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Liga de la Legión de Lucha - An RTG story

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I like "the fluffy bunnies of Lucha Libre" as an LLL brand identity. Likewise people misbehaving before the show being punished by the booking.

It felt from the commentary like more stuff was hitting on this show than the first show, so I guess you're getting more of a feel for the strengths and weaknesses of the roster, and it was an interesting detail that there's lots of love in the back for Calavera.

Nice line about sacrificing quarter of the show to the product demand deities. I'm not sure I'd be capable of structuring a 13-match card but thankfully you have a far better grasp of how to navigate it.

Intrigued to see if you change course with Styx as a champion now you're disappointed with his performances, or if you stick and find a way to get more out of him.

I like the booking mentality putting yourself over but being charitable enough to allow a chair shot after the bell. Another fun line at the end too with the revelation that putting all that together and dealing with all the backstage headaches was only worth $20.

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6 hours ago, Blessed said:

This is sooo good, I made Valeria expecting nobody to get any use out of her. Just because I thought her mother was an underappreciated character, so really cool to see her getting a push. Keep up the great work!

Honestly I underestimated her too ... I was looking for people who fit and there she was and she had some in built pop which I thought I could leverage then I saw the pic I am using and it clicked - she was one gimmick away from being pushable.  Which was lucky because the original rough plan had been Edo v Styx and ... Styx has been my problem child.

Oh if you ever update the pack feel free to create your own version of the Lady of Nightmares gimmick for her.  

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I just wanted to mention that a lot of the characters I am using here are from expansion packs and that people who want to add new flavour and notes to their games may well find a lot of joy in those packs over in the Mod area.

@Blessed, @Historian stuff has been heavily featured so far but @Martel123 & @GrindhouseArts stuff is in game too and some of those people will be showing up.  I love GHA's pics and EDE's flame eating Exotico uses a pic I just had to use. 

@willr0ck, @boxofwhispers, @Crychon all have fun expansion packs and some of their characters are going to appear in SNP - Heart of Darkness which is still in early planning stages.

I've also used pics by people like @Peria, @WalterSobchak, @EdJames and others and reused a few of the classic old Rockverse pics and character ideas from @willr0ck 

I am sure I've missed some names with the pics but I seriously love the modding community and cant praise them enough for the hard work they do and the stuff they add to the game.     

Oh and thanks to @Bad Collin for doing the RTG for TEWIX which helped inspire me to play this particular save.

Edited by alpha2117
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News From the World of Wrestling 

Mar 2022



Bryan Howard here with all the weird and wonderful outside the ring news from the always volatile world of Sports Entertainment


Whipper Spencer Marks passes

I like to keep things fairly light here but we lost one of the greats this month.  He was famously part of one of the great Tag Teams of all time the Calgary Wolverines with George DeColt and was a star in the old Californian territory and in Canada in the CWF.   I had the honour of speaking with him on my podcast a couple of years back and even in his 80's he was sharp as a whip and I  had an absolute ball that day.  He was a true gentleman and I doubt we will ever see the like of him again.  RIP Spencer Marks


Gorgeous Gold gets a push

Recently signed Gorgeous Gold made a big impact in RIPW straight away by winning this years March to Victory.  It's a sure sign that RIPW and by extension SWF have big hopes for the Ozzie big man.  SWF is currently worried about their main roster depth with both Mikey Lau & Scythe's contracts coming up this year and rumours USPW are circling them both and a number of their other talents either approaching or over 40 and it definitely seems Gold is rather than one for the future may be one for the very soon.


More Inexplicable Decision Making by TCW

TCW has decided that they will no longer be accepting excursion workers from Japanese company PGHW.  It's a bizarre decision given TCW is already dealing with a rapidly aging and some say decrepit roster.   Having a steady supply of young guys who normally had pretty decent skills to work the lower card was really handy for TCW and for the life of me I cant understand this decision.  Daigo Goya & Masatochi Kamimura appear to be the last PGHW Young Lions we will see in TCW.  The distraction about the potential looming exit of Jay Chord to USPW sometime in the 2nd half of this year might be affecting their judgement.


Is Takeshi Kojima the next big thing?

Making TCW's decision even more inexplicable is seeing footage of PGHW's newest wonderboy Takeshi Kojima. The 20 year old is about 6'5 and what he lacks in ring right now he more than makes up for on the microphone.  He's the sort of guy TCW could have had for a couple of years with no real effort or cost.  


Very much alive!

Seems rumours of the potential demise of fledgling LLL were very much just that rumours.  If anything recent events have seen them gain a financial windfall that should see the company in the black for the forseeable future.  Some irresponsible journalists ... okay me ... had been reporting the possibility of the quirky Northern Mexican promotion closing but now it appears we might be seeing it's peculiar blend of comedic factional warfare for the foreseeable future.  What we might not be seeing is some of their Japanese talent as rumours have it that both EXODUS 2010 and SAISHO have offered contracts to a couple of LLL's roster for their next tours.  

Edited by alpha2117
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Alan Falcon "You've gotta do what you gotta do man, dont sweat it."

Edo Phoenix "Thank You for understanding."

AF: "Not a problem mate"

In reality I was thinking that Torajiro Sekozawa, Mito Miwa and everyone else at Pro Wrestling SAISHO could take a nice long walk of a very short pier.  Screw Japan and it's Tours.  They had just stolen my best worker at a critical time.  He said he was going to be back and I hoped he would be but this was a problem I didn't need.  Time to rejig the card for Show 3 as I now had a huge gaping hole in my hottest feud and would have to use a local Luchadora OL hooked us up with.  As any massive egotist would I did the only thing that made any sense to me ... I put myself into the Main Event.


Club Exotico 3 - Card

Portadoras De La Muerte (Calavera De Azúcar Exotico Muertos) v Glamour y Clase (Glamourzonia & Carlotta) in an Evening Gown Match

La Catrina v Ganymede Jt

La Dama Oscura v  La Nieve Leopardo

LLL Mexican - Styx (c) v Toci

Reinas Araña (Reina Hoshino & Spider Isako) v Surf's Up (Jonathan Wesker & Surfer Dude Lucas)

Nakayama v Lila Storm

LLL FDL Tag - The Ivy & The Vine (Chloe Ryan & Charlotte Walker) (C) v Ronin (The Great Kendo & Switchblade Ibata)

Los Demonios (Devil's Granddaughter Ms Marie Laveau Santanico) v Verano Sin Fin (Luna Borg El Dragón Exótico Amante Del Fuego)

Demonio v Fuego Fantastico

LLL FDL Traingle - Dama de las Pesadillas (c) v Antonia Andreas

Club Exotico (Ms Miranda Arco Iris) v Ladrones De Vidas ( Jackie The Ripper La Bandida)

LLL FDL Trios - Los Pecardos (Verduga Payaso Jr El Enigma) (c) v Club Exotico (Freya Tuck La Cisne La Cisne Negra) 



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Club Exotico 3 - Card

Portadoras De La Muerte (Calavera De Azúcar Exotico Muertos) v Glamour y Clase (Glamourzonia & Carlotta) in an Evening Gown Match - Cal's eventual push starts here with a couple of strippings. Most god runs do.

La Catrina v Ganymede Jt - I think La Catrina needs the win here to survive future losses.

La Dama Oscura v  La Nieve Leopardo - Essentially the same reasoning. Leopardo is going to be staring at the lights in the future, a win here will help.

LLL Mexican - Styx (c) v Toci - Styx is a pain, but I don't envision Toci solving that.

Reinas Araña (Reina Hoshino & Spider Isako) v Surf's Up (Jonathan Wesker & Surfer Dude Lucas) - Surf's Up is taking the win here to big up Wesker and Lucas after the last show.

Nakayama v Lila Storm - No real reasoning to this one.

LLL FDL Tag - The Ivy & The Vine (Chloe Ryan & Charlotte Walker) (C) v Ronin (The Great Kendo & Switchblade Ibata) - You're kinder than me. I'd give every Japanese worker on my roster other than Spider, the Edo Phoenix gimmick, and spend Edo's unavailable tour dates jobbing out Edo Phoenix III-VII. As it stands, Chloe and Charlotte shouldn't drop this early.

Los Demonios (Devil's Granddaughter Ms Marie Laveau Santanico) v Verano Sin Fin (Luna Borg El Dragón Exótico Amante Del Fuego) - 50/50 booking here, but I don't see Luna dropping this one too.

Demonio v Fuego Fantastico - Demonio carried Edo Phoenix to a passable match last time, and defended the honor of both OL and yourself when The Great Kendo was spreading rumors. Demonio is the back bone of the company with Edo's absence. A LLL Original. Unfortunately being the Tommy Dreamer of any company means your win loss record is never going to be great. Demonio does a favor here for Fuego, and puts another classic match on the board. Not all heroes wear capes. ❤️

LLL FDL Traingle - Dama de las Pesadillas (c) v Antonia Andreas - To the moon.

Club Exotico (Ms Miranda Arco Iris) v Ladrones De Vidas ( Jackie The Ripper La Bandida) - I'm guessing that you're going to keep CE strong here.

LLL FDL Trios - Los Pecardos (Verduga Payaso Jr El Enigma) (c) v Club Exotico (Freya Tuck La Cisne La Cisne Negra) - You're in the main event, but the 3rd show is too soon for you start your villain arc of collecting all the gold in the company. The nightmare clown wins this one.

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Club Exotico 3 - Card

Portadoras De La Muerte (Calavera De Azúcar Exotico Muertos) v Glamour y Clase (Glamourzonia & Carlotta) in an Evening Gown Match

La Catrina v Ganymede Jt

La Dama Oscura v  La Nieve Leopardo

LLL Mexican - Styx (c) v Toci

Reinas Araña (Reina Hoshino & Spider Isako) v Surf's Up (Jonathan Wesker & Surfer Dude Lucas)

Nakayama v Lila Storm

LLL FDL Tag - The Ivy & The Vine (Chloe Ryan & Charlotte Walker) (C) v Ronin (The Great Kendo & Switchblade Ibata)

Los Demonios (Devil's Granddaughter Ms Marie Laveau Santanico) v Verano Sin Fin (Luna Borg El Dragón Exótico Amante Del Fuego)

Demonio v Fuego Fantastico

LLL FDL Traingle - Dama de las Pesadillas (c) v Antonia Andreas

Club Exotico (Ms Miranda Arco Iris) v Ladrones De Vidas ( Jackie The Ripper La Bandida)

LLL FDL Trios - Los Pecardos (Verduga Payaso Jr El Enigma) (c) v Club Exotico (Freya Tuck La Cisne La Cisne Negra) 

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Club Exotico 3 - Card

Portadoras De La Muerte (Calavera De Azúcar Exotico Muertos) v Glamour y Clase (Glamourzonia & Carlotta) in an Evening Gown Match

La Catrina v Ganymede Jt

La Dama Oscura v  La Nieve Leopardo

LLL Mexican - Styx (c) v Toci

Reinas Araña (Reina Hoshino & Spider Isako) v Surf's Up (Jonathan Wesker & Surfer Dude Lucas)

Nakayama v Lila Storm

LLL FDL Tag - The Ivy & The Vine (Chloe Ryan & Charlotte Walker) (C) v Ronin (The Great Kendo & Switchblade Ibata)

Los Demonios (Devil's Granddaughter Ms Marie Laveau Santanico) v Verano Sin Fin (Luna Borg El Dragón Exótico Amante Del Fuego)

Demonio v Fuego Fantastico

LLL FDL Traingle - Dama de las Pesadillas (c) v Antonia Andreas

Club Exotico (Ms Miranda Arco Iris) v Ladrones De Vidas ( Jackie The Ripper La Bandida)

LLL FDL Trios - Los Pecardos (Verduga Payaso Jr El Enigma) (c) v Club Exotico (Freya Tuck La Cisne La Cisne Negra) 

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I'm surprised you're losing guys to Japanese tours- in my NYCW game I've had half a dozen guys or so go to Japan and I've only had one clash (which I moved the event for but that's not everybody's thing). 


Portadoras De La Muerte (Calavera De Azúcar Exotico Muertos) v Glamour y Clase (Glamourzonia & Carlotta) in an Evening Gown Match

La Catrina v Ganymede Jr

La Dama Oscura v  La Nieve Leopardo

LLL Mexican - Styx (c) v Toci

Reinas Araña (Reina Hoshino & Spider Isako) v Surf's Up (Jonathan Wesker & Surfer Dude Lucas)

Nakayama v Lila Storm

LLL FDL Tag - The Ivy & The Vine (Chloe Ryan & Charlotte Walker) (C) v Ronin (The Great Kendo & Switchblade Ibata)

Los Demonios (Devil's Granddaughter Ms Marie Laveau Santanico) v Verano Sin Fin (Luna Borg El Dragón Exótico Amante Del Fuego)

Demonio v Fuego Fantastico

LLL FDL Traingle - Dama de las Pesadillas (c) v Antonia Andreas

Club Exotico (Ms Miranda Arco Iris) v Ladrones De Vidas ( Jackie The Ripper La Bandida)

LLL FDL Trios - Los Pecardos (Verduga Payaso Jr El Enigma) (c) v Club Exotico (Freya Tuck La Cisne La Cisne Negra) 

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LLL Club Exotico 3 

Mar 2022


from Lugar Genérico - Noroccidente with 103 people in attendance 

Okay people paid ... not a lot and less people but they paid.

I sent Miranda out with a mic to talk to the Pride - they are my weakest stable and need the help.  Miranda carried the segment but all the Pride did their bit.  I then followed it up with Dia De Muertos - the others speak Styxy boy just does his best to look like an evil monster. It's a bit of a mess with an off night on the mic from Oscura and Muertos and no matter how good Catrina and Cal are it's not helping.  I'm following it with comedy and I have a sinking feeling.



Glamour y Clase def Portadoras De La Muerte in an Evening Gown Match

A Diva's staple repurposed into ridiculous Exotico comedy - Cal and Muertos are out doing their best Goth Chick glam and Glamourzonia and Carlotta are ... well pretty much like normal except in gowns.  I am scared ... then it sort of works.  Comedy is always hard but these 4 are starting to get over doing it and then Muertos goes up and does some spinny flippy thing that a ground bound brawler like me has never seen anybody do before ... well definitely not whilst wearing a gown.  The crowd popped - I popped - the seams on Muertos's dress popped.  Luckily Cal took the opportunity to send Glammy to the outside and Carlotta lost their dress and became a Rocky Horror show ending tribute act.  Both Cal and Muertos have debuted cool new moves in consecutive weeks and all is good with the world.


Ganymede Jr def La Catrina

Ganymede is actually quite good.  Well in theory he is.  Tonight he sucked.  Had I know how bad maybe I would have put my lil Sugar Skull over but hindsight is always 20/20.  The fact that Gany and Styx are at the center of this feud scares me.


La Nieve Leopardo def La Dama Oscura

I sometimes wonder why Nieve is named after an animal native to the Himalayan region of Asia ... but then again I am wearign a ridiculous wig and rocking a name that combines a Robin Hood side character and how Exoticos hide their junk s who am I to criticise.  Before she joined us she had a hot new move and every time she does it the crowd goes wild.  I am always impressed by the flippy spinny stuff ... I get vertigo climbing the ring steps let alone the ropes.  The crowd loved this.


Styx def Toci to retain the LLL Mexican Championship

Styx you giant useless lump how exactly did you become popular?  In theory you are supposed to be a nice reasonably consistent big man who I can rely on to build one of the quarters of my show around ... in practice you have been a big clumsy doofus who has botched moves badly every match.   Poor Toci - she tried so hard too in her first title tilt.  At least my problem child nailed the finish we came up with.  What's worse is my best option to take the belt was worse than Styx tonight.  I am probably stuck with him ... for now anyway.

Los Oceanicos and Ronin do some hype revolving around the members who look good because none of them speak much Spanish yet ... at least 8 out of 10 of them are sort of hot so the segments aren't total losses. 


Surf's Up def Reinas Araña


At last some actual decent wrestling ... even from Jonno ... I don't know how I ended up friends with him ... he just sort of ended up being around us whilst we surfed and now for better or worse he's my friend ... well I guess he's my friend ... he's a bit of a tool to be honest but not a malevolent one just an insecure needy guy whose confidence needs to be propped up all the time which can be exhausting.. you look like Thor mate, there's no need to worry so much.  He was good tonight though.  If he drops in on my wave tomorrow like he did this morning I will smack him in the ear though.  


Lila Storm def Nakayama

You know who I find much more annoying than Jonno ... yeah Styx but more than him ... Japanese freaking touring companies!!!  Naky got an offer from EXODUS 2010 and I have no idea if he'll be back for sure.  So injury stoppage finish it is.  If we were keeping a monthly schedule going I would have just had him job but I spoke to OL and she agreed we are going to wander down to the Noreste region mid April and see if we can build some buzz.  It means we will lose some more money but long term if we can build Noreste and Occidente up it will help us long term. We could of done with 10 Million instead of it being left to a bunch of Moggies though.  The match was okay.



The Ivy & The Vine def Ronin to retain the LLL LDL Tag Titles

Could I be accused of favouring Charlotte and Chloe because I want to get me some ... probably ... would it be true ... maybe.  The truth is they have great natural chemistry and a lot of potential, some of it even in ring.  They were great tonight and this quarter of the show has been pretty decent.  Kenny and Ibata might have been sacrificed due to my annoyance with Japanese men in general this week and the fact either of them could be snatched up by a Japanese touring fed next week.  Screw SAISHO, Screw EX2010, Screw Japan .... Sushi sucks.

Veran Sin Fin are out talking about being down a man tonight and introducing Antonia Andres.  She looks good and doesn't cost the world.  Hopefully the crowd likes her later.  The segment went down well so it seems like they do now at least.




Verano Sin Fin def Los Demonios

Last month I objectified these 6 and it worked a treat ... this month I objectified these 6 and it worked a treat.  I am a terrible human being.   I stand by my decision though because this was the most successful thing on the show so far.  I reversed the result because ... well they are all good sports about it all and understand it's getting them over.  


Demonio def Fuego Fantastico

Thank you guys for restoring my faith in actual wrestling.  Masky is good and frankly so is Fantastico.  I regret now putting Ganymede in the Pride and him in Verano Sin Fin - he would have been a decent choice to go over Styx.  Too late now though and I am not going to derail the overall booking direction of everything else for the next 3 months just because that big doofus Styx cant get his act together. 

As Antonia Andres makes her way to the ring Los Demonios jump her and get a few shots in ... I probably didn't need to protect a guest worker like that but even though we dont really do the Rudo/Tecnico thing Los Demonios are totally Rudos and they gotta do Rudo stuff otherwise it's just a bunch of people randomly turning up to fight each other, which is like downtown Tijuana every Saturday anyway ... need the Rudo stuff to make people pay to see it.

image.png.cc11d29a5ffec49196a1dd30c21acb38.png  image.png.cd3b55b7887763d8d3d9bb03c5c17e81.pngimage.jpeg.ff62d89cb2d4c1c9a01de8789d7e4186.jpeg

Dama de las Pesadillas def Antonia Andres to retain the LLL FDL Triangle Title

Antonia did a good job out there and jobbed like an unemployed Luchadora desperate to get paid for doing the job she loves rather than her regular job cleaning toilet cubicles in office buildings ... which is what she is I guess.  None of us are getting rich doing this - for all I know none of us will ever get rich doing this.  I just had a horrible vision of my future in 15 years lying on my back in the middle of the ring jobbing for someone more popular than me for some token amount and being happy because it was still better than my day job.  Val was great as usual, she's the anti Styx.  I need to remember to shout Antonia a drink after the show .. she deserves it.


Ladrones de Vidas def Club Exotico

Another match which could only be loosely called wrestling.  Jackie and Miranda try but lets face it neither of them can wrestle.  Arco and lil Ms 2nd Generation carry the heavy lifting and it goes okay.  

Post match we heat the crowd up by having the whole of Los Pecados attack our girls and then the Swans and I come out with chairs for the save ... it's old school and silly seeing two girls dressed like ballerinas in Swan costumes swinging chairs but it works.  It sets up the Main Event.   




Am I selfish? Maybe ... Am I an Egotist? Probably ... Am I going to do everything humanly possible to avoid ending up like Antonio Andres in 15 years? Definitely ... Freya Two Belts it is.   The thing is I've done a good job getting myself over and I am now probably the 5th most popular act on the Roster after my big 4 and I wanted to test that.   Enigma got to do the job and the finish we had cooked up together worked.  Long term my job is to get as many of these people over as I can and while I got Enigma and Hangman over on the first show now was the time to elevate the Swans in the fans minds.  LO loves title changes and I cant see people doing a Moolah and holding the belt for hundreds of years.  One day I am going to have to lose but not tonight.       

I praised up Dama as always and Payaso Jr for his hard work in that Main Event which was the best match of the night thanks to him.   Now I better go buy Antonia that drink.  


@GretaGridlock = 8/12

@KyTeran = 7/12

@Orioncrush = 7/12

@kanegan = 7/12

@1PWfan = 10/12

Thanks for the engagement guys.


Прерываем этот пост предупреждением... Мы идем!

??? ... What the heck was that??? ... I dont speak Klingon.




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News From the World of Wrestling 

Early Apr 2022



Bryan Howard here with all the strange and surreal outside the ring news from the always volatile world of Sports Entertainment.  


TCW in Turmoil as Wolf Hawkins jumps to SWF

After a fierce bidding war Wolf Hawkins has jumped ship from TCW to SWF.  The deal is said to be over a staggering 175K a month which was a number the ailing TCW simply couldn't match and was said to be too rich even for USPW's blood.  People thought Hawkins was a TCW lifer after his debut in 2004 but it seems he's seen the writing on the wall and decided to get whilst the getting is good.  Rumours of Jay Chord jumping to either SWF or USPW persist and the feeling in the industry is that TCW is on the verge of a major collapse in their position in the United States wrestling scene.  Everyone knew it was coming of course - that roster was creaking and heading towards the retirement home and losing a star in his prime like Hawkins is a sure sign that a major rebuild is coming sooner rather than later.  If Chord goes can Aaron Andrews and T-Bone Bright carry TCW through this difficult transitional period? 


DSPW Womens movement in India

Kashmir Singh's DSPW announced the signing of 5 women a few days back - Kashmir;s daughter Diya Singh, Captain India, Fatima Chala, INAYA and Miraya Shukla were all trained at DSPW and their signing indicates a major step forward in Womens wrestling in India and worldwide for that matter.  For too long some major companies have sat on their hands and let a generation of womens talent pass them by and it's great to see the emerging DSPW embraces the 21st century unlike dinosaurs like TCW. 



Go Big and Go Broke?

Meanwhile in Mexico the fledgling Lucha Legion took a look at it's bloated roster and decided it needed fattening up some more with rumours that they have signed a bunch of young talent. Admittedly these people are probably working for the price of a Beer and a couple of Tacos but the world is not made of aging multi millionaire spinsters who are going to prop them up financially by leaving them money in their wills.  In fact if it was to happen again questions would be asked.   

More people though - seriously how many people can they fit into one show?



The names said to have agreed to terms include The Glitch who had a brief run with blink and you'll miss it failed start up XENO, fellow Russian Qodir Mazdakov and fellow Central Asian workers Suyun Begaliyev, Nasiba Tursonova & Zarina Diasova.  It's said the other 4 had been crashing at The Glitch's place in San Diego whilst hoping to break into the North American wrestling scene and had joined him crossing the border and heading south looking for work.

Dowanhowee is a young Native American worker who some judges have compared to a young Nicky Champion - high praise indeed. 

Nanisca is a bit of a mystery to me.  She's said to have some decent size to her though.

Bindi Hume is apparently a friend of current roster workers Chloe Ryan & Charlotte Walker.

Lastly and most shockingly Georgia DeColt the daughter of Jack DeColt from a relationship prior to his with Hotstuff Marie. People had felt she was certain to be snatched up by CWA but she's been sitting around doing nothing for months and seems to have decided to try to forge her own destiny down in Mexico.   

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So yeah I went nuts and signed 9 more people on deals as excessive as $30 a show (dont get greedy Georgia).  I know it makes no sense for RTG ... I dont care through I wanted to play with the shiny new toys.  If LLL goes broke it goes broke I just want to have fun and play a crazy silly company full of quirky characters.

@GrindhouseArts Box of Chocolates pack provided 4 toys with his Lower Decks XENO pack providing The Glitch.  He's churning out new Lower Deck's stuff all the time and theres some great stuff there.

@Historian Womens pack provides 3 shiny new playthings to join the others that have already debuted.

@Martel123 Future Workers Packs start paying dividends with Dowanhowee now ready to run amok. 

Just a reminder to check out the Mods area of TEWIX if you see any workers you like because all those packs have lots of fun stuff in them.  There are other class expansions out there by people like @boxofwhispers, @Crychon, @willr0ck , and of course one whose workers already feature in this save by @Blessed.  As well as lots of other fun stuff if you want to tweak your game or play real world or any number of options.  

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"The crowd popped - I popped - the seams on Muertos's dress popped", what a great line in the opener.

I'm envious of all your hot new moves, I haven't had one yet on TEW IX.

I'm enjoying the Styx dilemma as all TEW players can relate to making big plans for someone and then having to figure out whether to ride the storm or change course when it's not working out. It was fun that you kept calling it back at different points as the show progressed just to emphasis how much of a nuisance the situation was.

Congratulations on your second title win. Can't really fault the logic either if you're the fifth most over person on the roster and you know you won't be touring Japan any time soon. Similarly, I like that you've gone for maximum chaos by stacking the roster even higher.

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LLL Club Exotico 4 

Mar 2022


from Lugar Genérico - Noroccidente with 130 people in attendance 

More people have turned up to the last show we do before going on the road which is a good sign ... the fact that I am excited by 30 more people sums up the life of a small time Booker I guess.

Out I wander to cut a promo and issue an open challenge - I'm not great I'll admit it.  A debuting Georgia DeColt comes out to answer it ... in Canada that would mean something but in Tijuana not so much


Freya Tuck retains the LLL Warrior Queen over Georgia DeColt

Wow ... just wow ... a scantily clad guy in Drag and a scantily clad part of legendary family just got a great reaction.  Our fanbase clearly appreciate ridiculous eye candy matches.  Am I hot?  I guess I have an answer to that now.  Should I be embarrassed that this is probably the best match I have ever had?  I have no idea but I'm kind of happy right now.

Bindi Hume debuts doing her Fire Juggling Act ... people dont know her so the reaction is more muted than her impressive skills deserve - they didn't get her gimmick.  I have Los Oceanicos come out and cheer enthusiastically to try to get people excited about Bindi and them too.


Exotico Muertos def Carlotta

The Exoticos are out to do their comedy stuff and it continues to grow in popularity with the crowd especially when Muertos breaks out his new spinny flippy move to end the match.  

I have Ms Miranda interview the Pride - she's good and the 2 Exoticos do their comedy work well but Ganymede continues to struggle speaking.  Backstage he's a funny man but he seems to freeze up in front of an audience.


Glamourzonia def Calavera De Azucar

I want to push Cal but right now the Pride need to at least be credible threats and occasionally get wins in this feud so Glammy gets a win here.  Cal used that head scissors takedown again during the match which popped the crowd.  They were out there tellign a story of how Cal is obviously better but Glammy just wont stay pinned no matter how many times Cal tries before the surprise roll up and pin ... it's simple, it's old school and it failed utterly.  Both were having bad nights and it all became a bit of a disjointed mess.  I'm learning sometimes bad matches happen to good people.


Las Calaveras def Tierra y Nieve

I always worry about putting La Nieve Leopardo into a match involving sex appeal - she's beautiful and the outfit makes that clear but she constantly jokes about Garlic Bread and invading Scandanavian countries and has no real interest in the whole bonking side of life. She does like looking good though and gets these types of matches better than I expected.  The Skulls have been jobbing a bit and I have them go over here in dubious circumstances.  It all works a treat.  

I have an angle where Dowanhowee bumps into The Glitch which results in Glitch and his Poder Rusa teammates beating down the young Native American.   Nobody knows these people but nobody knew the most of my roster back in January either.   It's not a winner but nobodies gimmicks seem to have landed with a thud so it's a start.  Poor Bindi has work to do with her gimmick from earlier but these guys were okay with Zarina especially getting over.



Styx retained the LLL Mexican title over Ganymede Jr

So Styx didn't flat out refuse to put Ganymede Jr over .... he made it clear he would be very unhappy if he was made too though.  That's all I need a 6'4 angry Mexican sulking.  I need his inexplicable drawing power.  So I steeled myself and let him have his way ... sigh ... I knew what was about to happen.  4 form 4 for the big lump as once again he was all over the place and the two guys screwed up the finish we had cooked up.  This is clearly the Universes punishment to me for the eye candy stuff.  I deserve it I guess.

Post match Styx attacks Gany and his team comes out to join in followed shortly by the Pride with the save.  It's at least better than the awfulness that was the match itself but admittedly so would be an outbreak of Cholera.


Ladrones de Vidas def Club Exotico

I knew we needed a palette cleanser after what I had quite rightly expected to be the crap sandwich of the Mexican title match - so it was a rematch of last months Technical Masterclass.   They look good at least even though 2 of them are barely competent.

I debut Nanisca speaking to Ronin - that was a mistake - Kenny and her can speak Spanish okay but both had bad nights on the mic and her African Warrior Woman gimmick fell pretty darn flat - the rest sort of stood around.  Ugh this was a mess.

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The Ivy & The Vine def Ronin to retain the LLL LDL Tag Titles

So Kenny had come up with a finish that he promised would work, the rest of the Booking team had their doubts but we let him run with it.  Kenny is a filthy liar.  He was having a very bad night ideas wise, mic wise, in ring wise and definitely finish wise.  The rest of them tried their hearts out but Kenny was terrible and his promised finish was a mess that Lucy in her cat mask had to do a very dubious count for.  Ugh.



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Ronin def Los Oceanicos

I was scared ... people didn't know any of these people a few months back and they still are struggling with the language. They are all slowly starting to get over with the fans though and matches like this will only help.  Everyone was on their game and the show felt like it might be back on track after it.  It's not stellar but it's solid.

Miranda hosted a contract signing between Dama and Edo - Dama does her intimidation schtick on Edo who doesn't backdown and Miranda carries the load verbally and it all works and the angle idea we had come up with last month for this absolutely elevated it.  I am a little in love with Val and Ed - they never seem to let me down.



Fuego Fantastico def Demonio

Last month these two restored my faith in actual wrestling with their stellar chemistry and work so I booked them again and reversed the result.  On a night that had gone pretty badly they once again nailed it.  I know what we are as a company ... I know nobody will probably remember this match or ever hear about it but that's a shame because I felt privileged to have seen it. In a few years time these two deserve to be on a much bigger stage and getting a lot more love.  In the grander scale it was probably nothing special but for us it was great.






Los Demonios def Verano Sin Fin 

Last two months I had objectified these 6 and it worked a treat ... this month I objectified these 6 and it worked a treat.  I cant do this match again anytime soon in all likelihood but this series has got all 6 of these over with our fanbase and that's a very good thing for both them and the company as a whole.  It isn't art but it worked and amazingly almost as much as the truly wonderful match before it.

So we are in the home stretch and the girls and I come out and do a staredown with Los Pecados - it's not too bad - no I am being modest - it worked incredibly well thanks to an angle idea we had cooked up before the show where all 6 of us went nose to nose jawing away like mad ... in theory the two girls in ballet gear shouldn't be able to carry this off and it felt like a huge gamble but they do. The crowd are heating up enough that the next two matches should work if people don't screw things up in ring.




Club Exotico def Los Pecados to retain the LLL FDL Trios

The era of Freya two belts continues and it's looking good so fat.  Enigma had come up with a finish for Negra which seemed likely to come off and he was taking the pin so we all agreed to run with it.  Payaso Jr is as reliable a worker in ring as any promoter could ever wish for and everyone was on their game. It wasn't quite Fantastico v Demonio but it was really close.  This show has turned from profoundly disappointing to pretty darn great on the run home.    


Edo Phoenix IV def Dama de las Pesadillas to win the LLL FDL Triangle Title

Oh my ... it's so beautiful when a plan comes together.  The workers, the matches before ... the finish ... everything worked ... it made anything we had ever done before look ordinary.  I had taken the risky decision to put the belt on Edo even though the ever present threat of a Japanese touring deal loomed large in my mind because it felt right.  This was so perfect that I couldn't have wished for more. 

As the show came to an end I couldn't stop smiling - my praise for Val and Ed was effusive and heartfelt and they absolutely deserved it.   

I was buzzing and so was everyone else.  We went out afterwards and Chloe and I were talking and laughing and flirting and then before I knew it her tongue was halfway down my throat. Tonight was a very good night.  Guess I now have me a Missus.



I held off putting up a card for this show because it felt like a spoiler in some ways.  In the RTG challenge the 2nd potential booking reward is for a 50 show and I dont let people know the exact numbers partly because it feels gamey partly because it breaks the illusion of reality and also because it would let people know exactly how over certain people have gotten.  Valeria Gomez and Edo were over at the start and are super over super quickly thanks to Great Gimmick ratings and fantastic matches so far and that Main Event went over the 50 mark thanks to a creative finish and momentum that saw it hit white hot right at the end. The Sex appeal matches scored pretty high, two angles scored high thanks tome deploying angle bonuses (the one with the Trios was a big gamble that paid off).  Fuego Fantastico v Demonio's great chemistry saw them score high.  That saw the show get a 50. A score that shocked me at the time and still does to be honest. It's a score that I certainly didn't expect and one that is going to be hard to get again for a while given I cant have those two fight in the Main Event every time. I started with 4 people with decent enough pop and most everyone else with not a lot and that makes getting high scores for regular matches pretty tough which is realisitic.  This is small time stuff and a score just over the second half of the scale this early is pure luck. 

My reward was perhaps the most useless of all the rolls you could get as far as the RTG challenge itself but one that is great in terms of what I can do writing wise in a diary.  A 7 which meant I got a girlfriend out of my roster.  I then randomly generated another roll and Chloe got to be the lucky lady.   Having a girlfriend in no way helps the show, my career or the challenge but I already knew it was coming and was able to drop a few subtle hints that it might be coming in earlier parts of this.  The fact that I got perhaps the best roll and perhaps the worst challenge wise in the first two is funny to me.   

The next show wont have a card listed because I gave lots of people the night off both to save money and to debut in ring some of my new talent and hired some cheap local workers to put people over in Noreste so it's a tad predictable result wise.  Going forward most shows will see some talent rested as I try to build up a roster capable of getting beyond tiny and staying there. 

I have a Season Final scheduled at the end of June 22 and some really fun stuff happens in both the company and the game world but getting to the next level is something that wont be happening till sometime in 23 at the earliest, thats just the nature of things at this level.  For me it's never about the destination but the journey - I really dont care if I ever have that 100 match in a Huge company.  It's about having as much fun as I can trying to get there and if I fail then so be it. In a bit of foreshadowing I will say that not everyone is going to be staying with LLL on this journey from insignificance to a little bit less insignificant.     

image.pngThats one lucky roll

Edited by alpha2117
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News From the World of Wrestling 

Late April 2022



Bryan Howard here with all the sad and scandalous outside the ring news from the always volatile world of Sports Entertainment


Is this the end?

The living legend that is Tommy Cornell appeared visibly distressed as he tried to limp away from the ring after his last match for 21CW before the dreaded X was thrown up and he was assisted to the back.  Early reports indicate he may have torn his Achillies Tendon.  With Cornell's contract up in only around a month and with likely surgery and perhaps as long as a year on the sidelines looming there is a definite possibility that we may have seen the great one in ring for the last time.


TCW in crisis as another name said to be out the door

Flint Slater wasn't the biggest name on the TCW roster but his exit after only a year comes as a surprise to many.  Slater debuted with much fanfare in 2021 as part of the Syndicate but when it came time to renew his deal TCW apparently passed.   Some have said it was difficult personality whilst others have said TCW simply didn't think he was worth the money he had decided to demand.  TCW's loss appears to be GSW's gain with strong indications that Slater is about to debut there. Reports of issues with TCW's booking team continue and it really does seem the company is becoming increasingly chaotic backstage. 


Oh Mark Carnie you lovable scamp

Reports of Bat Cooper leaving SNP have surprised nobody, the reason ... failure to get paid for performing at SNP Hardcoe War 2022.  More light hearted hijinks from wrestling's scummiest scumbag I see. Carnie will of course continue to fail upwards.

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LLL Club Exotico 5 

Mar 2022


from Lugar Genérico - Ciudad Acuña with 103 people in attendance 

This hall looks pretty much the same as the one in Tijuana but Cass warned us all not to head north as the Texan Border Patrol are a little more Texan than the more relaxed California guys and nobody wants to get shot because they took a wrong turn.  I think Cass was joking ... although given the politics around the Mexican US border I was planning to stay on the Southern Side of the Rio Grande just in case.

We'd left around half our people back in Tijuana and were bringing in some locals who didn't cost an arm and a leg thankfully 

Out I wander again to cut a promo and issue an open challenge - I'm better at it this time thankfully. A guy called Firebird comes out to answer it ... I had tried to run through the match details with him but he just said call it in the ring.  Cass said he's a bit anti-social and she had heard he used to run Reggae Music across the border into Texas.  Oh great I am going into the ring with a guy with potential criminal links in a Mexico border town ... perhaps that info could have been imparted to me before I hired the guy Cass. I better not botch anything because whilst he's not the biggest guy for all I know he might be planning to Brody me if things go amiss.


Freya Tuck retains the LLL Warrior Queen over Firebird

I'm alive.  It all went okay.  Firebird was fine.  It was all a bit anticlimactic really.  He's not Mr. Likeable but he was there to do a job and he did it without complaint.   Cass smirks at me after the match and I get the feeling Firebird's past might not be as bad as Cass indicated ... did I just get ribbed.


Bindi Hume vs Nanisca ends in a double countout

 The crowd dont know them, heck I dont know them and I booked the match.  They look pretty good though and that was enough to keep the crowd vaguely happy.  We had them go to the outside and brawl around the ring till they got counted out because I had no idea if either of them was worth pushing.  I genuinely like Bindi but like the Skulls she likes her Reggae music and Nanisca was already seeming to be a bit hard to do business with and both had failed to get their gimmicks to land.  Still they were trying and hadn't gone out and done a Styx.


Dama de las Pesadillas def Fuego Fantastico

I regret wasting this now.  Fuego is on a bit of a tear and after his two bangers with Masky he proved it wasn't a fluke with another fine performance here.  I've under-estimated this guy big time. Fuego never holds back and whilst that might end up taking it's toll over the years right now it's leading to great matches even if thats only in front of 100 people. Val is great I know that but she's got the natural "it" factor of a rock. We've covered that up by keeping her largely silent and the menacing paint is working a treat.  I want her to make it in this business so bad because she's such a genuinely good person but there's that niggling doubt if she'll ever be able to get over at a higher level than us.  Val went over tonight but I think Fuego is a star in the making.


El Enigma def Arco Iris

What the heck Nigma .. what the heck was that?  You are supposed to be able to work comedy but that was about as funny as a funeral for a Nun.  Arco worked her ass off but Nigma was useless out there tonight.  It's going to make for some awkward conversations at the next Booking team meeting.


Styx retained the LLL Mexican title over Glamourzonia

I prepared myself for another awful botchfest from Styx and then ... it never came.  He was slick, he looked great out there.  I am both relieved and confused now. Is it Tijuana?  Does he just not like Tijuana?  


Georgia DeColt def Kuroki Kagawa

Georgia did enough on debut to tell me there was plenty there to push and she got to take on a Joshi girl who moved to Mexico to follow her Lucha dreams a few years back.  She's tiny - maybe 5ft - she had been on OL's list of possibles, and I sort of regret not going for her because she had some lovely flashy flippy stuff going on. Gotta control myself ... you just cant hire everyone mate.


Downahowee def Mono Maniacal

Look we are a tiny insignificant company playing a show before 100 people but we have standards and this ... this wasn't up to them.  This was Styxian in it's botchiness.  Debut's aren't easy and Dowanhowee might end up being worth it down the tack because there's something about the guy but this was so unbelievably awful that I wanted to go out and call it half way through and apologise to the crowd.  Theres's good chemistry and then there's what these two guys have which is just ... No ... just No.

Poda Rusa surround the ring post match and then Cassiopia of all people runs down to make the save.  Cass is popular in Noreste and it gets a pop.


Cassiopia def The Glitch

Cass is the most experienced worker I have and whilst their in ring career is very much in winddown mode they still know how to work a match.  This told a fairly simple story of a grizzled Mexican Exotico standing up to some would be Russian Tech Mogul gangster who is too big for his boots, actually lets go with Tecnico and Rudo and not over-complicate things.  Glitch isn't particularly great right now but he has a look and can talk (not Spanish right now which is an issue) and there might be something there if I persist with him long enough.  Cass carried him to an acceptable if uninspiring in ring debut for LLL. 


Playboys Incondicionales def Ramon Herrera & Francisco Vega

I braced myself for another mediocre bout and then something magical happened. The guy from a country with way to many consonants (he's Kyrgyz) and the big Russian hardcore guy have wonderful natural chemistry as the Hardcore Playboys and what was even more magical the dull looking Mexican guy and the worlds oldest looking 19 yo Danny Trejo impersonator also felt like a great natural fit.  Nobody knew who any of these people were but when it was finished they knew they had seen a pretty decent wrestling match.  Suyun has clearly go it - he looks like a star and he's obviously been training in the amateur ranks for years because he's a heck of a mat technician.  Qodir's not all that tall - he's maybe 5'11 but he's wide and he looks like a mean bastisch and he can brawl insanely well. That contrast of styles is pretty classic for a tag team and we might have something here.  I need to control my instincts though and not offer the other guys deals because we are well and truly full and for as well as they meshed they are a fair way off being good enough and frankly both seemed like absolute tools backstage.  I dont have tools backstage now and I sure dont need tools in my life complicating things.


Hijas de las Águilas def Reinas Dragón

So the Daughters of the Eagles took on the Dragon Queens and I took a punt and had the new girls go over.  Zarina is from one of the old Soviet republics Kazakhstan I think and looks and feels like she could be a big deal and she proved she could fly here.  Nasiba is an Uzbek which I assume is in that region somewhere too and she seemed to have enough about her to make me happy we had signed her too.  At this point the Dragons are smooth and efficient and they no how to flaunt what the universe and in at least one case a very good plastic surgeon gave them and they got why we were putting the others over on this throwaway show.  Just like the last match I was a very happy Booker once it was over.  


The Great Kendo def Leopard King

Dont let that pic fool you ... that's him form 2012 ... as of now the King is very much in the white jump suit fried Peanut Butter sandwich part of his career.  Somehow that's got him over more as it's a clearly ludicrous gimmick with a flabby out of shape "Lord of the Jungle" trying out his best Lord Greystoke impression - loincloth and all.  Kenny needed some momentum and the King is the perfect kind of fodder to do that in theory.  It was pretty awful with the Lord of the Botch being a more appropriate nickname for Garfield King.


Payaso Jr def Ms Miranda

Miranda is ... well she's beautiful but pretty naff in the ring and the only way she will ever get better is to work with better workers ... which is pretty much anyone.  Payaso Jr meanwhile needed a win.  This was remarkably good and my knockoff Bat villain and knockoff Bat love interest/villain actually had really good natural chemistry with each other which was a shock.  It was definitely the best Miranda had ever looked wrestling wise. 


Reinas Araña def The Ivy & The Vine def Ronin to win the LLL LDL Tag Titles

I then took the biggest gamble of my booking career and life to be honest ... I had my new girlfriend do the job and lose her tag titles.  It had always been the plan to give her and Charlotte a run and then have Spider and Reina get those belts.  The run had done wonders for Chloe and Charlotte but I needed to get some heat into the Joshi girls who could put on better matches right now.  It still felt like a big risk to have my new Missus lose just after we have got together.  She was cool with it though and I am hopeful of not being smothered in my sleep.




Club Exotico def North Star Jr, Sunburst & Zebra Man to retain the LLL FDL Trios

You know why some people are unemployed ... In Noth Star's case it's because he's an insecure whiny dick who when we asked him to job went all "Que no me funcionen hermano". I'm not your brother pal and I really dont care if it works for you but I dont need an argument.  Sunny and Zeb though were absolute gems.  Sunny was a ball of energy who was easy to like and Zeb was quiet but when I spoke to him about doing the job was absolutely fine with it.  It was a good match and it will definitely have helped the Swans and I to have a bigger profile round here.  I made sure to thank Zeb in ring and after the match - he did me a solid tonight.

Post match Payaso Jr and El Enigma hit the ring and I took my chair shots like a man ... well like an Exotico I guess.


Edo Phoenix IV def Devil's Granddaughter to retain the LLL FDL Triangle Title

DGD wants to wrestle and I've been using her in stuff that is only loosely fitting that description so far because frankly she's go a striking look that works for that stuff.  I let her off the leash tonight though. She's a way off being good yet but there's a bit there and she's starting to understand the concept of working safe.  People say she's a prodigy and I have to agree she's coming on in leaps and bounds even in this short time.  One day she's going to be good.  Right now though Edo carried her.  It was good nowhere near as good as Edo and Dama from a few weeks back but good. 

It was a good solid show and I praised up Fuego and DGD because they hung in there with my two big dogs.  Chloe and I are going to go and look at the Rio Grande - then we noticed Spider and Kenny holding hands ... ain't love grand.  He's punching way above his weight though.  I spoke to OL and we are going to head down to Occidente next and test the waters there before heading back to Tijuana. 


Club Exotico 6 - Card from Occidente

LLL Warrior Queen Freya Tuck (c) v Pamela Rojo

Ms Miranda v Verduga

El Lago De Los Cisnes (La Cisne & La Cisne Negra) v Los Pecados (Payaso Jr El Enigma)

Arco Iris v Jackie the Ripper

Demonio v Ganymede Jr v The Great Kendo

The Glitch v Lila Storm

Surf's Up (Surfer Dude Lucas Jonathan Wesker) v Playboys Incondicionales (Suyun Begaliyev & Qodir Mazdakov)

LLL FDL Tag Reinas Arana (Reina Hoshino Spider Isako) v Hijas de las Águilas (Zarina Diasova Nasiba Tursonova)

Dama de las Pesadillas v Hermana Gracia

LLL Mexican Styx (c) v Jose Flamenco

LLL FDL Triangle Edo Phoenix IV v El Ladron

Edited by alpha2117
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