaniac started strong as this was his arena, he had played with fire all his life and this was to be a cakewalk for him but when you are up against the most dangerous beast of the entire Multiverse, things can go wrong very quickly.

- And it happened as despite the Pyromaniac throwing several fireballs at Morada slowing him down, it didn't stop him as he kept on coming until he was at finger's length from his opponent. He lifted Pyromaniac and scoop-slammed him on the burning ropes before repeating it in all corners. Pyromaniac was literally on fire as Morada picked him up and wrapped a loose portion of the ring rope around him before swinging him around by the ropes and then hitting the Beast Bomb. Pyro was in no shape to kick out of that and the referee quickly finished the match and backstage staff acted swiftly to put out the fire. His back has been burnt badly and he was taken out on a stretcher.

- La Bestia Morada was ready as he signaled that he would be taking the Ring of Chaos to Death's Head who had come out rushing, in concern of his fellow KoB member.


Winner: La Bestia Morada



Overall Grade


(19,918 Viewers)

Edited by kanegan
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