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Liga de la Legión de Lucha - An RTG story

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Tijuana Mexico Late 2021


Original Luchdora let out a sigh - another indy show had passed and the first ever OLLIE Campeón de las Mujeres had made another appearance desperately trying to push the cause of Luchadoras everywhere.  Sadly with OLLIE's demise the market had shrunk and now there was nowhere for most of these girls to go other than tiny halls like this one in a border town better known for it's attractions for drunken Americans crossing the border than the art of Lucha Libre.  

"It's just getting worse" she said out loud to herself 


What's getting worse Darling?" answered Cassiopia

Original Luchadora looked across at the veteran Exotico who she had just spent the evening calling the action with and sighed before answering.

OL : "Womens Wrestling ... there's no place for it anymore"

C : "Try being an Exotico, Darling.  When was the last time any of the big feds used me or any of the girls?" 

OL : "You're right ... well I've had enough ... I'm going to put on my own show"

C : "Well the Luchadora's will be grateful"

OL : "Not just them ... can you get some of your girls too"

C : "Of Course"

OL : " I'm no Booker - will you do it?"

C : "You are going to need me to produce the matches and host ... I can't pull triple duty"

OL : "Who Then?"

An accented voice then chirped in 


FT " I'll do it"

Original Luchadora turned her head to face the tall Exotico who she had met earlier in the evening ... Freya Tuck.

OL : "You ... You're a child"

FT : " I'll do it for free, just pay me for working my matches"

OL pondered for a moment ... "You're hired"

And in that moment the Liga de la Legión de Lucha was born




Edited by alpha2117
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Alan Falcon looked at his Laptop - he'd never booked a show before - the closest he'd ever got was playing an On-Line Booking game.  He wasn't even sure how he had got here.  He'd headed off to Mexico with the rough idea that he do some Surfing and maybe he and his mates could get hired for a few shows and get their foot in the door in the world of Lucha Libre. 

Somehow he'd got booked on a show and one of the Exotico's hadn't turned up and before he knew it they were shoving make-up on his face and he was wandering out into the ring dressed like a showgirl and trying to do a mix of sexy and comedy in front of a bunch of drunken Mexicans and a few Americans who had taken time out from the more dubious activities on offer in Tijuana to watch a wrestling show.  It had gone okay and then after the show he'd heard two of the vets talking and suddenly he'd volunteered to be the Booker.  Now he had to put together a Roster and book a show ... and hopefully not send Original Luchadora broke too quickly.

He had his surfing mates and one of them knew some girls who were working in the South West of the US without much luck.  OL was able to give him the names and numbers of a few young Luchadoras she knew who would work cheap and Cassiopia was able to bring a bunch of Exoticos on board.  Nobody was going to come to see any of those people though.  He knew he needed some people who were able to bring in a few people and hopefully were willing to work for the price a meal and a few drinks.

They already had a venue lined up the storied Lugar Genérico in Tijuana ... a venue famous for such wrestling highlights as holding a costume party where someone dressed as "El Patron" and where he had put on a ridiculous wig and wrestled as an Exotico for the first time. It could hold a couple of hundred people max but lets face it they would be lucky if anyone turned up except friends and families of the people on the show. 

So he started calling people and slowly over the next few days the roster came together.




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When the idea of putting on a show had come up so had the idea of factions - little stables who would fight other little stabels and give the show some sort of structure.  One by one they came together



Lucas was the oldest of his surfing mates and the most experienced worker - for some reason he had never really broken through in Australia not that he really cared as long as he could catch some waves.  Jonno Wesker kind of hung around with Lucas - he was a big guy and looked like he could wrestle, he wasn't much chop and he was sort insecure about that.  Lucas knew Lila Storm, Chloe Ryan and Charlotte Walker who had all headed over tot he US and worked a few indy shows but hadn't got picked up by QAW or anyone else.  They were all in.

Surfer Dude Lucas is someone most people probably know, Jonathon Wesker is in TEWIX.  Lila Storm is from Blessed's SHEROES expansion and Chlo and Charlotte are from Historians Womens expansion.


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Payoso Jr was our first big get - he's not a star but for us he is.  El Enigma has booked a few indy shows and has been hanging around doing odd jobs at shows since he was 12 or so.  Jackie the Ripper came down with Chloe and Charlotte - great look  but Chloe said she has the stamina of a newborn kitten.  La Bandida is the daughter of El Bandido and not surprisingly the sister of El Bandido Jr.  They sort of fit together as a bucnh of crazy super-villains - not that we are going to really do the Rudo v Technico thing but they need to feel like they could be a group and they sort of look like a certain Winged Rodent's Rogues Gallery ... I needed a 5th but then luck struck ...


Texas Hangman called looking for work ... I said sure but you'll need to wear a mask


Enter Verduga (Hangman)


Payaso Jr & Texas Hangman are core characters. El Enigma is one of the Avatars as we all know.  La Bandida and JTR are from Historians Women. 

Edited by alpha2117
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Día de Muertos


The second big get was Styx - he's a big brawler with a good look.  Las Calaveras (La Catrina & La Dama Oscura) were a couple of Luchadoras OL recomemnded whilst Calavera De Azúcar & Exotico Muertos were Exoticos that worked the same show I did in Tijuana.

Styx is in the game proper.  Las Calaveras are from Historian's Womens expansion.  The two Exoticos were generated randomly because inexplicably to me the game doesn't have any Mexican Exoticos. 

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There are usually a few young Japanese workers willing to go ion excursions overseas to round out their skills and experience.  We managed to get 5 of them.  The Great Kendo, Nakayama, Ritsu Ibata, Spider Isaka & Reina Hoshino.

I spoke to Ibata and said he'd need to fit in with the other guys and so Switchblade Ibata was born


The Great Kendo is an Avatar of course.  Nakayama, Ibata and Spider are free agents in game.  Reina is from Blessed's SHEROES. 

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The Masked Grappler came along with Texas Hangman looking for work.  Ms. Marie Laveau and Santanico were Exoticos Cassiopia bought in.  Devil's Grandaughter is the daugher of Katy Krauss (Devil's Daughter ) who knew Lila Storm.  The big get was Valeria Gomez - she's Concepción Gomez's daughter, only one problem as good as she is she's also sort of dull looking and we are all about big flashy looks and characters.


The Exoticos got to work on Valeria's make-up and I spoke to Masky about if we could get a more spooky looking mask on him and so Dama de las Pesadillas & Demonio were born. 

Masked Grappler is another Avatar.  The 2 Exoticos are random generations.  Devil's Grandaughter and Valeria Gomez are from Blessed's SHEROES.

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I knew I couldn't afford many stars - Valeria, Payoso Jr Styx and maybe one more - the rest had to be young and hungry.  Ganymede Jr is that and given we are a Rainbow entertainment style fed hirign one of the very few non Exotico gay Luchadors made sense.  La Nieve La Nieve Leopardo & Toci are young Luchadoras that OL brought in and Cassiopia got us Carlotta and Glamourzonia who somewhat surprisingly has a big Bronx accent. 

Ganymede Jr is core.  La Nieve and Toci are from Historians Women.  Carlotta and Glamourzonia are randomly generated Exoticos


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Edo Phoenix was the last of my big 4 hires, he's Japanese but splits his time between there and Mexico.  Fuego Fantastico was a luchadore who had worked the Tijuana show and wanted in.  Luna Borg has a name that sounds like she's Swedish but is apparently from Malta, she just sort of knew people and somehow we ended up hiring her or him ... nobodies quite sure.  El Dragón Exótico & Amante Del Fuego were another couple of Exoticos that Cassiopia got in. 

Edo & Fantastico are core.  Luna Borg is from Historians Womens - when the data came out the gender and pronouns were left as default insted of being made female and though it's been fixed now I ran with her being .. whatever.  THe 2 Exoticos are randomly generated ... love that pic from GrindhouseArts Lower decks Celebrity pack and had to use it.

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Then lastly for in-ring theres me in my ridiculous wig.  Two sisters running some sort of Ballet based gimmick La Cisne & La Cisne Negra, an Exotico called Arco iris and a Burlesque performer who had done some work for a Lucha promotion in California called Ms Miranda.

So My characters alter Ego.  La Cisne is from Historians Women.  La Cisne Negra is a pic Ed James created for me after Historian's pack came out because straight away if theres a Swam there needed to be a Black Swan - she's a copy of La Cisne with a few personailty traits changed so they aren't totally interchangeable. Arco Iris is randomly generated.  Ms. Miranda is based on a real person who worked for Lucha VaVoom and who I used in my old diary back in 2016 - she can talk and looks great but in ring - not so much.  

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Original Luchadora Owner/Colour/RA, Cassiopia Play by Play/RA, Celest Palmer - Ref-  Lucy Hooper as Gato árbitro - referee

OL is one of the few female owners available in mexico and I wanted someone who fit.  Cassiopia is based on Cassandro and is randomly generated.  Palmer is from GrindhouseArts Lower Decks.  Lucy Hooper is an Avatar who I shoved a Cat mask on because ...,well it's Lucha Libre.

The base of the world is CVerse.  I added Historian's Women and Blessed's SHEROES, I also added Grindhousearts - Lower Decks XENO, SPIKE, Celebrity packs, Martels FWP pack 1 and 4 characters that had been created for TITAN back in 2016 K2, Sagamartha, Flesheater and Gorgeous Gold. I wanted to have enough Women in the World that various feds could hire some but decided not to add in any of the other packs for this - love Grindhousearts Women & Central Europe and the other Lower Deck's stuff, willr0ck's Womens Revolution, boxofwhispers Womens Wrestling Unleashed and Crychon's Into the Cranshawverse but I didn't want to put too many extra free agents into the world.   


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Event 1 - card

Glamour y Clase ( Glamourzonia & Carlotta) v Portadoras De La Muerte (Calavera De Azúcar Exotico Muertos)

Tierra y Nieve (Toci La Nieve Leopardo) v Las Calaveras (La Dama Oscura & La Catrina)

Ganymede Jr v Styx for the LLL Mexican title

Ronin (Nakayama Switchblade Ibata & The Great Kendo) v Los Oceanicos (Lila Storm, Surfer Dude Lucas & Jonathan Wesker

Reinas Arana (Spider Isako Reina Hoshino) v The Ivy & The Vine (Charlotte Walker & Chloe Ryan) for the LLL FDL Tag Team Titles

La Bandida v Freya Tuck for the LLL FDL Warrior Queen title

Jackie the Ripper v Ms Miranda

Los Pecardos (Payaso Jr El Enigma & Veruda) v Club Exotico (Arco Iris La Cisne & La Cisne Negra) for the LLL FDL Trios title

Verano Sin Fin (Fuego Fantastico & Amante Del Fuego) v Los Demonios (Demonios & Devil’s Granddaughter)

Reinas Dragon (El Dragon Exotico Luna Borg) v Reinas Brujas (Ms Marie Lavuea & Santanico)

Edo Phoenix IV v Dama de las Pesadillas for the LLL FDL Triangle title

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2 minutes ago, kanegan said:

Looks like this will be a very colorful promotion. Looking forward to it.

Yeah I hope so - I just sort of decided to do a Diary because I haven't done one in years and I was enjoying reading other peoples.  I like quirky stuff in wrestling - Undertaker, Wyatt6, Mexican Exoticos, Chikara etc etc and I'm just going to try doing what I like and see what happens.   

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5 hours ago, Bad Collin said:

Good luck alpha, I will be following along

Thanks man.  Thanks for doing the RTG stuff as it's nice to have some structure and purpose to the game - it allows me to control my more crazed booking instincts in check.  Really enjoying reading Squires journey in your Three Lions company.  Pigeon Masks forever!!!

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This looks like a lot of fun, lucha's a whole world to itself and we don't see enough mexican dynasties round these parts. I appreciated the background on your characters, it's a lot easier to follow if you know where these characters came from.


Also, word of advice; give yourself lots of money to start with and a very forgiving economy and you'll do better. 

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Glamour y Clase ( Glamourzonia & Carlotta) v Portadoras De La Muerte (Calavera De Azúcar Exotico Muertos)

Tierra y Nieve (Toci La Nieve Leopardo) v Las Calaveras (La Dama Oscura & La Catrina)

Ganymede Jr v Styx for the LLL Mexican title

Ronin (Nakayama Switchblade Ibata & The Great Kendo) v Los Oceanicos (Lila Storm, Surfer Dude Lucas & Jonathan Wesker

Reinas Arana (Spider Isako Reina Hoshino) v The Ivy & The Vine (Charlotte Walker & Chloe Ryan) for the LLL FDL Tag Team Titles

La Bandida v Freya Tuck for the LLL FDL Warrior Queen title

Jackie the Ripper v Ms Miranda

Los Pecardos (Payaso Jr El Enigma & Veruda) v Club Exotico (Arco Iris La Cisne & La Cisne Negra) for the LLL FDL Trios title

Verano Sin Fin (Fuego Fantastico & Amante Del Fuego) v Los Demonios (Demonios & Devil’s Granddaughter)

Reinas Dragon (El Dragon Exotico Luna Borg) v Reinas Brujas (Ms Marie Lavuea & Santanico)

Edo Phoenix IV v Dama de las Pesadillas for the LLL FDL Triangle title

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9 hours ago, 1PWfan said:

This looks like a lot of fun, lucha's a whole world to itself and we don't see enough mexican dynasties round these parts. I appreciated the background on your characters, it's a lot easier to follow if you know where these characters came from.


Also, word of advice; give yourself lots of money to start with and a very forgiving economy and you'll do better. 

The RTG challenge gives you $1000 at the start.  You start with a Booking job at an insignificant start up and try to rise to become someone who eventually has a 100 rated match.  I've never done it before but it's nice to have a bit of structure and a sense of direction and purpose in what I am going to do.  I love just playing anyway but having a end goal makes it interestingly different this time out.   

Something happened early though that changed things and triggered me doing the diary.   Most of these characters are new to most people - SHEHEROES, Box of Chocolates, The Lower decks packs, Historians Women and Martels FWP are all fun packs that bring an assortment of new fun workers to the game and when I started I wanted to use some of them and play with some new toys.  Same goes with the Exoticos - it has always bugged me that such an important part of Lucha Libre isn't represented really in Cverse so I added some.   Hopefully people enjoy it.  

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I only just saw that you'd started a dynasty. I love the intro with the unique booker backstory and all the thought that's gone into the roster and the groups. I'm not too familiar with lucha or the roster so I'll probably be an embarrassingly slow learner with so many characters involved, but I'm looking forward to following along.

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Event 1 - card

Glamour y Clase ( Glamourzonia & Carlotta) v Portadoras De La Muerte (Calavera De Azúcar Exotico Muertos) I can't pick Las Calaveras for the first event, so this is the next best thing.

Tierra y Nieve (Toci La Nieve Leopardo) v Las Calaveras (La Dama Oscura & La Catrina). Toci is a personal favorite and has lots of upside.

Ganymede Jr v Styx for the LLL Mexican title. My bias might be showing here, but I like what I like.

Ronin (Nakayama Switchblade Ibata & The Great Kendo) v Los Oceanicos (Lila Storm, Surfer Dude Lucas & Jonathan Wesker.) It's Lucas. He's not coming to Mexico so you can leech all of his lucha popularity. He has to get some wins under his belt if he's ever going to be a useful hand in elevating your homegrown talent. So, I have to give this one to the Oceanicos.

Reinas Arana (Spider Isako Reina Hoshino) v The Ivy & The Vine (Charlotte Walker & Chloe Ryan) for the LLL FDL Tag Team Titles. I know you've got a soft spot for Charlotte and Chloe, but there's two names that could sit across from Spider Isako that I wouldn't automatically assume are about to do the job. And neither Fuyuko or Celestina is here in Mexico. Reinas Arana for the win.

La Bandida v Freya Tuck for the LLL FDL Warrior Queen title. This is a low-rent Mexican indie. The wrestling booker is going to go over. Lucha Tradition. Also, Freya has the type of image that's made to be pushed, and I'd be shocked if anyone resisted tossing a few wins that way.

Jackie the Ripper v Ms Miranda. Jackie without her baby brother. :( I'm really excited to see her flail around with all the grace of a blind and quite drunken aardvark. I'm certain she'll look stunning while doing so. ❤️ 

Los Pecardos (Payaso Jr El Enigma & Veruda) v Club Exotico (Arco Iris La Cisne & La Cisne Negra) for the LLL FDL Trios title. Payaso Jr is going to have to carry a lot of water for LLL, so I'm just guessing he starts here.

Verano Sin Fin (Fuego Fantastico & Amante Del Fuego) v Los Demonios (Demonios & Devil’s Granddaughter) DG has me fully supporting nepobabies everywhere. She's perfect.

Reinas Dragon (El Dragon Exotico Luna Borg) v Reinas Brujas (Ms Marie Lavuea & Santanico) Luna is such a fractured character and I can't wait to see how you use her.

Edo Phoenix IV v Dama de las Pesadillas for the LLL FDL Triangle title. Like I said.... Nepotism.

Thank you, for this dynasty. I'm going to hang on every word. :)

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53 minutes ago, GretaGridlock said:

Event 1 - card

Glamour y Clase ( Glamourzonia & Carlotta) v Portadoras De La Muerte (Calavera De Azúcar Exotico Muertos) I can't pick Las Calaveras for the first event, so this is the next best thing.

Tierra y Nieve (Toci La Nieve Leopardo) v Las Calaveras (La Dama Oscura & La Catrina). Toci is a personal favorite and has lots of upside.

Ganymede Jr v Styx for the LLL Mexican title. My bias might be showing here, but I like what I like.

Ronin (Nakayama Switchblade Ibata & The Great Kendo) v Los Oceanicos (Lila Storm, Surfer Dude Lucas & Jonathan Wesker.) It's Lucas. He's not coming to Mexico so you can leech all of his lucha popularity. He has to get some wins under his belt if he's ever going to be a useful hand in elevating your homegrown talent. So, I have to give this one to the Oceanicos.

Reinas Arana (Spider Isako Reina Hoshino) v The Ivy & The Vine (Charlotte Walker & Chloe Ryan) for the LLL FDL Tag Team Titles. I know you've got a soft spot for Charlotte and Chloe, but there's two names that could sit across from Spider Isako that I wouldn't automatically assume are about to do the job. And neither Fuyuko or Celestina is here in Mexico. Reinas Arana for the win.

La Bandida v Freya Tuck for the LLL FDL Warrior Queen title. This is a low-rent Mexican indie. The wrestling booker is going to go over. Lucha Tradition. Also, Freya has the type of image that's made to be pushed, and I'd be shocked if anyone resisted tossing a few wins that way.

Jackie the Ripper v Ms Miranda. Jackie without her baby brother. :( I'm really excited to see her flail around with all the grace of a blind and quite drunken aardvark. I'm certain she'll look stunning while doing so. ❤️ 

Los Pecardos (Payaso Jr El Enigma & Veruda) v Club Exotico (Arco Iris La Cisne & La Cisne Negra) for the LLL FDL Trios title. Payaso Jr is going to have to carry a lot of water for LLL, so I'm just guessing he starts here.

Verano Sin Fin (Fuego Fantastico & Amante Del Fuego) v Los Demonios (Demonios & Devil’s Granddaughter) DG has me fully supporting nepobabies everywhere. She's perfect.

Reinas Dragon (El Dragon Exotico Luna Borg) v Reinas Brujas (Ms Marie Lavuea & Santanico) Luna is such a fractured character and I can't wait to see how you use her.

Edo Phoenix IV v Dama de las Pesadillas for the LLL FDL Triangle title. Like I said.... Nepotism.

Thank you, for this dynasty. I'm going to hang on every word. :)

The funny thing is I did consider "him" for the role Texas Hangman is playing in Los Pecardos and that he would be the Surfy mate that everyone else sort of hated but we still kept around for some reason but in the end I decided to keep "him" and Jackie for an angle when I do a ZEN diary down the track .... the idea felt too tied to the law and the way I imagine it I would be using it to transition from Alien Armada to a new storyline in ZEN.  Loving the current ZEN diaries too much to try to compete with those right now.

Yeah I love my nepo babies ... I actually have at least another one coming in down the track


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