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You Just Can't Quit The Coastal Zone

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All right, people, let’s do this one last time.


My name is William Peers. I was bitten by a radioactive TEW bug, and for twenty years I've welcomed you... to the Coastal Zone. I'm pretty sure you know the rest.


I’ve been a gambler, a savior, a destroyer, a storyteller, a storywrecker, I hired and fired a bunch of people, flew high, flamed out, moved, married, divorced, married again… I wrote a dynasty, and then I wrote a dynasty again, and again and again, and again. And I, uh… vanished after saying ‘This dynasty isn’t dead’ more than twice. We don't really talk about depression in today’s society. Look, I'm a software engineer, I'm a game designer, did a VR air guitar ‘experience’ way back in the day, a failed NFT experiment, an attempt at a virtual tabletop… I mean, I've flaked out on so many projects over the years. But after everything, I still love professional wrestling. I mean, who wouldn't? So no matter how far away I move from here, I always find that desire to come back. Because sometimes the only thing standing between me and depression is this. There's only one true Coastal Zone… and you're reading it.



Edited by infinitywpi
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Please pardon our appearance, we are waiting for HTML authorization. Welcome… to the Coastal Zone!


And that’s all the backstory you’re going to get for now. I’m taking my seat at ringside… see you after the show!

CZCW Coast to Coast
Live from Reno, Nevada

Bullseye def. Robbie Apex in 8:13
Swipe Romero & The Beach Boys (Simon Waves & Chet Chavez) w/ Willow def. Masked Cougar & Sweet Sensations (Cillian Catsby & Altitude) in 12:09
Intermission: a five minute video package on Amara that really, really needed an editor, followed by another video about Juliet Balconi and Regular Joe. I’ve never heard a ‘Change The Channel’ chants during video packages before.
Juliet Balconi def. Regular Joe in 5:49
Frantic Ali def. Waylon Walls in 8:43
Main Event: American Flash & Frankie Perez def. Jonnie Perez & Ellie de Grazia in 20:05, followed by a backstage argument between Flash and Perez that saw Flash sucker-punch Perez and beat him down. Flash looked like he had a heck of a shiner developing from some bad timing during the match.

All in all, well, it was an enjoyable indy show, but I don’t know if I’d watch to watch it on television.

After the show, the man who bought me my ticket, CZCW Cliff Anderson, asked me if we could talk in private. “You saw what we’re dealing with. Fox is burned out on booking. Something told me to bring you in. You won’t do any of that old-person entertainment or comedy crap. You’ll bring the hard-hitting action. What do you say?”

I gave the only answer I could. “On one condition. This minimalistic ‘no commentary team’ thing you’re doing with the shows? Ditch it. I’m not booking random fights here.”

I couldn’t believe he had been doing that… that Cliff,  he'd forget his head if it wasn't attached... but at least we were pretty sure we'd be able to book a better show than the auto-booker had...

Next time, on the Coastal Zone: Booking our first-ever show! And it’s… the go-home show for Welcome to the Coastal Zone, 2024??? That’s right! Next post, get ready for a look at the sorry state of the wrestling world in the far-off land of May, 2024! Let's find out who the heck these people are...

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Right, so, you’re probably wondering a few things. Welcome to your answers.. And Welcome to the Coastal Zone!


Honestly, this company’s a bit of a mess. TV had no broadcasters assigned. Apparently we’re set up for a house show loop but nobody’s assigned, so we have emails telling us we had to cancel shows. Our deal for big events on Wrestlezone is coming up soon, the economy is doing bad and getting worse, and interest in pro wrestling is dead and decomposing. We’ve got twice as many wrestlers as we need, but nobody’s contract is up for nearly a year… I really hope everyone’s being paid per-show…


As far as other companies go, you’ve got the usual 800-lb gorilla USPW at the top of the list, with SWF/TCW in a race for second and third in the US. 21CW and CWA are mimicking SWF/TCW in Canada, EILL runs Mexico, BHOTWG runs Japan, and RAW runs Down Undah.. 


There are only two Medium companies in the world: PGHW in Japan, and us in the US. So we are 9th in the world, and 4th in the US, and 19th in terms of money. In other words, either Cliff is putting all the profits back into the company, or Fox Mask was booking all the expensive people.


Let’s take a look at our roster… our two biggest stars are Frankie Perez and American Flash, so Fox’s obvious plan for Welcome’s main event can stay in place. Welcome should be our biggest show of the year, so yeah, put the two biggest names in the main event. Other names you might know: The CZCW Xtreme Chanmpion, California Love Machine tops the list, with the Tag Team Champions of El Jaguar and Tigre Salvaje Jr right behind him. We also have Carlos Barrera, Deaf Touch, “Regular Joe” Benning, Simon Waves, and Zel Quinn.


Indy fans may also recognize Bullseye, Chet Chavez, Ellie de Grazia, Frantic Alil, Hughe de Aske, Jay Becker, Jonnie Perez, Juliet Balconi, Luis Montero Jr, Malik Cash, Masked Cougar, Miguel Rivera, Onslaught, Swipe Romero and Waylon Walls. You definitely -don’t- recognize our corps of ‘local talent who may not actually be local’: Air Raid Syren, Altitude, Asterion, Ben Michaels, Bud North, Cillian Catsby, Edward Baker, Eureka LaBelle, Fox Mask II (wait… what? Okay, I didn’t see that one coming), Heartbreaker, Henry Lesnar, Lee Caufield, Norman Custer, Robbie Apex, Snap Dragon Jr, Tayla Gubbins, Theresa Stevenson, Treat Jo, Viento Negro, and Zutty South.


Wait. You’re telling me we have a Fox Mask II -and- a Snap Dragon Jr and they’re not a tag team called CZCW:TNG??? Also, apparently Bud North and Zutty South are a tag team elsewhere, just not here. Eh, new teams are always fun.


So… we have a lot of ‘unknown up-and-coming’ people on the roster. With the rest of the US indy scene having trouble surviving the economy and lack of interest, it looks like Cliff has decided to forego veterans and embrace the next generation. Although he’s told us No Entertainers, No Comedy Wrestlers, and Nobody Over 40. Which means right now, we wouldn’t be able to re-sign three people due to style and five or six due to age (assuming they’re in the ‘contract up a year from now’ club).


Enough exposition for one post. We’ll go into more detail on these people later. On with the show!


CZCW Coast To Coast, May 12, 2024

Live from the Grissom Auditorium (Sold Out)


Tag Team Contendership: Hate Crew (Onslaught/de Aske) def. HIt & Run (Luis & Jonnie), Beach Boys (Waves/Chavez) and CZCW:TNG (guess!) in 15:37

We then get a hype video from the tag champs (Tigre/Jaguar) congratulating Hate Crew and telling them to bring their A-game at Welcome. “We hope you put on a match to remember… because that’s all you’re leaving with, memories. We leave with the belts”

Deaf Touch def. Cillian Catsby in 10:51 after Cillian was out in the ring talking to the crowd, accidentally insulted Touch, and Touch ran out to attack him, leading to the match. 

We get a hype video for American Flash and Frankie Perez, with Flash saying Frankie’s getting sloppy in his old age and Frankie talking about how he’s always been afraid of time taking it’s toll. 

Xtreme Contendership: Zel Quinn def. Swipe Romero and Bullseye in 14:06


Before the show, Roger Cage asked if he could hang out backstage. Roger had been with USPW for almost five years up until last October, and hadn’t had a job since. I was torn… he’d be a good vet to have around, but Cliff said nobody over 40, so… no, I didn’t need him trying to convince people to argue with Cliff and cause bad feelings. 


Lots more backstage stuff happening than I’m used to. Jonnie ribbed Miguel a little too hard and got a verbal smackdown from me (which is better than an actual smackdown from Miguel); Snap Dragon Jr got made fun of for trying to act more like Frankie Perez (hey, if you wanna emulate someone, emulate the best on the roster, right?); Cash and Waves had started hanging out; so have Luis and Zutty; and apparently Juliet Balcony is just fun to have around. 


But hey, it was a semi-decent show… not our best, but for a first booking, not bad. And we made a profit! 


Next time, on the Coastal Zone: In just one show we’ve set up all three tidal matches for our big show… now, what are we missing…

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On 8/23/2024 at 9:10 AM, infinitywpi said:

Crap. Title matches. Not tidal matches. I guess sometimes muscle memory is really long-lasting.

I mean, it is the Coastal Zone, Tidal Matches sounds like a totally reasonable gimmick. Maybe a ladder match in an inflatable pool?

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  • 2 weeks later...

Sorry, folks, but nowhere did I promise I’d be doing daily posts. I ain’t that young anymore. Welcome to the Coastal Zone, kiddos.


So, back in March 2023, the Zone officially grew to Medium size. In the process, we managed to piss off EILL in Mexico – they had been sending us developmental wrestlers to learn English and American wrestling, which was fine for us at the time. But we got bigger, broke the agreement, and they got mad. This also makes us the ‘big dog’ in the Confederation of the Territories, which is still fine with us. Regardless of size, we are the ‘eternal indy’, after all. Who better to help the others through the mess the state of wrestling is in right now?


… man, what is with this locker room? Eureka LaBells was pulling stupid ribs, Onslaught almost got into a fight with a fan, Barrera and Becker got into a shouting match… calm the eff down, people!


CZCW Welcome to the Coastal Zone 

May 18, 2024

From the V. Thompson Arena - SOLD OUT


CZCW Tag Titles: Hate Crew © def. The Wild Cats in 17:17 (73)

Deaf Touch def. Frantic Ali in 14:19 (68)

CZCW Xtreme Title: California Love Machine © def. Zel Quinn in 14:30 (69)

Angle: Fox Mask tries to inspire CZCW:TNG before their match. (27)

Inner City Express def. CZCW:TNG and Sweet Sensations in 10:30 (48)

Asterion def. Bullseye, Barrera, and Swipe Romero in 13:58 (60)

Angle: Asterion is interviewed by Fox, gets his gimmick over, then beats Fox down and takes his mask (24)

CZCW Championship: American Flash def. Frankie Perez © in 24:08 (60)


…. Okay, the CZCW:TNG thing is not going anywhere. Let’s just cut that off while we can. On the plus side, Asterion’s debut went… as well as could be expected? His gimmick of being the “Walking God of Lucha Libre” here to judge the Zone was… well, going over pretty well, but it’s possible the kid may not have the skills to back it up. And for some reason, out main event burned people out – possibly because we had an injured Flash and two tired guys trying to recover from that Asterion stuff.


Sigh. It used to be so -easy- to make new stars almost instantly…


Oh, this is new. A post-show media scrum? Where… I get grilled on my lack of stars, people having off nights, people having problems in the locker room, people not liking my booking… man, screw these reporters… I’ve been on the job all of a week…


Random news: Jay Becker is trying to tone down his high flying. That might be a bad idea on this end of things, kid. 


Next time, on the Coastal Zone: … we were expecting poaching. But this? Seriously?

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