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DOTT Question

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Is there another pic pack for the DOTT scenario? I don't know why, and it's petty, but I think a proper picture of the wrestler adds realism. Again, it's petty, I'm sure, but the main reason i've nver got into the mod, is because of the pictures. Is there a proper pack out there? not nessecarily on KyKy or anything, but I'd like some better pictures, if possible. Thanks
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Just 'cause you can't see their faces cleanly I suppose. Like I said, it's probably not that big an issue, and I'm sure other people don't mind, but if there was a second choice, a link would of been great, but there doesn't seem to be one. It's just on realism though. I enjoy the pictures, but it seems more realistic to have a proper picture, you know?
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