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T-Zone 2007

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RQW, RQW, RQW!!! Hmmm, SWA...sniff, tears of reminiscent whatever...they've got a show on the 20th, could take the list along and get someone to fill out dates of birth. Pretty much the rest of it I could do and pop it across, could probably do most the shells now actually but the dates of birth are a different matter.
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[QUOTE=flamebrain;180812]With SWA MUST come Greenock town hall! The only live wrestling I've yet seen was there, I even saw Earthquake and Yokozuna :) It'd be tiny and definitely no hotspot (unless you count the neds that attend to cause trouble...). Although, in saying that, nobody's come here in a while... :( Oh and bigjabbadudley, a mate of mine was considering joining their trainnig too. You'll need to let us know how you get on![/QUOTE] Yup, it's been a while. The last show at the Town Hall was a charity show run by Spinner McKenzie, before that I was promoting Scottish Championship Wrestling shows there and I'll bet you missed every one because of the Greenock Telegraph's piss poor coverage AND the fact the shopping centre don't allow any posters up..
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Posters would distract people from the true purpose of the Oak Mall: Selling birthday cards and mobile phones! :) I miss my local fix of wrestling but now my mate drives I'm hoping we'll be able to attend shows outside this armpit of a town! Its Bellshill and Clydebank lately yeah? Sorry Forlan, I just wanted to add that I apologise for being the latest to take this thread on a tangent :o
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I wanted to volunteer to do the title lineage for the project. I wasn't sure of what Legend had done. I would of course get all the active titles, and then work on the defunct promotions that meant something (i.e. AWA, USWA, GWF, etc.). Just give me the okay to do it, Forlan, and I'll start working on it. I just need the data so that it would be properly linked. E-mail me at [email]aznblusuazn@aol.com[/email]. Thanks.
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[QUOTE=MrKain;180553]Then it must be because of where I live. They have a show near me at least 6-7 times a year. Four in Rahway and then three in Edison. Sorry... derailed the thread again. [/QUOTE] nah. i live in the area too. they might have their DVDs in a few local stores, but they certainly don't have anything national.
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[QUOTE=aznblusuazn;181110]I wanted to volunteer to do the title lineage for the project. I wasn't sure of what Legend had done. I would of course get all the active titles, and then work on the defunct promotions that meant something (i.e. AWA, USWA, GWF, etc.). Just give me the okay to do it, Forlan, and I'll start working on it. I just need the data so that it would be properly linked. E-mail me at [email]aznblusuazn@aol.com[/email]. Thanks.[/QUOTE] I think the one doing it is already around 3500-4000 lineage so ...
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wow after reading the last page or two of this thread of endless banter about podunk indy feds from the UK, and scrolling through the vastly different locations people have listed next to their name, it really hit me how foreign this forum is. everyone seems so worldy. i feel left out.
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[QUOTE=kevel33;181148]wow after reading the last page or two of this thread of endless banter about podunk indy feds from the UK, and scrolling through the vastly different locations people have listed next to their name, it really hit me how foreign this forum is. everyone seems so worldy. i feel left out.[/QUOTE] It's questionable if those indy feds should be in a mod like this in the first place. In my opinion, the majority of those people clamoring to play any real world mod aren't interested in waiting for bells and whistles like indu UK feds. Something like that should be in a second update. It's not going affect the overall gameplay if they are not in the game. If what is holding the release up has to do with indy UK feds, it would make more sense to release a file for those who want a traditional game and release a more polished file with all the bells and whistles with a complete game.
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[QUOTE=kevel33;181148]wow after reading the last page or two of this thread of endless banter about podunk indy feds from the UK, and scrolling through the vastly different locations people have listed next to their name, it really hit me how foreign this forum is. everyone seems so worldy. i feel left out.[/QUOTE] What? You're not from this world? Wow. What planet!? :)
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[QUOTE=D16NJD16;181166]it's forlans mod and he's from the UK I believe, so inclusion of more UK feds then there would normally be shouldn't really suprise anyone. I don't mind it so much.[/QUOTE] I love the inclusion of the UK feds (being from the UK myself) as I personally plan on playing two games, one as TNA and and another with a UK fed.
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[QUOTE=TsuMirren;180921]RQW, RQW, RQW!!! Hmmm, SWA...sniff, tears of reminiscent whatever...they've got a show on the 20th, could take the list along and get someone to fill out dates of birth. Pretty much the rest of it I could do and pop it across, could probably do most the shells now actually but the dates of birth are a different matter.[/QUOTE] Woo i'm going too. Lets all take lists and demand money for exposure lol.
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[QUOTE=forlan;180826]Blasphemy this is what id like done if possible I need the following SWA people made Abraxas Adam Shame Aidan Corrigan BT Gunn Cav Chris Charizma Chris Renfrew CJ Hunter Damien O'Conor Darren Lewis Dean Davis Dr Laandstrom Draevyn Falcon GC Mac Glen Dunbar Grant Dunbar Hatred Jamie Walker Johnny Darko Jonny Milla Kaos KG Tyler Kolobos Micken Pete O'Neil Sabotage Shiv Stevie Aaron The Butcher William Grange White Tiger For BCW I need the following made Charles Boddington Brad Fusion Colossal Powers Fight Club Jack Jester Kolobus Liam Thompson Lionheart Red Lightning Tex Benedict Seamous oh Shanusey (sp) And if you want to note down arenas or whatever for the people then do that too, thanks[/QUOTE] Whoops just noticed this forlan, yeah I'll do them either tonight or tomorrow for you.... Damn work. If any of the other Scottish dudes (im looking at you Mirren and Flamebrain) wanna make a start on it then feel free, you will prob do a better job than me anyway lol
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[QUOTE=Johnny Fenoli;180541]Here in Texas, you very very very very very rarely see any ROH dvds... I think I've seen a couple once at Best Buy...[/QUOTE] What Part of Texas are you in? also Forlan Id be very happy to help with XCW weather it be for the first or second version
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[QUOTE=HugeRockStar760;181165]It's questionable if those indy feds should be in a mod like this in the first place. In my opinion, the majority of those people clamoring to play any real world mod aren't interested in waiting for bells and whistles like indu UK feds. Something like that should be in a second update. It's not going affect the overall gameplay if they are not in the game. If what is holding the release up has to do with indy UK feds, it would make more sense to release a file for those who want a traditional game and release a more polished file with all the bells and whistles with a complete game.[/QUOTE] I usually put them in myself for giggles anyway but to be honest its all a question of perspective as I'm not too fussed about the samller feds from any country being included. Lots of people will want to see a "podunk" fed included, not just UK ones. There's often feds from all countries that I don't see the point of including. In fairness SWA aren't exactly big but what the hey, we're all just passengers on this. Forlan will make the decisions he feels appropriate. :) I'll take a stab at making them Forlan. I'm not too experienced at it and not as clued up on the scene as I once was but I've got the time on my hands lately :o
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[QUOTE=forlan;180119]From testing, TNA Impact pulled a B in the same week as RAW pulled a C+ and Smackdown pulled a B-. Many promotions ar epulling C-C+ at the moment with D's and such the further down the indy scale you go. AI booking seems fairly decent too, Angle v Joe main evented impact for example. One thing i cant really stop as i dont know how is WWE canning many staff members then signing a lot of the indy darlings like Alex Shelley, Austin Aries, AJ styles and such to fill out the brands, although in most cases they sign them on PPA's so they can still work elsewhere too, kind of strange.[/QUOTE] The reason they aer signing those guys could be because their stats and or overness are overstated making them to appealing to just let sit on the sidelines.
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[QUOTE=flamebrain;181327] I'll take a stab at making them Forlan. I'm not too experienced at it and not as clued up on the scene as I once was but I've got the time on my hands lately :o[/QUOTE] Do you mean SWA & BWC? That would be superb if you can do them and i'll help you out with them as I dont have a lot of free time on my hand and think it would be in the best interest of the mod if someone could give it 100%. If theres anything you need for them just let me know and i'll lend a hand as much as possible.
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[QUOTE=Blasphemywebleed;181354]Do you mean SWA & BWC? That would be superb if you can do them and i'll help you out with them as I dont have a lot of free time on my hand and think it would be in the best interest of the mod if someone could give it 100%. If theres anything you need for them just let me know and i'll lend a hand as much as possible.[/QUOTE] To be honest, anything you can provide would be extremely welcome. I see names on the SWA roster I don't know and I know pretty much nothing of BWC so I'm probably best to leave that to someone else :o
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[QUOTE=flamebrain;181359]To be honest, anything you can provide would be extremely welcome. I see names on the SWA roster I don't know and I know pretty much nothing of BWC so I'm probably best to leave that to someone else :o[/QUOTE] Well why dont you work on SWA and i'll do BWC and then we can help each other out with the finishing touches, a few of the SWA workers are on the BWC roster as well, so it will just be a case of matching up what we have.
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[QUOTE=MrCanada;181337]The reason they aer signing those guys could be because their stats and or overness are overstated making them to appealing to just let sit on the sidelines.[/QUOTE] This sounds like a very feesable option. In the whole scheme of things I'd say guys like Shelley and Aries would be over compared to many at their level, but anything above a C- outside of their home areas would definately be overkill. Also, could be something to do with Vince's "personality" maybe give him more of a preference towards hoss' like in real life?
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Last night Jamie Dubya off the forums made me SWA, so BCW needs doing. The Title lineages guy Legendkiller did a great job, plus some of the titles you listed couldn't have the lineages put in because they arent tied to a promotion. The Uk feds is not what is holding the data up so stop trying to blame them, the real thing holding the data up is the fact i have uni work to do like it or lump it to be honest. EDIT: Thats what pisses me off most, people like Canada say reduce TNA guys overnesses but they have national exposure and if i reduced them chances are Spike TV would cancel Impact then people would be moaning so either impact can be cancelled or WWE can sign away half of TNA, there really seems to be no middle ground
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