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Overrated CVerse Workers

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Around the launch of TWIX I made a thread asking everyone about who they believe to be some of the most underrated workers within the CVerse. And, with there being not nearly enough negativity in the world today, I want to posit the exact opposite: who are some of the most overrated workers in your opinion? Whether it’s because they could never perform well for you, their backstage toxicity making prime Hogan blush, or the fact that you just can’t understand why everyone loves them, I’m curious as to who everyone views as overhyped.

Personally, I CANNOT stand Jay Chord at this point. I have no reason to care for him beyond the fact that he’s consistently saddled with my favorite company (TCW) in any save I play. He’s always been a massive pain in the ass backstage and I feel that Matthew Keith/Greg Gauge can do everything he does, but better (ironically enough, they would’ve been my picks had it not been for the decision to keep Keith heel and turn Greg face in my most recent TCW save).

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Personally speaking, I never care about the USPW, SWF, or TCW guys with only a few exceptions, so I guess I don't rate them as highly as other fans of the C-Verse. I feel like one of the few people who prefers the underrated companies like GSW and EMLL since their characters seem a lot more interesting to me.

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10 hours ago, Andy said:

I feel that Matthew Keith/Greg Gauge can do everything he does, but better


It's funny you say that, because I feel the opposite. Apart from Keith's better primary skills, Chord at least matches if not out performs him in every other area that matters, and has the SQ to be a long term headliner for a big company. I think my bitterness towards Keith comes from the fact that I like TCW, and he is Greg Gauge's twin with identical skills yet for some reason Matt is larger and has more SQ. I have a bit of twin envy on Gauge's behalf. Though I will admit that Matthew Keith is not overrated and is one of the best wrestlers in the world. It's irrational but I just don't like him much.

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This might get me a lot of hate but Fuyuko Higa. She's always a problem backstage for me, and after a while it just gets old. Dealing with her makes me appreciate Spider Isako more as i usually pair them up together, while not a good as Higa she has a ton of upside to me. 

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Gotta disagree on Jay Chord.  I just resigned him for 350k per month.  Keep him happy and he will put up a 95+ match any time you book him.  And he has the SQ and entertainment skills to carry your top storyline any time you need him to.  Of course, I'm a long time MAW/TCW guy, so I've been booking him for 10 years IRL and am probably a little biased, but I don't think there's a better worker in the game.  Fully agree on Higa being overrated, at least when Chord is happy he isn't a disruption.  Higa is always stirring stuff up.  

Again, coming from a TCW perspective, the most over pushed talent on the roster when the game starts is Flint Slater.  Completely useless.  Most overrated by the community?  I don't know, I feel like most people have a pretty good grasp on what they can get out of guys.  This is honestly nit picking, but I'm not sure what anyone sees in Killer Shark.  Maybe T-Bone Bright, not that he can't go, I just that I think there are a lot of guys that can do it better than him.

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image.gif image.gifimage.gifimage.gifimage.gif

Sammy Bach is the main one for me. Loved him in the older games, but for all his star quality, fundamentals and performance skills - he stinks up every match he's in for me in my ring-based fed,  and time is now very much seeming to have gotten the better of him. Won't be renewing his contract, but am feeding him to my younger stars one-by-one...as I did with Nate Johnson, Chance Fortune and Daryl Devine on their ways out the company. 

Troy Tornado is my other one I've always struggled with. Every version of the game he's hanging around the top of the card with absolute zero in-ring ability to really justify it. Can't sell, mediocre star power, mid on the mic, dwindling stamina and utterly banged up. Amazed he's not part-time by now, but has refused my attempts to encourage him to retire.

Shout out to Running Wolf, Eddie Howard and Enygma, who all seem to have been pushed beyond their overall in-ring abilities, too

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18 hours ago, Cards1125 said:

Gotta disagree on Jay Chord.  I just resigned him for 350k per month.  Keep him happy and he will put up a 95+ match any time you book him.  And he has the SQ and entertainment skills to carry your top storyline any time you need him to.  Of course, I'm a long time MAW/TCW guy, so I've been booking him for 10 years IRL and am probably a little biased, but I don't think there's a better worker in the game.  Fully agree on Higa being overrated, at least when Chord is happy he isn't a disruption.  Higa is always stirring stuff up.  

Again, coming from a TCW perspective, the most over pushed talent on the roster when the game starts is Flint Slater.  Completely useless.  Most overrated by the community?  I don't know, I feel like most people have a pretty good grasp on what they can get out of guys.  This is honestly nit picking, but I'm not sure what anyone sees in Killer Shark.  Maybe T-Bone Bright, not that he can't go, I just that I think there are a lot of guys that can do it better than him.

Yup - I've had zero backstage issue with him he's basically a cheat code at this point.

Up to August 2022 in my game and he's got 92/93 popularity across all of America, his primarys and performance skills are all up +2/3 and his fundamentals are all +4 minimum. His last five mathches were 99/94/94/95/100,

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I will agree that Chord is usually just fine.  Make sure he's happy and don't ask him to lose much (why would you?) and he stays out of trouble.

Sammy Bach in the last 2 games is a mixed bag.  He can cut a GREAT promo, but don't put him in the main on a PLE/PPV.    As long as he's in the third match down the card he is an asset.

T-Bone is a disappointment any time he gets to the main event scene.  His consistency is garbage, so good luck getting a solid performance when you need it.

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For me it's pretty much the entire list of the like top 100 workers in the world.



What can I say? I mark out for all the bump boy jobbers on the indie scene. The worse they are at everything, the more I like 'em. I like having projects to build up from nothing, not guys who are already made stars for [insert reason here.] 


I am Keith Vegas' #1 fan for a reason. ❤️ (Sam Keith will rue the day he let Keith Vegas go.)

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22 minutes ago, MikeSc said:


T-Bone is a disappointment any time he gets to the main event scene.  His consistency is garbage, so good luck getting a solid performance when you need it.

Haven’t had this yet. He’s been good for me and is actually currently my World Title holder. 

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I don't like Aaron Andrews. I know that if I want a promo, I can rely on Sammy Bach. If I want a great match, I can rely on Wolf Hawkins.

He is good but limited on the mic and still has inconsistency in the ring so while good, I can't rely on him too much. Out of this TCW's trio, he is the one I like the least despite being the biggest one ( even though I will say that I would easily give a title run to Aaron over Sammy unlike what TCW did) 

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4 hours ago, EdJames said:

Yup - I've had zero backstage issue with him he's basically a cheat code at this point.

Up to August 2022 in my game and he's got 92/93 popularity across all of America, his primarys and performance skills are all up +2/3 and his fundamentals are all +4 minimum. His last five mathches were 99/94/94/95/100,

I’m gonna be honest and say that a lot of my biases against Chord come from the Alt CVerse mod as my last two long-term saves have come from that one. In my default CVerse save from TEW20 he was a top guy for me and I didn’t have any problems with him beyond how to book him at times since he lacks any glaring personality-based flaws in the default world. In the Alt-CVerse mod, however, he is basically made into an insanely self-absorbed assclown. He is not happy to take a loss to anyone regardless of their popularity because he has the “That doesn’t work for me, brother” trait and he was consistently turning people in the locker room against young up-and-comer Xavi Ferrera due to his Agitator personality. In TWIX, he refuses to shut up about not being a chief enforcer and his morale is constantly needing to be raised via bonuses as a result (something that is a MASSIVE pet peeve of mine from my workers). Basically, any issues I had with him from my TEW20 save became doubly worse when I started a new Alt CVerse save in TWIX and now he is preparing to debut for SWF alongside Hollywood Bret Starr after I kicked his ass out via a loser leaves match at the end of his contract.

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3 hours ago, MikeSc said:

I will agree that Chord is usually just fine.  Make sure he's happy and don't ask him to lose much (why would you?) and he stays out of trouble.

Sammy Bach in the last 2 games is a mixed bag.  He can cut a GREAT promo, but don't put him in the main on a PLE/PPV.    As long as he's in the third match down the card he is an asset.

T-Bone is a disappointment any time he gets to the main event scene.  His consistency is garbage, so good luck getting a solid performance when you need it.

I love Sammy as a sidekick. Right now he's eating all the tags in a Aaron Andrews and Sammy Bach vs Scythe and the Behemoths feud. Sammy gets rescued a lot.

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2 hours ago, Andy said:

I’m gonna be honest and say that a lot of my biases against Chord come from the Alt CVerse mod as my last two long-term saves have come from that one. In my default CVerse save from TEW20 he was a top guy for me and I didn’t have any problems with him beyond how to book him at times since he lacks any glaring personality-based flaws in the default world. In the Alt-CVerse mod, however, he is basically made into an insanely self-absorbed assclown. He is not happy to take a loss to anyone regardless of their popularity because he has the “That doesn’t work for me, brother” trait and he was consistently turning people in the locker room against young up-and-comer Xavi Ferrera due to his Agitator personality. In TWIX, he refuses to shut up about not being a chief enforcer and his morale is constantly needing to be raised via bonuses as a result (something that is a MASSIVE pet peeve of mine from my workers). Basically, any issues I had with him from my TEW20 save became doubly worse when I started a new Alt CVerse save in TWIX and now he is preparing to debut for SWF alongside Hollywood Bret Starr after I kicked his ass out via a loser leaves match at the end of his contract.

Oh I haven't used that mod so I can't speak to that.  I haven't had any trouble getting him to put others over, but he does always require me to use the keep strong note.  It doesn't pull down the ratings of the match enough to be worth making him angry.

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I feel like this thread is concentrating too much on people we see as being generic Superstar Hair Mafia types that aren't as fun to book as the campy cult characters of the CVerse. Lets be real: If Jay Chord came to the real world, he'd be seen at being about the same caliber as a CM Punk or MJF, maybe even better from an in-ring standpoint.

What we really should be focusing on are characters overrated within the confines of the CVerse, as in the ones where the game's profiles just straight up start lying to us about how good they are and then when we use them it all goes to hell. Here are mine for various feds

21CW: War Machine. This guy's supposed to be the big bad, edging towards the main event scene with a stable and a manager behind him, but he doesn't have the charisma of a Roly Muckletruck, who really should be the number one monster heel because even though Roly's worse in ring he has a far easier time getting over, due to War Machine not being able to use the "Dominate" road agent note due to lacking 72+ charisma. War Machine's probably only gotten over because he was repeatedly pushed until people got the point, not because he actually brings something special to the table.

5SSW: Toku Kijmuta. The game implies she can be a decent singles star; thats a straight up lie where theres like two dozen people in the company who can outwork her, shes the third or fourth most menacing heel on the roster, shes not greatly charismatic or looks like that much of a star, and shes not in a fed that suits her ring style.

APW: Christopher Gerard. I feel like hes a real sign of how badly APW have taken beating after beating in their war against RAW, when they have to push this guy as a top guy cause everyone else left. He's decent and all but he'd be a midcarder at best in RAW and hes probably getting raided by them in TEW X, where he'll probably drown quickly.

BHOTWG: Kinnojo Horri. Never got why this guy got star treatment, he comes off as worker more like a main event American brawler, but he doesn't seem like a super big star even with his size and isn't super charismatic like Tadakuni Toshusai. Even if NEO Prime is cool like the Bullet Club, I never got why this guy was in a top-tier position even before that storyline started as a babyface fairly high up on the pecking order.

CWA: Andre Jones. This guy has no real superstar quality to him, hes not an outstanding worker, but it seems like Andre Jones the character constantly feels like hes always been underutilized and I have no idea why: Comedic lackey and midcard USPW title holder are probably better positions than he deserves for his talent level. And CWA is implied to be "using him strongly"? To do what, carry Aaron Knight's luggage?

CILL: The whole fed, really, I have no idea why this generic-ass company is alive while OLLIE is dead, I'd bet this company sees less diaries than any other in the CVerse since its inception. I kinda thought Electric Dreamer was overrated for a while but shes coming on a bit in this game, and 85 charisma is probably among the highest in women's wrestling so she can kinda justify a push.

FCW: Santiago Gallardo. He's gotta be carried by the gimmick, because he's only a decent worker, not that great a talker, not really menacing, and really the whole stable around him kinda sucks except for maybe Rosa and even shes only got Sex Appeal. I have no idea how this gimmick got over without merking Puerto Rican Power beforehand. The Latino Kings may be established there but its not like they were _THAT_ over

IPW: Deacon Darkhold. to be fair to him though the game kinda does imply that he got over as strong as he did because of the gimmick and the fact Blackfriar probably went out of his way to carry his end of the feud and make it work to propel both guys further. To me though Darkhold is the 4th most interesting/talented guy in his own stable, the tag team are better workers and Melvin Otto's got fun character potential.

PGHW: Bison Yano and Brute Kikuchi. Boy are they lost in this fed, and I have no idea why the creative minds behind the Cornellverse don't just have BHOTWG poach them like they do in almost every TEW 16 and 20 save ever.

RAW: Oh god, so many people here, although to be fair RAW's workers have developed somewhat since TEW 2010. I have to go with the LiberTeen stable and everyone affiliated with it though. Even by RAW's standards a lot of them suck, only a few really had charisma, and I'd imagine if we saw this gorup on an IRL Aussie wrestling show it'd be Spirit Squad-levels of flaming TV death and probably carried only by Raymond Royce doing a good Paul Heyman impression.

SWF: Des Davids. He's not that bad, but I feel like theres several guys behind him in the pecking order who are better for this "next heel rising to the Rocky Golden challenge" spot hes in in the start of the game. It is realistic on the SWF's part though, because OF COURSE they'd push the burly former football player with injury concerns in Davids over those vanilla midgets Spencer Spade and ZWB......

TCW: Sammy Bach. This guy's always been better and cooler in diaries than hes been on matchday and I have no idea why they'd bother with him getting a reign other than variety's sake or loyaltys sake. Was he better in the earlier TEW games before he declined?

USPW: Alina America. I described her somewhere else as "Female 2015 Roman Reigns", and I think that description is accurate in a lot of ways. Not in terms of look or gimmick obviously, but in terms of we're just pushing this person because they look good. She's not a great talker or even super charismatic, she can't work at the high top-end standard of the USPW women's division which has always been surprisingly good, and she somehow won Female Wrestler of the Year!??!?! What kinda fake smarks run TEW.com these days? Shoulda been Sara Marie or Jaime Quine winning the award pretty much every year to troll Alicia Strong or something

ZEN: Rekha. Oh man if she were actually CVerse Awesome Kong instead of Awesome Kong's non-union New Zealander equivalent I'd be pushing her so hard in my 5SSW save and would probably have her winning Unified versions of every title in existence just to emphasize how awesome she is. Instead shes got only decent menace, not a star, not charismatic, not a good worker, would probably be a borderline DIW hire if she were male, I have no idea why ZEN thought it'd be a decent idea to push her to a title shot against Pumpkin Jack or to even give her a tag title in this team with Lerone Slim, who is only barely passable enough in terms of carrying this deadweight. Even if I set aside my misgivings on an integrated roster and think it would've just been better to give ZEN a women's division, Rekha would not be pushed in it unless there was literally no other choice for Kalliope's nemesis.

Edited by White Dolphin
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15 hours ago, White Dolphin said:

TCW: Sammy Bach. This guy's always been better and cooler in diaries than hes been on matchday and I have no idea why they'd bother with him getting a reign other than variety's sake or loyaltys sake. Was he better in the earlier TEW games before he declined?

He was one of THE guys you needed to sign in previous games, if only because he had a great rockstar-like render from JSilver that made him look like a megastar.

But my God, he STINKS the place out this year. A good day at the office is a 60-rated match!

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7 hours ago, EdJames said:

He was one of THE guys you needed to sign in previous games, if only because he had a great rockstar-like render from JSilver that made him look like a megastar.

But my God, he STINKS the place out this year. A good day at the office is a 60-rated match!

What I usually do in a new save is pair him up with a young guy I want to push to help prop them up the ranks a little bit, split them & have him lose, & then just make him a midcard gatekeeper until I transition him to manager. He's still good for promos in my saves.

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On 10/10/2024 at 11:23 PM, Shifty425 said:

This might get me a lot of hate but Fuyuko Higa. She's always a problem backstage for me, and after a while it just gets old. Dealing with her makes me appreciate Spider Isako more as i usually pair them up together, while not a good as Higa she has a ton of upside to me. 

No hate, I've had the exact opposite experience with her. Whether its TEW16, TEW2020 or TEW IX, anytime I've hired her she's been a great performer and rather quiet backstage, only kicking back when I ask her to lose to people she considers lesser. Might just be me running a tight locker room, I guess.

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20 minutes ago, DarK_RaideR said:

No hate, I've had the exact opposite experience with her. Whether its TEW16, TEW2020 or TEW IX, anytime I've hired her she's been a great performer and rather quiet backstage, only kicking back when I ask her to lose to people she considers lesser. Might just be me running a tight locker room, I guess.

Same. In my 6 year CWA save, she was on the main roster for 3 of the years, and was really quiet. In fact, I wanted her to cause problems because my backstage scene was so boring. Even when I asked her to put over Lauren Easter, who had been away for a year at that point, she didn't make a fuss. 

I would have to echo the Sammy Bach sentiments. I signed him back in TEW '16, and he just wasn't performing at the level that I wanted. 

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1 hour ago, DarK_RaideR said:

No hate, I've had the exact opposite experience with her. Whether its TEW16, TEW2020 or TEW IX, anytime I've hired her she's been a great performer and rather quiet backstage, only kicking back when I ask her to lose to people she considers lesser. Might just be me running a tight locker room, I guess.

She's been a pain in the ass but worth it in my SWF save. As of July 2024 she's the most popular female wrestler in the US and at least one of the top two in the world. Her stats are ridiculous. She's by far the best wrestler on my roster and matches that with excellent performance skills. She and Alicia Strong just put up a 98 rated match at Supreme Challenge 44 over the Vixxen title. She also has an 89 with Alicia, an 87 with Laura Washington and can put up an 80 or better with anyone.

On the other hand, she decided that she hated Aldous Blackfriar which was awkward as they were in a stable together. She has negative opinions of 5 different wrestlers on the roster including everyone in her old stable and me as the head booker. She's dating Wes Revell though so there's at least one positive relationship there.



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I love Edd Stone, but I feel like if we're being honest he's probably one of the guys who's rated/pushed much more highly due to being a part of the Stone Family and the sort of Black Sheep of the family. He's a really fun character to write for and been a part of a ton of great dynasties over the years, but if you look at his stats and take his sort of name and family out of the equation his psychology (and consistency) is a lot lower than the rest of CWA's top of the card and stat-wisehe's very similar to someone like Mimic who's very low on the card. He's in his prime at 35 so it's not like it's someone like Sammy Bach who has clearly lost a step.

That being said if I played CWA he'd be one of the guys I'd probably enjoy booking the most, but just from an objective standpoint I feel like he's a guy who a lot of people love using despite committing the cardinal of being very good on a roster with some greats.

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Decided to take a look at all of the larger promotions and make my list, I think I might seperate Overpushed and Overrated since there are a lot of guys who are high on the card, but everyone knows they kind of suck. I think I'm also going to avoid picking guys who are past their prime to make it a little harder than just picking the old guy every time. I enjoyed writing this so I might make another post for some smaller promotions, but this has gotten long enough as it is.

Overrated: Beast Bantom, don't get me wrong he's solid and good for where he is, but I feel like a lot of people want to push him as a top monster heel but I just don't really see it. He's solid in ring for a guy his size, but isn't really significantly better than the likes of Bedlam and War Machine while being older than them. He's better in ring than Roly Mackeltruck, but Roly has the charisma to back up his size so he can deliver in angles and benefit from squash matches in a way Beast can't. Don't get me wrong, he's a solid upper midcard heel but for a company 21CW's size he's just not good enough in matches or angles to really justify a significant push and IMO you'd be better off focusing on younger guys/guys who are already over then spending the time pushing him up the card.

Joe Simpson & Michael X - I get wanting to be loyal to your homegrown talent, but with 21CW's money problems do you really want to be paying almost 50K a month for two guys who are mediocre in ring with no star quality and mediocre entertainment skills. TBH this applies to a lot of 21CW's roster, but I just don't see any upside with these two beyond good enhancement talent guys.

Overrated: This one's tough, it would be easy enough to pick any of the loads of old guys that are still around but I'll instead go with Mystic Dragon, he's good but I think he's a step below the likes of Sensational Dragon, Emerald Angel, and Elemental III with subpar psychology given how long he's been a top guy in the division and has more titles to his name than he really deserves.

Overpushed: I'll go with Yasuhiko Taira, I mainly wanted to avoid older guys but he's just always kind of sucked for a guy who was supposed to be in the main event mix. He's somehow still the 3rd most popular wrestler in the company (well tied for 3rd with the current champion) and more popular than the anyone in the juniors division. With Horri and Nakasawa you can at least say they used to be top talents, with Taira his psychology was never good enoughand he should have been used to elevate younger talent years ago.

Overrated: I already mentioned Ed Stone, so I'm going to go in the opposite end of the card and pick Dreadnought. Don't get me wrong, he could be great in five to ten years, but he's not anywhere near good enough in ring to get the kind of monster heel push you'd want to give a guy with his look and menace. IMO it would be a much better idea to have him work under a normal name on the undercard for a few years and then have him go under the mask and name once he's ready. To me it feels like it'll be a situation where he gets a lot better in CWA, but doesn't become a real money draw until he leaves to go to Japan or the US where he's ready to make an impact right away.

Overpushed: CWA's got a lot of talent so it's hard to find someone who I'd really call not good enough for their spot. I made an argument for Edd Stone in my last post, but I guess I'll go with Andre Jones on the basis that he's fine as a midcard Television title contender level guy, but he absolutely doesn't deserve to be a main event level guy like his bio suggests he might and there's a good reason he never broke out of the midcard of SWF or USPW.

Overrated: Dr Rudo is the most over heel but just isn't anywhere near good enough in ring for his spot on the card with the level of talent around him. He's entertaining sure, but Multimillionario just seems like a much better version of what he does, and even just counting heels you've got Gino Montero right there as well. 

Overpushed: Pharoah King is a veteran jack of all trades who is okay in the ring and on the microphone, but has been carried up the card thanks to his tag team with Multimillionario; who outshines him both in the mircrophone and in the ring. He's a solid enough midcarder, but he's somehow become the 4th most over rudo on your roster; which is a spot I'd much rather give to one of the younger members of the Cabal like Scarlet Scarab.

Overrated: Hirobumi Takimoto I know we're trying to push the next generation, but to me Takimoto feels like one of those guys whose never quite going to get to the level to be a top guy despite PGHWs best attempt to get him there. Maybe I'm wrong, but he just doesn't stand out enough in the ring or in his entertainment or looks and has a negative personality backstage on top of that.

Overpushed: Bison Yano and Brute Kikuchi just don't have the in ring talent to be top guys in a promotion like PGHW. They're solid enough as rocks of the tag division and gatekeepers to the main event, but their bios keep hinting at them getting singles pushes which I just don't see going well. I think White Dolphin has it right that them jumping to BHOWTG's depleted heavyweight division or to the US where in ring skills aren't as valued might be the best move for them.

Overrated: Nathan Mackenzie has talent, but his entertainment skills are mediocre and there are just so many guys in RAW who can do what he can do better and I think he'll probably end up falling back down to the midcard once he gets stale and the protective booking ends. He feels like he was a big fish in a small pond in APW, but I just don't see him getting to the very top in RAW.

Overpushed: Matt Stoppard is pretty awful and has issues with drugs and alcohol on top of that. Kind of bizzarre he survived the mass firings that cut so many other guys in RAW, but I guess he's kind of lucky he's got a partner who's talented enough to make the team worth keeping but not so talented they want to push him as a solo star.

Overrated: Dominic DeSousa isn't bad, but I think he's a guy a lot of people peg as a future star but is pretty mediocre in ring and his entertainment and looks aren't quite enough to make up for it. At 28 he has time to improve, but I feel like he'll end up being surpassed by a lot of the talent coming out of RIPW and never really break out of the midcard. I could see him being very good as a top heel for NYCW after his SWF career fizzles out though. Marshal Dillon's an honorable mention here since his bio suggests he and Ranger's team will be a springboard for them to be future stars, but he's just outshined by his partner in every area tha matters as well as being five years older.

Overpushed: Justice Jolson is overpushed in the sense he really has no business being on the roster at all, let alone weighing down the Supreme Dream Team. When you make Avalanche look like a ring general you know it's bad.

Overrated: I like the guy, but Seth Whitehead having 51 psychology at age 28 is a big concern, and while he's got an all round skill set he doesn't really excel enough at one thing to be confident that he'll get to an elite level in any area. Him having the canny operator attribute also hurts since holding back extra on tv matches isn't a great look for someone who's only barely making it on the roster.

Overpushed: How is Dominick Rizzoli on this roster and not a part of the DiMeo family in NYCW. It's one thing to stick with your own graduates who have nothing going for them, but this signing makes no sense to begin with. I'll also callout Chance Fortune, he's just completely washed and even with his injuries Devine could be better served being paired with someone else.

Overrated: I loved Zeus back in his prime in CGC, but now he's in his forties and he's being given his own stable in a much larger company with higher expectations. I like the guy, but he's 44 so his in ring skills are on the way down and as an enertainer he's fine but not a Rich Money level guy where he's good/over enough to make up for declining in ring skills. TBH you could put the whole Olympus Order on here since Siale Valhalla & Bash Street are pretty bad in ring and rely on menace as their only real selling point. Bash is young, so he probably has the biggest chance to develop into something more. Also I know Atlas is pretty mid, but how do you not put him in the Olympus Order given his name.

Overpushed: Eddie Howard was great in his tag team role, but I don't think the split and singles push really helps either guy. He doesn't have the look and entertainment skills USPW wants in a main event level singles guy, and he's a good worker but not at the level of Bulldozer Brandon Smith or Kirk Jameson. With the right manager/mouthpiece or as part of a stable I could see him doing relatively well, but I just can't really see him as a top guy. Steve Frehley is also pretty mediocre relative to his push, but with USPW's product it's not that big a deal and he's at least over enough that fans will react to him as a star.

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Definitely agree on Seth. He's a Next Big Thing in my dynasty game and the top of my Hot Prospects list too, so I somehow need to find a way to develop him. Chance and Dom may be quietly shown the door too...


I think my approach to this has to be looking at in-universe overrated workers since the players don't really tend to overrate anyone, and I think the two biggest culprits of this are Rocky Golden and Nicky Champion. Nicky is good in the ring but doesn't have the psychology a 37-year-old multiple time World Champion should have, and Rocky Golden can't sell, has mediocre athleticism and is pretty unexciting in the ring. Both guys are basically carried by the innertia of their own popularity at this stage and I personally hate having a definitive "Guy" in a company (as Rocky and Nicky are in their respective feds) who has glaring holes in their skillset. To misquote Ric Flair: to be The Man, you need to BE The Man, and neither of them are complete enough for that.

Edited by Devilb0y
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