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T-Zone 2007

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[QUOTE=HugeRockStar760;188088]Kurt Angle walked away from a high paying contract just so he could get away from the WWE. Christian Cage had a cushy contract, it paid him nicely, but he didn't care and he let his contract expire so he could go to TNA. Money is NOT the sole motivator for a professional wrestler nowadays. Just because you love money doesn't mean someone like Kurt Angle, who has already made a substantial amount of money, needs it. AJ Styles would never go to the WWE unless Vince drops the boring, cliche Attitude era storylines that go against his morals. The same goes for Sting. How can anyone not respect someone like Sting for passing on a mega contract from the WWE and actually stayed true to his word. I just love it when people like you, who only know the WWE, try telling me I don't know anything about wrestling when I've seen more styles of wrestling, from different eras to know what is good and what is not.[/QUOTE] I'm not trying to tell you anything :D I just don't happen to agree with your smarkish thoughts that are obviously deluded by your wealth of internet knowledge. Your sole argument has been proven by history time and time again to be untrue except for the most rare of ocasions.
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[QUOTE=CarlitoCoool;188086]Wow, nice argument with the expletives and all :rolleyes: Angle going back is much more possible for anyone with half a clue as to waht's been going on the last year. Cage left because he's had enough of the schedule he and he wants to get into acting. Angle was [B]released[/B], if you had any clue as to how Vince works you'd know there's a very good chance Angle will end up back in WWE. Obviously you don't :D Test, Matt Hardy, the list goes on, all said far worse things about WWE and Vince personally and were half the stars but bought back.[/QUOTE] Keep getting your news from wrestlezone.com, ok. Since you supposedly "have a clue", why don't you explain how Kurt Angle going back to a company that has damn near left him crippled is more possible because of what has been going on in the last year. Go for it. You're such a mark. "If you had any clue how Vince operates..." That's such wrestlezone.com like knowledge. If you choose to believe Vince fired Kurt, that's your opinion, but it holds no merit because Kurt Angle said he quit, and I choose to believe him. The fact you believe a mark website like the WWE.com, it makes sense to me. Of course they are going to spin the story around to make it seem Kurt Angle is the bad guy and was fired. Great examples with Test and Matt Hardy...Andrew Martin will never be confused for being in Kurt Angle's class. Matt Hardy was never fired. I will never believe he was fired from the WWE for the situation he was in. Any wrestler with any kind of backbone would've had more respect for themselves than to go back to the WWE under the circumstances he did. Complete work. No more wrestlezone.com or any other website that plaigarizes from credible news websites.
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[QUOTE=CarlitoCoool;188089]All I caught was....[/QUOTE] You really are 19. Editing a post to change wording has to be the most childish way of trying to get your point across. The way it seems right now, you have no point. I really hope you're not contributing to this mod. Last thing I want to see is a John Cena technical stat of 90 and a HHH with low stats just because he's the bosses' son in law.
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[QUOTE=HugeRockStar760;188092]Keep getting your news from wrestlezone.com, ok. Since you supposedly "have a clue", why don't you explain how Kurt Angle going back to a company that has damn near left him crippled is more possible because of what has been going on in the last year. Go for it. [/QUOTE] Another smark statement :rolleyes: Kurt crippled himself not WWE, Vince is not the devil and I have never been to wrestlzone.com in my life. I prefer to listen to actual wrestlers interviews and learn from history. I'm not saying I know more then anyone on these boards, in the case of Joe and AJ I said I'd never heard of them saying that about WWE? If anyone produced an interview or quote I would most likely change my opinion.
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ALRIGHT...... I changed Vince's Business stats as follows; -I added Modern to his personal tastes. -Changed Roster Size from Massive to Very Large... might cut out some of the weaker workers and help the shows. -Changed hiring bias to Looks -Changed firing style to with Wallet. So we'll see how well this works out now... should mean more of the weaker workers get released. I'm gonna go tweak around with the Titles and see what else I can find to change before I set it up and go to bed for the night. EDIT: I upped the prestige of the WWE and World Titles since I can't bring the ECW Title down without making it a Midcard belt... although it really is now. I changed the Match Intensity for WWE to 40% and the Match Danger to 30%... and added in Modern as Medium. So I'll set things up now... see what happens in the morning.
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[QUOTE=CarlitoCoool;188063]I have not heard of either turning down WWE contracts? The last I heard Joe talk about WWE he said he has never been approached even after a high recomendation from Foley. AJ doesn't fit in with what Vince or Johnny Ace look for in talent (size, charisma, look etc.).[/QUOTE] He did. During the WCW Purchase, and in 2003 while he was in NWA:TNA. I mean I've known this for a long time anyway but he was just on Wrestling observer live and he talked about it in detail, and it was presented as pretty common knowledge.
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Well in the hour or so I've been watching TV the new game is a month in and the same problems still seem to be going on with the WWE. The biggest problem so far is Spike TV canned Impact within 3 weeks.
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HugeRockStar760 and CarlitoCool, take your argument to PM if you must, but stop wrecking this thread with your petty bickering or it'll be an official warning for both of you. Your attempts to try and make yourselves look smarter than the other have just ended up making you both look childish and stupid. And RockStar - swearing is against these forum rules, don't let it happen again.
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Is the WWE's choice of booking done by the AI vince alone? Because in real it seems he doesnt do any of that and its left to the booking team. Suggestions for the next game - multiple bookers with a head booker - you start off as the booker responsible for the jobbers/openers then as you prove yourself you move up to the head booker. (and still offer the option to scratch all that and start as the owner/head booker etc)
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For Vince McMahon I'd have... Roster Size - Very Large Pacts - Hostile Patience - Low Roster Turnover - High Finance - Flashy Hiring Style - Bias Look Firing Style - With Wallet Title Changes - Frequent With only Entertainment ticked, but maybe that's just me?
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[QUOTE=gingarob;188453]For Vince McMahon I'd have... Roster Size - Very Large Pacts - Hostile Patience - Low Roster Turnover - High Finance - Flashy Hiring Style - Bias Look Firing Style - With Wallet Title Changes - Frequent With only Entertainment ticked, but maybe that's just me?[/QUOTE] All sound correct other then Title Changes. Once he got away from Russo's influence, title changes came at a more normal pace, although certinally not rare.
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Not sure bout the roster turnover being high for Vince either, Yes they do fire people all the time, as would any large company but they don't move older talent out just to get younger or reshuffle their entire roster every 4-5 years either and for the most part job security is pretty good.
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In regards to the WWE signing away all of TNA's top stars, perhaps setting the two promotions up with the 'War' pact will reduce this from happening? Before anyone starts with the "BUT TNA AND WWE ARE NOT AT WAR!11!!" replies, let me quote the Help Files: [QUOTE=C:\Program Files\GDS\TEW2007\Help\stat_pact.html]"War" means that the promotions are completely against each other, meaning they won't share workers (so if a worker signs for one, he cannot sign \ must leave the other).[/QUOTE] So, as you can see, this doesn't mean that they must be engaged in a TV ratings war, but rather more a 'worker war'. It would also add more excitment to the game, when you sign away one of the other promotions talents. For example, if you manage to sign AJ Styles away from TNA, you'll feel more achieved, since with the promotion pact, it would make it more difficult to sign him away. Also, another 'pro' for the pact is that the TNA talent can still be on (Exclusive) PPA deals without constant fear that WWE will sign away your World Champion.
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Or........they can begin the game with a non-agression pact. If you wage war, they are more likely to raid the other to try and steal away their talent. By engaging in a non-agression pact, this'll keep that from happening until someone breaks it. The reason I suggest that is because the WWE/TNA haven't been raiding each other's rosters. Had TNA stolen Angle from WWE or WWE steal Samoa Joe from TNA, then war may be an option. But since they pick up people once contracts expire, it would be non-agression.
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