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TEW 2007 Calandar system

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Another simple explanation for the different calendar ... it's the Cornellverse! It was never meant for real life situations! Apparently people forgot this! To be completely honest, and not to look down on modders and people who use the real life mods they make, but I didn't find a single mod I liked for 05, and because of that, I ended up enjoying the Cornellverse that much more. Now, I can't forsee me using any mod at all in 07 either ... I'm so used to the Cornellverse guys now ... So for those who want to complain that it doesn't follow the real calendar, remember that it also doesn't follow a real group of people/promotions out of the box. Modders and their users are just going to have to adjust. Or actually give the Cornellverse a try ... I highly recommend the latter ...
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Another simple explanation for the different calendar ... it's the Cornellverse! It was never meant for real life situations! Apparently people forgot this! To be completely honest, and not to look down on modders and people who use the real life mods they make, but I didn't find a single mod I liked for 05, and because of that, I ended up enjoying the Cornellverse that much more. Now, I can't forsee me using any mod at all in 07 either ... I'm so used to the Cornellverse guys now ... So for those who want to complain that it doesn't follow the real calendar, remember that it also doesn't follow a real group of people/promotions out of the box. Modders and their users are just going to have to adjust. Or actually give the Cornellverse a try ... I highly recommend the latter ...
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[QUOTE=Harts4Life;146333]Or actually give the Cornellverse a try ... I highly recommend the latter ...[/QUOTE] Harts, you're spinning your wheels here. The 'WWE or bust' folks outnumber us like 55 billion to one (or so it seems). I personally prefer the Cornellverse as well, because it makes sense. There's no dumping half your roster in the first week with SWF/TCW/PGHW/BHOTWG or yo-yoing between Global and Cult. But you know, I had never thought of it that way (the calendar being a Cornellverse exclusive). Very good point!
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[QUOTE=Harts4Life;146333]Or actually give the Cornellverse a try ... I highly recommend the latter ...[/QUOTE] Harts, you're spinning your wheels here. The 'WWE or bust' folks outnumber us like 55 billion to one (or so it seems). I personally prefer the Cornellverse as well, because it makes sense. There's no dumping half your roster in the first week with SWF/TCW/PGHW/BHOTWG or yo-yoing between Global and Cult. But you know, I had never thought of it that way (the calendar being a Cornellverse exclusive). Very good point!
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i think saying 'wwe or bust' is a push, perhaps 'real world' or bust would be more acurate. But the problem with mass releases will hopefully be resolved with the introduction of owner personalitys anyway. It would be nice to see a global-cult fix come in as well, but i guess we will have to wait and see.
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i think saying 'wwe or bust' is a push, perhaps 'real world' or bust would be more acurate. But the problem with mass releases will hopefully be resolved with the introduction of owner personalitys anyway. It would be nice to see a global-cult fix come in as well, but i guess we will have to wait and see.
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[QUOTE=Remianen;146342]Harts, you're spinning your wheels here. The 'WWE or bust' folks outnumber us like 55 billion to one (or so it seems). I personally prefer the Cornellverse as well, because it makes sense. There's no dumping half your roster in the first week with SWF/TCW/PGHW/BHOTWG or yo-yoing between Global and Cult. But you know, I had never thought of it that way (the calendar being a Cornellverse exclusive). Very good point![/QUOTE] To be honest, I have only two problems with the CornellVerse myself. 1. I don't know any of them, nor can I look up detailed information on any of them in order to learn more about them. They're more or less like random characters. It feels like playing a scenario containing only CPU-generated characters. 2. The "spoof" names turn me off. The world doesn't "feel serious", if you know what I mean. Everything is more or less a form of "inside joke" more or less. Anyway, for a good real-life mod, try TCP's. That's as close to perfect as anything's gonna get as far as the real world is concerned. I'm just a really serious kind of person, basically. I'm not into satire and the such when I want to play a serious game. Issue #1 is more serious than issue #2, mind you. I like to be able to "relate" to the people, and I just can't do that with CornellVerse.
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[QUOTE=Remianen;146342]Harts, you're spinning your wheels here. The 'WWE or bust' folks outnumber us like 55 billion to one (or so it seems). I personally prefer the Cornellverse as well, because it makes sense. There's no dumping half your roster in the first week with SWF/TCW/PGHW/BHOTWG or yo-yoing between Global and Cult. But you know, I had never thought of it that way (the calendar being a Cornellverse exclusive). Very good point![/QUOTE] To be honest, I have only two problems with the CornellVerse myself. 1. I don't know any of them, nor can I look up detailed information on any of them in order to learn more about them. They're more or less like random characters. It feels like playing a scenario containing only CPU-generated characters. 2. The "spoof" names turn me off. The world doesn't "feel serious", if you know what I mean. Everything is more or less a form of "inside joke" more or less. Anyway, for a good real-life mod, try TCP's. That's as close to perfect as anything's gonna get as far as the real world is concerned. I'm just a really serious kind of person, basically. I'm not into satire and the such when I want to play a serious game. Issue #1 is more serious than issue #2, mind you. I like to be able to "relate" to the people, and I just can't do that with CornellVerse.
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[QUOTE=panix04;146346]i think saying 'wwe or bust' is a push, perhaps 'real world' or bust would be more acurate. But the problem with mass releases will hopefully be resolved with the introduction of owner personalitys anyway. It would be nice to see a global-cult fix come in as well, but i guess we will have to wait and see.[/QUOTE] I don't see too many "OMG I don't see CZW in this game. How do you get CZW into the game?!?" threads cropping up much. No, it's mostly WWE in that instance. I'm not saying it's bad or anything (obviously, considering the bedrock of my roster!), just that my perception is that 90% of the people who play TEW (or at least those who post here) play as some form of WWE. That's fine. But as I said, I prefer the Cornellverse (which is why it's the heart of my women's mod and will be in 07 too) because it actually makes sense and I think it's largely ignored or underrated ("these are fake wrestlers!"). Diary forum don't lie. :) And honestly, I don't even think the owner personalities are going to prevent the WWE first week massacre. Unless there's a setting for "wants to keep 10 talentless bimbos on the roster" and "15 people who Vince wants to pay but can't think of anything for them to actually do". :p Anubis has a point. Personally, I like the fact that the Cornellverse doesn't have an abundance of baggage (which is what I equate much of the 'history' of real world workers). There are preconceptions that exist with real world workers that don't exist with the Cornellverse. If I want to turn Hell's Bouncer into a worldwide sensation, there's nothing in my way as far as baggage is concerned. If I want to do that with say Shannon Moore, people will have their own ideas of what kind of worker he is or can be. Cornellverse is like a clean slate. Real world is much like a woman with 3 deadbeat baby daddies. Unless you use a part of the world or industry that isn't 'popular' (like say, Mexico or Japan or.....WOMEN!). And by popular, I mean mainstream, worldwide. If you asked a typical fan in Japan to name a US wrestler, they probably could but try that in the reverse and you'd get silence or perhaps 'Funaki' or 'Tajiri'. I guess my disdain for real world data derives from my general disdain for what passes for 'wrestling' in the mainstream US sense. Over the last 6 months, I've learned a lifetime's worth about women's wrestling (I know who Penny Banner is even!) and it's sickening to see what passes for 'wrestling' (for both sexes) here. So even if I do play a game based in the real world (rather than imported into the Cornellverse), most of the workers people gravitate to would be on my blacklist (or would be very expensive jobbers). Different strokes and all that.
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[QUOTE=panix04;146346]i think saying 'wwe or bust' is a push, perhaps 'real world' or bust would be more acurate. But the problem with mass releases will hopefully be resolved with the introduction of owner personalitys anyway. It would be nice to see a global-cult fix come in as well, but i guess we will have to wait and see.[/QUOTE] I don't see too many "OMG I don't see CZW in this game. How do you get CZW into the game?!?" threads cropping up much. No, it's mostly WWE in that instance. I'm not saying it's bad or anything (obviously, considering the bedrock of my roster!), just that my perception is that 90% of the people who play TEW (or at least those who post here) play as some form of WWE. That's fine. But as I said, I prefer the Cornellverse (which is why it's the heart of my women's mod and will be in 07 too) because it actually makes sense and I think it's largely ignored or underrated ("these are fake wrestlers!"). Diary forum don't lie. :) And honestly, I don't even think the owner personalities are going to prevent the WWE first week massacre. Unless there's a setting for "wants to keep 10 talentless bimbos on the roster" and "15 people who Vince wants to pay but can't think of anything for them to actually do". :p Anubis has a point. Personally, I like the fact that the Cornellverse doesn't have an abundance of baggage (which is what I equate much of the 'history' of real world workers). There are preconceptions that exist with real world workers that don't exist with the Cornellverse. If I want to turn Hell's Bouncer into a worldwide sensation, there's nothing in my way as far as baggage is concerned. If I want to do that with say Shannon Moore, people will have their own ideas of what kind of worker he is or can be. Cornellverse is like a clean slate. Real world is much like a woman with 3 deadbeat baby daddies. Unless you use a part of the world or industry that isn't 'popular' (like say, Mexico or Japan or.....WOMEN!). And by popular, I mean mainstream, worldwide. If you asked a typical fan in Japan to name a US wrestler, they probably could but try that in the reverse and you'd get silence or perhaps 'Funaki' or 'Tajiri'. I guess my disdain for real world data derives from my general disdain for what passes for 'wrestling' in the mainstream US sense. Over the last 6 months, I've learned a lifetime's worth about women's wrestling (I know who Penny Banner is even!) and it's sickening to see what passes for 'wrestling' (for both sexes) here. So even if I do play a game based in the real world (rather than imported into the Cornellverse), most of the workers people gravitate to would be on my blacklist (or would be very expensive jobbers). Different strokes and all that.
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Eh, I actually don't know many who play WWE. I know A LOT of people play TNA, WCW(In old days) or ECW(In old days). New ECW just came out so people are trying to see what the new thing is. Maybe that's why it's grown over the past few weeks? But from what I know a lot of people play Wrestling Society X and a few other indies to - and even moreso play Japanese promotions. So I'm not sure if it's more of a "WWE or bust" as it is "Real World or bust".
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Eh, I actually don't know many who play WWE. I know A LOT of people play TNA, WCW(In old days) or ECW(In old days). New ECW just came out so people are trying to see what the new thing is. Maybe that's why it's grown over the past few weeks? But from what I know a lot of people play Wrestling Society X and a few other indies to - and even moreso play Japanese promotions. So I'm not sure if it's more of a "WWE or bust" as it is "Real World or bust".
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those settings arn't in? Damn it! I do like, and have played the cornellverse, but i do think that to a small extent playing real world mods have widened my general wrestling knowledge. 2 years ago i probably would have only ever chose the WWE and i would have never heard of AJ Styles or Christopher Daniels, but now i find myself becoming more and more a wrestling fan and really broadning what i watch (and indeed who i control in game) I think thats why i choose the real life mods over the original data, although i would have to concede they both have there merits.
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those settings arn't in? Damn it! I do like, and have played the cornellverse, but i do think that to a small extent playing real world mods have widened my general wrestling knowledge. 2 years ago i probably would have only ever chose the WWE and i would have never heard of AJ Styles or Christopher Daniels, but now i find myself becoming more and more a wrestling fan and really broadning what i watch (and indeed who i control in game) I think thats why i choose the real life mods over the original data, although i would have to concede they both have there merits.
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[QUOTE=TCP1;146385]some Cornellverse workers feel too much like a parody to truly connect with.[/QUOTE] c'mon....mark smart.....that's funny. i see all points of this dicussion, and i like that people have the option of choosing real data vs. cornellverse. i myself enjoy the cornellverse, i like the ability to create a history and the personality of the cornellworkers. with the real data, you have more of a guideline of how workers "should" be used, at least in many people's opinion. when i read a dynasty, i can't get over the fact that rene dupree is a champion. it seems more made up than the cornellverse itself. plus, i'm sure that once adam and those who help him create the cornellverse workers start running thin on names once they've hit about a thousand made up guys. most people have trouble naming twelve annual ppvs, let alone a thousand different workers.....
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[QUOTE=TCP1;146385]some Cornellverse workers feel too much like a parody to truly connect with.[/QUOTE] c'mon....mark smart.....that's funny. i see all points of this dicussion, and i like that people have the option of choosing real data vs. cornellverse. i myself enjoy the cornellverse, i like the ability to create a history and the personality of the cornellworkers. with the real data, you have more of a guideline of how workers "should" be used, at least in many people's opinion. when i read a dynasty, i can't get over the fact that rene dupree is a champion. it seems more made up than the cornellverse itself. plus, i'm sure that once adam and those who help him create the cornellverse workers start running thin on names once they've hit about a thousand made up guys. most people have trouble naming twelve annual ppvs, let alone a thousand different workers.....
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When discussing parody characters, you have to remember that the CornellVerse intentionally mixes time frames - SWF is essentially a throw back to the world of 1980s cartoony gimmicks, and so its characters are meant to be cliched and without subtlety, just as PGHW's workers are meant to be deadly serious wrestling machines in the late 90's tradition. In order to fulfil its "something for everyone" target, some parody \ cliche is not just inevitable, but essential.
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When discussing parody characters, you have to remember that the CornellVerse intentionally mixes time frames - SWF is essentially a throw back to the world of 1980s cartoony gimmicks, and so its characters are meant to be cliched and without subtlety, just as PGHW's workers are meant to be deadly serious wrestling machines in the late 90's tradition. In order to fulfil its "something for everyone" target, some parody \ cliche is not just inevitable, but essential.
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And if I could suggest something, if you find yourself unable to relate to the Cornellverse workers, just play WreSpi. And I'm not saying buying it, I'm saying play the demo a few times with the base data. I was like Anubis and a lot of other people, in that I couldn't relate to the Cornellverse or their workers, but after playing the WreSpi1 demo a few times I found more interest in the Cornellverse. Seriously, there's no better way to connect with Cornellverse workers than to wrestle them, but that's just my opinion.
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And if I could suggest something, if you find yourself unable to relate to the Cornellverse workers, just play WreSpi. And I'm not saying buying it, I'm saying play the demo a few times with the base data. I was like Anubis and a lot of other people, in that I couldn't relate to the Cornellverse or their workers, but after playing the WreSpi1 demo a few times I found more interest in the Cornellverse. Seriously, there's no better way to connect with Cornellverse workers than to wrestle them, but that's just my opinion.
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[QUOTE=Remianen;146369]And honestly, I don't even think the owner personalities are going to prevent the WWE first week massacre. Unless there's a setting for "wants to keep 10 talentless bimbos on the roster" and "15 people who Vince wants to pay but can't think of anything for them to actually do". :p[/QUOTE] What we need is a special Owner Personality called "Vince McMahon" in order to simulate the kind of ridiculousness he brings to the industry. Mr. Ryland, is it too late to add this as another Owner Personality? It would be very useful for simulating Vince McMahon in the game. Like maybe the personality would dictate that he hires all the women he can with the highest looks rating and misuses them in retarded angles, on top of everything else. As for the CornellVerse, well, I don't mind fake wrestlers, I just like a serious tone to things. I may make my own data once TEW2007 comes out.
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