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new owner statistics discussion

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This is indeed good news. I'm tempted to feel that the roster size attribute should go on the promotion however, not the owner, but still a really good addition. Now if Adam can find a way to make the worker editor alot more user friendly we may have more mods being released to keep us entertained...
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Good idea this one. I don't think it should be attributed to the promotion, because what if ownership changed hands and say, Vince sold to Mr. Tightarse who didn't like a huge roster in real life? As the owner it's Vince's decision how many people he has working for him. :)
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[QUOTE=panix04;137948]Our prayers have been answered! TEW is going to be a mod makers heaven - thank you Adam Ryland, Thank you! PS No-more WWE 1st day mass firings![/QUOTE] or as booker will Vinny Mac expect you to trim roster to his specs or face consiquence?
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The bit that I most like is the roster turnover. One of my problems with 2005 is that if rosters aren't changing size, their roster's remain extremely consistant. This was there will be companies where thet are constantly changing their roster, making the world more fluid.
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[QUOTE=eayragt;138080]The bit that I most like is the roster turnover. One of my problems with 2005 is that if rosters aren't changing size, their roster's remain extremely consistant. This was there will be companies where thet are constantly changing their roster, making the world more fluid.[/QUOTE] exactlly! the unemployed masses might actually get hired insted of setting stagnet for 10 or more years.
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Definitely like this. Not only as mentioned will it add personality to the game world but may change the notion of what makes a desirable promotion to play. Do you want the roster freedom of working for the number one promotion even though Eisen/McMahon has next to no patience? Or do you want the creative freedom of working for a much more patient owner even though you risk talent turnover because you don't have the contracting power the big boys do? This could give reasons for folks to play promotions they might not otherwise choose and experience the game in new ways. Very cool addition.
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