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Welcome... to the Coastal Zone!

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The tag division is gone because we booked ourselves into a corner. We have two 'jobber' teams (X-Factor and Backyarders), one midcard team (Air Force one), and one team of a midcarder and a main eventer (Controlled Substances). Then we brouhg in a team of main eventers to take the belts, going for 'cheap and available' over 'works our style', realized we wouldn't get a return on our investment on them, and figured "Eh, what the heck." Honestly, the tag titles weren't getting anyone over, because the tag teams we had weren't able to put on decent matches... and the ones that did got stale. We're going to try to develop people as singles wrestlers, maybe get teh cheap punks a little more grounded in the basics, and then maybe we'll reboot the tag division. And hey, running two shows a week makes sense if you can bring costs down enough to make money. Selling out the Snake Pit brings in five grand, costs a grand in show costs... maybe two since it's TV... and leaves three grand for workers. If I only blow two grand on workers, that's a grand a week just form the TV show, nevermind the live show that's half as long but charges three times as much to get in.
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Just the other day we were marking about hitting 3,000 views. Now we're at 3,300 and still amazed. You guys rock, and are definately Welcomed to the Coastal Zone! Only half-way through the month, but it looked like Operation Penny-Pincher was going to work. Of course, we'd have to wait for the month-end numbers to be sure it was -enough- of a success. Oh, an for those thinking we need to schedule more shows, we've decided that this year, we will celebrate El Dia National De Lucha with a show from the USA. 'cause, hey, why not? And, luckily, Masked Cougar's deal with Ollie wasn't exclusive. We could still use the man. June, 2008. Week 3, Tuesday Welcome to the Coastal Zone: Live From the Snake Pit --Nathanial Casino def. Masked Cougar using the ropes for leverage (D+) As Casino leaves, Angel De Mexico is heading out for his match. He mocks Casino for using the ropes, and chalenges him at Bash at the Beach (E) --Masked Man def. Angel De Mexico with interference from Nathanial Casino (D+) Casino then accepts the challenge (D-) Show rating: D+ .... what's that? It's not Bash at the Beach? It's Battle at the Beach? ... whoops. June 2008, Week 3, Thursday Welcome to the Coastal Zone: TV Live from the sold-out Snake Pit --Zenshin Makioka def. Cal Sanders in seven minutes (D-) Hype video for Rod Remus vs Masked Man (D+) --Lucha Match: Ultimate Phoenix def. DeCipher in nine minutes (D-) Phoenix then issues an open challenge for [i]Battle[/i] at the Beach. (D) --Fearless Blue def. Mark Smart in eleven minutes (E) Plague guys a promo on his match with Fox Mask (D-) --Plague def. Andre Gorman in fourteen minutes (D) Show rating: D-. TV rating: 0.03 Whoops. We were hoping a better main event... Andre somehow managed to get over without being able to turn in good matches, he was near upper-midcard popularity and just above the Backyarders in skill. On the next Coastal Zone: Who will take the Phoenix Challenge? And with one week left before [i]Battle[/i] at the Beach, will anything exciting happen? When we're on a budget?
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Booking on a budget is like planning a vacation... on a budget. Welcome to the Coastal Zone's Budget! One of our favorite jobbers, Cal Sanders, was up for re-negotiation. We liked him and even tossed him a bit of a raise. Likewise, Mark Smart. June, 2008. Week 4, Tuesday Welcome to the Coastal Zone: Live From the Snake Pit --Kid Toma def. Super Sonic (D). Afterwards, Toma announced he was accepting Ultimate Phoenix's open challenge (D-) Nathanial Casino gets some mic time to cut a promo on Angel De Mexico (D-) --Nathaniel Casino def. Flying Jimmy Foxx (D-) Show rating: D- Hrm. Maybe our faith in youn Nathaniel was misplaced, we were hoping for a D... June 2008, Week 4, Thursday Welcome to the Coastal Zone: TV Live from the sold out Snake Pit We open with huge brawl backstage, and everyone begins trying to seperate whoever's fighting... it's Citizen X and Insane Machine, being held apart by nearly everyone who's here tonight! (E) --Cal Sanders def. DeCipher in six minutes (E+) Nathaniel Casino hypes his match with Angel De Mexico (D-) --Marc Speed def. Daredevil Aero in six minutes (D-) Hype video for Phoenix vs Toma at Battle at the Beach (D) --Snap Dragon def. Randy Matravers in nine minutes (E+) We announce Citizen X and Insane Machine will be cleared to wrestle... each other, at Battle at the Beach (E+) --Huge Main Event Tag: Roderick Remus & Plague def. Masked Man & Fox Mask in eighteen minutes when Plague pins Fox after hitting him with the Xtreme Title (D+) Show rating: D TV rating: 0.03 Next time, on the Coastal Zone: CZCW Battle at the Beach! Announced card: CZCW Title: Roderick Remus vs Masked Man Xtreme Title: Fox Mask vs Plague Ultimate Phoenix vs Kid Toma Nathaniel Casino vs Angel De Mexico Citizen X vs Insane Machine Expected to be announced: Some sort of tag thing, maybe, or mass jobber match.
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Welcome to CZCW Battle at the Beach! Live from the sold out Snake Pit, home of the Zone. Before the show, we announce that Citizen X has re-injured himself and will not be available tonight. So instead, we'll have a ten-man battle royal, with the winner getting a match with Insane Machine later tonight. Masked Man cuts a promo on the champ, Rod Remus (D) Ten-Man Battle Royal featuring Andre Gorman, Ben Williams, Cal Sanders, Fearless Blue, Flying Jimmy Foxx, Marc Speed, Mark Smart, Masked Cougar, Snap Dragon, and Zenshin Makioka. The match goes fourteen minutes, with the final four being Dragon, Cougar, Gorman, and Foxx. Cougar and Gorman team up to fight AF1, but as soon as Foxx is thrown out, Cougar turns on Gorman, and finally overpowers Dragon to in (D+) Hype video for Fox Mask vs Plague (D-) Nathanian Casino def. Angel De Mexico in eleven minutes (D+) Ultimate Phoenix hypes his match with Kid Toma (D-) Ultimate Phoenix def. Kid Toma in seventeen minutes in a lucha libre match (C-) Plague insults the crap out of Fox Mask (D-) Fox Mask def. Plague to retain the Xtreme Title in a ladder match. The match goes eighteen minutes (C-) Insane Machine announces that Citizen X is a coward, and that Cougar is just going to be the first sacrifice to the new and improved Machine (E+) Insane Machine def. Masked Cougar in eight minutes, obviously still working injured (D) Roderick Remus tells us that he's not losing the CZCW title tonight, especially not to a man who hides behind a mask (D) MAIN EVENT Roderick Remus def. Masked Man to retain the CZCW Title in sixteen minutes using an illegal choke during a ref bump (D) Show rating: D.
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"Welcome to the Coastal Zone" will return in a moment. First... Coastal Zone Update Financially, the Zone is in great shape all of a sudden, having made thirty-four thousand dollars last month. Their tactic of holding a short live show and a TV taping from the Snake Pit each week appears to be paying off. However, this may be short lived, as rumor has it Battle at the Beach barely broke even. CZCW Current Roster Jobbers: Randy Matravers, Cal Sanders, Zeshin Makioka Lower Midcard: Ben Williams, Marc Smart, Super Sonic, DeCipher Midcarders: Nathaniel Casino, Andre Gorman, Marc Speed, Fearless Blue, Daredevil Aero (How did he get there?), Flying Jimmy Foxx, Angel De Mexico Upper Midcard: Masked Cougar, Fox Mask, Insane Machine, Snap Dragon, Rod Remus Main Eventers: Citizen X, Plague, Kid Toma, Ultimate Phoenix, Masked Man (A homegrown star! Yes!) Not yet assigned: One mystery person who shall be revealed at the proper time... CZCW Upcomin Schedule CZCW Live -- Tuesdays CZCW TV -- Thursdays CZCW Wave of Fury -- August 1, Monday CZCW Dia National De Lucha -- September 3, Friday CZCW Year In Review -- December 4, Sunday On the next Coastal Zone: Will Masked Man accept a loss to an illegal move? Will Citizen X show up? What's next for the Xtreme Title?
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Holy crap, we dropped from a D to D- in the Southwest? Damage control! Welcome to the Coastal Zone! July 2008, Week 1, Tuesday Welcome to the Coastal Zone: Live From the Snake Pit --Insane Machine def. Citizen X in a "We're sorry he was working for DAVE yesterday" match (D) Rod Remus tells us he's heard Masked Man wants a rematch. Well... tough! (C-) --Rod Remus def. Kid Toma (C-) Show rating: D+ Masked Cougar was showing up late to shows again. We fined him (oddly, we didn't seem to get money from fines), and he didn't complain, so... July 2008, Week 1, Thursday Welcome to the Coastal Zone: TV From the sold out Snake Pit --Snap Dragon def. Daredevil Aero in nine minutes (D-) Hype videos for Insane Machine and Fox Mask (D-, D) --Angel De Mexico def. Zenshin Makioka in eight minutes (D) Hype videos for Ultimate Phoenix and Plague (D, E+) --Masked Man def. Andre Gorman in eleven minutes (D-). Masked Man then cuts a promo on Rod Remus and how he's not getting a rematch. "You said you wouldn't lose the belt to a man in a mask... but you had to cheat to do it. So tell you what... you and me, Wave of Fury, no DQ. And if you win... I take the mask off." (D) Our comes Rod Remus for his match, and he accepts Masked Man's proposal (D) --CZCW Title: Rod Remus def. Nathanial Casino in fourteen minutes (D) Show rating: D. TV rating: 0.03 Next time, on the Coastal Zone: In three weeks, Masked Man will hold the CZCW Title... or be unmasked. And is Citizen X in the doghouse?
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Moving up in the world requires more money than you can spend? Well, move sideways. Welcome to the Coastal Zone! We had officially signed our first Working Agreement, with DAVE. Our original plan had been to do an end-run around Cliff's "No druggies" policy and bring in Remmy Skye for a few matches, but he didn't want to. So, plans were changed. Contracts renewed: Ben Williams, Randy Matravers. July, 2008. Week 2, Tuesday Welcome to the Coastal Zone: Liva From the Snake Pit --Ben Williams def. Flyin' Jimmy Foxx (E+) Citizen X and Marc Speed have a discussion about which of them caused the loss of the Tidal Tag Titles and resolve that it doesn't matter... tonight begins the Tidal Tag Tournament (E+) --Backyarders def. Controlled Substances when Marc Speed turns on Citizen X (D-). Marc then tells X he's sick of his prima-donna ways, and he's going to take him down a few pegs at Wave of Fury (E+) Show rating: E. Whoops, not enough wrestling. That's going to hurt a bit. More contract renewals, as Angel De Mexico and DeCipher decide to stay on. July 2008, Week 2, Thursday Welcome to the Coastal Zone: TV Live from the sold-out Snake Pit --Cal Sanders def. DeCipher in six minutes (E+) Andre Gorman hypes his Xtreme Title match tonight with Fox Mask (E+) --Plague def. Masked Cougar in twelve minutes (D+) Hype video for Masked Man vs Rod Remus at Wave of Fury (D) --DAVE's own Hector Galindo def. Ultimate Phoenix in thirteen minutes (D+) Hector then proceeds to say he wants a title that DAVE doesn't have... an Xtreme Title. And if Fox Mask has the guts, he'll give him a shot at Wave of Fury, and Hector will bring another title into the DAVE fold... and here's Fox Mask, telling Hector that if the Zone allows him to remain champion until Wave of Fury, then he'll certainly be glad of the chance to kick DAVE's arse (D-) --Xtreme Title: Fox Mask def. Andre Gorman in twelve minutes (D) Show rating: D TV rating: 0.03 Okay, so it wasn't Remmy Skye... but we sure weren't paying the five grand an appearance Nemesis would cost us, although that would be sweet to have him show up. Now we just had to figure out the next two weeks... On the next Coastal Zone: CZCW vs DAVE? Hey, it's worked elsewhere. And we're up to three matches for Wave of Fury... what's next?
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The W-S-X of the C-V-E-R-S-E... okay, not really. But pretty damn close. Welcome to the Coastal Zone! July, 2008. Week 3, Tuesday Welcome to the Coastal Zone: Live From the Snake Pit --Tidal Tag Tournament: Air Force One def. X-Factor (D) Insane Machine issues an open challenge for Wave of Fury, challenging anyone to sacrifice themselves to the Machine (D-) --Insane Machine def. Kid Toma (D) Show rating: D Machine was still working through his nerve injury, which was why he was turning out Ds instead of D+/C- matches. We were hoping he'd get better soon... but it had been a while, and we were starting to worry. But, if we were timing this right, and fate was with us, we'd have a great opponent for him... July 2008, Week 3, Thursday Welcome to the Coastal Zone: TV Live from the sold-out Snake Pit --Fearless Blue def. Zenshin Makioka in six minutes (E+) Marc Speed is backstage, and he sums up his problems with Citizen X: He's an egomaniac who thinks he's better than everyone in the Zone. At Wave of Fury, Marc will show him just how wrong he is (E) Masked Man hypes his title rematch against Rod Remus at WoF (D+) --Nathanial Casino def. Randy Matravers in seven minutes (D-) Hype video for CZCW's Fox Mask vs DAVE's Hector Galiando (D-) Hype video for Insane Machine: Who will be fed to the Machine? (D) --Marc Speed def. Cal Sanders in seven minutes (D) Rod Remus insults Masked Man, saying he's going to end the mystery of the mask (D) --Masked Man & Angel De Mexico def. Roderick Remus & Ultimate Phoenix when Masked Man def. Rod Remus at eighteen minutes (D) Show rating: D. TV rating: 0.03 Okay, it's been forever since we pulled off a C- show, and we were starting to get worried. The budget cuts shouldn't be preventing us from putting on good shows... but how many C- matches have we had in the last month or two? That really started to worry us... CZCW.COM NEWSFLASH Due to scheduling problems, Wave of Fury will place the second week of August, not the first week. We apologize for the inconvienence. Next time, on the Coastal Zone: Insane Machine's opponent will be revealed. Will everything work out as planned? What can happen in the last weeks before Wave of Fury?
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Yeah, we finally realized all our shows were scheduled for the same days as DAVE shows. Which would make it hard for X to do a show. Welcome to the Coastal Zone, where we catch on... eventually... July, 2008. Week 4, Tuesday Welcome to the Coastal Zone: Live From the Snake Pit --Mark Smart def. Super Sonic (E+) Citizen X and Marc Speed get into a pull-apart brawl between matches (E+) --Masked Cougar def. Citizen X due to interference from Marc Speed (D) Show rating: D-. Our live shows were getting dangerously bad. It was time to bite the bullet and stop saving money on them for now. Interesting news story on the Internet: Apparently, Richard Eisen is playing politics backstage at SWF. Huhbuhwha? July, 2008. Week 4, Thursday Welcome to the Coastal Zone: TV From the sold-out Snake Pit We open with a hype video for Rod Remus vs Masked Man (D) --Backyarders def. X-Factor in eight minutes (E+) Fox Mask cuts a promo hyping his match with Hector Galiando, saying even if he loses his title beforehand, he'll still face him (D) --Xtreme Title: Fox Mask def. Plague in nineteen minutes with some Speedball interference (D+). Afterwards, X and Speed get into a brawl again (E-) --Plague def. Nathanial Casino in thirteen minutes (D+) Main Event Promo: Insane Machine comes down, saying that nobody is brave enough or insane enough to face him at Wave Of Fury. There shall be no sacrifice to the Machine... "You're damn right there won't be, esse." It's... MARIO HEROIC??? "You see, Machine, you don't realize something. I've been with the Zone for a year now. I've been watching you. And I'm ready for you." (D-) Show rating: D TV rating: 0.0... 0. Uhoh. So, the big secret (well, one of them) is out: Mario Heroic got signed a long time ago, but we didn't realize he was injured. He's chosen the Zone to make his triumphant comeback from having a near-severed spinal cord. The question is, how much of the enigmatic Heroic's skills have survived? Next time, on the Coastal Zone: The buildup to Wave Of Fury concludes as we decide what we're doing with the Tidal Tag Titles. Plus, will Rod Remus try to unmask Masked Man ahead of schedule?
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I've done way too many of these day... so we'll just do one more. Welcome to the Coastal Zone! For the record, those wondering what Mario Heroic's Body stat is at after suffering a near-severed spinal cord? E-. That's right. E-. Why the man didn't retire, we'll never know. We're not even sure we'll get a good match out of him. But we'll find out. August, 2008. Week 1, Tuesday Welcome to the Coastal Zone: Live From the Snake Pit --Andre Gorman def. Flyin' Jimmy Foxx (D-) Hype video for Mario Heroic vs Insane Machine (D-) --Kid Toma def. Snap Dragon (C-) Show rating: D+. Much better. I had a feeling Toma and Dragon would deliver. And, it gave us an idea or two... Anyway, right around here, we had an epiphany. No, not in the men's room... look, you know what an epiphany is, right? Well... turns out that, with a few exceptions, all our gimmicks were tanking. Now, we didn't put much stock in gimmicks... but they still played some part, so... pretty much everyone on the roster got a re-spec. August, 2008. Week 1, Thursday Welcome to the Coastal Zone: TV Live from the sold-out Snake Pit --Xtreme Title: Fox Mask def. DAVE's Rudy Velasquez in eight minutes. Rudy is, of course, Hector's tag-team partner, here to soften up Fox. (C-) Afterwards, Fox cuts a promo on Hector (C-) --Fearless Blue def. Cal Sanders in six minutes (E+) Masked Man cuts a promo on Roderick Remus (D) --Masked Cougar def. Angel De Mexico in eight minutes (C-) We announce that, due to Tidal Booking and Tuesday's live event, the team of Andre Gorman and Kid Toma are eligible to enter the Tidal Tag Title match, which will also include the Backyarders, X-Factor, and Air Force One (E-) Mario Heroic cuts a promo on Insane Machine (D) --CZCW Title: Roderick Remus def. Ultimate Phoenix in fifteen minutes (C-) Afterwards, Remus continues the beatdown of Phoenix, even trying to take off his mask, until Masked Man runs in to save him (D-) Show rating: D+ TV rating: 0.03 Now that was more what we were talking about. If only we'd replaced the jobber match with something else... On the next Coastal Zone: CZCW Wave Of Fury! Current card: CZCW Title vs Mask: Rod Remus vs Masked Man CZCW Xtreme Title Ladder Match: Fox Mask vs DAVE's Hector Galiando Grudge Match: Citizen X vs Marc Speed Gimp Match: Insane Machine vs Mario Heroic Four-way Tidal Tag Title Match: Backyarders vs X-Factor vs AF1 vs Gorman/Toma Expected to be added: some sort of lucha match to keep the Mexican viewership happy.
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Welcome to CZCW Wave of Fury! August 2008, Week 2, Monday Live from the Snake Pit (That's right... not sold out... hooboy, were we oversaturating the market here or what?) Added to tonight's card: a Lucha Libre match between Angel De Mexico and Ultimate Phoenix! We open with dueling hype interviews as Gorman and Toma insult Air Force One, and X-Factor insults the Backyarders (E+, E-) Tidal Tag Title Match between the Backyarders, X-Factor, Air Force One, and Gorman & Toma. Relatively short match, mostly chosen for it's ability to get the most new gimmicks out in the open. Ending comes at thirteen minutes when Ben Williams of X-Factor rolls up Andre Gorman. Winners and NEW Tidal Tag Champions: X-Factor (D-) Mario Heroic tells us that he's not afraid of being fed to the Machine; the Machine should be worried about learning what it means to be Heroic (D-) Challenge match between Insane Machine and Mario Heroic. Despite Machine working through an injury and Heroic still being banged up and rusty, the two turn in a good match, ending a bit anticlimaticly with a Hero Attack only nine minutes in. Winner: Mario Heroic (D+) Citizen X tears into Marc Speed on the mic, telling him the only reason the Controlled Substances did well was because of him, and tonight, he proves it (D-) Substances Explode Match between Citizen X and Marc Speed. The two do a passable job out there, nothing too special, ending with a pull of the tights. Winner: "Speedball" Marc Speed (D) Dueling promos: Hector Galindo and Fox Mask (E, D+) Xtreme Title Ladder Match between CZCW's Fox Mask and DAVE's Hector Galindo. Decent match that was dragged down by a total lack of chemistry and Galindo being off his game. Ending comes fifteen minutes in. Winner and STILL Xtreme Champion: Fox Mask (D) Rod Remus cuts a promo with a pair of scissors, promising to de-mask the Masked Man tonight (D) Lucha Libre match between Angel De Mexico and Ultimate Phoenix. The match is better than is has a right to be, as Phoenix missed a few spots. Mainly served as a time-filler between title matches, but may wind up being the Match of the Night. Winner: Angel De Mexico (C-) Hype video for the main event: (D) Main Event CZCW Title Match between Roderick Remus and Masked Man. Expected to be the best match of the show... hooboy, did the fans want to riot after this stinker. Maybe acting road agent Ultimate Phoenix sabotagued it to make himself look good. Maybe people were just upset about their parts. For whatever reason, it's the worst match of the night. After eighteen minutes, we're finally put out of our misery. Winner and NEW CZCW Champion: Masked Man (E+) After the match, Rod Remus throws a fit and attacks Masked Man with the scissors, cutting off his mask. Masked Man whips the remnants of the mask off to reveal... who is that kid? He looks kinda like... "You want me mad, Remus? You want an enemy for life? Well, buddy, you just made a brand new... Nemesis!" It's Ash Campbell, Nemesis' kid! (D) Show rating: D- On the next Coastal Zone: That's sure to put a damper on our finances. But it's clear we've overstayed our welcome in the Southwest. Time to take a vacation and do some travelling. But how to do that on a tight budget?
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We know you're out there... we can see the page view count going up. Welcome to the Coastal Zone! (3,643 as of this post... and part of an experiment) RIP: Ultimate Combat Ring, aka TEW 2k5's Ultimate Coastal Region. Well, if we get fired in this dynasty, that option won't be available for us... let's hope we don't get fired. Our big problem was over-exposure. After months of two shows a week in the Southwest, we were actually starting to hurt our popularity there. Attendance was down, even with the economy and industry getting stronger. It was time for a road trip. But, the question was... where? Well, where not? Our internet site was slowly becoming more popular, with not a single F in popularity anywhere on the globe. August, 2008. Week 2, Tuesday Welcome to the Coastal Zone: Live From Club X, Northwest USA --Zeshin Makioka def. Randy Matravers (E+) --Fearless Blue def. Cal Sanders (E+) --Super Sonic def Andre Gorman (E+) During the show, the following matches are announced for TV (Not that they get the show here, which kinda defeats the purpose... oh, right, INternet broadcast): Nemesis vs Snap Dragon (E), Fox Mask vs Angel De Mexico (F+), Andre Gorman vs Marc Speed (F) Show rating: E+. But our popularity was E- there, so hey, it was still good. And it was a better show than BSC put on the next night (only an E), so we were doing okay. August 2008, Week 2, Thursday Welcome to the Coastal Zone: TV Live from the... SOLD OUT??? Palacio de Lucha, Northern Mexico --Citizen X def. Rod Remus in sixteen minutes when Nemesis runs out and knocks Remus off the turnbuckle during a high-risk move, letting X capitalize (D) --Marc Speed def. Andre Gorman in seven minutes (D). Afterwards, Marc claims that, while it might not be -exact- Tidal Booking, both he and Super Sonic have gotten wins over Gorman, and they want a tag title shot (E-). --Xtreme Title Match: Fox Mask(c) def. Nathanial Casino in eight minutes (D). Afterwards, Fox makes an open challenge for Xtreme Title matches... to everyone but Angel, who couldn't be bothered to show up tonight.(E+) --CZCW Title Match: Nemesis II(c) def. Snap Dragon in twelve minutes (D). Afterwards, Rod Remus runs down and delivers several stunning chairshots (E-) Show rating: D TV rating: 0.03 We just set a record for our attendance at a Mexican show. Cool. Looks like we can rely on the TV show to tour Mexico for a while, while we let the live show let the cheap workers get some practice in around the USA. We'll try that until the end of September and see how the budget goes... it'll give us three months to recover if something goes bad. Next time, on the Coastal Zone: You thought Rod Remus and Nemesis were done with the unmasking? Oh, my friend, you don't know, you don't know...
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Lesse. 3,755 - 3,644 is... 111. So either I have a hundred daily readers... or thirty-five who read my post and then read the posts the other two made. Either way, Welcome to the Coastal Zone! For the record, Ash is going by 'Nemesis II' in the editor now. But we're just calling him Nemesis. We had an uneventful week. Seriously. Nothing happened at all. Beyond our booker forgetting who held the tag titles. Whoopsie. Not a problem. August 2008, Week 3, Tuesday Welcome to the Coastal Zone: Live From Bar Juarez, Northern Mexico --Andre Gorman def. Flying Jimmy Foxx in seven minutes (D-) Hype for TV main event: Nemesis vs Kid Toma (E-) --Citizen X def. Plague in seventeen minutes (D+) Show rating: D+ Honestly? We were hoping X and Plague would deliver better than that. Overpaid? Maybe... we didn't even sell out Bar Juarez. Perhaps we'd overestimated our drawing power in Mexico. August 2008, Week 3, Thursday Welcome to the Coastal Zone: TV From the sold-out San Louis Potosi Hall, West Mexico We open with Kid Toma coming down, calling Nemesis a punk who doesn't deserve to use his father's name (E) --Fearless Blue def. DeCipher in five minutes (E+) Angel De Mexico comes out to claim Fox's challenge last week was unfair, and he had family issues. So tonight, he claims the title shot (E) --Xtreme Title: Fox Mask(c) def. Angel De Mexico by DQ when Angel hits him with the ring bell (D) Angel continues the beatdown afterwards, yelling "I'm not good enough? I'm the one still standing here!" (D-) --CZCW Title: Nemesis def. Kid Toma in twenty minutes (D- as we forgo an expensive road agent). Show rating: D- TV rating: 0.03 For some reason, we could've sworn we'd requested renegotiation with four of our talents... apparently not. Time for last-minute bargaining. On the next Coastal Zone: Drastic times call for drastic measures. Could the golden age of the Zone be over already?
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Annnd about 55 readers this time around. Sounds more realistic. Welcome to the Coastal Zone, where we're still using some stuff simmed while I was sick! We decided to renew the Backyarders and Marc Speed. Why not? August 2008, Week 4, Tuesday Wecome to the Coastal Zone: Live From the Snake Pit --Marc Speed def. Mark Smart in ten minutes (D+) Citizen X and Nathaniel Casino have a confrontation, leading to a match (D-) --Citizen X def. Nathanial Casino in eleven minutes (D) Show rating: D- Happy Retirement Wishes to Pistol Pete Hall. Hall retires with A* respect, just one month after ending a four-month PGHW Historical Japan TItle reign. He was rated the #31 wrestler in the world in 2007, and was 2007's Veteran of the Year. We were hoping we'd gotten better in the Southwest after the last two weeks... not yet. We'd've been better off in the Simmons Center almost. We were going to have to cut our costs, big-time... and we only knew one good way to do that. CZCW.COM NEWSFLASH Due to circumstances beyond our control, Welcome to the Coastal Zone will no longer be airing. We thank Los Desportes Hoy for their taking a chance on the Zone. The TV show was, at best, pulling in five grand a night. We were spending more than that in worker costs. The popularity boost was great... but financially, the show no longer made sense. Now, we had a new challenge. We had to make a lot of money in just a four months. How much money? Well... wouldja believe seventeen thousand dollars... where we barely broke even last month? On the next Coastal Zone: Life without TV. Is it also life without paying customers?
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We've got some smartarses in the audience, it seems... well, good. We thrive on snark! Welcome to the Coastal Zone! So, yeah... no more TV show. Why? 'cause any show we put on would help us in Mexico but not in the Southwest, and any show we could -afford- to put on would, well... suck. Anyway, cancelling our last TV show of August allowed us to finish the month barely in the black -- we made just over seven hundred. Yeap. Three digits. Our two months of running the hell out of the Southwest had taken their toll, and now we were without a way to raise money... and we desperately needed money if we wanted to keep our job. September, 2008. Week 1, Tuesday Welcome to the Coastal Zone: Live Gutierez Community Center, Southern Mexico --Rod Remus def. Nathanial Casino in ten minutes (D) Remus then gets into a face-off with Nemesis, and challenges him to a rematch at El Dia National De Lucha. Nemesis accepts (E+) --CZCW Title: Nemesis def. Angel De Mexico in eleven minutes (D) Show rating: D We were starting to think we needed to do some research... with very limited time, we wanted to try and get as many C- matches going as we could... on a budget. So, we'll go with a pairing that's done good for us before, and one that should be amazing... on paper. September 2008, Week 2, Tuesday Welcome to the Coastal Zone: Live From the Snake Pit... Please Love Us! --Snap Dragon def. Masked Cougar in seven minutes (D+) Plague is out, talking about how he's the greatest wrestler in the Zone... out comes Mario Heroic to say he isn't... and a main event is made (D-) --Mario Heroic def. Plague in fourteen minutes (C-) Show rating: D+ A bit of a letdown, honestly. Dragon and Cougar have delivered C- in the past, and we were hoping Plague could work magic with Heroic despite his broken-down-ed-ness... so much for that idea. On the plus side, we had a much better turnout this time around, almost nine hundred people. We could hopefully look forward to a profitable month... but would it be profitable enough? Next time, on the Coastal Zone: We finish off September, but that includes a very important show... DIA NATIONAL DE LUCHA! American style!
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Where some of our guys have gotten more over in Mexico than in the USA... which could be part of our problem. Welcome to the Coastal Zone! We began preparing for EDNDL. We knew that, with the competition, we'd be losing several workers that night... Angel De Mexico was with MPWF, DeCipher and Cougar were with OLLIE, and Heroic and Phoenix were with SOTBPW. We'd already planned on Nemesis/Remus and Fox/Plague... so what else could we put on... and hype on short notice? Insane Machine hadn't turned out anything over a D since he got injured... Nobody worth having could be gotten from DAVE... and setting up a trade with any of the Lucha feds wouldn't be any good since they'd be using their own rosters that day... As an interesting note, Monday had become completely quiet... it was wrestling's day off, apparently. It gave us a chance to consider booking Tuesday's show... and deal with everyone being upset they weren't being used often enough... September 2008, Week 3, Tuesday Welcome to the Coastal Zone: Live From the San Louis Potosi Hall --Fearless Blue def. Zenshin Makioka in five minutes (E+) Hype videos for Fox vs Plague at EDNDL (E+), and an announcement of a new match: Citizen X vs Kid Toma (F+) --Insane Machine def. Daredevil Aero in five minutes (E) Hype for Nemesis vs Remus (E-) and the announcement of X-Factor vs Backyarders for the Tidal Tag Titles (F) --Marc Speed def. Flyin' Jimmy Foxx in eight minutes (D-) Show rating: D-. Insane Machine in the worst match of the night? His injury's really done a number on him. If only he'd realize it and take some time off... we'd fire him for his own good, but he'd just keep working for others... we had planned on having Masked Cougar do that match, but he had 'travel issues'... oddly enough, it turns out they were legit. With how many times he's showed up late, we were ready to not believe him. Apparently, the stress of being a half-working, half-non-working couple took it's toll, and Remmy Skye and Beach Babe Bunnie had split up. Or maybe lit up. Something like that. September, 2008, Week 3, Friday CZCW Dia National De Lucha Live from the not-quite-sold-out Snake Pit --Nathanial Casino def. Andre Gorman in six minutes (D-) Rapid-fire interviews: Citizen X rips into Kid Toma (D), Roderick Remus vows to regain the CZCW Title (D-) --Citizen X def. Kid Toma in thirteen minutes (D+) Rapid-fire interviews: Plague insulting Fox Mask (D-), Fox Mask's rebuttle (D-) --Xtreme Ladder Match: Fox Mask(c) def. Plague in fourteen minutes (D+) Someone gave Ashley and the Backyarders a live mic, and they hype their match with X-Factor (E) --Tidal Tag House of Fun Match: X-Factor(c) def. The Backyarders in nine minutes (E+) Nemesis cuts a promo on Rod Remus, telling him that his family has the stronger wrestling bloodline (D+) --CZCW Title: Nemesis(c) def. Rod Remus in fourteen minutes (E+???????) Show rating: D-. Holy... An E+? From those two? What the hell happened? That does it... Remus gets back-burnered for a bit, and we need something new for Nemesis to do to show he deserves the faith we've placed in him, or this is going to be a really short title reign. The other EDNDL results: MPWF (C-, with a B- Spanish Superfly/Magnifico match), OLLIE (C, with a solid C/C- card and Masked Cougar retaining the OLLIE Campeon de Mexico title), and SOTBPW (C+, with a B six-man match). Yeah, we might not try that again next yea... HEY! We specificly held that in the Southwest USA so the Mexican feds could all hold theirs at home... and SOTBPW held theirs in the Southwest USA! No wonder attendance wasn't as high as we expected... Son of a... Hrm. An interesting job prospect has crossed my screen... but no, we're staying with the Zone until they get rid of us. Which hopefully won't be... ever. But still... interesting... September, 2008. Week 4, Tuesday Welcome to the Coastal Zone: Live From the Guiterrez Community Center --Mario Heroic def. Snap Dragon in eight minutes (C-) Nemesis comes out to say that he's proven he's the best there is, and his bloodline is the best there is... out comes Insane Machine to say if his bloodline was so great, why did DAVE just fire his daddy? (E+) --CZCW Title: Nemesis II def. Insane Machine in thirteen minutes (D-) Show rating: D Good chemistry between Heroic and Dragon, that's good. But c'mon, Machine, -now- will you accept that you can't work injured? So, September has come to an end. Let's check the finances and see what the final quarter of the year holds in store... we had... made money... nearly seven thousand. Which meant we only needed ten grand in the next three months. With the TV show cut out... this should be more than possible. On the next Coastal Zone: October. Say hello to a new face, and possibly goodbye to some old ones as we decide we get tired of people complaining we don't use them enough...
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