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Parent/Child relationship pacts

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I think you can just try to alter your relationship with another promotion to 'child promotion'. If they accept, you got yourself an 'OVW'. Although it won't seem rational to accept such an offer, I'd do it. The mother promotion could possibly send pretty fine workers over so it'd up my popularity. I'm not sure about this, so someone plz confirm.
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[QUOTE=MaxxHexx;168009]While on this, how do you get a child promotion? I could never get one.[/QUOTE] Well, you have to be bigger than the other promotion (and I think they need to be Regional or smaller). One way I found was to pick feds with owners with 'Very Nice' personality and they'd usually accept your offer. Then again, my first child promotion was Ring of Fire and I don't think British Samurai has that personality. Obviously I don't know if this is still the case in 07 (which is a part of Dolfanar's question, I'm guessing). In 05, once your child reached a certain size (either Cult or Regional, I forget which), they'd sever the relationship automatically.
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I aggree with what he's saying.... Like how HWA used to be the WWE developmental promotion, and then it became OVW and now DSW...so eventually I'd think it would be possible that TNA could pick up a fed as a developmental promotion, or DSW or OVW could get dropped in favor of another fed. I am making sense?
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[QUOTE=creepshow;168263]and then it became OVW and now DSW.[/QUOTE] OVW is still WWEs' developement fed, DSW is a secondary one. And considered by WWE to basically be the step before ya get to go to OVW. And for the last year is under constant reumour of being cut off. Especially when many of the DSW guys got sent to OVW earlier this year. HSW no longer being a dev fed or DSW comming in or DSW possibly being droped hhad nothing to do with them being made about how they were being used or with them getting to big. HSW shut down I believe and DSW came about as a favour.
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HWA is still running strong in Cincinnati, Ohio ([url]www.hwaonline.com[/url] I believe). WWE picked up HWA as a development from the purchase of WCW. WCW had been using it as a developmental for maybe a year at that point if that. WWE then used it the same way even though it had OVW which isn't that far from that same area.
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[QUOTE=Sartagis;168277]OVW is still WWEs' developement fed, DSW is a secondary one. And considered by WWE to basically be the step before ya get to go to OVW. And for the last year is under constant reumour of being cut off. Especially when many of the DSW guys got sent to OVW earlier this year. HSW no longer being a dev fed or DSW comming in or DSW possibly being droped hhad nothing to do with them being made about how they were being used or with them getting to big. HSW shut down I believe and DSW came about as a favour.[/QUOTE] Firstly, I never said OVW was no longer a WWE Developmental fed...and i am well aware that Ohio Valley and Deep South both work with WWE currently Secondly, It was HWA, Heartland Wrestling Association out of Cincinatti OH...run by Les Thatcher...not whatever this HSW is you're referring to. For whatever reason, and I don't care because Les Thatcher is too cool for the WWE anyway, HWA was dropped and OVW became the new lead developmental promotion. Thirdly...all I was alluding to was that it would be nice if developmental deals could change during the course of the game, as it did with WWE/HWA a few years back. So basically TNA or Ring of Honor could pick up developmental promotions sometime down the line. or to put it in Cornellniverse terms, if TCW or SWF were to start out with no developmental territiories, they could pick up say CZCW as their west coast Developmental Promotion....or MAW, or any of the other indies if they chose to.
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[QUOTE=Adam Ryland;168115]The child promotion cannot rise past a certain size, and therefore cannot get big enough to break the pact.[/QUOTE] 3 follow up Qs So does that mean that a child promotion can never break the pact, or simply that it can't break the pact due to getting too big but could break the pact due to other factors/reasons? How big can a child promotion get? What happens if a promotion is set to child in the editor, but is already past the size limit that child promotions can reach? Does the child promotion have it's popularity cut, does it lose the child pact on start up or something else?
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[QUOTE]So does that mean that a child promotion can never break the pact[/QUOTE] Yes. [QUOTE]How big can a child promotion get?[/QUOTE] Regional I believe. [QUOTE]What happens if a promotion is set to child in the editor, but is already past the size limit that child promotions can reach? Does the child promotion have it's popularity cut, does it lose the child pact on start up or something else?[/QUOTE] It's size rating is capped. You could give it 100% in every location, but as long as it is a child fed, it will never be rated above Regional. That's unlikely to come up though, as I'm unaware of any "child" fed to which the above problem would ever apply.
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[QUOTE=Adam Ryland;168511]It's size rating is capped. You could give it 100% in every location, but as long as it is a child fed, it will never be rated above Regional. That's unlikely to come up though, as I'm unaware of any "child" fed to which the above problem would ever apply.[/QUOTE] Ok, I think I see what you're saying. So regardless of how over the promotion is set to (Even A+ in all areas), it will always carry a roster and behave as a regional promotion. You probably right in terms of current real life promotions, but I've wanted to try some weirdness where this might come up.Good to know. Like Omnipotent, I'd like to know if the Parent organization can cut the child fed loose?
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Adam, Not trying to sound like a total pest, but as a promotion are you able to pick up an independent promotion (regional or lower) as your developmental territory? Also, if you get tired of having said promotion, can you get rid of it (just for clarification on this one, as I think I already know the answer). And finally, does the AI account for this in other promotions as I have a tendency to use one game for simming countless years just to watch the world evolve.
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If it's anything like TEW05 (and I see no reason why there'd be any major changes here): * You can pick up developmental territories by using the Promotion Pact section of your Business page. At one point in one game I had six child feds, many of whom were using almost nothing but my dev. talent. * You can ditch them the same way, I presume - but I never tried as I like to have lots of room to spread my youngsters around. I don't suppose the child fed can do anything about it, unlike certain other proposed changes to relationships in the game. * The AI doesn't seem to use developmental feds in 05 - they definitely don't assign anyone to your fed if you play as a child company. I expect this to change somewhat in 07, particularly with the new developmental contract.
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[QUOTE=James Casey;168609]At one point in one game I had six child feds, many of whom were using almost nothing but my dev. talent.[/QUOTE] Just curious. What Data and promotion were you using? What was your strategy when going after dev feds (or did you just pester EVERY promotion hoping a few would bite...)
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[QUOTE=creepshow;168414]Firstly, I never said OVW was no longer a WWE Developmental fed...and i am well aware that Ohio Valley and Deep South both work with WWE currently[/QUOTE] Then you poorly worded you sentence, as I quoted last time you said "and then it became OVW and now DSW" which to me insinuates that it was now DSW and not OVW as opposed it now being "OVW [I]and[/I] DSW". [QUOTE=creepshow;168414]Secondly, It was HWA, Heartland Wrestling Association out of Cincinatti OH...run by Les Thatcher...not whatever this HSW is you're referring to. For whatever reason, and I don't care because Les Thatcher is too cool for the WWE anyway, HWA was dropped and OVW became the new lead developmental promotion.[/QUOTE] Yeah that was a typo. On the first HSW, least the first time, second time I was just being dumb. [QUOTE=creepshow;168414]Thirdly...all I was alluding to was that it would be nice if developmental deals could change during the course of the game, as it did with WWE/HWA a few years back.[/QUOTE] Actually the posts right before yours were speaking of Child Feds breaking free because they got too big or disgruntled with how talent was being used on one side and you said "I aggree with what he's saying...." that with the example of the HWA, OVW and DSW "alluded" to the fact that you thought that the dev pacts changed for for one of those reasons, I posted to try and clear up the fact that the HWA pact didn't split for those reasons. But I guess thats what ya get for trying to help. :)
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Sorry for the misunderstanding...I wasn't trying to be a jerk or anything...i was just trying to clear up my statement. Yeah, I aggree...the wording of my initial statement may have led those to beleive i was stating that DSW had taken the place of OVW... anyway...regardless...I was trying to get an answer to a different question within the same thread...because I hate making 2 separate threads for closely related questions apologies for any confusion
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