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Death of the Territories Preview

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[QUOTE=Ransik;191909]Honestly Boon, I think the reason people never played past 20 years is because by the time you got that far your game would be full of unknown AI generated workers and the interest would just be lost completely. I how ever would love to just play a game back just before I was born and play it as long as possible to see exactly what I can do with it, knowing all the workers I grew up watching and the ones I watch today can coincide in a completely different way than what the real world has.[/QUOTE] I think you're right on the money there. Once the first TEW generated rookie main events wrestlemania, it kinda defeats the whole purpose of playing a real world mod. Havng said that with almost 200 future workers included, I think there is enough of a base that someone else can take up the mantle and add enough future workers to take us well into the future (Which is something I might very well do myself in the next few weeks if I can ever finish the bloody locations file!).
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[QUOTE=HugeRockStar760;191999]I do think that the new worker feature shouldn't be something that D.Boon has to labor on. It should be a user activity to add who they want. [/QUOTE] Hear, hear! Let's give Boon a break; he doesn't need to do the new workers! Let the Community Spirit wash him away from such misery! :) [QUOTE=HugeRockStar760;191999]I have a question, though, about future promotions. Are they included and is AAA going to be featured in the game splintering from CMLL in Mexico?[/QUOTE] Yeah - I have a tad over a Baker's Dozen so far; ranging from old-time promotions like Detroit and Shire's Big Time wrestling out of San Francisco to more modern ones such as Pro Wrestling NOAH and Ohio Valley. That's one of the last things on the list to add to before release. I've got AAA set to debut in 1990 - which is supposed to represent the break from CMLL. Of course, there is no way to ensure that Peña will be the one to lead them. [QUOTE=CountZero]How close are we, approximately, to the release of v1.0?[/QUOTE] I'm not quite sure if I will make my earlier stated goal of 'the end of this week', but it will be close. If I happen to miss my deadline of tomorrow, it will be by a matter of days.
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I don't think it is that much of a shocker. Probably no one will agree but it probably has to do with the fact that DOTT is set in a specific time peroid that Boon from his perspective works on. The real world ones have multiple people usually working on it, are alot more subjective, and can change alot because of real world changes.
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[QUOTE=WrestleManiac;191868]I would play a 20+ year game if the new workers were there. I see that as an incentive to continue. But I may be in a minority.[/QUOTE] I agree, it would be awesome to have everyone from the 80s all the way to today's best. Honestly, I think it would be great if Mr. Ryland allowed the importing of New workers. I already have 100 workers who made a debut from 1998 onward done (for the 1998 database with TCP), and I would be more than happy to share if it were possible to import, which is the only real way the information would be usable. I have everyone from Bryan Danielson to Randy Orton done. Not being able to import New workers just doesn't make any sense to me.
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[QUOTE=Anubis;192050]I agree, it would be awesome to have everyone from the 80s all the way to today's best. Honestly, I think it would be great if Mr. Ryland allowed the importing of New workers. I already have 100 workers who made a debut from 1998 onward done (for the 1998 database with TCP), and I would be more than happy to share if it were possible to import, which is the only real way the information would be usable. I have everyone from Bryan Danielson to Randy Orton done. Not being able to import New workers just doesn't make any sense to me.[/QUOTE] CO SIGNED! Why can't we? Anyone think of a reason that it's not in?
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[QUOTE=D16NJD16;192042]DOTT coming out before a real life mod is a real shocker to me, I had figured months ago that DOTT would be one of the mods that would take longer to release[/QUOTE] Don't let the time period of it fool you. The guys that have been working on this, have been working on it since the developer's Journal was still doing a post a day. Gathering information, figuring out new stats, etc.. This was being done before they even had an editor. Also note that it was done with nothing but positive posts between people genuinely wanting to help each other do the best they can, without interferance (how much longer?) and with no ego's (My idea is better then your idea!). That makes a huge difference. IF an idea was shot down, it was after that idea had been proved to be wrong. Bah, overall it was just communication, fast, accurate, and motivating. Very impressive, as will be the mod itself.
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[QUOTE=Jonfun;192335]I will play this mod if the future workers is a good large file.[/QUOTE] Here's the thing though Jonfun, I mean I'm not trying to be funny, but... Number one is no one is begging you to play, however... It sure would be great if you gave it a shot:-) As far as the new worker's are concerned, check it out, and maybe make a list of who you think should be in it, that's not. The new worker file is big so it might be sufficient for you. If not, you can always look at it, jot down the people you REALLY want in it, and I'd bet a simple post saying something like, Could someone help me with stats (if you think you need the help) for whomever it might be. Let us/we/the community know exactly what your wanting to do and what you need information wise to make it happen, and we/us/the community just might be able to get-er-done for you. The start of this sounds a bit more harsh then I intend it to be, it's a generalization, not meant to be mean or harsh. I really do think it would be great for anyone that does have doubts to just give it a try first.
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I agree with the above. The beauty and charm of this mod isn't the modern day stuff. Sure, it will be cool as hell when Chris Benoit or Steve Austin come into the DOTT world, but the reason to play this is to play in that 1980's territory world. If future workers are really what concerns you, you'd probably be happier just playing a more current mod and you'll get all of the workers you want with the stats you want them at. I think anyone who has any interest or love of wrestling and how it was presented at one time would do well to download this and give it a shot. The attention to detail is staggering and with the improvements to 07, I can hardly wait for it. See, I went and got myself all excited for it now :)
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[QUOTE=HugeRockStar760;192353]I'm going to assume that when a new worker is set to debut, it will be with rookie like stats. For instance, The Rock wouldn't have the same kind of stats he had in 2001 when he debuted in 1996. Or are the new workers going to be rated as if they already are superstars?[/QUOTE] If it's anything like DOTT 05 then that is true. Even legends like the Rock n Roll Express weren't at their peak at the start of the mod and guys like Austin, while in it, were jobbers with skills as such (but lots of potential :)
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I've bent towards the other side of that fence with the data this year, actually. The bonafide superstars are reflected as such for the most part - at least in their key stats. The reason for that is that the AI would never use the untrained schmoes. It's a tad more User [i]and[/i] AI Friendly. In other words, Devolution! :)
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[QUOTE=shipshirt;192360]If it's anything like DOTT 05 then that is true. Even legends like the Rock n Roll Express weren't at their peak at the start of the mod and guys like Austin, while in it, were jobbers with skills as such (but lots of potential :)[/QUOTE] Yes, however some people were destined for greatness, and the only way to ensure that they have a chance is by making the stats halfway decent. I wouldn't look to see The Rock or "Stone Cold" debut with bad stats... However, I would expect them to be realistic to the age.... In other words, some people had good stats at their debut, however it might have took time to establish their overness (Popularity), which I am sure you will find that all new workers will have good and bad points, points that we've seen evolve over time, however most had them it was just about utilizing them.. Not sure if that makes scense.. Bassically, you won't have a problem figuring out that's the Steve Austin. Howeverm, you might have to do a little research or really work on them to get him to be the "Stone Cold" Steve Austin we all know and love... Bassically, all I'm saying is the stats will be as close as possible to what you would think, but... The popularity is something different. This is where you know the potential, but can you bring it out? This is the sort of thing that makes DOTT so much fun. PS: I can understand the desire to want to play a game throughout many years, and watch your favorite wrestler's debut, and evolve into a world your able to manipulate... SO, I say we all gang together and cheer D. on to create an even older mod, that starts somewhere in the 60's, and we are able to see the Debut's of people such as Andre the Giant, Hulk Hogan, Piper, Orndorf, etc... For all us old timer's:-)
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[QUOTE=djthefunkchris;192366] SO, I say we all gang together and cheer D. on to create an even older mod, that starts somewhere in the 60's, and we are able to see the Debut's of people such as Andre the Giant, Hulk Hogan, Piper, Orndorf, etc... For all us old timer's:-)[/QUOTE] How old can you possibly be with a name "DJ THE FUNK CHRIS"
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[QUOTE=D16NJD16;192376]How old can you possibly be with a name "DJ THE FUNK CHRIS"[/QUOTE] while 60s is ok, id rather early to mid 70s til now, but that would be a massive project for anyone with the guts to take that on. doubts anyone would try
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