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CROW: The Revolution Takes Flight (Custom Japan C-Verse)

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In 2022 the Japanese scene has stagnated. After the chaos that the 2016 tsunami caused BHOTWG, PGHW, BCG and WLW have all stabilized. While this is good for some of the workers the misfit toys of Japan are ready to rise again. They are ready to start a revolution. It has been rumored for the past year that a new promotion was ready to launch with the backing of PGHW/DAVE legend Eisaku Kunomasu along with Art Reed, Hidekazu and Tomoko Nagatsuka. Not much is known about the promotion other than Kunomasu has hinted it is nothing like what is in our modern scene.


We open up to press room in Osaka with Eisaku Kunomasu in a white suit with a purple undershirt. Cameras are flashing around him as he bows to the Shogun TV reporters and Japanese media thanking them for being here. 

Eisaku Kunomasu: Thank you everybody for being here. This is a momentous day not only for me but for wrestling all over the world. I have thought in my retirement that I was happy with my career. I opened up a ramen shop in Osaka... I had accomplished goals in America and Japan... But I was wrong. I believe we cannot let ourselves be stagnate. I believe that Japan is in need of a revolution. 

Kunomasu smiles as he stands up and unveils behind him the flying crow.

Eisaku Kunomasu: I am pleased to announce Championship Revolution Osaka Wrestling or CROW. We are that revolution that not only Japan needs but the world needs. The crow symbolizes the unwanted, the broken, the forgotten talent we will pride ourselves on. It also represents intelligence, tenacity and a unbreakin spirit. That is what the crow represents. More news will come but I would like to thank my partners in this endeavor.

Kunomasu stands up and claps as the camera pans to Art Reed, Hidekazu and Tomoko Nagatsuka along with 4 young workers sitting next to them.

Eisaku Kunomasu:  This project was built on not only my dreams but theirs aswell and I thank them for being with me through this. The 4 next to them are our sparrows 4 workers we have been training in secret they are the future of CROW and I can't wait to introduce them to you at our first event CROW: Rising Revolution held at Kumiko Sumo Hall in Osaka and our up coming tour. Now I will be accepting questions from the media.

Kunomasu answers questions for the next 20 minutes.

Shogun TV Reporter: Final question. Is there any truth to the rumors that you have spoken to talent from BHOTWG and PGHW about jumping ship to CROW?

Eisaku Kunomasu: Those rumors are untrue. But in this industry there is no such thing as jumping ship. When the songs of revolution call for you people who are brave will spread their wings and take flight much like the crows and the sparrows. I will answer more questions before Rising Revolution when I introduce our roster. Thank you very much


The 4 founders stand up and unveil the banner. They all bow as the media takes pictures. The revolution has started

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CROW Roster



Eien Miyamoto/Taheiji Konoe/Morimasa Kato//Mitsunari Fugunaga/Yashuhide Tamaya


Shuga Amano/JOJI/Washi Heat/Masashi Urogataya/Edo Phoenix IV


Goro Hatamoto/Ryobe Uno/Noritaka Imakura

Currently Touring with CROW


Hammer Hadley/Andrew Harper/Uthred/Ragnar


Stan Manna/Rocking Ryan Turner

Broadcast Team


Hiroya Iwamoto/Hyobe Oshin/Robun Yamazaki



Eisaku Kunomasu/Art Reed/Tomoko Nagatsuka/Hidekazu


Akikazu Miyagu/Isao Takemura

Edited by Marmo
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OOC: I am happy to introduce you all to the CROWs. Championship Revolution Osaka Wrestling. As somebody who has been watching old FMW and ECW recently, I have been inspired to bring the spectacle of both from the hardcore violence, hard-hitting matches, and technical masterpieces that were common at that time. I would like to thank @Rainmaker for the logos and @Historian for his C-Verse Expansion. Be free to use the logos or any stable logos I create. I can't wait to start this! 

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The Pro Wrestling Reporter News Letter by Greg Sluchinski 

Major News in the world of Japanese Wrestling as CROW Founder and Promoter Eisaku Kunomasu has confirmed via Rubun Yamazaki the former voice of Warrior Engine XXV that CROW has signed the following stalwarts of the Japanese scene in Taheiji Konoe, Morimasa Kato, Yashuhide Tamaya, & surprisingly former BHOTWG Openweight Champion Mitsunari Fugunaga the Brutalizer will be making his return to a major company since his last stop in 2021 for BCG. These moves come as a shock as CROW had apparently been in talks with two wrestlers of PGHW about jumping ship and joining the fledgling promotion as their aces. Nobody can confirm who this might be but names such as Seiji Jimbo the former student of Eisaku Kunomasu have been thrown out which would deal serious blows to Kunomasu's previous home. 

PRR can also confirm the signings of Masashi Urogataya, Washi Heat, Shuga Amano, Goro Hatamoto, Ryobe Uno, Noritaka Imakura, JOJI, and Edo Phoenix IV. All of these workers are unattached to any of the major Japanese promotions which fits with Eisaku Kunomasu's report of this being the land of the forgotten toys that are ready to rise to the occasion. More news will be coming out of CROW as we in the PWR will be sending junior reporter Timothy Jefferson to cover the press release. 

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We return to the press room. Now filled to the brim with reporters as Eisaku Kunomasu has enters wearing a now gaudy purple suit with a clean white undershirt. Eisaku bowed to the reporters and thanked them for being there before reiterating the motto of CROW. The Revolution Takes Flight isn't just words to the man it is the words he will be living his life by for the next years of his life. 


Eisaku Kunomasu: CROW has now risen to heights they could only dream of before. We haven't even had a show and we are already international news. *Eisaku says this as he points to Timothy Jefferson with a small chuckle coming out* Now to important matters. I would like to introduce the world to the CROW's formally. Most importantly I would like to introduce the world to the potential warriors who will be vying for the role of Ace at the start of our history.

Eisaku stands up and bows as the CROW roster enters the room the cameras flash as each member comes out in either their gear or in a lavish suit. They all take their places in the front row as Eisaku looks down at the group like some benevolent god before saying

Eisaku Kunomasu: If any of you believe you can be my Ace show me your spirit and take a seat next to me and show the world your fighting spirit!

The talent looks around as 3 men stand up and sit next to Kunomasu. Taheiji Konoe, Morimasa Kato and Shuga Amano. The men size each other up as they take their spots Taheiji grabs the mic and says.


Taheiji Konoe: I am the Animal of WEXXV. I have been abandoned by wrestling in Japan. My former partner Munemitsu Senmatsu is BHOTWG champion. While I a triple crown champion have been deemed as an untouchable. I have come to CROW to become the Ace to become the figurehead and to be remembered in wrestling like my destiny always foretold.

Morimasa KatoI was on my way to take over INSPIRE as one of the most dominant fighters in the world. I did this by dismantling my opponents piece by piece until they screamed for mercy. I will be doing the same at CROW this time as the man ushering CROW into an era of violence. Taking them to the front of wrestling as the ultra-violent bone-snapping action the world of wrestling has been missing. I will be the Ace of Crow.

Shuga Amano: All of my dojo mates have gone to promotions before I did. But I was always seen as the best graduate to ever come out of the Tokyo Dojo. I am better than coward Takenori Doi, or the fool of Dail K for Kotani. I am a legend of this industry and if I need to take what is mine I am more than willing to do that. It shouldn't be too hard with these old-timers standing in my way.

Shuga's comments cause Taheiji and Morimasa to stand up before they are separated by security and the CROW backstage crew. Everything calms down as the door to the hall swings open and we see a man with blonde hair strut into the room past all the reporters and take a seat next to Eisaku. This man's name is Eien Miyamoto... and we have the first defector show his face. 


Eien Miyamoto: This will come as a shock to you but I am announcing live on Shogun TV that I have left PGHW and have joined CROW effective immediately. I will be joining CROW at Rising Revolution and I will cement my name as the Ace of CROW. My destiny was always greater than what I was given at PGHW. Always seen as the utility player of the promotion I was left out of multiple Elite series. I was passed over by young talent even when I had proven superior skills in my time there. I had gotten seconds away from winning the Glory Crown when Kozuo Kawashima was saved by the time limit set on the match. That was when I knew I was ready to leave PGHW that was when I knew I needed to start a revolution. My name is Eien Miyamoto and I will become the King of the Crows!

With these final words, the room fills with questions as reporters and cameramen snap photos of the staredown between the 4 men ready to compete for the title of Ace in CROW. But only one man will be able to hold the title of King of the Crows.

OOC: Thank you so much for the continued support with this diary! Next up we have Rising Revolution and the February Tour all on Shogun TV.

On 8/5/2024 at 2:06 AM, CGN91 said:

I'm always happy to see a custom Japanese diary. Loved the start, very intriguing that someone takes on the task to fill the niche of spectacular death matches.

I can't wait to scratch that itch I have had for a company like this. I already have most of Rising Revolution written and it has plenty of surprises for the future of CROW.

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Pro Wrestling Reporter: Breaking News by Greg Sluchinski

With Championship Revolution Osaka Wrestling's first ever show Rising Revolution fast approaching the young upstarts have signed the following gaijin talent to fill out their roster. Hammer Hadley the young Floridian will be making his Japanese debut on the Rising Revolution tour, many feel as if Hadley was a shoo-in for BHOTWG, PGHW, and BCG but hasn't gotten the opportunity yet CROW will be giving him that opportunity. Fun fact Hadley has taught himself Japanese just for this occasion and has a massive active streak on Duolingo

We can also confirm that NYCW mainstay Andrew Harper will be coming on the tour as a singles act. The Staten Island brawler has made his name in New York recently as a threat to the NYCW Empire championship. While Harper may seem like a normal man his mean streak and pension for breaking tables seem like a perfect fit for the revolution that Kunomasu has been preaching about.

Recommended by Art Reed we have heard that Canadian tag team The Rock City Stars will be making their Japanese debut. Stan Manna and Rocking Ryan Turner looked to be future stars for SWF's Tag Team scene before a surprise release in 2014 ended their dreams of American fame. After bouncing across the Canadian scene the Rock City Stars are ready to take over Japan with their sizzling hot riffs and dreamy lyrics. In the words of Stan The Man, things are radically gonna change

Lastly and most shockingly we can confirm that The Vikings from CILL will be coming to CROW. Uhthred and Ragnar are seen as one of the best tag teams in Mexico and are ready to further their own career and obtain worldwide fame. Surprisingly choosing to join CROW under a touring contract we have heard speculation that CROW management wants a filled-out tag team division for their future and The Vikings can be a massive Gaijin force in that division.

Lastly, we can confirm the main event of Rising Revolution as Eien Miyamoto and Taheiji Konoe will face Mitsunari Fugunaga and Morimasa Kato in Tag Team Action. Shuga Amano has voiced his displeasure with this decision but vows to beat his opponent JOJI who had to flee Japan due to his inability to maintain discipline and reckless behavior. JOJI does not comment on Amano's comments but says this time his return to Japan will be far greater than when he left in 2014 nearly a decade wiser JOJI brings a lot to the table.

Edited by Marmo
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Posted (edited)


Preview CROW: Rising Revolution

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Tag Team Match: Rock City Stars vs Tamaya & Urogataya

The Rock City Stars are making their Canadian and are ready to introduce the Japanese audience to their tasty jams and wicked riffs. The team of Tamaya and Urogatya are working together as two past talents of GCG both men stating that they feel as if they had been wasted and that their careers were ready to take off. Tamaya and Urogataya say they are ready to send RCS back to Canada where they belong.

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Singles Match: JOJI vs Shuga Amano

The fight between the Tokyo Brute Shuga Amano and the Untameable JOJi is a clash between two of the foundational pieces of CROW. Shuga Amano is upset about being snubbed from the main event of Rising Revolution and vows to take JOJI to his limit for abandoning Japan and for fleeing to America to hide from any actual punishment that could come his way. JOJI wants to prove that his years of experience in America have transformed him into a new man. 


Trios Match: Andrew Harper and The Vikings vs Ryobe Uno, Noritaka Imakura and EDO Phoenix IV

The monster Gaijin team of Andrew Harper and the Vikings will take on the team of Uno, Imakura, and Edo Phoenix. Andrew Harper has said on Shogun TV that he has special permission from Eisaku Kumomasu that if he wins a match on this tour than he will be allowed to powerbomb one of his opponents through a table. It's not a question of how many wins he will have this tour but how many tables will be broken by the end of it. 


Eisaku Kunomasu introduces the Crow's Nest Dojo graduates

Eisaku will be introducing the graduating dojo class of the Crow's Nest Dojo. All the talent was personally trained by Eisaku Kunomasu and all hold a special place in the future of the promotion. If they are willing to put in the work on the CROW roster then they will become fine additions even as Sparrows.

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Osaka Street Fight: Hammer Hadley vs Washi Heat

 The Floridian Hammer Hadley is making his Japanese debut from Tallahassee Florida challenging Washi Heat stating that no heat is worse than the heat in Florida. Washi Heat has taken that as a challenge and has suggested they fight in an Osaka Street Fight where there are No Disqualification and no Hold Barred. Will the Tallahassee Hammer withstand the incoming onslaught from the hardcore enigma in Washi Heat or will he perish to the Washi Explosion?

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Main Event: Taheiji Konoe and Eien Miyamoto vs Morimasa Kato and Mitsunari Fugunaga

The genesis and future of CROW will become clear after this match. Will Eien Miyamoto and Taheiji Konoe be able to coexist after Konoe has commented on Miyamoto's lack of 'real' struggles as he has always been wanted in his career? Or will the team of Kato and Fugunaga prove to be too much for the The Animal and the would-be King of Crows? The revolution has only just started but the excitement is already reaching a breaking point!

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Taheiji Konoe and Eien Miyamoto vs Morimasa Kato and Mitsunari Fugunaga[2pts]

JOJI vs Shuga Amano[1pt]

Andrew Harper and The Vikings vs Ryobe Uno, Noritaka Imakura and EDO Phoenix IV[1pt]

Hammer Hadley vs Washi Heat[1pt]

Rock City Stars vs Tamaya & Urogataya[1pt]

OOC: Predicitions will be done for every major event and tour shows will be posted sporadically through the diary. Prizes's will be done either every 6 months or 1 year in-game time

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Taheiji Konoe and Eien Miyamoto vs Morimasa Kato and Mitsunari Fugunaga

JOJI vs Shuga Amano

Andrew Harper and The Vikings vs Ryobe Uno, Noritaka Imakura and EDO Phoenix IV

Hammer Hadley vs Washi Heat

Rock City Stars vs Tamaya & Urogataya

Edited by siah463
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Taheiji Konoe and Eien Miyamoto vs Morimasa Kato and Mitsunari Fugunaga[2pts]

JOJI vs Shuga Amano[1pt]

Andrew Harper and The Vikings vs Ryobe Uno, Noritaka Imakura and EDO Phoenix IV[1pt]

Hammer Hadley vs Washi Heat[1pt]

Rock City Stars vs Tamaya & Urogataya[1pt]

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Taheiji Konoe and Eien Miyamoto vs Morimasa Kato and Mitsunari Fugunaga[2pts]

JOJI vs Shuga Amano[1pt]

Andrew Harper and The Vikings vs Ryobe Uno, Noritaka Imakura and EDO Phoenix IV[1pt]

Hammer Hadley vs Washi Heat[1pt]

Rock City Stars vs Tamaya & Urogataya[1pt]

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Taheiji Konoe and Eien Miyamoto vs Morimasa Kato and Mitsunari Fugunaga[2pts]

JOJI vs Shuga Amano[1pt]

Andrew Harper and The Vikings vs Ryobe Uno, Noritaka Imakura and EDO Phoenix IV[1pt]

Hammer Hadley vs Washi Heat[1pt]

Rock City Stars vs Tamaya & Urogataya[1pt]

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CROW: Rising Revolution

Segment: Welcome to CROW! Let the Revolution Commence

(Rating: 72)

Eisaku Kunomasu comes out to a round of applause and cheers as the legendary wrestler grabs a microphone and stands in the ring with a smile on his face


Eisaku Kunomasu: Today marks a great day in professional wrestling we will start the revolution right here in my hometown of Osaka. I would like to thank all of the people in the back and all the phenomenal talent that will be performing tonight and in the future for CROW. We will bring to the forefront technical wrestling and superb bloody brawls that Japan has been missing. Let’s fly to new heights!

With these final words, Eisaku bows and CROW’s theme music hits and purple, silver, and black streamers are thrown into the ring.

Osaka Streetfight: Hammer Hadley vs Washi Heat

(Rating: 40)

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In the first match of CROW’s existence, we have an Osaka Street Fight. Washi Heat comes out and pumps the crowd up but as he tries getting into the ring from the crowd Hammer Hadley appears and spears Washi Heat. Hammer Hadley smiles as he pulls out a chair from the crowd and begins wailing on Washi and repeatedly focusing on the legs before getting Washi into a figure 4 leg lock. Out of nowhere, Washi Heat spits an orange mist in Hadley’s face and delivers a Washi explosion but is unable to get to the pin on time as Hadley rolls out of the ring. Washi slowly rolls out behind Hadley and the two exchange strikes on the outside with Washi Heat throwing Hammer Hadley into the crowd both men continue their fight as Washi goes for a Washi Explosion on the concrete Hadley counters and delivers a brutal spear through the audience chairs. Both men are brutalizing each other as Washi Heat pulls some brass knuckles out from his tights and the crowd lets out a gasp as he swings Hadley dogges and Washi punches a wall. Hadley uses this opportunity and grabs a 2 x 4 and smashes it on Washi’s head and then delivers a Death Valley Driver through a chair busting Washi Heat over as the referee counts 3 to an absolutely brutal opener to the history of CROW.

Rock City Stars vs Tamaya & Urogataya

(Rating: 47)

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In a superb match Tamaya and Urogataya stone wall the Rock City Stars throughout the match. Both veterans have Manna and Turner scouted countering the Cover Version and Tamaya manhandling them with his brutish size hitting Manna with a Backdrop Driver splitting the top of  Manna’s head open. Tamaya tags in Urogataya who gets a fistful of Manna’s bloody hair and adds insult to literal injury with a rabbit punch to the wound and a Backdrop suplex. Turner tries to make the save but a lariat from Tamaya stops him in his track as Urogataya pins Manna for the win.

Andrew Harper and The Vikings vs Ryobe Uno, Noritaka Imakura and EDO Phoenix IV

(Rating: 33)

AndrewHarper_alt.jpg.2137c7ca694fe0a91f71c4879f2d5f5d.jpgRagnarTheViking_alt.jpg.6ecc0a388407082bf2b479fbbf8c4f8a.jpgUhtredTheViking_alt.jpg.6e87a67a84476142a4b11cf9dd32a11d.jpg  vs.jpg.2121d3f8326432f939e10f1f83c735bf.jpgRyobeUno_alt.jpg.73c8bf772db11019637376a2e839db7c.jpgNoritakaImakura_alt.jpg.fec399569a5eb1d67887200dc8bc5fe6.jpgEdoPhoenixIV_alt.jpg.7164caf47503830cd05a84f59893602d.jpg

The tale of the match is that Andrew Harper and The Vikings use their imposing size to beat their opponents with Edo Phoenix IV being isolated near the end of the match and taking a Spiked Piledriver from Andrew Harper for the win. As Harper and The Vikings stand tall we see all 3 men grab Edo Phoenix IV and throw him through a table Harper had set up ringside for this occasion. He looks at the crowd and mouths the word 1 to them indicating the first victim of his table-breaking spree.

JOJI vs Shuga Amano

(Rating: 39)

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JOJI makes his return long-awaited return to Japan and gets a standing ovation from the Osaka crowd as the rebel holds his fist up and the CROW audience cheers for him. The Tokyo Brute follows behind him wearing gear inspired by Bunrakuken Torii. The match becomes a hard-hitting affair as Shuga Amano uses his hard chops and strikes to overpower JOJI who has to rely on his creativity to get on top of the Brute. JOJI uses offense inspired by IPW pulling out moves from Aldous Blackfriar and Frantic Ali that catch Amano off guard and allow JOJI to set Amano up for the Miracle Explosion Corkscrew splash but Amano rolls out at the last second. As both men exchange strong strikes back and forth JOJI pushes Amano to the ropes who rebounds with a discus elbow for the win. 

Segment: Eisaku introduces the Sparrows

(Rating: 35)


A small video package plays as Eisaku is seen running drills with trainees. All of them wearing black gear with silver boots. All the trainees introduce themselves one by one starting with Harunobu Okabe, Shigemasa Ashida, Tokimasa Mochizuki, and Yuma Hatayama. Eisaku says more will be learned from the sparrows but all will be training under himself, Art Reed, and Tomoko Nagatsuka. He hopes to see these young sparrows spread their wings and fly in the coming years


Taheiji Konoe and Eien Miyamoto vs Morimasa Kato and Mitsunari Fugunaga

(Rating: 60)

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The crowd is buzzing as the main event starts Eien Miyamoto comes to the ring with a purple and silver jacket covered with black feathers while raising his fist streamers flutter into the ring. Konoe comes in with an animal fur jacket while Kato and Fugunaga don’t play into the theatrics and come in black trunks and boots ready for a fight. The match tells the story of Eien Miyamoto fighting from underneath as Kato and Fugunaga use their brutal strikes and submission holds to wear down Miyamoto’s legs as he claws and strikes at the much more imposing figures. Every time he tries to tag Konoe he is left stranded as Konoe jumps down from the apron and shows disapproval of Miyamoto. Miyamoto almost gets a sneaky pin on Kato after an STF Cutter but Fugunaga breaks up the pin and in his last moments of hope, Konoe finally accepts Miyamoto’s tag and runs wild as the Animal back body drops Fugunaga and drop kicks Kato out of the ring. Miyamoto with his last bit of strength dives onto Kato with a big cross body. Konoe works Fugunaga’s legs before hitting a big flying headbutt and setting up Konoe for a Save Cradle DDT. But as Fugunaga is being set up the veteran pokes Konoe in the eye without head referee Miyagi’s seeing giving Fugunaga enough of a chance to deliver a brutal elbow on the back of Konoe’s head and then a spiked piledriver for the win. As Fugunaga and Kato celebrate Miyamoto rolls into the ring and tries to help Konoe up who pushes him away as Konoe blames Miyamoto for the loss as he should have not been greedy in taking out the nonlegal competitor in Kato.


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Media Scrum


An enranged Taheiji Konoe barrels into the media room as Shogun TV reporters surround him The Animal snarls and says

Taheiji Konoe: Eien Miyamoto is a foul trying to be an Ace. Who is he trying to foul saying he is like anybody in this company!? He has lived a cushy life working all across Japan always touted as a high-ranking prospect. WHERE WAS HE WHEN WE WERE LIVING ON THE STREETS? WHERE WAS HE WHEN WEXXW CLOSED? WHEN I COULDN’T FEED MY KIDS SO I HAD TO WORK CONSTRUCTION. HE IS A FOOL AND WHEN I GET MY HANDS ON HIM. IT WILL BE THE LAST TIME HE MUTTERS THE WORDS ACE EVER AGAIN! AT CROWNING GLORY I WILL DESTROY EIEN MIYAMOTO!!!

The Sparrows come out and try to calm down Konoe who ends up suplexing Tokimasa before Eisaku Kunomasu comes out and takes Konoe out of the building before he attacks the reporters.

Edited by Marmo
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Results Rising Revolution Tour Day 1

Morimasa Kato defeated Shigemasa Ashida in 6 minutes

Eien Miyamoto and The Rock City Stars defeated Goro Hatamoto, Ryobe Uno, and Tokimasa Mochizuki in 12 minutes

Andrew Harper defeated Noritaka Imakura in 12 minutes putting Noritaka through a table post-match

Taheiji Konoe and JOJI defeated The Vikings in 14 minutes

Hammer Hadley defeated Harunobu Okabe in 10 minutes

Main Event: Mitsunari Fugunaga, Yashuhide Tamaya, and Masashi Urogataya defeated Shuga Amano, Washi Heat, and Edo Phoenix in 19 minutes

Results Rising Revolution Tour Day 2

Andrew Harper & Hammer Hadley defeated Edo Phoenix IV & Shigemasa Ashida in 6 minutes Post Match Andrew Harper powerbombed Shigemasa through a table

Mitsunari Fugunaga & Morimasa Kato defeated Tokimasa Mochizuki & Harunobu Okabe in 10 minutes

Eien Miyamoto defeated Noritaka Imakura in 13 minutes

Ryobe Uno and The Vikings defeated Washi Heat and The Rock City Stars in 15 minutes

Main Event: Taheiji Konoe defeated Yasuhide Tayama in 20 minutes in a steel chair match

Results Rising Revolution Tour Day 3

Edo Phoenix IV & Washi Heat defeated The Vikings in 12 minutes

Andrew Harper defeated Stan Manna in 10 minutes in a Tables match

Morimasa Kato & Mitsunari Fugunaga defeated Harunobu Okabe & Shigemasa Ashida in 6 minutes

Taheiji Konoe, JOJI, and Shuga Amano defeated Goro Hatamoto, Hammer Hadley, and Ryobe Uno in 14 minutes

Main Event: Eien Miyamoto defeated Masashi Urogataya in 19 minutes

Results Rising Revolution Tour Day 4

Goro Hatamoto, Hammer Hadley and Ryobe Uno defeated Harunobu Okabe, Shigemasa Ashida and Tokimasa Mochizuki in 8 minutes

Eien Miyamoto defeated Edo Phoenix IV in 12 minutes

Taheiji Konoe and JOJI defeated The Vikings in 12 minutes

Shuga Amano defeated Andrew Harper in 11 minutes

Morimasa Kato, Yashuhide Tayama and Masashi Urogataya defeated Noritaka Imakura and Rock City Stars in 14 minutes

Main Event: Mitsunari Fugunaga defeated Washi Heat in 19 minutes

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As the events of Rising Revolution Day 4 conclude Eisaku Kunomasu walks into the ring and makes a special announcement for the Osaka crowd. In the ring there are white pedestals with purple cloth covering them.


Eisaku Kunomasu: As we hit the midpoint of our first tour we would like to thank to thank the Osaka crowds for being with us through the growing pains of a new promotion. We would like to invite everybody to our second major event Crowning Glory. We would also like to unviel a very special surprise to our audience.

Kunomasu steps to the side and unveils the new CROW Championships. He removes the first cloth revealing the purple leather strap as two black crows sit on a silver branch. The words CROW Tag Team Champions on the sideplates. Kunomasu goes to the second cloth and removes it revealing a crow mid flight displaying it's black feathers and the words OMEN engraved at the top of the title. The leather strap is more of a darker purple than the previous title. Lastly Kunomasu goes to the middle pedestal and unveils it with a giant crow's head adorned with a regal silver crown in the center. The words King Of the Crows on the side plates.


Eisaku Kunomasu: These are the prizes that our wrestlers will strive to achieve. These are the signs of hard work that all the workers aim to reach within CROW. These are what our Sparrow's will imagine holding while they train. The Crow Tag Team Titles represent unity with the two crows on the same branch they sit united as a unit blending both the mind of the creature and power they gain together. The OMEN Title represents how the Crow is seen as a creature of bad luck and an omen of misfortune the OMEN championship will be defended monthly and will be frequently defended in stipulation matches to show the misfortune of the holder. Lastly our world title the King Of Crows Championship represents who has achieved the goal of standing on the top of the tree and ushering us into a new era. All these titles will be up for grabs at Crowning Glory and the challengers will be announced at the pre show media announcement. All talent will be eligible for these titles if they prove themselves in the coming days. Let's continue the revolution!

Eisaku bows as the audience cheers. The talent come out and surround the ring all of them looking at the titles with hungry eyes as they want to prove themselves and mark their names in history as the first champions of CROW.

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Results Rising Revolution Tour Day 5

Edo Phoenix IV defeated Noritaka Imakura in 14 minutes

Mitsunari Fugunaga, Yashuhide Tamaya, and Masashi Urogataya defeated Harunobu Okabe, Shigemasa Ashida, and Tokimasa Mochizuki in 10 minutes

Taheiji Konoe defeated Hammer Hadley in 13 minutes

Ryobe Uno and Goro Hatamoto defeated The Rock City Stars in 15 minutes

Eien Miyamoto, JOJI, and Shuga Amano defeated Andrew Harper and The Vikings in 17 minutes

Main Event: Morimasa Kato defeated Washi Heat in 20 minutes

Results Rising Revolution Tour Day 6

Edo Phoenix IV & Washi Heat defeated Noritaka Imakura & Goro Hatamoto in 10 minutes

Hammer Hadley defeated Stan Manna in 13 minutes

Tayama & Urogataya defeated The Vikings in 15 minutes

Eien Miyamoto defeated Andrew Harper in 16 minutes

Main Event: Mitsunari Fugunaga, Morimasa Kato and Ryobe Uno defeated Taheiji Konoe, JOJI, and Shuga Amano in 21 minutes

Results Rising Revolution Tour Day 7

Morimasa Kato defeated Uhthred The Viking in 10 minutes

Andrew Harper and Hammer Hadley defeated the Rock City Stars in 12 minutes

Mitsunari Fugunaga defeated Harunobu Okabe in 9 minutes

Washi Heat, Shuga Amano, and Edo Pheonix IV defeated Noritaka Imakura, Shigemasa Ashida, and Tokimasa Mochizuki in 10 minutes

Eien Yamamoto defeated Yashuhide Tamaya in 15 minutes

JOJI and Taheiji Konoe defeated Ryobe Uno and Goro Hatamoto in 19 minutes

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Love the name Kings Of Crows. I used this idea (speaking of FREEDOMS) in one of my older diaries here , too :D I'm also liking the idea of naming the young guns sparrows, this is something what my don't get that the term "Young Lion" is actually just a term in NJPW, so sparrows is a very cool name for them.

Edited by CGN91
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With the first tour of Rising Revolution coming to a close we are back in a conference room in Osaka Japan. Eisaku Kunomasu sits down at a long table with all 3 of the inaugural titles in front of him.


Eisaku Kunomasu: Today the anticipated announcement of the matchups for Crowning Glory will be announced we have compiled the stats and have taken fan consideration into account to create these matchups for all of you. Let us start with the Tag Titles. We have seen two different units display dominance in the tag team scene so far and we would like to congratulate them on their accomplishments today with a match at Crowning Glory to become the inaugural tag team champions. The first team is comprised of former GCG stalwarts in Yashuhide Tamaya and Masashi Urogataya who have taken the art of technical mutilation to a new level as a unit that is greater than the sum of their parts. They will be facing the team of Tahaeiji Konoe and JOJI who have found excellent chemistry with one another as the Unpredictable Wildman and Animal of CROW. 

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Both tandems come out and pose for the audience. Tamaya and Urogataya are now wearing golden jackets with the words ReFINED on them signifying their new tag team name. JOJI and Konoe come out in their gear fur jackets and wild hair as the two have grown to respect each other in their short time here.

Eisaku Kunomasu: For the OMEN Championship we will be debuting a new match type to CROW we will be having a Triple Threat Mass Destruction DeathMatch! The competitors will be Morimasa Kato who while having a tremendous tour has not beaten out our top two contenders. Shuga Amano the Tokyo Brute will need to prove everybody wrong but has all the potential to establish himself as a future ACE. The final competitor is the Gaijin Andrew Harper who is establishing himself as a table-breaking monster who is nearly unkillable.

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The 3 men come out and pose for the camera. Kato is wearing a full suit with sunglasses as if he is preparing for a MMA bout. Amano is in a white and red suit with the words Brute on the back which he points to as he poses. Andrew Harper is in his standard gear holding a piece of a splintered table with a crazed look in his eyes.

Eisaku Kunomasu: And for the King Of The Crows title we have the two biggest stars in the company who need no introductions The Brutalizer Mitsunari Fugunaga and The Golden Crow Eien Miyamoto. These two competitors have not lost a match during the full tour and will be competing in the biggest match in company history. Will the Era of the The Golden Crow begin or will the Brutalizer knock him down a peg once again?

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Fugunaga comes out in his wrestling gear and takes a seat refusing to answer questions but as Miyamoto comes out he is jumped from behind by Taheiji Konoe who is kicked out of the building by security. Miyamoto has a gash on his head but still poses for pictures with his purple suit stained in blood creating a striking image for the magazines and newsletters. The stage is set as the future of CROW will be driven at Crowning Glory.

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