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10 hours ago, angeldelayette said:

Thoughts on the presentation?
If I am being honest, I've never been a fan of the flipbook presentation.  I will continue reading, of course, as you are a great writer.  The presentation, overall, though, is excellent and much better than what my own will be.

Thanks for the kind words even though I know the slideshow presentation isn't your favorite. The first time I ever saw one of e-verse's shows done with slideshows, I knew it was for me lol. Having taught for a few years I got pretty decent at Google Slides and decided to use it for these. It makes for quick and handy templates. I can take a photo of a worker and drag it right onto the slide and it pops right in place. It's the best 😂

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Cheat Sheet

USPW Tag Team Championship Match
Amazing Storm (new team of Jacob Jett and DC Rayne) vs. Bad Intentions (C)

Pariah vs. Tiffany Jade

Zeus vs. Julius Moor

Steve Frehley vs. ???
Bonus Point - Guess the opponent

Nicky Champion vs. ???
Bonus Point - Guess the opponent

(Only 5 matches? I usually shoot for 6, oops!)

Bonus- Steve Frehley and Nicky Champion are the only ones listed as "Main Eventers" over the course of this dynasty, who on the current roster do you feel should be elevated to Main Event status?


Prediction Contest Standings:
@CharDeeMacDennis - 13-2
@angeldelayette - 13-3
@christmas_ape - 11-4
@RingRider - 6-0
@Wrestling Machine - 6-1
@ColdBloodedSausageMaker - 5-1
@KyTeran - 5-1
@Dawn - 4-1

Thanks for the predictions and interest in the project so far, everyone! I'll probably run this through the PPV and start a clean slate! 

Edited by DirigoJoe
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USPW Tag Team Championship Match
Amazing Storm (new team of Jacob Jett and DC Rayne) vs. Bad Intentions (C)

Pariah vs. Tiffany Jade

Zeus vs. Julius Moor

Steve Frehley vs. ???
Bonus Point - Casey Valentine

Nicky Champion vs.???
Bonus Point - Anthony Trask

Jack Jackson seems an obvious pick for future main eventer, although sooner than that I'd like so see Alina America make it there. Has the star quality needed. 

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3 minutes ago, christmas_ape said:

Jack Jackson seems an obvious pick for future main eventer, although sooner than that I'd like so see Alina America make it there. Has the star quality needed. 

I'm away from the game right now, but in his bio it says something about Jack Jackson providing some of the most entertaining segments on USPW TV and like... I haven't been using him. I better get him into a program, pronto! 

Also, Alina America is such a no doubt slam dunk for USPW. They are the epicenter of women's wrestling IMO. First major American company to treat it seriously, and a woman actually named America (and who can work her butt off) is a no brainer 😅

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USPW Tag Team Championship Match
Amazing Storm (new team of Jacob Jett and DC Rayne) vs. Bad Intentions (C)

Pariah vs. Tiffany Jade

Zeus vs. Julius Moor

Steve Frehley vs. ???
Bonus Point - Guess the opponent Casey Valentine

Nicky Champion vs. ???
Bonus Point - Guess the opponent Rich Money

(Only 5 matches? I usually shoot for 6, oops!)

Bonus- Steve Frehley and Nicky Champion are the only ones listed as "Main Eventers" over the course of this dynasty, who on the current roster do you feel should be elevated to Main Event status? I would have to agree with christmas_ape that both Jack Jackson and Alina America would make for great main eventers for the future.  I will also say looking at the bios for some of USPW's roster I feel that Julius Moor and Running Wolf are on that edge of being potential main eventers.

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Thought I had posted this.  Sorry about that.  Looking forward to reading your show.  I have surgery on Wednesday and have to get prepared for it tomorrow.  It will give me something to read after my surgery.

USPW Tag Team Championship Match
Amazing Storm (new team of Jacob Jett and DC Rayne) vs. Bad Intentions (C)
I think Amazing Storm wins by DQ when Zeus interferes.  This leads to a rematch at Stars, Stripes And Slams.

Pariah vs. Tiffany Jade
This is a difficult one to pick.  Obviously, I like both of them.  I give Jade the win following interference from The Triumverate.

Zeus vs. Julius Moor
Amazing Storm comes back and gets revenge on Zeus.  Moor gets the win following the outside interference.

Steve Frehley vs. ???
Bonus Point - Guess the opponent
The Dark Destroyer faces off with Roger 'Smooth' Cage.  Frehley still gets the win.

Nicky Champion vs. ???
Bonus Point - Guess the opponent
I am torn between selecting Dusty Ducont or Sterling Whitlock.  I will go with Whitlock as the heir apparent to The Business.  Champion wins either way.

(Only 5 matches? I usually shoot for 6, oops!)

Bonus- Steve Frehley and Nicky Champion are the only ones listed as "Main Eventers" over the course of this dynasty, who on the current roster do you feel should be elevated to Main Event status?
You know there's a few names that I would like to see you elevate.  Wrestlers like Jack Jackson, Casey Valentine, Running Wolf and Julius Moor to name a few.  Great job so far!

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49 minutes ago, angeldelayette said:

Thought I had posted this.  Sorry about that.  Looking forward to reading your show.  I have surgery on Wednesday and have to get prepared for it tomorrow.  It will give me something to read after my surgery.


Oh no! Hope your surgery goes well! 

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Cheat sheet:

Petr Novak vs. Jimmy Chipolata

Maliek Chamberlain vs. Cooper Christie

Julius Moor vs. Eddie Howard

#1 Contender's Match for USPW Women's Title
Jaime Quine vs Pariah

#1 Contender's Match for USPW National Title
Anthony Trask vs. Casey Valentine

Steve Frahley and Rich Money vs. Nicky Champion and Joss Thompson


Prediction Contest Standings:

@angeldelayette - 17-5
@christmas_ape - 16-5
@CharDeeMacDennis - 13-2
@KyTeran - 10-2
@RingRider - 6-0
@Wrestling Machine - 6-1
@ColdBloodedSausageMaker 5-1
@Dawn - 4-1

Edited by DirigoJoe
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Petr Novak vs. Jimmy Chipolata - I don't know anything about either of these guys so I am going with the rule of cool as in who has the cooler name.

Maliek Chamberlain vs. Cooper Christie - Cheat to Win!

Julius Moor vs. Eddie Howard - I have liked Eddie since his 2005 MAW days but...

#1 Contender's Match for USPW Women's Title
Jaime Quine vs Pariah - can't beat plot armor

#1 Contender's Match for USPW National Title
Anthony Trask vs. Casey Valentine - A worthy champion overcomes adversity and rises to the challenge.

Steve Frahley and Rich Money vs. Nicky Champion and Joss Thompson - does anyone smell plot twist? JT turns his back on the Champ and leaves him hanging....oh the humanity

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Petr Novak vs. Jimmy Chipolata

Maliek Chamberlain vs. Cooper Christie

Julius Moor vs. Eddie Howard

#1 Contender's Match for USPW Women's Title
Jaime Quine vs Pariah

#1 Contender's Match for USPW National Title
Anthony Trask vs. Casey Valentine

Steve Frahley and Rich Money vs. Nicky Champion and Joss Thompson

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Something that came up in my save. Pretty interesting development I'd say. 



I wonder if COTT will transition into something like The Continental Wrestling Federation or something when Keith is gone. You could consolidate all that talent and all that infrastructure into one big company to rival the big 3. They're already more or less on the same "network" with WrestleWorld. 

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Petr Novak vs. Jimmy Chipolata
The Giant Killer strikes Novak.

Maliek Chamberlain vs. Cooper Christie
This one could easily go either way.  I am saying Christie by use of cheating.

Julius Moor vs. Eddie Howard
Another one that could go either way.  The Wild One picks up a good one.

#1 Contender's Match for USPW Women's Title
Jaime Quine vs Pariah
With Alina America as the champion, Quine picks up the win.

#1 Contender's Match for USPW National Title
Anthony Trask vs. Casey Valentine
Valentine surprises everyone with the victory.

Steve Frehley and Rich Money vs. Nicky Champion and Joss Thompson
The Dark Destroyer and Rich Money get the win ahead of the big matches at Stars, Stripes And Slams.

Looking forward to this go-home show!

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Cheat sheet:

Petr Novak vs. Jimmy Chipolata

Maliek Chamberlain vs. Cooper Christie

Julius Moor vs. Eddie Howard

#1 Contender's Match for USPW Women's Title
Jaime Quine vs Pariah

#1 Contender's Match for USPW National Title
Anthony Trask vs. Casey Valentine

Steve Frahley and Rich Money vs. Nicky Champion and Joss Thompson

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Cheat Sheet:

USPW National Championship Match
Anthony Trask vs. Rick Law (C)

Zeus vs. Julius Moor

USPW Women's Championship Match
Pariah vs. Alina America (C)

USPW Tag Team Championship Match
Amazing Storm vs. Bad Intentions (C)

Steve Frehley vs. Joss Thompson

USPW World Championship Match
Rich Money vs. Nicky Champion (C)


Prediction Contest Standings:

@christmas_ape - 20-6
@angeldelayette - 20-9
@CharDeeMacDennis - 13-2
@KyTeran - 13-5
@RingRider - 6-0
@Wrestling Machine - 6-1
@ColdBloodedSausageMaker 5-1
@Dawn - 4-1
@auberginian - 4-2
@alpha2117 - 2-4

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USPW National Championship Match
Anthony Trask vs. Rick Law (C)

Zeus vs. Julius Moor

USPW Women's Championship Match
Pariah vs. Alina America (C)

USPW Tag Team Championship Match
Amazing Storm vs. Bad Intentions (C)

Steve Frehley vs. Joss Thompson

USPW World Championship Match
Rich Money vs. Nicky Champion (C)

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19 minutes ago, DirigoJoe said:


Would it be too aggressive to post the PPV on Saturday? I dunno! I kind of like keeping the theme of releasing the show on the day of the week it appears. 

I say post whenever you are comfortable. The key is to maintain a schedule that allows you to continue putting up good shows and allows you to enjoy what you are doing.

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