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500 replies. Nearly 12,000 views. Welcome to the Coastal Zone Year In Review 2012! December 2012, week 4, Sunday CZCW Year In Review 2012 Live from the Gorski Ballroom, on the Internet Opening Match Amazing FireFly def. Phoenix I in sixteen minutes with a Flypaper Plancha (C) Alicia cuts a promo on Remus, saying that she's going into 2013 as still the champion (B+) Tidal Tag Ladder Match Backyarders(c) def. Gilberts in thirteen minutes of nothing special (D-) Remus tells Alicia that, once more, her title reign will end at Year In Review (B+) Grudge Lucha Libre Match Spanish Superfly def. Harry Wilson in seventeen minutes (C+) Xtreme Title Lucha Match Josh Jones(c) def. Soul Taker in sixteen minutes (C) Main Event Championship Match Roderick Remus def. Alicia Strong(c) in twenty-nine minutes to become the NEW CZCW Champion (B) Show rating: B- And now, since we know you're all wanting them... the 2012 Year In Review awards! Show of the year: NOTBPW Mid Summer Madness Match: The Natural def. Duane Stone, NOTBPW Nirvana in November Most Improved Promotion: [b]CZCW! [/b] Promotion: NOTBPW Female Wrestler of the Year: [b]Alicia Strong! [/b] Veteran: Eric Tyler Rookie: Jay Chord Wrestler of the Year: Sean McFly Zoners in the Top 100: Current: None Former: 2 (Ultimate Phoenix-94, El Leon-16)
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The premire dynasty in TEW history... and we're not saying that 'cause we've been boring people for the last three games... Welcome to the Coastal Zone! The Zone got the first week of January off. We would keep track of who held shows when, decide the best day to hold our own. We had roughly four weeks before CZCW Broken, we could probably get away with a decent no-real-storyline show... But first, Cliff set us new goals. First was the usual "Don't go below thirteen grand" edict. Next was a not-so-bad anti-injury campaign... no hiring anyone with below a C- resilience. Then the bombshell... new signees couldn't be below a B- in Basics. Cliff reasoned we had XDW... we could just hire pros from now on. Cliff was an idiot. Had he said these two things before, we wouldn't have... well, most of the roster. In fact, we would have -only- Alicia, Rod, Snap Dragon, Phoenix, Marc Speed, Cal Sanders, Harry Wilson, Josh Jones, and El Beastia Purpura. We tried to tell him that, but he simply said something that sounded like 'unemployment line'. We didn't push the issue. We almost forgot to renegotiate with Amazing FireFly... good thing we didn't wait too much longer. Fox Mask's TCW deal came up, so we sent him an offer as well... knowing it would be refused, but y'know, it's the thought that counts. Studies were done -- CZCW All Action Thursday would begin touring. We had three shows before Broken... so what would we do? Well, hopefully, we'd wrestle, but the laptop doesn't want to recharge, so... we'll see what we can do. Programming note: The player is on vacation next week, so don't expect a lot of updates. When vacation is done, I'll either have fixed the laptop-power-problem, or have unlicensed and moved the game over to the backup desktop that's now working (sort of). On the next Coastal Zone: Your guess is as good as ours.
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Live from the East Coast, while on vacation, so you know I must love you all to give you an update now -- Welcome to the Coastal Zone! So, where were we... oh, right, the first CZCW All Action Thursday show. We figured running events for a month or two will let us build up the coffers and prepare us for the cash drain Cult will cause us. Assuming we ever get there. We had figures 2012 would be the perfect year, to stand out from the back. 2013 would be different. In the US, the industry was at E+ and riding slowly, with the economy getting better as well. In Mexico the industry and economy were both at E+ and tanking; so hopefully our decision to focus more on the US in recent months would be a good one. Oh, and a minor warning: style change! Not to the product, but to our writeups... lemme know if it's better or worse. January 2013, week 2, Thursday CZCW All Action Thursday Gymnasium Aguada, Puerto Rico We open with Geoff 'Air' Borne taking on a bit more than he can chew and losing to Joe Gilbert in eight minutes (D-). After that, we get Jesse on the mic to tell us that tonight, the Gilberts go two for two, and the Zone title goes back to an original Zoner, as he's challenging Rod Remus. Remus comes out to laugh a bit, talking about how the Zone is a young man's game... and the Gilberts only deserve a title match in USPW. (C-) Remus and Jesse have their match... did anyone predict Joe running in with a hockey stick? No? Well, he does, but ref-owner Javier sees it and DQ's Joe. (C) This doesn't stop the double-team, but Geoff shows up to help even the odds, and eventually we wind up with a tag match (D-). Unfortunately, the tag isn't as good as the title match, but ends with Remus getting Joe in the Remus Clutch (D-). Show rating: D Sure enough, Fox Mask declined our offer of a Zone return; not surprising as he'd worked his way into the midcard, jobbing to Eddie Peak, BLZ Bubb, and Ricky Dale Johnson in B-rated matches. On the next Coastal Zone: Can we get a serious contender, please?
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Congrats on the Most Improved Promotion of the Year. (Clearly that's not a financially based award) Everything old is new again, as I recall that write-up style from the orginal Welcome to the Coastal Zone. I think I prefer the previous style, or you need to bold the ratings so it's easy to find where each break is. Just a suggestion. B- in basics. That's a nasty curveball. Is Steve Flash still alive? Just not the Zone without Fox Mask, but oh well. I'm tempted to dare you to main event a card with Gilberts vs. the Backyarders. :D Duel between hockey sticks and baseball batting backyards. That's gold! What's your booking reputation like? maybe it's time to leave the zone to Insano Anderson.
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I like the old writeup style better. :( Good idea on the touring shows. You're gonna need it. Cult is a big, fat, hungry, lobster lovin' woman with her eyes on "that new French seafood place that just opened" (the one with the three digit priced menu items). Did I mention she's hungry? :p
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Where the laptop still works... for now. Welcome to the Coastal Zone! Not wanting to revisit Remus vs Strong again so soon, we decided to make a couple contract offers to see if we could work up something new for a few months. New would be good. In the meantime... ... no, wait, in the meantime, one of those offers, to a certain Brett Biggz, was rejected. The other, however, was accepted. No, we're not telling you who it is. It's part of a storyline. January 2012, week 3, Thursday CZCW All Action Thursday Gorski Ballroom, Southwest USA Tonight is the first three rounds of the Championship Contendership Tournament, and we begin with a doozy: the legendary luchadore Soul Taker taking on the lucha phenom, Amazing FireFly. It turns out the two have great chemistry, and after a good twelve minutes, the rookie gets the pinfall on the legend in a great match [b](B-)[/b]. Backstage, Alicia is walking into the locker room when she finds a note on her locker... and she suddenly goes pale [b](B+)[/b]. Alicia comes out to face Snap Dragon, and gets the win despite being preoccupied with something [b](C+)[/b]. She heads back to the locker room, only to find her locker open. As she goes to see what's missing, a hand shoots out of the dark locker and catches her in the throat, dropping her to the floor. A woman in a ninja outfit steps out and leaves with a bag of Alicia's things [b](B)[/b]. Finally, our main event is a bit of a letdown as Spanish Superfly finishes off Phoenix in sixteen minutes [b](C)[/b], and we wind things up with a video talking about Remus and the three contenders so far [b](B-)[/b]. Show rating: C+ Well, we should have switched the main and opener... we weren't expecting that good a match. We also set an attendance record of 3,487 and made thirty grand, even with using all our most expensive talent. We were impressed. And we'd gotten two major story-like-thingies going. On the next Coastal Zone: A look at champions in early 2012, Alicia's attacker, and more contendership tournament.
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Intrigue, Insanity, and In....um...Inagaddadavida? Welcome to the Coastal Zone! Let's take a moment to see what everyone else is up to right now... AAA Femme Fatale: Wanda Fish, at 96.1% prestige. Say what you want about the promotion, the champ was respected. BSC Queen of the Ring: Dharma Gregg, coming up on her two-year aniversary with the title. BPW Gobal: Captain Hero, 83.5% prestige. BHOTWG World Championship: Eiji Hamacho (who?) 4C Championship: Thomas Morgan. 100% prestige, so he must be doing good. Formerly held by former Zoner Citizen X. CCC World: Jack DeColt, also 100% prestige. The belt has been held by a DeColt ever since June 2006, passed from Alex to Ricky to Jack and around several times, even getting Steve into the mix. DAVE Unified: Well, there's a surprise. Ash 'Nemesis II' Campbell has held the title for six months now and is over 90% prestige. Hinote Dojo All-Japan: Yatsuhiro Atshushi. Whoever. INSPIRE King of Fighters: Vacant. MOSC UK Championship: Daniel Black Francis. MHW International: Raul Sanz Jr. Former champs include Angel de Mexico and Plague. MPWF Campion de Herencia de Mundo: Electo at 100% prestige. Former champs include Amazing FireFly and Masked Cougar. MAW Atlantic Championshi: Fumihiro Ota. 100% prestige. That's... somewhat surprising. NYCW Empire: Fumihito Ota again. He's doing well for himself. NOTBPW Canadian: The Natural. He's the only non-Stone to hold it in the last three years. OLLIE Campion de Universal: Slayyer at 100% prestige. He took it off Angel de Mexico and seems to be doing well. PGHW Glory Crown: Mito Miwa at 100% prestige. The fun of touring companies: 12 defenses in six weeks. SAISHO Destiny: Kata Hayata, 100% prestige, and randomly-generated. It can happen to anyone! RIPW Championship: Des Davids, not much to say. SOTBPW Campeon de Mundo: Marcos Flores, just a hair away from 100%. SWF World Heavyweight: Darryl Devine. How the mighty SWF has fallen. TCW World Heavyweight: Rhino Umaga. Um... okay? USPW World: Giant Redwood, who recently ended the fifth, year-long reign of Jim Force. January 2012, week 4, Thursday CZCW All Action Thursday Gymansium Aguada, Puerto Rico Both Amazing FireFly and Spanish Superfly are in the ring, upset with Javier because Alicia isn't there to continue the tournament. Javier drops a bombshell -- she's withdrawn, and will tell us why later. In the meantime, it'll be Fly vs Fly tonight, with the winner facing Remus at Broken. [b](D+)[/b] Josh Jones retains his Xtreme Title in a ladder match involving El Beastia Purpura, Fearless Blue, and Marc Speed that basicly serves to try and get people introduced to the local audience [b](D+)[/b]. Alicia, in a pre-taped interview, explains that she's withdrawn from the contendership tournament because she's been 'marked'... and until she gets back some unspecified items that were stolen, the CZCW Title has to take a back seat in her life. When asked who 'marked' her, she only replies, "Someone I met while training... The Assassin." [b](E)[/b]. In the main event, FireFly and SuperFly pull out the time-honored twenty-minute draw. Take a guess at what we're booking for Broken. [b](C)[/b]. Show rating: D+ I kinda like this style of writeup, as it helps me maintain a sense of storyline... but the old ones felt more 'officious'. I dunno... On the next Coastal Zone: CZCW Broken! Two people will be leaving the Zone, Alicia's attacker revealed, and who turns out a surprise second-best-match of the night?
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[QUOTE]SWF World Heavyweight: Darryl Devine. How the mighty SWF has fallen. TCW World Heavyweight: Rhino Umaga. Um... okay? USPW World: Giant Redwood, who recently ended the fifth, year-long reign of Jim Force.[/QUOTE] Wow, that's just weird. My two favorite dynasties have such a parallel universe feel. It's great. [QUOTE]Alicia, in a pre-taped interview, explains that she's withdrawn from the contendership tournament because she's been 'marked'... and until she gets back some unspecified items that were stolen, the CZCW Title has to take a back seat in her life. When asked who 'marked' her, she only replies, "Someone I met while training... The Assassin."[/QUOTE] Is that like getting burned? (Burn Notice, I bet you watch it.)
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Vacation is over... tomorrow, we fly home. It's gonna be ugly... Welcome to the Coastal Zone! Angel de Mexico is getting big, it seems -- he had turned down OLLIE for not being big enough, and they were at Cult level. We have decided not to renew two of our contracts... let's see if you can guess them from CZCW Broken. February 2012, week 1, Wednesday CZCW Broken National Arena, Tijuana, Northern Mexico The sold-out crowd is ready for a great show, and we... well, can only improve, as the opening match of Harry Wilson vs Jeremiah Moose is poorly received, with Wilson mainly getting the "thank god it's over" pop for winning. [b](D-)[/b] We move into a hype video for the main event that gets the crowd a bit amped up [b](C+)[/b] and then... major disapointment as Geoff Borne squashes Zenshin Makioka [b](E-)[/b]. The crowd is upset, and out comes Alicia Strong, nervous, saying she received a note to be here... and out comes Raku 'The Assassin' Makuda, with a sheathed sword on her back. The two begin to brawl, and Raku actually holds her own with Alicia... but gets DQ'd when she draws her sword and takes a chunk out of the ring apron, with Alicia... running away? Well, she had a sword... who wouldn't run? Raku taunts Alicia as she leaves, holding up her gym bag and taking out... some sort of Japanese sculpture. [b](D+, D)[/b] Josh Jones then defeats Jesse Gilbert in a ladder match in what is, surprisingly, a good Gilbert match [b](C)[/b]... and then out comes Phoenix, who tells Josh to leave the title up there, because this is Mexico, and tonight, both titles are going to be leaving in the hands of Luchadores [b](D-)[/b]. Surprisingly, Phoenix turns out a worse performance than Jesse did, and Josh retains yet again [b](C-)[/b]. Finally, our main event goes nearly half an hour, with Remus, FireFly, and Superfly battling back and forth, finally ending with Spanish Superfly tapping out to the Remus Clutch [b](C+)[/b]. Show rating: C-? We got lucky with that one... we had a major stinker and a pretty poor-for-us match in there... Next time, on the Coastal Zone: Who's leaving the Zone? Here's a hint... it's not Alicia, we just re-upped her contract...
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Where sometimes, you just outlive your usefullness. Welcome to the Coastal Zone... now get out! Yeap, Phoenix's contract was being allowed to end... as was Zenshin Makioka's. We'd find a new jobber and a new lucha somewhere. No big loss. And okay... back to old-style writeups it is. February 2012, week 1, Thursday CZCW All Action Thursday Gymnasium Aguada, Puerto Rico Opening Xtreme Ladder Match Josh Jones(c) def. Joe Gilbert in ten minutes, and it's... eh, okay. (D+) Amazing FireFly comes out and blames his loss at Broken on Spanish Superfly. Superfly says the only person to blame is FireFly. After some go-between, they decide on a match, no time limit, to settle things (D-) Main Event Spanish Superfly def. Amazing FireFly in 33:33 to show exactly what the pecking order is around here (C-) Show rating: D+ We'll consider it a milestone when we can pull off a C- or better show in Puerto Rico for two shows straight. Which will hopefully be soon... On the next Coastal Zone: Another Zoner leaves, and this one's a long-term veteran. And will we be getting a new TV show?
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Where we never, ever, -ever- fly SkyWest... seriously, no air conditioning? I'm surprised the poor baby in front of us didn't get heatstroke... Welcome to the Coastal Zone! We got turned down for TV shows with everyone anywhere near our size and area, except Los Desportes Hoy... and we didn't ask them. Our bank account was growing nicely and we were slowly growing in popularity, so... we'd keep it up for another few months. We also said goodbye to Snap Dragon, saying farewell to the steroid-user... at least for a while. If he was still clean later, we'd consider re-hiring him. February 2012, week 2, Thursday CZCW All Action Thursday Gorski Ballroom, Southwest USA Dark matches: Someone jobs to Extreme Deluxe, Raku, and Harry Wilson (D+, D, D+) We open with Spanish Superfly calling out Rod Remus, saying that tonight, there will be no Amazing FireFly to cause him to lose the match. Remus is out to say that tonight, Superfly gets some of his own medicine, because he doesn't have to beat Remus... he has to beat the clock, as there -will- be a time limit on the match (C+) Xtreme ladder match Josh Jones(c) def. Snap Dragon in thirteen minutes, which consists mostly of Dragon half-arsing it as he's being let go. (D+) Hype for the Alicia/Raku feud (D+) CZCW Title Match Spanish Superfly draws Rod Remus(c) in twenty minutes due to time limit draw (C+) As the show ends and Remus celebrates... out comes Josh Jones. "Y'all think yer hot stuff, huh? I won my freakin' match. You drew? Big deal. You may be the champion... you sure ain't Xtreme! Yeehaw!" (B-) Show rating: C The Xtreme match was lower than expected, but it also had to deal with a distraught employee. Next time, on the Coastal Zone: A show in Puerto Rico that is, for us, El Stinko. Seriously. We haven't had a show this bad in quite a while.
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Where we haven't forgotten about you... we just, y'know, had better things to do. Welcome to the Coastal Zone! After thinking about it, a Jones/Remus feud had some potential... especialyl wiht Remus able to provide charisma for both of them. But we figured we'd leave that on a slow burn for now... we didn't want Jones getting -too- swelled of a head before we resigned him. February 2012, week 3, Thursday CZCW All Action Thursday Back in Puerto Rico Opening Match Simon Ice def. Ultimo Soetsu in nine minutes after a) Ultimo does a radio interview saying he loves opening and b) we realize we need to start getting these people known for when our current crop of main eventers decides they're too big for us. Maybe not the best time to start (E-) El Beastia Purpura comes out and says he was watching two weeks again when FireFly faced Superfly... and he knows he can beat FireFly. Out comes FireFly, they argue, yadda yadda, main event (D-) Xtreme Ladder Match Josh Jones(c) def. XDW (all four of them) in fifteen minutes. Nooooo, we're not pushing him hard at all... (D-) Jones then tries to cut a promo about "When was the last time Remus faced four others and won?" (E-). Afterwards, Purpura comes out and says he wants his Xtreme title back, challenging Jones at March Of Glory. Jones accepts (E-) Main Event Amazing FireFly def. El Beastia Purpura in twelve minutes in... well, it was there (D-) Show rating: E+. Owch. I guess we're allowed one stinker every so often, but that'll cost us money and won't help us get more popular... Next time, on the Coastal Zone: With March to Glory coming up, who will face Rod Remus for the CZCW Championship?
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Where we finally sacrificed a chicken in a dark ritual designed to let us recharge the laptop, thus giving you more Welcome to the Coastal Zone! So, with one show left before March of Glory, and we had to decide if we wanted to spend our time on Puerto Rico for popularity or in Mexico for money. Decisions, decisions... February 2013, week 4, Thursday CZCW All Action Thursday National Arena, Tijuana, Mexico Opening Match Jereiah Moose def. Antonio in eleven minutes of filler (E) Back in the locker room, Alicia is working out when the lights go dim and Raku sneaks into the room. "I can come for you at any time, Strong... I cannot be fought, I cannot be avoided, I cannot be frightened off..." "Can you be bought?" "... I'm listening." "I win the CZCW Title. I give you a title shot. You leave me alone." "... We shall see." (B). We then move into a hype video showing that, yes, Alicia has been given the next title shot due to having to withdraw last month (B) Filler Match Soul Taker def. Jesse Gilbert in twelve minutes of Perfectly Acceptable Wrestling (C-) We look at Jones vs Purpura and the simmering Jones/Remus fued (C+) Traditional Champs vs Challengers Match With A Twist Rod Remus & El Beastia Purpua def. Josh Jones & Alicia Strong in eighteen minutes when Raku, sitting at the commentary table, decided to teach Alicia that she -can- come for her at any time, distracting her so she wasn't in position to get Josh's tag, resulting in Josh getting double-teamed and locked in the Remus Clutch. (C) Show rating: C- Phoenix signed up with OLLIE as we prepared for a show with only two real matches set up... We had a feeling this show would be Zone Faithful attending only. And then, so did Soul Taker. Hrm... that could be ill tidings for the future. But before March of Glory, two new promotions opened. London Fighting Championship, an MMA-lite promotion in London, and Royal Canadian Alliance Wrestling, an old-school mat wrestling promotion based in The Maritimes. And former Zoner Hugh de Aske has begun his first reign as TCW All Action Champion, after beating... former Zoner Matt Sparrow. Wow... the All Action division was like Zone-lite. And, oddly enough, RCAW's owner was former Zoner Fumihiro Ota. So the Japanese cruiserweight started a Canadian mat-wrestling promotion? Oooo-kay. On the next Coastal Zone: CZCW March of Glory! Remus v Strong, Jones v Purpura, a Tidal Tag Title Triple Threat (mebe we should call that the 5T Match?) and a six-man match for a shot at whoever holds the Xtreme Title the next day!
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Welcome to CZCW March of Glory! March 2013, week 1, Wednesday CZCW March of Glory From the sold-out Grissom Arena, Southwest USA Opening Match Geoff 'Air' Borne def. Extreme Deluxe, Harry Wilson, Amazing FireFly, Spanish SuperFly, and Soul Taker in ten minutes by pinning Extreme Deluxe while the others weren't paying attention to them. Surprisingly good opener (C-) Hype video for Remus vs Strong rematch (B+) Tidal Tag Triple Threat The Gilberts def. The Backyarders(c) and Blue Shift in thirteen minutes, just for the heck of it (D-) El Beastia Purpua cuts a pre-match promo against Josh Jones about wanting his title back (E) Xtreme Ladder Match Josh Jones(c) def. El Beastia Purpua in thirteen minutes of meh (D) Afterwards, Josh delivers an excellent promo telling Remus that there's no way he could defend his title in thirteen minutes, or in a ladder match (C+) Main Event Championship Match Rod Remus(c) def. Alicia Strong in twenty-five minutes of excellent action, ending with Strong caught in the Remus Clutch and tapping out (B-) Show rating: C+
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Proud to be participating in Cornelverse Mafia Season Two -- Welcome to the Coastal Zone! Well, March of Glory was decent enough for what we wanted. Fumihiro Ota apparently remembered Remmy Remus' work, and had been impressed with him lately... he was offered the announce table at RCAW. We weren't too worried -- we knew we'd have priority in that relationship. March 2013, week 1, Thursday CZCW All Action Thursday Puerto Rican Power's gym, Puerto Rico We open backstage with Alicia preparing for a match when the lights go out. "You failed to win the title. You failed to live up to your own agreement. You are doubly marked, Strong, and you will pay... in front of the largest audience possible... at Spring Break Bash, you will pay..." (E+) Opening Match Blue Shift def. Jeremiah Moose & Simon Ice in seven minutes when Speedball gets the pinfall on Moose. (D-) Blue Shift then cuts a promo saying they're challenging for the Tidal Tag Titles at Spring Break Bash, and suddenly, we've got two matches made a month in advance (E). But Speedball is limping... Xtreme Ladder Match Josh Jones(c) def Geoff Borne, his reward for winning that six-man last night. It only takes Jones eight minutes to win, and Geoff wasn't feeling it tonight (D). Afterwards, Josh Jones comes right out and challenges Rod Remus to a title match (E-) Main Event Spanish Superfly vs Alicia Strong in nineteen minutes when Raku interferes and hits Strong with a nerve strike (C-) Show rating: D Next time, on the Coastal Zone: Who got injured on this week's show, and how long are they out for? And will we really go with Remus/Jones?
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[QUOTE=infinitywpi;260885] Fumihiro Ota apparently remembered Remmy Remus' work, and had been impressed with him lately... he was offered the announce table at RCAW. We weren't too worried -- we knew we'd have priority in that relationship. [/QUOTE] That's not something you get to say so often, is it...
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Where we were considering doing Josh Jones & Rod Remus vs The Gilberts, but it would a) be a TNA ripoff and b) suck. Welcome to the Coastal Zone! Well, the was better than the last show there, that's for sure. Would have been better, but we had storyline stuff to deal with. We also had an injury... Marc Speed had picked up a Distracted Thigh Muscle and a slight limp. He said he felt fine, and it was barely noticable, but it was still there... but it would heal before our next show. Eh. Rod Remus turned down NYCW for an extension on his contract. Oddly enough, his last match there had been against Marc Speed. March 2013, week 2, Thursday CZCW All Action Thursday National Arena, Tijuana, Mexico We open with a pre-taped interview from Alicia. "You want to come for me at Spring Break Bash? Fine. I'm through running. I'll own up to my mistakes. I know redemption isn't an option, but I'll be damned if I go down snivelling like a scared child. Come for me. I'll be there." (D+) Tidal Tag Title Match The Gilberts(c) def. Antonio & Ultimo Soetsu in five minutes in a glorified squash (D-). Not quite as bad as the Gilberts doing fake-Spanish with a Canadian accent to make of Blue Shift afterwards (E) Filler Match Harry Wilson def. Super Sonic in thirteen minutes of "Wait, this is as bad as the Gilberts?" (D-) Rod Remus cuts a promo on Josh Jones. "Yeah, the Xtreme Title can lead to bigger and better things. I used to hold it, and look at me now. But I was ready for this... kid, you ain't. And I'll prove it. Next week, in California... Pick Your Poison. I'll pick your opponent for a non-title match, you pick mine. If you win, and I lose... you can have your shot." (C-) Main Event Championship Match Rod Remus(c) def. Soul Taker in eighteen minutes (C) Show rating: D+. Ow. But two matches were very sub-par for us, so... That night, RCAW made a play for Speedall, Wilson, and Jones. Ota and his head booker, Black Hat Baily, were beginning to get on our nerves. Wilson and Speed both took them up on the offer. On the next Coastal Zone: A laugh-out-loud moment involving a former Zoner, and two great Pick Your Poison matches.
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Where even we don't book -this- stupidly! Welcome to the Coastal Zone! .... BWAH-HA-HA! Ash 'Nemesis II' Campbell has finally lost the DAVE Unified Title... to, of all people, Remmy Skye. AND THAT ISN'T THE GOOD PART! The very day of the victory, Skye told DAVE they weren't big enough for him anymore! So they end a long title reign and give him the belt for, what, a month? Who's booking over there? We re-signed XDW and Josh Jones. Gotta keep the up-and-comers around... and XDW was a decent low-midcard group. March 2013, week 3, Thusday CZCW All Action Thursday Grissom Ballroom, Soutwest USA Josh Jones is in the ring, and here comes Rod Remus. The two jaw back and forth, and Remus reminds us of the rules: Josh must win, and Remus must lose, for Jones to get a title shot. That being said, here's Josh's opponent... Spanish Superfly! "And by the way... this isn't a no-time-limit match, kid." (D) Opening Poison Match Josh Jones def. Spanish Superfly in 19:12 with the Canadan Backdrop. The two don't click, or maybe Superfly is mad at losing. (C) Jones is out of breath, and out comes Remus wondering who his opponent is. Strong? Beaten. FireFly? Beaten. A Gilbert? Taker? Don't make me laugh... "Actually, Rod... it's me." "... huhbwahwah?" "Yeah, me. See, you always tried to win two, three matches on big shows... well, tonight? I do what you can't..." (C-) Main Event Josh Jones def. Rod Remus in nineteen minutes after a ref bump, dirty fighting, another ref bump, some chairs on both sides, and finally the Canadian Backdrop (B-) Show Rating: C How's that for a huge push? Almost... Remus-esque, isn't it? Could we actually be planning on doing this? Next time, on the Coastal Zone: That does it. We're started to get ticked off at a certain someone. And can Tidal Booking provide us with a good show, or just one we'd like to forget?
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  • 2 weeks later...
Back after being outed in the CVerse Mafia game: Welcome to the Coastal Zone! RCAW wanted Rod Remus on their roster, too. We had a feeling he'd turn them down, but still... Fumihiro Ota was officially ticking us off. We'd have to watch him closely... if he kept signing our talent, we might have to consider our first war. March 2013, week 4, Thursday CZCW All Action Thursday Puerto Rican Power's Gym, Puerto Rico We open with a hype video for The Gilberts vs Blue Shift (E) Opening Match Joe Gilbert def. Daredevil Aero in ten minutes (D) Hype for Alicia v Raku (E) Filler Match Super Sonic gets a fluke win over Jesse Gilbert in eleven minutes (D-) Hype for Remus v Jones (D) Tidal Tag Title Main Event Gilberts(c) def. Backyarders in fourteen minutes (E+) Show rating: E+. Whoopsie. But then... what were we expecting? Annnd Ash 'Nemesis' Campbell defeated Remmy Skye in their rematch to regain the DAVE Unified Title. Gee, didn't see that one coming... that'll fix the mistake they made of putting their title on someone who was leaving the company. Or could it be that DAVE was doing the classy thing and paying tribute to Remmy before he left? Nah... DAVE? Classy? Nuh-uh. On the next Coastal Zone: CZCW Spring Break Bash! Filler! Filler! Titles! Good Filler! Titles! And a new record is set... but for what?
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[QUOTE=infinitywpi;268528] Back after being outed in the CVerse Mafia game: [/QUOTE] At least you got to off a few people before you left! All I got to do was keep watch at the door! :mad: [QUOTE=infinitywpi;268528] Or could it be that DAVE was doing the classy thing and paying tribute to Remmy before he left? Nah... DAVE? Classy? Nuh-uh. [/QUOTE] [QUOTE=Monkeypox;268732]:mad:[/QUOTE] Hehe. :p
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