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TCW: The New Generation

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Good show to start the next PPV cycle. A lot of characters really have their own voice (Swoll, Queen, Chord etc) but I actually think my standouts are the announce team. I've never really written for one as whilst I've seen plenty of writers use them really well, I've always struggled, but your 3 might be my favourite. It feels unique that it's basically three faces and yet it doesn't feel like it needs a real heel on there as it already feels balanced and realistic. The way Doakes is often the butt of jokes and yet still feels like he's in control as lead announcer is great. 

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Ok, new month means new prediction scores. And I'll be the first to admit that I didn't really throw any surprises in there this week. You all did super well, with only the opener throwing anyone off. Freddy Huggins is a guy I've always liked but I try to keep my tag and singles divisions separate for the most part, so this was really just a way to get very talented members of the current tag champs on the show while I do my traditional thing of having no idea how to book a tag division!


After week 1 of Feb, the scores are as follows:


MiykaelP: 6
knkmaster69: 6
KyTeran: 6
christmas_ape: 6
moafnsteel: 6
Tiberious: 5


Total Scores - Monthy Victories
MiykaelP: 36 (1)
KyTeran: 32
knkmaster69: 15
Tiberious: 13
Wrestling Machine: 11
christmas_ape: 9
moafnsteel: 6
ReedTyler: 5
Doctor Crunch: 5
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10 hours ago, christmas_ape said:

Good show to start the next PPV cycle. A lot of characters really have their own voice (Swoll, Queen, Chord etc) but I actually think my standouts are the announce team. I've never really written for one as whilst I've seen plenty of writers use them really well, I've always struggled, but your 3 might be my favourite. It feels unique that it's basically three faces and yet it doesn't feel like it needs a real heel on there as it already feels balanced and realistic. The way Doakes is often the butt of jokes and yet still feels like he's in control as lead announcer is great. 


Doakes is almost a self-insert for me to be honest 😁. He's full of enthusiasm, very verbose and well respected but is good-humoured enough to recognise that he's kind of ridiculous and is happy to play the straight man while others get to be make fun of him. I'm glad the announce team chemistry is working for people - they're vehicle by which I try to communicate the through-line of every show so I think them having defined personalities is important. I also kind of landed on the dynamic of Shawn and Jasmine being the proper announce team while old man Azaria just sits there occasionally popping in pearls of wisdom in the process of writing them. Sometimes three-person teams can be too much, but I kind of envisage TCW's as a two-and-a-half person team because he knows when to step back and let the kids call the show.

Edited by Devilb0y
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Card for next week's Total Wrestling; Swoll vs Shark should be a proper hoss fight!


Booking Prediction Quick Link
Wolf Hawkins & Doc Hammond vs Joshua Taylor & Troy Tornado
Killer Shark vs Papa Swoll
Bradley Blaze vs Masked Stranger
The Family vs Sammy Bach, Benny Benson & Flying Jimmy Foxx
American Cobras vs Pretty Amazing
One Man Army vs Seth Whitehead
Maverick vs T-Bone Bright
Edited by Devilb0y
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Wolf Hawkins & Doc Hammond vs Joshua Taylor & Troy Tornado
Killer Shark vs Papa Swoll
Bradley Blaze vs Masked Stranger
The Family vs Sammy Bach, Benny Benson & Flying Jimmy Foxx
American Cobras vs Pretty Amazing
One Man Army vs Seth Whitehead
Maverick vs T-Bone Bright
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Wolf Hawkins & Doc Hammond vs Joshua Taylor & Troy Tornado
Killer Shark vs Papa Swoll
Bradley Blaze vs Masked Stranger
The Family vs Sammy Bach, Benny Benson & Flying Jimmy Foxx
American Cobras vs Pretty Amazing
One Man Army vs Seth Whitehead
Maverick vs T-Bone Bright
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Live from the Centerpiece Bridge, Charlston, NC
Tuesday 8th February, 2022
Attendance: 5000



Good evening folks and welcome to another exciting broadcast of Total Wrestling, where T-Bone Bright's ongoing - some might say ill-advised - rivalry with The Syndicate promises to take an unprecedented turn, a shocking swivel, a sensational swerve...


Please don't change the channel, I promise he's nearly done.


...Jasmine is - as ever - the canary down the mine of my sometimes-laborious wordplay.


[A prolonged pause]

...were you going to finish?


...finish what?




Oh right. Wolf Hawkins - powerful backstage figure that he is - has promised that a win for himself and Doc Hammond against Joshua Taylor and Troy Tornado tonight will allow him to choose the stipulation of T-Bone Bright's World Title match against Jay Chord at The War To Settle The Score!


How in the world did he swing that? That's outrageous.


By being Wolf Hawkins, I would imagine.

Hello everyone. I am also here, despite Shawn's best efforts to have me die of old age on air.


As the bard once said: brevity is the soul of wit. So allow me to take that to heart and shut the hell up as we hurtle into our action for the night: T-Bone looks to warm up vs Maverick, who himself has had a poor start to 2022 and desperately needs to right the ship!





Bright is clearly holding back a little in this match, looking to ease his way into form for his end-of-month clash with Jay and as such it gives Maverick some opportunities to inflict damage.

The commentary team are quick to draw attention to the fact that for all his aura of danger, T-Bone is actually only 1-1 so far this year and will need to pick up the pace. And despite the slow start to this match he does - eventually - do so; flooring Maverick with his trademark lariat before forgoing the cover to pick him up for a powerslam and the pinfall victory, perhaps sending a message to Jay Chord with the emphaticness of the victory.


Winner: T-Bone Bright
Method: Pinfall
Time: 9:48





The camera briefly focuses on a celebrating T-Bone in the ring, who is in light-hearted spirits as he interacts with the fans at ringside. However, when the feed cuts to a meeting backstage, his enthusiasm probably fades...


Pineapple Pineapple Pineapple Pineapple Pineapple


The entire Syndicate stride purposefully down a corridor backstage with a camera keeping pace in front of them. They come to a door, knock, and then enter without waiting for a response.

It's Jay Chord's dressing room. The champion is sat lazily in a shirt and jeans with his world title draped across his midriff.






A tense silence passes between them. Doc shifts uncomfortably. Flint's unblinking gaze is typically unreadable. J-Train runs a tongue over his teeth.


Alright, let's drop the theatrics. Can we talk?


Seems like you already have. To SOMEONE at least.


[A knowing smile]

Let's not pretend you've never made a phone call to BriCo to get your way, shall we, Champ?



[Jay's face contorts into a light sneer]

What do you want, Hawkins?


We just wanted to see whether you might have a preference of stipulation when Doc and I win tonight. We thought there might be an opportunity for parlay here.


...and were I to accept your gracious offer, what would it cost me?


[Wolf's smile widens into an animalistic grin]

A shot at that.


Wolf's hand oustretches towards the belt at Jay's waist. Behind him Doc grins and nods while Flint and J-Train remain largely unmoved. The camera zooms in on Jay's expression; his eyes narrow for a moment before he blinks.


Let's talk later. See if we can't find some common ground.


I always knew you were a business man at heart.


The feed fades to black and then cuts back to an unimpressed T-Bone in the ring, who rolls his neck as if readying himself for war before heading back up the ramp.





Seth Whitehead his introduced as a fiery youngster from Minnesota and given a fair amount of the spotlight by the commentary team, though it's clear that here he is being used as enhancement talent for One Man Army, getting the veteran a win back after his loss last week. Still, this is more than a mere squash match and Whitehead comes out of it looking slightly better than he did before.


Winner: One Man Army
Method: Pinfall
Time: 7:45




The camera initially follows Seth Whitehead as he is escorted down the side of the ramp and towards the curtain which comprises the "Loser's Exit". It's not an uncommon camera move though perhaps a little unusual to follow a rookie who is - after all - expected to lose. However, as Seth approaches the curtain the reason for the lingering shot becomes clearer as a commotion breaks out from the other side of the fabric.

Abandoning its pursuit of Whitehead the camera crew race backstage to find a scene of disarray, with several young wrestlers and members of staff scattered on the floor like bowling pins. There is broken glass, fragments of table and one poor soul appears to have been put through an internal window.

We can hear the shouts for help and medical attention ringing out in the near distance and the camera whips around just in time to catch...




Killer Shark in his dark blue singlet, stalking the halls and leaving a trail of destruction in his wake...




We head back to the commentary desk...


No sign of Swoll so far - unfortunately for those poor souls.


Here's hoping someone is able to put a stop to Shark's rampage before he seriously hurts someone important.


We're legally obligated to point out that Total Championship Wrestling values all of its staff equally and takes any workplace incident seriously.


Yeah but... you know... come on; we're all greatful window guy wasn't Aaron Andrews, right?


And speaking of, I wonder where the Ace is. We haven't seen him since he was brutally assaulted by Shark at Malice In Wonderland.


After seeing that I would also be avoiding work if I were in his shoes.


We'll leave the subject of Shark for the moment and cross our fingers that he calms down while we proceed with our undercard. And we have a number of fascinating matchups for you here.

First, The American Cobras look to project themselves into the hunt for the tag team titles with only their second match of the year. Then, in a trios match, Sammy Bach, Benny Benson & Jimmy Foxx seek some manner of retribution against The Family who so badly brutalised Foxx last week. I can't imagine he's in fighting shape.


No I would think not. I wouldn't be surprised to see him there just making up the numbers.


Nice of their pal, Troy Tornado, to dump them for a main event tonight.


While I'm certain they would love his help, I'm also sure that none of them would begrudge him a chance to get one over on Wolf Hawkins. So Foxx will have to do.

Let's get back to the action, then. Here come the Cobras!





The young partnership of "Amazing" Al Morean and "Pretty" Paul Story - otherwise known as Pretty Amazing - make their main roster debut in this match though the commentary team make clear that they are a developmental talent being given a taste of the big leagues rather than this being a full-time promotion.

It comes as no surprise then when the Cobras dominate the match, utilising their trademark sequences of impressive tandem offence to overwhelm the youngsters before Storm Spillane finally scores the submission win to end it.


Winner: American Cobras (Storm Spillane)
Method: Submission
Time: 4:37





The initial cheers for Bach, Benson and Foxx turn to a concerned rumbling from the audience as their worst fears are confirmed to be true: Foxx is heavily bandaged and seems barely able to walk under his own power, leaning on his sometimes-tag-partner Benny Benson for aid. By contrast The Family not only look fit, vicious and ready but have their fourth member at ringside in the muscular meathead Dominic Rizzoli.

The match is instantly an uphill battle for the good guys as Bach and Benson desperately try to overcome the odds without having to subject their injured partner to even more punishment, and at times it seems like their sheer force of will might be enough to carry them through. Though, as the match drags on both become visibly exhausted and eventually Foxx faces his fear and demands to be tagged in. He hits a front dropkick on Youngman, ducks a double clothesline attempt from Booth and Mauler of The Button Men to send both over the top rope and then raises an arm in triumph that sees the fans salute his courage before he collapses in the centre of the ring.

Benny Benson is able to drag him back to their corner to make a tag with his prone body before continuing the offence, looking to have Ernest Youngman on the ropes and a revenge victory in sight, but Foxx is rolled out of the ring and attacked by Rizolli. This distracts Benny long enough for Youngman to sweep his legs out from under him and apply his signature Scorpion Deathlock for the submission win. In the aftermath of the match Bach is able to clear out The Family from the ring almost single-handedly, though without laying a glove on Youngman.


Winner: The Family (Ernest Youngman)
Method: Submission
Time: 15:13


Pineapple Pineapple



A furious Bach is thrown a mic as he stands guard over his fallen friends, directing his ire at Youngman and The Family...


Youngman, you may think you're the next big thing in Total Championship Wrestling, but let me tell you something dude: the only think you're "next" for is an ass-kicking from me. Next week. Be here. ALONE, if you've got the guts.


Youngman's eyebrow raises behind his shades and his mouth curls into a sour expression, though he nods in agreement.


Back at the commentary desk...


That's a win, but hardly a definitive won, for The Family. Seems Bach is just getting started with them. And how about that for a valiant effort from Flying Jimmy Foxx?


You say valiant, I would call it statistically foolish. Bach and co essentially booked themselves into a handicap match there. It may work when it's Devine Fortune picking trainess from our developmental system to practice having a numbers disadvantage, but The Family are no trainees. These are hardened, violent men and I think Bach may have been guilty of underestimating his opponents here.


Interesting, and will he continue to do so when he goes one on one with Youngman next week? Ostensibly without Family influence, though I'll believe that when I see it.


Hyenas are never far from the rest of the pack. That's how they attack. Bach would be even more of a fool to expect no Family involvement.


Well the Family have headed backstage now, out of sight and - hopefully - out of mind for the rest of the night. Meanwhile Bradley Blaze is looking to kickstart his 2022 after a loss to Joshua Taylor last month. His opponent is a menacing young worker from Pittsburgh who has made the journey south to be with us today.

And following that - hold onto your seats - it's Shark vs Swoll. That threatens to break some stuff!





Masked Stranger is sold as a journeyman worker who has been working his socks off to arrive at this point in his career. Like Seth Whitehead before him it's clear that he is being set up as more than just a mere jobber, although it's also obvious from early on that Bradley Blaze is winning this match.

The rugged brawler overcomes Stranger's painful-looking submission offense with sheer grit before nailing a second-rope elbow drop and sealing the deal with the Dallas Drop.


Winner: Bradley Blaze
Method: Pinfall
Time: 5:43





Papa Swoll's entrance is something of an event in itself. Despite being relatively unknown to the fans it's hard for people not to become invested when an enormous muscular man moonwalks past them to De La Soul, shouting "BIG PAPA'S HERE" over and over again. Shark, by contrast, appears with little fanfare save the poor, limp form of a member of staff he holds in one hand as he appears on the stage, who he promptly drops when he sets his sights on Swoll.

The match is an absolute slug fest with neither man going down or yielding as they exchange clotheslines and strikes in the centre of the ring, though it shifts up a gear when Swoll goes for a suplex that seems impossible - and indeed proves to be - which Shark counters with a leg hook before hitting one of his own that threatens to shatter the ring beneath them.

After a period of sustained ground and corner strikes Shark holds the upper hand. That is until Swoll reverses an irish whip, sending him to the ropes, ducks a lariat, hits the opposite ropes himself and then flattens Shark with his trademark shoulder tackle. The first time in the match that Shark has been knocked down, which gets the fans on their feet. However, Shark is able to roll out of the ring just before Swoll can make the cover, saving himself.

The match continues outside with the ref trying vainly to get both men back in the ring. The brawling gets precariously, worryingly close to the announce tables. Shark sends Swoll into the ring steps and then positions him for a powerbomb...





The commentary team go nuts as Aaron Andrews - in his typical stonewashed jeans and matching denim vest, walks out on stage, pauses a moment and then sprints down to ringside!

He and Shark go at it. In the chaos the ref calls for the bell, but it's clear this isn't about a match right now. Andrews ducks a lariat, hits a kick to the gut and nails a Dragon Screw which floors Shark. Behind him, Swoll - having recovered - looms large. The Ace turns around and the two face off for a moment...

...before Swoll shrugs, looks down at Shark, then at the announce table, then back at Andrews. He punctuates his thought process with a thumbs up in a lifting motion, to which Andrews nods before slapping swoll on his absolutely enormous pec.

Together, they set Shark up for a powerbomb and - with a roar from the fans - pick the giant up before drilling him through the announce table - finally some payback for what he did to Andrews at Malice In Wonderland!


Winner: Killer Shark
Method: DQ
Time: 10:56


Pineapple Pineapple Pineapple



Swoll's music plays and Andrews gets in the ring with him to raise his hand and mouth a few words to him which we don't catch, but which are probably an apology for costing him the match. Swoll responds by slapping the Ace on the chest playfully - though it leaves a pretty big red mark - before Andrews is handed a mic.


Shark: this is us even, but I'm not done with you, not by a long shot. End of the month it's you and me. The War To Settle The Score. Ace vs Shark. No DQ. No easy escapes.


Shark continues to roll around in agony in the wreckage of the announce table. Whether he heard the announcement or not is unclear but there is a distinct lack of help proferred to the giant by medical crews as Andrews and Swoll leave the arena together.


The commentary team sit, desk-less and slightly perturbed as the feed returns to them...


...I just... I just think that this should be billable. This is emotional distress


Shawn feels naked without the desk, folks.


Right there with you, Shawn. I don't know how I lived through the career of Eddie Peak.


Yes exactly. EXACTLY. How am I to work now with the detritus of my evening scattered around me?


Well you just used the word "detritus" without a shred of irony, so I would say you're back and soldiering on admirably.


...NEXT UP: our main event! Where Wolf Hawkins and his Syndicate stable-mate will take on the team of makeshift allies - Joshua Taylor and Troy Tornado. A huge opportunity for the latter to score an enormous scalp, or a chance for the former to secure their dark bargain with Jay Chord?


Definitely the second one.


Neither Taylor nor Troy are true tag competitors and - despite what many think - it is a different discipline, requiring different skills. That'll work against them. Granted, neither is Wolf. But with the tag EXPERT Doc Hammond on his team I suspect this may be a one-sided affair.


I think it's safe to say Wolf does too, based on his attitude earlier today when he spoke to our champion, Jay Chord. And what form will their agreement take? Any guesses?


Nothing good for T-Bone Bright, I promise you that.


This is classic Syndicate. If you can't surplant someone above you in the rankings fairly, do so unfairly. They are trying to circumvent the T-Bone shaped roadblock on Wolf's path to the World Title.


Something I can't see him taking lying down. Let's find out...





Hammond and Wolf are in a visibily confident mood as they stroll down the ramp with Flint Slater and J-Train in tow; it seems as though they believe that the outcome of tonight's main event is a foregone conclusion and this only increases the fans hatred of them even more.

Joshua Taylor looks to start things with Wolf who teases that he will open for his team before immediately tagging in Doc, who proceeds to get chased around the ring by JT's withering kicks and chops which light up his chest before 2 minutes has even passed. Troy and JT keep up the offence and look really composed until Jaylon Martins flattens Troy on the run around the outside of the ring while chasing Wolf.

While that shifts the momentum back in favour of The Syndicate, it's by no means definitive as the two veteran faces continue to battle against an onslaught of outside interference which referee Ray Johnson somehow contrives to miss.

The match descends into absolute chaos when...




The world champion saunters down to the ring, kicks the ring announcer out of their chair and takes a seat to watch the match. That by itself is distracting and allows Doc Hammond to push the advantage in the ring against Joshua Taylor. A neckbreaker and a deep calf crusher follow and it looks like we may be headed to a submission victory - much to the delight of Chord - when the lights go out...






...and when they come back on, the words "The Blackfire Gospel" appear on the main screen and the video feed before it cuts to a figure dressed in a long black trenchcoat and a dark cowboy hat standing with their arms outstretched, facing away from the camera. The Syndicate and Jay Chord - who stands in response - look on with serious concern on their faces. The arena lights cut out again...




...and when they come back on this time the camera cuts back to Jay Chord, to find T-Bone Bright standing directly behind him. The crowd cheer, Jay turns tentatively, sees T-Bone, sighs and then goes for a right hand that Bright blocks before laying into the world champion at ringside.

In the ring, Taylor and Troy rally once more and look to be on the verge of an upset victory when Taylor cinches in his Butterfly Lock on Wolf Hawkins, but just as his opponent taps out the ref is distracted by Jay Chord sprinting away from T-Bone, sliding into the ring and running across it towards the ramp side. This gives Doc Hammond just enough time to tag in, drop an elbow on Taylor and then hit him with an Exploder Suplex for the pinfall victory, leaving T-Bone pursueing Chord up the ramp while The Syndicate celebrate a narrow victory in the ring.


Winner: Wolf Hawkins & Doc Hammond (Doc Hammond)
Method: Pinfall
Time: 14:33


Pineapple Pineapple Pineapple Pineapple Pineapple Pineapple



Bright is furious but seems caught between chasing Chord and going back for The Syndicate. A visual metaphor if ever there was one. His decision is made for him, however, when Wolf gets on the mic...


Hey Bright, you want to know the stipulation Jay and I agreed on? Do you?

It's me, Bright. I'm the stipulation. At The War To Settle The Score you'll go one on one with Jay Chord for the title you want so much, and I'll be the goddamn referee!


The Syndicate cackle in the ring and Bright abandons his pursit of Jay to try and get to them, but security have pre-empted this with literally dozens of them crowding around him to try and restore some order.


The feed cuts back to the commentary team, who are craning their necks trying to see what is happening on the other side of the ring...


What absolute chaos! Wolf will be the special guest referee for T-Bone's title match against Chord, Ray Johnson missed Joshua Taylor tapping out Wolf Hawkins thanks to Chord's intrusion and what in the name of God is "The Blackfire Gospel"?


I have an idea or two...


As do I. We'll be trying to confirm our suspicions before we offer anything concrete though, but The Syndicate may have a new enemy...


Well while Jason and Jasmine are busy being cryptic I am sat here in confused awe at what we've just seen. How on earth can T-Bone hope to capture the World Title now? And this is ignoring that Wolf appeared to be bartering with Jay Chord for a title shot. When will that happen?


I need a warm drink and a lie down.


Make that two of us, Jasmine! Folks we'll try to regain some sense of order here but that's all we have time for. From myself - Shawn Doakes - and my broadcast colleagues Jasmine Saunders and Jason Azaria: thank you for joining us on Total Wrestling and don't you dare miss us next Tuesday!


Show Rating:
Edited by Devilb0y
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1 hour ago, christmas_ape said:

A lot to love about the show as always. Happy to see it confirmed that it's Blackfire. Him returning to TCW just makes sense, and you did it so well last time. 


I liked AA returning in the HHH denim outfit, and Swoll continues to be built up really well. 


Any other compliment would be a repeat of what I've already said! 


Haha, the lack of any high profile Canadians on the roster means that someone had to take up the mantle of "Double Denim Guy" and this time around it's AA

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Alright, score time and it's tight at the top! You folks are too good at seeing through my TV booking clearly!


moafnsteel: 13
MiykaelP: 12
knkmaster69: 6
KyTeran: 6
christmas_ape: 6
Tiberious: 5


Total Scores - Monthy Victories
MiykaelP: 42 (1)
KyTeran: 32
knkmaster69: 15
moafnsteel: 13
Tiberious: 13
Wrestling Machine: 11
christmas_ape: 9
ReedTyler: 5
Doctor Crunch: 5
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Just realised I wrote the final paragraph of The Family vs Benny, Bach and Foxx as if Troy Tornado had teleported into it. Suffice to say, that was supposed to be Benson taking the fall and I have duly corrected it!

Prediction graphics will be up tomorrow and the show should be done by the end of the week!

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Two weeks before The War To Settle The Score - the singles-only event of the season - and here's the card for the third Total Wrestling in February.


Booking Prediction Quick Link
Jay Chord & Chris Flynn vs T-Bone Bright & Human Arsenal
Bradford Peverell & Devine Fortune vs The Main Event
Benny Benson vs Nick Booth
Joshua Taylor vs Quentin Queen
Aaron Andrews vs Titan
Doc Hammond vs Greg Gauge
Ernest Youngman vs Sammy Bach
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Jay Chord & Chris Flynn vs T-Bone Bright & Human Arsenal   
I imagine T-Bone could do with some overness gains before his main event.
Bradford Peverell & Devine Fortune vs The Main Event
Benny Benson vs Nick Booth
Joshua Taylor vs Quentin Queen
Aaron Andrews vs Titan
Doc Hammond vs Greg Gauge
Ernest Youngman vs Sammy Bach
I'm a little unsure about putting Bach and Taylor over the younger stars, if these were PPV matches I'd be more likely to predict an upset. 
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