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Local to Global setup

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After playing some normal saves, I'm thinking I'm ready for a challenge. I've seen a bunch of people posting their Local to Global dynasties/Youtube Series. Is there a thread or video that shows how to set it up using the stock Cornellverse? I'd also like to make sure I follow any house rules.

Thanks in advance!

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Thanks, that is an interesting thread. I guess what I would like to do is start with a very small regional company with 0 popularity (maybe picking a smaller time starting booker). Then I would add 8-10 free agents and begin advancing the company to get more popular. Kind of similar to the "Local to Global" youtube videos (ie, by Aussie). I just hadn't seen the best way to set that up prior to playing (as most of the youtubers have already done that before episode 1). So some questions:

1. Can I use the editor to clear the stable/money for a smaller regional company and then set all their popularity to 0?

2. Is there rules/guidelines on who I can select for my avatar/initial booker? I'm not sure I want to create one from scratch.

3. Same as two for the initial signings at worker and referee?

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I think most people create their own promotion in the database before starting the game when doing 0 pop games.  Some people do 0 money, 0 pop, 0 prestige, 0 momentum.  I will say that these games are not that fun in and of itself, but the creative or (in the sense of youtube series) the content can be fulfilling.  If you go that strict, you really limit the workers you can use in order to make a profit for the first bit, but it is very satisfying every time you can hire someone a little bit better worth a little bit more.  Still, you'll basically be spamming the same workers over and over.


Because you start at 0 pop, any show will gain you popularity.  That means you don't really need a dedicated ref as you can just rotate workers to fill the spot.  You definitely don't need a play-by-play or commentary.  Anyone can be a road agent.

Leo Davis, the retired worker, could be a good avatar if you're creatively interested in him.  He's a bit of a failure, but has like ~10 refereeing and ~40 psychology so if you wanted to have those spots filled by your avatar he at least has points.


Alternatively, you can pick your favorite avatar, start unemployed, create a company (that gives you initial funding based on your avatar,) and then editing the pop to 0, so you can spend a little bit of money,.

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1 hour ago, Arlie Rahn said:

Thanks, that is an interesting thread. I guess what I would like to do is start with a very small regional company with 0 popularity (maybe picking a smaller time starting booker). Then I would add 8-10 free agents and begin advancing the company to get more popular. Kind of similar to the "Local to Global" youtube videos (ie, by Aussie). I just hadn't seen the best way to set that up prior to playing (as most of the youtubers have already done that before episode 1). So some questions:

1. Can I use the editor to clear the stable/money for a smaller regional company and then set all their popularity to 0?

2. Is there rules/guidelines on who I can select for my avatar/initial booker? I'm not sure I want to create one from scratch.

3. Same as two for the initial signings at worker and referee?

If you aren't doing the challenge of said thread, maybe ask in "Give Me Rules For A Game" to get someone to give you some startup rules.

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I think the general rules for the challenge are the same set up as the Road to Glory challenge as far the company goes. 0 pop, prestige, momentum and 1000 dollars. I think it's the default company stats when you choose to start a new company under the Rock Hard settings while unemployed in game. You don't have to create a worker. I think most people pick a character already apart of the CVerse as their UC, make themselves the owner and book shows. If you're wanting to edit the DB prior to starting, you could do as you described and set an already established company back down to the aforemention 0s accross the board (don't forget merchandising and production values in this case) and change Event prestige to the lowest rating as well. I think that pretty much covers the basic ruleset. From there you can of course edit it as you wish.

The early game of these challenges is incredibly dull. You'll be using the same 30 cost workers for the first 18-24 months before you can start making a profit and gradually increasing the quality of your workers and quantity of shows. WrestleWorld makes it easier to grow than it used to be, but it's still a bit of a slog. Once you get to Small and especially Medium is when it starts to get really fun, in my opinion. For my latest RtG save, I only hired workers local to my region for the lowest possible travel cost. Same with 1 road agent and 1 ref. And even then you could do as KyleCamelot said and cycle the workers who aren't in that particular match for those roles as it's near impossible to get a sub 20 rated show and anything greater than zero contributes to growth.

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I posted a set of rules in the "Give me a rules for a game" that you could use to simulate a small local indie. They were made for 2020 but mostly still work for IX, just ignore the bits that don't apply like user talents. 

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OK, so I've figured out my avatar and edited the wrestling company I want to start with (Rocky Mountain Wrestling). However, When I start a game I don't see the option to choose Rocky mountain Wrestling. How do I add it to the list of initial companies that I can choose?

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11 minutes ago, Arlie Rahn said:

OK, so I've figured out my avatar and edited the wrestling company I want to start with (Rocky Mountain Wrestling). However, When I start a game I don't see the option to choose Rocky mountain Wrestling. How do I add it to the list of initial companies that I can choose?

make sure it's open at the time you start the save (01-01-2022) and edit in the character you want to play with as either owner, ceo, or booker on a contract, I'd venture to guess.

Edited by elmiticomark
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34 minutes ago, Arlie Rahn said:

One last Q, do you guys start as an owner or booker when trying to build up a small company?

Some challenges require you to be booker, but in private games I like to play as owner. Mostly because I'll pick a product I want to try, and I don't want an ai owner to randomly change it a year in and have to book sports entertainment again 😂

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1 hour ago, Arlie Rahn said:

One last Q, do you guys start as an owner or booker when trying to build up a small company?

If you're doing RtG you need to be booker so you can change jobs.

But if it's just a normal game small fed I start as owner. 

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  • 4 weeks later...

I have a LtG set up in IX, although it isn't my main save.  I just found one of the closed companies that had a product I liked, set everything to 0, and made them active.  That way I don't have to do too much modding or anything and it's relatively quick to get going.  And you guys are right that the first year or two, just running a show helps because anything will improve your pop, but I try not to think of it that way.  I find it helps if I think of it as constantly developing new talent.  Grab a few young guys you are invested in and build the fed around them, it will make it more fun.

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