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T-Zone 2007

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[QUOTE=MrKain;181723]Hey, I didn't say it didn't go over. I'm just saying I hate Homicide, and therefore I don't like the champion right now. I personally liked the technical wrestlers of ROH, not the hardcore guys... Homicide just reminds me of a slightly talented chair swinger... not a real wrestler. It's a ring of HONOR... and yet his matches have to include some sort of dishonorable act at one point or another. Meh. Just my opinion.[/QUOTE] come on, you've got to be kidding. for real? 1. drop the ring of HONOR crap. it was a gimmick used to help get Christopher Daniels and the Prophecy over. some of the best matches in ROH this year - such as Cage of Death - included "dishonorable" acts. 2. as for Homicide not being a "real" wrestler, you REALLY, REALLY need to go study up some. Homicide is probably one of the best technical wrestlers on the roster - but he can also brawl, use weapons, or whatever. there's a reason why dozens of wrestlers have trained under him, up to and including Low Ki.
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[QUOTE=D16NJD16;181734]Yeah, like I was going to say before someone stole my thunder, he is a heel. Should have seen it in New York that night though, totally the crowd favorite. Being there was an amazing atmosphere.[/QUOTE] nah. he's not a heel anymore. hasn't been since the summer, when he helped ROH against CZW at Death Before Dishonor IV.
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[QUOTE=Sensai of Mattitude;181700]To be honest, I'm completely lost for choice here, is there any 2 DVDs that stand out from the rest and you guys would recommend?[/QUOTE] are you looking for just two outstanding shows, or to start a collection? ROH essentially goes in "chapter points". things that happen in one show play a major role in future shows. if you're looking for just two random cards from 2006, i'd reccomend Glory By Honor V, Night Two (from NY), and either SuperCard of Honor (from Detroit) or Unified (from Liverpool). but if you're looking to start with the most recent "chapter", start with Weekend of Champions, Night One (from Dayton). according to Gabe Sapolsky, here are the chapters for ROH: [QUOTE]Chapter 1: 2/23/02 "Era Of Honor Begins" to 2/8/03 "First Anniversary Show" Chapter 2: 3/15/03 "Expect The Unexpected" to 3/12/04 "At Our Best" Chapter 3: 4/23/04 "Reborn: Stage One" to 12/26/04 "Final Battle 2004" Chapter 4: 1/15/05 "It All Begins" to 6/12/05 "The Future Is Now" Chapter 5: 6/18/05 "Death Before Dishonor III" to 8/12/05 "Redemption" Chapter 6: 8/13/05 "Punk: The Final Chapter" to 2/11/06 "Unscripted II" Chapter 7: 2/25/06 "Fourth Anniversary Show" to 4/22/06 "The 100th Show" Chapter 8: 4/28/06 "Weekend Of Champions: Night One" to 12/23/06 "Final Battle 2006"[/QUOTE] also, note this comment from him, from the ROH message board: [QUOTE] if you are new to ROH I suggest you begin with one of the chapter starting points. Of course to get the most out of ROH it would be best to start with the first show. If you want to be current you might want to start with one of the recent chapter points. I do feel that it is extremely important that you start with a chapter point rather than a random show in the middle of the chapter. You wouldn't want to see Kill Bill Vol. 2 without seeing Vol. 1 first. [/QUOTE] also, you could ask my opinion as well, since i've been to 79 ROH shows. :o)
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[QUOTE=Tree;182414]come on, you've got to be kidding. for real? 1. drop the ring of HONOR crap. it was a gimmick used to help get Christopher Daniels and the Prophecy over. some of the best matches in ROH this year - such as Cage of Death - included "dishonorable" acts.[/QUOTE] First off just because it was a good match doesn't mean it fit in the federation. Hell, CZW could have an amazing puro match in one of it's cards, but it wouldn't make sense to have one... I liked the gimmick of honor, and personally would have liked for that gimmick to be a part of the federation, like it is for most of the matches. [QUOTE=Tree;182414]2. as for Homicide not being a "real" wrestler, you REALLY, REALLY need to go study up some. Homicide is probably one of the best technical wrestlers on the roster - but he can also brawl, use weapons, or whatever. there's a reason why dozens of wrestlers have trained under him, up to and including Low Ki.[/QUOTE] I don't consider any brawler a "real" wrestler. Even if they're the most technically sound wrestler, if they cut their moveset to three tech moves and all brawling just to fit their "thug" gimmick, I'm not a fan. Why? Cause I hate the gimmick, and I hate the mindless hardcore brawl. I wasn't a fan of ECW no matter how exciting it got, I just couldn't get into it like my friends did. It's just me, and the way I think. I know Homicide could be technically sound, I've seen the wrestlers he's trained and the ability they have, and I know that they learned from somewhere... but Homicide mainly goes for his gimmick, and rather than impress me with his talent, he brawls and uses weapons, which doesn't impress me. That's just my opinion. And seriously, I don't think that ROH needs a "Stone Cold Steve Austin" heel that gets cheers. I think they need the return of the Samoa Joe legacy, proving their merit through true competition. I liked ROH for its spirit of competition. Not for it trying to be like everyone else. Homicide is like everyone else. And for that, I'm not impressed.
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[QUOTE=MrKain;182421] I don't consider any brawler a "real" wrestler. Even if they're the most technically sound wrestler, if they cut their moveset to three tech moves and all brawling just to fit their "thug" gimmick, I'm not a fan. Why? Cause I hate the gimmick, and I hate the mindless hardcore brawl. I wasn't a fan of ECW no matter how exciting it got, I just couldn't get into it like my friends did. It's just me, and the way I think. I know Homicide could be technically sound, I've seen the wrestlers he's trained and the ability they have, and I know that they learned from somewhere... but Homicide mainly goes for his gimmick, and rather than impress me with his talent, he brawls and uses weapons, which doesn't impress me. That's just my opinion. And seriously, I don't think that ROH needs a "Stone Cold Steve Austin" heel that gets cheers. I think they need the return of the Samoa Joe legacy, proving their merit through true competition. I liked ROH for its spirit of competition. Not for it trying to be like everyone else. Homicide is like everyone else. And for that, I'm not impressed.[/QUOTE] you are out of your element here sir. Homicide is a very technically sound wrestler, probably one of the best on the roster....the fact that you have only seen him in brawls just speaks to the fact that you aren't that familiar with the ROH product. Also, the ROH fan base isn't looking for a "heel that gets cheers", they are looking for someone who represents ROH...and next to Danielson and Joe, Homicide is ROH through and through. It's not about being a heel....Homicide is a face. He's a guy you can get behind. You're just not up to date on the storylines. and as far as Homicide being like everyone else...the only guy I can think of that's anything like him is B-Boy. Homicide came first.... and if you so much as utter the words "New Jack", I swear to god.
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[QUOTE=creepshow;182555]you are out of your element here sir. Homicide is a very technically sound wrestler, probably one of the best on the roster....the fact that you have only seen him in brawls just speaks to the fact that you aren't that familiar with the ROH product. Also, the ROH fan base isn't looking for a "heel that gets cheers", they are looking for someone who represents ROH...and next to Danielson and Joe, Homicide is ROH through and through. It's not about being a heel....Homicide is a face. He's a guy you can get behind. You're just not up to date on the storylines. and as far as Homicide being like everyone else...the only guy I can think of that's anything like him is B-Boy. Homicide came first.... and if you so much as utter the words "New Jack", I swear to god.[/QUOTE] Did you ever read my post? I've seen him in many different types of matches, but the fact that he dumbs down his moveset most of the time to be a brawler is what bothers me about him. It's what bothered me about Stone Cold, and it's what bothers me about John Cena. They'd rather let their gimmick talk for them. I KNOW Homicide has a wide variety of moves, as I said I've seen who he has taught, and they had to learn from somewhere. But he mainly dumbs his character down to brawling, and I hate his gimmick. Why can't I dislike someone EVER without people getting upset with me because it's like "not allowed"? It's like I have to like everyone that's good, just because they're good. "Thou shalt not like bad people, thou shalt only like good people, if thou not liketh whateveryone else liketh, thou shalt be lambasted." Want to hear a couple of other people I don't like? Hulk Hogan. Bret Hart. Stone Cold Steve Austin. Doug Williams. Want to lambaste me for those, too? I don't like Homicide. I don't like his gimmick. I don't like him as champ. You have a problem with it, two words. **** you. Cool? Cool. Sheesh. I never stated that I think he should die, and I never complained about you liking him. And now I'm being "fact"-ed to death because of it.
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[QUOTE=MrKain;182652]Did you ever read my post? I've seen him in many different types of matches, but the fact that he dumbs down his moveset most of the time to be a brawler is what bothers me about him. It's what bothered me about Stone Cold, and it's what bothers me about John Cena. They'd rather let their gimmick talk for them. I KNOW Homicide has a wide variety of moves, as I said I've seen who he has taught, and they had to learn from somewhere. But he mainly dumbs his character down to brawling, and I hate his gimmick. Why can't I dislike someone EVER without people getting upset with me because it's like "not allowed"? It's like I have to like everyone that's good, just because they're good. "Thou shalt not like bad people, thou shalt only like good people, if thou not liketh whateveryone else liketh, thou shalt be lambasted." Want to hear a couple of other people I don't like? Hulk Hogan. Bret Hart. Stone Cold Steve Austin. Doug Williams. Want to lambaste me for those, too? I don't like Homicide. I don't like his gimmick. I don't like him as champ. You have a problem with it, two words. **** you. Cool? Cool. Sheesh. I never stated that I think he should die, and I never complained about you liking him. And now I'm being "fact"-ed to death because of it.[/QUOTE] Well I'm not saying whatever your getting mad about, but I think you obviously just have no appreciation for a good brawler. Brawling is as much a part of wrestling history as anything else, and GOOD brawling takes plenty of talent.
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[QUOTE=MrKain;182652] You have a problem with it, two words. **** you. Cool? Cool. Sheesh. I never stated that I think he should die, and I never complained about you liking him. And now I'm being "fact"-ed to death because of it.[/QUOTE] and people dont like ME?!
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[QUOTE=MrKain;182421]First off just because it was a good match doesn't mean it fit in the federation. Hell, CZW could have an amazing puro match in one of it's cards, but it wouldn't make sense to have one... I liked the gimmick of honor, and personally would have liked for that gimmick to be a part of the federation, like it is for most of the matches. I don't consider any brawler a "real" wrestler. Even if they're the most technically sound wrestler, if they cut their moveset to three tech moves and all brawling just to fit their "thug" gimmick, I'm not a fan. Why? Cause I hate the gimmick, and I hate the mindless hardcore brawl. I wasn't a fan of ECW no matter how exciting it got, I just couldn't get into it like my friends did. It's just me, and the way I think. I know Homicide could be technically sound, I've seen the wrestlers he's trained and the ability they have, and I know that they learned from somewhere... but Homicide mainly goes for his gimmick, and rather than impress me with his talent, he brawls and uses weapons, which doesn't impress me. That's just my opinion. And seriously, I don't think that ROH needs a "Stone Cold Steve Austin" heel that gets cheers. I think they need the return of the Samoa Joe legacy, proving their merit through true competition. I liked ROH for its spirit of competition. Not for it trying to be like everyone else. Homicide is like everyone else. And for that, I'm not impressed.[/QUOTE] 1. you are correct. just because it isn't a good match doesn't mean it fits the wrestling company. however, if you've been watching ROH for the past couple of years, going back AT LEAST to March of 2004 and the Samoa Joe-Jay Briscoe cage match at At Our Best, you would know that ROH long ago became more of a hybrid company, involving all aspects of professional wrestling, from brawling and hardcore to technical and scientific to high-flying and spot fests. some of the most enjoyable matches in ROH this year have been ones that featured brawls around the buildings and outside (Mark Briscoe's SSP off the truck - holy ****!) to ultra-violent matches like Cage of Death and the BJ Whitmer-Necro Butcher barbed wire match to "technical matches" where the most remembered moment was gross and violent (Nigel McGuiness' multiple head butts into the ring post during his match with Bryan Danielson in England). ROH leaving behing the gimmick of "honor" was the best thing they company could have done. if they were still doing now what they did in 2002 - well, they wouldn't be. they'd be out of business. 2. Homicide brawls and uses weapons when he needs to - but his matches are filled with tons of wrestling moves that i can't even begin to name. maybe you're so blinded by your hatred of the brawl, but the reality is that his matches are a lot more than punch, stomp, stab. 3. as for your assertation about Samoa Joe and "merit through true competition," remember that one of his biggest moves is "illegal" and happens outside of the ring.
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It's not the hatred of the brawl, per se, that makes me dislike Homicide as much as I do (though it does help a hel of a lot, as I like wrestling and not brwaling, stated before)... it's more his gimmick. I hate the thug anti-hero. Just what I think. I don't like Homicide. I don't like John "I R A RAPPER!" Cena. I don't like Stone Cold Steve Austin. It's just me. I still liked the honor gimmick of the federation. And yes, one of the moves Joe had is illegal... Fine. I'll accept that honor is toned down... but I'd still rather just have a great technical match like Punk/Joe II... rather than a hardcore brawl like Ring of Homicide. I still don't like the gimmick, and will still not like Homicide as a champ. Why is it that you have to try and force me to like him? I don't like him, that's all! Jesus. Again, I'm sorry for derailing the thread, but I don't get why people have to shove facts down my throat expecting me to suddenly go "HOMOcide R Teh Greatest! I R ADMITTRZ DuhFEET!"
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[QUOTE=HugeRockStar760;182808]Is it really practical to hold up the release of this mod due to wanting to add obscure UK indy wrestlers and promotions? If you're going to go into detail like this for your home country, it would be consistent that you also go into detail for any indy lucha feds and puro feds.[/QUOTE] Its forlans mod, he includes what he wants in it, at the end of the day he could just say f*uck you im using it for my own personal use f*uck the rest of you. So i'd be patient.
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[QUOTE=KRadiation;182786]i didnt see anyone trying to force you into anything. They were just pointing out you were wrong, and your opinion was based on that[/QUOTE] Please explain to me how my opinion that "I don't like Homicide" is wrong, though. I'll admit that my wording was incorrect in ways, as I know that Homicide could really have good technical matches when he wants to, but that doesn't change my stance that I don't like him as the champ, and I hate his gimmick. So in the end, my opinion still stands.
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