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TEW 2007 Calandar system

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[QUOTE=Thriller;145604]So that means you'll still buy and play it, you just wont post here about it... until you need help ;).[/QUOTE] You know, I could respond and be a complete, well you know, but I won't go that route. I was unaware of the LONG history of the situation but I still feel that any personal attack should have been done in private, or just ban the guy again. I think it was a bit immature to take the personal situation and make it public and it showed a lack of class on both your parts. Will I purchase TEW '07? Probably not. Does what happened on here have somethign to do with it? Yes it does. Does that mean I'll be some little closet lurker trying to hide his hipocracy who waits until something goes wrong and then says something to try to get help? No.
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[QUOTE=Thriller;145604]So that means you'll still buy and play it, you just wont post here about it... until you need help ;).[/QUOTE] You know, I could respond and be a complete, well you know, but I won't go that route. I was unaware of the LONG history of the situation but I still feel that any personal attack should have been done in private, or just ban the guy again. I think it was a bit immature to take the personal situation and make it public and it showed a lack of class on both your parts. Will I purchase TEW '07? Probably not. Does what happened on here have somethign to do with it? Yes it does. Does that mean I'll be some little closet lurker trying to hide his hipocracy who waits until something goes wrong and then says something to try to get help? No.
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[QUOTE=panix04;145591]There is an argument that could be made that as a consumer Anubis has the right to be critical of the game and good customer service dictates that you should atleast remain polite to him. As someone who has worked in telesales i know how difficult that can be, I just think it is a tad dis-respectful to tell a customer he should look elsewhere and even more-so do declare that you hate that person.[/QUOTE] That argument would be foolish though. I work with 'consumers' every day in 6 industries (travel, wedding planning, tax consulting, catering, floral arrangement, PC design & repair) and I can tell you that I agree wholeheartedly with Adam. Criticism is always welcome, [B][I]as long as it's constructive[/I][/B]. If you're criticizing a feature without offering possible alternatives, you're just nitpicking in my view. You tell the bride who wants a $100,000 wedding but only has $15,000 in her budget that her criticism ("You're supposed to make my day perfect!") is sound. How 'bout the guy who came in last week and said he wanted a system built around the nVidia 8-series (specifically the 8800 GTX) and wants to spend $1500 for it then says "I'm gonna call Dell!" when you tell him that's not going to be possible for at least a year? For those who may not know, the 8800 GTX is going to ship at a $500 price point. Hell, Dell is going to sell that system starting at $6,000 dollars! I sympathize with Adam because in this instance, I've been in his shoes. I'd much rather turn away a customer with unrealistic expectations (like the family of 6 who wanted to go to Fiji, from New York, for $600 per person :rolleyes: ), especially if they can't be brought around to see reality. Personally, because of that, I appreciate Adam's candor because it's RARE for a game developer to be so frank. And I wouldn't be too worried about rgblack16's threat. I'm on the hook for 26 copies at the moment and that could grow to 33 (I'm giving TEW07 to clients who are wrestling fans, though I imagine most of them will play as WWE, sigh :(). I can say that Anubis has great taste in some things (yes, Sarah Stock is le hottie :p) but then again, I don't know the history between Anubis and Adam or the games as a whole.
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[QUOTE=panix04;145591]There is an argument that could be made that as a consumer Anubis has the right to be critical of the game and good customer service dictates that you should atleast remain polite to him. As someone who has worked in telesales i know how difficult that can be, I just think it is a tad dis-respectful to tell a customer he should look elsewhere and even more-so do declare that you hate that person.[/QUOTE] That argument would be foolish though. I work with 'consumers' every day in 6 industries (travel, wedding planning, tax consulting, catering, floral arrangement, PC design & repair) and I can tell you that I agree wholeheartedly with Adam. Criticism is always welcome, [B][I]as long as it's constructive[/I][/B]. If you're criticizing a feature without offering possible alternatives, you're just nitpicking in my view. You tell the bride who wants a $100,000 wedding but only has $15,000 in her budget that her criticism ("You're supposed to make my day perfect!") is sound. How 'bout the guy who came in last week and said he wanted a system built around the nVidia 8-series (specifically the 8800 GTX) and wants to spend $1500 for it then says "I'm gonna call Dell!" when you tell him that's not going to be possible for at least a year? For those who may not know, the 8800 GTX is going to ship at a $500 price point. Hell, Dell is going to sell that system starting at $6,000 dollars! I sympathize with Adam because in this instance, I've been in his shoes. I'd much rather turn away a customer with unrealistic expectations (like the family of 6 who wanted to go to Fiji, from New York, for $600 per person :rolleyes: ), especially if they can't be brought around to see reality. Personally, because of that, I appreciate Adam's candor because it's RARE for a game developer to be so frank. And I wouldn't be too worried about rgblack16's threat. I'm on the hook for 26 copies at the moment and that could grow to 33 (I'm giving TEW07 to clients who are wrestling fans, though I imagine most of them will play as WWE, sigh :(). I can say that Anubis has great taste in some things (yes, Sarah Stock is le hottie :p) but then again, I don't know the history between Anubis and Adam or the games as a whole.
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Adam had every right to say what he did. When we get rude people who come into our liquor store, and look at our prices, and say something like: Wow, heineken is 50 bucks, thats bull****, its 40 on sale at liquorland. I reply: Go to liquorland and grab there sale. But when they bump the price back up to 65, don't come crawling back to us after you were so rude. If people are going to be rude, they can go and get stuffed, simply.
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Adam had every right to say what he did. When we get rude people who come into our liquor store, and look at our prices, and say something like: Wow, heineken is 50 bucks, thats bull****, its 40 on sale at liquorland. I reply: Go to liquorland and grab there sale. But when they bump the price back up to 65, don't come crawling back to us after you were so rude. If people are going to be rude, they can go and get stuffed, simply.
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