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You Know what I fiqured out

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I don't understand your epiphany. Are these "new" match types so different that they don't adhere to the basic "who wins/who loses, what kind of finish, who to coddle/protect, how is the match called/scripted, etc" formula? Mind you, I'd love to have more road agent notes or a greater variety from which to choose but I'm not seeing how the promotion style enhancements all of a sudden create such a deficiency within the game engine that it would require more road agent notes. Just seems like a "nice to have more" rather than a "need to have more" issue to me.
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The way I see it, if you setup a promotion that utilises the old-style European Catch, with a bit of Lucha in there, that is the promotion style, so that is what everyone will be wrestling. You would be utilising a lot of submissions, which have elaborate, and/or, elegant setups, similar to the Llave style utilised by T2P.
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[QUOTE=Lukiep8;137225]The way I see it, if you setup a promotion that utilises the old-style European Catch, with a bit of Lucha in there, that is the promotion style, so that is what everyone will be wrestling. You would be utilising a lot of submissions, which have elaborate, and/or, elegant setups, similar to the Llave style utilised by T2P.[/QUOTE] But that wouldn't have any effect on road agent notes. It'd really just change the meaning of "normal match," and at the very most maybe something like the expected ratio of pinfall to submission victories (which I really wouldn't expect anyway as it'd probably suck to program without adding much of anything to the game).
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[QUOTE=Lukiep8;137225]The way I see it, if you setup a promotion that utilises the old-style European Catch, with a bit of Lucha in there, that is the promotion style, so that is what everyone will be wrestling.[/QUOTE] Excuse me for asking this question here, but... is it possible to have every single style in one promotion?
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[QUOTE=Thriller;137632]Excuse me for asking this question here, but... is it possible to have every single style in one promotion?[/QUOTE] Should be, since that's the basic description of Cutting Edge in 05. "Virtually anyone can thrive on the roster" would lead me to believe that. So, for good or ill, I'm assuming the ability to create that kind of promotion will be possible under the new system as well. At least I hope so, since that's exactly what I'm looking forward to doing. :)
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[QUOTE=Thriller;137635]Coolio. It'd be hard to make every type of fan happy though, especially if you only have a small TV slot.[/QUOTE] Unless you're a PWG fan, and then you'll watch anything... Lucha (OK, more like semi-lucha), high flying (OK, more like semi-spotfest), pure technical, hardcore, comedy, you name it. The shows have all of it and the fans love all of it.
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[QUOTE=Akki;137660]Unless you're a PWG fan, and then you'll watch anything... Lucha (OK, more like semi-lucha), high flying (OK, more like semi-spotfest), pure technical, hardcore, comedy, you name it. The shows have all of it and the fans love all of it.[/QUOTE] Neat. Now when's the last time they've sold out an aerna that seats tens of thousands of people? With enough name recognition, any micro-indy is going to be able to pull in a respectable audience regardless of style. The tough part comes in getting a TV deal, maintaining a regular pay-per-view schedule, etcetera.
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