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How do YOU push someone up the card?

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My favourite part of the game is making new stars, but it's something I always struggle with. Maybe it's cuz I'm a people pleaser and it bothers me if someone has bad morale.

Do you give them a run as a heel and cheat their way to wins? Squash matches?

Do you stick them in a faction and hope they'll leach off of their more popular counterparts?

Babyface winning streak?

I'd love to hear everyone's thoughts and ideas!

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In my current NWA dynasty I signed Zilla Fatu (he's basically unknown popularity in Who’s database, I think he’s 1-5 overall in most US areas at best) I immediately stuck the National Title on him (15 prestige) and started him on a winning streak.  I had him win just like his dad did (ref stoppage) over some minor names for a while.  I eventually hired Armando Estrada to manage him like his father did.  He was squashing local workers when I ran out of low end opponents on my roster.  Then I eventually started putting him with higher end (mid-card) guys in open style matches.  He opens every episode of Power with an Armando promo then a Zilla match.  He’s defended the belt 30 times, one time limit draw (with Hook who I’m also booking up) and one loss (Trios match with Hook and Homicide where Homicide took the pin so Hook and Zika still haven’t been pinned). I started the save in August 2024 and I’m in January 2025 and he’s 45 overall across the country.  He’s also moved the prestige of the National belt into the 20s-30s.


If you’re in a better financial place then when/if a wrestler has bad moral you can give them some time off or give them some cash and they’ll feel better.  I’ve done that a few times to workers who are upset they didn’t get booked on some shows.

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In 2020 I used to cheese angles by constantly placing my lower pop wrestlers who I wanted to get over in segments with higher pop wrestlers/managers/interviewers. I'd rate the higher pop person but not the lower; folks like Paul Heyman and Renee Young became overness gifting machines. In IX I am yet to find out how to game the system this way lmao.

Credit to TFC for this strat, by the way. It's with his brilliant Golden Age WWF diary that I learned of this and it worked for about three TEWs after it.

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Try to build them up as naturally as possible, getting the right wins  at the right levels all the way up.  Very rarely do I do some crazy push.  I hate it in real life, so I generally hate it in game.


Be it winning a tournament that I have (Sandman Winks won my Rip Chord Invitational in my MAW save and went from 20-30 pop in the span of a night, now its just building from there), an extended winning streak of any kind, etc.

Edited by ubernoobDXA
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Depends on what level you are at.  In a start up where most of your workers are low pop it's very easy - just give the person wins and they go up naturally.  At higher levels it's a more balanced and slower road to slowly build a talents perception with the fans - push too hard to early and the fans tend to react badly as do the higher pop workers you have job to the pushee.

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It depends on who it is. For BLZ Bubb in my CV97 save (or any other monster), I just had him win squash matches for a few months, After that, he'd slowly start beating workers whose popularity was slightly higher than his. I did something similar for Suzue Katayama too. Within a year, BLZ Bubb's popularity was in the 70s, and a victory over Sam Strong saw him skyrocket to 92. 

Catherine Quine was in angles that pertained to her strengths (sex appeal, until her entertainment skills were high enough). 

My UC was in segments with those more popular than her, and had a GM role, and so could easily get a popularity boost each show. 

The most reliable popularity boost for me is hiring someone relatively popular to a short term contract (or at least more popular than the worker I'm trying to get over) and having them lose to said worker. Two victories usually do the trick, but three may be needed depending on the pop difference. You can also use workers for one night only with decent pop. 

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Depends on purpose/company size


When I start a 35 fed and hire my go to workers, I usually hire an equivalent number of higher pop workers at the end of their careers and run them in programs with the wrestler I want to be a major star or star.  Finances really depend on this because The Force will only lose twice to Ernest Youngman (for example) before he walks out; that pop gap is huge.  If I have a load of money?  I'm paying him 10k after every loss and then bringing him back until he's put over the other 3 heels (who've aquired wins over let's say Harry Allen or Brett Biggins).  I find running them in the programs with these workers and then winning the programs makes the momentum and pop boost higher than just cold match wins.  So, with that, rinse and repeat over the process of 4-6 months until my main eventers, secondary and mid-card workers are all (more-or-less) functioning at a "hot" momentum and 30-35 pop level.


If I'm strapped for cash and it's a 0-pop, anyone, even The Hunchbacks, getting pinned to the mat or submitted is enough to put someone over as to avoid paying for a worker worth more than $40/per.  Right now I'm doing that in a fed, 2 shows per month, 8 workers (4 tag/4 single), 6 shows in and none of them have a loss and that will continue until August or so.  From there it's kind of just setting up a chain of command, which I do via title tournaments usually around the half-way point of the 1st year.


TCW was a different ball game.  Some people seem to have "fandom loyalty" to some of the workers on the card for TCW.  I do not (I have fandom loyalty for Surfer Dude Lucas, Youngman, Blackfriar, and Sayeed Ali in this game, however).  So I just blast talented workers over everyone until I get to Joshua Taylor/Sammy Bach.  However; in TCW I did it by introducing Saturday Night Showcase as a "B" show where I could hire from the 35-60 USA Pop free agents to get squashed by my prospect for 2-4 weeks, giving the prospect interview time after each, and then beginning to pick up wins on Total Wrestling in "story telling" or cold matches for a month or two.  A bit like the WWF Superstars-to-RAW route from the new gen era.  (Except no one works 2 jobs)

Edited by elmiticomark
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I do slow and steady.  Have them in programs where they do lose to guys their level or above, but try to make them those "heel did something bad" losses if they are a babyface.  If putting them in a team with a more over guy works within the roster, great and it works faster.  If not, be patient.  Make sure they stay at White Hot momentum at all times to maximize pop gains.  Occasionally put them over somebody a rank up who can take it (like Elliot Thomas in most TCW games for example).  Ask that worker first if they will do it. 

I get killing popular guys you don't like, but usually it is more helpful to the overall to do it slow and steady.  Use them as a guy to take a fall in a midcard 6-man or a tag and save the momentum and pop of workers you like.  Then once their momentum is hitting the negative side, hit them with one or two of those killer matches and be done with them as anything more than Enhancement talent.

Character ideas can really help if a guy is Unrecognisable and does not gain momentum at all.  You can push that momentum up so getting them at least up to main card feuds with somebody in Recognisable.

And that was not me hating on Elliot Thomas.  I love that guy.  But midcarders are there to take the fall so Stars and Major Stars don't have to on TV.  And Elliot Thomas is one of those great midcarders in the CornellVerse that consistently gives you good results and makes other talent look good.  I have come to the conclusion that I need 2/3 of my roster to be Elliot Thomas. 6-10 main event workers and a few enhancement folks to help with momentum on TV.

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If I want to build someone FAST at a local level I hire 40+ year old workers that have had their time in the sun (Flying Jimmy Foxx, T-Rex, etc.) and sign them to short contracts where I job them out. Currently doing it with Benny Benson to get Logan Wolfsbaine over fast in MAW. 

But at a basic level, it's just about having them beat more over guys. If I have a guy in the 20 pop range, I have him feud with and beat someone in the 30 pop range or even just beat him on tv with no feud. That's pretty much a guaranteed 5 pop gain, and the loser is gonna lose 3-4 points that can be regained just by having him on tv. You really just have to continually have thme beat more over guys, they'll gain 1-2 points beating guys on their level but it will take forever. 

It's why your midcard is so important. Everyone loves your Rocky Goldens and Scythes, but those guys aren't getting over to the point they are without people like American Machine or John Greed sitting in the midcard to beat, and if you don't maintain those midcarders with their own storylines and give them their own wins then you're going to have a hard time building someone to superstar status.

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When I book the show I tend to write it out as well so I like to be realistic about pushes. 50/50 booking sometimes with open match note on loses to someone higher up the card. Some people do get winning streaks but it has to fit with the storyline.

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Depends on who i'm trying to push, what year it is and what product i've got. Examples:

Smoky Mountain Wrestling in 1993
I've been pushing Glenn Jacobs (as Unabomb) by having him squash local workers and/or old timers who can "Pass the Torch". Basically it's a very similar push that The Undertaker had in 1990 WWF.

WWF in 2001
Put some up and coming stars in a Stable with a leader who's already established.
I've got William Regal as the leader (and Intercontinental Champ) along with AJ Styles, CM Punk, Daniel Bryan, John Cena, Samoa Joe and Brock Lesnar (used as Muscle).

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10 hours ago, Undertaker666 said:

Depends on who i'm trying to push, what year it is and what product i've got. Examples:

Smoky Mountain Wrestling in 1993
I've been pushing Glenn Jacobs (as Unabomb) by having him squash local workers and/or old timers who can "Pass the Torch". Basically it's a very similar push that The Undertaker had in 1990 WWF.

WWF in 2001
Put some up and coming stars in a Stable with a leader who's already established.
I've got William Regal as the leader (and Intercontinental Champ) along with AJ Styles, CM Punk, Daniel Bryan, John Cena, Samoa Joe and Brock Lesnar (used as Muscle).

Not going to lie that stable would have been awesome

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11 hours ago, Undertaker666 said:

Depends on who i'm trying to push, what year it is and what product i've got. Examples:

Smoky Mountain Wrestling in 1993
I've been pushing Glenn Jacobs (as Unabomb) by having him squash local workers and/or old timers who can "Pass the Torch". Basically it's a very similar push that The Undertaker had in 1990 WWF.



[The family demographic was incredibly put-off by seeing Kowabunga selling a violent beating.]

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18 hours ago, alpha2117 said:

Not going to lie that stable would have been awesome

Also has the added bonus of when the inevitable split happens that you can either:
1. Break a few of them off to go against the leader and those loyal to him, or
2. Split them into two factions entirely (ignoring the leading) to face off against each other, or
3. Split a few off into tag-teams, or
4. Ignore all that and let them go their seperate ways to work their way further up the card.

Lots of options! 😎

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5 hours ago, Undertaker666 said:

Also has the added bonus of when the inevitable split happens that you can either:
1. Break a few of them off to go against the leader and those loyal to him, or
2. Split them into two factions entirely (ignoring the leading) to face off against each other, or
3. Split a few off into tag-teams, or
4. Ignore all that and let them go their seperate ways to work their way further up the card.

Lots of options! 😎

Honestly I look back at Nexus and wonder what could of been.  Barrett, Bryan & Black were all so good They could have had 3 perennial Main Eventers had they not botched that PPV match by having Cena go over.  One of the beauties of TEW is that you can shape the world however you wish.  

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On 9/2/2024 at 11:12 PM, frstbasmn13 said:

In my current NWA dynasty I signed Zilla Fatu (he's basically unknown popularity in Who’s database, I think he’s 1-5 overall in most US areas at best) I immediately stuck the National Title on him (15 prestige) and started him on a winning streak.  I had him win just like his dad did (ref stoppage) over some minor names for a while.  I eventually hired Armando Estrada to manage him like his father did.  He was squashing local workers when I ran out of low end opponents on my roster.  Then I eventually started putting him with higher end (mid-card) guys in open style matches.  He opens every episode of Power with an Armando promo then a Zilla match.  He’s defended the belt 30 times, one time limit draw (with Hook who I’m also booking up) and one loss (Trios match with Hook and Homicide where Homicide took the pin so Hook and Zika still haven’t been pinned). I started the save in August 2024 and I’m in January 2025 and he’s 45 overall across the country.  He’s also moved the prestige of the National belt into the 20s-30s.


If you’re in a better financial place then when/if a wrestler has bad moral you can give them some time off or give them some cash and they’ll feel better.  I’ve done that a few times to workers who are upset they didn’t get booked on some shows.

Do you have a Youtube channel called The Energy Mixologist?

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16 hours ago, alpha2117 said:

Honestly I look back at Nexus and wonder what could of been.  Barrett, Bryan & Black were all so good They could have had 3 perennial Main Eventers had they not botched that PPV match by having Cena go over.  One of the beauties of TEW is that you can shape the world however you wish.  

The Nexus is kind of the inspiration for my stable, but moreso The New Nexus with an established leader. WWE went with Punk, i've gone with Regal. While it would've been a better idea to have a top star as a leader (game-wise) to give them the rub, it's just not the way I wanted to go with it.

There were a few in Nexus who were never going to be a big star (Otunga, Tarver) but WWE really screwed the pooch with Barrett - twice! Should've had him get the win over Cena, which they didn't, and then when he got over again as Bad News Barrett they clipped his wings again! Mind-boggling. 🙄
Daniel Bryan was only in it for a few days before being released due to strangling Justin Roberts, but as we all know he turned out OK! (and in the long run it probably helped his career)
Are you sure Black was in Nexus? I don't remember him being part of it? 🤔

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Often my midcard champs will end up with big winning streaks that lead them to the main event.


Especially when I'm a Small promotion, when one of my stars gets signed to the "big" leagues, that's a good opportunity to pass on some overness also. Trent Shaffer just left for TCW but put over Frankie-Boy Fernandes on the way out.

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5 hours ago, Undertaker666 said:

Are you sure Black was in Nexus? I don't remember him being part of it? 🤔

Justin Gabriel. PJ Black.

It was a third B for the alliteration ;)

My pushing is the most basic form available. I take someone with no popularity, and I give them tv time every week going over workers with some recognition in New Zealand. And after a month or two of weekly squashes they'll generally have enough pop for more even contests, and I can start moving them up the card by having them drain the overness of RAW cast offs.

It's not the most creative way to push a worker, but Maniac Monster or Maelstrom gets over for me by just beating and killing more popular performers.


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I tend to favor three methods with the new game:

  • Character ideas, gimmick boosts, etc. to help with momentum boosts so they gain better when they win.
  • Hiring one night or short term vets or so so workers that are still popular to run short programs with the stars. Note: They don't even always lose, I will absolutely do a back and forth short story arc with them. This also tends to help rookies and low experience workers I want to push gain skills too since it takes a bit longer.
  • Eventually putting a title on them and having them go on a solid run. If this can be a tag team with a great older worker they can learn from? So much the better. 
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6 hours ago, Undertaker666 said:

The Nexus is kind of the inspiration for my stable, but moreso The New Nexus with an established leader. WWE went with Punk, i've gone with Regal. While it would've been a better idea to have a top star as a leader (game-wise) to give them the rub, it's just not the way I wanted to go with it.

There were a few in Nexus who were never going to be a big star (Otunga, Tarver) but WWE really screwed the pooch with Barrett - twice! Should've had him get the win over Cena, which they didn't, and then when he got over again as Bad News Barrett they clipped his wings again! Mind-boggling. 🙄
Daniel Bryan was only in it for a few days before being released due to strangling Justin Roberts, but as we all know he turned out OK! (and in the long run it probably helped his career)
Are you sure Black was in Nexus? I don't remember him being part of it? 🤔

PJ Black


He was the champ down in developmental under the name Justing Gabriel and I think he came up under that name in NXT/NEXUS.   Good looking guy with sweet aerial skills and enough size to be pushed.  They ended up putting him in a bunny suit.  I honestly thought both he and Barrett were no miss propositions when NEXUS debuted and Bryan was obviously class.  Those 3 could have and should have been perennial Main Eventers had that angle not been bungled so badly.

Imagine a world where the NEXUS idea had always been the plan for NXT and the 8 guys called up had been Barrett, Bryan, Gabriel, Richie Steamboat, Bray Wyatt, Curtis Axel, Darren Young & Heath Slater. They kept Steamboat down too long and he got injured but honestly he could have come straight in and not gone to FCW as he was already good enough and they used Axel and Wyatt under ridiculous names in season 2 but they again were ready season 1.  Slater & Young had upsides and could have lasted longer had the stables handling not been so badly bungled. 



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