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TEW 2007 Calandar system

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It may not be a pure-simulation, but a lot of people crave realism. Im quite content with the current system but i can fully understand how it would annoy someone to have the calender system not reflect reality. And its not really fair to suggest that Anubis go's elsewhere for his gaming needs, when lets be honest, there isnt anywere else!
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It may not be a pure-simulation, but a lot of people crave realism. Im quite content with the current system but i can fully understand how it would annoy someone to have the calender system not reflect reality. And its not really fair to suggest that Anubis go's elsewhere for his gaming needs, when lets be honest, there isnt anywere else!
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I don't see what's unfair about suggesting he go elsewhere. He clearly doesn't like me or my products as I don't recall him ever writing anything positive, and he is one of only three posters in all the EW-related message boards that have existed that I can truly say I hate, so the obvious solution seems for him to go elsewhere. It's certainly not my fault that there's a lack of alternatives. Incidentally, I never said I don't see why people would be annoyed by the calendar, I don't know where you got that idea from. I see his point of view. I just don't agree with it, and have no intention of changing the game to meet something I disagree with. I don't see why he can do a post on why he doesn't like the situation and I can't write a response defending it? I made no personal attack on him, I merely posted a response on why it is what it is.
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I don't see what's unfair about suggesting he go elsewhere. He clearly doesn't like me or my products as I don't recall him ever writing anything positive, and he is one of only three posters in all the EW-related message boards that have existed that I can truly say I hate, so the obvious solution seems for him to go elsewhere. It's certainly not my fault that there's a lack of alternatives. Incidentally, I never said I don't see why people would be annoyed by the calendar, I don't know where you got that idea from. I see his point of view. I just don't agree with it, and have no intention of changing the game to meet something I disagree with. I don't see why he can do a post on why he doesn't like the situation and I can't write a response defending it? I made no personal attack on him, I merely posted a response on why it is what it is.
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am i one of the other 3? God, i hope not! I am in no way suggesting that it is your fault there are a lack of alternatives for people who like to play booking sim's. Although the fact that TEW is so good has probably put off a lot of would-be developers from having a try at the booking sim genre. To be honest i didn't realise there were personal issues there, otherwise i wouldn't have posted. I would proabably agree that Anubis's original post could have been viewed as negatively critical, but the tone of your response was also quite harsh. There is an argument that could be made that as a consumer Anubis has the right to be critical of the game and good customer service dictates that you should atleast remain polite to him. As someone who has worked in telesales i know how difficult that can be, I just think it is a tad dis-respectful to tell a customer he should look elsewhere and even more-so do declare that you hate that person. Note: As for the calender system, i do like it the way it is and it does make booking easier.
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am i one of the other 3? God, i hope not! I am in no way suggesting that it is your fault there are a lack of alternatives for people who like to play booking sim's. Although the fact that TEW is so good has probably put off a lot of would-be developers from having a try at the booking sim genre. To be honest i didn't realise there were personal issues there, otherwise i wouldn't have posted. I would proabably agree that Anubis's original post could have been viewed as negatively critical, but the tone of your response was also quite harsh. There is an argument that could be made that as a consumer Anubis has the right to be critical of the game and good customer service dictates that you should atleast remain polite to him. As someone who has worked in telesales i know how difficult that can be, I just think it is a tad dis-respectful to tell a customer he should look elsewhere and even more-so do declare that you hate that person. Note: As for the calender system, i do like it the way it is and it does make booking easier.
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I guess it's just a matter of opinions. I don't really see it as disrespectful to make it clear that I don't like the guy, something which I'd image he already knew and doesn't really care about anyway - it would strike me as worse if I was to make out like I was his best buddy just to get one extra sale. My feelings are that if someone comes to the board repeatedly and only ever posts negative comments, then I am perfectly within my rights to suggest that they might be better off going elsewhere. It's a genuine suggestion, I feel maybe he's in the wrong place, judging by his posts.
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I guess it's just a matter of opinions. I don't really see it as disrespectful to make it clear that I don't like the guy, something which I'd image he already knew and doesn't really care about anyway - it would strike me as worse if I was to make out like I was his best buddy just to get one extra sale. My feelings are that if someone comes to the board repeatedly and only ever posts negative comments, then I am perfectly within my rights to suggest that they might be better off going elsewhere. It's a genuine suggestion, I feel maybe he's in the wrong place, judging by his posts.
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Adam, Your actions dealing with this guy have shown me something about yourself and has made me realize that I don't want to support someone that can act that way because his customer was critical of his product. You just lost me as a customer. And a small piece of advice, get some thicker skin so that these things don't hurt you so personally.
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Adam, Your actions dealing with this guy have shown me something about yourself and has made me realize that I don't want to support someone that can act that way because his customer was critical of his product. You just lost me as a customer. And a small piece of advice, get some thicker skin so that these things don't hurt you so personally.
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[quote]Given that a lot of days in-between shows you spend doing nothing anyway, you can simply look at it as a reduction in clicks. [/quote] I think that's just good. And rgblack316, you can't be serious with what you just said? :D I think this whole situation is really seeing bigger than it really is.. A very small snowball, but when it goes downhill.. I'm totally on Adam's side with this thing.
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[quote]Given that a lot of days in-between shows you spend doing nothing anyway, you can simply look at it as a reduction in clicks. [/quote] I think that's just good. And rgblack316, you can't be serious with what you just said? :D I think this whole situation is really seeing bigger than it really is.. A very small snowball, but when it goes downhill.. I'm totally on Adam's side with this thing.
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Your probably right, i just never saw that much negative stuff coming from Anubis. However ,this is the 1st TEW related forum i have ever posted on. So i guess i can only really pass judgments on what the guys said on here, bearing in mind i dont read every post on here! On a seperate point, i think personally i would be slightly gutted if you told me you hated me. Yeah i can be a pain in the backside occasionally, but i think if you flat out said - "Panix i think your an idiot" I would probably just leave, i'd probably come back and buy the games though! Lets face it, TEW is like the Heinz baked beans of the booking sim world! EDIT: I actually just read through some of his posts recently and i guess they are a tad on the negative side. But i guess criticism is an inevitable consequence of creating a computer game, you probably got it back on the EWR boards and it is no doubt more commonplace now people are paying for your product.
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Your probably right, i just never saw that much negative stuff coming from Anubis. However ,this is the 1st TEW related forum i have ever posted on. So i guess i can only really pass judgments on what the guys said on here, bearing in mind i dont read every post on here! On a seperate point, i think personally i would be slightly gutted if you told me you hated me. Yeah i can be a pain in the backside occasionally, but i think if you flat out said - "Panix i think your an idiot" I would probably just leave, i'd probably come back and buy the games though! Lets face it, TEW is like the Heinz baked beans of the booking sim world! EDIT: I actually just read through some of his posts recently and i guess they are a tad on the negative side. But i guess criticism is an inevitable consequence of creating a computer game, you probably got it back on the EWR boards and it is no doubt more commonplace now people are paying for your product.
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I think the fact we had to ban him from .400 because of his repeated overly-negative criticism caused so many arguments may have tipped him off to the fact he's not my favourite poster! ;) I don't have a problem with criticisms of features, but when it's virtually every single feature, since the days of 2004, then it's out-of-line. Hey, maybe I'm wrong and he's just really pedantic about stuff, but my opinion is that the guy has a personal beef with me, and will be negative just for the sake of it now. Just because it isn't full of spelling mistakes and swearing doesn't mean it's not troll-like behaviour.
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I think the fact we had to ban him from .400 because of his repeated overly-negative criticism caused so many arguments may have tipped him off to the fact he's not my favourite poster! ;) I don't have a problem with criticisms of features, but when it's virtually every single feature, since the days of 2004, then it's out-of-line. Hey, maybe I'm wrong and he's just really pedantic about stuff, but my opinion is that the guy has a personal beef with me, and will be negative just for the sake of it now. Just because it isn't full of spelling mistakes and swearing doesn't mean it's not troll-like behaviour.
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you say 'troll-like' as if its a bad thing! :D actually (as my above edit states) i have re-read through his last few posts and i guess if thats the kinda feedback you have been getting from him for 2 years then it would start to grate. I suppose theres only so much you can take before it begins to get to you. That being said im sure Anubis isn't being malicous, i just think he is highly opinionated and desperate to see his vision of the "perfect game" created.
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you say 'troll-like' as if its a bad thing! :D actually (as my above edit states) i have re-read through his last few posts and i guess if thats the kinda feedback you have been getting from him for 2 years then it would start to grate. I suppose theres only so much you can take before it begins to get to you. That being said im sure Anubis isn't being malicous, i just think he is highly opinionated and desperate to see his vision of the "perfect game" created.
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[QUOTE=rgblack316;145593]Adam, Your actions dealing with this guy have shown me something about yourself and has made me realize that I don't want to support someone that can act that way because his customer was critical of his product. You just lost me as a customer. And a small piece of advice, get some thicker skin so that these things don't hurt you so personally.[/QUOTE] So that means you'll still buy and play it, you just wont post here about it... until you need help ;).
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[QUOTE=rgblack316;145593]Adam, Your actions dealing with this guy have shown me something about yourself and has made me realize that I don't want to support someone that can act that way because his customer was critical of his product. You just lost me as a customer. And a small piece of advice, get some thicker skin so that these things don't hurt you so personally.[/QUOTE] So that means you'll still buy and play it, you just wont post here about it... until you need help ;).
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