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TCW: The New Generation

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That graphic is glorious btw. That was a great go home show, Flint Slater looking dominant as hell and honestly I feel like you're hinting at a heel turn for Mo which I hope to see. Wanna see Mo crush the competition I love Mighty Mo.

Aaron Andrews vs Killer Shark
Sammy Bach vs Quentin Queen
Jaylon Martins vs Joshua Taylor
Ernest Youngman vs Troy Tornado
T-Bone Bright vs Wolf Hawkins
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Aaron Andrews vs Killer Shark
Sammy Bach vs Quentin Queen
Jaylon Martins vs Joshua Taylor
Ernest Youngman vs Troy Tornado
T-Bone Bright vs Wolf Hawkins
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Seems premature to change the world title here.
Aaron Andrews vs Killer Shark
Logic be damned, feed Aaron to the Shark!
Sammy Bach vs Quentin Queen
I feel like the feud has legs and Quentin beats Sammy eventually, but I think Sammy wins it here.
Jaylon Martins vs Joshua Taylor
Taylor's main role these days is probably to elevate guys like Jaylon.
Devine Fortune are a bit old to be getting another run with the belts.
Ernest Youngman vs Troy Tornado
I was wrong about Ernest beating Fox, but I think he still wins here.
T-Bone Bright vs Wolf Hawkins
I just like T-Bone more. Again I refuse to use any other logic here.
Edited by Tiberious
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Aaron Andrews vs Killer Shark
Sammy Bach vs Quentin Queen
Jaylon Martins vs Joshua Taylor
Ernest Youngman vs Troy Tornado
T-Bone Bright vs Wolf Hawkins
I've gone bold! Kick off the year with a real statement that the new generation is here. Realistically I think I could easily get 1 out of 7 here... especially because I don't think you even could have these results without angering most of your stars, but I'm keeping picks. 
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Live from Houston, Texas
Tuesday 25th January, 2022
Attendance: 25083



Good evening and welcome to Texas; to the grandiose metropolis of Houston which tonight will play host to a series of clashes that threaten to shake the foundations of Total Championship Wrestling. Welcome to Malice In Wonderland!


This marks the end of the so-called "Hero's Road" - the pair of events between King of Kings and The War To Settle The Score where the winner of that prestigious tournament typically becomes a target for enterprising - or scheming - members of the roster.


To wit, before T-Bone Bright steps into the ring with the TCW World Champion next month - be that Jay Chord or Greg Gauge, we don't yet know - he must first overcome Wolf Hawkins and his Syndicate; the man who T-Bone beat in the King of Kings final last year, thus preventing the Alpha from becoming the only two-time winner in history.


Wolf sure hasn't taken that one lying down.


No he has not, Kyle.


And we of course welcome the living legend himself - Kyle Rhodes - back to the booth for this event. Kyle: always, ALWAYS a pleasure.


Pleasure's all mine, Shawn. Always fun to dust off the headset.


I feel like I should channel the spirit of Jasmine Saunders by mocking Shawn's outrageous pandering but I have to admit that it's always fun to get back together with my old partner in crime.


I'll be the first to admit that my flattery is insufferable. And I'm hearing word that Jasmine Saunders may yet get the chance to mock me as she's currently standing by with T-Bone Bright. Quickly, before that, Kyle: what are you looking out for tonight?


J-Train and Quentin Queen for me. These youngsters are the future of TCW and I'm looking forward to them showcasing what they can do on a huge stage.


Hard to argue with that. Jasmine: permission to mock granted. Ready, aim, fire.




We cut to a weight room backstage where T-Bone is warming up with stretches while Jasmine Saunders waits patiently beside him.


I reject the implication that I ever mock. Playfully tease, maybe.


Anyway. T-Bone, can I get a word?



[Bright recovers from a deep hip stretch and stands, towering over Saunders]



You face Wolf Hawkins in a moment. His Syndicate put your friend "Mighty" Mo Barrett in the hospital this week; how concerned are you that they may involve themselves here?



[Bright chuckles and cracks his fingers]

First off: shout out, Mo. Get better soon, man.


Now, you talk to me about concern, and to that I say: I have none. I expect the Syndicate to get involved. I expect Flint, I expect Doc. Maybe even J-Train. I beat Wolf and his lame-ass sidekicks at King of Kings and I can do it again tonight.


So no worries at all?


Worries? No. Wolf could have 500 guys on his side of the ring and by the end of the night he'd still have learned respect for me. He can drop me with chairs, break my bones, but I will never stop coming for him, so let me address the man directly:


Wolf: you and your boys better pack a goddamn lunch, because you're in for a long night, man.


A determined T-Bone, on his way to the ring. Back to you three at the desk.





Although many expected T-Bone to start the match at 100-miles-an-hour, few could imagine quite how badly he would dominate Wolf, who spends the first five minutes of the match engaged in a fighting retreat away from the withering assault. Even several breaks outside the ring to confer with Doc Hammond - who is somehow allowed at ringside - don't help.

Hammond begins to involve himself with mixed results, as it clearly frustrates T-Bone but after one instance of Doc clocking Bright on the outside of the ring he - as well as Wolf- are distracted by flickering lights and an ominous message which flashes up on the big arena screen, as well as the TV screen for those at home...




...everyone is stunned for long enough that it allows T-Bone time to pick Doc up and hit him with a gnarly powerbomb through an announce table, definitively removing him from the match.

A ref bump allows Wolf to escape what would have been a sure-fire victory for T-Bone after an enormous powerslam that the ref is unavailable to count, and rather than become disctracted Bright instead presses his advantage with a sequence of moves. As Wolf is hoisted up for a powerbomb, Bright pauses at the top of the move and the camera catches Wolf signalling desperately for someone to come and help him from the back before being driven to the mat. With the ref still out he is allowed a few moments to recover and humiliatingly gets on his knees and begs T-Bone to go easy on him in a performance so convincing that his opponent actually pauses...




Which means he doesn't see Syndicate badass and new Television Champion Flint Slater sprinting down the ramp, turning just in time to get clocked with his best friend Mo Barrett's former title, leaving a nasty wound on his forehead. A cover and a slow count from the ref aren't enough to beat Bright, but the damage has been done and Wolf is able to hit a Full Moon Rising to finally secure the victory.


Winner: Wolf Hawkins
Method: Pinfall
Time: 15:10


We cut back to our commentary team...


Well Wolf was able to avenge the loss at King of Kings, but few could argue that T-Bone didn't also achieve what he set out to do.


Not a doubt in my mind that once Bright gets back to the locker room and showers this loss off, he'll realise that Wolf - whether he admits it or not - showed the world that he is terrified of Bright.


We saw Wolf literally BEG for a reprieve. Something no one, anywhere, has made him do before. Even Bright, in their previous bout at King of Kings, wasn't able to achieve that. If that wasn't Wolf pushed to the absolute edge then I don't know what is.


Certainly a funny atmosphere here, where the loser of our opening match may actually - on reflection - be happier with the performance than the winner. Though this is of course nothing but speculation at this stage, something we don't have time for because up next we have a series of undercard bouts that promise to impress.


First Ernest Youngman will look to settle a score with the veteran Troy Tornado...


Pulling for Troy there, to be honest.


...I think anyone siding with The Family needs their head examined. And following that is our tag team championship clash between Devine Fortune and H2-Woah.


Will the veterancy of Devine Fortune allow them to snatch back the titles for the first time since 2017?


With Roderick Remus in tow? I'm just not sure. But we'll find out shortly!





Ernest Youngman comes down to the ring with the full Family in tow and then, as a show of his mindset going into this match, sends them back to the heel dressing room, as if to say that he can handle Troy by himself.

And, to be fair to him, he more or less does. Troy's offence here is mainly limited to hope spots as he tries to escape Youngman's excrucitating-looking stretches and holds before his opponent steps up a gear into explosive suplexes.

Tornado briefly rallies towards the end when he hits his signature Star Maker forearm out of nowhere, recalling memories of Jimmy Foxx's shock win a week ago. But this time Youngman is able to kick out and rally himself, eventually landing The Hit for the victory.


Winner: Ernest Youngman
Method: Pinfall
Time: 10:09





The match for the tag team championships provides few surprises. Devine Fortune have been preparing for a match against three people for the past month and that turns out to be time well-spent as Roderick Remus immediately becomes a factor from ringside.

In fact, so persistent and obnoxious are his intrusions into the match that ref Charles Hapstander eventually gives him the old "Yoooooou're OUTTA HERE", much to the fans amusement.

That evens things up, and the last 6 or 7 minutes of the match are straight wrestling as the two teams go blow for blow. However, eventually the youth of H2-Woah shows through and they are able to overcome the older team, with Freddy Huggins scoring the pinfall.


Winner: H2-Woah (Freddy Huggins)
Method: Pinfall
Time: 15:30


As a dejected Devine Fortune are helped from the ring down the loser's exit, the camera feed cuts back to our commentary desk...


We speculated that the additional man in The Main Event would prove a factor and I think it's fair to say that it did, although this was perhaps also a reminder that our tag team champions are able to hang when the chips are down.


You don't spend four months as champions without talent, and H2-Woah - personal feelings on their antics aside - have it in spades.


They've beaten some of the best teams in recent memory during this reign - the likes of The Elite, Mighty Meaty and The Behemoths - and we've seen them add another name to that list tonight.


Any interesting facts on title defences at events, Jason?


Well - now that you mention it - statiscally speaking on shows where two or more titles are defended a title will change hands 60% of the time. We've just seen the tag champs defend their belt, meaning that the odds now favour Greg Gauge defeating Jay Chord for the World Title tonight.


So Gauge now has the power of historical statistics on his side. My - admittedly remedial - understanding of maths suggests to me that this makes him a shoe-in for the title!


Not sure that's how statistics work, Shawn, but I admire the enthusiasm.


Speaking of history, we now have two clashes of the past vs the future. TCW veterans Sammy Bach and Joshua Taylor will face off against Quentin Queen and Jaylon Martins - respectively - in singles bouts. This could mark something of a new dawn for the company; let's find out if these kids have what it takes!





Martins' explosive athleticism is centre-stage for this short, frenetic bout as both men get into an all out brawl. The younger competitor is fired up at the perceived disrespect he received from JT on Total Wrestling and Taylor is forced to matched his intensity or be consumed.

It seems as though Taylor will in fact be overcome by the fast, aggressive offence but a moment of vulnerability is all the veteran needs to exploit and it comes when J-Train slaps in a sleeper hold which looks like it may have the match won, before Taylor kicks off of a turnbuckle and rolls backwards, pinning Martins' shoulders to the mat for the win.


Winner: Joshua Taylor
Method: Pinfall
Time: 8:20





Quentin Queen's game plan in most matches seems to be to cheat absolutely as much as he can get away with, to the point where it's almost comedic. And in a match that instantly gets the crowd hooked his blend of genuine in-ring skill and shenanigans combines brilliantly with Bach's tactical offence to create something captivating.

The momentum swings back and forth with no one defining a clear advantage before Queen jabs a thumb in one of Bach's eyes, ducks a wild haymaker attempt and hits a beautiful avalanche back suplex to kick things up a notch.

It seems like the match may be over when Queen hits a Q-Ball facebuster out of almost nothing, but Bach manages to get a foot up on the ropes to break the pin. Queen then changes tact and goes after Bach's troublesome knee with a series of submission holds, including a single leg grapevine which looks like it'll force Bach to submit before the veteran once again escapes defeat by rolling to the ropes and breaking the hold.

A visibly frustrated Queen begins acting recklessly to try and finish the match quickly and this proves to be his undoing, as Bach reverses a grapple attempt into the Bach On Your Back and - after an eternity of struggle - puts his opponent to sleep for the win.


Winner: Sammy Bach
Method: Submission
Time: 15:20


Pineapple Pineapple




In a re-hash of their confrontation after Bach's match on Total Wrestling last Tuesday, Bach's music rings out around the arena as he and a groggy Quentin Queen have a heated discussion in the middle of the ring. Gone is the bravado and the cool attitude; in its place is an irate anger at having been bested.


We see Bach say something to the effect of "Shake my hand and walk away like a man" before offering a hand to Queen who - after a moment's consideration - sneers and walks past Bach and out of the ring, bumping into his shoulder as he goes.



The commentary team are deep in their analysis of the past two matches as we return to them once again.


So neither of our young guns was able to score the win tonight. Shows what I know. Maybe the revolution is on hold for a little while longer.


What we have to take from this is that Quentin Queen still has some ways to go to prove he belongs in the company of the likes of Bach, but Martins almost had Taylor. In the end their matchup came down to experience and one veteran move in the ring.


I don't think either man will allow these losses to dent their momentum. We haven't seen the last of them, that's for sure.


Many people view J-Train as a future cornerstone of this company. He'd better be back; we all have high hopes for him. Ideally without the Syndicate in tow.


And you've struck on an interesting wrinkle there, Shawn. No Syndicate presence in that match. The young man clearly wanted to do it by himself; and he almost managed it.


Almost, but not quite. And "almost" won't be enough for anyone in these next two bouts as we hurtle towards our semi main and main event. The historic world championship clash between Greg Gauge and Jay Chord is only just around the corner, but first a CURRENT cornerstone of TCW - Aaron Andrews - must find a way to overcome the awesome force of The Killer Shark in singles competition. He has been injured by this man, he has been brutalised, and now - at last - the two must face one another.


Shark's singles record this year has been spotless; the Ace must be conscious of the form that his gigantic opponent brings to this bout.


We won't have to speculate on that much longer, because I've just had word that the Ace is standing by to deliver a last-minute message.




We cut to an interview backstage where Aaron "Ace" Andrews stands with a mic in hand. His midriff is still bandaged from Shark's attack several weeks ago, and he's added athletic tape to his right shoulder to support what we have to assume is another injury.


People have been talking about this match... about me, like I've never headed into a singles match injured before.



[He looks down for a moment, pauses, then rests his free hand on his injured torso]

2017, May. Multiple rib contusions. Result: I beat Rocky Golden for the World Title.



[He lifts his free arm and slaps his bicep]

September 2019, torn bicep. Result: I beat Wolf Hawkins.



[He raises a leg, displaying frankly admirable balance, and slaps his thigh]

November 2020, grade 2 quad tear. King of Kings semi final. Result: I WIN.


You seeing a pattern here, Shark? I. WIN. When the chips are down, when it seems like the Ace is done; I find a level no one else can match. So you can break my ribs, you can try to rip my arm out of the socket, but nothing you do can stop what's coming for you. Hit my music.



Andrews tosses the mic down and a sweeping camera shot follows him through the backstage production environment and out onto the stage, where the fans roar at his entrance.





Andrews - as has been typical of this feud so far - comes at Shark like a house on fire, looking to mitigate the size difference early by fatiguing and wearing down the big man. To some extent this works, although when Shark is able to land offence it is clear how devastating it is, particularly given the Ace's injuries.

Eventually the momentum swings back to Shark, but when Andrews is able to kick out of a Big Bite he becomes furious and the fight spills outside.

With Andrews refusing to give up and making some gains, including running the Shark into the steps, something inside his opponent snaps and Andrews is planted through the one surviving announcer's desk with another Big Bite, forcing the ref to call for the DQ as security rush the ringside area to try and get Shark away from the now badly hurt Andrews.


Winner: Aaron Andrews
Method: Disqualification
Time: 9:47





It's a sign of how good these two men are that even in a bout where the action is occasionally a little slow-paced, they are still able to engage the audience in a really good display of technical wrestling.

The narrative of the early match revolves around Gauge going for the Proton Lock early and Chord desperately trying to avoid it; a call back to his submission loss two weeks ago to the same move. Much has been made of whether Gauge will be fatigued going into this match, or whether Chord will be rusty, and it seems like it's Chord who is off the pace as he desperately tries to keep Gauge away from him, who moves around the ring smoothly and with confidence. Chord's initial arrogance is replaced by an almost feral survival instinct to get away from his opponent which only ends when he hits an athletic top rope arm drag, which Gauge sells as an injury.

Even with his opponent hurt, Chord is reluctant to go to his cradle piledriver finisher for fear of a similar reversal to the one we saw on Total Wrestling, so instead the match devolves into little more than a street fight. A slugging match between the two men who stand and trade chops and strikes, trying to break the other man's spirit. Neither give up, and the determination both display to withstand the punishment gets the fans on their feet.

Finally, after Gauge kicks out of a Chord Strike super DDT and prompts a minor meltdown from his opponent, Chord realises his bag of tricks is empty and he MUST go for the Cradle Piledriver. Here, Gauge's relative ring-wear begins to show as it becomes clear he is tiring quicker than his opponent, and suffering more from each move delivered. A number of sequences play out with the threat of either piledriver or Proton Lock looming large, including one where Gauge very nearly lands the same reversal as before. This seems like his best chance to end the match, as the longer it goes on the worse his odds seem to become.

With Gauge recovering on the mat and the ref checking on him, no one involved spots a desperate Chord removing the padding from one of the turnbuckles and somehow Ray Johnson also contrives to miss when Chord's drop toe hold sends his opponent straight into it. Gauge is badly bloodied in the aftermath and keeps fighting valiantly, but is finally, ultimately undone by a Cradle Piledriver followed by a pinfall, evening up their records at 1-1.


Winner: Jay Chord
Method: Pinfall
Time: 29:42


Pineapple Pineapple




Chord's music blasts around the arena and the champion mounts the turnbuckles imperiously to show off his title to the fans. Meanwhile, the bloody and exhausted form of Greg Gauge is shown his way out of the ring and down the side exit next to the ramp where losers are directed to. However...





...suddenly the familiar riff of Crazy Horse is replaced by T-Bone Bright's music - Chord's next opponent as the winner of King of Kings V. With a bandage around his head where Flint Slater's title strike opened a gash in his forehead, Bright appears on the ramp. He looks down for a moment at Greg Gauge, who looks up in response and the pair exchange a respectful nod. Then Bright gestures to an imaginary belt around his waist and points at Chord.


We return to the commentary team who begin wrapping up the show


Ladies and gentlemen, I'm sure you'll agree with me: what a show that was. Chord retains with the help of some rule breaking, Bach and Taylor emerge victorious, Bright sets his sights on Jay despite losing to Wolf and what does the future spell for Aaron Andrews and Killer Shark?


What a show indeed!


And can I just thank our TCW faithful for welcoming me back to the desk, as well as the omni-talented Jasmine Saunders for so graciously allowing me to hang out with you youngtsers. The future is in good hands.


Been a while since I've been called a youngster


Hopefully not for the last time either, Kyle! Folks we're out of time here but join us again on Tuesday for Total Wrestling to see where we go from here. From myself - Shawn Doakes - and my broadcast colleagues - Jason Azaria and the living legend Kyle Rhodes - we've been TCW and don't you dare miss us next Tuesday!


Show Rating:
Edited by Devilb0y
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And that's Malice In Wonderland in the books!

Couple of notes on the show here before general house-keeping stuff at the end:

Wolf and T-Bone absolutely tore the house down with the match of the night, as Wolf is liable to do. It's very hard to write a diary whose premise is that a new guard is rising when the old guard are still so consistently brilliant. Speaking of, I was very pleased with Queen and Bach too. Bach is fairly deep into time decline now and Queen actually out-performed him in that match. He's (Queen) more than the sum of his parts and I'll be looking to lean on him more in the future. Martins isn't quite there yet in terms of overness, so I didn't feel like now was the time for a big win, but he's not far off. So, while all of the young guys lost this month, I see this more as positioning them for future success than an indication of where I see them on the card.

The main event was weird. 82, removed from all context, is a decent grade for a match from two guys with popularity in the high 70s and low 80s. But this is Greg Gauge and Jay Chord in a workrate fed we're talking about here. Unfortunately they got dinged for bad chemistry so there's not a lot we can do about this. Seems like the Chord / Gauge epics aren't going to be a thing in this diary, without some creative booking at least!

Thank you to everyone who got involved in reading or predicting this month. I'll tally up the results and post them either later today or tomorrow and then get to work on the graphics for the first Total Wrestling of Feburary. In some ways I always find the first month of any new game the hardest to book as you're bound to a roster and storylines you might not love, so while I very much enjoyed writing this month I think things will get better and better from here on out.

Edited by Devilb0y
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My man Shark was robbed. He was just trying to help Andrews back into the ring but some idiot put an announce table in his way.

Negative chemistry in the main is a tough one, you can always book around it by throwing someone in to make it a three or four way match, but it might be simpler to keep them apart and try to elevate some of your other stars up to that level.

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The graphics were great, really helped it stand out as a PPV. I'm not surprised I've scored awfully, but oh well, I'll await the future to arrive. I don't think any of the decision were wrong though, it's still big that the likes of Youngman/Queen/J-Train all got a singles match at Malice. 


I'm starting to think T-Bone has a shot actually, it depends if you see him as belonging in that very top level. If so, it would be hard for him to come back from winning King of Kings only to lose against Hawkins and then Chord so this loss could be a bit of misdirection. But it's tricky because Chord/Gauge/Andrews/Wolf are such an amazing top 4 guys that it'll be hard to predict when anyone is going to truly join them. 

I won't spoil it in case others didn't read it, but I'd be happy if the Wolf screen message ends up being essentially a word for word redo of your storyline from your last diary as I really loved that. Either way I'll look forward to seeing it. 

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Okay, so that leaves me to wrap up the predictions for the month of January before we move onto February.


The final scores are below! And MiykaelP continued their great form to end the month, winning January. Though it was very close the top, with KyTeran narrowly behind. And even our late / partial entries did very well to get some points on the board, proving that my booking is clearly too predictable :D !


As a prize, MiykaelP is able to select either one worker on the roster who they would like to see a full profile of, or one worker they want to see have a conversation with head booker Ricky Dale Johnson. The choice is yours! Let me know, either on here or by DM and I will get it written and posted along with the other end-of-month content.


Scores reset next month, so all to play for again.


MiykaelP: 30
KyTeran: 26
Wrestling Machine: 11
knkmaster69: 9
Tiberious: 8
ReedTyler: 5
Doctor Crunch: 5
christmas_ape: 3
Total Scores - Monthy Victories
MiykaelP: 30 (1)
KyTeran: 26
Wrestling Machine: 11
knkmaster69: 9
Tiberious: 8
ReedTyler: 5
Doctor Crunch: 5
christmas_ape: 3
Edited by Devilb0y
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Oh as a side note too, I updated a bunch of the renders in-game to the newer ones as I think a lot of them are improvements (looking at you, Roderick Remus' old picture). I probably won't go back and amend the roster page since the formatting on that is funky anyway and it needs a total re-structure, not just image changes. But going forward I'll use the updated ones. Hopefully this won't be too jarring for people who have gotten used to the old ones.

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SWF's 50th birthday spectacular drew a fairly small crowd, but those in attendance got to witness Remo defeating Rocky Golden for the SWF World Title. Spencer Spade defended his North American title in a four-way against Gilmore and The Awesomeness (in singles competition for some reason) and Scythe beat Randy Unleashed.

They continue to muddle onwards, not producing anything terrible but not doing all that well either.


Best Rated Show: 81 (SWF 50th Birthday Spectacular)




Same old, same old for USPW. Rick Law is still the National Champion, Nicky Champion is still the World Champion, etc etc. Nicky did drag Steve Frehley to an 83 rated main event for Stars, Stripes and Slams, so that's something at least.

The most interesting thing they did this month was re-hire The Force (as well as American Machine, Akima Brave, Texas Pete and Stevie Grayson). So it's safe to say that USPW's roster isn't getting better any time soon.


Best Rated Show: 82 (USPW American Wrestling)




The Canadian Wrestling Alliance's absolutely busted roster continues to churn out amazing quality shows. No title changes this month, in part due to their big show being Total Elimination 5 - which is a Trios-only show - though why change what is working.

Aaron Knight and Edd Stone casually threw out a 93 rating beating Shooter Sean Deeley and Donte Dunn on an episode of Championship Wrestling, which is - frankly - unfair.


Best Rated Show: 87 (CWA Championship Wrestling)




21st Century Wrestling's roster of not-very-good bald men didn't hold them back from some excellent shows this month. No title changes, which makes sense given that their main event is the only thing holding their company together, but Wade Orson continues to excel as champion having TWO match of the year candidates in the space of a fortnight with a 99 rated main event against Leigh Burton at Steel Cage Challenge followed by a 94 rated main event on Best Of British Wrestling against Adam Matravers.

Elsewhere Roly Muckletruck somehow managed to have an 80-rated match against the corpse of Jonathan Faust. How that happened I'll never know.


Best Rated Show: 91 (Steel Cage Challenge)


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And into February we go! I'll get the prediction contest winner stuff written up first, so you all have a few days to get your predictions in.


Booking Prediction Quick Link
Jay Chord vs One Man Army
Bradford Peverell vs Daigo Goya
Quentin Queen vs Tana The Mighty
Ernest Youngman vs Flying Jimmy Foxx
Doc Hammond vs T-Bone Bright
Freddy Huggins vs Greg Gauge
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Jay Chord vs One Man Army
Sadly I think the answer to whether OMA can make one last run at stardom is a definitive no.
Bradford Peverell vs Daigo Goya
I'll go for Bradford winning here, even if his picture makes me think he's a wrestler with a mime gimmick doing the trapped in a box routine.
Quentin Queen vs Tana The Mighty
I want to vote for Tana because it would be funny to put him over, but realistically I can't see a good reason to do it given Quentin's been heavily pushed so far.
Ernest Youngman vs Flying Jimmy Foxx
it would kind of be funny if for some reason Flying Jimmy Foxx of all people became Ernest Youngman's kryptonite and he couldn't beat him.
Doc Hammond vs T-Bone Bright
T-Bone's the next challenger for Chord and he needs a definitive win since atm he kind of looks like a weak challenger since he just lost to Wolf on the PPV.
Freddy Huggins vs Greg Gauge
Gauge is a bigger star and a better worker, but Huggins has a lot of outside help and a cheap win here could motivate Gauge to find a partner to go after the Tag Titles since his negative chemistry with Chord puts a damper on another run at the title. Plus Huggins is just cooler and more interesting then Gauge.
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53 minutes ago, Tiberious said:
Ernest Youngman vs Flying Jimmy Foxx
it would kind of be funny if for some reason Flying Jimmy Foxx of all people became Ernest Youngman's kryptonite and he couldn't beat him.


I'm giving nothing away about results but I have given serious consideration to Jimmy Foxx becoming a Toru Yano like figure for Youngman who he just can't beat for some reason 😁

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Jay Chord vs One Man Army
Bradford Peverell vs Daigo Goya
Quentin Queen vs Tana The Mighty
Ernest Youngman vs Flying Jimmy Foxx
Doc Hammond vs T-Bone Bright
Freddy Huggins vs Greg Gauge

Truly love what you're doing with TCW, can't wait to see what happens as it continues.
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January 3rd, 2022 - BriCo HQ, San Antonio, Texas




In a corner office, somewhere within the depths of the BriCo building, Ricky Dale Johnson bursts into the empty room with a suitcase in one hand while trying in vain to do up a tie. His suit isn't out-dated, per se, but it's definitely a classic and looks like it hasn't been worn in a while.

The phone on his desk is ringing, and has been for some time, which only exacerbates his desperate tugging at the poor excuse for a knot he has formed.

Finally, having given up on the tie and with a fine sheen of sweat now visible on his forehead, he collapses into his chair and picks up the phone.


Ricky here.





[RDJ's brown furrows]

Of course I'm ready, send his ass in.


It would be clear to anyone witnessing this scene that Ricky Dale Johnson is not, in fact, ready. In truth, he had forgotten about the appointment. Not because he didn't care, but because the last few months had proved so exhausting that he had taken to falling asleep in one of the meeting rooms around the corner from his office when he he had downtime. He told everyone it was his mindfulness training. Ricky had begun to suspect that he may have acted prematurely in abandoning his life of leisure to return to TCW.

Any rumination on his bad decision making is halted when the sweaty silence of the room is punctuated by a knock at the door, which opens to reveal his assistant - Damian - who announces that his 12 o'clock is here.



[Rick rubs a forearm against his brow, attempting to soak up some of the sweat in the tweed - an endeavour which only really serves to irritate his skin with the rough wool]

I know, goddamit, I said I'm ready. Let him in.


Damian disappears around the door, there's a silence for a moment, and then a figure steps through the threshold in a fine, slim-fitting italian suit in dark navy, his hair bound up in a rough bun and his smiling expression diffusing any tension in the room.





[RDJ puffs out his exertions and stands with a smile]

E.Y., glad to meet you in person. Been a big fan of your work for a long time.


[Ernest Youngman chuckles]

I mean, right back at ya, Ricky.


The pair shake hands and sit. Another silence. Not entirely awkward, but not entirely comfortable either.


Sooo... nice office.


I hate it.


Yeah, I figured you might.


Too close to the bosses, you know? Don't get me wrong, we have a good relationship, but I prefer a little distance.


Alright, well, I'm happy to skip the pleasantries if it'd make you more comfortable?



[Ricky sighs and pulls his still-loose tie over his head]

I didn't want you to take my... let's call it a casual attitude to business; I didn't want you to take that as disrespect. Fact is, kid, I've always love your work. I think TCW should have signed you 4 years ago. That's not me talking bad about Kyle or anyone else, I'm just saying what I would have done.


So is it just you who's going to bat for me? I'm flattered by the interest and the contract looks great, but I want to be here on merit and if there are folks in your committee who think I don't belong then that could be a problem.


You let me worry about that, ok? So long as you're in my good books it doesn't matter what anyone else thinks. And it just so happens that I reckon you're the best technical wrestler in America


Damn, does Keith know you're saying that?


I love Greg. Me and his dad go way back. But I think you're better.


[Youngman nods, impressed]

And I hear I'm not the only one you're talking to?


Not afraid of a little competition, are you?


From what I hear it's a LOT of competition.



[Ricky stands and slips his tweed jacket off of his broad shoulders, then sits again]

I'm not going to lie to you, we're doing an overhaul. Lot of guys on their last legs who aren't going to be around much longer.

Now, does that mean you're going to be surrounded by other young guys with an eye on the top spot? Yes it does. But that doesn't mean you can't be the one to seize the day.


So no big promises about future plans, then?


I don't make promises, E.Y. Because they're impossible to keep in this business and even if I did there isn't a wrestler alive who would take me at my word. But I can tell you this: the pay is better. You'll get a national audience. And if you put your head down and work, in a years time I think you may agree that coming here was the best decision you ever made.


Youngman reaches up, pulls his mirrored wrap-around shades from his eyes and then begins rubbing the inside of them with a small cloth he produces from his breast pocket. RDJ sits patiently.


Little known fact: these are actually prescription mirrored shades.


Are they... are they actually? I didn't know they made those.


[Youngman finishes polishing his glasses and slides them back over his ears]

Nah. Gotta live the gimmick though, right?


Hell yeah, brother. So do we have a deal?


Ricky, we had a deal the moment you phoned me the first time.


The pair smile, stand and shake-hands.

The camera pulls back. RDJ presses a button on his phone and his assistant enters the room a moment later with two sets of matching contracts as the scene fades to black.


Edited by Devilb0y
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21 hours ago, knkmaster69 said:
Jay Chord vs One Man Army
Bradford Peverell vs Daigo Goya
Quentin Queen vs Tana The Mighty
Ernest Youngman vs Flying Jimmy Foxx
Doc Hammond vs T-Bone Bright
Freddy Huggins vs Greg Gauge

Truly love what you're doing with TCW, can't wait to see what happens as it continues.


Thank you, I really appreciate that. I'm aiming for this to run until at least Total Mayhem 2023 and have a broad sketch of how I want things to look over the next year and a half. We'll see if I manage to get all the way there!

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Live from the Shakeshaft Auditorium, Detroi, MI
Tuesday 1st February, 2022
Attendance: 5000



Good evening everyone, I'm Shawn Doakes, and welcome to what promises to be another exciting installment of Total Wrestling.

Jay Chord returns to singles action on TV for the first time in months...


Easy enough to do now that Greg Gauge isn't breathing down his neck


Right you are, Jasmine. Although the veteran One Man Army is no slouch, and Chord must now shift his focus to the imposing T-Bone Bright at The War To Settle The Score.


...we will also see Greg Gauge attempt to bounce back against one half of the tag team champions - Freddy Huggins - and we received word earlier today that T-Bone has demanded a match against Doc Hammond as payback for his interference at Malice In Wonderland. With - and I'm quoting here - "That punk ass Flint Slater in tow, if he's brave enough"


Seems like Bright might be splitting his attention a bit here. The Syndicate are done; he lost and that's behind him now, focus on the World Title.


It could be that he feels like he can't; that The Syndicate may yet have some part to play in his hunt for the title.


Will The Syndicate somehow become kingmakers? We'll have to wait and see, because that's Greg Gauge's music!





The commentary team focus on Gauge's quest to get back in title contention as quickly as possible, even with stitches still visible on his head from his last match with Chord. Huggins meanwhile is in singles action for the first time in months, and seems to have a point to prove - that he's just fine without The Main Event helping him.

In an affair that is both high-speed an incredibly technical, but is ultimately a match designed to pick Gauge's momentum back up, he is able to score the win after a rapid exchange of moves that sees him trap Huggins in the Proton Lock for the submission.


Winner: Greg Gauge
Method: Submission
Time: 10:08




We briefly cut backstage to a car park, where a limo pulls up, a door is opened by a chaffeur and the World Champion - Jay Chord - steps out and begins confidently - some might say smugly - walking into the arena. The crowd's boos are audible even from backstage.




Rather than cutting back to the arena, the feed cuts to an interview set elsewhere, where Killer Shark stands in a tiny vest, rubbing his enormous hands together in glee. He appears to be talking to himself, unaware that a camera is present.


Gotta make him pay. Make em all pay. Gotta take him and smash him and end him. Only way to shut him up. Puny little Ace. Puny little Ace won't be "Ace" for much longer. See how great he feels when I put him in the hospital.


The camera lingers on Shark's ramblings for a moment longer before the hulking maniac stalks off of the set. The camera crew follow him as he strides through the backstage area, then catch another figure of similar size step in his path...




Papa Swoll - wearing an enormous towel and nothing else - seems as surprised as anyone to meet Shark as he exits the face locker room, steps out into the corridor and comes eye-to-eye with the maniacal giant.


Oh I'm sorry, man. Didn't know what was happening out here. Heard voices and wanted to make sure nobody was trying to perv on the Swoll man. But that ain't what you're about, right man?



[Shark visibly seethes]

You wanna make the list? I got a list. Long list. You wanna be on it? Do you? Wanna be on it?


Hey take it easy big guy, you'll give yourself an ulcer. Talking about lists; you're sounding crazy.



[Shark visibly seethes more.]



Alright, here's the deal. Little white lie I told there - you caught me! - sorry baby Jesus. Truth is: some boys in the locker room said you were coming and I thought I'd just shepherd you back the way you came. Keep the peace, ya know? Nothing but love.



[Shark's bloodshot eyes are so wide they look like they might fall out of his head]



You're upset. I've upset you. I can tell; I'm very intuitive about these kinds of things.

Well how about this? You wander out of the building; you take the night off. You have a nice, long, relaxing bubble bath and you sleep on this anger. And if if you're still feeling froggy this time next week? Baby, you and me can jump in the ring. How's that sound?



[Shark's wild expression curls into a twisted smile. He nods and then walks away]



The camera zooms in on Swoll, who watches Shark leave and exhales heavily before we cut back to the commentary team...


...Who all look thoroughly surprised at having just witnessed Killer Shark spoken to like that by someone who is - for the moment at least - still breathing.


Welp, Papa Swoll: it was nice knowing you. Hell of a way to speedrun a TCW career.


I'll say this for the young man: there aren't many people who would talk to Shark like that and walk away from it, but there also aren't many people that Shark has to talk eye-to-eye with.


I think you're a Debbie Downer, Shawn. Swoll seems like the kind of guy who could actually stand up to the turbo bully that is Shark. He's like when you make a tall friend in school to stop other kids picking on you. He's TCW's tall friend.


I was never picked on in school so I don't understand that analogy.


Oh we're just lying on air now? Cool.


BE THAT AS IT MAY: we've got three big matches coming up now. First: T-Bone Bright looks to exact some vengeance on Doc Hammond and Flint Slater for their role in costing him the match versus Wolf Hawkins at Malice In Wonderland. Then Ernest Youngman will look to even the score against Flying Jimmy Foxx, who defeated him - somewhat luckily - two weeks ago. And finally Quentin Queen looks to bounce back from his first singles loss of the year against the imposing Tana The Mighty.


I think it's gonna be a bad night for Flying Jimmy Foxx.


Smart money is definitely on him having a painful run-in with The Family. Let's see if we're right!





It rapidly becomes clear that - even with Flint Slater at ringside - this is intended as a punitive exercise for Doc Hammond. Whoever booked this - admittedly, at T-Bone's request - was more than happy to see the Doc get his comeuppance, and that's exactly what occurs, with Bright tossing him around the ring like a ragdoll. It's only when Slater begins to intervene that the match becomes more balanced, but even then T-Bone is clearly levels above these other two. So much so in fact that at one point Doc retreats out of the ring and begins making his way up the ramp with Flint in tow; clearly having taken enough of a beating for one night. However, his attention is divided suddenly as the lights go out and something appears on the screen behind him...




Flint and Doc turn to look at one another with raised eyebrows and open mouths, not really knowing what to make of this, and that gives T-Bone the time he needs to march up the ramp, lay out Flint and then drag Doc back to the ring. A sequence of big moves later and Doc is counting the lights with T-Bone scoring the pin. There is no explanation for the blackout or the message.


Winner: T-Bone Bright
Method: Pinfall
Time: 14:42





The technical definition for this match is a "Legal Mugging" as Jimmy Foxx is brutalised and beaten even worse than he was in his last encounter with Youngman. This time the entire Family - Nick Booth, Masked Mauler and Dominic Rizzoli - are at ringside and there is no sign of Troy Tornado to offer aid. Even if he were there it's debateable how much help he'd be but the result is absolutely definitive regardless, with Youngman punishing Foxx to within an inch of his life before scoring The Hit for the victory.


Winner: Ernest Youngman
Method: Pinfall
Time: 5:04


Pineapple Pineapple Pineapple Pineapple Pineapple




With Foxx out in the centre of the ring and Youngman's music thumping in the arena, The Family close in on their prey like a pack of wolves, mounting the apron and then entering the ring simultaneously. Foxx is completely unaware of what is to come until Youngman yanks him up by his hair in the centre of the ring and then drops him with a vicious hook to the stomach. The Family attack as one, brutalising the defenceless Foxx even further with any staff attempting to assist being summarily included in the beating before being tossed from the ring.

The assault continues for an almost uncomfortable amount of time until...


Pineapple Pineapple


Foxx's friends - Sammy Bach and Benny Benson - come sprinting down the ramp to make the save. Both hit the ring but The Family scatter like rats, spreading out and fleeing through the crowd, leaving Bach to furiously remonstrate with them from the second rope while Benson tries to comfort the beaten, unconscious form of his friend in the ring.


We cut back to a horrified commentary team...


Folks, what we've just seen was abominable. Unconscionable.


I hate being right like this. The Family continue to prove themselves a cancer at the heart of TCW


Though at least Foxx has backup now. Troy may be rehabbing after his loss to Youngman, but Bach and Benny are still around to stick up for their friend.


We'll keep a close eye on how this develops but right now it looks like Foxx has been assisted from the ring and we're good to get underway with our next match: as Quentin Queen takes on Tana The Mighty...





In a surprisingly long match - by Tana's standards - Queen spends most of it bumping around the fairly immobile Samoan, making his offence look as good as possible before shifting gears with a low blow to allow himself to take the initiative.

It's clear that this is a match designed to put Queen back on the winning path, and despite a valiant attempt from Tana to rally this ends up proving to be the case with Queen pinning the veteran while using the ropes for leverage for the win.


Winner: Quentin Queen
Method: Pinfall
Time: 8:28






Queen stands in the ring, soaking in the displeasure from the fans. It's clear he barely broke a sweat in the match, and becomes even clearer when he calls for a mic - revealing he's not even breathing heavily. He dresses down the fans, makes a couple of cheap remarks about Detroit being a shambling corpse of a city before getting to the meat of the issue...


...and SPEAKING of failures, I have a confession to make. There's not really any way around it. I possess the introspective ability necessary to recognise that I failed against Sammy Bach on Sunday. Perhaps I underestimated the old man, or perhaps some sympathetic part of my subconscious took pity on the old dog and that stopped me from giving my all in the match. Regardless, I didn't win and Mr. Bach is no longer returning my phone calls, presumably because he's busy with The Family - a business I wouldn't get involved in were I him. But that means it's on to the next relic of TCW's past; the next individual lucky enough to be elevated by standing within my radiant orbit: Joshua Taylor.



[This pique's the crowds interest, who half expect JT to appear. After a moment's pause it becomes clear this won't happen, much to their disappointment]

No, he's not here tonight, morons. Clearly wrestling J-Train took it out of poor, widdle Joshy so he's at home icing his knees and praying that he doesn't get called out again. Well guess what, Taylor? Hard luck. Because I'm going to achieve what J-Train could not. I'm going to put you down for the count. And in the future, when you're even older and greyer, you'll look back at this moment as the peak of your career.


Queen's music starts up again and he smirks at the hard cam before exiting the ring, placing the mic on the top turnbuckle daintily before he does so.





In a brief squash match designed to heat up Peverell a bit against a young excursion worker from Pride Glory Honour Wrestling called Daigo Goya, the man with Fists of Stone demonstrates his formiddable punching power with a clinic of stand up striking. While the young Japanese opponent shows the fire you would expect of a puro graduate, he isn't able to withstand Peverell's combo striking and is quickly defeated.


Winner: Bradford Peverell
Method: Pinfall
Time: 5:55


We return to the commentary team as Peverell heads back up the ramp...


And a first win of 2022 for Bradford there.


It was really only a matter of time. Peverell is one of those competitors who may not start quickly but will always end up with a very respectable record come King of Kings qualification time.


And it'll sneak up on you. Those wrestlers who try to dodge competition for fear of eating a loss often start looking at the calendar around this time of year, realise it's already February. 9 months may sound like a long time, but it really isn't when you're already lagging behind...


Now the camera wasn't on Jasmine there, but I can assure you that the knowing expression she just made was very much in referance to our champion, Jay Chord, who is in singles action next. And he wouldn't be the first champion to ignore King of Kings qualifaction, often at their own peril.


I never said any names, thank you very much. All I'll say is this: lot of champions who were reluctant to take on singles matches in January found they didn't have the belt in November and regretted it.


Absolutely, Jasmine. And we may find out Jay's thinking sooner rather than later, because that's his music!






Chord is clearly in a triumphant mood as he strolls down to the ring, belt over one shoulder, mic in hand, his superior gaze drifting over the crowd before him like they're lucky to even see him. And - to be fair - they are. There's no denying that he's an exceptional talent, but good lord doesn't he know it.

Eventually he reaches the ring, steps through the ropes and spends a few minutes warming up the fans, including a run down of his close-call victory over Greg Gauge at Malice In Wonderland...


...and all this talk of "Is Jay rusty? Can he shake the cobwebs off in time to keep up with Gauge". Please. I know, to the smallest detail imaginable, what I am doing. And the arrogance... the sheer, unbridled arrogance for people to think they can question me? People who have never laced up boots. And even if they did, who were never fit to lace mine. Offering advice to the champion? The ill-informed, ignorant lack of respect shown over the past few weeks is a sign of what a wrestler with true pedigree is up against in this company



[He pauses, combs a stray strand of hair from his face with his hand and composes himself]

The sad reality is that most of you won't appreciate what you have in a champion like me until I'm long gone. So appreciate me while I'm here, you neckbeards, because it's not every day you get to see wrestling royalty perform.


Chord throws the mic at a staff member at ringside, bouncing it off of their head, as One Man Army makes his way determinedly to ring, his war paint in urban black and blue this week.





During this match the commentary team note that Chord keeps on talking to the hard cam in-between offensive moves, with the camera mics picking up that he is talking smack about T-Bone Bright. As if in response, after One Man Army nails a stiff comeback DDT the feed cuts to T-Bone backstage, watching the match with interest.

We cut back to the action as it ramps up to an explosive finish. After a sequence of shoulder blocks and a great missile drop kick, One Man Army sets Chord up for the Guided Missile - a Northern Lights suplex setup into a kind of spinebuster. However Chord grabs a handful of tights to prevent himself being lifted up and turns the move into his patented Cradle Piledriver, which he hits for the pinfall win.


Winner: Jay Chord
Method: Pinfall
Time: 14:53


As One Many Army is helped down the side of the ramp and through the loser's exit, we return to the commentary desk for one final time tonight...


The One Man Army couldn't do it. But should we be surprised? If Greg Gauge couldn't manage it then can anyone? Can T-Bone?


OMA has been a fine servant of this company but I don't think he would mind me saying that he has a habit of failing to really step up during the big moments in singles competition. And at 44 years old, it may now bee too late for him.


And I wouldn't discount Bright based on his failings either. The 2021 King of Kings is younger, fitter, more powerful and - despite some recent setbacks - has far more momentum on his side than OMA.


Fair points from all of you. Well, that was undeniably a clinic from our World Champion who looks in fighting shape now. And speaking of shapes: next week's Total Wrestling is beginning to take one. I'm hearing that next week Wolf Hawkins wishes to address the role he will play at The War To Settle The Score and Papa Swoll will face Killer Shark to see if they can put this burgeoning beef behind them.


As exciting as it was allitertative, Shawn.


Thank you, Jasmine. She has been Jasmine Saunders, that has been Jason Azaria and I have been Shawn Doakes. Thank you for joining us and don't you dare miss us next Tuesday on TCW Total Wrestling!


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Hello there.


Work ramped up at the end of last week and I was away this weekend, so had a bit of a delay in getting the show up but back to normal now. I'll post the prediction scores and the card for next Total Wrestling tomorrow, and then aim for the end of the week for the next show.

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